Are we in a simulation?

3  2017-08-07 by [deleted]

Lots of main stream scientists are now saying we are living in a simulation. This is because they discovered the smallest particle possible. The Planck. Basically it is the pixelation of the universe. When you combine this with the proven theory that quantum measurements change when a conscious entity observe them, tells us that the universe doesn't waste it's energy on things if it doesn't have to. It is like in minecraft when you run outwards and the map creates itself, but it doesn't exist until you actually run out there and look at it. Do we believe that in the future humans will have the tech to create a virtual reality where we will not notice the difference between real life and the sim? If so, there would be more sims running then real life. In that aspect, there is a greater chance we are in a sim that actual reality... It comes down to basic logic. If there are millions of virtual realities, and 1 reality. What are the chances we are in the real one?


Do we believe that in the future humans will have the tech to create a virtual reality where we will not notice the difference between real life and the sim?

Sure. You've got to remember that we started with a game similar to what we know as pong. Look at how we've come.

I am not sure whether or not we are in a simulation, but if we are, this is how I think it works. Our body is a super advanced biological computer. Saturn sends the equivalent of wifi signals through the moon. These signals are interpreted through our brains which show this reality. Something like that. Think of how a computer works.

Now if this isn't a simulation, then I think the plan the TPTB are going to enact will be a psyop to convince us that this is a simulation. They will then create other simulations that people will want to plug into, only to never come back into the reality of this universe.

removes tinfoil hat

This guy is shilling on /r/Conspiracy_II as well, ignore him.

How do you shill with ideas like mine? Let me know. LOL

From your post history it is obvious.

Yep im woke as fuck. Deal wit it! :)

yep uve figured it out, great job!

Our body is a super advanced biological computer. Saturn sends the equivalent of wifi signals through the moon. These signals are interpreted through our brains which show this reality. Something like that. Think of how a computer works.

Then what happens if the wifi signals stop, or we wake up? I'm of the belief that we're in a simulation as well, but I don't really mesh with the Jupiter theory you're presenting. If we are in a simulation, they won't lay the clues out. Think about it. Why is it so difficult to access core directories on a computer? Companies make it as difficult to access as possible to prevent people tampering with software, and potentially breaking it.

In that same way, they won't lay the clues out here. We haven't proven to possess the knowledge to exploit the mechanics of the universe, or find the way out that they made for us when we were ready. Either we're not intended to escape, or we haven't found the right principles/beliefs/whatever necessary to leave willingly.

If we are in a simulation, it's likely that we experience a diminished existence compared to what we had, or could have outside of it. Existence in and of itself is suffering, and it takes work and effort to transcend that pain and suffering, and find positive meaning in life. It's only natural for us to crave control, a perfect world filled with our own desires and wants.

People will develop their own virtual reality worlds, and life simulations, regardless of TPTB. And with intuitive programming, asset generation, and decentralized or free software, it's likely they won't be in control of the simulations. Anyone could design and build their own perfect utopia. Personally, I wouldn't mind doing such a thing, so long as it isn't permanent.

It's possible to dilate or alter the sense of time in the brain. Have you ever had an adrenaline rush while crashing a bike, or falling, and seeing everything in slow motion? The brain's sense of changes to most efficiently analyze and construct data into what you consider existence, depending on how much there is to process.

We could create a virtual reality simulation where you could live a full life in a videogame, and fulfill every whim and desire within a matter of minutes or hours, or possibly even days, theoretically. But forever? Nobody knows how the human mind could cope with that, and it's likely not good.

Maybe you're just living in your mind.

Thank you for that. I take that many ways, lol. I think it may be true.

The simulation is real, but that doesn't make the potential pain any less probable or powerful.

Its a real dream.

The real is a simulation, they are one and the same.

I interpet this through eastern model. What I call the dream, this reality, is called shakti, energy manifesting in these forms. Shiva is used for the formless aspect of reality in which and out of which shakti manifests. Shiva and shakti are one and the same reality.

God Protect Trump? This should say all for itself.

Trump is in the same league as Hillary and Obama and is still manipulated by the deep state. He is not an opposition, he's just a false pretense to make people believe the NWO is dead.

Yep trump is controlled opposition I figured it out!

A better question that I swear is not sarcasm. Does it matter? Its long been stated in magical traditions that Perception is reality. What we experience is no less real as long as we experience it yeah? I'm curious about the brain in a vast theory as well, just want to know what folks think about experience being all that matters

That's true. Ultimately, it doesn't matter until we have irrevocable proof of something, and a method to leave. But otherwise, this is as real as can be. There's no foreseeable difference in how it affects things currently.

Everyone's reality is different but it doesn't mean it's necessarily better. It's all important

Brain In a Vat would essentially be the same thing. Although the stimuli your brain would receive in this scenario would be produced by electrical impulses rather than actual sensory information, you still would have no way of knowing that your brain is just simply floating in a vat. There would be no way of garnering the necessary perspective to realize that the reality you find your physical self in, is actually a false-reality created by a machine.

Is it false? The experiences one is... experiencing (yeah, sentence got away from me) is the valid reality right? Unless Lawrence Fishburn tells me otherwise.... :)

It's false only once you become aware that it's false...aka when Neo takes the redpill and gets unplugged. But yeah, it's real as far as you're concerned because you wouldn't have a Morpheus to wake you up.


If main stream science is saying one thing, I will most definitely be believing in the opposite.

I'm on board with the simulation idea as well. I believe "we" are consciousness expercing a dualistic realty through the perception of a intellectual human "body of suffering" and the 5 senses. The dulistic simulation is for consciousness to experience itself and for soul growth based on our actions or how we convert the energy we take in and put out into the world.Desire is the root of our suffering because our consiousness has no desires but the animal we brought life into does.

I don't think it's literally a simulation (in the computer program sense) but the universe effectually acts as a simulation due to the laws of physics that govern it. What made the laws that govern this simulation-like universe? Consciousness - on both the universal and an individual level. What is consciousness? It's an emergent property of the universe as the resulting phenomena of an information feedback/feedforward loop created by the interconnection of all things in the universe (be that via varying degrees of separation on a "physical" level, and instantaneously on a quantum level).
Seems odd at first, and also circular in logic, but bear in mind that our current models of physics only describe the universe after the big bang. They don't tell us what was going on before the expansion. So given this information we could propose that the universe and consciousness both came to manifest alongside one another, codependent of each other. And they've both existed since at least the big bang. We just don't know about before... unless the universe is indeed infinite in time and space and before the big bang what we know as "the observable universe" was just being squeezed/compressed while some universe outside of our observable part was expanding. Kinda like a balloon in that when you squeeze a part of it the rest expands.
But anyway I digress. My main point is that without the material universe you wouldn't have consciousness to come from and govern it, and without consciousness you wouldn't have a universe (at least not in the way we know it) to govern or exist through. The two require each other to exist. Without one or the other neither would be. And that's yin and yang, brah! Check out more on /r/holofractal!

Thanks for the reply!

No problem, thanks for reading! Consciousness and metaphysics has been a bit of a passion of mine for the last few years, so I love talking about this stuff.