What is the whole North Korea nuke ordeal distracting us from?

16  2017-08-09 by McDuffBSmith

Something is going on in the background. No country is stupid enough to threaten the US and actually send missiles flying.

What are TPTB distracting us from?

Or is NK really that stupid?


NK has been threatening to attack the US in some for or another for decades. This isn't some new scheme that just got cooked up, it's the next chapter in a continuous narrative. This time people are a bit more worried because Trump is in charge and Kim Jung Un is seen as irrational and with an increased focus on gaining legitimacy through these kinds of antics.

Trump is in charge...

H'okay champ.

"In charge" as in he's the sitting president.

By in charge do you mean "scapegoat"?

I've had a feeling that NK is controlled opposition, if anything I would guess that the Solar Eclipse and 23rd of September may have a part in what's being distracted from. If NK is such a threat to the world, who else is opposing them or is it just the United States?

How is the eclipse a distraction? It's been in the news for months but was never a front page story.

I'm sorry, I may not have written it that well. I meant that NK might be a distraction from the eclipse. It's just a thought I had.

But what is so special about the eclipse?

Believe it's some bible crap that won't actually make anything different

I don't know much about it, but it seems to be a huge event for Americans and also occultist. I'm just saying it may be something related to the possible war with NK.

It's a huge event for Americans because it's going across a huge portion of the country

What's on September 23rd?

Here is some info about that day, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revelation_12_Sign

The most obvious answer is that Trump is struggling with popularity, which makes it really hard for him to pass his agenda. Wars are traditionally a good way to help with that.

A war that he believes would be easy to win too. Winning seems to be really important to Trump. He knows we can never win in Afghanistan, which is why he's willing to hand it over to a bunch of mercenaries. Get rid of the loser's war and start a brand new winner's war.

Do you think he believes we can just nuke NK and that's it, he wins?

I don't know, I hope he's smarter than that. Surely he must know what is at stake. But I've seen a few comments around here from people saying "It won't be a war, it'll be a bombing run. We'll win it in five minutes." Still, I guess I can see why people would think a more conventional war in NK would appear easier than a prolonged occupation and insurgency in the middle east.

Isn't that how it works for his base?

They already 180'd from "Hillary would have started a war" to "EXTERMINATE THE KOREAN SLIME" in about 48 hours.

They want war so bad they can taste it. It was just about trying to make people afraid of Hillary.

Sadly, I don't think all even have an ideology. It really is more about pissing off the world (yes, that is way to simplistic). Sometimes I wonder if for some of the younger supporters if they don't see it as a video game. Gotta have winners and losers. Trump was the winner so he can't be wrong. Oh god I need to go to bed I'm coming up with some wacky ideas.

NK lacks IMF bank, has a ton of great resources to harvest, war is profitable. NK may have actually said they'd use their nukes, if some group like the CIA threatened NK enough. "We are going to assissinate you." "IF YOU TRY WE WILL LAUNCH!"

Who knows.

China is investing into and modernizing NK, thats something the IMF does not want to happen.

if NK gets upgraded and then unifies with SK, China ends up controlling the whole of Korea.

Interesting theory.

Pretty sure they grow a lot of Opium too.

And weed.

gross stupidity and corrupt cruelty in Washington DC

Interesting theory.