No one else thinks it's strange that our sub has nearly 500,000 subscribers, yet posts barely break double digits?

2409  2017-08-08 by BurninEpix

Nothing weird about that right? Or that the bulk of replies to all the real conspiracies are AGAINST them being real? What a sad state r/conspiracy has come to. It will always hold a place in my heart for waking me up years ago...but I don't see how anybody could go from sleep to woke in its current state.


I just don't comment on post, or post in general. I like to read and see what other people think.

This isn't a good sub to just people watch to see how everyone thinks..

Now if you want to see how the deep state is derailing real investigation and discussion, well then keep watching.


perfect response

True shit. If there was ever a place to speak up, it's here.

When we continue to see more and more censorship as time passes, id say so.

We live in an age that is far more transparent than anything that's come before.

they won't have to censor if no-one is posting.

He spoke up on his view and was downvoted 45 points. Why would anyone want to contribute and have that result?

Maybe they shouldn't sound retarded, and they wont be downvoted

Nothing about what he said sounded retarded you guys are just a bunch of assholes

"Deep state derailing real investigation"... yeah. That's retarded.

Eglin airforce base has(had?) the most traffic on Reddit.
It has been confirmed and proven multiple times that the government hires people to steer conversation on social media.
Either you're completely ignorant, or you want to try to steer discussion away from that FACT.
I've tagged you.

Oh shit, he's tagged.



hes telling people how to use the sub? you dont see why people would bristle at that?

I'm of the opinion that if the threat of downvotes is a deterrent to the subscribers of this sub then the community at large has bigger problems than disproportionate participation.

I'll speak up when I feel compelled to do so. You're confusing this sub for /r/activism or some other political sub.

i definitely find that fascinating

a certain political agenda that attacks certain people is consistently voted to the top, but only votes for the post itself, the top comments usually contradict the point of the post.

a sure sign of manipulation, but im not quite sure why its so important to whatever party is doing this

If I had to guess, I'd say it was an extra-national force. Not directly associated with a political party, with an imperative to stir conflict. To get very speculative, I'd say it was directed and funded by the Kremlin via the GRU for the express goal of inciting internal American conflict. Time will tell.

Time has told. Read "the agency" by Adrian Chen, great article

Nope I was a creeper for like a year man.

My oh my, it seems like "genuine" users disagree...

Real users and real conspiracies.

Perfectly natural voting pattern. Conspiracists encouraging fellow conspiracist to stay quiet.

Or, a perfect example of what's happening here.

I think the way you got downvoted proved your point btw, and I get exactly what you are saying. This is not a free place to discuss hidden things we want to question. Most posts are just downvoted. Its all about an opinion and not about contributions to the conversation. That's not how voting is supposed too work. Not only did you contribute to the conversation, you even started one. And still butt hurt narrow minded people downvoted you because their opinion is different. The opposite of fostering conversion and discussion. Fucking echo chamber in here since last year. Its sad, but I don't bother with it much anymore. Its close to dead. That's my opinion aholes. You don't need to agree with it, but it did contribute to the conversation.

What if we are here for our own benefit and don't care about waking other people up?

I've fought that battle, people are ignorant and dumb and don't want to learn. Not my problem.

This. I'm only here because Reddit helps me poop and all of Reddit is like this, but at least here people bitch about it every once in a while.

Plus you come across some very interesting lines of thought sometimes. It can be informative in a way.

Still pooping?

People can't be woken up if they want to stay asleep.


It's funny because you guys have been sold a meme that takes ownership of the word "investigation" in your minds. Fascinating, and I can see how it works. It's the first story you think of when you hear the word, and if the very real and bigger investigation is brought up, it reminds you of the other that's dominantly associated with the word. Mind owned on that topic as long as the story is fed to a community with evolving details.


Lol.. This is the perfect place for this type of discussion and you're getting downvoted... I seriously think you're onto something now

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

No, I really don't need to speak out. I like to keep my own opinion to myself, because someone will get hurt and cry if I say something, unfortunately.

Hurt me bb, I'm ready

you're triggering me

No you were dropping a truth bomb so radical it shook my mind to its core, giving me a glimpse into the abyss and making me beg for the ignorance that once kept my consciousness safe, not me upset you.

I'm gonna cry 😭

Have a shoulder, or a snickers. But not both.

I already got both so no point in offering.

Just a friendly Canadian, sorry for offering.

Get your Shoulkers! Get your fresh Shoulkers here! Shoulkers! Get your Shoulkers

The red pill is permanent sorry. To plug you back into the matrix you would be too powerful and free others from their prison, having witnessed the truth of the abyss.

I am done lol.

O shit, this is my kink

and what the hell your account is almost a year old and you have no karma? you have no room to speak mister!!

That's probably why he doesn't like to post right there.

Something to consider is that by arguing with people/shills you are giving them feedback. Helping them fine-tune their 'arguments'...

If their argument is bullshit then you eventually push them into a corner where their beliefs become absurd

Or they realize that you will do such a thing if a discussion was to take place, so they slide the discussion with ad hominems and jokes...

it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion. summed up

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

you like to let the shills post and change your opinion? when upvotes are being sold how is this any different from CNN? you need to discuss to help filter out the fakes and bullshit. if no-one posts, discusses and argues then it literally is just a news outlet spoon feeding you an opinion.

Rule 33: Lurk moar.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I see what you did there

( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) I don't see it

Rule 33: Lurk moar.

And also the next rule, rule 34.


33, it's the magic number.

ITM, and thank you for your courage!

On August 21, the total solar eclipse enters the U.S. in the 33rd state, Oregon, and exits the U.S. at the 33rd parallel, and it's been 99 years (3x33) since the last total eclipse traversed the U.S. I'm telling you, the sun is a member of the freemasons.


This, and I think the vast majority of shit posted here is just that. It wouldn't be very productive of me to just constantly post how insane such-and-such is, so I don't post. But I also want to stay informed from a diverse set of sources to avoid echo chambering myself and every so often a reasonable topic comes along here, so I'm subscribed to keep some of the bigger topics showing up on my front page.

Yeah, the content on this sub has been pretty shit recently, but I stay subbed just in case something interesting comes up. Also, yeah it helps to stay informed on what others are thinking.

also, i would estimate that 100,000 of the subscribers are banned accounts and another 10,000+ have just straight up left because of what you described

I'm in a similar boat. Once in a great while I'll see something interesting that makes me put some serious thought into a topic. That's why I'm here. However, I have to shift through months of absolute nonsense to find these rare pieces. Nothing against the people who are into conspiracy theories on every front, but that's not me.

try r/C_S_T

try r/C_S_T

Came here to say no comments because stupid shit content.

Been subbed for several years. Rarely comment, vote, or participate in any way. Mostly because I've grown up, educated myself more, and find very few new/interesting things here - and because this place has gone downhill in a big way. It's overrun by idiots and the Trump love has pushed me even further away. Downvotes may now commence.

damn I wanna upvote this a million times

What a dick.

A massive one at that.

Boo at people downvoting this.

Idiots and Trump love, you got that right. Why am I even here?

Please leave, it's users like you that are a detriment to this sub. I've been here for 8 years. The only thing alarming I see is comments like yours being upvoted with more votes than a typical /r/conspiracy post, and the addition of several questionable mods. Other than that, the sky is not falling, /r/conspiracy is not dying, everything is pretty normal.

"I've grown up".

As if to allege we haven't. You're a fake, and your upvotes were purchased on Reddit Boost.

I can do the same thing. I could have this very comment upvoted for practically nothing. I know this sub well enough to know it's real users would do nothing but downvote you.

who the fuck do you think you are

Peanut butter cookies. Bitch.

Removed. Rule 10.

Several other mods passed up on banning that post, as saying it violates rule 10 is a incredible stretch of the English language.

You're one of those "questionable mods" I spoke about in the very post you banned. Interesting.

Please don't leave. I've been here for 9 years, so my opinion carries more weight than that idiot below me.

As you already know, I didn't allude to being a senior member of this community for the purpose of saying who should leave, but to assure our members that all is well. Conspiracy is no different today than it was when I got here in 2009. Trump supporters are the minority- they just make more noise than everyone else.

People who attempt to convince the community that /r/conspiracy is failing have always been here. Such individuals should be seen as nothing more than red herring, as we have plenty.

I've debated you in the past. You're opinions are usually in-line with anti-conspiracy skepticism. You're one of those weird members who like to claim you're here for "entertainment". I certainly don't go into communities I'm not welcomed in attempting to change/influence group consensus.


Yeah I think also people here are skeptical


It's good to be skeptical.

Also I'm not apart of "what it used to be" so I prefer to keep quiet.

This is great, the top comment is suggesting that not commenting is a way to participate. Who would upvote this? If you don't comment, why now?

I did not suggest to be quiet, I said I read what other people think. And I have been for 3 years.

I too mostly lurk.

Me too, I love conspiracies n stuff. Mostly ones that have to do with ancient history. Stuff like the pyramids being much older then we think. Anyway, I would probably post here but I see alot of people treated pretty badly if they disagree. Just because I don't agree with some things, doesn't make me a agent of the government or something. lol

I think alot of people find it strange, but it's a conspiracy in itself really.

Of course it's manipulated. The user count is fake too. There's more than 500k subscribers.

How do you know?

Many posts on here have discussed this in lots of depth. In short, there's marketing data reddit and other 3rd parties provide which has far more interesting numbers than the stats on this subreddit front page.

Hasn't that been proven to be false? Like with /r/The_Donald saying that have a few million subscribers from that marketing data but can never break a thousand signatures on polls or can't shut reddit down a few months ago.

Who got elected again?

Reddit played a huge role in that election which is why there are so many shills here.

Of course shills are losing so badly they may as well be on our team because they can't even outsmart teenagers trolling.

Can't wait for the next shills leader to turn up dead because the failed yet again. Shills are pathetic.

Disconnected from reality, you are

But Trump won the election. That means all criticisms of Trump or his fanbase on reddit are invalid. The millions of subscribers on the_donald exist. Their petitions that fill to get more than a few thousand votes are alternative facts. The truth is optional. Thinking is undesired.

I can't even follow the logic, probably because there is none. Reddit playing a large part in trump winning is laughable, clearly an attempt at attaching ones self to a larger movement in an attempt to feel significant.

At least we agree on how useless shills are. If I was paying I would probably kill myself too.

You really need to take a break from the Internet.

I'm just glad we're winning this battle and I can sleep soundly at night.

Shills must be working tirelessly, losing battles constantly, having little cries and angry fits all day. And all this knowing all their effort is wasted on what is their inevitable defeat. They probably cry themselves to sleep at night.

Thanks but that's alright. I sleep soundly at night.

The shills probably cry themselves to sleep after having fits of anger from losing too many online keyboard battles.

You're too new here to understand.

Nah I think it's just a reach to say that Reddit is a major battleground in the arena of American politics in the grand scheme of things. Also, Donald winning doesn't validate any of the other claims you're making on its own.

I'm open minded so if you can provide me with any relevant information that you feel is compelling enough to change my mind I would appreciate it.

I got banned from the Donald over a year ago. I'm just asking a question for more clarification.

I'm not trying to defend or back up anything to do with that subreddit.

I don't recall anything proving it to be false. If you manage to find something I'm sure there are many who'd like to see it.

There's more than 500k subscribers.

They got caught cooking the subscriber numbers in The_Donald, too. They wanted to make it look like Trump was a fringe viewpoint, to create silos: The_Donald for Trump supporters, and the rest of reddit for Trump-bashing.

This is how you get people to hate each other and develop a bunker mentality, instead of open discussion which will help the people unite against the elites.

Ok, I'll bite, since I'm admittedly more ignorant than I'd like to be on the topic.

What policy decisions or legislation has Donald Trump implemented thus far? All of my knowledge is about his executive orders, which operate beyond the scope of the normal branches of government.

Executive orders are a concrete thing you can criticize. But go out into the rest of reddit and see how rare it is for criticisms of him to be based on things he's done, or facts.

Stupid shit to criticize Trump for:

  1. Racist, sexist, etc.
  2. Russian hacking

Good stuff to criticize Trump for:

  1. Firing Mike Flynn because he wanted to go after pedophiles and their protectors, like Mike Pence

  2. Appointing a pedophile protector to a cabinet position

  3. Not ordering troops into the CIA on day 1, which is what any decent human being would do.

  1. The CIA is a cover organization for pedophiles.

  2. So is the League of Women Voters. Big time Pedo.

  3. AARP. They use those Worthers Originals to lure children.

  4. Bert and Ernie. Purposely normalizing puppet pedo.

  5. Ford AND General Motors. The sell the vans pedos use.

  6. Mars Corp. Billion dollar confectioner. If I have to draw the line between pedos and candy, you are just willfully blind.

Even if Russia didn't do anything to help get Trump elected, you can still criticize Trump for being Putin's little bitch boy and sucking his dick every time he comes up in a speech or interview.

They got caught cooking the subscriber numbers in The_Donald, too.

Muh 6 gorillion subscribers

There rarely seem to be more than a couple thousand active users on at any time, and even fewer that comment or post. There is actually a fairly small group of users that make up the majority of comments and posts here. If you start tagging users with RES, you'll see how few people make up the majority of the content around here.

This is true! Sad but true. I love this sub, it's actually the main sub I look at on Reddit. But I don't make a lot of my own posts, an I only comment occasionally when I feel I can add to the discussion or have a funny comment. I don't like to argue so if I think a comment will start a fight I just don't post it.

While I can appreciate you don't like to argue, I do think it's good to speak up. Many think this sub has been taken over - depending on who you ask it's either gone to the far right or far left. When I'm reading through a thread, I like to see who comments because it helps give me perspective. You don't have to argue, sometimes just commenting alone is enough.

That said, I totally respect whatever reasons YOU may be here, that is just my singular perspective.

Well said.

A conversation with multiple contributors will likely have a much wider, and diverse range of comments, than a conversation with relatively few people speaking up.

I must admit, I often delete drafts because I am not 100% behind the post. It's hard to overcome this self-censorship, even knowing the value of contributions.

I do the same thing. (Lol I almost deleted this in fact before realizing how absurd it would be)

YAY! You committed and submitted! And made the guy before you feel like he wasn't alone in his experience.

And after all, isn't that what so much of Reddit is about?

Even if you aren't 100% behind your statement, it's a good place to hash out your thoughts. If someone pushes back, you can just "meh, I don't really care all that much" out of it. Or, you debate it out and realize 1.) the flaw in your thinking; or 2.) that in fact you really are 100%.

I don't post much (never really) but if I did, I'd want all kinds of feedback. Especially this sub which always runs a risk of being an echo chamber.

Same. I've been here go ~6ish years - check it everyday and try to stand up for the like minded when I see others bashing on conspiracy. I love this sub

I don't like to argue so if I think a comment will start a fight I just don't post it.

Such comments especially should be posted .. and let the 'comment chain' carry it on -- You don't have to reply

It's like starting a thread, sometimes it's far better to 'get the Idea out there in cyberspace as it might be unique and needs to be considered aqqnd discussed by, everyone but the OP!

I agree with this, argument or not, if you have something factual to say or something that pertains to the conversation then post it. Even if you don't respond if the topic is interesting enough it can spawn a whole host of conversation out of it. People are gonna argue/disagree with almost anything you say, as long as you're intentions are good and you aren't "shit posting" then comment away. I'll put any dumb idea I have into the comments may to see where others stand on it, if people don't like it I try to do more research and see if they have legitimate reasons for it and if it's just personal attacks then I try not to let my ego get the best of me lol

Right on!! People being made to feel like that is EXACTLY what they want!! know it is odd that old van's parked nearby every night. looks over shoulder looks skyward Might time to start a canary system on this sub

I'd post in this sub if the content was any good, but 90% of what is posted here is absolute shit.

Just look at the top 5 stories.

"Steve Bannon Wants Facebook and Google Regulated Like Utilities" - Quality content. That's why it has 400 comments and 1600 upvotes.

"CIA psychologists that designed torture program to face trial" - How is this a conspiracy?

"Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi lived in the same exclusive GATED neighborhood, full of multimillion dollar homes, this guy just bought the street, love it" - No idea who these people are. Not really a conspiracy.

"Wall Street Fines Down 66% Under Trump's Goldman Sachs-Filled Administration: "You do have to wonder when working-class Trump supporters will start to notice such things." " - Acceptable article, but really poor for a conspiracy subreddit. It just states some facts without telling us why we should care about this, or how does this affect us or anything of substance at all.

"Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame): ‘On the Altar of Zionism, They (The Congress of the United States of America) Want to Tear Up the Constitution (of The United States of America)’ through the Israel Anti-Boycott Act law, punishing Americans with million dollar fines and 20 year jail terms." - Why are we listening to what a washed musician has to say about Israel? I have to give props to the fact that the article is way better than the title makes it seem.

In order for discussion to be stimulated we would need stricter moderation, but stricter moderation is against the principles of this sub for good reason.

The problem with this subreddit is not so much the content, but the sheer lack of critical thought from its users. It's like people here would rather read absolute crap than read something that actually challenges their preconceptions on a give topic.

Exactly, and it manifests in how comments that go against the narrative get downvoted. The OP here talks about "real conspiracies that people try to debunk" but doesn't realize that this is exactly the kind of discussion we need.

This isn't a "listen and believe" subreddit. It's a discussion. When someone criticizes your ideas, it should make you proud, and make you think. If you come up against an argument you can't refute, be an adult and analyze your own argument. Maybe you got something wrong, or maybe you just missed a key element to the story.

Instead, we see things like pizzagate gaining traction, and an echo chamber forming because all the detractors are essentially bullied into not participating in the discussion. Then when it becomes mainstream, the entire community is vilified by people who don't even want to engage, but just want to use us as a scapegoat to try and increase censorship.

No offense, but you don't know who Dianne Feinstein or Nancy Pelosi are?

I'm from Europe. I've heard of Pelosi before, but forgot what she is about and it's the first time I've seen the other name.

low level state politicians, not important

I've read a lot about more and more fuckery going on in this sub as well as other conspiracy related subs as of late-since the election basically. Anyone see the post last week by a former regular user who said this sub was infiltrated and how they were starting another sub?...who then went on to make another sub because evidently that one faces a similar fate.

You have a link to that thread by any chance?

I want to know to

No, I don't unfortunately. It was within the past week I know that fersure.

I wish fersure was a real word so bad.


I wish fersure was a real word so bad.

I wish fersure was a real word so bad.

That's usually a tactic to divide people.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's all it was. It's crazy, there's so much disinfo being spread and allegations being swung left and right, it's really hard to know what's going on forreal.


There's probably a huge amount of inactive accounts still subscribed

This sub has been around for like 8 years... so I'd guess like 85% of those "subscribers" are dead account that are never gonna post/upvote.

No kidding. Ever looked at the mod list to see how long the mods have stuck around?

There's only one left that was here for the pre-2012 drama.

pre-2012 drama.

What drama?

Just the general frenzy of conspiracy stories, prophecies, disaster preppers, fear farming, and the rise of clickbait style stories combined with one giant ticking clock.

It burned out a lot of people from all over, not just on reddit.

Back before this place became PG/anti-whichever Presidential candidate the bots pushed for more that day. Good old times, made for fun reading at least unlike now

You've been here a month and never posted anything. Why don't you get off your ass and make things better?

Attitudes like this make no one ever want to post here

Hmm, I wonder if the folks at the CIA know this...

I've been here 6 years and haven't posted anything. Like I said, I enjoy reading stuff but don't believe about 99.5% of it.

Ever considered that could have something to do with the quality of articles these days?

Everything's a remix lately.

we could all put on bird masks if you'd like

...I though we were all doing that already?

Quality bird masks for sale.

I remember the good old times when conspiracy wasn't littered with daily us politics topics which could hardly even pass as a conspiracy.

Same year the nut jobs on here targeted innocent people and doxxed them because they were sure they'd solved the Boston bombing?

  • the official selling out of reddit.

God damn Mayans ruining /r/conspiracy

Flare up, same as every time conspiracy theories become mainstream. 2012 had the Mayan prophecy shit and FEMA camps.

Shouldn't there be another flare up right now then? The Trump/Russia conspiracy theory couldn't get more mainstream, although they seem to be backing off it a little bit now since they don't want to be seen as the new "birthers" when it crumbles.

Yeah man this shit sucks right now, you havent noticed? Normies talking about flat earthers, Alex Jones is a household name, this sub becomming a battleground for shills and larpers, we're definitely flaring.

The Trump/Russia conspiracy theory couldn't get more mainstream

I think you have answered your own question.

No, I don't think I did. Where is the flare up? The whole point of this post is that there is very little activity at the moment, despite having a very mainstream conspiracy theory to discuss, like there was 2012 Mayans / FEMA camps back then.

its being suppressed. people claiming to be "real" conspiracy theorists say its a "fake" conspiracy consisting of "unverified allegations", unlike pizza gate, dnc assassins, and obamas 3rd term/sandy hook crisis actors, etc

Who is suppressing it? The mods here? Users of the sub?

I just don't see that. Anything anti-Trump gets voted up. When there is news on the Russia conspiracy theory, it is popular on this sub. There just isn't much news about it right now. It's fizzling out, not flaring up.

dont forget the coffins as well.

oh man i wasnt here

this sub must have LOVED obama being in charge. their fears and imaginations could run wild

now that trumps in office theyre still scared of obama/soros/clinton

Nothing happened. Nothing at all. Forget you ever heard anything. Sleep.

I noticed /u/IlluminatedWax has awakened from his slumber... he was pushing 3 or 4 years inactive last thing I knew. When all those mods quite around election they were harping on the danger of IlluminatedWax becoming reanimated.

I remember this. People kept saying how the reanimation was more of a Necro reanimation than a 2nd coming of Jesus reanimation. Mainly because people were scared it meant this sub being closed down and "taken over". How I remembered it at least

No kidding. Ever looked at the mod list to see how long the mods have stuck around?

They are rotated every few years. Removed and added again. Same thing goes on at T_D.

How can you view that?

You would have to run the mod link though or waybackmachine to see who was changed and added again over the years.

On T_D one of the mods even made a thread about them rotating but cant remember the reasoning behind it tho. It might have had something to do with them just taking a break or something.

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I'd guess half of them are shills and vote bots.

Shills and vote bots have absolutely zero reason to subscribe though.

I create new account every so often and never unsubscribe ao I'm probably responsible for at least 10 subs.

That and some probably don't want to upvote things because they fear they will be targeted etc. The people's fear of their own government is palpable. It's very sad, but can you really blame them?

I have hope that this will get better, and that is not just blind hope. Keep taking and be gracious in those conversations. Be willing to listen more and wait so that that your words will not fall on deaf ears. Help others, too, in your daily life so that your words will not be maligned. Not only is that the road to progress, but you will live a more fulfilling life that way.

May God bless this country through the hearts and deeds of the people.

lol highly doubt many think like that

Probably plenty of banned users. That rule list looks like ban central to me.

Can confirm, change profile every year or so.

Careful about saying that out loud. There are certain mods who will use that admission as a reason to ban you if you say something they don't like.

It doesn't help that there is a huge ongoing government conspiracy and this sub is pretending it isn't happening.

Trumptards ended the little credibility this sub had. I only stay subbed for the same reason I go to the zoo.

Great argument I r8 8/8 please elaborate next time thx

You edgelords are so adorable.

So asking for elaboration and using sarcasm is edgy now? Still waiting for that elaboration of the mega conspiracy that is the current government and that this sub is ignoring

I see people like you complaining that "Trumptards" have taken over this sub. It's just not the case. Look at the comments in any post... anything vaguely pro-Trump is voted down, and anything anti-Trump is voted up.

Your comment is a good example of this. Where is the army of "Trumptards" sending your comment in to the negative?

It has nothing to do with the substance of the comments either. Someone could roll their face across their keyboard and then type "Trump bad" at the end... it will get more upvotes.

anything vaguely pro-Trump is voted down, and anything anti-Trump is voted up.

You must be looking at a different sub then. People post nonstop about Russian hacking being BS, how Seth Rich is a leaker, and that Trump is taking out the "Deep State." So much so that people started calling this place a T_D 2.0 circle jerk.

Even if that was true, this is /r/conspiracy... is it that crazy that anti-POTUS comments get upvoted in a conspiracy sub?

I'm down to -6 on that comment now. The one I was replying to is at +41. Your comment will be voted up. I'm looking at the same sub. If this were "T_D 2.0", don't you think the numbers would be reversed? Let's be realistic here. Where is this army of "Trumptards" to keep my comment out of the negatives and stop the other comment from being +41? Just looking at the numbers here, and it doesn't add up.

I never go to T_D sub, probably for the same reason others dislike it: their mission seems to be to create a "safe space", and I don't like that. I want to hear from people with different opinions. That's why I almost never vote up/down any comments or posts. I don't want to hide anyone's opinions. A lot of people do want to hide them though, and they're here on this sub too.

Seth Rich being a leaker is a great conspiracy theory, same with the "Deep State". It has all of the ingredients you need. Whether it's true or not... we may never know, but it's a great story nonetheless. Completely worthy of being discussed in a conspiracy section.

I'm down to -6 on that comment now. The one I was replying to is at +41. Your comment will be voted up. I'm looking at the same sub. If this were "T_D 2.0", don't you think the numbers would be reversed? Let's be realistic here. Where is this army of "Trumptards" to keep my comment out of the negatives and stop the other comment from being +41? Just looking at the numbers here, and it doesn't add up.

Because they don't go around negging every anti-Trump comment or upvoting every pro-Trump one. People have also caught onto the antics and are pretty damn tired of it so the opposing voice is getting louder now. Try making a post(not comment) critical of Trump/Putin/Russia, something obviously legit, and watch it get negged into oblivion while a bunch of users deny the obvious reality of your post.

Seth Rich being a leaker is a great conspiracy theory, same with the "Deep State". It has all of the ingredients you need. Whether it's true or not... we may never know, but it's a great story nonetheless. Completely worthy of being discussed in a conspiracy section.

While I personally think the whole Seth Rich thing is complete bullshit I agree people should be able to discuss it here and entertain the conspiracy. What I don't agree with is the lack of balance of topics which is done intentionally. This sub consistently ignores and downplays whats potentially the biggest conspiracy in American history while the same handful of topics get repeatedly astroturfed ad naseum even though a large portion of subscribers think the topics are propaganda. Its ridiculous

Try making a post(not comment) critical of Trump/Putin/Russia, something obviously legit, and watch it get negged into oblivion while a bunch of users deny the obvious reality of your post.

Try? I see it every day.

1.7k upvotes. Not much else comes close to those numbers.

Scrolling down to the next most popular with around 500 upvotes - still more than usual:

Even further down, we get to our first somewhat popular "pro-right-wing" post with just over 400 upvotes:

On to the 2nd page of the sub, some more posts about the same YouTube/Google thing, with around 400 upvotes.

Under that, a post about AG Loretta Lynch with 30 upvotes and 3 comments.

3rd page - nothing breaks 200 upvotes.

4th page - a post about an old Wikileaks email, under 300 upvotes.

Where are all of the "negged" anti-Trump posts, and where is the opposite? The numbers, both in posts and comments, just don't agree with this assertion that the sub has been overrun by "Trumptards".

Dont try to reason with them..

They downvote any comment that is not theirs. You see how the comment sections are like in /r/politics? They want that here.

No discussion, just their narrative

They downvote any comment that is not theirs.....No discussion, just their narrative

The irony lol, projecting pretty hard there fam

Just ignore my reply to you with all of the links and numbers then, after you basically asked me for it. Those pesky numbers always get in the way of a good story. It's so inconvenient to those trying to create this illusion of a "Trumptard" army invading a once-peaceful sub...

You can also just look at the front page of conspiracy right now... or anytime and know you are full of shit and the person you were replying too is right. You TD morons shitted this sub up so hard its not even the same and everyone can see it with their own eyes but you try to convince people their own eyes are wrong.. hehehe. Doesn't work that way dingleberry.

You're wrong though, and I'm not from T_D. Anyone can look at the front page of this sub, like I did. I broke it down with numbers and links. You're just denying facts right now.

You don't see them because they rarely make it out of 'new' meanwhile the front page is routinely covered in >50% SR, PG, HRC and the DNC posts. Gaslight someone else I'm not an idiot.

Again, the numbers disagree with you. The top posts are routinely anti-Trump. They don't simply "make it out of new"... they burst out and shoot to the top, with numbers that almost no other type of post will get you on this sub.

The comments within them are full of highly rated anti-Trump talk. Anything vaguely pro-Trump goes negative. I'm not interested in your trendy buzzwords that you just learned from "The Resistance" either... "gaslight"... LOL.

but at least you are marked controversial! (i upvote you for discussion, not necessarily agreement)

trumptards /= trumpbots

there are fewer of the former and the vote totals reflect that. the latter are just not currently activated, which overwhelm the silent/lurking majority on certain occasions.

I'm marked controversial? What does that mean?

trumptards /= trumpbots

Are there similar terms for people who do the opposite? What do you call someone who votes down anything vaguely pro-Trump? A CNN producer? :-)

But seriously... this place is just Twitter now. People here may like to think they're more "woke" and "in the know", but it's just Twitter. If you want to get likes/retweets/follows just talk shit about Trump all day. This sub isn't much different from what I've seen.

Shot themselves in the foot with that logic. If the sub was taken over, their comment would not be at 50+ points. It suggests the opposite: their side has "taken over" if anything.

Not really. This post hit r/all, where the vast majority dislike Trump. The general crowd that hangs out here would burry that shit.

But really, it all goes in waves. Some days the place is T_D 2.0, others it's a lot more general Reddit crowd.

We see this in /r/WayOfTheBern all the time.

Pretty much this. The Trumptards have lost a fair amount of the foothold they had here, but I've definitely been soured on this place.

Pretty much because people like you choose to call people 'Trumptards' who dare to have a different opinion than you.

Not going to get into an argument with you. Anyone who thinks he's anything but a sack of shit cannot be reasoned with.

Exhibit A

I think you're a sack of shit. Reason with that now.

I appreciate your edit.

The fact that you were still upvoted while the people who reacted negatively were downvoted to oblivion should tell you that this sub is not the pro trump sub they like to complain about it being.

It's all a bunch of lies and hand wringing by people who are pushing an agenda. I hope you can see this.

That's hilarious when every post is anti Trump and I left because of that.

Yet still, the sub is nonstop flooded daily with "zomg this sub is so Trump amirite". It's dumb on both sides.

Yeah, wrong. Anyone who thinks 'right' and 'left' aren't both trying to sell you authoritarianism, hasn't been paying attention.

Also, the mods are ban happy and will gladly ban opinions that aren't commonly held here.

LOL are you sure your posting that in the right sub? Shit runs wild here..

like 85% of those "subscribers" are dead

Careful what you imply here in r/conspiracy

I didn't imply it... you inferred it... but perhaps a couple folks did assume that I meant those users had been murdered by NWO hitman.


Thank you for linking that, I think it's the single most interesting post and thread I've ever read. It should be required reading for ever redditor.

Not really. There is a lot of thought put into it, but at the end of the day that entire writeup is orchestrated to appeal to a very segmented group of thinkers. And don't forget it's all pretty much an opinion piece on what he thinks of reddit features and updates.

Like it or hate it, the death of reddit for him is the life of reddit for millions of others.


Good stuff. Thanks!

From your link:

It looks like you got caught up in a vote brigade, but upon further investigation it looks like you were not part of it. Thanks for writing in so promptly. I've unbanned your account.

I have no idea what "vote brigade" I would have been a part of and you don't have to believe me but I have never been a part of anything that even vaguely resembles a "vote brigade".

I had a similar experience and posted about it here:

Reddit is Broken

tl;dr: I was given a three day suspension for "vote manipulation" because I downvoted an obvious shill/sock-puppet three times in one day, 23 times total over the course of 7 months, while they linked and tagged to our sub and users more than 1,000 times in that same period.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

We welcome crossposts and participation.

Many find the sub interesting, but not a fan of the recent nutbag pro-trump bent.

I want more X-Files, less pizza-gate. I stay subscribed for the random gems.

No comment on pizzagate, but elite pedophilia in general is one of the most important conspiracies out there. It's how the people behind the government control the elected officials.

While I mostly agree (in that some elites have covered up cases, including some elected officials), Pizzagate and Pedogate seem to be targeting people of a specific party and people that could conceivably be "allied" with them.

I'd be able to take this sub more seriously if a majority of the posts weren't s obviously politically motivated.

Well as long as the circumstancial evidence points that way I do not see why we should close our eyes and say "I will pretend this doesn't exist because it points somewhere I don't like"

You are welcome to post a pedo conspiracy of the other side of course

I have nothing of real value to add, but I'd like to put my opinion out there that I agree with both you and /u/EagleOfAmerica on this.

What circumstantial evidence?

Pizzagate and Pedogate seem to be targeting people of a specific party and people that could conceivably be "allied" with them.

I blame the media for spinning it as a bipartisan conspiracy and the loads of helpful idiots who helped paint it that way.

Anyone who has taken a serious, unbiased look at pizzagate should be able to realize both the left and the right are potentially involved (that is assuming it's actually true to some extent).

Hey, sceptical lurker here. While I think that Pizzagate itself is bollocks there are cover-ups of paedophilia by elites and high ranking politicians. It annoys me that this shitshow de-legitimises a serious issue.

As someone from the UK the shit some of our House of Lords (especially) and House of Commons MP's have been up too is disgusting. The most galling thing about it is that it's mostly just a well know secret at this point.

exactly our current PM is one of the people who's purposely lost a dossier including information on paedophilia within the establishment and it's absolutely clear that the Jimmy Savel was suspiciously-connected to certain members of the royals, including those who were also implicated with Epstein underage sex slave case such as Prince Andrew, then there's the Jersey Children's home [again linked to the royals] and the north wales care home cover-up and, and, and, and....

yet very little of this ever gets real attention even here because everyone is too busy talking about absurd fantasy conspiracies involving secret-codes on pizza shop signs and insane shitposts on anonymous message boards from people claiming to be 'insiders' without giving the slightest bit of credence to their story.

Pizzagate if it's anything sinister is a purposeful distraction from actual conspiracies.

Yep, and if we want more proof of how the real elite pedophilia issue captures both sides...

Bill Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein's "Lolita Island", sometimes without Secret Service protection.

Of course Trump's hands are dirty, too:

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


Epstein’s phone directory from his computer contains 14 phone numbers for Donald Trump, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump’s security guard and houseman,” the affidavit reportedly claims.

It keeps going:

Now, Trump is on the witness list in a Florida court battle over how federal prosecutors handled allegations that Epstein, 64, sexually abused more than 40 minor girls, most of them between the ages of 13 and 17. The lawsuit questions why Trump’s nominee for labor secretary, former Miami U.S. attorney Alexander Acosta, whose Senate confirmation hearing began Wednesday morning, cut a non-prosecution deal with Epstein a decade ago rather than pursuing a federal indictment that Acosta’s staff had advocated.

That's right: the prosecutor that refused to charge Epstein for raping little girls was appointed to Secretary of Labor, by none other than Trump.

The same Trump that was accused of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994, along with Epstein.

Meanwhile, some people here want to push "pizzagate" because they really want to protect the children.

Anyone who has taken a serious, unbiased look at pizzagate should be able to realize both the left and the right are potentially involved (that is assuming it's actually true to some extent).

Come on man you know that's not true at all. The name even is a reference to a ridiculous interpretation to one parties leaked emails. There's nothing bipartisan about it and it got even worse when fucking Fox News started eating this shit up and reporting about it on Hannity and fox and friends. Give me a break

And because the information came from one party that means that it only involves that party, or is specifically out to get that party?

If Bernie Sanders personally saved me from a fiery car crash, all while delivering my wife's baby I would still condemn him if he was doing pedophile shit. As would I for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Kanye West, or Stephen Hawking.

Yes, some people on the right latched on to it as a means to attack Hillary and co. But to discount the entire thing because a few bad eggs are focusing on one aspect of it is just illogical (and that's not to say you can't discount pizzagate, but I believe that reason for doing so is a weak one).

Yes, some people on the right latched on to it as a means to attack Hillary and co. But to discount the entire thing because a few bad eggs are focusing on one aspect of it is just illogical

I respect your viewpoint, but this is ridiculously absurd. PIZZAGATE IS TODAYS VERSION OF ARKANCIDE. They exist for ONE REASON and that is to make people think the Clintons murder dissonents. It is an incredibly potent form of misinformation. I'm not going to say that somewhere somehow things uncovered through pizzagate or similar inquiries couldn't possibly be true, because of course they could be. But to say that Pizzagate wasn't originally conceived as an attack on Hillary/Bill/Podesta/Obama/the DNC is incredibly false and complete revisionist history.

We get it. People hate Trump. No excuse for horse blinders. It was the dnc's emails that got hacked. I can't speak for everyone but I think the circumstances surrounding the situation have left the impression on many people that the motives behind pizzagate are political. I do think I speak for the majority of rational users here that 1. Both parties and all politicians are complete bullshit and 2. We want truth and justice. It's hypocritical to turn a blind eye on an important subject in the interest of protecting your "own" party.

Forget the specific party debate, there is no such thing as a party. Did you know that a total of 737 people control 80% of our world? Political parties are a cute way to divide us even further.


thank you for the source!

just to clarify though, the article says "737 firms" (read: corporate entities), not 737 people. 737 firms could encompass hundreds of thousands of people or more. The article does not specify the terms of inclusion for a firm. Taking Barclays PLC as an example, if they include general employees and stock holders in a firm, Barclays alone could potentially represent a million or more people (total employees=129,400; avg stock trade volume=2.6mil)

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 99075

Thanks for clarifying and I edited my statement to say firms. I also noted that the statistic is just as powerful.

Yeah, it isn't lobbiest jobs post office or for friends/family and campaign donations. I would think information of on the homosexual activity would be more useful anyway.

They control them by giving them money.

While pedophilia in general is a very bad thing, the thoughtless murder of millions of brown people, children included, around the globe in the name of your dirty ass tax dollars, directly or indirectly, seems to be a pretty big deal too that affects FAR more people. Seems like that could get a little attention from time to time.

I see your point but I like all conspiracies. All of them. I can multitask and like seeing a mix of way out /absolutely plausible crookedness.

What's pro-Trump?

Every article about Trump is discussed thoroughly.

Yet every article about Hillary/Obama/Sanders/CNN/The left is deflected, and the top comments are always either bashing OP, bashing this sub, diverting to Trump/T_D or otherwise trying to derail the concersation.

Are you joking? I really can't tell.

It's echoed, there is no meaningful conversation.

It also a distraction from real stuff, de-legitimises them. See shone of the other comments to my post, I think a few of them nailed it (way better then i could)

It's not that they are deflected, they are often just lazy or easily verifiably not true.

Thanks for showing me /r/actualconspiracies. Maybe we should all migrate there?

The jig is up, I realized that when I found this sub a few months ago. Something fucky is afoot.

I've always thought this sub has a lot of "watchers," but slim content providers.

474,000 are lurking? I usually only see about 2,000 or less online.

Also, there are so many clones of this subreddit.

This sub was somewhere around 200k subscribers a few months ago. Reddit has changed and is 100% a narrative shaper no matter the community you are subbed to.

Too much open discussion, not good for TPTB.

That's only the gist of it. What's really bad for TPTB is contrarian opinion being put in front of the eyes of the youth. Gotta keep places like reddit safe for public consumption...

Did anyone ever look into how reddit made it through there latest round of funding?

No, certain subs started using this as a partisan political propaganda platform and that brought in their rivals.

The regime decided it was time for Reddit to become one of the top sites on the internet (pushed through Google searches), so they had to whitewash it. The place has completely changed in the last year, unlike anything in its history (even back to the massive growth when it replaced digg).

I liked digg. Then the scandal hit, and they changed it into what it is now. Threw away a billion bucks.

This sub is very old.. One of the oldest. Plenty of subscribers are non-existent users who now use a different account or don't visit anymore. It's definitely not a true representation of how many subscribers who actively visit the sub actually exist.

Like 9 of those accounts over the last 8 years are mine. I had a couplen shadowbanned, mods banned one, and the others I just like to rotate to avoid giving too much info. I don't like commenting because I'm here mostly for the really "out there" stuff:Antarctica, UFOs, ancients civs, etc. I don't believe most of any of it, but I think the ideas behind them are fascinating and it usually gives me a decent read

I was never a Treky or Star Wars fan so, the stuff you pointed out are like my version of sci-fi. I do believe in antideluvian civilizations though.

Randall Carlson.


Those numbers are fake. Other subs fake their numbers too.

Those numbers are fake. Other subs fake their numbers too.

Please explain how.

All the crazy scares people away. Simples.

I like the constant reminders that things are not how they seem. I rarely post.

I subscribed because I liked Art Bell type stuff I find it fun. I stayed subscribed now to see what the alt-right pro-Trump crowd is pushing...considerate it opposition research. I never up vote anything and rarely comment

I'm on double secret probation so my posts never go anywhere. I have a feeling I'm not the only one.

I used to participate more, but with the flood of bot/political posts/votes, nowadays I just read and try to stay informed. Whatever that means...

Hardly ever post anymore. This an alt of an old account that posted here all the time back in 2012. Now this shit hole is alt-right garbage with a controlled message. Nothing more than an echo chamber of people that are trying to force a narrative down your throat. It's an extension of /pol/ and therefore nothing more than a stormfront psyop. Pathetic mods that push an agenda and attempt to silence anyone that strays too far off the message, even more pathetic users that can't see the truth. That's why this sub seems dead, because it is.

this post is a great example of why i would and do avoid this board, save my sub. is there any factual basis for your suspicion other than x subscribers does not equal y post upvotes? vague suspicion and vague links seem to make up the majority of this sub these days.

We've been silo'ed.

I barely ever comment on posts, and a lot of the posts on this sub are about American politics, as an Australian, apart from most of the older conspiracy theories there isn't really many posts that are relevant to me, or than can use my input.

Yeah, I'm from Aus as well. I didn't realise Taman Shud was from Adelaide!!

I'm subbed to this thread to make fun of the postings on occasion

Look at r/beer

Over 200k subscribers and it is pretty much dead.

Many genuine users have been put off commenting by the constant brigading and 'voting teams' who bump inorganic comments to the top of every thread. I don't bother as much as I used to as I'm tired of the nasty sniping that inevitably follows.

It's sad that visitors to the sub will have to endure it, without realizing they're not actually in a conspiracy sub anymore.

And many more are put off by the constant brigading and 'voting teams' who bump inorganic posts to the front page of /r/conspiracy.

I mean, when you see highly upvoted posts with tonnes of comments disagreeing with it, it's easier to argue that the post itself was brigaded up, really.

Maybe you missed the post about how you can buy upvotes to get anything to the top of the front page for less than $50.

What real conspiracies are you referring to?

it's all conspired


Most of the user accounts on Reddit are long dead and gone. Many duplicate users and bot accounts as well. My guess is that only a small percent of the 500,000 are actually active live users.

I read but don't post or comment. I'm with those that mentioned they're more interested in Aliens than pizzagate.

Longterm lurker here. I like reading some of the posts but I never comment here because I'm not informed enough to weigh in on any of the topics. r/conspiracy also has a contrarian nature in its active posters, so an under-informed post is likely to inspire some caustic replies. Too lazy/uninterested to put in the research hours and too wary to post without the info to back it up. Just my two cents.

Try lunatic outpost or godlikeproductions both have more contributions but similar shill posts

I see the strange; a blind horse could see the strange, it doesn't concern me. I pay no mind to the facts statistics reveal. The game is fixed, the numbers never make sense mathematically. What can you do it's a private sight. I'm surprised the sub isn't a coordinated performance are like the r politics theater. Sometime they flood in, but most see right through it.

I need we post here. I think k this might even be the first to.e I've commented on this sub. I just like to see what you kooks are thinking.

I bet it's being suppressed by the G man.


Not everyone likes to post stuff. I'm subscribed to a bunch of crap to keep me entertained at work.

Called lurking... Half of us sit here and dont give a sht enough to make our own posts or debate about others. Its just interesting to come and read.

I just subscribe to laugh at the mentally ill.

which makes you what?

A very entertained night shift worker.

replies to all the real conspiracies So by all means, enlighten us. How do you determine which ones are real and which ones are not?

Well i am like others, just lurk and look at interesting stuff.

This sub used to be interesting, that's why so many people sub'd to it. In the past year it's gone WAY down hill. The posts don't get upvotes because they're all complete shit.

Reddit is the conspiracy

I rearly comment or upvote herr.

I rarely upvote or comment here though.

I downvote everything on this sub bc you're a bunch of trumo sheep tbh.

f t***p

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Go watch more TV, they have what you crave.

Shh babby is ok

its a conspiracy

I come for the lol's

I don't think it's strange.I came here for Aliens,JFK and the likes and what I get is a constant shitshow of "Dems are evil,Hillary did this,pizzagate,Reps are evil,Donald did this."

It's annoying to no end.Not because of the subject but because of the people in the comments.For most of them a podcast with a dude who says he saw Hillary eat a pizza and blinking is evidence and prove.Don't bother to ask for something to back this stuff up because they will tell you it is there,in broad daylight and you just have to google it.Or you are denied to see their "evidence" because "you will not believe it anyway".

This is not how this shit works.When you claim something, the burden of proof is on you.Or do you waltz into a courtroom,scream about so and so being a Child molester and when the Judge would like some evidence you go:" uhhm no,show me he is not."?

I came to say this. I've find myself getting more r/unresolvedmysteries and those subs where there is less talk of government conspiracies to molest pizza.

where are all the angry pizzagaters? i always thought it was bizarre how fervent that support was, and look, its gone with the wind. their new hashtag is firemcmasters or blumenthal or whoever trump is attacking now

Thank you. Really well said. All the things I was thinking too about this sub.

The part that really baffles me is that you are immediately a sheep if you use verifable facts that come from mainstream-ish source but if you talk about what a dude in a trailer in Bumfuck, Idaho said you're the beacon of truth.

Litbastard, you are my hero for today. This point is so spot on. What you said goes through my head constantly when I'm on this sub. What's scary is how many people accept that crap as truth.

Oddly, it was an opposite effect for me, but I agree with you 100%

Used to come here every now and then for other conspiracy theories. During the election, the Hillary hate came out in full swing and the discussion was about nothing else.

I didn't care for Hillary, but I started participating more because so much of the stuff was so ridiculous to me I had to hop in and comment.

Watched the sub get entirely overrun by the_donald posters during that time. Completely ruined this place.

Theres still some good stuff here and there, but there is very obviously an agenda they all seem to have so now for the real I browse /r/controversial.

Amazing that everyone who doesn't care about or believe in pizzagate gets called a "shill", but browsing /r/controversial clearly shows that the shilling is done by pro donald kids.

I want to correct the ridiculous stuff too but if you do it you are fighting an uphill battle without armor or a weapon. And that is perfectly fine.People stick to their guns when a conspiracy confirms their pre existing beliefs.They do it,I do it,even you do it.

The real problem arises when your judgement gets so clouded by left vs right,dems vs reps etc, that you think you are somehow enlightened and have the inside track.

Spoiler:You don't.No one has.But people don't like to hear that they are not special.

This sub is a weird mix of iamverysmart,thathappened and dudes acting like edgy teens.

I happened across r/ConspiracyII one day. They have more aliens and less buttery males, which was the reason it was created in the first place.

Buttery males lmao

Came here to say this.

Isn't this one of the default subs? I don't remember actively joining it

No, it's not. At least it wasn't when I signed up.

I think that speaks to the quality of posts rather than the size of the user base.

Lately it's been all Seth Rich and /r/T_D refugees.

Seth Rich seems like a legitimate old-time conspiracy theory though.

These theories were debunked by law enforcement, as well as by fact-checking websites like,, and The fabrications were described as fake news and falsehoods by The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post.

I'm satisfied it was just a street crime.

The actual conspiracy will be exposed as the Wheeler lawsuit proceeds.

Can you link me to the New York Times or the LA Times debunking it?


Sadly, nothing in those sources where the New York Times debunked the theories, although they did talk about them.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, the NYT one is citation #10.

I linked the article it sites. That how one checks sources. And it didn't debunk anything.

No you didn't, because this is the linked article:

The word is cites, not sites.

"That how one checks sources."

Jesus Christ, proofread. I'm done with you, you are an idiot.

I failed. You are right.

But that doesn't debunk the story.

What about the DC police who say Rod Wheeler is full of shit? Why doesn't that count as evidence?

Until we get people testifying under oath, I don't believe them. And even then, people like Clapper show that our intelligence branches are willing to lie under oath.

There are a lot of data points that say this was a botched robbery turned murder. Then there are a lot of data points that say Rich never had any dealings with Wikileaks. Then there's strong evidence that the Russian GRU hacked the DNC and wanted to work with the Trump campaign to sink HRC.

Put all that together, and it's clear there's nothing "conspiratorial" about the Seth Rich murder. You manage to take poorly-constructed and sourced pieces on information which do not form a compelling case for anything and conclude that SR was the source of DNC hack? Terrible reasoning skills you have.

If you're drawing conclusions based on paper-thin suggestions, you'll probably believe anything.

Do you have a single shred of evidence that implicates Seth Rich in the DNC hack?

Do you also have a reason to disregard the analysis by the NSA, FBI and CIA that point squarely to Russian military intelligence as the culprits?

As for the second one, yes. The intelligence agencies are in the business of subterfuge and lying.

Do you dismiss everything out of a letter agency because it's from a letter agency? That's your information filter? Not a very good one. A cult asks you to do the same thing: disregard all information from a source on the basis of the source. You need a better distinguishing method or you're falling for a load of bs constantly.

Liars can also tell the truth. The trick is to know how to tell the difference--not ignore a source forever. That's true ignorance.

Tell me: what motivation do these agencies have to lie and say "it was Russia"? Are they in the pocket of HRC? Is that what your keen investigative skills have yielded?

I am skeptical of anything from a letter agency.

That's a start, but it's not enough to tell true things from false things. Good luck swimming in nonsense.

Kind of. An unsolved murder that got turned into a conspiracy to try to debunk what is turning into a real conspiracy.

Iam really interested to see if Assange ever really confirms Rich as the leaker. What I see so far is he lead people to believe that Rich is the leaker, but he wont outright confirm it because he cant.

I think the DNC conspiracy was around before the Russian conspiracy. It would be interesting to see though.

It's an unsolved botched robbery turned murder. Doesn't have a goddamned thing to do with the DNC hacks. Unless you're of the mind that a private citizen who can't win a race against the most unlikable candidate in history, has the power to control the FBI, CIA and NSA.

If you believe that, you need to be in a remedial science class, learning how to make sense of basic facts about the world.

Where do I sign up for this remedial science class. Your belittling of me convinced me that I need to join your your side.

I couldn't give a fuck if you use your brain or not. But if you clearly don't, expect to be belittled for the nonsense that falls out of your mouth.

Sounds good. And typical.

Posts like this give the sub even less credibility and will make people take it even less seriously-

"/r/conspiracy is a conspiracy?!?!?!?"

divide and conquer

Every now and then i'll see a good post. A lot of the times i roll my eyes

Probably because a lot of people (like me) subscribed because they're interested in conspiracies, but most posts are moronic tin-foil-hat nonsense that 'tards heard on Info Wars or read on Breitbart.

What the point of commenting on ridiculous nonsense like pizzagate, New World Order crap, or 911 truthers?

You really lump people who do not believe the official government conspiracy theory on 911 in with the more controversial conspiracies?

I guess, for myself anyway and not to speak for anyone else, there is just way way too much evidence available that shows the official "19 boxcutter wielding Al Queda hijackers" conspiracy theory is a complete fabrication. One has to work hard to ignore all the evidence that debunks the official lie and maintain the willful ignorance required to still believe the government's official version of events on 911.

there is just way way too much evidence available that shows the official "19 boxcutter wielding Al Queda hijackers" conspiracy theory is a complete fabrication.

By which, I assume, you mean none.

Metal doesn't have to become liquid before it loses integrity, so the silly arguments about melting points are dumb. The towers didn't fall at free-fall speeds, and you can actually see debris falling faster than the towers in all the footage. And no, building are never demolished from the top, ever. And WTC7 collapsed because it burned for a day after the world's tallest building fell on it, and most of the fire fighters died in WTC1 and 2 (besides, what would be the point? The US gov wouldn't have gone to war unless that empty building nobody had ever heard of collapsed?)

The US gov took advantage of the situation, no doubt, but there is no evidence it was orchestrated by the US gov. None.

One has to actually work hard to ignore all the evidence that debunks the official lie and maintain the willful ignorance required to still believe the government's official version of events on 911.

I've heard people say the same thing about the moon landing, and evolution. It's a bullshit statement people assert to make themselves feel better. It's actually a recognised logical fallacy.

Talk about "logical fallacies", you actually put forth a strawman argument yourself by inserting the argument that "here is no evidence it was orchestrated by the US gov. None.*"

Show me where I said explicitly that it was the U.S Government (A term you never clearly define BTW) that orchestrated 911.

Face it kid, you wet the bed here.

Show me where I said explicitly that it was the U.S Government

Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you though it was our reptilian overlords that orchestrated it. My bad.

It doesn't matter who you thought orchestrated it, there's no evidence it was anything clandestine. By shifting goalposts to arguing over who the perpetrator was, you cowardly dodged addressing any of my points (like any tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theory nutter would).

U.S Government (A term you never clearly define BTW)

I define "US government" as "the government of the US". Shocking. How many shadow world governments are in your multiple choice list?

Face it kid, you wet the bed here.

Sorry, "kid", all you did was highlight how you don't have any evidence that the destruction of the WTC was anything other than an external attack from extremists.

Instead, your silly song and dance about who the perpetrator was (a perpetrator you still didn't identify) demonstrates a need to evade, a reluctance to admit a position. Your post would be right at home on any creationist website.

I am simply not interested in re-hashing 9/11 with you, I would not read anything more into it than that. If you have chosen to ignore all the questions about 9/11 at this point in the game you have chosen the path of least resistance when it comes to any critical thinking, and fighting it out with you, in 2017, is not going to provide any enlightenment for anyone.

Let's just say we both are entrenched in our opinions and are not really interested in listening to anything that contradicts our carefully crafted realities. I will just hand you this 'win' on reddit and hope you have a great weekend languishing in your much desired internet victory.

Because 90 percent of people in the world are destined to be asleep and they forever will.

The Global Tyranny World Order Plan will never had been worked if most people are smart enough to see through them.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Conspiracies aren't something that typically gain widespread appeal unless they are being mocked ...

seems like bs. jk good answer

That's kind of exactly what I would expect here.

I think it's odd there are so few comments as well.

No shit, this sub was slowly infiltrated by Russian bots and The_Dumbass brigadiers. It's ironic that a place entirely devoted towards conspiracies refused to acknowledge they were one of the victims of the largest psy-operations of the 21st century.

I sold bumper stickers that said "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Bernie" during the last year. I took photos of me holding them up or on top of an envelope, joined Facebook groups with 10's to 100's of thousands of members, pretended I just got the stickers in the mail and then surupticiously posted links to my sites and web stores (Amazon, Etsy, FB page) after I used my girlfriends Facebook account to ask where I got them from.

That was a very basic overview of a 2 person social manipulation campaign. I made close to 6 figures since last July, only after closing down operations around Feb. now imagine the having the resources of a government army filled with computer science engineers of over a decade experienced, limitless money and a history of espionage that rivales the CIA. The Russians didn't hack our election machines, they hacked the social collective of America.

But sure, call me crazy before going back to the idea the Jews rule the world through nefarious cabals that meet at Bohemian Grove to manipulate third world dictatorships into throwing away the gold standard.

can I get one of those stickers? /s

Not everyone here is a conspiracy nut. I'm just here for the show

It's a conspiracy!

You've been taken over. Only the bots and Trump supporters vote here. Considering how interesting and informative conspiracy was for so long, it's very sad. I don't know if this is how the CIA destroyed conspiracy or just how the trump supporters/Russian bots did. But look to your mods for the cause.

I think the types of posts on this sub tend to be wayyy more polarizing and subjective. I actually don't up or down vote a lot on here just for lack of opinion on a lot of the more far out or extreme ideological posts

I've been here for a few years now, just like to read the front page before bed... It's amazing how much it's changed!

Deleted user accounts are purged from the subscriber counts and I believe I read somewhere that "inactive accounts" are purged as well after some time, but I don't have a source for that.

I don't think this is specific to /r/conspiracy at all. /r/worldnews, for instance, has 17 million subscribers, 13K there now, and the posts on their front page usually range from ~500 up to ~10K, with a couple in the 20K-40K range per day. /r/conspiracy has ~500K subs, 1.2K here now, and our front page posts usually range from ~50 up to ~500, with a couple posts in the 1K-2K range per day.

Considering /r/worldnews is about 40x as big subscriber-wise, these numbers if anything show /r/conspiracy to have slightly better activity-to-subscriber ratios.

I don't see how anybody could go from sleep to woke in its current state.

It's all about levels, man; it's not just a binary. I'd probably agree with you, though. If we're looking at someone who's a prototypical Democrat or Republican, our front page probably won't do too much to change that. The truly corrupt practices of each party and the power factions that lie behind them get lost in the sensationalized claims from each side.

If you want to get a Democrat to wake up to their party's corruption, you're probably better off sending them to /r/SandersForPresident or /r/Political_Revolution. For a Republican, maybe go /r/Libertarian (I haven't been there for years and so can't speak for the quality.) Each side can easily see the corruption in the other party, but that other side will rarely be able to articulate the problem on their own.

Once they can see the corruption on both sides, then they might be more open to some of the deeper topics here.

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Yo, Pope! How'd you get that sweet kalisti Apple of Discord flair?

Why upvote something that must be true andvexpose ourselves to the obvious purge to follow?

Seriously, we have very little on how reddit uses our data, so risking exposing our views is a tricky proposition

Last time I commented I got blown away and my view wasn't in the same place as 'Alice' so I got shunned and now I don't want to give my view as it isn't a deep thorough P.I investigation and am just a shill.

Well I'm just here to be aware of what new theories there are but the quality content is rather rare, most threads' most upvoted comment is "the title is misleading" or "there is no proof" or so.

I disagree. This place still entertains the wildest of conspiracies. I have no problem calling out bullshit with no evidence, or simply dumb conspiracies. Half of the "new" posts look like they're written by 14 year olds. Only good content should survive even here.

As far as reaching the front page yea that's different. Not quite the Donald censorship blackout, but close it seems.

When you put a theory out there, you best be prepared for it to be challenged. Without testing, a theory isn't a theory. It's just opinion.

Conspiracy boards are fringe sites, and opinion becomes more and more heterodox as you move to the fringes. The UFO guy doesn't necessarily agree with the chemtrails guy who doesn't necessarily agree with the fluoride guy, that kind of thing.

This one will get a ton of upvotes just to "prove" wrong. People will think you're being paranoid and then things will return to normal.

I'm just here for the gong show

I like to view the crazy from a distance, and check on the off-chance you're on to something.

It's been like this since this place became store brand diet r/politics. There's barely any real conspiracy stuff on here anymore, just political tripe of all kinds. So people like me probably don't post anymore or come here at all.

It's because a large number are inactive no doubt. And you'll probably find people have used throw away accounts, or simply forgot their passwords and made new ones.

I try to minimize involvement because of how quickly things escalate on this sub and because people are very stubborn here.

Or maybe you can't take numbers like that at face value. This is the same thing the_donald went through after they couldn't get that petition signed.

I am a passive viewer of this sub. I upvote here and there but don't have time to do research and contribute to the posting. I am also not much of a talker so I avoid commenting. But what really kinda drives me away from commenting is the bad mentality that has been in this sub since the elections in America last year. This sub changed a lot, there was a lot of infighting and stupid arguments. that took away the small will I had to participate in the discussions. I highly believe we are shackled and the only way to break free is unity and I still have hope we can be united and part of something greater.

Half the posts here are garbage. Bring back bigfoot. Nothing more to say on partisan politics. Also, you're getting played

Most of the posts here are just rampant Trump defense or Clinton hate. Kind of tiring. The Trump campaign didn't have anything to do with Russia, eh? They are being framed. But....Clinton killed Seth Rich while have sex with kids(right?)! Why would I upvote these posts?

It would probably be better if conspiracy walked away from Clinton and Trump... Focused on other things. Let those mature a little bit.

Most front page subreddits have bots manipulating content, there is less of that here and in other niche subreddits.

According to channeled sources, Jesus himself was a conspiracy theorist. Why wouldn't he have been?

Quashing conspiracy belief is nothing new. I mean, I just got into a "discussion" with one of those "people", and they deleted all their comments. They ARE, however, still active on Reddit. Engaging in seemingly normal conversations otherwise. I honestly don't know if it's a monetized account or a collective unconscious thing. People who either KNOW how bad things really are and are purposely misleading people, or people that have a mindset that doesn't allow them to countenance things outside of their own "reality".

I think I've seen both in play, which is why things are weird. I know certain things "trigger" my thoughts and writing, so maybe it's just the same for others, but there are probably a LOT of people that don't "want" to believe in something outside of their bubble, and are almost just defending that bubble thought-wise.

I can't think of a more tenuous boundary to defend than the soapy spherical outer layer of a bubble. Why would I stake my life on such rainbow prismatic disputes?

This comment made my day btw. Showed it to my brother because we were talking about a related topic. Funnily enough, don't know if you play video games, but the day before we got into an argument about Rocket League playing styles (we frequently play basketball mode against each other), and the "dispute" was so heated my brother wouldn't even look at a pretty rainbow directly behind where he was sitting. We play super serial...although it's mainly just for the thrilll of scoring ridiculous goals...I should really make a montage someday.

Yes, do!

Any quick tips on how to quickly edit and compile Xbox One clips? I do have a Windows 10 computer. I mean, I can figure it out for myself, but I'm so lazy. More unmotivated than lazy, but they do go hand in hand.

It must be some conspiracy.

I see plenty of triple-digit posts and lots of open-minded discussion, but feel free to create a new conspiracy about conspiracies

Maybe it's because most of the posts lately have been shit.

I'd upvote more if 90% of the posts these days weren't political BS.

I think that many subs profit by inflating their numbers. ThrDonld for instance, ice poisoidon, and h3h3 all have numerous actts that only post to that sub and other karmafarming subs like me_irl.

I disagree

Beecause a lot of people are here just to enjoy watching u guys ;)

You're being paranoid

I lurk and read the posts in this forum cause I find you all hilariously batshit insane. I'd bet 10k the regular posters are either all under 20 OR over 300 lbs.

Isn't it obvious? Did you forget the election already? This place was totally compromised by bot accounts. They are still subbed. Just not being used currently.

I don't want my up votes tracked, so I don't vote on reddit

This post has nearly quarduple digits.... and so have a few of my own recent posts. You're crying about nothing.

Well, I like conspiracy theories but I think I actually don't really believe in any of them... Sure, there are some strange things going on here and there and maybe a few ones are closer to the truth than official versions...

But you just can't have a moderate opinion on this sub... people don't get it...

If I'm trying to give some in-between arguments I'll just get insulted by the two sides :D

Note that the exact same problem is slowing reaching the real life world... Everything is black or white to people, there's no more gray out there...

Dude--it's 98% Russians and bots in here, what did you expect?

This sub is like masterbating. Everyone does it. You aren't going to talk about it in public/ with strangers. Maybe talk about it with your best friends. IMO at least.

Perhaps Reddit should add a feature that if a Reddit account has not been on Reddit for more than 4 hours within the last 6 months, the subscriber count does not go towards the total, although they are still subscribed.

That sub counter on the side of this subreddit is actually inaccurate. It adds the first two digits to maintain a sub count proportional to the total number of reddit accounts in existence, creating the illusion that there are nearly half a million subs. In reality there are just over 6000, which fluctuates heavily as people sub and unsub from the subreddit.

The more you know~

No. I down vote almost every post from here as I am sure others do.

Nah, what I think is strange is how every comment on articles that have to do with Hillary/Obama/Sanders/CNN/The left wing are always diverted back to Trump/T_D, or the top comments begin to suddenly attack OP or this sub.

I only follow so I can occasionally comment on how crazy you guys are. A

People are here to laugh at you and the other submitters. That's all

Probably cause anytime someone tries to post something here you get a bunch of super educated Harvard graduates calling OP an idiot and debunking their post.

Why would anyone post when the majority on here arent here to be open minded but instead to try and debunk posts.

I don't think that is what is actually happening. At least the calling people idiots part.

Having an open mind and believing conspiracies are not the same thing. I have an open mind, but if you want me to believe something you better have some good evidence or make a very convincing argument.

An open mind set is fine and dandy but you need to be sceptic.You can discuss as much as you want but 80% of the stuff posted is debunkable in 3 steps.So why should anyone have an open mind when evidence often consits of YouTube Videos with spooky music by channels that have nothing but confirmed hoaxes under their belt?

Often times Op's jump the gun after they watched one video and read on sketchy article and feel enlightened.

There used to be a rule that you had to be subscribed to comment (as part of the stylesheet I believe). You may be too new to have known it was there, but it was the sole reason I subbed.

Not really, the thing about conspiracy followers/theorists is that we are naturally curious, yet cautious. So, while we like to lurk and see what is going on, look at the different angles, we're fairly loathe to actually get involved, else we become a target.

We're best working behind the scenes, like an assassin. Think about it - who is the great assassin in the world? No one knows! Likewise, if we do not let on all that we know, than we feel that we can be more effective at deciphering the barrage of media bias in search of the truth...

I want to talk about shit like the moon being hollow, and all I see are bot-fueled rants about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

I know it's not likely possible, but it would be interesting to do a 'user purge' and toss inactive users somehow, or post that people will have to re-sub and then just purge everyone.

I think that the argumentative posts are because while most of us believe in one or two or ten conspiracies, we don't believe in ALL conspiracies. There are some, who believe everything, Blessed Be the naive.

Everything on this sub is going to be controversial by nature, and just because someone believes one conspiracy doesn't mean they believe all of them. Chomsky fans aren't typically gonna upvote the infowarriors and vice-versa.

I don't post because it's a down vote fest . No matter what gets posted. and lately we've been having people from communism and socialism subs using our critique of our US system that has been infiltrated with corruption to somehow justify they're murderous and barbaric beliefs.

They keep getting downvoted because most people don't take them seriously.

I mean, for fuck sake, the sub is called r/conspiracy

I think the content has been watered down as well. We used to see topics that spanned the course of time and importance and now everything is focused on (relatively) small time stuff happening by the day and hour right now.

Sounds very strange indeed....

I stopped posting when this sub went south. But, I still watch the traib wreck.

r/the_donald has 470 000 subs, yet has same concurrent users as r/politics who have 3 500 000 subs

if i remember, reddit has been caught lying about their sub numbers, they slipped up and showed true numbers in as metrics a few months back

The Donald has well over 6 million subscribers per Reddit's info to advertisers. There's no way 500k subscribers with 10k online at any given time creates the volume T_D has. More like 500k online at any given time.

I'm just subscribed to see the crazy theories because it's funny. I think a lot of people probably do the same


It's because half of this stuff isn't believable and the other half is literally just sharing Alex Jones' Facebook posts

OP doesn't know the definition of lurkers.

Longtime lurker here.

I agree with most conspiracies here, but some jump to some stupid ass conclusions. I'm being general, but some of you know what I'm saying, and some of you think I'm being a shill.

Whatever the case, this is still my favorite sub-Reddit.

As soon as it was overrun by the retards at r Donald, I pretty much stopped up voting. The posts are mostly pathetic.

It would help if there was a consensus here, but it's just a bunch of infighting and political factionalism.

It could also be that there are a lot of submissions that have no merit and that delegitimize actual conspiracies.


A: I usually change accounts every 1 or 2 years, although I have had this one awhile. So 3 or 4 of those accounts are just me.

B: Many people stopped coming here after the Trump invasion. People got tired of reading through 20 fake posts about Clinton everyday.

I love reading these for the few that turn out real, but I don't want people to know I com here.

I remember when no Reddit post went to double digits. It's was like 1 day over night I think in attempt to bury the Donald sub Reddit

A lot of those subscribers only purpose is to downvote posts that are anti hillary/podesta, etc. The comments in a lot of those posts push the complete opposite of a conspiracy.

If 50k people are interested in conspiracies it means there's probably 100k who don't. I really couldn't get guess ratios but when I see clear evidence of say 9/11 and then a guy like Chomsky still believes the official narrative, I start to wonder if woke will ever be a reality for the majority. I'm scared because I've talked to two people close to me about stuff that is very 'woke' such as 9/11 and bankers destroying the economy etc. And their response has been one of shock and dress and the feeling of powerlessness to change the staying quo. Finding this new info they have said has made their life darker. There really should be a simple way of organising dissenters about these topics. They're no longer conspiracies when facts are involved.

Because we havnt reached the snowball effect yet. The most important thing "woke" people can do right now is keep talking about it. Reduce stigmatization around the subjects, expand peoples minds. Once 10-15% of the population becomes aware, it will take on a life of its own and changes will begin to happen.

Right now there is no need to focus on how to conduct specific change outside your own personal decisions. And even that is tough. Try to find a food product in some areas or even water, not produced by one of these evil shit companies. Nestle has about 20 different water brands they hide behind.

Just keep talking is all you have to do.

I'm eager for that snowball effect. The sooner the better then. I do try to make good personal choices. Haven't cut coca cola products out but I've definitely paid attention to what food I'm consuming now. I talk about this stuff as much as I can, to those willing to listen. Majority of my small friends circle would be considered woke. Which is cool. I can't tell how many of the local population here know these things too and simply putting the shutters up because of stigma or embarrassment. Shame but they'll be glad when the snowball comes I guess.

The dude abides.

Yeah well I never see anything upvote worthy. Like for the past 6 months at least, I've been scrolling through this sub looking for conspiracies to occupy my brain and every single day I see the same bs over and over and over and over and over and over. I don't even see any conspiracies on this sub anymore so I don't know why I keep coming back, hoping to find something interesting only to waste time.

Well this used to be a conspiracy sub, when it turned into a td lite sub it kind of started to suck


Because it's retarded and when I see it on r/all I downvote it.

It's a conspiracy.

Dead accounts, lurkers, and most importantly -- the open pro Russia narrative shills that turn every argument upside down with their stupidity and get people into flame wars resulting in them A) to stop visiting this shit sub or B) temp/perma banned. If you pay attention here the mods are complicit in this and selectively enforce the rules harshly against those who disagree with muh russia.


Personally I'd enjoy the sub if it were less about current government affairs and more so things like JFK, Area 51, extraterrestrial life etc

I come to read not necessarily comment.

I think most people are only informed of conspiracy related stuff on a superficial level and thus don't know enough to engage in discussion beyond "yeah fuck that shit" and so don't comment on posts.

The problem is that most of them are pretty dumb and distractions.

Some kinda feel like "the big lie" as a means to soften when it comes out that something similar is true.

if its a dumb one i rarely downvote, unless its a clear disinfo attempt.

if its a good one i will usually give an upvote and comment.

a lot of people i think have just stopped bothering as the up/down totals are being manipulated to shit via bots and they are meaningless anyway.

Because the good posts are long and in depth write ups rather than memes, and most posts are not good posts.

Probably because most of the conspiracies posted in this thread are not Interesting at all.


Since all the infiltration I just visit now days, the sub is dead because of intruders.

I think a lot of people are like me. We stumbled upon few conspiracies that brought us into that or this rabbit hole. We got intrigued, read more, found out how the world really operates, subbed to this subreddit, but I don't know enough to comment. I am only aware that our world is skewered. I lurk and read what the rest of you says.

I read a lot but rarely comment here.

Because the trump bots only up vote positive trump stories.

Just this month we do have 2 posts with over 10k upvotes, and countless ones between 1k and 10k, so wtf are you talking about ?

Sometimes the sub is great. Often the posts are quasi delusional. If I see applause of interesting conspiracy I'll upvote. If it's a theory on how the earth is flat I'll ignore it.

The cucked admins of reddit have been caught suppressing votes and subscriber counts of subs they don't particularly like.

T_D was getting posts in the 20-40K range for a while but now posts barely break 5K. It's fucking obvious what they're doing.

No, this sub lost a lot of people because YOU are here. You and your stupid fucking bullshit. Nobody cares. Fuck off with your Trump crap already. We were happy talking about aliens and paranormal stuff until you lot shat all over the place with your dumb fucking pizzagates. KYS

It's because we're all Russian bots, ofc. Beepboop.

Lots of alt accounts

I sit with virtual pop-corn watching you all.

Our sub is over a million easy

Also look how active our sub is compared to all Others we routinely have 10-20k on live

I just don't post. I comment i guess every once in awhile, but not in some time now. I just like to lurk and read everything that you guys discuss.

If you want to see a post EXPLODE and wake up those who are weary of this sub, start posting events here relating to M 0nsa nto and GMOs!
Sure seems to do the trick everywhere else on reddit!

Sub posts are always on my front page with thousands or more points.

That's the part people need in order to be woke these days. There is nowhere on the internet which has any degree of traffic which is safe from the machination of shills. When one rises up, they will descend. It's best to learn to deal with them rather than complaining, because they are a part of life on any internet forum these days, and that is not going to change. Besides, complaining is what they want because your complaints will help dissuade others from getting involved. Basically, you are doing the shills work for them whether you realize it or not. They want us all to quit and go home.

I imagine a large number of them, excluding bots/shills, are likely people who are interested in the content, but either not knowledged enough to contribute to the conversation or unwilling, perhaps out of fear of looking uninformed.

Its the primary reason why I generally don't comment here; I simply don't know enough about the subjects in order to contribute meaningful information. I'd rather observe and learn than speculate, muddying any discussion with unnecessary content.

I wanted to make a post like this a week or two ago.

It seems really strange to me.

Sometimes I think people take a guilty pleasure in laughing at stupid things. Incredibly stupid people, idiots fighting things, hold my beer moments, etc etc. We can argue about the reality of such things, but that's my observation.

This sub used to have some well thought out ideas. I'm recalling detailed posts into how 9/11 was probably an inside job by bush and cheney. It was backed up with engineers and scientists who talked about tensile strength of steel, how hot jet fuel can burn and demolition patterns.

And then this sub got taken over by far right whackadoos who want to talk about kiddie porn rings in pizza places that whoops! Don't have fucking basements! Or Seth Rich conspiracy theories based on the misinformation put out by Assange who has a huge boner for fucking over the US in whatever way he can. The evidence posted on these theories is so paper thin it takes tremendous suspension of reason, logic and understanding of reality to believe in. And in the meantime these same people refuse to acknowledge the mounting evidence of a real conspiracy between putin's govt and trump's campaign and now presidency.

So it's fun to watch morons drown in puddles, but you kind of don't want to upvote it or say much because it's embarrassing to admit you like watching mouth breathers try to teleport through walls when there's an open door next to them.

Probably because this fucking stupid ass sub used to be cool then got took over by the_donald idiots and you lot just sat there and took it

And yet this one has 2k plus upvotes. So, how does that support your theory. Oh, and conspiracies don't exist for us all to agree with each other. I prefer evidence over superstition and what's typical on here are posts about someone's totally baseless 'theory" that is based solely on how they feel. I'm not gonna upvote some 14 yr olds guesses at what he thinks happened on a subject he knows nothing about. What would be nice for this sub would be to see some actual discussion instead of the political bullshit we've been seeing lately.

ill attack any flath earther with a passion.

The people (shills/bots) that post here M-F 8-5 and have an agenda are certainly suspect as to why this sub (and reddit as a whole) is complete shit.

it is like anything, the numbers do not represent the true amount of users who are on here and take part in the discussion section.

Or that the bulk of replies to all the real conspiracies are AGAINST them being real?

Which conspiracies are the "real" ones?

Because most people and posts are shadow banned... and the fake vote number algorithm reddit uses to appear to be a lot busier than it actually is.

My vote are just pretend. I vote and refresh the page and the vote is gone even though the icon still says I voted. I've seen my upvote make a post % go down....I'm told it's normal when I mention it because who the heck would expect their votes to actually be there after they leave amiright?

My vote are just pretend. I vote and refresh the page and the vote is gone even though the icon still says I voted. I've seen my upvote make a post % go down....I'm told it's normal when I mention it because who the heck would expect their votes to actually be there after they leave amiright?

Yep votes are artificially applied to whatever post or comment seems to be on the agenda of the day.. things not likes are just hidden or downvote or both so nobody can see them easily.

Yup, I gave you a make believe vote :-) .

Not really that strange. A lot of posts sound like they come from overly paranoid basement dwellers. It kind of comes with the territory since the topic is so wide and conspiracy theorists can be a little distrusting.

"basement dweller" where have I heard that that you Hillary?

lol come on now, lets not pretend Reddit doesn't have an influx of young adults living in their moms basement

Is that where the paid trolls chill?

This just proves my point that people in here are overly paranoid

Trump bots that only come out of the woodwork when something needs to be pushed.

Are you implying that there is "pushing" as in vote manipulation on tell....?

There is open vote manipulation on multiple subreddits.

I kind of see it as the old communist party in America..mostly FBI. (and the rest of them)Fun to read their absurd comments and watch the rookies take them on.

I read a lot this is my first post

You wanna know the weirdest part? It wasn't always like this.

/r/Conspiracy threads used to make the front page on a regular basis. They slowly and quietly silenced it.

Lol i post here often and I realized I'm not even subscribed.

I see a few good posts on here time to time like something about mk ultra or crisis actors. But alot of this stuff is about government which isnt really a conspiracy. I did like the post about those russian models being associated with trump tho

It's a conspiracy within a conspiracy thread.

The main reason is that we talk about important topics without agreeing, people upvote and downvote, while on a sub like politics or t-d everyone will upvote the same thing.

I noticed back in May on v/pizzagate that even though there were thousands of vistors showing in the sidebar most of the time that the posts barely had votes anymore. So I went around finding posts that had no voats and clicked on them and voted. Then when I would refresh the page my vote was gone but the icon still showed I voted. I had other active people check and it was happening to them too. Mods didn't care for SOME reason and eventually banned me from the sub for spam. So out of curiosity I checked if it was happening on Reddit and guess is. I have even seen where my up vote has made vote % go from 100 down to 81%. Cool huh?

A lot of lurking would be my guess. Number is high. I've refered plenty of normies here.

I think most people who are subscribed just think this shit is entertaining. I really don't believe the garbage that's on here its just entertaining.

I subscribe to see what the internet nut house is ranting and raving about. Have yet to find a post worthy of an upvote.

I only reply or comment if I feel that I am informed enough on the topic to do so.

I like to read and watch what others post to get informed. If there is nothing for me to add afterwards, I just move on to the next post (I usually have nothing to add).

If the post is hyper-partisan, I'll generally avoid posting or even reading it.

I do upvote/downvote a lot though.

If it is new or interesting, I will go full rabbit-hole and discuss amongst friends/coworkers.

Just yesterday I realized something. I hardly ever see posts from this sub on my homepage. I have to manually come to the sub to see posts. Censoring probably

I only subscribed to see the whacky shit people are suggesting

There are people here who are smarter than me. I try to learn from them. I appreciate their contributions and efforts to help lift the veil on stuff we would otherwise dismiss or miss altogether.

I just lurk

I never upvote.

well its not like the moderators were infiltrated over a year or two ago.. and many posts.. but no one wanted to go to conspiracyx

Are you saying this is a conspiracy within a conspiracy?

that's just what they want you to think.

That's what I've been saying this whole time! grabs tinfoil hat

"It's what's preserves the order of things... Dear."

I think it might be due to the diversity of opinion that falls under /r/conspiracy, as I know there are quite a few posts I vehemently disagree with and some I couldn't agree more with.

No. A lot of people that used to be active pre-2016 election don't post anymore.

Must be a conspiracy.

This sub died a long time ago. Total subversion began after Sandyhook

No, I don't find it odd at all. Most people consume news, they don't produce it. And I would guess that's the primary use of conspiracy subs.

Sure you have some bots and shills here, but overall, there's just not much to post.

To be honest, the rigor one would have to go through, the hours of researching and connecting information in a presentable form, just isn't plausible for most people. It's also hard to establish anything new.

I think it's a good thing that people refrain from posting new things, as it's mostly just old things.

In many ways, conspiracy has become a news aggregate of people connecting dots or just sharing opinions and speculations.

I'm thinking it's the polarization and political content turning people off. I miss the good old days of "the other gunman", DB Cooper, and aliens.

Conspiracies are now reality.

The Deep State is Dead!

Lost me at pizzagate. Shit's fucking stupid.

"....the bulk of replies to all the real conspiracies are AGAINST them being real"

This is exactly what gets me.

Unless someone was being paid to defend the corruption (DoD anybody?), then who in their right fucking mind would spend their spare time defending our treasonous leaders? I just can't figure that out.

I'm pretty sure people are afraid of profiling from the government?

I'm just here to laugh at you all.


I'm only subscribed for the shit show

I subbed back when this sub was not politicized and there were daily and informative posts about JFK, MKULTRA, and 9/11. This sub degenerated into politicized bullshit, a constant ticker of ill-informed current events posts, it became impossible to decipher which posts are sincere opinions from trolls spreading disinformation. This sub became a tool for both left and right to bait their enemies and form their own narratives.

tl;dr no one upvotes anything because this sub is mostly trash, but usually about the time I plan to unsub a really choice post comes by.

But I honestly just sub to see what people who have no basis in reality think. I used to sub because this place used to be a valuable asset to my reddit experience.

I was hoping someone else made this comment so I wouldn't have to. I consider unsubbing all the time now; I feel exactly the same way as you.

The last presidential race/election completely ruined this sub.

Because there can't be any substantive discussion on this forum between the shills and the ban-happy mods. Worse than GLP, which is terrible. But I'm sure that's the goal, gather us then stifle us.

It's probably because this sub isn't what everyone expects. At least not anymore. Look, obviously, I have nothing against conspiracy theorizing given that I'm subbed here, but I wasn't expecting a bunch of heavy political stuff. I subbed here to read about things like 9/11 and sandy hook. You know?

I think alot of people keep tabs on r/conspiracy because they think it's funny to see what theories other people believe in.

Have subbed here on this account and my old one for years. I never used to comment (and still don't except for this) because new posters used to be met with such suspicion that I didn't want to bother. Still one of my favorite subs on here though!

To the right, there is 2547 people on the subreddit right now. This lets you know how many potential upvotes you could receive. I am more of a commentator on reddit than anything.

I don't comment here at all. I subscribe to r/conspiracy for the comedy value. I would suspect many redditors do the same.

I never post too many idiots saying no planes on September 11....

This sub used to be great. I used to be able to verify with a group of other likeminded people that things were askew in the media when events happened. I even learned a lot of things I didn't know. Now, every single post is about Clinton or Trump or the pizzagate censoring. I definitely miss the way this sub used to be and I don't find it strange at all that many other people feel the same way I do. Why participate in the madness? That's what the main stream media is for.


crazy shit happens here, but it's entertaining.

You made this sub popular with all the pro-Trump anti-Clinton shite during the election season, a bunch of people subscribed, and you see it as an issue?

2 things have happened now: You have a larger audience, and this place is less of an echo chamber. Neither are bad.

Censorship! Who would have thought that the wikileaks socks debacle could come to this...

Not really. As others have pointed out, subscription numbers are an inflated metric by which to measure a subreddit's vitality and there are a lot of trashfire posts on this sub.

Moreover, "conspiracy theorists" do not subscribe to some monolithic ethos. Why should someone interested in 9/11 or Iran Contra upvote pizzagate or alien posts? What does HAARP have to do with Bohemian Grove? We each bring our own interests into this sub, and it's a poor mind which agrees with everything posted here.

Downvoting bots are destroying the morale of people. F.x. What's the point of putting a comment when you get downvoted once every hour and not a single reply was written, whereas you've put actual effort and knowledge into the thing you wrote. Feels especially great when the post is a week old already and you know for sure noone is reading some -20karma posts and downvotes it even more.

That's how i feel about it. I'm still woke and alert, but i've lost hope a long time ago for a proper discussion. The age of misinformation is upon us.

I mean... I come here multiple times a day, but rarely comment or vote..

Comments I find get either attacked by shills, or get accused of being a shill comment

Votes either get over run by shills or posts are from shills..

I just come to read...

I don't post but come here weekly.

I lurk heavily

People like me. I just watch what you crazy bastards feel like chatting about.

The irony of your vote count is killing me....

Well, this sub is doing alot better than T_D.

I... I'm here... I watch and read... But I don't have much to contribute... :( The hidden legion?

Dude. Something happened a while ago. Conspiracy became "main stream". We have been ducked since.

I believe it was a default sub for a time, meaning accounts would be subscribed upon registering on reddit.

I just posted a video of sinead O'Conner talking about her suicidal depression and a part of the thread turned to a dis ussiin about her attack if he pope and how a secret society of luciferians infiltrated the church and government and mainstream media and the post was removed. They claimed I violated personal info. It's a public video and no one said anything personal about anyone other than publically know things about sinead. I think the high profile topic if sinead O'Conner gave too much traffic to my post which talked about the fact that a global elite runs the world through a secret society of luciferians called the illuminati.

Not at all, 80% are shills, 10% don't have a clue what's going on period, and the rest have to continue to scroll thru bs alternative news articles that are drivel. So no, I'm not surprised it's like this.

Karma conspiracy

I read most of the information thrown around. Then look at the comments and usually what I want to say has already been said.

This sub was relatively liberal prior to the election ramp up.

Not all surprising. Alot of you post some pretty "out there" shit.

I stopped commenting, and even following this sub or a while bc my comments were downvoted to oblivion. you want a sub that caters to free thought, but all members must believe pizza gate is actually a thing, and Russia had nothing to do with the trump presidency. riiiiiight. the hivemind is worse here than in many other subs.

This would be the perfect thread to justify an increase in comments and membership Whether it be from actual engagement from members, or for other nefarious purposes...

Consider the negative connotation "conspiracy theorist" has. In order to get more upvotes, you need more active users. /r/conspiracy as a name may be somewhat off-putting to someone that hasn't considered that world view before.

I guess I am guilty of not commenting either. Sorry ;)

Randall Carlson.


But Trump won the election. That means all criticisms of Trump or his fanbase on reddit are invalid. The millions of subscribers on the_donald exist. Their petitions that fill to get more than a few thousand votes are alternative facts. The truth is optional. Thinking is undesired.

You're too new here to understand.

I already got both so no point in offering.

Get your Shoulkers! Get your fresh Shoulkers here! Shoulkers! Get your Shoulkers

f t***p

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Great argument I r8 8/8 please elaborate next time thx

I came to say this. I've find myself getting more r/unresolvedmysteries and those subs where there is less talk of government conspiracies to molest pizza.

Thank you. Really well said. All the things I was thinking too about this sub.

I see people like you complaining that "Trumptards" have taken over this sub. It's just not the case. Look at the comments in any post... anything vaguely pro-Trump is voted down, and anything anti-Trump is voted up.

Your comment is a good example of this. Where is the army of "Trumptards" sending your comment in to the negative?

It has nothing to do with the substance of the comments either. Someone could roll their face across their keyboard and then type "Trump bad" at the end... it will get more upvotes.

Pretty much this. The Trumptards have lost a fair amount of the foothold they had here, but I've definitely been soured on this place.

Oddly, it was an opposite effect for me, but I agree with you 100%

Used to come here every now and then for other conspiracy theories. During the election, the Hillary hate came out in full swing and the discussion was about nothing else.

I didn't care for Hillary, but I started participating more because so much of the stuff was so ridiculous to me I had to hop in and comment.

Watched the sub get entirely overrun by the_donald posters during that time. Completely ruined this place.

Theres still some good stuff here and there, but there is very obviously an agenda they all seem to have so now for the real I browse /r/controversial.

Amazing that everyone who doesn't care about or believe in pizzagate gets called a "shill", but browsing /r/controversial clearly shows that the shilling is done by pro donald kids.

I don't think that is what is actually happening. At least the calling people idiots part.

Having an open mind and believing conspiracies are not the same thing. I have an open mind, but if you want me to believe something you better have some good evidence or make a very convincing argument.

I happened across r/ConspiracyII one day. They have more aliens and less buttery males, which was the reason it was created in the first place.

An open mind set is fine and dandy but you need to be sceptic.You can discuss as much as you want but 80% of the stuff posted is debunkable in 3 steps.So why should anyone have an open mind when evidence often consits of YouTube Videos with spooky music by channels that have nothing but confirmed hoaxes under their belt?

Often times Op's jump the gun after they watched one video and read on sketchy article and feel enlightened.

Go watch more TV, they have what you crave.

Yeah, wrong. Anyone who thinks 'right' and 'left' aren't both trying to sell you authoritarianism, hasn't been paying attention.

No, it's not. At least it wasn't when I signed up.

Came here to say this.

Yo, Pope! How'd you get that sweet kalisti Apple of Discord flair?

Sounds good. And typical.