The comment section on the latest post about the Luzzato girls being entertainment for Podesta et al is appalling. I'm speechless. This sub is flooded with apologists at the moment.

17  2017-08-04 by IPUNCHCUNTS


I noticed that as well. It's brutal. The shills are out in force on this one. I have never seen it like this before.

They failed with T_D so this sub seems to be their new target. It is fucking annoying.

Yes they are.

It struck a nerve.

not all all buddy... it saddens me though. you sadden me.

it is truly saddening.

It is. We must remain positive. They've been too sloppy for too long. In my opinion, our biggest fight at the moment, is the general public's complacency and ego. These have been fed for so long, generations have come and gone without ever having realized they were brainwashed.

yup. thanks for that... and incidentally look at the score of this post...

Of course, and THANK YOU for the post. Even if this post gets buried, putting it out there MATTERS. Creating this and getting it into the universe matters. Besides, most people "in the know" on this sub sort by NEW or CONTROVERSIAL due to shilling.

I've noticed that all "normies" are conspiracy theorists when it comes to talking about the planned obsolescence of their smart phones. They just don't realize it. I've started calling them out as being conspiracy theorists on this topic, and that also they're right!

Just trying to help people be less default, more critically minded about things that don't affect their Candy Crush, because cramming facts ain't gonna cut it I've found.

It happens every time a pizzagate thread makes the front page.

not this bad though.... soooo many users are calling people pedophiles because they think the pizzagate stuff is fucked up.

it seems to be their new modus operandi.

Yeah ive had it from the fuckers.

Report them.

If they call you or other users a pedophile,a nut case ,a Nazi,retarded etc just report them for rule 10 then call them out for breaking the rules.They hate that.

If you get into an argument with them they will report you from multiple accounts and get you banned.

I've started today. I've received around 80 personal attacks today calling me a pedophile. It's shocking.

Report everyone of them.

They will probably be PMing you as well.

Block them and report.

That goes for all real r/conspiracy users.

Beat these fuckers at their own game.

Which is something I cannot understand at all.

People who think the whole thing is crazy nutjob talk don't hang around in conspiracy forums.
People who actually think he's innocent should defend him personally, not dismiss the whole speculation.
People who think that's an OK behaviour should be careful about their fetishes, and usually are.

That leaves for one people who are actively involved and have a personal interest. Which I sincerely hope are not that many hanging around in here.

And the last group (if we neglect trolls) are paid actors to suppress the story gaining traction outside of closed and/or small communities like this one.
And that's what I cannot comprehend.
I totally get the idea behind accepting a paycheck to fuck with people's political opinion. Fair game. Pushing corporate agendas? Ethically questionable, but still just a job. Who needs rainforests when you can have a delicious beef burger.

But this?!?

IF you know you are being paid to keep down pizzagate, you know the only reason can be that at least part of it is true enough to spent money on...
How can someone uninvolved be that amoral for chump change money?!?!!

job security and the self reasoning that what they are doing isn't reeeeally hurting anyone.

how else could they do it and live with themselves?

'Just following orders'

They are pedos in my opinion. Honestly the Sado pedo subculture is so much more extensive than any of us realize. They are everywhere masquerading as normal people with a cumpulsion to hurt children.

Just stop

People who think the whole thing is crazy nutjob talk don't hang around in conspiracy forums.

We most definitely do.

there you are ;)

You are ruining my hypothesis.

Shit, sorry about that. Honestly, the absurdity of the whole thing is what drives me to comment on it. I imagine that's true for most others that don't believe it. And I started early on the other thread. Most of my comments sat in the negative until the thread made it high up in /r/all. The average user here just finds the whole thing to be absurd. People upvote for visibility here and then get pummeled by the general Reddit population when a post gets too high.

Fair enough.
I assume true believers in flat earth have the same problem with my comments :)

I think pg is "crazy nutjob talk".

It innocuous statements, taking them out of context, applying a made up "code" and connecting all kinds of dots with flimsy threads.

But I'm in r/Conspiracy because it's entertaining to see the spin and bullshit beeing spread and the grasping at straws.

The FBI "made up" the code you can think what you want but I hope you have the guts to admit that you are wrong when it all comes out or they at least cut skippy to the wolves

I didn't know:

  • a pizza related handkerchief
  • playing dominoes on pasta or pizza
  • demolishing cheese

Were code words presented by the FBI.

If you refer to:

“hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of colour “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy

Those originated on 4chan and here, not from the FBI. What you refer to are the pedophile symbols shown in the FBI report. Those don't apply to Podestas emails though.

Maybe the mods can make a rule that defending pedos can get you banned. I mean you cannot say anything racist or threatening right? Defending child rape should not be allowed either. Children more than anyone should be a protected class.

Shills, and probably a good number of deep state pedos trying to cover their own asses.

They failed with T_D so this sub seems to be their new target. It is fucking annoying.

Yes they are.

Report everyone of them.

They will probably be PMing you as well.

Block them and report.

That goes for all real r/conspiracy users.

Beat these fuckers at their own game.

The FBI "made up" the code you can think what you want but I hope you have the guts to admit that you are wrong when it all comes out or they at least cut skippy to the wolves