White house anon was right. Big name arrests are coming soon.

0  2017-08-03 by [deleted]



Gossip and vague rumors of "soon" without any information whatsoever?

ah well, gotta keep the hens clucking I guess.


Can we go a week without this retarded LARP bullshit?

very nicely attacking a user.. props bro

Not attacking him/her at all.

I'm calling their post a shitpost, and the WHAnon LARP bullshit.

Learn the difference, son.

my dad is dead although i appreciate your effort to father me, and if you are a woman, my mother is also dead, but that's ok. your post will be attacking someone if the chosen few decide so so don't be so worried

Holy shit who cares about your fake dead parents.

thanks bro

you realize it's not 'fake' to have dead parents, yes? people may be older than you.. lol

It was awkwardly worded in a way that made it look like you were merely issuing a thought exercise.

It also ignored that he was indeed talking about the content, and not the person posting the content. because, lets face it, this is not content.

Start holding your breath, k?


Source? Proof?

Spoilers: there is none.

are* none.

There are no proof?

That totally sounds right.

Nostradumbass predicts again.

On is talking about Trump and co., right?

OP making shit up.

I guess the people here can't smell the irony.

My thoughts exactly.

Adding a "/s" to your post may have helped your attempt.

I don't like adding the s. Smart people should be able to tell when I'm making fun of them.

Well then its your own fault.

I don't really give a shit dude. It's not like the Trump supporters would have let this post take off anyway.

I'm just saying, its your own fault.

You can't cry that people don't recognize your extreme wit and sarcasm through a text medium.


When was I crying? I'm about to delete this post anyway. I just wanted a food laugh. And I got that.

gg no re


I guess the people here can't smell the irony.

LOL... seriously? when are you gullible kids gonna realize the only arrests the Deepstate cronies will make is innocent people just trying to expose them? at least I am old enough to know Washington does not go after criminals cause that would mean they incriminate themselves.

Lol i enjoyed watching your meltdown last night.. Didn't you hear "people familiar with that matter." Says trump is finally going down ahaha

4chan anon / people familiar with the matter same shit hahaha

I'm just saying, its your own fault.

You can't cry that people don't recognize your extreme wit and sarcasm through a text medium.
