"Contest Mode" only for Trump stories?

316  2017-08-03 by PantsMcGillicuddy

Can we get some kind of criteria from the mods on what will cause a thread to get put into contest mode? Because it seems to be happening more frequently, but also only for stories that are critical of Trump.

So is it for making the front page and shifting it for r/all? Because that doesn't seem to be the case since a lot of stories with more votes don't go to contest.

Is it for brigading? Because that wouldn't match up either since many of the Seth Rich threads get brigaded by T_D.

So what's the criteria? Or is it to be blatantly pushing pro-govt agenda?


What is wrong with contest mode?

What the hell IS contest mode?

Sorts top level replies randomly and hides scores.

Cool, thanks.

So did the mods just figure out how to shut out the shills and reengage the community? I feel like this is going to get the sub on track before the shills came hard alittle over a year ago.. Ahh the good days of r/conspiracy... And Reddit in general

G8 b8 m8

It typically hinders discussion, since it hides replies and randomizes which comments appear.

Nah, I dont see how it hinders discussion. It might hinder manipulations, but I see that as a good thing. Plus I dont see how it hides replies. You are able to expand on every comment.

I think contest mode is revitalizing this sub! After these typical onslaught of AstroTurfimg threads, it's hard to get the community back where it needs and contest mode is doing it.

Maybe it should be utilized for every post on the sub? I could be down with that, you?

I'm good with it. Let's BURN IT ALL DOWN together brother. Let's stop the silly partisan bullshit k? Fuck all those corrupt fucks

I agree. I've seen longtime lurkers participating in contest model reads.

There are 244 comments. In a normal post I open a thread and immediately see all posts and replies, even ones that are heavily downvoted.

In contest mode I see about 20 comments. I have to click "view replies" for each level of replies on a given post. Posts are shown with no discernible order.

It's censorship, plain and simple.

There is nothing stopping you from adding to the discussion or reading all the replies.

So where is the censorship?

Censorship need not totally prevent you from commenting, just heavily discourage it. For example, voter ID laws and purging voter rolls. You can still vote, so long as you go through the long and tedious process of making sure you can still vote. But is it really worth your time?

So your saying the censorship applies to your manipulations and that's why your upset? The only reason the randomization and collapse of comments might upset you is because you feel a reason to influence others. You are showing your motivations to shape others opinion.

because you feel a reason to influence others.

Is that not the fundamental goal of engaging in discourse? To influence others with one's own arguments? I can't imagine any other reason to comment on a reddit post... or for that matter, write or even speak at all.

Sure, but when those influencers are being manipulated by bots or by something that isn't organic, shouldn't we have some sort of response? Do you allow the data to be corrupted by something you can manage or control? Contest mode doesn't hurt anything except the popularity of the comments in the thread. There is really no major downside except to people to whom influencing others is more important than just sharing opinion (like you opine for here). These are people who are motivated by the wrong things (money, power, etc.) and their annoyance with this tool is proof of that. They want to control the messaging, and when they can't, they know they will go back to their unhappy 'customer' and it will not go well for them.

but when those influencers are being manipulated by bots or by something that isn't organic, shouldn't we have some sort of response?

But a poster named MAGABot was posting irrelevant deflections, contest mode puts him in the same category as those commenting about the thread, how is that right?

Haha u/Woots_67 has been around this sub quite some time and yet he's going into extreme negative imaginary Internet points... Wow I guess r/conspiracy is "changing" their opionions.. It would "appear" that way wouldn't it?

u/putin_loves_cats (also long time r/conspiracy family) what are your thoughts? I believe the sub doesn't agree with you now either "lately"..

The mods have the ability to set all threads to contest mode, so let's do that?

I disagree. Contest mode allows interesting comments to surface that are so often brigaded out of sight.

Sort by new would solve that too. Contest mode flattens replies, jumbles the discussion to make it harder to browse, etc.

Sorting by new would also mean brigading wouldn't matter because the post posters would just slide down to the bottom as new comments ping the top.

And leave anyone visiting to figure it out? It's better to tackle brigades than to avoid them. Contest mode works.

Contest mode prevents people changing to their preferred option. Isn't that kinda authoritarian?

Then why is it done only for certain Trump threads, why not all?

It literally does the opposite. It hides votes and shuffles comments so users voices are heard regardless of brigade votes.

so users voices are heard regardless of brigade votes.

...regardless of any votes, not just these mysterious "brigade votes".

It's basically scorched earth to eliminate all votes whenever wrongthink votes (anti-Trump votes) start to pile up.

Wow, how powerful. Scorched earth? Seriously?


sure sure...randomizes...wink wink...

Alright, maybe nothing. But let's have it by default on every thread then and not be so one sided with it. It's the blatant agenda/hypocrisy from mods that bothers me, not so much the actual view.

The problem with that idea is that the should can just spam a shit load of comments so that the end result of the brigading is the same as regular mode, it has to be implemented after a brigade so that comments down voted into Oblivion can see the light of day

Yeah, that is the problem with contest mode, and one thread on contest mode was heavily brigaded by a single pro-Trump spammer posting many comments, but mods don't seem to care about that.

They only activate it when there are clear signs that threads are being manipulated.

How is that hard to understand? The one they put in today was because helpful and respectful comments were being quickly downvoted to -30 level scores and that is very strange compared to other threads similar.

When they feel something is being manipulated, they activate contest mode and the influencers lose their edge. To pretend like there isn't being big money being spent on 'online opinion shaping' is ignorant. There has to be ways of dispelling influence given to the mods. Should the police work with nerf guns?

There was a pro-Trump spammer with a half dozen low effort posts, of course that sort of spam is going to get downvoted. Thanks to contest mode, now it can be at the top with replies hidden! Thanks mods!

Are you a mod? Were you part of the discussion to enable it on the thread? Do you have any idea what you're talking about here?

Very few things get downvoted to -30 on here in short order. Contest mode doesn't actually hurt anything except the popularity of the comments. If you are just a genuine user sharing your opinion, why should this matter so much?

I can understand if there were a performance or profit motive, but that's silly - right?!? (that was sarcasm btw)

It's as simple as the fact that several mods are openly pro-Trump and they've used flairs and other mod tools in a pro-Trump fashion before, people are rightly suspicious that they are abusing mod tools again. Now they save contest mode for threads on major breaking news on the Russian conspiracy and they don't crack down on blatant pro-Trump spamming in those threads.

pro-Trump = pro-Government.

Pro Government = elite wet dream

Breaking news like that WSJ post that used " a source familiar with the matter.

What's the difference between "a source familiar with the matter" and a 4chan LARP???? Ohh yea WSJ can be trusted 😉 /s

You're right, this is probably fake news and next week everybody will just forget that anybody even talked about a grand jury! Thanks for bringing me back to my senses.

It's as simple as the fact that several mods are openly pro-Trump

Do you think there are zero mods who are anti-Trump?

I think there are both, but since this is a conspiracy board, we don't try to lean only one way or another. Again, the reasoning for enabling contest mode is due to vote and comment movement - not based on the topic of discussion.

I don't know, are there? I haven't seen any openly anti-Trump moderators; but maybe I've missed them.

Why do they only put it in contest mode when the top comments aren't good for Trump? If they are going to use contest mode, then make all posts that way. But lately, they only shake up the comment section when the highest upvoted comments don't fit the circle jerk.

Because instead of people seeing the anti trump comments which lay out what exactly is happening and why the relevant news is important, people now see a random assortment of comments ranging from "fucking MAGA you stupid clinton cunts!" to the afore mentioned well research comments.

The fact that it's only used on anti trump threads makes it clear that it's being used to hide anti trump comments in a sea of bullshit.

So you admit that you want to only see anti trump posts visible?

But didn't you hear, T_D has heavy influence in this sub. Sorta strange how it looks the opposite of that.

Where do you get that from their comment? You say "admit" like you caught them doing something.

The fact is, threads are only set to contest mode for negative Trump posts.

It has "worse" UX. It adds clicks and makes it harder to browse.

Nothing, it hinders shilling though.

I want more submissions to be put into contested mode, it is obviously working since it elicited such a strong response from all that come here to shit on the sub and shill for their political party.

dude you're gonna get banned so fast ughhh

Wonder if they'll go with rule 10 or just go with "banned for shilling", seems that's the new way to ban people they don't like.

Unfortunately the mod log doesn't tell all, the 3 users I've seen banned for shilling didn't have a reason stated in the logs, I only saw them because the banned users edited their posts.

I wish mod log actually helped in some way, sure we can see they're biased, but we can't do anything about it or even get answers in mod mail.

i just got shadowbanned too believe it or not

so did you btw

Bruh you just replied to yourself like you were another user talking to yourself?

I think his brain got shadowbanned from his body.

This so some /r/quityourbullshit material, right here. I'm sick of these LARPers and their God damn T_D 2.0 narrative

I don't understand all the recent "this sub is T_D 2.0!!" stuff, in all honesty. I like some of their stuff. Not the stupid hype, or the ENERGYTRAINBRICKS?!?! stuff, but some of the info that they put out, it's the stuff that this sub has always loved, and that's really all I've seen make it's way here. Not to mention, it's the kind of stories that get buried by the MSM, which, by default, we like. I dunno, seems weird, to me.

Ive never even been there. People call this sub donald 2.0 cause they are LARPing as some underground resistance fighting the power.

Oh, hell yeah, I love the shit out of that element. Not Trumpsters doing it (nor do I think they're actually openly doing so, here, if we're honest) for Trump and in the name of Trump; that's dumb. I really, really like the idea that we are part of growing consciousness unified under a common perception of deep-seated power systems throughout the world, though. You gotta admit, it's pretty fishy how the talking points of CNN, ABC, NBC, Colbert, Jon Oliver, etc, all coincide with this eery deep-state monster that we're all trying to trace back to the root.

Aw man, I bet I probably lost your ear somewhere in this, huh? And I didn't even get to the part where I talk about Jewish influence in the media, or international banking cabals, much less Saturnic cult sacrifices of children. Not even the multidimensional oneness that I suspect we live in, which also plays at division for fun and education, thus giving rise to the universe and all the myriad other planes of existence. Darn it.... Gotta get better at the exposition..

Just start with part of the exposition next time. Seriously, though, It's beyond fishy... institutionalized journalism has been a tool of the elite for centuries. The internet amplified it. Smart phones and social media apps amplified it even further. We live in a culture right now that can spread propaganda like a fiber-optic fast virus, a "viral _____", and to billions.

You see shit like this guy forgetting to switch accounts and you have to question what is real and what is constructed

There's a bug right now where no new comments are showing, sure it isn't that?

that could be it. thanks for letting me know

I'm just asking for clarification on how the sub is run. If they take that as an attack, I think it's clear how the sub is ran.

It is a weapon and it is used as such.

The fact that it is deflected, constantly, away from an easy target is all the information you should need.

The target controls the weapon.

educate yourself :)

Did you just tell yourself educate yourself? Lmao

It's a bug, apparently.

You ask a question and you get called a shill. You go against the pro Trump rhetoric and you get called shill. We know how this sub is run, there's really no denying it now.

Lol as if at least 50% of this sub isn't constantly calling people "comrade" and bitching about T_D 2.0

You go against hillary or the dnc and you're swarmed by idiots calling you a drumpf supporter
I don't support trump, but the shills are obvious on both sides.

Can we get some kind of criteria from the mods on what will cause a thread to get put into contest mode?

Great idea, maybe every post that is the top half of the first page, or based on a total score. It makes the discussion a lot more interesting even though one has to open up the comment chains. It is a minor inconvenience for increased quality.

Or let the poster choose whether or not mods can enable contest mode on the post they create.

That would not stop brigading.

It would let OPs decide whether they want the discussion they're starting to suffer the costs of contest mode in exchange for the benefit of avoiding brigading.

It's a real tradeoff. Even if we assume that brigading is a serious problem (I'm not convinced yet), contest mode opens up other distortive tactics. There's a guy in the grand jury thread who threw a whole bunch of low-effort top-level comments into the mix; in a normal thread they'd be appropriately downvoted, leaving the more substantive conversations on top. In a CM thread, that user can dilute the conversation with high-volume, low-quality comments.

Which is better, the risk of brigading or the risk of shitchaff? I think the decision should be left up to the person who creates the post.

here's a guy in the grand jury thread who threw a whole bunch of low-effort top-level comments into the mix;

Right, but it is easy to scroll past them, especially since the comment chains are collapsed. I don't know if that tactic of gaming the post increases the chance of getting a post at the top.

in a normal thread they'd be appropriately downvoted, leaving the more substantive conversations on top.

Sure, but we don't have normal threads. The voting function is gamed and brigaded.

In a CM thread, that user can dilute the conversation with high-volume, low-quality comments.

Sure, but don't you think that it would be easier to identify people who game threads in this manner, rather than vote manipulation which is obscured?

Which is better, the risk of brigading or the risk of shitchaff?

Well I can only speak personally, but in contest mode I have found that the quality of discourse is better.

I think the decision should be left up to the person who creates the post.

That would be pointless.

Right, but it is easy to scroll past them, especially since the comment chains are collapsed. I don't know if that tactic of gaming the post increases the chance of getting a post at the top.

Not everyone wants to scroll past shitty comments to get to the good ones. It discourages people from getting into the conversation if they know they'll have to do that. And I think that's the point--not trying to get a low-effort comment to the top, just trying to water down the conversation generally in a way you can't in a normal post.

Sure, but we don't have normal threads. The voting function is gamed and brigaded.

Like I said, I'm not convinced. Not that I'm asking you to care what I think, but why not let posters decide for themselves? I don't know if Reddit makes it possible for OPs to toggle CM on or off, but OPs could request, "Please no comment mode" in their posts. If moderators honored that request, then everyone could make up their own mind whether the risk of brigading justifies the annoyance of CM. Since different users have different opinions about the costs and benefits of both regular mode and CM, I think that gives maximum flexibility and control to the users.

Not everyone wants to scroll past shitty comments to get to the good ones.

So having comment distribution random means you won't have shitty comments at the top all the time. Threads where the vote is manipulated will.

And I think that's the point--not trying to get a low-effort comment to the top, just trying to water down the conversation generally in a way you can't in a normal post.

My experience has been diametrically opposite. Instead of comments and comment chains being strategically placed only the content of the post matters. So people interested in the content will share their opinions and engage in a conversation. People who are only interested in manipulation of discourse are placed at a disadvantage.

Not that I'm asking you to care what I think, but why not let posters decide for themselves?

I mean if you want to post a thread, than I have no problem with a poster having a chance, however, there are criteria that should be in place for topics that are targets, to be placed in contest mode, independent of the OP's wishes.

So having comment distribution random means you won't have shitty comments at the top all the time. Threads where the vote is manipulated will.

Not every thread is manipulated. In the grand jury thread, for example, you can (if you're lucky with the randomization!) see a lot of users complaining that there was nothing wrong with the voting--just a MAGAbot getting low-effort comments downvoted. I have no idea if they're right or not; why not let them decide for themselves when they create a post?

I mean if you want to post a thread, than I have no problem with a poster having a chance, however, there are criteria that should be in place for topics that are targets, to be placed in contest mode, independent of the OP's wishes.

I think that although we disagree about whether CM is a good thing, we might agree on what to do about it--let posters choose whether or not they want it, and in the absence of such a choice (or if there's a real need, maybe even regardless of that choice) follow clear and public criteria for imposing it. Right?


Yes, we are in agreement about that.

Right, but it is easy to scroll past them, especially since the comment chains are collapsed. I don't know if that tactic of gaming the post increases the chance of getting a post at the top.

Or, natural downvotes kick the shitposts to the bottom naturally and we dont have to see them at all.

That's silly. Often the person making the post would want brigading in the first place but other users of the sub would not want that. The person making the post doesn't have some right over the rest of the users...especially when a lot of the people mysteriously in the sub these days want to hijack it and steer discussion and opinion.

Disabling comments would also stop brigading, but would still be bad for the sub. Lots of things that stop brigading are bad for open discussion.

. Lots of things that stop brigading are bad for open discussion.

Yeah, but contest mode is not one of them.

I disagree. I don't comment or participate in contest mode threads - it's not worth my time.

this is what they want

I saw a dude get banned yesterday for breaking rule 10. Even though his comment didn't insult anyone on this sub. But he was an anti Trump guy so the mods like picking off those dudes around here.

The mods here are blatantly obvious. They never deleted a post or put it in contest mode when the entire front page was trashing CNN. Apparently they don't care when cross posts from the_donald have an unusual amount of upvotes. But it really gets under their skin when the comment section doesn't fit the circle jerk.

All praise dear leader. Top kek.

LOL You ever dropped acid brahhhh??

The awoken don't chose sides silly boy.. We wanna burn it all down... You, on the other hand only mention trump hate.. Which is pretty CLOSED MINDED IMO. You do realize once trump is out, then establishment bigoted pency steps in ... Hmmmm very very closed minded.

On a side note, did you see that thread at the top about magical mushrooms? GREAT THREAD. I'm sure it sparked even more people to open their minds and break the chains.. Everyday millions of people are awakening. Your war is lost friend.

I see tons of Pro-Trump people banned all the time, what's your point?

Once again, r/conspiracy is stopping the balant propaganda. There are so many threads calling out the balant shilling and yet shills try and play the victim card..

"Trump this, dear leader that. This sub is that.. The mods are corrupt"

No you fuck tards, we aren't going to take your dumb tactics. They don't work here. The only reason your tactics "appear" to be working in other main subs is bc the shills bought mod spots and its OKAYD By Reddit INC. the mods haven't flipped and the shills are pissed (hence the anti-mod posts... Really organic right?). One would think that the shills would have stepped their game up over the last year but holy fuck is their game weak. It's so balant. Notice how the gold giving stopped.. I'll give that but god damn their tactics are piss poor. My sub conscience now naturally filters all their shit out.

The real reason why shills are here is to silence our discussions... Why would CNN or WaPo go out of their ways to attack Reddit and its community's? Bc we have exposed them.. Simply by participating in this sub.

If you're going to call people shilltards for questioning everything perhaps you should be reported for rule 10. If you can't come here and have a adult conversation, why come here?

Laughable really.. Pull up any AstroTurfed thread and see who's the most downvoted. If you have 30% of the comments Calling out shill thread and all of them are negative scored, isn't that a sign that shills are trying to censor that 30%??

Projection much???

Shills don't like contest mode cause it will reenage the community and their paid tactics will be pointless

I actually have no problem with threads being in contested mode.

Comments should be based on the content, not on the upvotes or downvotes.

Same, I think it's kind of fun and fresh. Also I like how it only shows the top one until you click.

Is this a running list of people that are unable to have a respectful conversation?

23 days

Still not following what your getting at

Check the age of the accounts

What do you want to discuss. I'm down. Let's chat on the real. How do you open your mind? Where do you get your information from? Please do respond, I'll be waiting

Honestly, I tend to come here more than anywhere else if I want to read about shit that matters. I'll check the links and the comments and try not to come to concrete conclusions because a lot of the time the best conspirators are three steps ahead of us and the things that are pushed here as real conspiracies on the regular could more than likely be a limited hangout type situation. I like to discuss ALL of these stories with my fellow theorists without belittling their sensibilities. The only real side I get behind is the one that looks out for all of my fellow human beings. 99% of the globe have been enslaved by a ruling class that transcends borders, creeds, and socio-political-partisan divides. These same people are running their grubby palms together in their ivory towers while the critical thinkers in the huddled masses fling shit at one another over petty shit that was manufactured to divide them

The intercept, zerohedge, user sourced discussing that expose the truth. JRE is a great podcast to keep up with the happenings

Do you realize that you can't ping the CEO of reddit? Do you think he's getting thousands of notifications when you guys do that?

Putting spez instead of an "edit" is an inside joke around here. Been here much?

Oh, how cute, you said "how do you bot know that."

It was a typo, B is right next to N. How does it even make sense for me to call you a "bot", what, like some kind of super advanced AI? Cute.

im critical of the zionist trump and im not banned

Because they are full of shit.

You're welcome to be critical of Trump as long as you aren't losing your shit and breaking our rules like an edge lord and feigning ignorance or outrage when you get warned or banned.

Any comment on the OP? What are the criteria for contest mode?

Like the rest of Reddit, this sub often gets brigaded by anti Trump shills. We don't like shills around here.

I hope the criteria is threads that are being brigaded. If you want establishment taking points then you would prob like r/politics

r/politics from a year ago OR r/propaganda now? There is a clear difference. Anyone want to do a fun expierment and pull up the front page from (2006 and compare how it's changed over the years. Then bring it up now and look at the propaganda echo chamber it's been shilled to be today)

I joined Reddit some years ago for r/politics. Now it's nothing but a shill shit hole. So disappointing

But brigading by pro-Trump shills is fine?

Of course not. But I haven't seen it

There was literally a post like, yesterday proving that the majority of posters here come from the_donald.

The pro-Trump shills outnumber any alleged other brigaders 10 to one. This is an objective fact.

Nah that was a shitpost. Im not a Trump supporter but by those criteria I would've been consider a t_d poster and I guess a Trump supporter

The intersection of /r/conspiracy, /r/The_Donald, and even /r/politics is nonempty. In other words, there are real people that participate in all three communities, and that is okay. People are allowed to support Donald Trump here, or not. People are allowed to think whatever they want here. We just don't want anything to do with MSM sponsored propaganda and the supportive manipulation techniques employed by ShareBlue.

Those of us who have been here for a few years are not surprised to see Donald Trump supporters here. Watching a president expose Deep State corruption has been the dream of many conspiracy theorists for decades. We watched this support develop organically. The people who say it looks fishy are either new to this community or are intentionally lying.

However, what is suspicious is the sudden influx of posters aggressively supporting MSM propaganda rags like CNN and WaPo. It is suspicious that almost the entire media and political establishment is united in opposing President Trump, the first conspiracy theorist president.

Why do you think it is so important for neocons and neoliberals to take him down? Because his skin is a bit orange and he calls them Fake News? Get real. Elite criminals are freaking the fuck out. That's not a bad thing.

Now, you may disagree with my interpretation of all of this, and that's fine. Disagreeing with other users, including moderators, is not what gets you banned from this community. The thing that gets you banned is posting in bad faith. For example, being disingenuous is posting in bad faith. And you might say, "Hey I wasn't being disingenuous, I really believed in my strawman, honest!" Well, guess what? Fuck you, we are not gullible children. We know when events are being twisted and we know when evidence is being whitewashed and history is being rewritten.

ShareBlue is certainly not the only group attempting to manipulate this community, but they are absolutely the most determined and the most effective (destructive). Finally, the moderators are standing up for regular Americans like me who have been here for nearly a decade and banning accounts that appear to be posting in bad faith. I say GOOD.

Don't want to get caught up as a false positive? Then put a little more effort into your comments and critically consider the possibility that you may appear to be using logical fallacies intentionally. Stop doing that and you'll be fine.

objective fact.

That's laughable

Show me

Like the rest of Reddit, this sub often gets brigaded by anti Trump shills.


The establishment is seemingly against trump at the moment. Never seen anything like it.

  1. The POTUS is a puppet and has no power over the true establishment.
  2. The POTUS is the establishment.

Both are strawmen and they can't both be true. You are being disingenuous. You know that the person you were responding to didn't mean to say that /r/politics is full of GOP shills. Why did you say it, then? Because you just had to chime in with your precious strawman.

This talking point has been shoved down our throats here since Trump took office. There is a battle happening between the establishment and the sitting president. This is historic. If Ron Paul had somehow won in '08 or '12, he wouldn't have magically transformed into The Evil Establishment the day he was inaugurated. You are arguing with a strawmen. Stop.

Can we get a comment on the recent bans for shilling then? Those seem pretty biased to me and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I tried asking in modmail but was just accused of being one of the banned users instead of getting anything resembling a real response.

Careful with that. Critical questions to modmail get you banned quickly

I just got muted and reported to the admins luckily.

I'm not going to start a witch hunt but I tried writing to you mods once regarding the rules of the sub and I learned that it was a waste of time.

I was polite, civil, and made it clear I was looking for a discussion. I got none of that back and was abruptly told to "go back to /r/politics" despite never having posted there at the time.

You say "they are full of shit" as a way to dismiss people but the truth is they have a point. As do many others. You're just stubborn about accepting other's viewpoints.

I'm sorry.

Don't waste your time. While I disagree about the pro-Trump bias, the mod you are speaking to is known to cause problems and ban if you question him.

Because they are full of shit


Sounds like frustration to me homie. If only shilling on Reddit and the imaginary upvotes that follow was relevant in the real world. Ha what am I talking about?? I'll see you tommrow at the anti trump rally in my town..tommrow will be the day trump goes down! /s

Yes there does seem to be a concerted effort to brand this sub T_D 2.0 despite no evidence of that.

I'm a blue blooded progressive and I come here for the independent thinking and progressivism.

Cool dude. Then it should brother you that the mods here seem to fuck with posts that go against the trump circle jerk.

I appreciate that the mods are trying to combat the incessant shilling/brigading. It's surprising to me that you don't.

Just as long as they do it for all posts with Trump shilling too then it's fine.

Yea Shareblue is a problem

T_D and Cambridge Analyitica are a much larger problem.

That's farcical.

Maybe. But it's Shareblue that has essentially taken over Reddit

/r/The_Donald is a community, not a problem. They are allowed to use this subreddit just like anyone else. Cambridge Analytica is a data mining and political advertising company. You know those sponsored ads on Facebook? The targeting for those ads comes from organizations like Cambridge Analytica, and there are hundreds of similar groups.

This is not the same thing as running massive networks of fake people to manipulate discussion on every major social media platform. That particular evil is the lovechild of David Brock and Hillary Clinton, as we learned from WikiLeaks last year.

However, just as CTR loved to deflect onto Revolution Messaging during the rigged primary, ShareBlue loves to deflect onto Cambridge Analytica. These tactics are all coming from the same place: Media Matters.

Watching the votes here is pretty hilarious. You claim /r/The_Donald and Cambridge Analytica are a much larger problem, but as of the time this comment was written, you were sitting at +27 while he comments calling out ShareBlue have negative scores. So, it looks like they aren't very successful and therefore not a very large problem. So then what is happening to this community? Obviously /u/psyderr is right and the vast majority of the original community sees right through the aggressive vote manipulation in the comments.

/r/The_Donald is a community, not a problem. They are allowed to use this subreddit just like anyone else.

The only part of your post we agree on. Just like people from /r/politics are allowed to use this subreddit like everyone else.

Everything else we don't agree on.

Just like people from /r/politics are allowed to use this subreddit like everyone else.

Unfortunately, there aren't many real people left in /r/politics.

Very good explanation. Thanks for that. These vote totals are incredibly dubious

Awww poor guy! Why don't we just burn down the whole mother fucker including trump? Why don't you ever talk about that? Hmm it's like you want to get people to single out the hate on 1 PERSON, instead of focusing on the establishment that allowed puppet trump to enter the picture..

Too ez PLAYA

The mods literally invited thedonald users in here.

"Shut up amd respect the president"

Multiple mods being open Trump supporters.

There were also those literal shills that would repost thedonald posts here. Worked until someone made a big post calling them out. Then all the bot accounts got deleted.

"Liberal shills"

Kek. Those were accounts created to spam the "Macron has overseas accounts" fake news propaganda story.

Why would liberals do that?

Do you have any evidence to back that up?

Why would liberals do that? (Not trying to be snarky)

You first.

Heres a post talking about the users

I'm not sure, I thought it was just people from T_D reposting here for Karma. But now idk what to make of it. Thoughts?

No liberals then. Agreed?

"Literal shills", not liberal.

Thanks for the correction!

bro he said "literal", not "liberal"

Thanks for the correction!

Some are Trump supporters and someba Bernie supporters. Cool right? How do you explain all the posts about progressive topics?

You are repeating a lie. The mods DID NOT invite /r/The_Donald here. I know exactly which thread you mean. Feel free to post the link, if you like, because your claim does not hold up to scrutiny.

We see this claim made repeatedly in this subreddit and yet nobody seems to want to include the link. You'd think that supporting evidence would help bolster your claim, but that only works if the claim was made in good faith. In this case, the evidence absolutely does NOT support the claim that the mods invited /r/The_Donald here, so this particular lie is repeated without the link almost every time.


Yeah, that's an invite. Everyone in that thread considered it to be an invite.

That's not a fucking invite. You are being blatantly dishonest and so were the "people" in that thread. Obviously we are going to get a lot of "refugees" any time /r/The_Donald shuts down because there is a natural overlap between the user base. Some people just spend more of their time over there, and this community would be their second choice. So, what the fuck is so wrong about reminding them that we have different rules over here and they will get banned for calling people cucks?

Seriously, this is the stupidest fucking lie I have ever seen any group try to push in my entire life. I know I sound angry. If you are a real person reading this, PLEASE click his link and find out why I'm so angry. It is a bold lie intended to manipulate the community.

Fucking hell, /u/flytape, how do you keep yourself sane with this shit?

Fucking hell, /u/flytape, how do you keep yourself sane with this shit?

I'm glad you asked Bob. The first thing you need to do is go to the infowars store and pick up a bottle of their tangy tangerine immune boosting super male vitality boner enhancement juice, then you go to your local corner pharmacy and pick up a box of extra heavy flow tampons. Soak a tampon in the tangy tangerine, drop your pants and shove the tangy tampon up your ass.

In the industry we call this butt chugging the bohemian Grove. You can repeat as necessary until sanity is restored but watch out for boners that last more than 4 hours or you'll end up doing a 3 hour podcast wearing a bird mask and accidentally polishing off a 700 dollar bottle of scotch.

I hope this all made sense because I'm typing with one hand while digging around in my ass for this tampon string.

Kind regards,


You should write poetry. Have you read anything by Grunthos?

Dude that's my uncle!


Hmm. Well, it seems like the answer to my question is that you don't. Keep up the good fight anyway. The insane also have a role to play in The Great Information War.

The answer is laughing at yourself and having humor.

It's.. sad people can't take a joke. I thought it was great :P

You're not fooling anyone. We all know why several old mods left.

Yes there does seem to be a concerted effort to brand this sub T_D 2.0 despite no evidence of that.


Have you seen this thread yet?

They're inaccurate. Based on that flawed logic it seems I would be branded a the_Donald user even though I do not support Trump

What do you find inaccurate?

Obviously there will be outliers but with the sample size and current findings I doubt it would sway the results the other way.

According to the criteria anyone who comments in t_d at least 5 times is considered a t_d poster and therefore a Trump supporter when in reality there's lots of reasons why a non-Trump supporter would post in t_d

I have a hard time believing an actual non-supporter would last 5 posts in t_d.

T_d has been the only place for certain news on Reddit

That doesn't mean you have to post there though. Plus there are places like /r/uncensorednews that cross-post a lot with t_d.

I like joining the discussion. You don't have to post here

Lol you are not a progressive...

Tulsi 2020


Most those submissions are straight from t_d minutes after they get submitted there.

So what?

Yes there does seem to be a concerted effort to brand this sub T_D 2.0 despite no evidence of that.

It's what you were looking for. Evidence.

I don't understand what you're saying. You linked to one user.


Then their peyote coyote dude who has 10 warnings against him and is still around.

10? I think you're iff by an irder of magnitude. That guy can openly confess to trolling and still won't be banned.

My other account got hit for Rule 10. These guys censor just as much as the subs they dislike. Expecting it to happen shortly to this one now too.

I did deserve tho, I called them out for it.

LOL You ever dropped acid brahhhh??

The awoken don't chose sides silly boy.. We wanna burn it all down... You, on the other hand only mention trump hate.. Which is pretty CLOSED MINDED IMO. You do realize once trump is out, then establishment bigoted pency steps in ... Hmmmm very very closed minded.

On a side note, did you see that thread at the top about magical mushrooms? GREAT THREAD. I'm sure it sparked even more people to open their minds and break the chains.. Everyday millions of people are awakening. Your war is lost friend.

Apparently when conspiracies become realities its too much to handle for some people in the sub.

Yeah it's how they kill discussion they don't approve of. Oh well, funny as shit that they behave like authoritarians.

They didn't kill the discussion. You can still go and reply and have conversations with people. You get to look at the thread without looking at the voting scores but the context of the comment.

How does that kill a discussion?

It does kill discussion. First, because it hides every reply in the entire thread.

Secondly, it randomizes all top-level comments every time you refresh the thread which makes it a lot harder to find posts.

And lastly, it creates even more noise when people start posting "why is this in contest mode" type posts that are randomized and mixed in with all the other top-level comments.

How does all that help a discussion?

This thread was showing unusual voting patterns from the start...rather innocuous and constructive comments were somehow downvoted below -30, with zero comment replies.

The thread was being heavily brigaded.

Look at the push back it caused.. All the shills crying.

No one's crying except for all the Trump supporters here.

Show your partisanship some more.. Lmao it's the complete opposite of what you said. Anti-Trumpers are upset that anti-Trump news was put into contest mode because it was being brigaded. Pro-Trumpers aren't bitching.

Where did I say I was crying?

except for all the Trump supporters here.

Where's the crying Trump supporters?

YEAA homie, all us "FREE THINKERS" voted for trump! LMAO dumb ass shit like this is what made my ass stay home on election night! That and being called BERNIE BRO made me really want to vote for that treasonous cunt!

is being called a 'bernie bro' a bad thing?

this is a weird comment

It kills the discussion because it makes it harder for shills to operate. Duh

Shills can manipulate votes, like they were doing as a mod said.

We already hide vote scores here for several hours, if thats the issue make it much longer. Contest mode just hides everything, manually opening every comment chain makes people read less, comment less.

Vote scores are pretty obvious when you can sort by them.

And they're a fan of a president that's an authoritarian. I just don't understand it.

Shills are being paid to prop up trump in the eyes of the conspiracy theorists. It's beneficial to the elite if we get behind their puppet. Understand?

thats remarkably simple and logical. we should see more push back amongst those in the community

The reason that conservative people tend to be conspiracy oriented is they simply do not believe education but still want to feel smarter than others. I don't think anything but the GOPs death can solve it.

I became of voting age around the time of the Moral Majority and they took over the GOP. I decided then I would register Democrat.

Then I thought when they couldn't get worse, and couldn't seem to stay out of people's lives while saying they were for small government, then we got the damn tea party.

The tea party is horrible but spawned some great stories. A tea party guy fought for the right to bring his gun to congress in his state, then he dropped it so many times he stopped bringing it but told no one out of embarrassment.

The reason that conservative people tend to be conspiracy oriented

Wait. . . I thought it was the left who believes the 'Russia hacked the election' conspiracy?

Yeah and the other 40 conspiracies on the subreddit are all targeting democrats.

yup but its a logical and likely conspiracy that is consistently heating up. its not some seth rich or obama did sandy hook bullshit

Oh sure if you say so. I mean the CIA and Congress have bought in to it, and they'd never lie, deceive, or misdirect the public to push an agenda. If our intelligence community says it's true, it's obviously very logical and likely.

Did the CIA or Congress force Donnie Jr to meet with Russian agents promising him dirt on Clinton as an attempt from the Russian government to help the Trump campaign?

'Russian agents' aka a lawyer from Russia. It's amazing that this is the big 'proof' of the 'Russian collusion' - trumps son met with a Russian who claimed to have opposition research on Hillary and nothing came of it. Of course Trump Jr went and met with her, why the fuck wouldn't he?

A lawyer from Russia who's been instrumental in attempting to repeal the Magnitsky Act, something Russian oligarchs desperately want repealed. A lawyer which promised dirt on Clinton because the Russian GOVERNMENT wants to help Trump win.

Oh and we also have no way of knowing whether nothing actually resulted from that meeting. All we have is the word of a proven liar

Of course Trump Jr went and met with her, why the fuck wouldn't he?

Because accepting information from a foreign national or government regarding your political opponent is a crime. Not that Trump or his corrupt children and cronies actually care.

We know that Russia actively attempted to influence the American election, we know they did so to help one candidate in particular, we know that particular candidate refuses to criticize Russia or its dear leader, and we now know that candidates son went to a meeting under the pretences of receiving dirt on Clinton from the Russian government.

Accepting information from a foreign national is absolutely not a crime in any way. Trump ran on a platform of improving relations with Russia and was elected - not exactly the 'greatest conspiracy of all time' that Trump is more civil with Putin. We know that Russia - as well as every other country on earth to the extent of which they can attempted to influence our election. A country having a preferred candidate and pushing their perspective through media is again not exactly 'the greatest conspiracy of all time'.

I'm still struggling to understand what exactly the 'Russia hacked the election!' crowd thinks happened, and how it's such a remarkable and unique event. Do you think Trump paid Russia to spread pro-trump propaganda? Is it not exceedingly more likely that Trump campaigned on a the United States improving relations with Russia and thus Russia strategically determined that between Hillary and Trump, A Trump presidency would be preferable and thus used their media outreach to support Trump?

I think he did "pay" them, in a promise to do something about hte magnitsky act. Which I think you can understand is not something we want our candidates doing, promising foreign powers campaign powers in exchange for help.

There are a few questions about Trump<>Russia collusion that are important:

  1. Is Trump indebted to any Russians? Trump owns real estate all over the world, but he is in debt to those who finance his real estate deals. If Trump owes money to Russians, it is fair to assume that the Russians expect something from him in return. Did the Russians support Trump in return for an easing of sanctions related to the Russian invasion of Crimea? Trump's actions related to Crimea + Russia as well as Trump's reluctance to release tax and other financial information are suspicious with the above question in mind.
  2. How did the Russians know to target specific districts in swing states so effectively? Russian bots spread fake news on social media platforms in competitive districts with such precision that it is unlikely they did so without the help of American political advisers. Who were the Russians working with to coordinate their social media propaganda broadcasts and were they associated with the Trump campaign?

Also, your statement that "accepting information from a foreign national is absolutely not a crime in any way" is just not true.

First, did you read your politifact article? It points to laws forbidding foreign nationals from providing FUNDS to political candidates. The idea that information is money is laughable. Politifact is such garbage to rate that statement false, and then provide no legal precedent for it, just 'legal scholars' saying that maybe a law intended to keep foreign nationals from providing campaign funds to political campaigns could be interpreted to include information (even though it never has been even though foreign nationals have previously given information to political campaigns. Hell - the Clinton campaign literally paid Ukrainian government officials for opposition research).

And please stop with your baseless propagandize questions about nefarious things Trump might have done. Your baseless MSNBC style speculation about a president you don't like is again, not 'the greatest conspiracy of all time'.

if Russians aimed to shape the outcome of the presidential election, that would meet the definition of an expenditure.


"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime... And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

So to recap, Russia:

  • Hacked the e-mails of the DNC + other Democratic operatives
  • Offered to release that information to the Trump campaign. Keep in mind there is an e-mail titled "Russia - Clinton private and confidential" that also says the words "Russia and it's governments support for Mr Trump" that was sent to Donald Trump's oldest son, who replied "I love it".
  • Propagated fake news targeting voters in swing districts in order to support Donald Trump's campaign by depressing Democratic turnout

Also, keep in mind that:

  • Numerous members of Trump's political campaign, current administration and family deliberately mislead and lied about meetings that occurred with Russian officials during and after the campaign
  • Trump has fired the lead investigator into potential Russian collusion and has since mused about firing the replacement investigator. He has also mused about pardoning family members and himself in regards to the Russia investigation

Looking through your Reddit comments, you were denying the fact that any collusion between Trump <> Russia even existed a few months ago and now you are debating over legalese as to whether or not any crimes were committed in said collusion. Mueller could very well find that Trump did not commit any crimes, but to call the whole situation "baseless speculation" is just dishonest.

Upvoted comment on /r/conspiracy saying conspiracy theorists are the way they are because they "do not believe education".


I said the reason conservatives tend to be conspiracy oriented, nice reading comprehension friendo. :)

Yeah...that's kind of shitty. Although I did hear a religious broadcast once shitting on people that are educated. But that's just really a shitty thing to say.

Not just conspiracy theorists. These people have invaded almost every community imaginable, pretending to be members of the community, and preaching the greatness that is Trump. LGBT rights groups, Bernie Sanders supporters, green party supporters, social conservatives, white nationalists, libertarians. It's most obvious around these parts and the "Bernie Bro" communities but they're fucking everywhere.

/r/conspiracy mods are the greatest defenders of the government. Big Brother Donald loves you, citizen. Now, pick up that can!

Shutm p amd respect the president!

Can someone help me understand in what world the people who think trump is an 'authoritarian' live?

The thing is that after 8 years of calling Obama a dictator, and saying that he would never leave power, they elected a guy who is displaying some real authoritarian and dictatorial tendencies.

So why wasn't it done to this post

Nope. I think we just figured out the shill problems! Once again, r/conspiracy is stopping the balant propaganda. There are so many threads calling out the balant shilling and yet shills try and play the victim card..

"Trump this, dear leader that. This sub is that.. The mods are corrupt"

No you fuck tards, we aren't going to take your dumb tactics. They don't work here. The only reason your tactics "appear" to be working in other main subs is bc the shills bought mod spots and its OKAYD By Reddit INC. the mods haven't flipped and the shills are pissed (hence the anti-mod posts... Really organic right?). One would think that the shills would have stepped their game up over the last year but holy fuck is their game weak. It's so balant. Notice how the gold giving stopped.. I'll give that but god damn their tactics are piss poor. My sub conscience now naturally filters all their shit out.

The real reason why shills are here is to silence our discussions... Why would CNN or WaPo go out of their ways to attack Reddit and its community's? Bc we have exposed them.. Simply by participating in this sub.

It's to stop shills.

You guys already got a response.


This thread was showing unusual voting patterns from the start...rather innocuous and constructive comments were somehow downvoted below -30, with zero comment replies.

That's extremely unusual for /r/conspiracy and indicative of nefarious outside influence.

Here's another post currently on our front page on the exact same topic that wasn't similarly affected...this is by no means the only thread on /r/conspiracy right now that's discussing this.

In fact, dare I say, start your own!

What a load of shit. When did "shills" and "brigading" become cause for censorship? And by what arbitrary standards? Because it only happens when the comments are critical of Trump.

Welcome to r/Conspiracy, glad your first post is defending Shills.

LMAO what a load of shit? yeaa Reddit INC completely changed their algorithms and allowed shilling to become permittable over the years. You can bring up the front page of Reddit from a year or 2 ago and then compare it the Reddit now and you will be able to tell shill difference.

Bruh, we don't give a fuck about puppet trump, this is r/conspiracy, we want to burn it down! Fuck everyone. Singling out trump is very very Closed minded and extremely naive.

What censorship? The only thing votes does is facilitate shilling in the current state of Reddit where shilling of communities is widespread.

So, you want to make it easier for astroturfers?

What shilling? The only thing contest mode does is scatter and bury any critical and potentially meaningful discussion among the hundreds of low effort pro-trump comments. I'm not convinced that contest mode, which again has only been used in threads critical of the current administration, does anything about astroturfing but instead gives a preference towards one group over another.

Ya I wouldnt trust that mod's comments. Crying about a breaking news story about an on going conspiracy that was posted a hour before another post on the same topic and it getting more attention is some how indication of brigading....

It's to stop anti-Trump shills.


Lol it's funny to see the balant attacks on veteran community members.. Your imaginary Internet downvotes are really proving our point. In yesterday's thread I saw u/putin_loves_cats get hammered with downvotes the other day and now u/WooTs_67.. Good one shills. Have us all fooled.. Once again 👍

There are plenty of community members who downvote them. Imagine that.

Yup! For simply asking QUESTIONS. IMAGINE THAT! A community of free thinkers, downvoting reasonable questions brought up by veteran members of this sub. Who are just so questioning the balant bullshit being pushed.

How would your 23 day old account know anything about "veteran" anything?

The answer probably is some kind of paranoid rambling of why he keeps having to create new accounts.

Naw, brah i spoke with truth and some dumb fuck shill tried to doxx my account.. Hmmm it's like, shills really hate when expose the truth. How's that narrative going? Trump going down tommrow? Don't you see all those people in the streets railing against Donnie? Demanding impeachment! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

Naahhh who are we kidding.. That's not happening at all! Maybe tommrow.. Nahh

Tried to doxx your account? That means they didn't succeed. So you're not giving us accurate information and reasons on how you would know anything prior to 23 days ago.

Nice try though.

Id prefer if you called me Bernie Bro from now on.. It really brings me back to a great time on Reddit. When all the shills showed up and got Hilldawg elected.... OHH WAIT 😂😂

Enjoy your new tag, Hilldawg.

To be fair a lot putin_loves_cats stuff is deserving of downvotes. And after going through some of Woots_76's post he is being a troll and antagonistic so I can see why he would be downvoted as well.

being a veteran of a sub doesnt impart any special status

When big news happens on the current admin a lot of people come here to check to see what's going on, plain and simple the #s go up. And their numbers are much greater than the alt right crowd. They also tend to bring mature conversation along with them up against the other side with their bad grammar and name calling. I welcome them and their maturity to our sub and hope they will stick around more and more as things heat up in Washington so that I can come here and discuss a very visible and very real conspiracy in a tactful and meaningful way without the alt-right buzzwords.

We can mull over all of this info in a non-insulting way and come to good conclusions without all of the sensational meme talk bullshit.

Seriously, the chan-speak and constant cries of "cuck" and "shill" just make any meaningful discussion absolutely impossible.

Lmao. Mature conversation? You cannot be possibly serious. The entire nature of these brigades and shills is to completely destroy a thread with name-calling and slide the topic and any real discussion of it. They don't even post here yet feel it's their duty to come in and police our forum.

And the irony! You yourself are using a buzzword - 'alt-right' - which has simply become a way to demonize any political opinions that are to the right of, oh, Hugo Chavez. Be less of a hypocrite.

Immature dismissal of opinion. Fearmongering talking point about outsiders complete with name-calling. Negative talking point about outsiders and how they are ruining the sub. Demonizing comparison to liberal subreddit.

Immediate pivot to dismissal and defense of the "alt-right" while pretending to not want to demonize people for political opinions like they just did with liberals and /r/politics. Complete with calling the other a hypocrite right after engaging in said previous hypocrisy.

  • Ah, so incredulity at the blatant denial of the obvious is immature? Learn sarcasm.
  • It's not fear-mongering if it's 100% true despite your protestations to the contrary.
  • They are ruining this sub, and we all see it.
  • r/politics is a hot propaganda dumpster fire of epic proportions only rivaled by TD, which is at least honest about its mission statement.
  • because 'alt-right' is a buzzword used to dismiss people. Go ahead, deny that.
  • 'Pretending'? So now you cast aspersions on my character based on your feelings and present it as fact? That's dishonesty. Try harder babygirl.
  • I have no illusions about the fact that I hate propagandists like you and your shallow, pathetic attempts to control the discourse here. Anyone like myself who's been here since before the election sees the manufactured Russia outrage for the partisan witch-hunt that it is, and the complete sea change going on within the majority of threads here. You and yours are not fooling anyone, and your denial of the obvious is telling.
  • Dismissal and denial of easy observation.
  • Double-down on fearmongering about outsiders.
  • Immediate double-down on negative statement about liberals and liberal subreddits while defending T_D and dismissing them.
  • Continued defense of the alt-right.
  • Obviously upset deflection about their own hypocrisy being noticed and highlighted.
  • Immediate pivot to insult my character.

Now you're doubling down on insults and accusations just because I made a post showing your hypocrisy and need to rely on fearmongering propaganda talking points.

Your pedantic bullshit doesn't change the fact that you're not here for the right reasons, and that you're denying very obvious connections that regulars here see very clearly. I've got no problem with outsiders whatsoever - we ALL were at one point - so long as they have a genuine intention to discuss conspiracy and have respect for our mission statement here, which you clearly do not.

You're definitely welcome to discuss this in a civil manner over at /r/ConspiracyHypothesis

Wow! A conspiracy sub interested in real conspiracies.

We should create a r/conspiracyconspiracy

Contest mode = Fascism

I dont buy the brigading argument, esp if they are just using arbitrary observations to determine it. I dont want it to be used at all

It would help if Totesmessenger wasn't blocked to protect you from that sort of knowledge.

At least with brigading we have proof that it is happening. In the mueller thread there is redditor u/magabolt who was just spamming links. They basically just throw away all moderation responsibilities.

And if the thread wasn't in contest mode, all of his shit would be downvoted to the bottom. But because of contest mode, if he comments 15 times then you are 15 times more likely to see his spam at the top as opposed to whatever the actual best comment would be. And he's not going to be banned for it because the mods are on his side politically.

thats really gross

This is what the mods want here. It's actually pathetic.

Magabolt is a very clear shill account. I noticed he was spamming all "anti-trump" threads yesterday. Anyone who doesn't believe me just look at his comment history, that is unless he's deleted comments since last night.

I would prefer if a month old account isn't able to dictate terms to the community.

Who was dictating terms?

I see someone posting their opinion, not dictating terms on anything.

hi long term listener first time caller

You know the answer, OP.

There haven't been any anti-Clinton/DNC posts that have received 'Misleading' flair or been put into contest mode.

It's obvious what's happening here.

Laughable really.. Pull up any AstroTurfed thread and see who's the most downvoted. If you have 30% of the comments Calling out shill thread and all of them are negative scored, isn't that a sign that shills are trying to censor that 30%??

Projection much???

Shills don't like contest mode cause it will reenage the community and their paid tactics will be pointless

isn't that a sign that shills are trying to censor that 30%??

No, not really. People yelling 'shill' adds nothing to a discussion so it's logical for them to be downvoted.

And I feel that way about threads on any topic, whether they're anti-Trump, anti-DNC, or whatever else.

So it's the community's fault that shills came here??!

Geee everyone! Stop talking about how corrupt the government is so the shills will surely disappear! lol cmon bruh.

So it's the community's fault that shills came here??!

I have no idea how you got that from my comment.

Look at their username and post history. They have no interest in having an actual discussion or reading anything you said.

And look at your post history... You've been trying to flip r/conspriracy and how has that worked for you? From what I can tel, you can only get a couple posts every couple days. What about full page front page brigades? Your propaganda isn't working friend. No matter how much newsweeks and vanity fair articles (vanity fair.. For realz lol?) you spam

I stand by my post history. If you don't like my sources and threads you can feel free to not comment in them in the future.

Oh yeaaa lets discuss! Let's discuss how the democratic establishment has literally lead us to Donnie. Cmon fellow countryman for the truth this time!

The democratic establishment rigged the primaries against Bernie. With the help of the corrupt MSM, along with the shills, the dem establishment alienated their own base and waged all their chips on a Cunt that America hated. Because of their actions, the dems lost ALL POWER and gave it to the republicans. Now we have a 1 partied ruled democracy... All because it was "HER TURN". The shills had the exact opposite effect and instead of getting America to vote for that cunt, shills made more Americans vote against that cunt. Soo please do tell us how we should be focusing on trump and Russia even though the dems just destroyed their own party and any chance of real change. Bet you won't 😘

You sure are obsessed with Hilldog bruh REEeeeEeEeEe

I didn't even look at their post history; I can tell by just their username.

What's laughable is that you think people are only anti-Trump because they're getting paid for it.

Can we know which mod is making these decisions please.

This is very suspicious and it gives the appearance that the mods are pushing an agenda.

Based on the mod logs, it's mostly /u/creq thats been putting a bunch of threads into contest mode with no transparency whenever the mods don't like the comment voting trends going anti-Trump. But other posts where the T_D brigades pretty hard don't get such treatment.

Hi, I did that to make a point internally about what threads were being selected for contest mode. If you look you'll see they were all taken out by myself shortly afterward.

cool man all we ask is transparency

Haha all these shills whining about "censorship". r/conspiracy is the MOST TRANSPARENT sub with all their mod logs and undelete. Shills are just mad


Here's a thought, when contest mode is used could the mods sticky a comment just explaining why? I think it would help by giving the users an avenue to discuss whether contest mode is needed in that given time.

That's certainly a reasonable thought.

Just saying "because of brigading" isn't a satisfactory reason.

People on this subreddit always cry "brigading" whenever their preferred viewpoint isn't the popular one.

It sure is, so will the mods be doing that from now on?

No lol


Yet this thread is still in contest mode even though it says you removed it.

Yes it is .If you check the logs again you'll see that another mod on the team placed it back into contest mode...

Oh, a pissing contest between mods, Fantastic. Also generic time stamps like "2 days ago" suck.

I can tell you, since the log is public, that the ones I placed into contest mode were only like that for like 5 minutes.

So you whine about him putting it into contest, and when he proves he removed it and someone else did it it's not good enough for you?
You're a piece of work.

Why the fuck is it in contest mode on the first place?! It just makes no sense!!

Disclaimer: I upvoted this post.

/u/creq and /u/axolotl_peyotl please let me know if I'm abusing the upvote feature.

Also, I can tell you're using an old alt and that you're actully an /r/technology mod using an alt.

Want to tell everyone about how I was removed from the team for fighting your censorship over there? You're quite pathetic.

Oooooh got em!

How about rebutting /u/tyronrex's points rather than pivoting to some old injustice? Discussions on /r/conspiracy are being actively manipulated by the mod staff.

I did put those into content mode, but then took them right back out.


Since the exact reason is internal to the mod team I cannot give exact reasons without risking being kicked from the team, but what I will say is that my actions were part of the discourse going on there about which posts were being selected to be put into contest mode and why.

It would be great to get some insight into these discussions. From the outside, this seems like a clear and flagrant pattern of squashing any threads that are critical of Trump. "Contest mode" just seems like the latest tool to suppress threads that gain traction.

As much as I'd like to discuss this with you all, currently I wouldn't be allowed to do that.

What? Then what's this open transparency bull shit?

Who is not allowing you to discuss this?

Sounds like a conspiracy to me...

As a mod, you should be a leader. Take some responsibility for this issue and try to fix it. Otherwise, you're nothing more than a glorified comment tagger. I don't mean to antagonize but this is a pretty serious issue for this sub. We've seen, and now continue to see, a total vacuum of leadership.

The mods are part of the Illuminati to control rhetoric and discussions.

So much transparency!

Yeah I know. If you'd like you can modmail us. That would allow you to at least personally address the team as a whole in the hopes of getting some sort of reasonable explanation that way.


I'm a bit wary of that. I know of people who got muted for asking genuine questions in a respectful way and afterwards were targeted for banning.

Really? So they were under the impression that they were later targeted for behavior unrelated to the mail? Who?

Top minds.

This has not been helpful in my experience.

I view mod logs at times and saw someone recently get banned for calling others pathetic.

Thank you for the link. It's very telling to me that in the past 3 months there were only 2 threads set to contest mode, one of which was to vote on new moderators, until the recent slew of threads that are damaging Trump being set to them.

I don't see how anyone can look at that and not see the biased ways contest mode is being used on threads about Trump.

I did go ahead and take them right back out. Then another mod came by and only put two of them back in. You may want to take a closer look at each action.


Other threads that were in contest mode: The mods decision to ban CNN links and the lawsuit against the Seth Rich story and Fox News.

You can see in the public mod logs who began putting posts into contest mode.


You can also see who at one point took all of them back out.


If you look you can continue to see who put some of them back into contest mode afterward.

That's kind of silly. The mods stickied a thread for days about the white house doxxing people, even though that story was completely false.

Almost like the Trump teams wishes around here huh? No CNN, Fake News, Agenda Pushing, Post manipulation, Contested Anti Trump post, banned users...

It most certainly was not false. Trumpers just moved the goalposts by attempting to redefine doxxing to shut their worldview of trumps innocence. Either way, it was still shitty and petty and came straight from the great cheeto.

No, you just don't understand what doxxing is, it wasn't being redefined.

Case in point.

That you don't understand doxxing? Sorry, you don't get to male up definitions.

What part of the story was "completely false"? The part where the white house released personal information sent to them over a 6-10 day period BEFORE they warned people that public comments would be released in full (including personal info).

Nothing about that story was false, and I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that the white house warned people that their personal information would be released prior to the day before they released it.

Even if what you said was true, it's still not doxxing. And I'm still waiting for someone to shown me where the email address was provided to the public without the warning attached (hint: it didn't happen)


Exactly, the email was not for public use or provided to the public at all, thus those who emailed should not have expected secrecy. It would be like if you tracked down my email address, emailed me, and and then acted surprised when I shared it with others.

But all of that is moot as either way you look at it, it's not doxxing.

You make a decent point about expected privacy, I just don't see it as acceptable when the federal government does it.

Also, it's been nearly a month and they have released zero emails after the first batch. Which still leaves me under the impression that this was done in retribution for all of the unsolicited negative comments.

They may have chosen not to because of the backlash or they may on do it every so often (6 months, a year, when they reach a predetermined number of emails, etc). There isn't transparency with it so it's too hard to make any sort of determination.

Laughable really.. Pull up any AstroTurfed thread and see who's the most downvoted. If you have 30% of the comments Calling out shill thread and all of them are negative scored, isn't that a sign that shills are trying to censor that 30%??

Projection much???

Shills don't like contest mode cause it will reenage the community and their paid tactics will be pointless

Is there any evidence at all to support that there are hordes of "shills" being paid to upvote particular posts?


NPR who criticizes the shit out of "conspiracy theorists" somehow makes to it the top within an hour. All top comments, shitting on the sub while all downvotes comments are calling propaganda... It's balant. Every time, they try to pass off CNN or WaPo, it's the same MO. Top comments shitting on sub. Comments calling out the balant propaganda get downvoted to shit. Gaurereed that thread I has listed, 25-30% comments calling propaganda.. Propaganda. Their shill downvotes is a shitty attempt at censorship.

So your answer is... no?

Hint: not everyone who disagrees with you is being paid by George Soros to do so.

Just another user chiming in to say that the NPR thread couldn't have been more obviously astroturfed to any regular user of this subreddit. You are ridiculous if you think that would have genuinely gotten thousands of upvotes without an agenda to push it to the top.

It's very obvious when it happens.

I drink your tears

ITT: Keep projecting.. How come none of these people ever participate in any other r/conspiracy threads... Only ones, intending to harm this sub. R/conspiracy doesn't give a fuck sides sillies

5 top level comments in one post? You seem personally offended by the OP, is everything okay?

just making sure everyone knows the truth homie.. I wonder why all the downvotes and no intellectual responses.. It's like I'm just too woke ahaha

just making sure everyone knows the truth homie.. I wonder why all the downvotes and no intellectual responses.. It's like I'm just too woke ahaha


Funny, I never see you hanging around r/conspiracy much..

Been here all along, how many of your accounts have been banned?

u/spez: I just saw one of your comments mentions crowd strike as a reference.. Was that the same crowd strike that was paid by the DNC and never let the FBI look at the DNC servers? That crowd strike??? We should discus that.. But i bet you won't 😉

Yes genius, if you want a private security firm to analyze your servers you have to pay them, you don't think it's free do you?

And sure, I'd love to hear why you think the images provided to the fbi are any worse than the physical servers? Can you also tell me why the fbi wouldn't demand the servers if they needed them to do the analysis? Are you aware of our governments collection capabilities, which give intel agencies better insight into attacks like this than the physical servers ever could?

I bet you have real intellectual answers to give me for this completely off-topic comment you made, I'm sure of it.

Ahah let me FTFY:

If you want a private security firm to cover up and sell a fake narrative, then you hire them to "analyze" your server(s). What was the bleach bit for again? Oh yea she's was just "wiping" her sever with a "bleach cloth"

Do you evidence of said images to the FBI? Wasn't there FBI reports of smashing unauthorized blackberries and unapproved I devices? OH now why would there be any need? You are a fool if you think anyone believed any of that shit showed that went down..

If I had to make an educated guess, I would be that the CIA has all the best tools. They have unlimited resources. Sounds like NSA has a lot of power but don't know how to use it and the FBI is a power struggle within.

I'm a server admin, so if you would like to get into more detail we can but it doesn't take a IT nerd to read between the lines. I believe the state also released more damaging emails just the other day. Should we talk about the top secret emails that went across unauthorized and insecure servers?

Ahah let me FTFY:

If you want a private security firm to cover up and sell a fake narrative, then you hire them to "analyze" your server(s). What was the bleach bit for again? Oh yea she's was just "wiping" her sever with a "bleach cloth"

Lmao you don't even know the difference between Hillarys personal server and the DNC one? Wrong server bud.

Do you evidence of said images to the FBI? Wasn't there FBI reports of smashing unauthorized blackberries and unapproved I devices? OH now why would there be any need? You are a fool if you think anyone believed any of that shit showed that went down..

Have you tried looking? It's been posted in this sub before. Smashing blackberries doesn't change anything Crowdstrike said.

If I had to make an educated guess, I would be that the CIA has all the best tools. They have unlimited resources. Sounds like NSA has a lot of power but don't know how to use it and the FBI is a power struggle within.

NSA has the best tools, best people, etc.

I'm a server admin, so if you would like to get into more detail we can but it doesn't take a IT nerd to read between the lines. I believe the state also released more damaging emails just the other day. Should we talk about the top secret emails that went across unauthorized and insecure servers?

Oh you're a server admin now? Lol sure, get into the technical details with me, I have a feeling you can't really though.

I'm not a Hillary defender, I actually thought her sharing of classified info would result in some kind of punishment, disappointed I was wrong.

Looks like your unsure again.. Do you want to continue??

You don't even know the difference between the DNC server and Hillarys private server, but I'm the one who's unsure, okay.

Ohh yes there was so much juicy shit leaking and so many false narratives being pushed I forgot the different server details.

So shall we break them both down?

  • starting w the unauthorized, insecure, non government monitored server that sat on the same host as good ol Bills Clintons old server? Should we talk about those balant crimes that have been just dismissed and ignored?

Let's chat about the DNC server and let's talk about the said evidence that Crowd Strike used to say that it was hacked by "Russia" (cause any hacker group from anywhere is apparently "Russian").

But I believe it was it guccifer 2.0 (catchy name right? 2.0 lol) that actually started unraveling the the narrative when he left a nasty trail of meta data?


Ohh yes there was so much juicy shit leaking and so many false narratives being pushed I forgot the different server details.

Aka you've been talking out of your aas

So shall we break them both down?

Starting w the unauthorized, insecure, non government monitored server that sat on the same host as good ol Bills Clintons old server? Should we talk about those balant crimes that have been just dismissed and ignored?

Why do you keep trying to make me out to be a Hillary defender? This is completely off topic for our already off topic conversation. I haven't defended her private server at any time.

Let's chat about the DNC server and let's talk about the said evidence that Crowd Strike used to say that it was hacked by "Russia" (cause any hacker group from anywhere is apparently "Russian").

Talk about it then, I'll be happy to clear up whatever it is you don't seem to understand.

literally incapable of defending trump without bringing up hillary. thats how you can spot the deluded mental midgets: they have to find a way to defend trump but have to grasp at straws to defend the malicious idiot


How does asking a critical question cause the sub harm?

Because they don't want to have a discussion, just reaffirm their own beliefs.

Is it though? Check the mod log:


Most seem to be Seth Rich related. You can also check my history, I'm not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but I like to think I'm a skeptic (much to the hatred of many PG proponents), and I don't think the claim holds water.

Thanks for outlining this. I am glad to see that the mods were taking on the Seth Rich / Seymour Hersch tape flood of spam-ish posting that was fucking up the sub the other day.

I actually want the mods to be much more proactive in removing the duplicate/triplicate/quadruplicate posts that flood the sub whether it's from the pro-Trump or anti-Trump perspective.

I messaged the /r/conspiracy mods about this contest mode bull and all I got back was childish defensive bullshit

He replied to my final message by saying,

You set your expectations too high, obviously.

So by expecting someone to behave like an adult is setting my expectations "too high, obviously".

"Deal with it"? I'm a mod on a small sub, and when someone raises a concern with us and is sincere, none of us would say anything like that to somebody.

/u/illuminatedwax and /u/sarah_conner

For the sake of drawing their attention to this thread in hopes they might be of some help.

Relax, batch-adding partisan moderators to a conspiracy forum makes total sense, you're just being paranoid...

i am new to reddit and therefore new to all of these terms. how can i catch up?

I say read the comments for a bit, usually you can figure things out. If that doesnt work, you can use the search bar or just go ahead and ask in the comments.

Not sure which ones you dont know here but Ill explain a couple. T_D is the Trump subreddit. And brigading is when someone from a different subreddit brings people from the other sub to downvote or try to change the tone of the comment section of a story they dont like.

oh ok thanks. whats contest mode?

It changes the comment section. You wont see vote totals, and it hides the replies to comments. You have to open them up.

It's to late to catch up, SHTF no later than Nov.1st. that's about as cliff notes as I can get for ya. The funny thing is, 20yrs. ago I would have never seen it go down the way it did, these guys are good, truly a tactical soft kill at all levels.

I don't agree with this ex military guys religious overtones at the end of his video, but he sums it up pretty good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ef5sk9LlM&amp;t

you and that guy are psychopaths

Perhaps /r/conspiracy isn't the place for you. Best of luck on your journey.

Shut you bleeding heart

Removed. Rule 4. First warning.

The sub is getting brigaded to shit by ShareBlue and TMOR/all/politics so yes, it's absolutely necessary. It completely strips those retarded fucks of their power to abuse the rules to control the narrative in this sub, and that's only a good thing. I guess you're going to have to rely on the strength of your arguments instead of the feelings you get when you get those updoots! The horror!

Eat a giant bag of dicks SB ;)

retarded fucks

Why is "retarded" you guys' favorite way to insult people?

Who are "you guys"? I speak for myself kiddo.

I'm not a kiddo, and "you people" are anyone that talks about ShareBlue.

Hey mods, and other contest mode sucking fuck faces. This thread has 203 comments, why isnt it in contest mode? People cant read through 200 whole comments or have any original thought right?

Rule 10

ITT shills fight back.

If you haven't noticed, when you get a story about Trump, the people who do nothing but post in gaming subs and post in r/politics come in and spam the shit out of it with the usual "Le drumpf is finished!" shit.

/u/illuminatedwax and /u/sarah_connor

For the sake of drawing their attention to this thread in hopes they might be of some help.

Reposted because of an error I made on one of the names.

I agree, something needs to be done.

I see people kind of calling /u/creq out for having a pro-Trump moderating agenda, /u/Flytape is also moderating from a pro-Trump agenda. Even though Flytape looks like a lower level mod, because he was kicked off the mod team once, he is actually the most experienced mod and my guess is likely wielding a lot of influence amongst the mods.

The fact that /u/creq is not allowed to discuss why contest mode is being enabled without risking being kicked off the mod team is absolute bullshit.

Perhaps we need to purge the the pro-Trump activist mods. There is nothing wrong with being for Trump. There is everything wrong with pushing a stealth pro-Trump agenda on to the sub.

That's pretty harsh.

There is no restrictions on mods discussing contest mode. We are simply are experimenting with the only tools Reddit provides to see how they effect the highly political, highly brigaded posts hitting this sub.

Also /u/creq is definitely not pro-trump, while that label fits me just fine it certainly doesn't fit creq. The fact you're labeling creq that way just exemplifies that you're attributing political bias to moderation actions where there is none. Creq is VERY anti-trump.

I wrote that first part about /u/creq unclearly, I should have just ended the sentence instead of lumping him in with you, who is on the record supporting Trump. I was just stating my observation of the comment section because people were accusing /u/creq of moderating for Trump. I don't know if creq is doing that, but people are implying he is.

As for me, I just want you guys on the mod team to button it up a little bit and get on the same page. I want you guys to be way more pro-active than you are being and get this sub a little bit more under control. There is way way to much political bullshit in the sub. I have advocated a (temporary) heavier hand from you guys when it comes to the saturation political spamming that goes on here so that perhaps they get discouraged and move on from the sub.

Maybe you guys need to get ahead of these perceptions of bias a little bit. For example, I thought the active clean-up of all the Seth Rich spam done the other day should be posted to the sub. When you guys do something like that it clearly shows that you guys are clearing out political spam from both sides of the fight.

Personally, I wish you guys would be even more strict on the duplicate and redundant political posts. Keep the first or most upvoted one and removes the others as spam. I was reporting a lot of the stuff as spam the other day, I thought that it was removing those posts because they would be gone when I refreshed, but then when I opened up Tor browser I was bummed to see the spam still there in the hew queue..:-/

When a submission get reported as spam do you guys actually see that it was reported? or is the 'reported' post just something individual to the person reporting it?

We do see reports, and it does hide the reported item from he who reported it.

As far as getting ahead of perception, honestly man it doesn't matter what we do or how we do it there are groups of people out there who want to spin drama into everything we do. Acknowledging their drama only legitimizes it, which it usually isn't.

For example we we remove these posts then people complain that we are censoring, if we contest a post those same people complain that we did that. If we let the spam brigades run wild those same people also aren't happy with that.

If we're honest with ourselves here, people from one side of the divide don't want their posts tampered with but they want their opposition's posts strictly regulated. This goes in both directions. We are experimenting with an actual solution that doesn't involve capitulation to either side of the divide, and once again everyone is losing their mind over it.

Sad state of affairs, so we are forced to bite the bullet and make everyone temporarily unhappy and see which users are capable of being confronted with opposing views while still valuing a sub of this nature. We aren't going to capitulate to one oppressive group of brigades over the other.

Well then, perhaps you guys putting on the teflon for a while is the way to go.

In the end I think you guys have the longtime regulars behind your efforts, at least you got me behind you. We all know you can't win with the brigading crossposting shills no matter what you do.

Exactly, there is no way to win the war, but if you don't fight it you'll definitely lose it.

And maybe we're wrong for trying to keep the sub about the long time regulars, maybe we should embrace all the new people. But I can't help but see that almost ALL the new people want Conspiracy to just be place to shamefully push the most extreme examples of either /the_donald or /politics. When faced with that scenario, no thanks! They can host their own Conspiracy theories within their own appropriate subs. And I don't even care if they leak into /Conspiracy a little bit, but they are attempting to drown us out so they can gentrify /Conspiracy with whatever they are selling without the other side having access at all. Well /politics already does that and they don't need two subs for it, /the_donald already does that and they don't need two subs for it.

It's a futile competition between two groups who will never agree on anything. If we can find individuals from those two groups who can debate without losing their God damn minds over it then those individuals are welcome. The obvious brigades need to go the fuck away.

And yes I'm a Trump Supporter but I don't hate Trump critics, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to burn everything down. I just want to see the corruption exposed, and eradicated. IMHO Trump is doing just that, even if not intentionally.

Yeah I'm not pro-Trump at all.

What a coincidence that an anti trump story get put into contest mode... And proof of "brigading "?

An anti trump story finally gets up voted and this happens... seems more like censorship.

Cambridge Analytica has infiltrated this sub

Because that's where all the shills are. And only a shill would be bothered by contest mode

I drink your tears

Salt water intake can lead to insanity. Checks out.

So your saying the censorship applies to your manipulations and that's why your upset? The only reason the randomization and collapse of comments might upset you is because you feel a reason to influence others. You are showing your motivations to shape others opinion.

Ohh yes there was so much juicy shit leaking and so many false narratives being pushed I forgot the different server details.

So shall we break them both down?

  • starting w the unauthorized, insecure, non government monitored server that sat on the same host as good ol Bills Clintons old server? Should we talk about those balant crimes that have been just dismissed and ignored?

Let's chat about the DNC server and let's talk about the said evidence that Crowd Strike used to say that it was hacked by "Russia" (cause any hacker group from anywhere is apparently "Russian").

But I believe it was it guccifer 2.0 (catchy name right? 2.0 lol) that actually started unraveling the the narrative when he left a nasty trail of meta data?


He replied to my final message by saying,

You set your expectations too high, obviously.

So by expecting someone to behave like an adult is setting my expectations "too high, obviously".

here's a guy in the grand jury thread who threw a whole bunch of low-effort top-level comments into the mix;

Right, but it is easy to scroll past them, especially since the comment chains are collapsed. I don't know if that tactic of gaming the post increases the chance of getting a post at the top.

in a normal thread they'd be appropriately downvoted, leaving the more substantive conversations on top.

Sure, but we don't have normal threads. The voting function is gamed and brigaded.

In a CM thread, that user can dilute the conversation with high-volume, low-quality comments.

Sure, but don't you think that it would be easier to identify people who game threads in this manner, rather than vote manipulation which is obscured?

Which is better, the risk of brigading or the risk of shitchaff?

Well I can only speak personally, but in contest mode I have found that the quality of discourse is better.

I think the decision should be left up to the person who creates the post.

That would be pointless.

Welcome to r/Conspiracy, glad your first post is defending Shills.

"Deal with it"? I'm a mod on a small sub, and when someone raises a concern with us and is sincere, none of us would say anything like that to somebody.

Oh yeaaa lets discuss! Let's discuss how the democratic establishment has literally lead us to Donnie. Cmon fellow countryman for the truth this time!

The democratic establishment rigged the primaries against Bernie. With the help of the corrupt MSM, along with the shills, the dem establishment alienated their own base and waged all their chips on a Cunt that America hated. Because of their actions, the dems lost ALL POWER and gave it to the republicans. Now we have a 1 partied ruled democracy... All because it was "HER TURN". The shills had the exact opposite effect and instead of getting America to vote for that cunt, shills made more Americans vote against that cunt. Soo please do tell us how we should be focusing on trump and Russia even though the dems just destroyed their own party and any chance of real change. Bet you won't 😘

LMAO what a load of shit? yeaa Reddit INC completely changed their algorithms and allowed shilling to become permittable over the years. You can bring up the front page of Reddit from a year or 2 ago and then compare it the Reddit now and you will be able to tell shill difference.

Bruh, we don't give a fuck about puppet trump, this is r/conspiracy, we want to burn it down! Fuck everyone. Singling out trump is very very Closed minded and extremely naive.

You're right, this is probably fake news and next week everybody will just forget that anybody even talked about a grand jury! Thanks for bringing me back to my senses.

I don't know, are there? I haven't seen any openly anti-Trump moderators; but maybe I've missed them.

Yes it is .If you check the logs again you'll see that another mod on the team placed it back into contest mode...

That's silly. Often the person making the post would want brigading in the first place but other users of the sub would not want that. The person making the post doesn't have some right over the rest of the users...especially when a lot of the people mysteriously in the sub these days want to hijack it and steer discussion and opinion.

And leave anyone visiting to figure it out? It's better to tackle brigades than to avoid them. Contest mode works.

except for all the Trump supporters here.

Where's the crying Trump supporters?

Why the fuck is it in contest mode on the first place?! It just makes no sense!!

What censorship? The only thing votes does is facilitate shilling in the current state of Reddit where shilling of communities is widespread.

So, you want to make it easier for astroturfers?

if Russians aimed to shape the outcome of the presidential election, that would meet the definition of an expenditure.


"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime... And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

So to recap, Russia:

  • Hacked the e-mails of the DNC + other Democratic operatives
  • Offered to release that information to the Trump campaign. Keep in mind there is an e-mail titled "Russia - Clinton private and confidential" that also says the words "Russia and it's governments support for Mr Trump" that was sent to Donald Trump's oldest son, who replied "I love it".
  • Propagated fake news targeting voters in swing districts in order to support Donald Trump's campaign by depressing Democratic turnout

Also, keep in mind that:

  • Numerous members of Trump's political campaign, current administration and family deliberately mislead and lied about meetings that occurred with Russian officials during and after the campaign
  • Trump has fired the lead investigator into potential Russian collusion and has since mused about firing the replacement investigator. He has also mused about pardoning family members and himself in regards to the Russia investigation

Looking through your Reddit comments, you were denying the fact that any collusion between Trump <> Russia even existed a few months ago and now you are debating over legalese as to whether or not any crimes were committed in said collusion. Mueller could very well find that Trump did not commit any crimes, but to call the whole situation "baseless speculation" is just dishonest.

Well then, perhaps you guys putting on the teflon for a while is the way to go.

In the end I think you guys have the longtime regulars behind your efforts, at least you got me behind you. We all know you can't win with the brigading crossposting shills no matter what you do.