Modern art is bullshit

8  2017-08-10 by Hotfire-Coldice

It is one of those things where when enough people tell you it's good you are peer pressured to agree. It's a social experiment, see how gullible people are. Repeatedly tell someone something, they are gonna question themselves and believe it. Drawing two lines, splashing a paint drops, scribbling some shit, and claiming its a mult-million dollar piece. It takes no skill and looks shit. My high school art teacher was one of these types. Pretentious bastard that cant draw. This how modern art crap is just a prank.


It's used to launder drug money what did you expect?

Makes sense. I feel bad for real talented artists who are ignored.

Could you post some artists which you feel should have more recognition?

Yup, just like mattress places


The kind of art you are referring to is made so that hard-core liberals can feel like they mean something to the world. They want to feel like they're $90k degree is being put to good use.

Lack of talkent won't stop the cool kids club

and the old old problem of what to do with idiot offspring, army and church wont take them any more, so off to art school with them.

I've always been irritated with modern art. My dog could do that shit.

OK, so if that's the case, do it. Make millions.

The fact that it tends to be garbage should indicate to you that it's something other than talent getting these people their success.

It's rich people nonsense, always has been. If a Pollock or a Koontz is an investment, art tends to only increase in value. I don't see why that stops your super talented dog from making a million dollar painting.

Which pieces of modern art are you irritated with? Could you tell me about your last experience at an art gallery? If you're going to attack an entire genre, be more constructive.

That's only 1 piece. In a sea of work. When was the last time you went to a gallery?

That is a great example page of why i don't go to art galleries.

do you have a favorite painting?

Totally agree. And yet, "Black Square", wherein the artist painted black over a failed painting, is one of the most famous in the world. The "art", then, is the realization that the human mind can be manipulated into prizing a failed piece of garbage as a great work.

I wouldn't agree with the notion that all modern art is bullshit. I'm in the "video games can be art" camp and there are definitely some noteworthy pieces of art in that area (Metal Gear Solid, etc.).

Agree about the video games point but he's probably referring to modern studio and performance art.

Modern art as in the type you know what im talking about. A blank canvas or random blotches of paint.

video games tend to end up in the performance art category, a combination of design and art couple with end user fandom.

with coders being gamers themselves. at least casually.

It's a social experiment, see how gullible people are.

That's true, but it also allows people who have no talent to feel like they are special.

Our whole society is a social experiment, meant to do one thing....

knock, knock, Neo

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Agreed. The emperor wears no clothes.

Paul Joseph Watson agrees with you, The Truth About Modern Art -

He did an even better one a couple of months ago but youtube buried it behind an age restriction, Why Modern Art is Absolute Crap -

PJW did rubbish in that video, there are multiple videos replying to him that show how his argument doesn't make much sense

Why are diamonds worth so much money? It is not really a secret.

Because they make great pickaxes

I like abstract art and minimalist art. The fact that it is simple is part of the appeal to me, but to each their own. Exit Through the Gift Shop is a great documentary on modern street art and touches on some of your points.

Picasso, there is or was a website with all his paintings in sequential order, you could watch the progression from traditional classic painting to cubism over the years.

it made sense but was the work of decades. and by an artist that knew how to paint.

Look into CIA link to the modern art movement.

It's an inevitable function of the free market OP, why do you care how other people spend their money?

I had my view changed on this after seeing this ep of Daredevil - Which is to say, I never cared for art and thought like you that an off white splattering of paint is rubbish.

If you haven't seen the episode, the youtube clip will be without context as to why it makes him feel a certain way. But I think there's more to art than just technical brilliance and skill.

some art is classical, some is raw and skill.

but most modern art is pure garbage. shock value only works once and briefly.

half a sheep, an unmade bed, video of a woman pissing on a dead cat...

one famous female British modern artist, finished art school then instantly became a lecturer at the same art school, no life experience what so ever, just instant expert.

a lot of modern 'literature' is the same, dudes do a creative writing degree then become instant best selling (pulp) authors upon graduation.

ditto American Idol and all before and after.

Some modern art requires serious artistry and skill. Some modern art has good symbolism and interesting ideas explored despite the abstract form. It's not all garbage that a toddler could do if you have them a canvas and told them to finger paint on it.

A lot of it is just straight bullshit though.

Many of the original modern artists were reacting to the pretentious old order of classical art. There's an argument for both.

Modern art is often BS. However some elements of it deal with design and it's relationship to architectural spaces. When poorly done people think of it as "couch art". When well done it enhances an environment in the same way well designed furniture does. Detailed paintings of wood nymphs temping a satyr are beautiful, but they are not always the correct choice for a certain space. All that said, willem de kooning sucked ass.