Do you think 9/11 was an Inside Job?

3  2017-08-03 by [deleted]



It was an inside & out, job.


Could you give me the major points as to why you believe it to be true?

Building 7 and the physics of all three buildings collapsing straight down into their own footprints, with no effort, similar to a controlled demolition

Not the user you are replying to, but the biggest red-flag to me is that these terrorists had been profiled, interviewed, etc by intelligence agencies before the attack-like so many other "Islamic terror" attacks... it's almost as if they are guiding these guys into doing these attacks.

Another big give away is that nothing we did as a response to 9/11 made any fucking sense. It was just a free pass for Cheney bush Rumsfeld to keep doing what they've been doing for years- trying to control the Middle East.

Controlled demolition on three buildings, with just two being hit by plane. No building has ever collapsed into footprint by fire yet wtc7 did just that. Witness reports of loud explosions. Meh I don't feel like mentioning everything I don't have a list in my head. There's dozens of things pointing to inside job and no things pointing to official narrative

Not the person you responded to but here are some:

Bets were made on stocks that benefited from the 9/11 attack. No investigation into who funded the attack. No firing or change of command after the attack. Wargame simulation of planes flying into buildings at the same time as the real event occurred. Only a few operating interceptors on the east coast during the events of 9/11. Hijacker can't handle a Cessna but flys a 767 like a pro and strikes the Pentagon where DOD staffers were working on 2.3 trillion dollars announced missing, September 10. No Muslim names on any of the flight manifest. A passport survives hitting a building at 500 miles per hour, flies through the explosion and lands in almost perfect condition in the FBIs lap. Bush tells Daschle to limit the 911 investigation. Plane buries itself underground incinerating all people aboard but the terrorist bandana/passport comes out perfectly fine. The 9/11 Commission report was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, and a conflict of interest. Five Israelis were found dancing and cheering as 9/11 unfolded. Fires continued to burn far down in the rubble piles for over 100 days after the attack. Normal hijacking procedures involving coordination with the National Military Command Center were not followed. BCC reports the collapse of WTC7 before it actually happened. FBI never had hard evidence to connect Osama Bin Laden to 911. Bin Laden denies the attacks at first. Only 3 buildings have ever collapsed in symmetrical fashion from fire alone, they all happen on 9/11.

Looked like a controlled demolition to me. Clear as day I'd say. And honestly I'm not even 100% convinced there were planes that day, despite what witnesses say. Hope the families and America gets justice one day.

No way man, 2 planes demolish 3 buildings into their own footprints all the time.


You always make the saddest posts, must be such a depressing job. No one should have to do what you do day after day just to earn a living.

And what is it I do for work?

Disagree with anything that goes against most of the official narrative? If you don't think 9/11 was US Gov or Israel or Saudi, go to a different sub. Please.

How about I do what I like?

Why do you say no? I'd love an explanation. Do you believe passports are indestructible?

Absolutely. There's tons of evidence pointing to it being an inside job, I'll link good stuff

This gives solid arguments for both sides, but also look at the motivation the US govt would have had. Fear is a good motivator and they sure used the fear of the American people after 9/11 to obtain their goals.


It's obviously a coverup, but the attack may have still been terrorism. For instance maybe Israel, Saudi Arabia or even the CIA did it to put the US in check. Or maybe it was Bush/Cheney.

But it is a coverup and two airplanes did you bring down the towers.

Baby bush could never pull something like this off..I don't even think he was aware of what was going to happen...but daddy bush, he's super suspect.

Daddy Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz.

Not to be pedantic, but it was mostly an outside job: Israeli Mossad, with some help within the US govt. But at some level it's all just Deep State, so whatever.

Does a bear shit in the woods?


No, but the United States government did know something big was being planned and in motion. They decided to do nothing.

obviously...but it's annoying when people twist that into "Bush did 9/11"

obviously bush did not mastermind it, and in all probability did not know exactly what was going to happen...he was probably informed there was going to be some kind of attack, maybe he knew it was going to happen on the morning of September 11th, or maybe he just knew it was going to happen soon, or maybe he didn't know at have to remember ever since Kennedy was assassinated, US presidents, and presidents of the western world have been puppets of not only intelligence agencies, but also, the elite of the world, you could argue that goes all the way back to Wilson, with him making the "federal" reserve a thing...

9/11 was carried out by the CIA, possibly with help from Israel and/or Saudi Arabia

the most important thing to remember, there are many layers to this, and 9/11 is just the most superficial and easiest way to view and understand the corruption of the U.S. government...

They literately printed it on the currency....print-cut-fold------they even moved a fountain in Washington square park to line up the last note after they cleared the gotta admire the balls on these lunatics!

Future predictions, put options, lateral ejections, explosions, molten metal, no footage/wreckage, passports, wrong engines, northwoods, thermite, so much fucking dust, fuck physics, pull it, stand down, the list goes on and on and on...

MY first comment didn't get through so posting without link to see--->

They literately printed it on the currency....print-cut-fold------they even moved a fountain in Washington square park to line up the last note after they cleared the gotta admire the balls on these lunatics!

Yes. Was it Bush's son that was in charge of security at the WTC? I remember reading something about some of the names of the 'terrorists', one was a frequent flyer, another was living in another country(?)

Also, some witnesses heard explosions. Way too many loose ends/unanswered questions.

Building 7 'fell' after WTC 1 & 2, what happened there?

nice try fed.

yep and also a satanic mega ritual.


Until someone can foster a plausible explanation for what happened to WTC7, yes.

It was the Saudis, maybe as fronts for some CIA-adjacent faction. Controlled demolition types are controlled opposition trying to delegitimize any skepticism of the intel complex.