voat.com give it a shot, reddit is lost

240  2017-08-08 by c0olking

Without a doubt r/conspiracy is being brigaded - It is not gonna stop. Over at voat.com its different. You cant downvote/upvote endlessly. You need to EARN your votes, though you get 10 votes daily. Take a look at the top post of all voat.com and I'm sure youll be intrigued.

SORRY ITS https://voat.co/v/all/top



If you're interested in giving this a shot first, let me know and I'll add you.

No thanks, still reddit. Still same supermods.

There's only two mods. Me and the guy that started it.

But that's cool, to each his own. I'm on voat too, wouldn't mind a mass exodus (though then you'll just end up getting the same thing as Reddit, wouldn't you?)

Lol only if their was one without Td cultists

It's called /r/politics.

Pshh, most of reddit is some sort of marxist paradise where even the slightest dissenting opinion earns your comments at best deleted or your account banned.

if you think reddit is predominantly marxist i can't help wonder if you even know what the term means or whether you're another twelvie looking for an edgy in-crowd so you can feel like you're rebeling against your parents.

presumably you rant about "sjws" as well??

"Nobody wants your marxism nigger kike. Suck tranny cock."

"Historical facts are historical facts you SJW marxist. Get over your whitephobia."

wow, you have such a truly gifted way with words.

This one has neither. We do our best to make sure that the users we approve are those of us here that are actually looking to debate and explore opposing ideas, without having to resort to nothing but insults and character assassinations.

I'm interested!

I'm interested.

Down for maintenance..

Working fine here

It's working for me now

the thing is over time tastes change. Anyone remember Digg.com? Now its lost in the wind.

the issue here is if we will see enough "disruptors" moving over to Voat. Voat is actually superior to reddit in many ways but adoption of it in numbers is still an ongoing issue. the trick will be when the tipping point comes and voat starts being able to influence public opinion.....

Yeah everyone was saying reddit was dead when all the clowns from Digg came over here. The Trumpers will gone eventually, just like the Ron Paul folks disappeared before them.

Any good mobile apps for it?

The "Boats" app is good.

Good point.

Voat is rigged too. Unpopular opinions get throttled, even retroactively (i.e. an established user can say something unpopular, then lose their karma and be disallowed from commenting).

Except that voat vote totals are transparent on posts and comments.

But once you start to get enough voats to be able to post regularly, they'll just suspend your account if you aren't the type they're curating.

As a regular poster, The worst you get is severely downvoted, while disgusting racist bullshit is upvoted to to the top. It's a shitty community, but the site design is actually really good.

Not true. I've had two consecutive accounts suspended over there once I started to build some karma/voats. They include a link to ask for the account to be reactivated, but I haven't been able to get a response.

any idea why? Were you spamming shit?

Nope, not a spammer. I just attempted to inject reason into the discussions I engaged in. They prefer the echo chamber.

hmmmm 'reason' eh?

Maybe they are shutting down discussion there, but to think it's anything as bad as what happens here...

It's much worse there. I'm able to get downvoted by Republicans and Democrats here.

Can you show us why?

A site that is the defacto home of r/fatpeoplehate refugees is racist too? No way.

Like what kind of views do they supposedly suspend you for?

I just tried searching for comments from my first account there. Nothing shows when I search with the voat search, but if I search for my old account name + voat using google, I can still see some comments. It looks like my last comment was actually about the timing of Aaron Schwartz's death and the ramp-up of censorship on reddit.

Having posted a lot on Voat, I'm sure they didn't ban you for those posts. Maybe you looked like you were shilling, that is my only guess.

That doesn't matter, when karma can be revoked retroactively.

What does a transparent vote total matter when the minority isn't even allowed to speak?

source? Honestly be specific I have no idea what you're talking about.

Source: That's how Voat works. You need positive CCP (karma) in order to comment, but CCP can be revoked by downvoting brigades.

It creates the appearance of a consensus, because opposing opinions just fade away into silence if they are downvoted enough.

brigading is a problem, sure. You can still count up the downvotes on your posts and comments.

But you can't speak after you're brigaded. So great, you know you were brigaded. But you're still silenced! That's bad.

If a bunch of people just think your comment sucks and downvote you, is it brigading? Because I'll bet that's what happens at Voat. There aren't enough users to begin complaining about brigades.

And yea, it does silence you. That is intended.

Right, it's deliberate. That's not free speech, that's an echo chamber.

Free speech doesn't work when there are lots of shill who are looking to subvert genuine discussion. Its unfortunate, but true. I've gotten some pretty amazing red pills on Voat, echo chamber or not.

Free speech doesn't work when there are lots of shill who are looking to subvert genuine discussion.

Exactly. Over at Voat, the shills just downvote brigade to silence people. Speech isn't free over there either, is the point.

All I know is that I can get more genuine conversations over there without shills subverting. They usually get called out and downvoted into oblivion. Its nice.

Of course it feels good, it's a safe space. You'll get plenty of genuine conversations with nice people exactly like you. But you'll never hear challenging speech that makes you think. That's what a safe space is.

Looks like a bunch of Trumptards having a circle jerk

Yeah, almost every post has comments using the n---er somewhere in there. It basically looks like a stormfront site at this point.

Yeah, been there for a while. Its 90% hate speech / anti immigration / nationalism about how in 3 months europe will become a muslim continent.

Sounds like a Trump supporter's idea of paradise.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank god you blocked out the "igg".

Not a word I enjoy writing or being associated with.

you're gonna get downvoted for that but that's the right attitude to have. made my day :)

So does this subreddit

nah looks shit

No good mobile app

you need an app to view a website?

You have it kind of correct, but backwards. R/conspiracy was a good community that got brigaded by Trump supporter half-wits. Now that his presidency is "Hindenburging", the community is finally getting back to normal.

If you are posting this, I'm guessing you're a T_D guy. If true, then yes, please go to Voat!

You mean is being brigaded by corporate shills seeking to disrupt our investigations.

No. This sub used to be skeptical of the government. By putting Trump in power TPTB successfully established a cult that would unquestioningly brigade and spread the government line.

You watch it in action everyday. Whenever a story hits, the government feeds the propaganda to places like Hanity, who give the talking points over air to places like /the_donald, who then spread the government propaganda, in a coordinated effort, to other subreddits like this one.

We watch it happen every single day.

'subreddits like this one' - which sub? This one? Perhaps take another look, conspiracy theorists are critical of the establishment, including Con man Trump.

His comment wasn't opinion. A while back there was a problem with the_donald and the mods of this sub invited all of those affected to join this sub, turning it into the_donald2.0.

who am I then? as a pissed off lefty / communitarian aka dirty communist who the fuck am I?

Chill. I didn't say that all previous users will killed off and replaced with Donniebots. I was just saying that this sub has a large contingent of the_donald participants and has in many respects become the_donald2.0.

i got no chil

No, this sub has paid shills that buy everything David Brock/Hillary/Podesta/CNN/WaPo say and repeat it back as if it's their job, which it is.

Oh shut up with that bullshit. As if people from the_donald don't do the exact same fucking thing. Didn't your lord and savior Donnie just get busted for retweeting a bot?

I actually voted for Trump because I am very anti-Hillary. I know it's hard for you to grasp that I can vote for a guy and still be critical of him but some of us actually use our brains instead of parroting whatever talking point the media (or the emperor) is going on about.

You are the problem with this sub.


Right, because he voted for Trump but doesn't worship him.

You people are so obvious.

Yes, were all shills trying to prevent you from disseminating the truth because you are sooooooo important. I can't believe you caught us.

They can't deal with the smallest criticism of Trump here. It's very odd.

How many fucking times is this lie going to be repeated? This is so easily debunked. You are a liar. Go ahead and post a link to the thread. It does not support your bullshit claim.

"Attention all refugees from the_donald, you're welcome to immigrate here but you have to do it LEGALLY!" - Flytape (the mod)

That little temper-tantrum you threw was cute but the post above supports my claim. Your alternative facts don't matter outside of your echochamber, run along.

To any of the real people reading this thread, please click the link above and learn first-hand how people are trying to gaslight the fuck out of you. This entire thing is absolute bullshit, and I know with certainty that you know that you are lying. There is absolutely nothing inappropriate about that post. Nobody had to invite anybody anywhere. They lost their home base and OBVIOUSLY some of them are going to end up here and time that happens. What is so wrong about reminding them that we have different rules in this community? Or are you just pissed that we don't auto-ban people for posting in /r/The_Donald like all of the trash subreddits?

Oh fuck off. Go back into the archive and look at how different this subreddit looked before the_donald took over. Now it's all political, our front page is 10-15 posts per day about Hillary/Podesta and at least 2 "Seth Rich - We're almost there!". This used to be a place to talk about UFOs, giants, and other fun things. Now it's just the_donald2.0 except you guys don't openly call Donnie "emperor" here.

This sub used to talk about avoiding the bipartisan trap. Now every post is trying to polarize us into one of those two parties. All of the interesting discussion has died down and it's largely due to idiots like you who are only interested in sucking the "emperor's" dick and use bots to push your agenda's posts to the top.

There is no grand conspiracy being orchestrated against you. The truth is nobody cares about you. In a perfect world all of the political shit would disappear from this sub and it would take people like you with it.

That doesn't back up what you said. You were caught lying

Yeah you caught me

So Trump being constantly attacked is just a charade put on by TPTB? I know that we are in a conspiracy forum, but I hope you realize that is a pretty far-fetched conspiracy and one that not many people subscribe to.

What else solidifies a cult more than making them feel as though they're oppressed?

Further every president is attacked by the opposite party. It's part of the show.

Except this time an uninvited guest made his way into the show, and this can be seen in the leaked emails. Unless you believe that the leaked emails were all part of the show as well....

An uninvited guest? He was placed there because of the cult-worship that can be used to push any agenda.

Not that Hillary wouldn't push the agenda as well, but Trump is so much better at it because no matter what he does or says, the cult will support it and brigade it. We've seen multiple times where the cult has one opinion and then switches it immediately when Trump does.

There's a lot more power in that then whatever popularity Hillary could have accumulated.

An uninvited guest? He was placed there

Uhhh right....

He won the election with votes despite being fought tooth and nail by the Dems and GOP. The Establishment wanted Hillary, or Jeb, or Rubio. They didn't want Trump. That much should be clear to anyone who was paying attention during the last election.

If TPTB didn't want him there, he wouldn't be there. You're living a fantasy. Before ever sniffing politics, Trump was considered one of the most corrupt businessman in history who made billions in real estate in mafia-controlled NYC.

If TPTB didn't want him there, they'd simply have had to leak or arrest him with any information they obviously have on him.

Sorry, but TPTB are not omnipotent. They failed this time, which is why they are so upset and trying so hard to take Trump down. What dirt they had on him, they have already leaked. They hoped that the pussy grabbing recording would be enough to get Hillary the win, but not quite.

The establishment didn't want Trump? Why did they plaster his face 24/7 on every news station for the entire election cycle?

Lmao!!! You mean like R/politics or the Wapo straight up Lie?!?

Seth Rich released the emails to Wikileaks. Everyone knows it. You're a scumbag shill and I hope you go broke when your company gets caught.

Lmao!!! You mean like R/politics or the Wapo straight up Lie?!?

Seth Rich released the emails to Wikileaks. Everyone knows it. You're a scumbag shill and I hope you go broke when your company gets caught.

Removed. Rule 10.

Yup, no Trump news lately and no Rich or Podesta posts in the thousands lately. Strange, no?

Is there any news with Seth Rich?

The supposed "news" about Seth Rich that gets pushed to the top here often isn't news at all. Tweets promising things that are never delivered, months old information being posted again, videos regurgitating old talking points. None of those are "news," but they race to the top in swarms on certain days.

This sub is deeply interested in the Seth Rich assassination and surrounding conspiracy, and for good reason.

I saw a comment last night that said they wished the government censored more scientific data. What worried me the most was how it was upvoted multiple times.

There's no real reason to be worried. The government has been playing this game for years and are still basically losing. They're doing better now because of the Trump cult but I still think they'll fail.

one great thing about science is almost anyone can do it to an extent, just need to keep sharing knowledge between us all.

Then why is this sub so independent and progressive? This sub is anti establishment, not pro government. That's a tactic used by shills to divide the community and paint it as pro Trump even though it's not the case

"'Walnut sauce' means jizzing on kids and that means the DNC is running a global pedophile ring! We're such good little investigators!"

Actually the walnut sauce may have been code for haitian children, but yea thanks for the reminder.

LOL well you have to take the "facts" where they lead you, don't ya! This would be damned adorable if you all were actually children. The fact that you're adults makes it a bit terrifying. I blame our education system.

I suppose you also believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and it wasn't a lie to start a profitable war?
Seeing as you've never participated in /r/conspiracy before, why now?

No, I do not believe Saddam had them. See? I believe in reasonable "conspiracy theories" (I don't consider that one a conspiracy theory; absolutely zero evidence for WMDs were provided, so it's pretty cut and dry that he didn't have them).

I've mostly lurked on this subreddit in the past, but have been more active recently because the sub "caught the flu" and became overrun by fucking morons.

lol alright well human trafficking is actually a big problem, but people seem happy to turn a blind eye to it.

It absolutely is, which is why scatter-shotting crazy, baseless accusations only hurts the real efforts being taken to clamp down on it. The public has a limited attention span on any topic - even something as heinous as human trafficking and child molestation - so we can't waste that attention span with armed wackos running into pizza parlors.

It's completely obvious. There's no reason to point them out anymore. Let them yell into the echo chamber all they want.

Just downvote and move on. Don't feed the shills.

Considering that I am more educated than you, I find your statement laughable.


Nobody said that.

Good one.

This guy posts in r/funny i.e. he needs to be told what is and what isn't funny.

Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya?

Removed. Rule 4.

Another asshole trying to sideline a post by claiming OP is from t_d.

So I just looked at OP's post history, and sure enough it's full of T_D comments and posts... which makes it objective fact that you're another asshole denying reality.

For the last time. The_donald is at most 2 years old. Most members migrated there from other subs, like this one for instance. Funk off with this, "it's the_donald." A lot of those people were r/conspiracy long before the_donald existed. He's in essence Ron Paul 2.0. Whether or not it pans out is still debated, but if Ron Paul won in 08 or 12, you'd call this place Ron Paul dimwits? Go away

I voted for Ron Paul. Comparing him to Donald is the worst insult I can think of to lodge at Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul is a principled, educated Libertarian. Donald is a petulant, unethical, spoiled rich kid. They have absolutely nothing in common. Fuck off yourself.

They aren't comparable other hand the amount of energy they created with their base and their anti establishment position

I beg to differ. Your comment is exactly the type that ruins this community. That, and the pro-Establishment shills linking to WaPo and things like that.

Yeah, and I believe in crazy shit like the Earth is a sphere and not, in fact, flat with an ice wall perimeter. I'm just the worst!

Nobody wants to hear you complain about supporters of the US President on a conspiracy forum.

This isn't even relevant to what you previously posted

Yea, that's what I was thinking. Is it a bot with imperfect AI? Has science gone too far?

It's definitely not a free thinking impartial user, the left leaning skew is insane in a sub where we are supposed to be neutral.

Don't mistaken corporatist shills for being left leaning

the Earth is a sphere

left leaning

u wot m8

I was responding to an r/N30 subscriber, which is a Flat-Earther society from what I can tell.

Creepy that you would even look to see what subs I subscribe to. But being subscribed to that sub does not mean that I am a "flat-earther," just so you know.

The idea that sub membership somewhere means you agree with the topic of the sub is wrong. I'm a member of many subs that don't share my thoughts, simply because I want to keep abreast of their oppinion.

No you are incorrect and are being paid to say that because there is no other explanation. You're a fucking disgrace and the reason Seth Rich comments get down voted regardless of support for Trump.

Fuck you.

Nailed it.

I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic, well done

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

"Drumpf is a badguy, but Bernie was totally a good guy that would have been fighting for me!"


While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Zero awareness.

Speaking of them, isn't odd that since Trump has been on vacation and since there's been no negative news about him that there hasn't been a Podesta or Rich post to hit the front page? Really fuck odd isn't it?

Even without any news in the Seth Rich case, there's a post on the front page right now about Seth Rich.

That's because it's a case this community is deeply interested in

Is it in the thousands like when a negative Trump story comes out and on my front page? No it is not

When there's news in the same it will be on the front page. That's because this is a conspiracy sub and this community is deeply interested in the assassination and surrounding conspiracy.

Crazy huh?

What's crazy is how there always seems to be Podesta or Rich News the same day there's Trump news. I wonder why? We're all critical thinkers here and are apt at connecting dots, what do you think it means when a negative Trump story hits the front page followed shortly by a story implicating the DNC or Podesta?

What're you talking about? There's negative trump stories 8 days out of the week. It looks like you're trying to make a connection to bat isn't there. Maybe purposefully

I mean ones that actually gain traction here in our community. Just look what happened the last time.

There's no solid evidence of Trump and Russia.

But you're suggesting that either the Trump administration is covering up Russia connection by leaking Seth Rich evidence or that the establishment media is covering up the Seth Rich evidence by pushing Trump stories?

Interesting. Both are bold. I'll have to look out for that

I'm not sure if they leak Rich stories or push Rich propaganda on here. The last time it was the Hersh leak that barely got any mention when it was leaked 3 weeks prior. Hours after the announcement of the grand jury Wikileaks tweets the Hersh recording and boom it's at the top of the sub within 2 hours.

There's very solid evidence of Trump and Russia at least being involved in business dealings.


It's a little long, but it is literally proof of the business done. Even evidence of people Trump is linked to that are associated with human trafficking. Always watch anything with a grain of salt, but at least watch.

It wouldnt surprise me of Trump was involved in business dealings with Russia. So why push this election nonsense?

But no, I see it the other way. Trump/Russia nonsense is pushed whenever there's breaking Seth Rich stories

You can literally see the timelines. Look when the grand jury was announced, a few hours after they started pushing Rich stories.

Who is "they?" That proves it for you?

Maybe Cambridge Analytica? Doesn't prove anything I would never claim 100% proof, just weird coincidences in the timing almost every time that there's a negative major Trump story. We talk about shareblue here, but someone else is also definitely pushing a narrative here.

I haven't noticed that coincidence. Seems to only be something you have seen. Or want to see.

Shareblue is incredibly obvious on Reddit and in this sub. That's why people talk about it. I haven't seen that from Cambridge Analytica. Not saying it's not there, but I haven't noticed them. Maybe much for subtle. They certainly didn't kill Reddit like Shareblue, that's for sure.

I'm a conspiracy theorist at heart, I believe nothing is a coincidence. Just pay attention next time there's a major story involving the Russian investigation.

Right, and Seth Rich. Because for all we know they could be releasing Russia stories right before Seth Rich breaking news. Wouldnt surprise me at all.

Possibly, doubtful though. Especially considering last time it was a three week old audio leak that no one mentioned until the grand jury was announced.

It's obvious we share differing opinions on this and that's perfectly fine, the last thing I want to see is this place just be an echo chamber. Sadly it's getting there.

Right. Shills in here pushing establishment talking points like yours like crazy. Stay woke son

If you only view one side as "talking points" then you are far from woke.

All sides have talking points. But only one side is the establishment

There's a certain someone that you can thank for the trumpets sticking around.

"Come one come all, our sub is your sub when yours is on private!"

Flytape and axolotl_peyotl need to be removed as mods. They are incapable of being impartial enough.

I do endorse Voat, if only for the free discussion you're not allowed to have here, free choice of language etc., but it is sort of an echo chamber for the people who think Muslims are the cause of all the problems in the world nowadays. Very one-dimensional thinking sometimes. So while there are good discussions and good subverses, mostly you will here the same old "muh ebil mudslimes" circlejerk especially when a fake terror attack occurs.

Playing out just like [Albert Pike](www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm) had predicted

I'm on both and have been on voat for over 2 years. I enjoy all those subs that were banned on reddit.

but... isn't this post showing where the bots need to go next? You think Shareblue won't take notice when everyone is praising an alternative site?

The Internet is the battleground for fighting propaganda & you can't get away from the shit that plagues websites unless you plug out your internet from the wall.

Whatever site is set up to combat this censorship plan that's been rolling out for the last 10 years if not more will have to meet the same law & money wall that all sites meet in the end,if we don't start fixing the systems that are funding & propping up all this corruption then we might as well be pissing into the wind for the rest of time.

Fuck Voat. Anything that goes against their alt right narrative gets down voted into oblivion.

Right wing shite.

because the left isn't being properly represented or what?

What 'the left' means to a great many posters on this sub - Hillary, DNC etc - is a thousand miles away from what I've understood it to mean all my life. So no, the left certainly isn't properly represented.

Anyway, none of that changes the fact that voat is right wing shite.

Yeah who said that

Odd that any site without heavy moderation tends to swing right wing... hmmm....

::deep thinking emoji:::

That naturally happens where there is free speech

You're saying that if all speech were 'free', all speech would be right wing? A nice way to brand as 'unnatural' all those pesky democratic structures that prevent mobs from silencing a diversity of opinion.

What does? The sites become internet cesspools filled with underage pornography and openly racist assholes?

You're saying that racism, bigotry and ignorant misinformation happens where there is free speech? Because that's what Voat is full of.

Oh, and there's no actual free speech. They downvote and ban pretty often.

I went to Voat once or twice. Last time I was there, the top link was a stock photo of a woman screaming at her computer with the title "F*** THE JEWS!". The top video was a five minute camera phone shot of Johannesburg titled "This is what happens when you let n****rs run a country.".

So no.

I think a lot of that is artificially inserted there to discredit the site, to be honest. Comments like that show up in the most benign threads completely out of context.

It was literally the first thing you see when you enter the site, not some comment.

I got what you were saying, I'm just saying that it also happens within threads and I don't believe it's organic. I think it's a concerted effort to discredit the site.

I don't buy that excuse. I see people using it all the time on this subreddit and other conspiracy sites. People upvote garbage that they later regret then try to pretend that it was some concentrated effort to "discredit us". I guess it's easier than admitting that a huge percentage of your site is racist.

It's not "my site", first of all, and I'm basing my observations on that type of post/comment being made in completely unrelated subs. It is actually one of the reasons I don't go there very often. You can be in a really interesting investigational thread, an unfamiliar account shows up and derails it with out of context anti-jew spam and the thread shuts down. It's frustrating and it sucks.

When I said "your site" I meant, "site that you frequent". Much of the anti-Jewish stuff on this subreddit gets posted by old accounts that are very frequent contributers. Looking through some of the histories on Voat, it doesn't look too different. It's a hard thing to stomach for some people I guess. When you spend so much time communicating with what seems like like-minded people, then you find out that 25% of them are openly bigoted.

John Podesta is a false flag Republican effort to derail Clinton

Who was talking about Podesta?

Nah I'm just imitating your everything-that-makes-us-look-bad-is-a-false-flag style m80

Who the hell is "us"?


John Podesta is a false flag Republican effort to derail Clinton

I guess completely unfounded statements from a lawyer who wants to win their case, fed to us by Fox News, despite the fact that this entire scenario organically developed online within weeks if the death, are credible these days. Got any juicy Trump/Russia propaganda to spread while you are here?

I think we named her Meridian.

No, we really just don't like the Jews.


A less subtle /r/conspiracy

Fuck that place. They claim free speech without censorship but have suspended two of my accounts because my speech isn't the sort they want. They just want an echo chamber of white supremacy full of grammatical errors.

Suspended the account to the entire site? Why? I've been banned from a few subreddits there, but some subreddits explicitly state rules against banning unless you break the site wide rules, which I am not even familiar with.

Yeah, to the whole site. It gave me a message when I tried to log in that said something along the lines of "This account has been suspended. If you'd like to reactivate it, send your request to.."

I sent the request 2 or 3 times on my first account without any response. I then wrote it off as an error/mistake/glitch/whatever and created a new account. But once that account started to gain traction it was suspended in the same way.

Any speculation or reason why?

Yeah, I think Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same shit coin.

I've said similar things and didn't get banned.



Not me! I said I don't care for either. Banned.

so why were you suspended/banned? what was the subject and comments you made?

Probably a shill or lying.

Did you use the same account name on voat and Reddit? Could be some site admin read through your Reddit history and didn't like when you said Podesta probably isn't an interdimensional Reptilian child molester.

Wiat, are they called subreddits if they are on voat, or are they subvoats?

Oops, subveddits. Hah I am kidding I have no idea. Probably subvoats.

Is this true? If your account was banned and not banned from a sub then it sounds truly bad.

In addition the pizza gate posts that got censored real quick on here, archives and even voat, so it also would indicate it is compromised.

Is this true?

All I can say is go have a look and see if you can find any dissenting opinions there. Then ask yourself if that would be the case for a place that truly allows everyone to say whatever they want.

You think reddit does when it censors one of the most active subs from the rest of the site, allows professional propaganda houses and vote sale shops to brigade posts to hide them due to downvote amount or boost them to the top etc?

Reddit doesn't lie about it though.

I've been banned from subreddits for simply disagreeing with a mod. Voat can't be as bad as this place right now.

In addition the pizza gate posts that got censored real quick on here, archives and even voat, so it also would indicate it is compromised.

Or it indicates that whoever is scrubbing the internet of pizzagate stuff is well connected, capable, and quite powerful.

Voat could have posted a notice that they were forced to do so.

Or are you seriously suggesting they are sending out gag orders along with take down requests?

How many times are you going to post this comment in this thread? What did you get banned for?


They didn't say and don't respond to questions.

Stop using multiple accounts fuckface

Consecutive accounts, sweet heart.

Fuck that place. They claim free speech without censorship but...

You mean like r/The_Donald?

it's like a distilled T_D, somehow even worse than the original

Agreed, the extremist right that got kicked out of reddit took it over and made it their home base

white supremacy

It's weird you say it this way, because I decided to look through Voat today, just to see what the hubbub was about and a lot of comments made me go "maybe I'm having a bad day but these people seem overly racist for some weird reason" and just shook it off as me being off today. Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks they're just racist. Good to know I can keep clear of it from here on out.

Not so lost that they forbid you from recommending a competitor, though...

I went over to the pizzagate forum there and while it was and still is a good forum to discuss that issue, in general it also has a lot of problems. They have also been brigaded and then there is shit like this, blatantly racist stuff that was on the front page with multiple upvoats: http://i.imgur.com/OtlaRxW.png

what's a little racism for the benefit of free speech?

Racism. Cannot. Be. Prevented.

Stop acting so goddamn offended by everything and you'll see it subside in large part, though.

It's less the racism and more the large number of upvoats.


My sides.

Isn't Voat where all the jailbait posters went after Reddit closed down their sub?

Every time a group is banned they flood there. And every time (that i've seen) voat hates it.

They were really annoyed with the initial pizzagate move and then when the Donald shut down temporarily because those users gamed the vote system by upvoting low effort stuff to the jukebox sub and others. They also immediately started in with censorship and power mod stuff, which voat also hates.

They were really annoyed with the initial pizzagate move

This isn't true. I went there with the PG group, and the main guys were very welcoming. Why would you say they were annoyed?

I didn't frequent there a lot, but as a visitor I noticed a lot of complaints initially. There seems to be growing pains each time, but as I said, I specifically noticed complaints about memes, people getting around the posting regulations by shitposting, and power mod/censorship type behavior. To be fair when I saw complaints it was more about people acting like they do on the donald, not necessarily pg in general.

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I would love if voat had a bot that copied the front page of reddit's submissions to a sub so the larger volume of submissions could be seen there. The comments i don't care about, only large sub that is not totally lost to brigading here is t_d.

we can't believe anyones comments go check out voat yourself

Voat.co ... Not .com

the amount of people who constantly bash voat on reddit is telling.

i bounce between the two, voat just hasnt gained the mainstream traffic yet so is less important to the companies doing the lions share of the shilling.

it's so easy for bot to upvote each other so they can have "downvote feature" on...and the discussion over voat is so dry, feels like people doesnt care to post there

You'll find us using language similar to what is found on /pol, but that's largely to scare away normies. It's been a great home to v/pizzagate and the mods are absolute legends for the work they do there.

Do you work for Voat op? I'm always a little suspicious of this kind of blatant advertising.

No one works for Voat!

You're comment has been debunked.

Ah, so Voat was made by osmosis?

Try Snapzu.

Less racists and wack jobs.

Sorry but I was on voat for a very long time and realized during the election they were nothing more than the right view propaganda machine. Just as reddit is infiltrated so is voat.

Voat is like when /r/conspiracy is under attack by trump shills, except over there that's the only people you find.

It sucks that it has become so difficult to have genuine discussion on this subreddit, that said I am not sure the brigading is necessarily a bad thing. You can kinda tell how much the establishment wants you to ignore something based on how hard it is getting brigaded... or in other words, brigading ultimately just shows the true r/conspiracy folks where we should be directing our attention.

Its impossible to have an open and public discussion forum that is immune to brigading. Running from the brigades is pointless, eventually they will catch up with you.

To all voat critics here, www.raddi.net (/r/raddi) might be able to give you what you seek, once ready.

Isn't voat just a way to divide and conquer?

I was also under the impression voat was owned by the same people as reddit ......

I like that voting idea, but from what I saw it looks like the place has already been pretty well taken over by the_Donald bullhorn folks with a sprinkling of racism. Nah...no thanks.

I tried Voat awhile back after hearing that many redditors migrated there after a handful of subs got censored/banned and that it was a place that allows more freedom of speech/expression. What I found was an alt-rightish echo chamber and some pretty unabashed racism. Not my type of people.

While the overly sjw/neo-liberalism of much of reddit aren't my type of people either, I have found that there are more 'centrist', reasonable thinking people here

Bullshit. Voat is very tolerant of opinions and I spout my old-school liberal (not neoliberal) viewpoint all of the time and I get upvotes. While there are very racist folk there, they do tolerate dissenting views. Racists are the canary of free speech: When they're gone, you know free speech is dead.

Yeah, like how the Nazi's were tolerant of dissent.

Voat sometimes downvotes me but at least I can voice my opinion. I've been outright banned from multiple subs, including 2x, TD, LSC, and several others.

I know free speech is cool and all but you're an idiot.

Cool argument, bro.

Free speech means to be free to say what you want. It does not mean you are free of consequence. Say shitty things and expect to be treated shitty by others.


Let's fork Steem and rip out the monitization for posting concept. Still get decentralization and block chain based content storage.

Isn't Voat just Reddit with Child Porn?

Voat.com where you can read strictly about alt right white supremacist conspiracy theories

Stormfront lite?

I'll pass, thanks.

just use any of the chans and you dont have to worry about any of this.

It usually takes less than 3 clicks on the front page to arrive at some lovely stormfrontage diatribe, see if you can beat the average.

voat was excellent until reddit banned coontown etc. then overnight voat was suddenly full of christians and racists

Both should be shuttered and let the chans continue to run the show.

Still waiting on that invite. Any day now...

Why? So you isolate yourselves? How do you feed truth to others by isolating yourself on a website that get's little traffic?

OP is creating a diversion tactic.

Yes please, make everyone happy and just go over to voat. Please, I'm sick of Seth Rich and interdimensional chid molester posts.

Fuck that

Please do, fellow Trumpets! Reddit is a lost cause and we mustn't support these dastardly post-modernists!

20 posts about a guy fired at Google, man what a cook website.

lol. Voat people don't want Reddit people there, especially if they're r/T_D or r/T_D2.0 people. Have you actually browsed voat's far-right / neo-Nazi / conservative political subs? It's fully of people who hate the fact that Reddit Trump supporters are invading THEIR space.

No thanks. The Stormfront folks have taken it over.

Any speculation or reason why?

The "Boats" app is good.


Right, because he voted for Trump but doesn't worship him.

To any of the real people reading this thread, please click the link above and learn first-hand how people are trying to gaslight the fuck out of you. This entire thing is absolute bullshit, and I know with certainty that you know that you are lying. There is absolutely nothing inappropriate about that post. Nobody had to invite anybody anywhere. They lost their home base and OBVIOUSLY some of them are going to end up here and time that happens. What is so wrong about reminding them that we have different rules in this community? Or are you just pissed that we don't auto-ban people for posting in /r/The_Donald like all of the trash subreddits?

Good point.

That doesn't back up what you said. You were caught lying

What're you talking about? There's negative trump stories 8 days out of the week. It looks like you're trying to make a connection to bat isn't there. Maybe purposefully

Not a word I enjoy writing or being associated with.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I haven't noticed that coincidence. Seems to only be something you have seen. Or want to see.

Shareblue is incredibly obvious on Reddit and in this sub. That's why people talk about it. I haven't seen that from Cambridge Analytica. Not saying it's not there, but I haven't noticed them. Maybe much for subtle. They certainly didn't kill Reddit like Shareblue, that's for sure.

I'm a conspiracy theorist at heart, I believe nothing is a coincidence. Just pay attention next time there's a major story involving the Russian investigation.

Voat sometimes downvotes me but at least I can voice my opinion. I've been outright banned from multiple subs, including 2x, TD, LSC, and several others.

Did you use the same account name on voat and Reddit? Could be some site admin read through your Reddit history and didn't like when you said Podesta probably isn't an interdimensional Reptilian child molester.