At this point i'll be surprised if the US is not at war with North Korea or Iran within the next year — history has proven we are seeing all the signs of war being sold to the public.

109  2017-08-09 by CRUSTY_VAGINA_CHEESE


Username checks out...for what though I'm not really sure, don't want to know. And you shouldn't be so presumptuous, why not go to war with both?

In all seriousness, I am very concerned.

I wont be surprised if its both either. Concerned? Get as many people as you can to stop voting for democrats & republicans.

I'm gonna move that timeline a lot closer. If NK launches missles at Guam next week like promised, then it's on like donkey kong. Even if they explode in the water its close enough to be considered a direct attack and we will strike back. God help us all.

I will say, in all the past NK threats we've seen over the years, there's never been such a realistic "timeline" attached (other than them just saying XYZ attack is 'imminent'). To say they're gonna try to strike Guam (specific location) in mid-August (specific time period) is just.....yikes.

I guess we'll all be waiting with baited breath like we do for the 4chan LARPs. of course i'm hoping this will also be a hoax

the phrase is "bated breath," the term "bated" means "very anxiously or excitedly" - just so u kno

For all intensive purposes you know what he meant

It's better to nip it in the butt when you see it happening.

I will play it by year and see what happens

Additional Ill-Phrased Colloquialism.

  • for all intents and purposes

Yes, master.

Why are you offended he wasn't even talking to you.

whoosh Haha 😊

haha oops. might’ve been a freudian slip, cause we’re always getting baited

And if it doesn't happen are all NK predictions wrong in the future?

well it isn’t a prediction per se, it’s a threat of action with a specific time frame. if it doesn’t happen, i’d personally put them back in the “empty threat” pile they came from

The missile isn't going even make it off the peninsula. Don't buy into the fear mongering and Trump feeding the troll. A war with NK means a global conflict and as much shit as Trump talks that sort of conflict would put us in a conflict that would cause his business interests to suffer. Thankfully he's got people around him that hopefully have half a brain and realize what a very bad idea war would be. Hell, even his buddy VP has gotta give him a call and let him know not to feed the troll.

You would think that if so many U.S. citizens are becoming more and more aware of just how much bullshit the U.S. government is about, another war would/should be prevented/preventable.


Look at what happened in Syria. Syria didn't turn out like Iraq or Libya, and they say we're not going to support Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the Syrian government anymore. I think things are getting better.

Look at what happened in Syria. Syria didn't turn out like Iraq or Libya, and they say we're not going to support Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the Syrian government anymore. I think things are getting better.

Good point. That's hopeful. Yes.

People are becoming more and more aware of the bullshit and I think that's making enough social pressure to help.

Yeah but is that enough to curtail the Totalitarian Tip Toe that's turned into a full on Totalitarian Sprint for some time now?

We're still slaves to the military industrial complex, but I think we're pointed in the right direction even if we're still pretty well fucked.

It seems we're getting there, but we better hurry our asses up because nobody's doing us any favors and time seems to be kind of running out.

It also helps that Trump is a crass jerk, while Obama was a smooth talker. Smooth talkers can create illegal war a lot more easily than crass jerks.

I don't disagree with that either, but the crass jerk certainly seems to be heavily compromised by the deep state at this point, so he's definitely making a push toward sending us all to hell in a hand basket.

The people have to continue standing up and pushing back against the shit ptb.

the crass jerk certainly seems to be heavily compromised by the deep state at this point, so he's definitely making a push toward sending us all to hell in a hand basket.

Sure, but when Obama sent us to hell in a handbasket, he was cheered for it due to him hiding the reality of what was going on. Trump straight up says "we should steal their oil." He straight up says "Obama created ISIS." When you're bold and direct and honest in that way, it makes it harder for the MIC to do what it wants to do.

Sure, but when Obama sent us to hell in a handbasket, he was cheered for it due to him hiding the reality of what was going on.

I absolutely wasn’t cheering. Ever. I can’t disagree with your overall sentiment, however, and I see what you’re saying.

Regarding the rest of what you said, I’m not quite sure why you got downvoted for saying that, as it seems valid enough. It’s not a horrible point you bring up.

Which is exactly why they'll do another 9/11. That'll whip people into shape ASAP

There's now been rumblings of a false flag being blamed on NK, so people are trying to figure out a) what's going to happen, but seemingly less important b) what they're going to use to overshadow their involvement.

A) the part that's got me worried isn't that nk will strike first. It's that once they see that the "first strike" is blamed on them, they will take that as the first strike. And retaliate immediately.

America slaps itself in the face, cries "NKorea!" Then organizes a retaliation. Nk will know at this point, they are doomed. They will have no reason to think otherwise. So they push the button.

I'm not expecting Red Dawn and armed paratroopers, or even nukes in major cities. But they do have nukes and satellites. The ability to combine the two could kill 90% of America (EMP). I have also noticed that the news has inexplicably stopped mentioning EMPs as of a couple weeks ago.

But back to B) in less than 2 weeks, we've got the mother of all distractions coming. Literally overshadowing the entire country.

If this isn't enough of a reason to get all of us as a citizenry to put our bullshit indoctrinated differences aside and come together as the one species which we in fact are and fight against the evil, manipulating PTB on this planet, then it almost seems that nothing will do it, and we deserve the shit that will be coming our way.

We need to all come together and put a STOP to this shit corporate government ptb crap.

But Syria was too and the public stopped that!!

Also Russia's warships helped stop it. But I was impressed by how much the public was against it. I'm afraid of a false flag to initiate the NK situation, because at this point that's the only way they'd have support

Anyone who honestly believed Kim is dumb enough to go to war with anyone is living in the dark. All he ever does and will ever do is posture. He knows one shot off the bow means the complete and total annihilation of his regime. He would never chance that.

i wouldn't be surprised if trump is trying to provoke Korea to gain additional powers to keep power and hide whatever the fuck is going on politically around the world right now, no one would want to impeach a leader during wartime.

the upper echelon of the DNC could be arrested as traitors during a crisis.

HRC and Podesta &co have enough Russian money in their bank accounts for a good public arrest and trial.

We are discussing a completly different topic and you come by with DNC, Podesta and Clinton... please just go back to r/the_donald

Really not the bold of a prediction, which is what makes it scary. Being in tune with reality, while maintaining knowledge of historical precedents and trends, paints the future image of war with North Korea or Iran statistically probable. But account for NK, Iran, Russia, Syria, and ISIS (along with some other less well known players) and you have the statistical probability of World War 3 occurring within the next year. That's the bold prediction. Crazy times.

The hysteria is meant to drum up national security spending and arms sales in the region. Unlike Iraq, Libya, and Syria, these countries are deathtraps with large armies dug into rough inhospitable terrain and large uncooperative populations that would be impossible to manage without inflating our army with a draft. I don't think the elite are willing to push their luck with popular opinion that far.

North Korea launches ICBM at Guam during the solar eclipse 8/21???

I said it in another thread, but it's been almost 20 years since we started the war on terror, it's about time we started another conflict. It's good for business and whatnot.

No. These tensions are being manufactured to bring the polities in the region into a hardline stance that we can then sell arms to. We would never go to war with North Korea because that would destroy Seoul and thereby end their allegiance to the U.S. The deep state wants this party to go on forever so that's right out.

Same for Iran. The U.S. and Israel want Iran to exist as a threat to divide the Arab world, which the U.S. can also sell arms to.

No mention that we're edging towards WW3 under Trump and the Republican Party?

Obama and the Dems had a policy of containing NK and pressuring China, and it seemed to be working. Then Trump rolls in and threatens to bomb the shit out of NK. Why aren't people willing to criticise the current government over this?

better than an illegal drone war fuck north korea and iran lets bomb em

better than an illegal drone war fuck north korea and iran lets bomb em