Hemp and Hemp Oil have Cannabinoids that Cure Cancer without getting high; You don't need Marijuana, only potheads use that as an excuse to get stoned. Sessions will wage a massive Crackdown on Marijuana use. Also Marijuana is a Gateway Drug into Heroin and Cocaine addiction.

0  2017-08-08 by [deleted]



Smoked weed for 15 years. Never touched heroin and only done coke a few times. Your logic is a bit flawed. Alcohol is the true gateway drug (although I do believe it is human nature to take drugs to get high.) Then there is the spirituality side of things...

"smoked"... did you stop?

I used to smoke weed... I still do, but I used to, too. ~MH

Alcohol is the entry drug. Not weed.

You start early, with being a sugar addict.

Kids love candy.

Smoked week for 10 years and never had any desire to do anything "harder."

Calling marijuana a gateway drug is a classic case of post hoc, ergo propter hoc. Just because it's more easily accessible, widely available, and cheaper, therefore some people come across and try it before eventually trying other drugs, doesn't mean it is itself leading to heavy drug use.

I love how using a depressant is a gateway to a stimulant.

Smoked weed for 13 years now. Never touched anything else, and have even drastically cut my alcohol consumption. You can't just make a blanket statement like that as if there is mounds of evidence to oppose that idea.

If anything, the "gateway" aspect is caused by people having to resort to the black market to buy weed, as people who sell one illicit drug are likely to sell other illicit drugs. And when a relationship is formed with a dealer, people are more willing to listen to them when they say, "Hey I've also got some (insert harder drug), you should try it. It's awesomeee." That's how everyone I know that's become addicted to things like Xanax and Percocet got there start. If they had a legitimate establishment they could have gone to like in the legal states, they would have never crossed paths with those drugs in the first place.

Also, you using the term "potheads" is just as damaging to the cause as Sessions is. That is an intentionally created and stigmatized term for those who don't buy into the government propaganda that marijuana deserves to be treated equally as heroine in terms of drug scheduling. Cannabinoids that don't contain THC have many uses and can be beneficial in a lot of cases, but THC also produces many benefits for all kinds of scenarios and people.

Sounds like your only half way out of the mental trap that is government propaganda against marijuana. Keep learning, and you'll realize that it's for much more than just "potheads".

As an ex junkie who now works with legal medicinal marijuana. Let me say this. Op has no friggin clue what he's talking about. Rick simpson oil which is a full range of activated cannabinoids does get you very high. THC itself does have a medicinal effect. From the hundreds of compounds in the plant there are probably very few that don't thcv is whats responsible for improved BMI over those who don't.

This sounds like a complete propaganda post.

The bias is flowing through OPs fingertips

It's a really weak troll attempt. 8 month old account with only this posting lol....

First of all I have Researched all of this extensively,

Don't see tobacco or alcohol on your list so i call bullshit.

Heroin is thee must damaging drug in the world & is used on both sides of the market,ie.Codeine,Morphine......to put cannabis on the same list as that shit or meth is very Regan-ess of you.

If you seriously researched this topic i would say you are been led down a path of bullshit because you have yet to realize the scope of the propaganda that was layed out for "Marijuana" & are just using sources that that are rather ridiculous in their fear mongering writings.

Stay in school if the school is an actual school set up for learning & is not an indoctrination center.

Don't abuse drugs...you have no right to tell others they can't take something if they choose to do so in an manipulated world.

Let's time the release of a trump or sessions comment about marijuana. Willing to bet it's not far off from this post, which will mean it's a wild coincidence most likely (in everyone's minds).

This can be either:

A pro Trump poster / A paid pro trump poster

A fake post by trump opposition to further dilute the message and push people away from his party- or the same thing except this person is being paid.

It is very unfortunate that the truth is no longer self evident. What say you OP? Can you comment on the purpose of this post to clear this veil of disinformation?

I'm am very much pro Trump. Having said that, the idea that cannabis is a gateway drug is ridiculous. My dad was a hard core drug addict through most of my childhood and pot had nothing to do with it. I know lots of people that smoke pot but won't go near any other drugs, even tylenol. I will never support a "war on drugs", the whole idea is absurd. I don't support going after people who buy, use, sell, or distribute cannabis in any way.

Alcohol is a bigger gateway drug than anything else...

Sugar bro. Sugar.

Excellent point..your're absolutely right...Even more addicting than Cocaina.

I feel slightly offended by your assumptions and your basic low level threats of supermax prison for smoking a blunt. Personally I will die for this, if they send people to my house over weed. Law is for the civilized, laws that make humanity uncivil are unconstitutional.

cray cray

I clicked this post expecting exactly what I am seeing. Commenting to see how many downvotes this post gets.

Don't fuck with r/conspiracy 's weed!

What a poor attempt to troll....

First and foremost, having anyone tell you what you can or cannot consume is an absurd idea.

Everything that I was brainwashed to believe that I could only experience through giving my mind and soul to a religious deity, I experienced first hand from ingesting a fungi that occurs naturally in nature.

Funny thing is that the drug war is a complete failure, which means there is a war out there that drug addicts have been winning for decades.

In any case, anytime you make something illegal you create a black market for it. This is how gangs and unscrupulous groups of people (CIA) generate illicit funds for projects that they can't put on the books.

Burned the account with a single post

Quality shitpost

Why even mention Marijuana? It's safer than McDonald's.

The REAL drug epidemic is HEROIN, and the U.S. Government is directly responsible for this Even U.S. marines are tasked with guarding opium crops

So why did we REALLY invade Afghanistan??

Afghanistan's opium poppy production goes into more than 90% of heroin worldwide. Afghanistan has been the world's greatest illicit opium producer, ahead of Burma (Myanmar), the "Golden Triangle", and Latin America since 1992, excluding the year 2001. Afghanistan is the main producer of opium in the "Golden Crescent".

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since U.S. occupation started in 2001.

The United States is experiencing an epidemic of drug overdose (poisoning) deaths. Since 2000, the rate of deaths from drug overdoses has increased 137%, including a 200% increase in the rate of overdose deaths involving opioids

Isn't a coincidence we invade Afghanistan, and now there is a huge heroin epidemic in America?

Do you see a correlation here?

What about Columbia in the 80's? We were training the right-wing paramilitaries at Ft. Benning at the School of Assassins and it happened to coincide with a crack epidemic in the US. Same game, different players. Supported by both parties.

Another good point that I was not aware of.

"hurr durr muh Marijuana cures cancer bro so let me smoke a blunt and get stoned".

And what is wrong with that logic other than the hate and bias in which you wrote it you fucking asshole.

Because he knows marijuana actually cures cancer. And the fact it's been illegal since 1937, with cancer being a multi-billion dollar industry - makes our Government look like a bunch of certified psychopaths.

First let’s look at what keeps cancer cells alive, then we will come back and examine how the cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) unravels cancer’s aliveness.

In every cell there is a family of interconvertible sphingolipids that specifically manage the life and death of that cell. This profile of factors is called the “Sphingolipid Rheostat.” If endogenous ceramide(a signaling metabolite of sphingosine-1-phosphate) is high, then cell death (apoptosis) is imminent. If ceramide is low, the cell is strong in its vitality.

Very simply, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the cannabinoid.

The cancer cell dies, not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a tiny little shift in the mitochondria. Within most cells there is a cell nucleus, numerous mitochondria (hundreds to thousands), and various other organelles in the cytoplasm. The purpose of the mitochondria is to produce energy (ATP) for cell use. As ceramide starts to accumulate, turning up the Sphingolipid Rheostat, it increases the mitochondrial membrane pore permeability to cytochrome c, a critical protein in energy synthesis. Cytochrome c is pushed out of the mitochondria, killing the source of energy for the cell.

The key to this process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means taking therapeutic amounts of CBD and THC, steadily, over a period of time, keeping metabolic pressure on this cancer cell death pathway.

Here is the full article

Original Poster, You are defending the undefendable with imagined "facts

shit post

I first smoked weed at 14. Have been smoking non stop since I was 18. I'm 38. I've never done coke, heroin, meth, ex or acid. I rarely, rarely drink. You are really misinformed and preaching that same reefer madness bullshit propaganda....besides, there is new research that says that CBD works better in conjunction with THC. you should check yourself before you get roasted.

Umm.. I have been partaking in marijuana for many years, on a regular basis. I have never tried Heroin or EVER had the desire to. I tried cocaine a couple times in college, but I have never purchased it and haven't done it in years. I would very strongly disagree that marijuana is a gateway drug.

Smoking marijuana, while not as healthy as taking cannabinoids orally, still has medical effects. It can reduce nausea and act as a mild pain reliever. It's also quite effective when used as a sleep aid or appetite booster ;-)

In my opinion alcohol is much more of a gateway drug, as it lowers your inhibitions and makes you more likely to do something you normally wouldn't. Marijuana does not lower inhibitions and effect motor skills in the same way alcohol does. Alcohol is a much more dangerous drug. Alcohol is responsible for WAY more deaths per year than marijuana (it's nearly impossible to die from a marijuana overdose). Alcohol is legal because it causes many deaths by motor vehicles, keeps insurance rates high, provides lots of revenue to courts in legal fees and fines, and most importantly it keeps people stupid and compliant. How many cases of domestic violence involve alcohol as compared to marijuana?

Marijuana is illegal because TPTB know that it is a mind expanding substance. It causes one to perceive the world differently and to make new connections through synapses in the brain. Our brains are equipped with receptors specifically for THC. When the government made marijuana a schedule 1 drug it was for the purpose of preventing the masses from awakening intellectually and spiritually, and also in order to create a large prison population of minorities that would provide cheap labor to private prisons.

Screw alcohol. Screw pharmaceuticals. And screw anything made in a lab. Marijuana grows out of the freaking ground.. why try to demonize something so natural and widely used?

Let's not talk about the wonderful drug EVERY person is addicted to.


OP has never posted anything anywhere on Reddit before. This is first forray. Lmao

FYI you are totally wrong in thinking hemp oil and cannabis oil are the SAME thing...

hemp and cannabis are the same family of plant, but to suggest that they have equal properties when it comes to medicine is completely wrong.

if ANYTHING is a gateway drug then it is alcohol not cannabis.

this sort of gibberish only comes out of mouths of people who have NO experience or knowledge when it comes to the plant they are talking about.

cannabis is one of the (if not THE) most important plants on earth, as you can use the plant for several valuable purposes. (including making fuel, medicine, food/feed, cloth, even biodegradable plastics can be made from the plant!)

to sum it up... do some research before you start spouting your opinion as fact.

kids...drop out of school, follow your own educational path, if smoking a blunt every now and then brings you pain relief, stress relief, a way to meditate or philosophise about life, then smoke a joint and read a book. don't listen to idiots like the OP, he clearly has no idea what he is talking about.

This is so weird

Because he knows marijuana actually cures cancer. And the fact it's been illegal since 1937, with cancer being a multi-billion dollar industry - makes our Government look like a bunch of certified psychopaths.

First let’s look at what keeps cancer cells alive, then we will come back and examine how the cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) unravels cancer’s aliveness.

In every cell there is a family of interconvertible sphingolipids that specifically manage the life and death of that cell. This profile of factors is called the “Sphingolipid Rheostat.” If endogenous ceramide(a signaling metabolite of sphingosine-1-phosphate) is high, then cell death (apoptosis) is imminent. If ceramide is low, the cell is strong in its vitality.

Very simply, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the cannabinoid.

The cancer cell dies, not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a tiny little shift in the mitochondria. Within most cells there is a cell nucleus, numerous mitochondria (hundreds to thousands), and various other organelles in the cytoplasm. The purpose of the mitochondria is to produce energy (ATP) for cell use. As ceramide starts to accumulate, turning up the Sphingolipid Rheostat, it increases the mitochondrial membrane pore permeability to cytochrome c, a critical protein in energy synthesis. Cytochrome c is pushed out of the mitochondria, killing the source of energy for the cell.

The key to this process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means taking therapeutic amounts of CBD and THC, steadily, over a period of time, keeping metabolic pressure on this cancer cell death pathway.

Here is the full article

Excellent point..your're absolutely right...Even more addicting than Cocaina.