What has this sub become?
0 2017-08-09 by LitBastard
Hi,you might think this will be a rant about Dems/Reps but it isn't.
I've been lurking and participating here for a little longer than a year and have seen all kinds of thought provoking,nonsensical,educational or downright stupid stuff get posted.
But I really have to ask a question: What the fuck is up with all those "Holocaust never happened,fuck the jews!" posts?
Everyday there are 2 or 3 posts and the comments devolve into a shitfest of straight up racist,xenophobic,antisemetic and scientificaly wrong idiots talking about faked gas chambers,linking to neo-nazi blogs that try to retcon history with lies and supposed experts who are in support of neo-nazi organisations.
Clearly those posts are in violation of some rules we should adhere to but the problem is ignored.
It is really sad to see that a sub full of people upset with what they're fed by the government and the media stay silent in the presence of such blatant falsehoods,lies and attacks on millions of people.
1 The_Veracity_Sector 2017-08-09
Oh look its THIS post again. Screw your politically correct brainwashing. It IS NOT against any rules to spread the truth here.
1 edfromla 2017-08-09
I've seen this type of post before.
1 The_Veracity_Sector 2017-08-09
Hell yeah there was one just like it yesterday. And before that and before that. It irks them that people are talking about REAL conspiracies and fabricated nonsense like aliens, bigfoot, and ufos. Not that theres anything wrong with those.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-08-09
Next we'll get a "when did sub (that I've never been to,) become so pro-government??" post.
1 The_Veracity_Sector 2017-08-09
Yeah exactly
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
People love having a scape goat. If you think about it the jews have been the suspects of numerous conspiracies from all of the political spectrum
Add to that the religious aspect of people here and what comes from that
1 Amos_Quito 2017-08-09
But don't you dare ever think about WHY, or whether Jews may have played any role in their own history... Because THAT would be "anti-Semitic".
"Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them"
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
I do, lots of people do. It's from fear of the other, religious intolerance, being able to charge interest, Jesus. And then lots of rumours about them to spread fear and hate
1 Amos_Quito 2017-08-09
See? You, just like most everyone else, IGNORE the fact that Jews were active participants in their OWN HISTORY.
Many seem to be under the impression that, all through history, Jews were just standing there on a street corner, minding their own business, when BAM!!! History drives by and slaps them for NO REASON!!!
The reason that so many believe this HORSESHIT is because for generations this idea has been inculcated into society through the media (entertainment and news), through the education system (primary and secondary), through "Evangelical" churches, and, yes, through Western public policy.
Well bubs, it isn't true, and it is a VERY DANGEROUS belief for people to cling to, and those in the greatest danger of this continued fantasy are the Jews themselves.
Here's a clue: The reason that Jews and Jewish communities have always clashed with their host nations and their neighbors is because of culture clash:
Through most of the past 2,000 years, Jews have always been an extremely insular and ethnocentric group - based on religious and cultural grounds, there was almost no intermingling with non-Jews in cultural/ secular affairs, and intermarriage was strictly forbidden. The little interaction that Jews DID have with their Gentile neighbors was largely restricted to business matters.
Such business affairs were usually only conducted with the "upper classes" of the Gentiles - the Lords, Royals, etc. For example, in medieval Europe, Jews often contracted with these Gentiles (such as tax farming, landlording, moneylending, etc), and these "unsavory" functions often created animosity between Jews and their Gentile neighbors - and the two groups invariably saw one another as ALIENS.
On the whole, Jews refused to assimilate - to become part of the "nations" in which they dwelt, and it cannot be overemphasized that this was their own choice. They insisted on being treated as a SEPARATE NATION from their host countries - and their hosts largely accommodated this demand. Again, in medieval Europe, Jews CHOSE to live in their own "gated communities" the "Ghettos", and they were generally given full autonomy in conducting their internal affairs - civil, legal and religious - WITHING their community, where the Rabbis ruled the roost.
In most cases, Gentile powers only intervened when disputes arose between Jews and Gentiles, and indeed, in many cases, Gentile authorities provided protection for Jews and Jewish communities as part of the contracts they entered into with the Gentile Lords, Royals, etc.
This mutual agreement wherein Jews were treated as a separate nation among their host nations continued largely through the mid 1700's, when Jews the Emancipation Movement took root in Europe, and began to spread. The result being that many of the former "restrictions" that had been placed on Jews were lifted - BUT so were many of the protections and privileges that Jews had previously enjoyed PRIOR to emancipation.
Examples: Jews were obligated to perform military service for the country where they lived, whereas they had previously been exempt. Also, Jews who had previously had to answer only to Rabbinical authorities in most criminal and civil matters now found themselves being judged by the secular governments of the Gentile nations.
Emancipation meant that Jews began to be treated much as any OTHER citizen/resident of whatever country they lived in. Their "Jewish National" status was dissolved, and they were treated as British or French or Italian (or whatever) citizens of the "Jewish Confession". Jews began freely intermingling socially and in business matters as never before - EVEN INTERMARRYING with non-Jews.
In many ways, this was seen as a "blessing" by both Jews and Gentiles alike, but for MANY Jews, emancipation was a DISASTER, as they they feared that Jews - as a Nation, as a Tribe, as a RACE, would become EXTINCT - not due to any holocaust, pogrom or other "physical" threat - but due to intermarriage, and assimilation - the fear was that they would simply FORGET that they WERE Jews, and breed themselves out of existence.
Assimilation was (and is) THE GREATEST THREAT to the "survival" of Jews as a Nation/ Race/ Species, and it was THIS threat that drove the Zionists to FORCE the creation of a Jewish State on the world, and FORCE their fellow Jews to MOVE THERE, whether they liked i or not.
So essentially, Zionism became the "false savior" of the Jews - and the Holocaust (and related persecution) served as a "plague" that FORCED the Jews to "save themselves".
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
Why did you go on such a rant? You just assumed I believed one thing and said random shit
Zionism doesn't force Jews to go to israel, they can choose not to as many do
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
You really can't see how A Holocaust Tale could "strongly encourage" people to leave Europe and go to a new Homeland...?
If you'd read it, it wasn't a rant. It was an excellent summary of why Jews throughout history have been in conflict with every nation they exist in. It's their own xenophobia, and absolute refusal to assimilate with their neighbors. When this "refusal" weakened, and Jews began to assimilate, extreme steps were taken to stop it, or at least divert it.
Western monarchies and government's are just as culpable, for our current state of affairs, but the heritage, the legacy, the false prophesies they pursue are distinctly Jewish/Egyptian in nature. And it's not anti-Semitic to point it out, any more than it's "anti-elephant", to point out the elephant in the room.
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
'Force' is not the same as encourage. If anything their neighbours stealing their property in europe forced them to go rather than zionists
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
"Six million dead!!"
"Feel free to stay as long as you like!!"
"What could go wrong?!"
The semantics between "forced" and "strongly encouraged" aren't important.
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
And who was at fault for this? Europe did well on its own without Zionists encouraging emigration. Do you deny the theft of property?
They are very different. Jews were strongly encouraged to leave Germany before ww2. They were forced into camps and ghettos
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
The same families and governments who backed the Balfour Declaration. You'll never convince well-off people to leave their homes and businesses, without some sort of overriding motivation. Without the holohoax, the motivation to leave wouldn't have existed, in any significant way. Theft of property pales in comparison to "Six Million Jews Exterminated!!"
And I don't understand your claim that Europe was doing well enough on its own, any time between 1935 and 1950. WW2 was kinda destructive. Maybe you're referring to some other time.
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
I meant the mass murder. I meant Europe did well not making jews welcome. Theft of property got rid of a lot of survivors.
Of course the holocaust did essentially destroy European jewish culture
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
Well, it wasn't that effective, apparently. Somehow, the Jewish population went from 15.3 million in '33, to 21.3 million during ww2, and back to 15.8 million Jews in '48. For a group of people being actively exterminated, they seemed to do alright, even increasing population, and sticking around in Europe for awhile.
1 Amos_Quito 2017-08-09
Fighting the battle against ignorance and the malicious falsification of history, friend.
I didn't assume anything. You stated very clearly what you believe:
The above is a classic cookie-cutter recitation of "reasons" for so-called "historic anti-Semitism" that is not only cliché, it is utterly FALSE.
Sure, achieves the purpose for which it was created - to absolves Jews for any and all responsibility for ANY part they played in their own history - but that does NOT do Jews (or anyone else) any favors - as it denies the core issues that were at work throughout history, and CONTINUE to be at work to this day.
The ethnocentric Tribalism and Nationalism that generated and fed the historic clashes of culture that so often ended tragically for Jews continues to this day, shit is building up to hit the fan YET AGAIN, and there is little chance that it can be averted as long as the falsehoods you listed above continue to be parroted and believed.
Funny thing about people: If they don't believe that they NEED to change their behavior, they usually won't.
Not today. At least not directly and overtly.
But I was referring to Zionism in the early period - between its founding in 1986 and its culmination in the State of Israel 50 years later - AND in the ensuing decade.
Zionism was NOT a popular movement among Jews. They were, (with some notable exceptions, such as Czarist Russia), quite happy living where they were - in England, in France, in Austria, and especially in Germany: Prior to and during WW1, German Jews were among the MOST assimilated, widely accepted and prosperous of any Jewish population.
Compared to their Eastern European counterparts (the so-called "Ostjuden"), Western European Jews tended to be highly educated, affluent, and savvy in the realms of civics, politics, finance, diplomacy and in possessed with many OTHER talents that made them IDEAL candidates for laying the foundations of the State of Israel that the Zionists had been working SO HARD to achieve.
The problem is, these highly desirable Western European Jews were especially stubborn, refusing to abandon their lives and livelihood for the sake of what they saw as a wiled-eyed and dangerous scheme in some primitive land that was already occupied by natives who had lived there for generations.
Prior to the rise of Hitler in 1933, most of the Jews that migrated to Palestine were either hard-core Zionist Zealots, or downtrodden outcasts from Eastern Europe.
The Zionists knew that without enough Jews - and the right kind of Jews, their scheme would FAIL.
Fortunately for the Zionists, the systematic persecution of Jews by Hitler and Company provided these Jews with the enough incentive that they made the move. They had little choice.
More questions?
1 Terex80 2017-08-09
I perfectly understand german Jews were some of the best integrated. Don't know why you're explaining this to me.
I listed a few reasons not all so don't be so presumptuous
Also you weren't the one claiming they were forced to go to palestine so I dunno why you brought it up in your final paragraph. And they also had the option to go to the US which many did
1 a1s2d3f4g5t 2017-08-09
some "conspiracies" were just the noting positive corelations between two or more objective facts. correlation does not equal causation, but even today positive correlations are interpretted as causation by any not trained at some le el in logic.
example--jews were blamed for the black death in many european towns. this was usually based on the positive correlation between a jewish merchant visiting the town and then the outbreak occuring, and it is very likely that the merchant was in fact the vector given the isolation of most towns and that christians were almost all bound to the land, and weren't free to go anywhere. this isn't antisemitism, it is analysis based on what we in the 21st century know about disease transmission and history (unless you are an anti-vaxxer--then you know neither).
the townspeople, who were rightly terrified and dropping dead like flies, lashed out. they did not have disease theory or know about incubation periods. the disease did not occur immediately, so they assumed the peddlar gave his fellow jews, whom he most certainly would have stayed with, something they could infect the town with. in most of these towns, many people owed money to jews because lending money and ursury was a venal sin in catholicism (thus the protest reformation, whose first act after stealing all of the monks belo gi gs was to legalize money-lending and ursury). everybody hates their lenders. in these circumstances the disease was viewed as retribution for failure to repay their debts, and to be fare, there were numerous accounts of lenders confiscating property while people lay dying in their homes. there was ugliness all around.
jews have made the same faulty and barbaric conclusions themselves throughout history.
and some conspiracies were just bigotted, opportunistic covers for stealing land, resources, and property. again, this is not at all unnique to jewish victims...just ask the irish, native americans, tibetans, congolese...palestians...
people are shitty.
i'm atheist, despite having been visited this week by what i can only call an imp. if anyone has any imps, they are deathly afraid of house cats. mine charged it hissing and scared it off. i have been so bothered by the imp, i got several night lights, one for each wall. fwiw it was black and about 2 feet tall sitting down.
1 no1113 2017-08-09
This sub has always been very critical of Khazarian influence on the planet and in the U.S. - and it is well that such is the case. Khazars have shown themselves to be amongst the worst human beings on planet Earth.
Khazar isn't the same thing as Jew, but unfortunately they have infiltrated Jewish culture to such an extent that they have made greatly synonymous the term "Jew" with the actions of the marauding Khazars which have infiltrated them.
Read this.
...and this and this
...and watch this and this.
1 OutragedOgre 2017-08-09
Classic divvisionist propaganda, keep the people hating on anyone but the oppressors. Somehow it is ok here to blame the Jews but not blame other religious or culture groups, except of course Muslims but even Muslims are not treated to the anti-Jewish hate-fest we see here.
I agree OP it is disturbing.
1 An-arkos 2017-08-09
Partly this is a backlash from Jewish/Israeli organisations being so aggressive towards critics and insisting on using "anti Semetic" instead of racism, as if racism towards Jews is somehow worse then racism in general.
by the way, the semetic people are extinct, and i while it is commonly understood the term anti semetic means anti-jew i see no purpose for this other then to cause division...
And that brings me to part2; Zionists, like Muslims, are "not a race" of people, just like people who play soccer are not a race of people, or Jehovahs or scientologists are not "races" of people.
So the bias, dislike or hatred people have for these groups is not based on unchangeable conditions your born with such as race and sex and the physical attributes associated with that.
Ofcourse there is some people who just hate the jewish race and love hitler, that is disturbing but better to just "keep calm and don't feed the troll"
1 HibikiSS 2017-08-09
The truth is anti-semitic.
1 Xpacstornasshole 2017-08-09
Prove to me the lolacaust happened. With real facts, no Hollywood bullshit or emotional appeals. This isn't Europe where it's illegal to question that BS. Israel did 9/11 so we'd go fight more wars for them, it's called the Oded Yinon plan.
1 Reign_Wilson 2017-08-09
Well, Germans admitted to the Holocaust. Plus there were like 100,000 witnesses. What more do you need?
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
Which Germans was this? You'll have to elaborate a bit.
And by "millions" of witnesses, you probably mean dozens, who were all quite spectacularly able to just walk out of gas chambers, escape certain death, and were all the last surviving member of the family, and who profited greatly from telling their lies to any of the nearest propaganda outlets.
Strangely enough, there's just as many "millions" talking about their day to day activities, like acting in plays, putting on musicals, playing sports, etc. Kinda strange activities, to be having at extermination camps. It's almost like they were all at concentration camps, doing forced labor, like many of the other "undesirables" of the Nazi party.
Conditions were frequently bad, and unbearable at the end of the war, but it was far from an extermination of a people. The zionists went on to capitalize on this "tragedy" by extorting billions of dollars from the Germans, invading palestine illegally, and torturing, oppressing, murdering their neighbors every day since. So there's legitimate interest in whether the Holocaust actually happened or not.
1 ermanito 2017-08-09
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
When and how did he admit to this? It seems he was pretty dead when it came to confession time.
1 ermanito 2017-08-09
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
It's unfortunate that he calls it an evacuation of Jews, in the same breath. It's just vague enough to convey what people want it to say.
I'll give you this, as one of the "debatable" pieces of evidence. It's bizarre that the only official references to a nationwide extermination program, with death facilities, thousands of troops, and 6 million bodies only has a cryptic reference, one forged "secret meeting" document, and a small handful of torture induced confessions. For all the infrastructure they built in this convoluted extermination, there sure isn't much to show for it.
1 ermanito 2017-08-09
Already moving the goalposts.
You will keep moving them with each piece of evidence that gets presented.
I know your type.
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
I'm familiar with the speech. I asked the question, to see if you had any idea of what you were talking about. It seems you do. Alot of people just spout the talking points without having the foggiest notion of where they came from.
Just because I can acknowledge that a piece of evidence is debatable, doesn't mean that I agree with you. I don't see that as a confession to a Holocaust at all. It's vague wording could make it apply to any number of anti-jewish measures. They were clearly against Jews. Nobody debates that. But the Holocaust is a whole different beast.
Judging by that speech, I can see them rounding up Jews and other undesirable blood types, and putting them into forced labor camps, away from the rest of German society. Along with gypsies, gays, "inferior races", etc. It's a more reasonable guess than the Holocaust, because the Holocaust only has a few shreds of the flimsiest evidence possible.
1 ermanito 2017-08-09
Just as expected.
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
What? You expected a cryptic, indirect reference to a possible Holocaust to be accepted as incontrovertible proof, that he openly admitted to the Holocaust?
That's a strange expectation to have.
1 JUSTIN_HERGINA 2017-08-09
No, they are not.
Discussing the Holocaust is not against the rules, or reddits TOS.
We do watch closely, and remove/warn/ban where slurs etc are used, but we are not here to censor discussion of it.
I for one believe the Holocaust happened, but I think the numbers were not accurate.
People fail to mention the millions of Russians that wee slaughtered by the nazis. The reason being that its ok to hate the Russians.
1 CIA_Gangstalker_lol 2017-08-09
here's a video created by a Jew. Maybe this will help you
1 ermanito 2017-08-09
That's an age-old tradition here
1 Ignix 2017-08-09
It sounds like you need a cold shower of facts about Israel.
There is a lot of polls from the Israeli population showing widespread racism against arabs.
Pew Research Center
Are Israeli Jews racist?
Israelis post anti-Arab racism online every 46 seconds, study finds
7amleh center publishes "The index of racism and incitement in the Israeli social media" 2016
Unpacking anti-Arab racism in Israel
Check out http://ifamericaknew.org/, lots of illuminating information there for anyone who is not familiar with the conflict.
The conflict is far more one-sided than most US media reports with far more transgressions from Israel.
A UN report is available here:
UN Report - Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid
Israeli TV Host Implores Israelis: Wake Up and Smell the Apartheid
IDF Chief Says Israel is Becoming Like Nazi Germany, Refuses to Back Down
Breaking the Silence - Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories
If Americans Knew - What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-08-09
Next we'll get a "when did sub (that I've never been to,) become so pro-government??" post.
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
I'm familiar with the speech. I asked the question, to see if you had any idea of what you were talking about. It seems you do. Alot of people just spout the talking points without having the foggiest notion of where they came from.
Just because I can acknowledge that a piece of evidence is debatable, doesn't mean that I agree with you. I don't see that as a confession to a Holocaust at all. It's vague wording could make it apply to any number of anti-jewish measures. They were clearly against Jews. Nobody debates that. But the Holocaust is a whole different beast.
Judging by that speech, I can see them rounding up Jews and other undesirable blood types, and putting them into forced labor camps, away from the rest of German society. Along with gypsies, gays, "inferior races", etc. It's a more reasonable guess than the Holocaust, because the Holocaust only has a few shreds of the flimsiest evidence possible.
1 Awesomo3082 2017-08-09
What? You expected a cryptic, indirect reference to a possible Holocaust to be accepted as incontrovertible proof, that he openly admitted to the Holocaust?
That's a strange expectation to have.