How Abortion Counseling Done at Clinics is Actually Just a Manipulative Sales Pitch

0  2017-08-05 by wildfireonvenus

...Pratt-Shafer discussed in her book was the way abortion clinic workers were told to interact with women coming in for abortions. They were supposed to validate the woman’s reasons for wanting an abortion, regardless of what they were.

The clinic workers were also under strict orders not to promote abortion alternatives or tell women the details of the abortion procedures:

Options like adoption or even carrying the baby to full-term were never discussed. … I was told if they asked me if it was a baby to tell them no, that it was just a mass of tissue and at this stage, it was not a baby. Many women that came in those three days were already showing at the time. But we still continued to tell these lies the entire time I was there. It was just part of how business was conducted.

A woman who was having an abortion out of fear would have her fear reinforced. Even if the woman was reluctant to go through with her abortion, the clinic workers would not offer her other options. While some women no doubt came to the clinic with their minds firmly made up, dedicated to having an abortion, others may not have been so sure.

...Then, when only the head was left inside, the abortionist punctured the skull and drained out the brain matter, finally removing the dead child with a crushed head from the woman’s body.


I think North America only makes up about 5% of the total babies being killed by abortions, our population would probably be close to 10 billion by now if abortion never existed.

Last week, the Chinese government revealed officials have killed 336 million babies through abortions since 1971, when the government first started encouraging population control. The government adopted the one-child policy in 1979.

Maybe it's a good thing that sperm counts are down 60% globally.

What does that make the church-run "pregnancy outreach" centers?

What does that make them?

The other side of the coin. A mirror image perhaps, but the same. By the implications of this post, Planned Parenthood is brainwashing pregnant women into abortions. If that is so, then the faith-based alternatives are doing the same with their own agenda of preventing abortions through their own methods of persuasion, typically steeped in the laying on of guilt. It's not for me to say that one or the other is correct, and neither is it for the OP.

Not exactly. Church run program isn't making money off of their advice given to pregnant women that go in. An aborting clinic is going to get anywhere from $500-$4000 for their abortion services. A little over half of all abortions are paid for out of pocket. I wouldn't even compare the two.

That fee is nothing compared to the lifetime, tax-free tithe gleaned from a convert and her eventual family. These are recruiting offices that specialize in the desperate, whatever other service they provide.

Laughable. Look around at all the churches, most are out dated and don't have the money for repairs and updates. Murder Mills for profit vs Life. Abortion clinics do not care about their clients, they just want the dead baby, $$$$$.

Didn't take you long to show your hand.

Murder mills aren't a thing. And actually, neither are abortion clinics. There are women's health centers, and those are publicly supported. They are the only option for a lot of women to get basic ob/gyn services that they need to avoid cancer and other diseases. They're also having their budgets slashed because people like you vote (if you're even of age) with their ideologies and the con men that ride podiums milk you as long as you're useful. You're using buzzwords because you are trying to appeal to emotions in the absence of facts. I wonder what you had for lunch, being so concerned about murder and all.

Churches exist on a spectrum. Some look shabby because they actually practice Christian charity in their communities, and yes, some struggle in poor communities. As do shelters and women's clinics, which step in to help your neighbors where Christians-for-show don't. Others are temples of opulent greed. The same is true of pastors, some live modest lives of service while others literally demand private jets. The same is true of a Christians. Some embody the example of their master and others are just jackasses with superiority complexes who cherry pick and misunderstand scripture.

You are presenting an opinion, not an argument. You have proven nothing but a desire to be right, ignorance of the reality outside your belief system, and potentially a bit of misogyny for good measure. Nobody is getting rich on the fictional fetus factories that your sadistic imagination is so excited by. Cite me a source that isn't a debunked viral video and we can talk like grown-ups.

Maybe a new word to you but no new buzz for me. A "womans health center" just a front for an abortion clinic. An actual womans' health center isn't an abortion clinic. They are having their budgets slashed because they make hundreds of millions in profit. They are funded by the world's billionaires. Why would they ever take government funding on top of that??? It should have been slashed a long time ago. Unlike you, I have looked at both sides of the situation. You are turning a blind eye to the many truths about the clinics. I guess if you don't know what's really going on it must not be true.

If you can't see that I'm attempting to look at both sides, you're missing a lot of the words I typed in favor of just looking for what you disagree with. I'm willing to see the evidence for your case, if you have anything beyond hyperbolic declarations to offer.

You claimed that their budgets are being slashed because of people like me??? and I addressed that. It's those kind of ignorant statements that take the heat off of the abortion clinics and "blame the pro-lifers". It also tells me you are not as educated on the clinics as you would like me to believe you are.

What I said, if it is not clear, is that politicians do things like slashing public health programs because it allows them a number of advantages. Namely, it makes them look good to their religious constituents because they can spin it as honoring God's commandment not to kill. This is hypocritical because they have no problem with sending other people to kill abroad for corporate interests. They use this tactic because they know it's low hanging fruit that always works and wins votes. Second, if allows them to extract that money from public health programs and give it to their friends in the system of organized crime that passes for a government here.

I don't blame you directly, or Pro-Lifers in general. I believe that you are being manipulated by people who care less about you than you say clinics care about their patients. I do wish that there would be a trend toward questioning the motives of these politicians who pretend to be pillars of morality while working cons on the American people, as well as the people who make "documentaries" by stringing lapel camera footage together in a way that (poorly) portrays a certain narrative.

Let me ask you something. Two things, actually.

  1. Have you actually had an experience of any kind relating to abortion? Do you know anyone who had one, and do you know the context, and how it affected them? Have you ever had a reason to be in what you call a Murder Mill, or are you taking your cues from someone else's opinions?

  2. What is it, exactly, that makes you so passionate about this issue? I genuinely want to know. I am not against your right to speak or express your faith, but the tone of this post is one of authoritarianism rather than a desire to have a discussion. What did you mean to achieve?

My personal experiences don't change the context of my post. Here we have a woman explaining the manipulation of the counseling she had to use in a clinic where she worked. Your against her telling her side? You disagree when someone speaks out against abortion in any kind of way? I would think what she is saying might be seen as less then ethical practice being used? Nobody complains when a car salesman is called out for scheming. People are so thankful when a hidden camera documentary about a mechanic using less then stellar practices is exposed. If someone does a hidden camera documentary on an abortion clinic the reaction is- "No, you can't do that, it's all lies, this tape has clearly been manipulated!" I could use slang words such as "Fuck, Shit, Hell" all day and people don't get offended but I use a term like Murder Mill and it becomes- How Dare You Say That? I have posted all kinds of topics on here. When I post about abortion, I am asked "what are you trying to achieve here??" and yet I'm the one being authoritative?

Breathe, man. You're just barking.

No, I was just replying to your odd questions.

Not a throwaway, and don't care. I've been through abortion counseling at an abortion clinic, and the entire process couldn't have actually been more pro-life, including REQUIRING us to have an ultrasound done so we could see the fetus before committing to the procedure.

We both had to see a counselor separately and together, and honestly, there was a lot of work done to ensure that I (as the male) wasn't pressuring her into it against her will.

They also showed us the tools that would be used (terrifying), and described in graphic detail how the procedure would be performed, and exactly how much pain she would feel during and after the procedure. They also discussed with us the potential post operation mental health impacts.

The clinic also wouldn't do same day procedures to ensure we had time to rethink and reconsider. They also required at least one follow up visit to ensure we were adjusting properly and there were no complications.

I'm saying all of this because it enrages me to see this headline paint with such a broad brush.

Just like anything in life, there are good guys and bad guys. One persons recounting of a bad experience should not be applied to all equally as this title has irresponsibly done.

It enrages me that ignorant people read a headline and not the article. It doesn't matter if you had a great abortion experience. Your "experience" isn't someone else's.

The headline says "at clinics", which implies all clinics. So you're telling me it's a bullshit clickbait headline? If the article was worth reading then why does it need a sensationalized and intellectually dishonest headline?

If your not interested in the article then why would you comment on an article you refuse to read in the first place?

Because I know not every clinic operates as this misleading title would lead people to believe, and I want to make sure anyone else who doesn't read the article but skims the comments knows that the headline is bullshit, as is most likely the article itself.

I would like to thank you for your earnest attempt at bringing reason and direct experiential detail into this, but I have a strong doubt that the seed will take root.

Good. That sounds like the exact right way to handle it.

Why do you psycho Christians only care about babies before they're born?

Once they are born and behave like hungry children in need of social programs like food stamps you fucking blame their parents for not providing for them.

Hello!? She tried to tell you she couldn't afford a baby And wanted to abort.

But FUCK her and her kid once that baby is a 6 year old who's hungry. "Social programs create dependence!"

No, forcing women to have babies they can't afford does.

What about when he's a teen and she's stuck at work and can't monitor his behavior? Oh right that's when you put him in prison!!

Ya bunch of assholes can't even see Jesus would have never EVER acted that way, but can't see what raging fucking hypocrites you are.

You're far worse than r/trashy.

We need an r/christianhypocrites.

I would comment but your juvenile rant isn't worth my time and compete nonsense.

"I can't respond bc I don't agree w how Jesus treated people."

Got it.

Okay. Now, pat yourself on the back and move along.

Ok, like you already have, for not being able to answer perfectly reasonable points? Bc if that means being like you, no fucking thanks. My worst nightmare is being a hypocrite.

Answer a simple question.

Sorry, I just don't have time for stalking lunatics right now.

Right, you don't have time.

It's not bc you only give a fuck about babies when they're still in uteri...let em starve after that.

Can you answer the point or not?

Otherwise you've lost all credibility.

Now hurry up and call me crazy or hysterical again instead of making a rational point, or even- the horror- providing a reference to support your belief.

You can't. That's clear to everyone reading.


You are irrationally ranting and then beg for a rational point? No need to call you crazy at this point you have proven that all on your own.

K. Good to know you have pretended the pony is irrational instead of giving any argument for it at all. Thanks! :)

No problem!

The other side of the coin. A mirror image perhaps, but the same. By the implications of this post, Planned Parenthood is brainwashing pregnant women into abortions. If that is so, then the faith-based alternatives are doing the same with their own agenda of preventing abortions through their own methods of persuasion, typically steeped in the laying on of guilt. It's not for me to say that one or the other is correct, and neither is it for the OP.

Not exactly. Church run program isn't making money off of their advice given to pregnant women that go in. An aborting clinic is going to get anywhere from $500-$4000 for their abortion services. A little over half of all abortions are paid for out of pocket. I wouldn't even compare the two.

Sorry, I just don't have time for stalking lunatics right now.