Test post, please ignore, will be down soon.

0  2017-08-04 by CelineHagbard



test comment

Why are you testing me like this??? Lol.

Thanks for your work, guys.

One of the other mods was having trouble stickying a comment in the contest thread, so I was seeing if it were possible. It is! He's on mobile, so it could just be a limitation of the app.

I was just teasing.

I'm sort of discombobulated, though. I've been a huge contest mode pusher, but have been out of the loop for a couple days. Are we really going to try it???

Try what? There's a thread in contest mode up as we speak. I'm not a huge fan of it to be honest, though.

I get why you don't care for it. There is definitely a dynamic that is lacking. But, we aren't here for votes, right?

I don't give a fuck about the votes—that's not my concern. My issue with it is that it essentially shuts down any conversation that was happening. It's not much different in my opinion than just locking the thread; it's just a way to do it with (slightly) less criticism.

What does that say to you, though? Conversation was only here for votes?

No, conversation is here for threads that (on average) tend to filter the best arguments and counterarguments to the top. I like seeing the best arguments and evidence from both sides so I can weigh it and make a more informed analysis. With contest mode on a large thread, especially one that's going to have a lot of shit thrown from all sides, the chances of seeing good content of either argument towards the top of a random sort approaches nil. And you don't even know how many comments are hidden, so you're left with either clicking on a bunch of comment replies or not getting anything out of the thread.

I don't even know if I'd really mind the hiding of the scores and randomization if they didn't auto-collapse everything.

second comment

third comment

sub comment

sub sub comment...whatsssub?

Someone slipped some LSD into my LSD.

Nonsensical statement involving plankton.

Test test


Why no third comment? I see what you are trying to do here!

They got him.

we did...will you please take them back? Gotta Ransom of Red Chief situation here.

I shalt not ignore. You cannot tell me what to do!!

I told you no such thing; I merely implored, I beseeched, pleaded even! And you took no heed!

While you're here though, is this sorting in normal contest mode for you? Even logged out it's showing the comments sorted by old for me, and some of the chains aren't collapsed. Weird. Although I think some people were mentioning reddit was having some server traffic issues, so it might just not be updating.

I told you no such thing; I merely implored, I beseeched, pleaded even! And you took no heed!

Well, sir....

lol. Anyways, yes.. It has been in contest mode since I've made my comment.

Gotcha. Now that I look at it, only the thread branches where I've replied are expanded, the rest are collapsed. I wonder if it matters that I'm OP. And now it is randomized, so it might have just been a fluke or it took some time for the servers to process everything.

Maybe OP or maybe because your a mod?

I don't think it's just because of being a mod, because the other contest posts this week have looked the same as non-mod (we can sort the comments, but they're all collapsed.)

I just checked on the other browser, and some of the comments are still expanded for me. Same IP though, so who knows.

Hmm, now that I look at it, there are some sub comments that are expanded. Reddit was fucky earlier, maybe this is a residual of something on the back end?

That'd be my guess at this point if you're seeing it too.

Stuff was super fucky earlier. Look in my history and see the odd exchange u/Mastigia and I had. Really weird.

Who's the bastardless father who fucking gilded this post?

It matches my pretty apple! But yeah, I have no idea who gilded it.

that's a very unique way of saying someone can't get laid. I'm stealing it.

Doesn't it just imply they have children and aren't a deadbeat? Doesn't even seem like an insult.




I love your Golden Apple with a K!


Why do mods get flair and we don't?

You can put stickers on your screen and pretend it's flair.

As soon as they invent scrolling stickers I just might.

I'll get to work immediately!

I was thinking the same damn thing!!

Down with the elite! Comrades, we must unite so that I may have a flair of my friend Vladimir Putin hunting elusive snow leopard!

we out hereeeeeeeeeeeee

watch this become the highest rated, most commented on post of all time here on /r/conspiracy.

Yay! I'm top comment....wait....now I'm bottom comment...wait...now I'm in the middle

I'm everywhere!!!

i want kallisti flair

Mrs rule 8.

It's rule 12, and it's down now.

I told you no such thing; I merely implored, I beseeched, pleaded even! And you took no heed!

Well, sir....

lol. Anyways, yes.. It has been in contest mode since I've made my comment.

I'll get to work immediately!
