Daily Reminder: The President is not God. Remain skeptical of all executive and federal authority no matter who is in charge. Checks and balances are a good thing regardless if fake news is saying it.

218  2017-08-03 by Stepwithvigilance

To hell with Congress and their concerns about what Trump said about the Russia sanctions being flawed. Why should we listen to politicians and neocons that continue this Russia hysteria? And the Congress has the gall to talk about "checks and balances" when they have eroded our civil liberties and our constitutional protections. They are concerned that Trump is "authoritarian" well you can blame Congress for giving the Presidency this amount of power under Bush and under Obama. Bush started this trend in eroding our civil liberties and men like Lindsey Graham wouldn't hesitate for a moment to round up Americans and put them in camps if he had that power.


I dont think anyone needed reminding of this.

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Yeah but anyone who subscribes their probably eats crayons

Their what?

I remember when I didn't understand how to read via context

Did you really share a TMoR post in order to prove your point? In this sub? That's actually hilarious! Thanks for the lols.

Why are you linking to that sub

Yeah, trumptards should be left alone in their safe spaces

Huh? Weird comment

Some do, unfortunately. But the message falls on deaf ears most of the time.

Tell that to the brainwashed normies... Be careful while insulting their superhero!

You are a bad troll

Why would anyone on the conspiracy sub be against someone who's shaking up the establishment that's been screwing all of us for decades? People voted less for Trump and more for a chance at real change. The constant vilification and attacks are what galvanizes his supporters into blind loyalty.

Because he is also a corrupt satanist. Although I agree he shook things up enough to awake a lot of people. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/61hfyi/let_me_explain_exactly_how_trump_is_a_rothschild/

That makes them stupid.

Trump isn't my god emperor? I'm Broken.

Thank you for linking to yet more evidence that Wikileaks is a pro-Trump propaganda mouthpiece.

This is what we're dealing with folks!

Who is going to check Congress? It is the Zionists who control Congress who are taking us to hell.

Nope, it's that evil Drumpf who congress despises that's the real problem. If he weren't the president all of our problems would be solved. MSM told me so.

Congress is 700+ members so there is the power is already more distributed. Congress can be vetod by president unless its an overwhelming majority. All laws have to pass the Judicial Branch review.

Umm, I don't know about that. Apparently you are the enemy, a pedophile or both if you so much as question the POTUS's actions or words.... What's the right answer here?

And apparently you are a redneck, racist, bigot or dumbass if you so much as support his actions or words.

What is the right answer?

Maybe everyone is a pedo and a bigot?

Lol it seems like that is the future doesn't it?

Nah, not at all. There are people with deep pockets who pay others to repeat their agenda/deflections, and it does make it seem like a lot of people protect pedophiles. :)

Money = Power.

Especially when it comes to law enforcement/police policy.

Why the fuck do people protect Epstein's friends? It's ridiculous.

what if youre bigoted towards peds?

Not who you responded to but I've been called a pedophile or pedo sympathizer for being anti-Trump but I haven't seen anybody here calling anyone those names that's a Trump supporter. I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all though.

I'm not a Trump supporter and I've never been called a pedo sympathizer.

But I have seen a lot of people defend questionable people (e.g. Podesta, Alefantis) simply because they're anti-Trump. Some anti-Trumpers def have sympathized with suspected pedos, which is extremely troubling in my view.


Were you by chance defending posts or downplaying pedogate?

I don't remember but I don't think it matters. If I cared what strangers thought of me I'd be offended because I was a victim of a pedophile myself, so really unless someone would advocate for pedophiles or say they've done nothing wrong, it's not ok to say that to someone.

I was a victim as well :) everything in me wants nothing more than to save others from our fate, so I'm cool with whatever questions come my way. I welcome them, in fact, because any talk of institutional pedophilia spreads awareness. I wish you well!

Thank you!

I really don't care if you believe me or not nor did I ask you for proof of anything.

That's the trap though, isn't it? There's a dividing line that has been set up to pit one side against the other, and that's exactly what they want.

There's a dividing tactic that has been going hard in /r/conspiracy for a while. Just look at the original comment in this thread. Is it's purpose to further discussion? The comment is ridiculous and it is getting banged to the top.

If you are in support of a diagnosed narcissist with no political experience who hires incompetents to fill various positions, takes un-Constitutional stands on important issues, who makes racist and inflammatory statements with no provocation, who makes speeches the sponsors (Hello Boy Scouts of America) have to apologize for, and then lies and says he got a positive reaction phone call from the organization...you are going to get downvotes.

Please continue to solidify.

There are none so blind as he who will not see...

Man, you are delusional.

That's called "projection". It's one of the things people who can't reason well do.

I have been in a stupid amount of tumblr fights about that very argument. I voted for Hillary and I did cry a little in my car avout how incredible it was that I finally got to vote for a female president when women's suffrage was such a fucking fight a hundred years ago. And yes, I did think that Hillary would be a good president. Is she shady? Yeah. But she's also incredibly smart, and I would trust her to do the right thing as president.

That being said, I live in Nebraska. My team lead is a good ass dude and he voted for Trump. And he's a smart guy and we can have great and civil conversations about what matters to us. My sister in law, who is the most empathic, giving human being who could not hate anyone, voted for Trump. Most people I interact with voted for Trump. And they are all normal people who think differently from me and that's ok. The longer that liberals scorn Trump voters, the longer liberals will deal with people who dont want to hear their opinions.

You're currently upvoted +9, so do you wanna apologize?

Oh, come now. Shills have done a number on society. It's good to be understanding :)

there is 4chna also which is less vulnerable to shilling

How so?

nah the word you are looking for is "shill," but srsly

My main contention is that he deserves plenty of criticism.

I just don't think he's respected in any powerful circles and is too dumb to be much of an organizer of criminal conspiracies on a mass scale.

Shifting the focus to trump like he's the source of all the problems is misguided. He made it in to the office on a fluke. and has proven himself retarded time and time again.

The main players in criminal networks remain the same. i.e. the deep state.

That doesn't mean he's immune from criticism tho.

He should be criticized for being retarded.

I will say the whole "God Emperor" thing is cringeworthy.

I will say the whole "God Emperor" thing is cringeworthy.

I've said it before and I say it again, Leto II was horrible for a reason.

Jared Leto?

I dunno, shills have killed 10000% of their credibility, to me, but I agree that Trump is a man.

Trump is absolutely right that in this case congress have usurped his rightful powers. Interesting that practically every member of Congress and the senate voted yes on this bill that is based mostly on the notion that "Russian hacking the election" really happened.

Yet can't come together to give the American people affordable healthcare. Fuck congress, I hope someone blows up the Capitol next full session.

Damn bro watch out next time you go to the airport.

Affordable health care requires drastic changes and there are members of congress who have opposing views on what these radical changes should be. Neither side wants to surrender.

I hope that they eventually come together to make evidence based policy decisions that are shown to be the most effective solution, not the one that has to align with their parties rhetoric.

Why can't people on this sub realize that BOTH Trump, and the people against him in Washington are BOTH shady! Why does it have to be one or the other?

Because the ones who want to win this fight want the only casualty to their enemy and not their house.

It's simple, some people can't look past party. I've seen countless Trumpers who will just look away from the negatives at Trump because they believe the fight is too important. They are desperate for Trump to be right so they will whip up a frenzy.

I've seen it the same way on the other side where they hyperfocus and shit out countless threads that literally lead nowhere or offer no additional information. They'll just say the whole "there's smoke, there must be fire" schtick while whipping up frenzy.

Both sides are desperate to come out on top of this half-ass information battle. They tend to forget the human beings within the ranks of each side.

I've gone from using Republicans and Democrats. I go by names now, McCain, Graham, Schumer and so on. Don't play the Blue vs Red game, go for the power players in the game instead.

Don't let their separation tactics work, we can purge out the obstructionist and gold hoarding dragons up there if we work together.

Seriously this is just bullshit.

The people are the likes of Mitch McConnell who declared that his foremost goal was to make Obama a one term president. And all the Republicans who fell right in line with that goal by deliberately and openly obstructing government for 8 years. For 8 years. They stole a Supreme Court seat, absolutely unprecedented, but they also blocked the appointment of judges to Federal courts. Just point blank refused to get on with it. Along the way they played games with the US national debt, in front of the entire international community, threatening to quit because they wanted more tax breaks for the rich the country couldn't afford and didn't want to continue a tax break to the middle class (that the rich also got a share of) that they very much needed. Remember that income tax hike? That was the expiration of an earlier temporary tax reduction Obama had won but had to give up to pass a budget just to stop the US defaulting on its national debt.

What more evidence do you need as to who is the obstructionists? The Republicans did this as a unified front. If they had not participated as a group it wouldn't have worked. 8 years demonstrating conclusively to you that they are the obstructionists and what was their cause? That the president wasn't a Republican? He was a moderate, well behaved man who upheld the dignity of his office and persistently tried to reach across the aisle and work with the other side and they threw back 8 years of obstruction in his face while bragging about it.

Meanwhile, are judges being appointed again? Why yes, yes they are. Despite having much more cause to obstruct, Democrats are getting on with governing and attempting to coax the Republicans into bipartisanship while more or less going along with anything less than wildly unreasonable they propose. They even cooperated in appointing Gorsuch to the seat Republicans stole with their unprecedented obstruction.

Here's a little anecdote that perfectly captures the attitude of Republicans. A Republican and a Democrat drafted a bill together. It was an employment bill targeted at vets returned from the Iraq war. At the time the Republicans and the right wing media were harping on and on about veterans, about their love for them, about how the government under Obama wasn't doing enough for them, and also about unemployment and specifically vets being unemployed after returning from service in the Middle East.

So this bill is drafted. Nothing is added to it. It's a bipartisan bill aimed at addressing one of the leading issues of the day for Republicans and the right wing according to their rhetoric. Of course it doesn't pass. The Democrats nearly all vote for it but the Republican all vote against it, right down to the co-sponsor who helped write it. A Republican will literally vote down a bill they wrote and sponsored to ensure Democrats are obstructed and that bipartianship dies.

Pretending there is any reasonable doubt as to who are the obstructionists or that it isn't a party thing is just fantasy at best and deliberate propaganda at worst. As soon as we consult reality it is entirely clear who the obstructionists are. They spent 8 years literally bragging about it.

Trump is a dirty Zionist bought off by Wilbur Ross way back.

yeah its always (((them))) isnt it?

It's always Rothschild, usually ((Zionists)) and sometimes Soros or others.

yeah and anyone who doesnt want their town overrun by immigrants is automatically a (((nazi)))

yeah pretty much. it's a shame for non-white-nationalist conservatives who get drug into the mud.

Yeah but anyone who unironically calls them self a white nationalist is a utter shitlord though. (✿◠‿◠)

What does this have to do with pizza, Seth Rich, or Hillary? She clearly runs the (((deep state))), and nothing is Trump's fault...

Unquestioningly love for the president and the part in power is the true way to not be a sheep!!

Good post is good.

Yeah but I dont see the value in having a CNN, which fools old a feable people into thinking they are unbiased? At least outlets like MSNBC admit bias, and humans are inherently biased.

Both Fox and CNN alike.

Fox admits bias and has Tucker though. I dont understand how people dont like Tucker; he's super logical and sympathizes with libertarian values.

And the Congress has the gall to talk about "checks and balances" when they have eroded our civil liberties and our constitutional protections.

Seems like you need a history lesson. The office of the President is far more powerful than it was 200 years ago, when the President was effectively just a federal governor. Over the last 100 years, the POTUS has gradually gained more and more de facto and de jure authority, and is now currently nothing more than an elected king who's limited to 2x 4-year terms as supreme monarch.

He who's on the side of truth is more real than he or she who's not. I fear president Trump is becoming less real every day, to the point that he will, not too far in the future, but appear as a speck within the ontology of our common reality.

And apparently you are a redneck, racist, bigot or dumbass if you so much as support his actions or words.

What is the right answer?

Oh, come now. Shills have done a number on society. It's good to be understanding :)

nah the word you are looking for is "shill," but srsly

My main contention is that he deserves plenty of criticism.

I just don't think he's respected in any powerful circles and is too dumb to be much of an organizer of criminal conspiracies on a mass scale.

Shifting the focus to trump like he's the source of all the problems is misguided. He made it in to the office on a fluke. and has proven himself retarded time and time again.

The main players in criminal networks remain the same. i.e. the deep state.

That doesn't mean he's immune from criticism tho.

He should be criticized for being retarded.

yeah and anyone who doesnt want their town overrun by immigrants is automatically a (((nazi)))