"Marijuana legalization" is a trap.
22 2017-08-03 by ikilledyourcat
Allowing the govt to define our cannabis use as "marijuana" is a trap.
The word marijuana (marihuana) AS A LEGAL DEFINITION (at the fed level, some states have deviated) means to use cannabis as an illicit drug to get you fucked up. Hence why the charge for growing cannabis is "manufacturing marijuana". This is why the DEA called medical marijuana a joke because semantically it's an oxymoron. Marijuana being schedule 1 is redundant. It can never be rescheduled because that would be saying it has medical and therapeutic value and contradict the definition of marijuana.
We must ABOLISH marijuana from our legal vocabulary and not let the govt define our cannabis use as marijuana.
I have never handled marijuana in my life because I get therapeutic and spiritual value from cannabis, I don't use it as an illicit drug.
Marijuana is a curse on the cannabis plant.
1 luckybella730 2017-08-03
I heard Monsanto will be the supplier for legal.
1 RFA21 2017-08-03
Yep heard that too, all GMO'd shit
1 spliffthespaceman 2017-08-03
To be fair, it would probably be mostly genetically modified to be dank as fuck.
1 therealsquirrel95 2017-08-03
dont count on that. its MONSANTO, they pretty much fuck up everything they touch.
1 spliffthespaceman 2017-08-03
I mean I'm not holding my breath, but a man's got to have dreams.
1 drwooo 2017-08-03
i can't wait to pirate my marijuanas.
1 Neskuaxa 2017-08-03
Good old fashioned non-GMO/DRM Cannabis
1 MahSelectah 2017-08-03
Hooooly shit, and people will fucking buy it.
1 elasto 2017-08-03
It will eventually be full of pesticides, and be a great vector for population control.
1 KlehmM 2017-08-03
That's got to be what the Monsanto/Bayer merger is all about
1 throdon 2017-08-03
Atleast there wont be any seeds.
1 smokinbluebear 2017-08-03
In Illinois, it's $300 for a medical marijuana license...
In many states the ones who get to open up shops and grow are politically connected corporate insiders...
I do like what Oakland has done--proposing that people who got arrested for marijuana get to own/run 50% of the shops...(not sure if it was voted in or not)
1 Drewcifer419 2017-08-03
It's taken so long because they've been trying to find the best way to monetize the production and sale. They could give two shits about its benefits or perceived harms, it's all about that almighty dollar for those scumbags.
1 FORKinmyDICK 2017-08-03
What is the application process like in IL? Do you still need to be boderline dying to apply?
1 smokinbluebear 2017-08-03
Haven't really looked into it, but I think they are still very strict medical use (as in having actual nerve damage from injury).
Think Veterans get MM license for $150. (part of the cost is a biometric info)
1 FORKinmyDICK 2017-08-03
Shit I have a shoulder that is in pain all day every day. I have crunching and pinching pains from my shoulder blade to my front chest all the way down to the ligaments in my wrist/arm.
It's worth a shot looking into iguess.
1 deepilly 2017-08-03
It's 100 a year to renew it just getting it is a bitch
1 Honk4Tits 2017-08-03
The real conspiracy is hemp farming not weed. Hemp would be a huge economic boom. Its only potheads would choose the bud over the stem. It has over 60,000 industrial uses.
1 Drewcifer419 2017-08-03
Why can't people have both? Do you take issue with people responsibly enjoying mind altering substances?
1 ikilledyourcat 2017-08-03
It's the same plant! Just the legal definition is different. Read section 885 of the controlled substances act. Hemp as a legal term means using the cannabis plant as an industrial product.
1 Honk4Tits 2017-08-03
Yeah but nobody is pushing legalized hemp farming just legalized weed. The industrial hemp business is so much fruititive.
1 autorackboxcar 2017-08-03
Focus on pot is a trap. We won already and it's a waste of time. You can't convince new people its okay because everyone already knows it is. I am more concerned about drugs that have no medical value that I enjoy. Ending the whole drug war should be the main fight. I should be able to buy any illicit drug at a store because that is my right as an adult. I already know more, far more, about the risks and side effects of drugs than the people who make the laws.
Its been decades of fighting to get here to this point with pot, is it really going to be another 30 years before I can buy psychedelics legally? My personal freedom is the most important thing, yours is too. Even your freedom to take drugs you would never do. I strongly support other peoples rights to do meth and heroin even though I never would
1 martini-meow 2017-08-03
But Iran is about to legalize drugs. We can't be like them!
1 acinoMonica 2017-08-03
Mary Jane is the best name.
1 Estamio2 2017-08-03
That is a good point, OP. All the old medical books (pre-1900s) refer to it as "cannabis".
1 Loose-ends 2017-08-03
It needs to be returned to the same state that any plant you can grow or buy for your own purposes are treated. The leaves of rhubarb and tomato plants, for instance, are both toxic and dangerous but no expects you to not know that and attempt to eat them. Foxglove has attractive flowers, it's also the source for digitalis that can save someone having a heart attack or give them one if they aren't.
So there's already a serious disconnect and whole lot of duplicity when it supposedly comes to the government "protecting the public" from harming itself. You can make a far stronger case about restricting any of those than you can for cannabis.
1 Scalar_ 2017-08-03
awesome post and i don't even smoke
1 LOST1992 2017-08-03
Wait, isn't cannabis and marijuana the same thing? Am I missing some information here?
1 AbbletonLive 2017-08-03
They're exactly the same thing. OP seems to think the therapeutic parts of Cannabis aren't the same ones that make it attractive for its illicit properties either.
1 ikilledyourcat 2017-08-03
Why are you saying op thinks? Marijuana and hemp are 2 legal definitions for use of the cannabis plant. It's just cleverly worded throughout law to obscure this definition and keep people confused so they can never get to the bottom of it to fix it
1 ThreeHighFiveMe 2017-08-03
It's just a name. If we let names create a box that things are incapable of coming from ut off due to stigma it's not the things that are bad, it's our own thinking and reasoning that are the problem.
1 ikilledyourcat 2017-08-03
It's not just a name it's a legal definition enforced by men with guns
1 ThreeHighFiveMe 2017-08-03
It's just a name though. Letting a name determine it's connotation is a bit immature.
Should we also stop calling it:
grass, apple, pot, weed, herb, mary jane, and chronic?
The plant cannabis has a number of uses, both medically and recreationally. From smoking that delicious good-good to treating debilitating conditions with CBD oil. That's what makes it so special. It has more uses than it does names and that is part of why it has been a favorite plant among all people for millennia.
1 FORKinmyDICK 2017-08-03
I would like to know where you are reading this...
I'm assuming you read this and took it as fact:
I think this is simply a case of semantics.
1 ikilledyourcat 2017-08-03
Look at the DEAs stuff about "smoked marijuana" . When they tall about marijuana they are talking about using the cannabis to get fucked up
1 Drewcifer419 2017-08-03
It's taken so long because they've been trying to find the best way to monetize the production and sale. They could give two shits about its benefits or perceived harms, it's all about that almighty dollar for those scumbags.
1 FORKinmyDICK 2017-08-03
What is the application process like in IL? Do you still need to be boderline dying to apply?