I've got something HUGE
25 2017-08-10 by s3th_k
So my parents neighbor in the rural little Texas town they live in is a retired high ranking officer in the navy and these days he runs the water company for the area. He's a super nice dude and when I'm down visiting the family he'll invite us over there for any sort of get together he has from time to time. Now on one particular occasion after a night of drinking and after most of the party had tapped out leaving a few of us heavy weights drinking around a fire we got to talking about all sorts of stuff and one of the topics was I brought up, "so what's with the fluorite in the water?" First thing he said was don't drink it! That stuff is basically nothing more than a tax break so to speak for them. You see it's an acid that fucks you up but the government has found it also suppresses something in us to make us a bit more agreeable and after a few generations of this being in the water supply it's had a negative effect on a vast array of different parts of our brain which he says is speculation to why we're seeing so many dumb ass's in this country (his words not mine) not sure to make of all this but I'm sure someone here would know
1 jaydwalk 2017-08-10
My thought is even when I buy distilled water, does it still have added fluoride in it? I really just want to build my own distiller to know I'm drinking the best water possible...
1 jakebreak 2017-08-10
Distill your own water or buy a filter that pulls it out.
1 jaydwalk 2017-08-10
Can you point me to some filters that do just that?
1 Workmask 2017-08-10
I too am curious where to get a flouride filter. Do those Brita jugs do the trick??
Nope. Reverse osmosis is the only available method I'm aware of, and that doesn't even eliminate all the fluoride, just a good part of it.
1 jakebreak 2017-08-10
I bought one off Amazon that goes under the sink. Just search around. They can be spendy like 200-300$. But worth it. I believe Alex Jones sells some good ones on Infowars.com
1 How1ntriguing 2017-08-10
Unfortunately it's very difficult to avoid
1 birdman5000 2017-08-10
be careful with distilled water. it's great if you want to detox as, being pure, it will leach out things, including good things. if you drink it for a prolonged period of time you'll need to supplement your water with minerals and salts. i drank it almost exclusively for a year - this is my first hand experience with it.
1 jaydwalk 2017-08-10
What negative reactions did you have for drinking it so long?
1 birdman5000 2017-08-10
weird sleep and heart problems. racing heart. sudden wakeups. slow healing. generally ill health.
1 Drinkycrow84 2017-08-10
Distilled water contains no minerals. It leaches minerals your body.
1 honkimon 2017-08-10
Distilling does not eliminate fluoride. Only reverse osmosis.
1 controlthruphysics 2017-08-10
Inaccurate. Distilling does remove flouride, but it is not good to drink distilled water.
1 honkimon 2017-08-10
1 cjluthy 2017-08-10
What about if you add (from known clean sources) the same minerals back in to the water after it's been distilled? Is it safe then?
1 controlthruphysics 2017-08-10
Absolutely. They sell mineral drops for this very purpose. Also just squeezing a lemon or lime wedge into a 20oz glass would do the trick.
1 thealiensarejealous 2017-08-10
This is already pretty well known now, thankfully. Interesting to hear it coming straight from someone involved though.
1 drAsparagus 2017-08-10
Dr. Strangelove had it right all along...
1 AVWA 2017-08-10
Absolutely - also what the General says that he denies women his precious bodily fluids. It sounds weird but it's a major truth bomb.
1 TXROADWARRIOR 2017-08-10
can you explain that part in the movie? it always went over my head
1 AVWA 2017-08-10
It is key esoteric knowledge, esoteric as in kept secret. And, I'm not sure if divulging it openly is proper, but I will PM you because you asked.
1 ghengiscalm9911 2017-08-10
Damn right General Ripper! Essence of Purity.
1 jakebreak 2017-08-10
This is of course what everyone already knows. Fluoride is in the water and your toothpaste. You take a shower and spray fluoridated water on the largest organ of your body - your skin. It's literally in everything: beer, juice, bottled water, canned goods with water, yes and even cereal.
Don't brush with fluoride unless you want a lifelong struggle with teeth problems and brain problems. Use fluoride free toothpaste like Tom's and rinse with hydrogen peroxide.
Check your shampoo and body wash. Get up right now and go read the back and tell me if you can tell me what your putting on your skin that your absorbing. You can't. Get bar soap made from Mom and Pop types off eBay that use simple list of ingredients.
Stay woke inform yourself
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
What evidence says it's good for you're teeth? That's the same sort of medical propaganda that said salt causes high blood pressure or more recently that coconut oil is bad for you. They make money off saying it's good for you and if they can't make money off it like with the coconut oil thing then it causes cancer or some shit
1 jakebreak 2017-08-10
Dude the government goes out of their way and spends our tax money to put fluoride in the water systems and the official reasoning is this: "to help prevent tooth decay".
The government is so worried about our teeth decaying they have and continue to fluoridate the water.
It's poison
1 Blakwulf 2017-08-10
Don't confuse fluorite with fluoride, they're different things.
1 groman32 2017-08-10
This theory is old as the hills, your Navy friend probably heard it from someone else. True or not, I'm not sure why a Navy officer would have any special knowledg eon it.
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
They add it into the water themselves the stuff is super concentrated when they do it my little brother worked for a bit after high school and said that they have to wear all sorts of safety equipment when handling because in the state it's in before it's diluted by water it'll eat threw your skin. I mean honestly it doesn't surprise me I was a supervisor down in the oil industry in south Texas and sure you may here about one or two little mishaps during jobs where stuff fucks up so bad maybe like a spill where they can't cover it up but you would not believe the kinds of things we got a way with doing that im sure is horrible for the environment and everyone in it but the money's to good not to turn a blind eye
1 groman32 2017-08-10
I wasn't disputing that it's added to the water.
1 8BitFlash 2017-08-10
well wtf are we supposed to do? not drink water? da fuK?if it is in the watter supply, then I am sure they put it in bottled water as well and they can slap on a label that says "natural spring water"
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
Move to another country I guess there's plenty of them out there that agree this shit isn't good for us and don't put it in their water
I buy water treated with reverse osmosis. It doesn't remove all the fluoride, but it removes a lot of it. I'm still afraid for my bone and tooth health.
1 wile_e_chicken 2017-08-10
Fwiw when you go to an all fruit diet, you no longer need to drink water unless you're sweating an awful lot. You get all your liquid from the fruit. You even lose the desire to drink when thirsty; you want watermelon or peaches or whatever instead. And I can think of no better filter than the entire trunk & branches of a tree.
GMO and glyphosate treated fruit in fields that are almost assuredly irrigated with fluoridated water.
When they poison the water supply, that poison extends to every facet of your existence. It's incredibly difficult and expensive to get clean water.
1 geenyus 2017-08-10
What in the actual hell are you talking about. Even on an all fruit diet, which would be absolutely horrible for you, one would still need water to do anything past exist as a blob.
Also, trunks and trees are not the best filters for your fruit if said trunk or tree in sprayed with shit, which it almost positively is
1 wile_e_chicken 2017-08-10
Nope. Been there, done that. I speak from actual experience. Try it before you speak on it.
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
PH water is bullshit as well the only answer may be the one that's been in front of us for thousands of years, alcohol
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
I'd be really interested to find out if that was true. Sounds a lot like the situation with the guy that didn't eat for a year and basically lived off his fat that he had accumulated from being over weight
We source our fluoride from China. China produces this fluoride as a byproduct of pesticide production. There are mountains of this poison sitting in Flourida (heh heh) that are eating away the ground and leeching into the ground water.
This fluoride is not the same as the naturally occurring fluoride sometimes seen in natural springs.
Fun fact: this fluoride is a main ingredient for anti depressants. Prozac is just fluoride!
1 LEVELFIVE 2017-08-10
Prozac is not fluoride... what kind of chemistry are you taking?
1 HelperBot_ 2017-08-10
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoxetine
HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 99714
1 LEVELFIVE 2017-08-10
I don't know how to break this to you... Fluoride and Fluoxetine have as much in common as oxygen and oxazepam.
you're a funny guy ;)
1 LEVELFIVE 2017-08-10
I wish I had a g*n.
1 Drinkycrow84 2017-08-10
I got ya, buddy!
1 ihateronaldreagan 2017-08-10
But they both start with "Fluo"!!!!!!!!!!
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
No from what I've found the largest supplier of it comes from Florida actually
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
And depression is another argument in itself
1 DefNotHillDawg 2017-08-10
It's toxic and kills your brain. It also calcifies the pineal gland
1 controlthruphysics 2017-08-10
Reverse osmosis filters are definitely the best way to remove flouride. A few notes on why drinking distilled water is bad for you. It has to do with osmotic pressure and the outer membrane of your cells. Generally speaking, water can pass thru the cell membrane freely, whereas other minerals and things cannot (pass freely at least). Distilled water has almost nothing in it except H2O. When you drink distilled water, it will attempt to dilute the good salts, minerals, and ions inside your cell. Osmosis occurs when 2 solutions separated by a semi-permeable membrane (like a cell membrane) have differing concentrations of salts and minerals. Water will flow from the less concentrated solution to the more concentrated solution in an attempt to establish an equilibrium (equal concentration of salts) on either side of the membrane. Therefore, when you drink distilled water, it will flood your cells attempting to lower the salt, mineral, ion concentration, eventually causing your cells to burst like an inflated water balloon. This is why IV solutions have a certain concentration of NaCl (usually 0.9%). Hope that made sense. Osmosis is why drinking distilled water is bad, but reverse osmosis is a filtration technique for removing flouride.
1 Drinkycrow84 2017-08-10
Water is a solvent. It tries to leaches minerals out of everything. Distilled water has no minerals in it. Drinking distilled water leaches minerals out of you. Overtime, it will make you have mineral deficiency and that can harm or even kill you.
That's how it was explained to me.
1 controlthruphysics 2017-08-10
100% correct.
Have to say 75% correct. Again, the minerals and ions generally don't move across cell membranes freely, but water can. Influx of water bursts the cells releasing minerals, ions, and cell junk, causing said deficiencies and health issues.
If we were talking about storing distilled water in a metal container, it would leach metals into the water bc of said solvent properties. Some metals are resistant to this tho. Semantics. You are correct.
1 Tecumsehs_Revenge 2017-08-10
Any good bottled version? Always heard natural Spring water was best. But the way corporations are allowed to scam and lie to citizens at their own liberty, I have little faith in "natural spring water"
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
I have no clue but I will say I read an interesting study on that PH water they have out now and it found tons of inconsistencies when they actually tested the PH levels on a number of different brands and various samples of them. Basically said that stuff is bullshit and it's no better than any other bottled water
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
From my what I've gathered from him as well as other sources in my research on the matter is what their putting in the water is essentially a waste product of manure if I remember correctly and basically it costs less to just add it to the water and campaign that their doing it for our well being than to dispose of it properly because of how corrosive it is
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
I think of it sorta like the Got Milk? Campaign and how they said anything and everything to make people think it was the healthiest thing ever helping with this and that just to fill their pockets
1 mindboglin 2017-08-10
I don't buy this argument. Why does it only make some people dumbasses and not everyone?
1 Lord_O_Meme 2017-08-10
It can make people more susceptible. Keyword more. Usually people don't think logically these days. If people thought logically and not with their emotions and desires then there would never be evil.
1 s3th_k 2017-08-10
Well everyone is different I see it in the same way as say why some diets my work great for one person and do absolutely nothing for another or something along those lines
1 geenyus 2017-08-10
I've never shot myself in the face and I can say it's a horrible idea for your survival.
1 SquidgyGoanna 2017-08-10
I always thought this shit was too crazy to be true, but the more I look into it recently the more I'm starting to believe it. Crazy thought, but what if chemtrails are real and they're seeding clouds with fluoride to target those who collect rain water?
1 Drinkycrow84 2017-08-10
Chemtrails... Climate engineering... I don't know about fluoride, but I have been come to understand that "They" spray Lithium (mood stabilizer used for bipolar disorder).
1 controlthruphysics 2017-08-10
100% correct.
Have to say 75% correct. Again, the minerals and ions generally don't move across cell membranes freely, but water can. Influx of water bursts the cells releasing minerals, ions, and cell junk, causing said deficiencies and health issues.
If we were talking about storing distilled water in a metal container, it would leach metals into the water bc of said solvent properties. Some metals are resistant to this tho. Semantics. You are correct.
you're a funny guy ;)
1 ihateronaldreagan 2017-08-10
But they both start with "Fluo"!!!!!!!!!!