What are the odds of a false flag incident involving North Korea.

21  2017-08-09 by Tunderbar1

I'd say pretty good.



I don't think a lot of people understand the devastation that would come with any sort of real conflict with NORK

Pre-Trump, NK was a backward poor starving country led by a buffoon and they couldn't hit the broad side of an ocean with their silly crappy missiles.

Now, apparently they are uber-competent in warfare, missile building, and nuclear arms miniaturization and are able to hit almost the entire US mainland.

Nothing suspicious here. /s

You bring up a good point, and I guess it gives the idea that NK is controlled opposition some credence.

I look at it this way: I assume they are legit independently rogue. If they truly have nuclear capability, their value isn't in perfecting ICBM technology. It would be in exporting a portable warhead and manually taking it somewhere.

ICBM tech is pretty advanced. putting the warhead on a passenger plane, detonating it at the right height and coordinates would cause trouble - EMP, fallout, and explosive damage.

So Trump's talk makes me wonder if the NK capabilities aren't greater than we'd think.

What Trump says comes from what his advisors feed him.

Who are not stupid people.

Who are globalist hawks looking to distract Trump from pursuing Hillary, the DNC and pedophiles.

I presume you are right.

Just want to say 2 things.

First didnt think about the plane aspect. That's actually pretty creative. Get a passenger plane, make it look legit, but load it up with a nuke, fly it over the U.S., and detonate it high enough and boom you have an emp that will fuck up a large chunk of the country(depends on high in the atmosphere and also atomic yield).

2nd is if they do detonate it high up you don't get fall out(well its more dispersed and less of it). Fall out from a ground burst is going to be localized but really mess up the land. The explosion kicks up dirt, and debris from destroyed buildings. This debris is ionized by the explosion and thus you have fallout. Depending on the atomic yield of the bomb and what's in it you'll get a few different types of radioisotopes. Some of these take years(50+) to decay, while others can take minutes, days, or months. Now if, say, they detonated the bomb in a large farm area, and there were some good strong winds, you could have fallout cover a large area of farm land. This would make it very difficult to use the land until properly treated. Granted we have a large amount of farm land, but this would still acrew up food and logistics for a while. Prices would go up people would be screwed for a bit, but theres also the scare factor. People will now be worried about where their food came from, did it pass through an area that was contaminated, did the food get treated correctly. Just a real mess and headache for us all.

But yeah just wanted to put that out there.

Source for Fall out

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fallout

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Yes. It is sad, but the psychological aspect of the fallout is what would do more damage in a lot of ways. The same for a dirty bomb. No one wants to be in the area of nuclear material, no one wants to eat foot from said area -etc.

Exactly. A dirty bomb wouldn't destroy a lot when it explodes. However after it goes off the area will be contaminated and then everyone will start freaking out wondering when and where the next attack with one will be.

Aside from tje fact NK had been trying to get nuclear capabilities for ages

Also trump is probably seen as not strong enough to effectively react. America is declining in influence

Trying? Rumsfeld sold them two nuclear reactors 17 years ago.

Big difference between nuclear reactors and functioning weapons

Yeah, suspicuous in the other way around.

The lie was that they werent a threat. They weren't testing missiles continously and never getting better because they were stooges. The previous governments just didnt give a fuck because all eyes were on the mideast, no resources and no motive.

I think NK needs dealth with, but in cooperatikn with China and SK

Great thread

Would make sense why they keep showing NK missle footage shot with model train backgrounds.

Example? I gotta see this.

Its on tv 25 times a day per channel.

Oh I don't watch TV, I thought you might have a youtube video you were referencing...

I havent done it, but I would guess id you youtubed Fake NK Missle footage there are enough rabbit holes to take a weekend.

Why do we need a false flag when the Norks are acting so bellicose?

I don't even think they have to

There's every possibility they just plan to sit on their new nuke as MAD, sell the plans to some non state faction, and have it work out that way.

MAD doesn't work that way.

Pretty good.

I'd say prety good.