The Saturn Myth
10 2017-08-10 by ghochpa
So I'm just reading about this and wondering if anyone has anything to share about Saturn, Saturn worship, Saturn theory, Saturn upcoming Saturn positioning, just anything at all that might be interesting or deserve a read.... likewise any input about arguments pointing to it being hogwash?
1 Blend_Master 2017-08-10
Ctrl-F "Cube" - 0 results
Lol. If you really want to get into this saturn stuff, prepare for a wild ride my friend. When you begin to wake up to the very real reality of Saturnism, your life will never be the same. Are you aware of the hexagon on the north pole of Saturn? Saturn/Satan is all around you. Christmas comes from Saturnalia. Who lives on the North pole? Yup
Look up the black cube of saturn. What do muslims circle around? The black cube. What do jewish people wear on their heads? The tefillin/black cube.
Look up how many corporate logos are blatantly representing Saturn. I think skype is the most uncanny one.
Saturnism is all around you my friend. Trust me. Everywhere I look I see saturn symbolism. I can't escape it. It's right under our noses.
Enjoy the ride :)
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Good points and I agree. But Skype? Seriously? Its just a big S on a blob of blue
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
It's the planet and the rings silhouetted. Look up some car logos, This stuff is everywhere. Sometimes it's highly stylised but still when you recognise it... For example Nissan, Opel and Bentley. Opel actually portrays the rings as a lightning bolt. Guess who is described in the bible as falling like lightning?
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Nissan and Opel I can see. Bentley not really. Bit of a stretch for the wings to be rings
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
Bentley is a representation of the winged sun. Saturn and the sun were known by the same word in babylon.
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Ah ok I see. Ta
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
You're welcome. Btw, this is one of the deepest rabbit holes imo. Once you start, you'll see it everywhere for what it is.
If you are interested in it, look up occult symbols.
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
I shall do. I read up on this a while back and then got sidetracked. But will get back on it. Thanks :)
1 EvanSuperfly 2017-08-10
Jesus is the same story as the sun god from multiple other civilizations. Saturn/Jesus connection.
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
Sorry, This is often repeated by people but most never bother to check for themselves. It is not true.
1 EvanSuperfly 2017-08-10
That is a VERY, very bias website. Links include end time bible prophecy, christian news, bible study, and free church resources.
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
Address the claims made instead of what else is on the site, if you will. Thanks.
Maybe because the people most likely to debunk these claims are believers in Christ? I think it's fair to say the people making the similarity claim also have their bias.
But we'll try to stick to the information presented, shall we?
A few more (yes they are Christian-centred) but they break down the claims a bit more.
1 EvanSuperfly 2017-08-10
Here's a non-Christian site:
If you're christian and looking into this, you're only looking for one answer.
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
The links I posted already debunked half those claims. But you didn't read them, did you? Maybe because
Btw, that was a really presumptive comment. I was more than willing to discuss this with you.
1 EvanSuperfly 2017-08-10
No, I did read them. I'm an agnostic, and am very intrigued by religion. We don't know if there's a God or not, no proof either way. We also don't know if Jesus ever even lived.
I can see how those sites can enforce somebody's Christian views on the subject.
Besides my views and site and your views and sites, I'm curious: if the story of Jesus was in fact copied, does that make any difference to a Christian? They're still following the teaching of Jesus (his idealism) and have their faith in their respected God. It's the idea, not the physical existence and originality of a Jewish man.
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
Not sure I'd agree. It specifically says in the bible that it is the belief in Jesus himself that is the way to God. I mean, the message is a good one alright but denying Jesus' existence is denying God himself.
So to a Christian, yes it makes a huge difference. To anyone else who doesn't believe in Him? It's a good way to live alright (with love and compassion in your heart).
Thanks for responding civilly! Not easy to do when we face opposing beliefs.
1 EvanSuperfly 2017-08-10
Same to you, I definitely respect where you're coming from and the sites you're providing. Again, I'm really intrigued by religion, so I enjoy hearing (and especially talking to) someone who has a different belief than I do.
If the physical existence of Jesus and the story of him being accurate is essential to Christianity and the belief in God, it's harder for me to read a website with a Christian bias knowing they only have one conclusion they're able to get to, or else they'd be denying God.
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
As long as someone is willing to ingest information from all sides of the discussion, that's good enough for me. We all read things and then weigh them against what we already know, then decide to reject or accept pieces or the whole. That's the best we can do, I think.
Myself, I was not believer until last year. I've since had some preternatural personal experiences involving my faith (I won't go into them here) that convinced me along with a lot of stuff that shows the other side (saturn worship everywhere etc). Before all this I was very much a logic and skepticism person. So we can all change when the right circumstances come along. If some one posts something that challenges my faith, I'll look at it honestly and consider it for what it is. All I am looking for is truth. I obviously think I have found it in this regard, yet I don't know what's around the corner.
As long we are all willingly to learn, we should be okay going forward.
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Oh yeah and that is Lucifer
1 Blend_Master 2017-08-10
Look closer
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Ah I get you now. The blob is shaped as Saturn. Very sly
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
Saturn worship is EVERYWHERE my friend. Right in our faces and most of us are ignorant of it.
Some reading for you.
Keep looking and you'll start to see how pervasive saturn is among the products and companies of this world.
1 ghochpa 2017-08-10
Thanks for the links.. I will give them a read!
1 g3374r2d2 2017-08-10
Not a myth.
1 Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish 2017-08-10
Anyone link me to some good black cube of saturn text?
1 BaronMoriarty 2017-08-10
Ah I get you now. The blob is shaped as Saturn. Very sly
1 usernamenn 2017-08-10
The links I posted already debunked half those claims. But you didn't read them, did you? Maybe because
Btw, that was a really presumptive comment. I was more than willing to discuss this with you.