Let's drop the political shit for a second and talk about aliens

7  2017-08-04 by [deleted]



They have us looking up when we should be looking down. That is all im gonna say

Go on....

Did below

Always thought it would be better to explore every inch of our planet before moving on to another. The advancements in alloys capable of handling the increased pressures of the deep sea would inevitably translate well to exploring planets with stronger gravitational constants as well.

They wont even explore some of the known sites on earth. Thats because they know. Do you think gravity stays constant, the closer you get to the core. Pressure gets worse the lower you get in water, but thats because of displacement. My theory is that if gravity is stronger the deeper you get, that is the perfect place for human bodies to develop into the giants that we know about.


What would gravity have to do with the size of a creature?

If you're huge and have the same bone density isn't it the same?

Forgive my ignorance I just don't get it

Whos says bone density isnt formed through resistance to gravity? Muscles develop that way. Maybe whales are so big because they are used to resisting that much pressure. That is what I am implying, and I am the most ignorant.

Maybe since we are the two most ignorant, we should be promptly put on solving healthcare

Problem with that is, we would come up with a working plan lol

I guess we have had more dialogue.

Sounds too efficient for government work. Will one of you be leaking dirt on the other?

pressure and gravity are different.

gravity is the force that draws matter toward a point. pressue the force that matter exerts on other matter because of gravity.

pressure goes way way up deep in water because of how much mater above you is pushing down (water + air). Gravity isn't getting stronger to do that. This is the same reason why pressure in high elevations is really low, there is less matter pushing down on you.

I guess I didnt say it as well as you did. I know the difference, I was just trying to imply the diffrence. Under pressure, giant theory doesnt work. You are saying gravity doesnt increase, the closer you are to the core, so that makes my theory invalid. It was worth a shot. Thanks

And spacing out while we should be focusing

So if a million ShareBlue shills all repeat the phrase "Let's quit talking about politics for a second", how many seconds a day will be left?

Nothing matters except the elites selling children for organs and sex.

Jesus christ, obviously alien conspiracies aren't winning ground in this sub. How many days in a row has the top conspiracy involved aliens versus political shit? When's the last time you saw an alien submission at the front page versus a political one? Aliens will never win, and that's fine, but I wish we'd get some variety of the more exotic sort of things like this which have a lot of weird videos and material to reference.

You're in jail, and you're cutting your arm to distract yourself.

We need to think of an escape plan!

Here's my escape plan...

Ask the aliens for help

How is that different from praying to god? That hasn't saved us either.

Whoa... I thought you sent the same duplicated comment on accident as sometimes happens... Just noticed these are all unique videos.

Yeah, the elongated skull stuff is weird, especially when you see it in context of a fetus/child which must not have had ritual elongation. I'm going to spend some time later and go through these, thanks!

The siz enad lenghr of those skulls is far too long for the shaping process.

The brain cavity is much bigger.

It seems quite likely thst were beings with large head s who guided and instructed ancients in techbical feats. They died off. And the rukers who were left sought to asdociate themsleves with thesmarter being and began to shape their heads like a wealthy woman today gets a butt implant to look like a khardasian.

In fsct is suspect the hats of the pharoahs actually originally accomadatedlarge heade dbeings. When they were gone later pharoahs wore the big hats to be seen by the public as associated with them.

Every ancient cultural takjs about how they were originally instructed by very tall red headed beings with great technology such as "boats that rowed themselves"

Itspretty clesr human history was restarted by such beings after a cataclysm just as the bible and other old religiious tales of a big flood stated

With the dna evidence its seems likely if they were human they were at least a different geneotype of human.

My guess is a less smart us bred with them and after they died out our smaller brained selves were all that was left with perhaps some of their dna that improved our brain power.

The dreid head and hand are most impressive to me. brien foerster is a well know srcheologist who travels extensicely and personally documents megalithic structures. He also doscovered the elobgatedskulls so someone famimiarwith him let him see the head and hand. He is NOT a crackpot.

I am amazed at how much the head resembles the greys depicted by so many. If its a fake its a darn good one with well shaped fake bone and tissue as brien says.

I perosnally would not find it surprising if we had been visited or are regularlly visited or more. Infact with tje nunberof star systems etc i would be more surprised if we havent.

By the way. Although all the bigfoot stuff is usually laughed off as a joke from the 70's their haveinfact been a hug enunberof sightings on camera with the wide use of cell phones just as you woukd expect. Of course video is also easier to fake now but some new footage is convincing . Again if the beings ar ereal then o e woukd expect moreto have been captured on vidoerom phones and that has happened.

Additionally a couple of grouos actually go looking for them i america high cohntry. One thing they have discovered is extremely large trees bent and broken into shat appears to be non random sign posts and structures.

Look for "colorado bigoolfoots hunters" on youtube and it will also bring up some even better channels

The thing that is interesting is the creatures all have very tall elongated heads and reddish hair.

I like aliens

If aliens can harness infinite energy, travel at the speed of light, colonise multiple planets in their solar system and detect the use of nuclear weapons from space THEN HOW FUCKING HARD WOULD IT BE TO BROADCAST THEMSELVES ON ALL TV NETWORKS AND SAY "HEY WE FUCKING EXIST YOUR GOVERNMENT IS LIEING TO YOU WE WANT TO HELP YOU ALL!"

It wouldn't be hard at all. Add in the fact that the majority of us have never seen any evidence at all of aliens on earth or even flying saucers in real life.

So how the fuck do you explain our ape brained retarded government being able to keep aliens secret since the 1950s?

Why don't we stay in reality and stick to what we can confirm and actively investigate. If aliens want to help us then they should fucking let us know. If they want to kill us then oh well we are already dead.

what about the 3rd option were we rise above all the bullshit help our selves and take our rightful place at the galactic round table.

How? If the government hides aliens from us through an elaborate conspiracy and the aliens refuse or are too stupid to expose themselves to the masses then there is a massive barrier of communication and understanding that will never be bridged.

Heres an idea go make a mini nuke light it off in your back yard and hope the aliens come down to personally say hello to you. Then you can report back to the rest of us.

From what I understand is that they can't just say "hey we're here" because they can't mess with our free will? IDK though.

seems like a lot

They are communicating with us though. If you know anything about sacred geometry and crop circles.

I can't seriously believe people think that Humans, the Apes that can't even make it to the Moon. Have any place on a "Galactic Round Table"

Nigga please...

Maybe they want our government's permission? It's a bit rude to broadcast yourself on every television in the world if you're not granted permission by the species' leadership. It could just be standard procedure, where you don't interfere with their civilians' lives unless granted permission.

To even THINK that a civilization that advanced would give two fucks about Humans is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard.

When was the last time you tried to broadcast yourself to every Gorilla on the Planet to let them know that Humans are Real.

I used to read conspiracy theories to expand my mind and vision.

Try to understand some weird shit I've found within myself.

This reminds me of that

I just had to wade through yet another strong showing of republicans and democrats using a new sub as a battleground.

At some point a lot of the people that would share these stories realized if they wanted to actually have any real world traction they had to move on from spacing out on theory and move in to things that can bring real world results.

Paul Hellyer was never the Prime Minister of Canada.

Right, what I don't understand is why pressure or gravity would affect the size of an organism

Let's go back . . .


"One of the most persistent of these is a story that President Eisenhower visited Edwards Air Force Base in early 1954, and either viewed the bodies of dead aliens and the wreckage of their craft, or met with live aliens on some sort of diplomatic mission to earth.

The story takes many forms, with the common thread being that Ike mysteriously disappeared one evening while on a vacation to Palm Springs, and that he was spirited to Edwards to view (or meet) aliens. It is said that he returned by dawn and shortly thereafter ordered absolute secrecy about anything having to do with UFOs.

No doubt one of the reasons that this particular rumor has continued to circulate for such a long time is that there are a number of verifiable facts associated with it--some of them rather curious.

For example, President Eisenhower did indeed make a trip to Palm Springs between February 17th and 24th, 1954, and on the evening of Saturday, February 20th, he did disappear! When members of the press learned that the president was not where he should be, rumors ran rampant that he had either died or was seriously ill.



Nixon showed comedian Jackie Gleason alien bodies,

"In an interview with Gleason’s second wife, Beverly McKittrick, by Esquire Magazine about a book she was planning to write, she revealed that Gleason had told her that Nixon had shown Gleason alien bodies. The story goes that Gleason arrived home unusually late on the evening of February 19, 1973. Worried, McKittrick questioned his whereabouts. She said in the interview that his face looked “haggard”, and that he said he had been to Homestead Air Force Base and had seen alien bodies. He described them as small, “only about two feet tall, with bald heads and disproportionately large ears.”


Reagan saw UFO

"There are a great many stories about US presidents seeing UFOs. Only a couple of the stories actually have strong enough evidence to back up the fact a sighting took place. One case with a lot of supporting evidence involves Ronald Reagan who had two sightings that we are aware of.

Both of Reagan’s UFO sightings occurred when he was the 33rd Governor of California (1967 – 1975). The first occurred on the night that Reagan was invited to a party that actor William Holden was having in Hollywood. A number of key personalities were invited. Two of them, comedian Steve Allen, and actress Lucy Ball both told the story of Reagan’s UFO encounter.[1]

Reagan was missing when the party began and the party was held up until he and Nancy arrived nearly an hour late. According to both Allen’s and Ball’s version of events Reagan was very excited. He described the fact that he and Nancy had seen a UFO while coming down the coast highway to Los Angeles and stopped to watch the event. Some unconfirmed stories of the event stated that the object actually landed. Lucy in her account of the event stated, “After he elected President, I kept thinking about that event, and wondered if he still would have won if he told everyone that he saw a flying saucer.”


Thanks for this!

Cool aliens exist and they want to give us free energy.

My theory is that at the end off WWII, the nukes we set off alerted ETs of our existence, or demonstrated our level of intelligence, assuming they already knew about us.

Similar to how we don't want to contaminate/disrupt natural ecosystems in our planet, ETs chose to reveal themselves only to the "smartest" humans, or to our corrupt leaders, while making sure we don't blow ourselves up.

To me this would explain why UFOs were shrouded in mystery all these years, why ETs don't show themselves, and our accelerated advancement in technology.

After reading these leaks, I feel hopeful!

I've read a lot of things about aliens being involved during the cold war, trying to prevent nuclear war.

Edgar Mitchell

Here, I think this has a lot of interesting things on it. Read through some of those documents. Witness reports from ex Air Force about missile sites and stuff being disabled when they saw UFOs.

With that and the ex-Apollo astronaut saying stuff like it, I seriously wonder if it's all correct. It sounds like aliens took a more active role in interfering with our lives when nuclear war was a real threat?

There are a hell of a lot of disclosures. I have to really wonder.

Yessssssss, there's numerous accounts of alien intervention in nuclear tests. And I agree! I'm convinced that aliens exist, and I think it would be a very delicate situation if disclosure were to happen.

You're probably right, people's previous notions of God and religion would change drastically. A lot of people would be frightened. The grip the elites have over most of us would most likely loosen. Free energy would mean the collapse of the petro-dollar. There's a lot of moving parts.

I'm just tired of seeing Podestas face

Here's my plan.
Let's all take all of our collective prescriptions and throw them in the ocean. Then when anyone is sick, they can just take a sip of ocean water that now cures everything

Problem solved
