I heard an interesting theory about dimensions and I'd like your input

50  2017-08-11 by McDuffBSmith

Last year, I heard a theory about dimensions. This guy (Tom) said that whatever you believe and focus on, you'll end up in the dimension that will bring you closest to that outcome before you die.

We don't really know much about how different dimensions or interdimensional travel works, so I'd personally say this is plausible.

Is the human mind so powerful that we're interdimensional creatures without even knowing it? Could it be possible that if we all focus on, say, nuclear war or economic collapse that we'll have a nuclear war or see the economy collapse just because we, as a collective consciousness focused on it for a while and ended up in the universe that has one of those happen? Is it possible for multiple universes to exist and for each individual person to pass in and out of certain ones just by focusing on different things?

What do you guys think? Plausible or bullshit?


Makes sense. Would explain even little things like learning about a new product and immediately seeing it everywhere, or thinking about someone you haven't in a while and they call you or you see them later that day.

Yes ad that kinda shows we are all somewhat psychic and know what is about to happen because we are moving in a direction and our concentration acts as a type of magnet.

Another explanation for that is known as 'synchronicity'. I recommend you check out some Carl Jung.

Big Carl Jung fan

Are you familiar with the field known as synchromysticism?

/r/C_S_T, where the S stands for Synchronicity

Synchronicity is very entertaining. I'm having a great time observing it. https://mediapoetry.blogspot.com/

That's how the TPTB gets their way with no effort on their part. We literally manifest the reality they want by means of media manipulation (news, memes, music, etc.)

Our consciousness is hijacked completely.

Totally, once you completely stop participating with the t.v. and media your consciousness will shift. I have no doubt this would apply to any one of the general public who only know reality through the t.v. and news.

Yup. Very true. I completely withdrew from social media, watching tv, reading mainstream news, etc over 3 years ago now and it’s like watching zombies. People here in the UK are just completely brainwashed and in some kind of trance; Work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours, consume, obey, obey obey.

Good for you, seriously.. I personally find my own quality of life has improved. Less fear being injected into my awareness. The world is beautiful, these just people make it scary, ya know?

smoke dmt on lsd or mushrooms

That's a hell of a way to break on through [to the other side]

And maybe not find the tubeslide back to GAR.

There you go- that's the way to explore the other dimensions for real. I'm lucky to have done it a lot. /r/dmt

The truth is....The bible is somewhat true. God created Adam and Eve in the garden of eden. Adam and Eve were given the power to will into existense anything they needed. Lucifer saw gods experiment and said "What good is it if they have no knowledge of what they are doing? They have no free will to truly create the world around them. This is more like watching fish in a fish tank" So lucifer went down to talk to Adam and said "Hey buddy did you know you can create literally anything you need simply by thinking about it?". Adam did not understand. Lucifer said "I can show you how your power really works but it comes with free will. And free will comes with the poetential for abuse." Adam agreed and suddenly the world around him was transformed from a simple sandbox to an overwhelming amount of complexity! Like teaching a 4 year old 2 +2 and then suddenly telling him hes been doing calculus all along and the equaion actually looks like y(2x4+y)dydx=(1−4xy2)x2! Free will gave Adam and eve the ability to change all aspects of the world around them but it also made them awaken to the complexity of the world god had created! Suddenly it wasn't so easy to will an apple tree into existense, instead adam was frustrated and wondered how he could create something so complex!

Being that adam and eve were the only 2 humans the power was strong between the two of them. They were still able to get what they needed for the most part but life went from being a breeze to being a struggle.

Along with free will came the ability to procreate which is where we doomed ourselves. You see the more we make copies of ourselves the weaker the power gets. The power of will gets spread out amongst the whole population and is often muddied by conflicting wants and desires.

Collectivism and group think help regain the power of will but it is getting weaker by the day as the population grows.

The power of will is confirmed in the movie "The Secret" where it was confirmed the the illuminati have had knowledge of this power for hundreds of years and have been using it for just as longs.

If you want something bad enough and focus and use the techniques from the movie "The Secret" you will get what you want but it is much more difficult then it was back in the day due to poulation growth.

We are literally creating the world around us and have full control of our destiny but we lack the ability to fathom the complexities of our power to properly harness it.

Were ascending into 5D consciousness. The cabal/archons have the 3D world gripped and have been harvesting negative energy (mostly fear) for thousands of years. Once we all become aware and ascend they will lose their power. 5D consciousness in the age of Aquarius will be a golden age for humanity. Start meditating and find out the true capabilities of mankind and join this ascension. All of life is interconnected with the source through unconditional love. Our potential is infinite.

Have you read the Law of One? I was under the impression that we are moving into 4th density.

From what I've read the fourth dimension is the transitional phase where the ultimate result will be 5D. I could be mistaken however. I have not read the law of one though.

Ah ok, check it out if you get a chance it's all for free online.

This is my favorite thread in a long time.

I think it's plausible. Positive and negative energy resonate on different spectrums of wave lengths. Depending on which one is dominant, it's possible that we're tuning into, much like a radio, into a specific frequency were the outcome is predetermined by the energy that is projected.

Yea, and the portion of the mind that is sending and receiving is our attention, and concentration. Our attention is literally the Self, it is enormously powerful. And concentration is just that. A concentration of energy. This concentration of energy is extremely attractive. It's attractive because it attracts more energy to it. It's that simple. But the experiences that are expressions of that energy concentration are Abstract. You could be focusing your attention on something and it will attract that same energy but the abstract physical experience could be so random it's hard to realize it's that energy. You have to be good at this game to notice how your energy in every single moment of every single day is generating attraction and how that manifests in the abstract. Once you see it's non stop synchronicity then you have it.

I think what you just wrote can be explained through the psy effects of telepathy and somewhat blind "forward-remembering". Other people have this gift too, enabled through the use of quantum effects in the brain (pineal gland etc...). Think of it like an orchestra of telepathy and forward remembering taking place on a daily basis when you go out into society.

There are some experiments in physics showing the past and future somewhat come into coherence in the present moment, at least the way we perceive reality (look into retrocausality). There are also experiments in psychology showing that people can detect things (monitor blood pressure to see the effect) that illicit strong emotions moments before they are exposed to them.

I just read into synchronicity and was not aware that many quantum physicists suspected it to be true as well. I came to this conclusion through different methods. Or maybe me just reading about it is feeding my past thinking ;)

I don't believe in the supernatural at all. That said, I think all of the weird phenomenon we see reported is true insofar as the person reporting it is able to understand. Some day science will be able to describe the nature of reality in such a way that we know why these kinds of things happen. Why I see a new word in a book, and a week later have an actual need for knowing what that word means. Ghosts and shit, intersection reality, the difference between coincidence and coincidence, who knows?

Reality is much more complicated than I think anyone is willing to give it credit. There is a shame to not knowing things, so to prevent shame, we will often accept inadequate answers we are able to understand, rather give in to the real mysteries of reality.

The materialism of science is useful, and a great tool to analyze the world we live in, but people overvalue it, to the point of where they won't even acknowledge the possibility that there are mysteries that we can't physically quantify yet.

Yet you just called me delusional for doing that very thing. You have a lot to learn.

I believe in the possibility of different dimensions. I also believe there could be a dimension in which you are a delusional fool. The possibilities are endless! :)

(I'm still waiting on my spoon-rock)

STOP miss-using the word Dimensions to mean a parallel separate existence!... uhg. unless of course, you are simply saying that from the perspective of a different dimensional vantage point what is perceived as a non-delusional fool in this perspective will be perceived as a delusional fool from a different dimensionally constructed model of the exact same unified reality.

I've experienced other dimensions and non-human higher intelligences through DMT. It's real. For broadening your knowledge base on this subject, I very, very strongly recommend the book "The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge" by Jeremy Narby. Cheers.

Maybe I didn't say that right. Or maybe I should look up the word supernatural again? I don't doubt the existence of other dimensions at all. Our perception is just inadequate for exploring the mechanisms of reality and describing and exploring it.

Can't argue with that. I'm glad we're having the conversation, because it's tricky, and words often get in the way. Supernatural is quite a charged word, and I actually really recommend the Graham Hancock book by that name.

I agree that we'll come to understand a lot that currently seems unexplainable through science, and I try to follow the latest developments from the QM world. I also agree that there's a ton of bullshit out there, such as phony "psychics" and what not.

Just in the time it took me to write this sentence I have blinked in and of this reality about a thousand times. My attention doesn't usually follow where I blink out too. Sometimes it does though. Like a daydream or I get inspired in some way.

But I know there are endless versions of myself and and any direction I would like to go is possible because they are all experiences my multidimensional self has.

Jump to the dimension where your spoon is a rock. Report back.

Oh, and you're not blinking out. You're delusional.

It's automatic that you impose limitation on the Self. I am greater than u will ever know.

Is your spoon a rock, yet, O' Great One?

Can't you let the adults talk?

My spoon is still a rock. Don't fail me, O' Great One!

In my dimension you are blocked , does that make you a rock? Cya in another world.

Since you're such an intrepid voyager, go to the dimension where you don't have me blocked, and send me a picture of your rock-spoon. I belieeeeeeeve!

Blocking me provides an excellent opportunity to show off your dimension jumping skills, Great One.

What do you think man? Maybe suicide is the answer?

Look, another person I get to turn to rock and block. I'm going for the Medusa Trophy tonight. Does conspiracy have a Medusa Trophy?

it's not your belief, but your expectation.

It's all about the Pineal Gland aka the '3rd eye' for me. Think about it. The Pineal Gland IS real. It IS a part of our brain. And the connection to the '3rd eye' goes waaaay back. So, if our 2 physical eyes can see 3 dimensions, would a 3rd eye be able to see into 4 dimensions? We only perceive what's physical mass. Think of WiFi. It exists, back you can't see it.

And fluoride concentrates in the Pineal Gland... hm

I think the collective consciousness wishes to be rich often enough that it'd have come true by now if this were how things worked.

That is a good point, however to counter, do people meditate and focus energy into becoming rich? Or just wish it? I think there is a difference between the two.

Wish it. Want it. Do it. - Brian Griffin

I lean on the side of the vast majority just wishing it

Is focusing energy real or just a long con by the masons to trick you into new age belief systems based on new truths?

Hard to say. Keep it 50/50

To my mind, focussing energy/attention on a specific goal will eventually reveal a clear path of action required to attain this specific goal. At which point it's just about walking that path and adapting once things start to change.

The New Age version of this is too often incomplete in the sense that people stop at the wishing part and wonder why they're still in misery. They never took the actions their mind may have been suggesting to them, thinking the goal will come to them, rather than finding their own way to it.

yes! this! we cannot expect to gain results just with hopes and ideas while others take personal action to put work behind their ideas.

..or because so many of collective consciousness are wanting to be rich that they are, in fact, experiencing exactly that 'wanting'..?

It happens all the time. In fact, that's what "time" is.

dimensions are NOT some parallel world or changing to a mirrored altered reality. seriously. they are simply a Perspective of measurement and interaction of what is the all encompassing fabric or this world. entanglement of particles with spooky action at a distance is the result of that same particle being singular through the geometry of a higher dimension that is perceived as multiple point from a different dimension. an entity that is interdimensional does not exist in some parallel world that jumps through portals as much as it is constructed of a geometry that is not percieved by a simple 3 dimensional model. but it doens't make it omnipotant or from a removed universe, just connected by a fabric that is different than our own, and likely finds a dimensional existence simplified as our own perspective frustrating and confusing in the same way we might if 1+1=13 or 6x6=3 or 12-33 =0.

This. Dimension is a perfect example of what happens when non-mathematicians get a hold of a mathematical term and run with it. See also: matrix

Well... I think it's semantics, ultimately. As someone who's broken through on DMT and experienced intelligent entities and the whole nine yards- they're very much real and part of our reality. I don't know if "parallel world" is the right term; indeed it's part of our same reality, I believe operating at the level of DNA. To understand it, look small, not big. Check out not only quantum mechanics, but the DMT world and the science around it.

as someone who has looked into both and experienced both, as well as 'religious' type visions and manifestations, as well as convincing dreams, lucid dreams and remote viewing attempts, i am highly skeptical of my dmt and all other experiences or as them being evidence for any 'reality' of said beings beyond my own mental construction and hallucinations. they can be interesting, informative, experiences that change how i see things and sometimes understand hings in a new way, but no, they are no more real than aliester crowlys angels, the visions of joseph smith, or the ideas of l.ron. hubberd... or jk. rowling. thats my take on it any way.

How many times have you smoked DMT? There's a point you can reach (or read about) where there's zero doubt that you're encountering an extremely powerful alien intelligence force. It's deeply life-changing. Recommended for all.

enough that it was not too different from my NDE of a variety of other experiences. but that's exactly what i mean when i question it as just another halluciantion, as i've had those same confirming feeling on DEFINATELY not real visualizations and dreams and experiences... so a track record of that same level of experience being false in some instances makes me question the ones i WANT to be true. ~ im not discounting a universe one-ness of things that can be tapped into, tho i have no trustable or repeatable information on various beings/ angles/ aliens/ demons. the ones i met where fun and all, a great time for sure, some interesting situations, but then again so are my dreams.

I wish you would spend some time looking at other people's DMT stories. I've gone so far in that I've interacted with that "hyperintelligent alien" force that many people talk about. When you have some time... check out this documentary about DMT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtT6Xkk-kzk&t=606s

no but you are at the mercy of other peoples luck or bad luck , life is a game of chance . people who started playing at the beginning are now dead , we live in a world created by their luck or bad luck , choices made by others combined with the luck factor built the world , we live in their legacy , man is destructive and war is inevitable as it always has been .

If every human being decided to look up at the sky and hold the thought that the sun is a banana for 5 minutes. I mean, every single human being doing this at the same time. The sun would literally transform before those of us who would reside in daylight at the time into a banana.

This would maybe prove that collectively, humanity is God.

My personal quantum multiverse theory say basically all universes with all possible timelines and event lines exist at all times.

My personal holographic brain theory says your brain guided by your conscious thought patterns tunes into the one most matching those thought patterns.

So rather than creating the reality, its more like your brain is a radio tuning knob capable of tuning in any station on the dial. All stations exist all the time.

I was on a roll so i time dated my theory as i expanded on it here.

The reasons for getting older just hit me so that part is new.


Sounds similar to Visualization, a technique where you create a mental image of a desired outcome. You begin to "see" the possibility of achieving that outcome. I think it's mainly used for self improvement. Some athletes use it to improve their performance.

You should take a deep dive into /r/DimensionalJumping

Most sacred texts have some sort of references to "everything happens in the now". As in past, present and future all happen at the exact same time.

But how can that be true?

Many people think that it's a simple reference to how our day passes. We experience a series of moments then they're gone and that may very well be what the ancient writers meant when they wrote those things.

However there is another possibility which is that time as we know it, is bullshit and everything all happens at the same time. That every possibility for every action has already happened, is happening, will happen but they all occur simultaneously. So then why do we experience the passage of time?

Well that's an interesting question. Time is a totally made up human concoction based on what we observe, mathematical/scientific agreement and logic.

So try thinking "outside the box" and ask yourself, how is it possible for everything to exist at the same time? We would still have to deal with the passage of time that we've experienced since our births. So how?

Well one possibility is that the movement and motion we experience in an action such as walking might be our consciousness simply moving through a series of static scenes.

Wait what?

Most people these days aren't familiar with "motion pictures" or older film style cameras. So how they work is to flash a series of static a/k/a non-moving images (just like a photograph) on the screen in rapid succession, so quickly is the image changed that our eyes don't register the change. This begins to happen at 24 images per second.

So when you pull the film out of the projector, you don't see moving images on the film. No you see static images that are simply changed at 24 frames per second and we can't perceive the change so we see movement.

Now imagine in that switching was sped up but not a little.....a lot.

Not 24 frames per second, or 240 (10x faster), 2400 (100x faster) or any of that. What if it was sped up to millions, billions or even trillions of frames per second.

Could we even perceive the changing image?

It's doubtful we could perceive that change. However that might very well be what's happening with reality. How would we know?

Well if we could jump to a non-logical timeline or a non-logical existence of reality then we might know. A non-logical existence would be where things in our lives don't make sense from the flow we once knew.

For example, we went to X high school then onto Y college then Z job. Well what if any one of those were to change. So instead of Y college we went to H college instead and then that flowed into I job instead of Z job.

When people dimensionally jump some are reporting that they're doing and experiencing exactly that.

But for me, it's all just cool theory because I've never experience that. Or at least I don't remember experiencing that.

However, I've experienced a great many mind bending things so anything is possible.

CERN. there are infinite universes and cern is pulling one into another. What youre specifically talking about is the law of attraction

while focusing on something may have a yet to be measured affect, a vastly more efficient and responsible course of action would be to actively physically pursue more direct action. you can look at the nearest light switch and focus on it, i will get up and flip it with my finger. let me know when you get your switch flipped. at best, focusing on an outcome will help you be aware of actions you can take that may help you get closer to the desired outcome... it is said faith without work is dead. faith is an action word, not just an internal mental state.

That is a good point, however to counter, do people meditate and focus energy into becoming rich? Or just wish it? I think there is a difference between the two.