Anyone else feel like all the North Korea nuke talk is just the media trying to scare everyone and also to make trump look more crazy than Kim, in an attempt to turn people against him.

20  2017-08-11 by herpidyderping


Well trump has been saying 'fire and fury' if north korea makes a move. So it's saying self defence. Also there's no real difference between fire and fury and shock and awe in terms of the idea behind it

The media isn't writing trump's words when they come out of his mouth.

ye, you said it best

Look at that lol

Talk about leading questions... Can't I trust any?

Sure. As long as you don't choose Trump...

I'll take my chance with him :P

If he can rid us of Trudeau somehow...


this is a Trump driven story, not a MSM driven story. He's the one saying ridiculous shit, he's the one tweeting ridiculous shit

Open your eyes

This all started from a Washington post article at the beginning of the week that said North Korea can put a nuclear warhead on a missile and launch it to the United States. It isn't like trump just, out of the blue, started threatening North Korea.

They've been able to put a nuke on a missile since Obama was in office but they didn't say shit about it then because Obama is "competent"

no dude, Trump has had a hard on for NORK since he took office

And, even if you're story is mean to tell me that the President of the United States is being manipulated into a warmongering furor by a WaPo article?

They've been able to put a nuke on a missile since Obama was in office

Partly true. They have not been able to put a warhead on an ICBM until very recently. There's a difference between the warheads they would put on a mid-range missle vs what they would have to use for an ICBM

That's all beside the one is forcing Trump to run his mouth. In fact, his threats would carry a lot more weight if he wasn't constantly talking shit

It's not a "hard on"... every president for the last 50 years has had to deal with North Korea threatening the United States. Trump just wanted make it clear he's not gonna put up with shit right off the bat... which is reasonable.

No, then CNN picks it up because they have nothing left on the Russia investigation and have to make trump look bad somehow... then that makes national headlines then trump has to say something cause he's trump. There's clearly a pattern here.

They still could kill millions of people with a mid range missile Japan and South Korea are both easily in range. Hell, they could even put one on a submarine and launch one at the US from out in the pacific. I'm sure we have defenses in place to prevent that though. But nobody was really concerned about that before because the media did nothing but make Obama look good.

It's not a "hard on"

yes it is

every president for the last 50 years has had to deal with North Korea threatening the United States.

How many of them have directly threatened NORK? Or implied that they were going to use nukes?

Trump just wanted make it clear he's not gonna put up with shit right off the bat...

Again, hias threats would actually matter if he wasn't always talking shit. No one takes anything he says seriously anymore. He's cried wolf too many times. All NORK has to do is keep on saber rattling. What's Trump going to do about it? Nothing

They still could kill millions of people with a mid range missile Japan and South Korea are both easily in range

This is absolutely true. I guarantee that a twitter rant isn't going to stop them

then CNN picks it up because they have nothing left on the Russia investigation

News came out that Manafort's house was raided by the FBI. I think that's pretty big news. You might think it's a nothingburger. I guess we'll see if Manafort flips or is charged with money laundering

Trump says something dumb and then people complain that the MSM shows the clips of him saying that dumb thing. The non-stop Trump apologism is ridiculous.

What does CNN have to do with the public statements that Trump is sending out to North Korea? North Korea isn't responding to whatever garbage is on CNN, they're responding directly to Trump's threats.

Fox News and the conservative media isn't talking about North Korea? Everybody is talking about it.

Nobody was concerned before? Dude, Obama fucking told Trump when they met in the White House that North Korea was going to be the biggest challenge facing the United States in the next four years....... North Korea has been a concern for the last 70 years, George Bush labeled them as part of his "axis of evil" speech 15 years ago.

The issue here is that war could potentially kill millions...... This isn't going to be like the second Iraq war. Meanwhile, North Korea has been building nukes and now has the ICBMs to deliver them to far away places....... So how are you going to deal with this? You go to war, millions die...... You do nothing, North Korea gets stronger........ There is no easy solution.

North Korea isn't responding to trump's threats, North Korea made the threat first like they have been for years, and trump responded.

Fox News is just as hungry for ratings as CNN, and what better way to get attention than fear mongering. All media are in cahoots with each other at the highest level.

We can blame trump or Obama or bush or even Clinton, (in fact, Clinton basically screwed us in the 90s with his North Korea nuke deal) but that's for a different time. Bottom line is: people's lives are in danger because of a crazy ass dictator and that sucks. And shit who even knows if we are getting the truth about North Korea the American propaganda machine is strong.

fuck off.

march 29, 2013 all the media was talking about north korea bombing austin texas. find a goddamn reference in whatever rag is telling you this is all trump's fault.

again, who's force Trump to open his mouth? Who's forcing him to tweet?

No one.

Know what didn't happen? No one bombed Austin. Know what else didn't happen? Obama didn't feel the need to try to convince everyone he was some sort of tough guy.

not a MSM driven story

it's the fuckin media. and yes, obama did try to appear tough on north korea.

it's the fuckin media

so the media is focing him to run his mouth??

obama did try to appear tough on north korea.

ok find me a quote where he said anything that compares to the "Fire and Fury" or "locked and loaded" comments from Trump


How in the honest fuck anyone can try and blame the MSM for Trumps words and actions is beyond me.

Congress's veto-proof sanctions bill was the first blow. Retaliatory remarks and threats by North Korea MUST be met with steadfast authoritative resolve to not be weak. Trump did his job as commander and chief, top puppet, to appear tough to the world.

ALl I know is there is going to be a nuke on NYC, probably from our own government, very very soon. and NK will get to be the scapegoat.

All I know

Lol what? You #know this?

They are just reporting what's going on. Trump has been saying some crazy shit and Kim threatened Guam. That's a sticky situation we are in. Not everything is about the evil media being mean to the god emperor.

No, I think the NK war mongering is parallel to the WMD talk in the leading up to 2003 Iraq invasion. If we go to war, it will be a false flag operation to save a failing presidency.

You guys wanted the big tough guy who says what he thinks and doesn't give a fuck. What's more chilling than the verbal back and forth (which we've been doing with the Kims since forever) is all the "anti war/anti intervention" people who are frothing themselves over a potential preemptive strike.

Sounds like to me he's trying to force China to take a stance and quit their 'neutral' position. I don't think this is about North Korea at all.

China already made a stance. If North Korea strikes first they offer no help against retaliation. If the US strikes unprovoked they will honor thier mutual defense pact.

The exact opposite. This is a manufactured false flag event that Trump wants because the President (every President) benefits when other nations threaten us as Americans love to rally around the flag.

It's a confluence of two things: (1) Trump's rhetoric towards NK is objectively more bellicose and less measured/vetted than any other modern president; (2) given his past behavior, Trump isn't being given the benefit of the doubt; (3) the media always has a bias towards forcing stories into existing narratives (Gore the exaggerator, Bush the idiot, Clinton the corrupt) and the narrative on Trump is that he's stupid, belligerent and irresponsible.

Trump has been doing all that himself.

I always wonder if Fukushima is nearing criticality whenever NK starts acting up.

it's to sell weapons to japan and south korea, while providing an excuse for american ships to remain in the area while they spy on china.

Not exactly, but close. This is all bullshit distraction.

Trump intentionally wants to look crazier than Kim. That was his fucking foreign policy platform: Madman theory.

Trump is the only prez that surprises everyone by fulfilling campaign promises!!!!!

Trump is the only prez that surprises everyone by fulfilling campaign promises!!!!!

when are they going to lock her up?

when is he going to drain the swamp?

they are 100% provoking an assasination of Trump

I don't think the globalists want to sacrifice their boogeyman.

division and tension. now they can equate criticism of Trump from NK to that of any American traitor's