Gates and Obama Share a Dark Secret

0  2017-08-07 by wildfireonvenus

In 2014 there was the western Africa Ebola hoax where US President Barack Obama, the first black man to be President, announced his “War on Ebola” in September last year, ordering 3,000 US military troops to the region, though reportedly none had experience in public health and no one had produced rigorous laboratory proof of a single person dying from something called Ebola virus.

Was Ebola simply a panic-maker? Further investigation uncovered the Pentagon was developing an Ebola vaccine with Monsanto and suspicion was that the 3,000 US troops were sent to force the population to become human guinea pigs for the untested substances.

Now Obama and his Administration, the US Government, have teamed up with “Mr Vaccinate All Africans” Bill Gates, a eugenics protégé and intimate of David Rockefeller. Obama and Gates share a dark secret. They are colluding to contaminate the incredibly rich and productive soils of Africa with GMO, GMO from a company where Gates is a major stockholder, Monsanto.

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, which pushes GMO crops as the wonder advance in biological science. If harvest failure, declining crop yields and mandatory use of highly toxic Roundup weed killer from Monsanto—which has been proven to kill cells in human embryos—can be called a biological wonder, we should perhaps see it through the eyes of eugenics advocates like Bill Gates and David Rockefeller who have dreamed of biochemical population reduction for decades.

...Susan E. Rice, who has blood of millions of Africans on her hands going back to her role in the US State Department as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and her responsibility for the Rwandan Genocide of more than one million Tutsis in 1994 under Bill Clinton."


In 2014 there was the western Africa Ebola hoax

People like you sicken me.. Do you have absolutely ZERO regard for the plights of people other than yourself? More than 10,000 people died in 2014 outbreak including more than 500 medical staff who were just there to help you have the fucking audacity to call it a hoax.

Are you really this stupid or just shit posting?

This is called calling you out with reasonable questions, not shit posting. Well, do you even know what GMO's are? How are they contaminating the soil in Africa compared to everywhere else in the world? Do you have any evidence that the Ebola Outbreak was a hoax?

I would say that Secret Service allowing Obama to hug the nurse that had ebola revealed it was a hoax.

Yup, incompetence is a conspiracy...

SS can't even pay their prostitutes properly. You have a valid point.

Well she was healthy at that point.

Contact would not transfer Ebola. You need blood or body fluid contact to transmit between humans.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

"Waiter, bring this gentleman a tall glass of Round Up to quench his thirst."

If anything, the case should be against Monsantos monopoly game of requiring their seeds use their products to work.

They don't. GM seeds will grow normally, even if any associated product isn't used.

Things like round-up resistant soybeans were designed to be specifically resistant to round up to increase the prevalence of Monsanto soybeans and round up. If you have some other effective method of preventing weeds from stopping the soybeans growth it'll work, but it's designed so that people with those soybeans will use roundup and people who use roundup will use Monsanto beans.

glyphosate is no longer patent protected so you can use any RoundUp clones you can find.

You can also use other herbicides or don't use them at all, removing weeds manually.

Regardless of the current status, it was designed to create a reliance on Monsanto products.

If you have some other effective method of preventing weeds from stopping the soybeans growth it'll work

And that's a problem?

Sure, but that's a totally different thing to saying that the seeds require their products to work, which is what the other guy said.

Fair. I was talking more about the intentions of Monsanto in creating it but you're definitely right that it's not really required.


This is r/conspiracy my guy

There's no way this isn't a troll. People like you can't actually exist...

Hey Russia/Troll, that article is an exact copy of this propaganda article...

Pro tip: You can change the language to Russian on that site.

Removed. Rule 10.

Hey Russia/Troll, that article is an exact copy of this propaganda article...

Pro tip: You can change the language to Russian on that site.

Did you use the link in the article I provided? You can also use Engdahl's own website. Which you probably weren't aware of??? Sorry the article doesn't represent the Obama or Gates you would like to believe they are. Better to know the truth then continue to be deceived by the propaganda the mainstream media has led you to believe they are.

F. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer.

He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics—the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography—have been translated into 14 foreign languages from Chinese to French, from German to Japanese.

Did you use the link in the article I provided?

Jesus fuck you're an idiot:

That article that you posted is an exact copy of this propaganda article...

Your pointing that out as if it's "unknown info" when the article I posted already provides the link. Not sure what point your trying to make by linking the same article?

Idk maybe

I want to hear more about how Susan Rice is responsible for the Rwandan Genocide.... I mean... how is that even physically or theoretically possible????? Im not baiting here..I really interested in hearing what mental gymnastics you need to perform to get to that conclusion..

declassified documents — which include more than 200 pages of internal memos and handwritten notes from Rice and other key White House players — provide a far more granular account of how the White House sought to limit U.N. action. They fill a major gap in the historical record, providing the most detailed chronicle to date of policy instructions and actions taken by White House staffers, particularly Clarke and Rice, who appear to have exercised greater influence over U.S. policy on Rwanda than the White House’s Africa hands.

Are you really this stupid or just shit posting?

"Waiter, bring this gentleman a tall glass of Round Up to quench his thirst."

If anything, the case should be against Monsantos monopoly game of requiring their seeds use their products to work.

They don't. GM seeds will grow normally, even if any associated product isn't used.


This is r/conspiracy my guy