The Transgender Agenda and Children

5  2017-08-12 by [deleted]



All of this ties back to corporations and creating the next generation of consumers (bear with me)

The documentary "Consuming Kids" (I think it was called, or else consuming children) came out in the early/mid 2000s, and the general theme it addressed was that kids are marketed to at an extremely young age. There are entire psychological research branches in companies just for marketing to children. "Today's child consumers are tomorrow's adult consumers," they might say. But the general unintended effect coming out of it was that children were being sexualized at younger and younger ages. The twelve to fourteen year-olds read seventeen magazine, not actual seventeen year olds, in order to learn what things are like at that age. Then they try to emulate that. Our increasingly sexualized society has everything to do with marketing and corporations--it is, in my mind, the most obvious direct correlation, and yet no one is talking about it.

The increased "acceptance" of young transgender behavior, and "acceptance" of sexual themes at a young age, is just the inevitable result of our actions with marketing.

Increasingly, I do wonder how much of the media and products/fashion aimed at kids is FPBP (for pedos by pedos).

"Making" is a strong word for a few sensationalized cases. Trans folk are no more "recruiting" than homosexuals supposedly were when I was your age. This conspiracy is just another flavor of the xenophobia that runs rampant here. Same shit different decade if you ask me.

And if they really want depopulation, the food and legal drugs are enough to take care of that. Luckily one side effect of hipster culture is a return to homemade everything.

I think things like this need to be boiled down to their absolute worst case scenario possible. Then, we need to explore the worst case scenario for not doing anything about it, put them on a scale, and weigh them. In this comparison we need to include a third option, which is- going on the offense because we assumed the 'worst case scenario' yet being wrong.

Carl Wittmans 'A Gay Manifesto' expresses a desire to "free the homosexual in everyone".

There's been other 'gay manifestos' and they've been even more direct.

Well I can't say your point of view isn't interesting. I'm not sure I understand it, and I am genuinely concerned for you human to human if you apply a strategy of assuming the worst outcome and living in a sort of applied reality where that's true. It seems it would have long term negative effects far greater than a potential benefit gained from a sense of being prepared for a hypothetical situation.

That's my initial reaction. If I've misunderstood that part, do accept my apology and clarify.

I'll read the document you provided, but my gut feeling says if the worst case scenario is that a smattering of radicals took a position of aggression fifty years ago in contrast to an overwhelming population that simply wishes to avoid being (using your idea of worst case scenarios) imprisoned, put to death, or drugged/electroshocked with the blessings of the State, it's not a bad problem to have.

No one said you couldn't hope for the best.

"It seems it would have long term negative effects far greater than a potential benefit gained from a sense of being prepared for said hypothetical situation."

I don't matter in any of this. Whatever affects it has on me are irrelevant.

I tend to think there is an agenda to demoralize the world, starting with the most developed nations. Once you're demoralized, you can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong, and I think we're already well there.

I also tend to think our government is run by a bunch of psychopathic Moloch worshiping pedophiles. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if everyone at the State Department was gay, and that they literally had a gay agenda.

How much time do you spend reading about ancient Pagans, their traditions, and origins? Why is there so much ancient symbolism in government? Why does Bohemian Grove have a 30 foot owl named Moloch under which heads of state from all around the world hold mock sacrifices each year? Would it surprise you to learn that homosexuality was more accepted in ancient Greece than modern America?

Aristocrats don't lose their history, they practice it.

I like your point of view in general, and many of your points in specific. We do not overlap 100 percent, but where we do, I express solidarity. In order, I'll answer your questions.

  1. I've spent enough to see patterns extending to our time.

  2. Because they are obsessed with power and mimic what they feel has resonance or just "play ball" while others do, because they do what their fathers and "brothers" tell them, and because some fancy themselves sorcerers.

  3. See 2. Also, because some are pawns who'll do anything (therefore making easy marks for blackmail slavery) and some are wired in a way fundamentally different in terms of how they process reality and make choices.

  4. Not at all, and pedophilia besides, it seems.

I take heart in the fact that you and I and many here know enough to be speaking about the possibility of your worst case scenario, despite apparent efforts to halt momentum of the discussion. I did not find the manifesto as haunting, perhaps, but your point about demoralization stands and I have seen it in other forms. We don't need to agree about everything, however, to discuss the replacement of your worst case scenario (and many nights I was also restless with the gravity of this possibility) with some kind of return to sanity. What does that look like to you?

I just don't find the 'worst case scenario' to be the least bit far fetched. I think reality is truly stranger than fiction. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion place a lot of emphasis on the destruction of the family unit, and of traditional family values. That is my worst case scenario- The Protocols are not only real, but almost accomplished. Both civility and democracy are far too fragile to be anything but absolutely paranoid, and I'd rather die broke and paranoid, than rich and blissfully ignorant.

I've read those as well, and certainly they have been quoted as scripture around here, but I've also heard that the Protocols were a KGB psyop, and how can we know? That's why, for me, I allow myself to go deep into these things as strong possibilities worthy of exploration but never quite latch into belief. People with the Protocols/Moloch mentality do exist, and do seek power, so I agree that it's not that far fetched. What I mean is, unless you have a squad of drones and a chemical weapon that only kills psychopaths, what do you see as the solution as individuals?

The solution is in building general consensus that these people not only exist, but occupy the highest offices of government and industry. The only reason they've been able to do all that they have, is because it's just too hard for an average person to simply believe.

If we were truly educated about history and religion, no one would have a hard time believing it.

I'm in agreement with that. How would you frame it for a larger audience without the existing context that many in this sub already have so that the gap can bridged more effectively than shock tactics and calling people sheep, which I do not accuse you of but which makes up the bulk of the effort I've seen so far?

That is the best question anyone has ever asked me on this sub. I really don't know. The problem arises from attempting to tell a five thousand year old story within the confines of a few paragraphs, or a single conversation. It's impossible. However, I think people are best educated about deep politics and the dark arts in the context of ancient history.

I understand. We're in a time where you really have to work to get people to pay attention at all. Then there's the instinct to avoid shifting paradigms. Then the strong desire to avoid painful truth. The anger that follows if you persist. The ubiquitous meme of all challenging information being fabricated. And so on. It's enough to make a person go all Travis Bickle.

There's a lot of material of various quality on YouTube, but nobody who doesn't already suspect these things is going to watch hours of video on a whim. Frankly PG did not produce much in the way of messaging beyond choir-preaching. I'd say most people are very interested in protecting their families and they see the country crumbling, yet everyone seems resigned to living under corrupt power structures. Fewer people than ever trust Washington. Maybe there is a tactful way to use these doubts to inspire curiosity that would lead to their own investigations.

Have you seen the thread about adding truth pointers/memes to cash and circulating it to get larger numbers of people to notice and potentially question similar ideas?

There's also the old sci-fi trick of telling the truth through fiction. That would allow for a filmic narrative, starting with present events that grab attention, chronicling the past for exposition, and then speculating about the future, perhaps presenting the worst endgame.

I wonder if anyone has tried notating "Have You Seen Me?" posters with relevant links.

Just at the end of my caffeine cycle and throwing pasta at the wall, really, and hating that I automatically cringe at that word now.

What do you think? How do we get people to give a damn?

I think our ego's are the biggest obstacle to overcome when spreading disruptive information. With regard to what we should do, I kind of think government and media are doing it for us. They are turning certain kinds of information into the forbidden fruit via censorship. I think this will have the opposite intended effect- just as /r/Conspiracy gets waves of new subscribers whenever Reddit shuts down certain subs, or censors certain content. I think TPTB are banking on being able to control the flow of information, rather than attempting to stifle peoples interest in it, at least in the long run.

They may succeed initially, but the geeks have inherited the world, and it's just a matter of time before we have ad hoc pirate internet spanning the globe. It's a necessity.

This is a very hopeful message, and I appreciate the new way to look at censorship. And part of me is excited that cyberpunk might actually happen. And I can't wait to see the walls come tumbling down.

:) Me too.

"Beneath this titan mound lie every shrine to Moloch/Ba'al/The Ten Thousand Names of the Adversary. The servants thereof were denied such a dignified burial."

You want to know how bad I think it really is?

I think Hunter S Thompson was pedophile and snuff film maker. I think Rusty Nelson, and Jeff Gannon were telling the truth. I think Hollywood is literally run by a group of pedophile moguls. I think pedophilia is a classic form of political and career blackmail which our intelligence services encourage because it gives them control.

Have you seen the lists of American politicians convicted of pedophilia? There's hundreds of them. There's also hundreds of them in the UK. You can't possibly think it's all just coincidental, can you?

At this stage of the game, it's well beyond the realm of coincidence. And that's just the ones who get their bluffs called. The true number may be one to reel the mind.

Trans person here. Preparing myself for a world of abuse and downvotes even trying to post to you.

When the young kids take hormone blockers, they miss the entire stage of Puberty so their brain doesn't develop past a Childhood, they remain a Child in the mind forever.

You know those blockers aren't permanant, right? These particular children are fine and when they grow up in their correct gender and they start puberty when they are given HRT. Cisgender people who have a late puberty because of endocrine disruption or malnutrition don't stay mentally 11 years old because their puberty was late, why would this apply to trans people?

Please, try to talk to some of us sometime. Everything you've posted sounds like the musings of someone who doesn't understand and who is afraid of trans people.

Personally I do not think children should be allowed to medically transition until they are of age and can understand the medical and social risks of doing this. I think blockers and social transition is alright with appropriate family and peer-group support.

If your real goal is to help these kids and 'save' these people from a 40% suicide rate you'd allow them to live their lives without your interference. It's interference and discrimination from you and folks like you that causes this high suicide rate, not gender dysphoria. The real killer of so many trans people is social isolation and separation from family.

Hey. Thank you for replying!

First and foremost, I am not in a state of phobia or any trans-folk. At all. I attempted to make this as matter-of-factly as possible, and obviously failed.

I believe you and others need our support more than anything! I agree with you. I see society puts a terrible and isolating burden on you. Again, this feeds my curiosity as I wonder how to help you. There is a tremendous pressure on you all to be thos or that, and that non-trans should fear you. It's terrible. I also feel in our society, since we seem to NOT be able to help you, we should chat about those of you that are out, but help non-trans to realize it isn't glamorous.

I am sorry I come across as some mal-informed, vicious individual, but I assure you this is not the case. I applaud you for conversating with/at me about it.

I'm willing to attempt to talk to anyone. I guess I may be reading a tone into your OP that isn't present, and if so I apologize. I've noticed you deleted your post. Perhaps I could assist you in re-wording it if that's what you wish?

I think the best way to help us, as a collective, is to treat us like normal people.

The reason a lot of teenagers want to transition as early as possible is because the earlier you do it, the more you look like a 'normal' person. It's really that simple. Then you get to transition and only in very rare cases do you get to experience the social stigmatization that comes with it.

Whatever the deleted comment was, thank you for speaking and adding context.

"The real killer of so many trans people is social isolation and separation from family."

This is an excellent point and one not often made. It's a situation many people from many groups can identify with. Social isolation breeds so much pain in this world. We would all do well to try and acquaint ourselves with as many kinds of people as we can to grow internally and dissolve boundaries that serve our common foes.

Wow, I clicked your name to creep your comments and this very first comment was so powerful. Thank you for that.

I just don't find the 'worst case scenario' to be the least bit far fetched. I think reality is truly stranger than fiction. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion place a lot of emphasis on the destruction of the family unit, and of traditional family values. That is my worst case scenario- The Protocols are not only real, but almost accomplished. Both civility and democracy are far too fragile to be anything but absolutely paranoid, and I'd rather die broke and paranoid, than rich and blissfully ignorant.

At this stage of the game, it's well beyond the realm of coincidence. And that's just the ones who get their bluffs called. The true number may be one to reel the mind.