Terror attack in Charlotteville and the response to it is the slowest response we've seen from this nation. Apparently it's a big deal when a Muslim runs his car into a market in Germany, but meh when a Nazi does it in America.

635  2017-08-12 by apricotasd2

Fuckin disgusting.




Jesus that is awful.

fucking violent hicks


The driver of the car that ran into people was a leftist anti-trump millenial


The people you're responding to are the most divisive and obvious shills i've seen in a long time.

The agenda pushing language they're using is the exact same as the bots and paid users on the main subs.

Reddit is a total loss. Don't waste your breath with it.

oh wow im so shocked my paradigms are shifting

awful situation. but that guy is the most OTT narrator.

"where were you guys?" because obviously cops with batons would've stopped that guy in a car.

and once again, until we know who was fucking driving, don't jump to conclusions!!

I mean...when someone blows up an airplane it's a safe assumption it's some Muslim dude. Just like it's a safe assumption the white side that drove through the crowd protesting against Nazis is a white supremacist. Do we know for sure? No, but it's an obvious working theory.

Or anti Fa could've been violent and hitting cars and he tried to get away and fucked up majorly...

That's a redneck pontiac with a shave-head white guy driving. You'll see soon enough. He's in custody.

Redneck pontiac? I have fair skin and a red beard. I also come from a very racially and culturally diverse family and harbor ZERO ethnocentric or racial hatred of any kind. I ask you, because of my appearance, would you profile me as a white nationalist or supremacist if I happened to pull into the parking space next to you while driving a pontiac?

And just to clarify because I may not be clear enough, All of this disgusts me. Don't be stupid enough to assume I am condoning this stupid herd animal bullshit. I am merely showing you that you sir are a prejudicial pick just like the rest of the ignorant sheep destroying themselves.

Depends. Do you have your bumper hanging off you with the blood of counter-protesters you just ran over running onto the floor? Yeah, I'd probably make that assumption. If the hood fits.

Intelligent response.

Look you dense cow: same situation, however let's change one variable: the car was a (for the sake of sterotypical purposes so a sheep like you can relate ) a cutlass with 20 inch rims. I ask you, how would you describe THE CAR?

I would suspect a black man is driving it. And so would you. Glad we are both being honest now instead of just me.

Perhaps you shouldn't be such an ass when I suggested that a white guy driving a white person car that just killed anti-Nazi protesters just might, maybe, just a wee little chance be on the side of the Nazis.

Showing you the flaws in your logic and hypocrisy in your rhetoric is being an ass? I will however apologize for the name calling. That was my stupidity showing.

You didn't show a flaw in anything. You asked a question that showed how consistent I am in my beliefs. You, on the other hand, would assume that someone driving in a typical, black persons car would be black but somehow its illogical to think that the white male in the white male car that just murdered people shouldn't be believed to be one of the Nazis.

Nice try though.

Honest question: So you see nothing wrong with personalizing a cold, souless material object as a white persons car or to use your own words a "redneck Pontiac" ? I am a firm believer that these are precisely the symptoms of our conditioning that we need to break free from. I am not attacking you. I was abrasive earlier and I am sorry.

It depends on why you do it. If you utilize differences to try and figure out what's going on with limited information, heuristics are completely appropriately. If I take statistics that say more black folks commit crimes and use that to discriminate against them, I'm being an asshole racist. One is a problem. One isn't.

Dodge Challenger and short black hair. FTFY

Videos clearly show the car pulling up to where everyone is at and then gunning it towards them all. No one was doing anything to his car.

Clearly? Seems to just pop out of nowhere.

I just saw it erupt out of the crowd , as in didn't see it till it was gunning down the road and emerged out of the group into the cars and people. Am I on conspiracy rn or worldnews?

There's a video of he car up the road not going very fast. When it's at the camera man he starts to speed up. From the video you can see there weren't very many people around him for hi to be scared and plow into others.

He's not a narrator. In this moment he's in shock. He's just witnessed murder. These are people, people.



If you go through his instagram it looks like he thinks of himself as an alien and also shows that Hilary and Donald Trump are aliens.

Im not saying green lizard Aliens are behind this attack...but yeah...


People shopping does not equal fools blocking a street.

You see the video, Professor?

Yep . Bitches should have kept their fat asses on the sidewalk.

Good Luck with all that.

"The goy aren't buying it!"

"Did you say "Nazi Fascist" in every comment??"

"Well, not exactly every comment"

"Then go back and tell them they are Nazis and Fascists some more, but consistently!"

"Of course, sir! Right away!"

Nobody says more or worse about you than you do with comments like these.

Ayy, we're like each others' anathema :D

I feel like you're a short and thin company man/accountant type of guy who wears square rimless glasses and vertically striped pastel button downs from JcPenny that are the same style he's got since his mom showed him how to pick a dress shirt. And, I'm like the class clown that frustrated everyone with how little he tried and how much he fucked with everything. I bet it still gets to you that people like me win the talent shows, but if it's any consolation, I thought your Prelude in Cmin was lovely, and I could tell you spent a lot of time on it.

What the fuck are you even talking about lmao.

Ideas, connecting them together, using words and a bit of punctuation here and there.

Or a car could have not purposefully driven over them. You know, either or really.

Kill yourself you nazi fuck.

Sorry--the Billions upon Billions US taxpayers have spent on FBI/DHS/CIA/NSA/DIA doesn't protect Americans from these Fascist Nazi Thugs...Just no way for them to predict this would happen, despite being able to scan our phone/internet conversations 24/7/365.

Guess they'll need even more money next year!!!

Fascist Nazi Thugs

There is no sigh heavy enough to express my disappointment.

I did Nazi that coming.


These people identify as Nazis. They chant Nazi slogans, wear swastikas, and wear shirts with quotes from Hitler on them. What exactly is your objection to identifying them as such?

I'm sorry, but you're thinking of the words of a group of less than 100, the actions of 1 man, and then pasting the emotional reactions that those actions inspire within you onto an entire group of people. It's like if there were a video of some BLM protesters who were saying "we're all felons and that's what we do!", and someone said "all black people are felons", you would be like "hold up".

I know it's tough when we have so much emotion invested all these different places, but for the sake of society, I ask that you would stop living based on reactions, and start living according to principles. In this case, it would be asking "do the sins of a single member of a group taint the whole, no matter how large?", then deciding on an answer, and choosing to apply that rationality to everything you encounter, equally, until which time there comes information that you decide warrants changing your mind. For instance, you cannot on the one hand believe that all "Trump supporters" are nazis, while on the other saying that not all Muslims are terrorists, for reasons I hope are clear, if you are a person who stands on principle. We need your higher self in this fight, and those that wish to inspire your hatred are very much not your allies.

You are defending people who enjoy doing Nazi salutes and chanting "fuck you faggots", "Jews will not replace me", and other, sometimes worse, Nazi slogans.

I did not say all Trump supporters are Nazis. But the people protesting today were at a Nazi protest. Educate yourself.

No, they weren't at a Nazi protest. They were at a protest against taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee, and they were chanting "you will not replace us".

We desperately need your higher self in this fight, but I understand your position, and I wish you the best!

If your "higher self" is this dedicated to defending Nazis, you need to reevaluate a lot of things in your life.

Oh come now.

Your mind is so filled with leftist trash that everything is Nazism to you. You're pathetic. Get a grip.

He just said they weren't Nazis, you goddamn moron

Speaking nice with your ilk really doesn't function, does it?

Didn't trump cut funding specifically to investigating neo-nazi groups?

For real?


For real?


He wants to focus solely on Islamic violence

Well it's much more Common. Liberal Violence is also much more common then Neo Nazi Violence these days

I didn't say otherwise. Simply stating a fact


Let's see. The Bernie Bros shooting all those Congress Men, San Jose, Chicago, San Diego, etc...

Charleston, Bundy Ranch, Colorado PP, Jewish community shooting in Leawood, Ks, Milita Group planning against Somalians, Portland Train Attack. Should I name some more?

Retarded. The guy in Charleston just hated Blacks he wasn't Conservative that I'm aware of, I'm not sure what Violence your think Right Wingers committed at Bundy Ranch, No Clue what Colorado PP is, That Jewish Community Center was back in 2014. I said the last couple years. Everything I listed happened in the last 1 to 2 years. If they were allegedly planning an attack it doesn't count and the Portland Stabber was Left Wing Bernie Supporter so that counts for me. LMAO! You just Blew Yourself The Fuck Out Snowflake!!!

Is your vocabulary so small that you use the words retarded for things you don't like?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_Planned_Parenthood_shooting

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 100369

I was talking about the Left Wing Violence at the Trump Rally in Chicago. That was 2016. Ok so I will give you the Colorado PP Violence one. And I will grudgingly give you the Bundy one but I doubt anyone actually shot at police. But still way more Left Wing Acts of Violence then right Wing Violence. When there is Right Wing Violence it's almost always one or two crazies. When it's Left Wing Violence it's huge groups of organized people who think it's OK to commit violence against those that think differently then them. Just look at all the Leftist Violence in Berkeley.

Those are still weak examples compared to the right wing. Since you only wanna talk about things recently and you use words like retarded to describe things you don't like I'm gonna assume your pretty young. If you want a more complete view of domestic terrorism you should be more willing to take on information. http://www.newsweek.com/right-wing-extremism-islamist-terrorism-donald-trump-steve-bannon-628381

OH God this assinine Fake News article gets brought out every single time someone on Reddit wants to excuse Islamic Terrorism or Left Wing Violence. Only people with their heads up their ass take it seriously. It's so stupid. Who the fuck cares about numbers of Terrorists attacks? Plus we aren't even talking about Terrorism we are taking about violence.

Ahh, yes. No actual refutation of the article, just more angry ramblings. Could have bet money on that.

It's Fake News

Why is it fake news?

One it is completely irrelevant to what we are talking about and two who the fuck cares about "number of Terrorists attacks"? Casualties/and or injuries is what is important. Only Liberal Fem-Boys take this article seriously

Casualties/and or injuries is what is important.

So are the number of terrorist attacks. If more right-wing members are committing terror acts than islamic members, why do you assume islamic members are the ones who are inherently more violent?

Oh God is this conversation retarded. First off me and your Buddy weren't even talking about Terror Attacks we were talking about the extreme amount of Political Violence coming from the Left. My guess would be because the Left is politically irrelevant so they are lashing out since they know they will be out of power for a long long time. Anyway why the Fuck would it matter? Right Wing Violence is obviously more likely to be classified as terrorism for starters. I mean was the extreme amount of violence that Bernie's parasites committed at Trump's rallies classified as an act of terrorism? It should have been. If it wasn't then you have your answer. But seriously why do you think the number of terror attacks from a certain group would be important?

Nobody shot at the police in Oregon. LaVoy Finicum was murderd by the feds and the statist couldnt be happier. Also one of the other man was just sentenced to 16 years.

Durrrrrrrr this is Poopie Head Drumpfs fault!!!!! And he took my EBT Card!

Never had EBT but if my GI bill goes away I'd be super pissed.

What are you doing on this Sub? Everyone here except the Hugh School Dropouts that work for ShareBlue hate the NSA and think the CIA funds ISIS. What do you think you are achieving here?

I just find this place fascinating.

Hugh School Dropouts

You might be one of them.

Yeah like I don't know how to spell High School. Shills are retarded

people with terrible arguments end up name calling

What if they actually can't and it's fake news to make people believe that they can

Interesting Theory, I wonder what that data center is in Utah for

I've driven by it several times and they even made it look evil, it's all black, you lose radio reception for a short time, and state police at the entrance

I once believed that as well, but the reaction to the Edward Snowden thing by people I know with security clearances makes me feel pretty confident that the government does have access to everything

I listen to rap music because I think bloods and crips are cool. Snoop Dogg and Gucci Mane are my favorite rappers because they murdered people. They are worthy of disproportionate wealth and fame. YG "Fuck Donald Trump" is one of my favorite songs, as is the one about robbing Chinese people.

I hate nazis and the oppression of black people.

Hey now, reasonable comparisons are not allowed if you're not attacking Trump or the right.

Communists label their opponents Nazis and racists. Age old tactic they've used since at least the 40's. Makes Commies easy to spot.

These guys were literally chanting Nazi slogans and giving Nazi salutes. And this isn't isolated. Any time Spencer shows up you'll see people giving the Nazi salute. I don't know how much more clear it can be. The nationalists haven't done enough to separate themselves from the white supremacist nationalists. Not by a long shot.

Oooor it could be that it was an actual white supremacist + nazi rally

How would anybody predict a rando deciding to drive his car into someone? I do hear right wingers talk about how great it would be to drive into protesters on every single comment thread discussing a left-wing protest. Every single time. Even though it's usually just one or two guys in those threads, it's disturbing.

If you are organizing attacks on cars in the middle of a street, expect to be run over

Is this a joke? The left make the biggest deal about the marginally small cases of white nationalist attacks.

Oh so an assault on dozens of people is no big deal then. Got it.

It's not about it not being a big deal. It's blowing things, marginally infrequent things, as I said before, out of proportion. It's irresponsible. Don't you people get that?

If the truth is controversial, that isn't a good enough reason to stop speaking it. I detest the evil actions of men and women despite their labels and their political or religious identities. I'm sure we agree on that more than you're willing to admit. Don't misconstrue what I'm saying.

If you believe terrorism committed by white supremacists is blown out of proportion, does that mean you're also willing to admit that Radical Islamic terrorism committed by middle-easterners / refugees is also blown out of proportion? Some stats:

Between 12 September 2001 and 31 December 2016, there were 23 fatal “Radical Islamist Violent Extremist-Motivated Attacks,” resulting in a total of 119 deaths in the United States. In the same time period, there were 62 fatal “far-right violent extremist-motivated attacks”, leading to 106 deaths.

Just two events account for more than half of the 119 deaths resulting from Muslim extremist attacks: the December 2015 San Bernardino attack, which killed 14 people, and the June 2016 Pulse night club attack, which killed 49 people.

According to the University of Maryland’s START consortium, between 12 September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

According to START, Muslim extremist violence killed seven times more people than far-right extremist violence between 1990 and 2016, despite five times fewer fatal attacks. However, this period included the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks of 11 September 2001, the two deadliest terrorist incidents in American history. When those outliers are removed from the figures, according to START, far-right extremist violence caused 272 deaths between 1990 and 2016 — more than twice as many as the 130 deaths from Islamic extremism during the same period.

Not at all. Thank you for the stats. These are the other attacks that make shot supremacy marginal. Again, sorry people are butthurt over the facts. Because that sucks for them in so many aspects.


You mean where leftists were rioting?

That's my point; no one got seriously hurt, but altrighters would cry like it was suicide bombing. Now we have a car running over people and putting many protesters into critical condition, and it's a "small case." Hypocritical.

Wow. You don't understand English do you? The amount of attacks by white nationalists, which I also detest, is marginal in comparison to other terrorist attacks by other groups. This is a fact. Look it up. Please, for the rest of us, and yourself, do yourself a favor. Understand what you're talking about before you become all holier-than-thou.

It's ridiculous. These people's minds are so full of hate and propaganda that they can't even see how fucking hypocritical they are.

And in their minds, white nationalists and neo-nazi white supremacists apparently don't even exist. Fucking unreal.

Just ignore them.

They hate that. Just ignore them. Don't engage them.

They're desperate for acceptance and attention. This last election cycle put them on the grand stage. They're loving it. People usually just downvoted them and they had no one to talk to. Now everyone downvotes them and goes off on them and they love it. They love feeling attacked because they think they're right when they get so much attention.

Just ignore them. Don't play into their game.

And in your minds everyone who disagrees with you is a white supremacist nazi, not much better.

So because I'm against literal white nationalists that means I think everyone who disagrees with me is a white nationalist? This is the exact kind of broken ass logic that is destroying this country. You don't even know how fucking logic works. Jesus dude.

Go learn something about logic and you'll see how ridiculous your comment is. Although we all know you won't.

A man was beaten unconscious by Antifa, that's not serious enough for you? For all we know, that man can very well be a vegetable or in another bad state that makes life miserable right now since the media covered it up.

I'm not defending that asshole who drove into a crowd, killing one (that number can increase) and injuring 19 I believe, but you should really take a closer look on what left-extremists are doing before you call people hypocrites. Antifa has been declared a terrorist group for a reason. This growing problem is a two-sided coin where both sides are covered in sh*t and both sides needs a good cleaning.

I'm not going to dispute your point or even downvote you, but I feel your argument is a false equivalency. Neo-nazism is a philosophy of violence, and anyone supporting it supports the annihilation of anyone they perceive as an enemy.

You're a dumbass.

Prove it, you factless loon.

See above my previous comment.

I am astounded by your debate skills.😂👏👏


Marxism 101

Step 1. Send George Soros groups Antifa and BLM to protest racist rally

Step 2. use agitators to start violence.

Step 3. take away the first amendment rights of the racist rally who had permits to organize.

Step 4. Give free reign to the Soros groups that have no permits.

Step 5. Wait for someone on the oppressed side to flip out over the injustice.

Step 6. Watch the engineered violence happen and use it to fuel and justify your agendas.

A Nazi just plowed into a bunch of civilians and you're over here ranting about George Soros. Not a good look to defend Nazis dude.

This post is about social engineering.

Nazi is short for National Socialist Workers Party. I hate socialists, always wanting to consolidate ever increasing power to the state.

You're an idiot

National Socialists are as socialist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is open and democratic.

Actually the Nazis were pretty socialist...

Examples please

Well for one the state owned all of the means for production rather than the people.

Isn't that case closed?

Not really, no. Let's look at the definition of socialism from Merriam-Webster:


1: there was a private industry sector 2: there was private property 3: they hated socialists and communists (and put them in concentration camps) and there was no distribution of wealth

Gotcha. It's a pretty abstract word that can mean a lot of things nowadays- socialism

But I would still argue that they were more socialist than capitalist, granted they were at war for half their existence

No they didn't. Major German corporations worked hand in hand with the Nazi's. IG Farben was one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the Nazi's contracted them to create Zyklon B to kill Jews in the concentration camps. They also used Jewish labour in those camps.

Socialists nations contract and buy things from other nations/corps all the time so idk if that is a deciding point or not.

So your saying if I was a private shop owner in Germany during the late 1930's, I wouldn't have to contribute my earnings and goods to the war effort?

They did not just contract out. IG Farban for example, worked with the Nazis to determine what chemical plants they could seize and which one's they should build. IG Farban also got access to free Jewish labour for their plants. That is the antithesis of socialism. However, the merging of the state and corporations is one of the defining characteristics of fascism.

The more we keep arguing the more I feel like fascism and socialism might just be Hegelian dialectic. I.e. What is a fascist state if everyone is employed by the same corporation? A socialist state.

What is a socialist state that operates with other capitalists countries and global corps as if the socialist state itself was just a corp? See what I'm getting at?

How would say Denmark Inc be any different than a socialist country of Denmark?

They were absolutely not.

No, they really were not. Hitler added socialist to the party's title to appeal to the German working class. The first people the Nazis went after were socialists and communists.

So they went after the ppl they were trying to appeal to?

Have you seen Schindler's list? If not a socialist nation, why did Schindler have to produce what the govt demanded and how come he had to let them in his factory?

He was trying to appeal to the working class, not socialists in particular. The Nazi's knew that the working class was sympathetic to socialist ideals. They thought they could trick them into believing they were on their side by adding one word to their name.

Have you seen Schindler's list? If not a socialist nation, why did Schindler have to produce what the govt demanded and how come he had to let them in his factory?

Because they were authoritarian. I never said it was a absolute free market in Nazi Germany, just that it was not a socialist economy. Major German corporations still existed under Nazi rule and were not run by the government. They kept their profits and the owners still got insanely rich. You really need to research what socialism really is. Just because a government is authoritarian does not mean it by default socialist.

Okay, I can agree with your last part. I just feel like when a group of ppl say "hey lets pool all of our resources together and share them! Oh, but in the meantime WE will look after them!" What they really are thinking is "hey idiots, give us all your shit.!"

In other words-socialism looks like a stepping stone to authoritarianism to me.


Which is different from wartime socialism how?

It's a conspiracy subreddit. He's posting a conspiracy.

If you want to discuss the official story, go to any of the news subs. Doesn't seem that hard to me.

Squawk "NAZI, NAZI"



Yeah, calling them Nazis is bullshit, they don't don't look anything like them!

Nice fresh flags, straight out of the packaging. That's how you can tell they're real Nazis. Because they left their good flags at home in their Nazi shrines. It's weird how their clothes scream "I work for a living", but all of the people themselves look like college trombone players.. I will say that. Either way, 1 Nazi flag=everybody around it for 2 miles is a Nazi, of course. I'm not disagreeing with you. I mean we all know basic SJMath.

It's weird how sometimes people that we think of as evil say good things. Like there are some quotes of Hitler's, not this one, that I straight up agree with. It's weird, right? Almost makes me think that.... But no, nevermind, that's crazy..

Ah yes, I have plenty of shirts with quotes from Mussolini and Idi Amin. Fuck right off. Not to mention the fact that the shirt's quote is about evolutionary Darwinism and the fight to survive. The shirt's message is about how the white race needs to survive, a clear Nazi message.

I come now, that's reaching, and then even though you're already on your tippy toes, now you're taking the thing you've reached for, and are attempting to place it onto every person at that protest. I don't if you do this all the time with everything in your life, but, you, it's bad..

Yes, those are certainly things that happened :)

How can we believe anything you say at this point? Everyone is hip to what your doing.

Any links to his nazi profiles found? Did the car have a giant swastika painted on it? Did the guy give a big zig heil before he was arrested? How do you know he was a nazi?

There's literally zero evidence that he is a Nazi other than he's a registered republican.

Stop shitting up r/conspiracy. One look at your comments tells us everything we need to know.

Yeah except it wasn't a "Nazi"....

Disgusting. Defend Nazis more

This comment is about social engineering.

Nazi is short for National Socialist Workers Party. I hate socialists, always wanting to consolidate ever increasing power to the state.

Wow they have socialist in the name, that means they're 100% socialist, I never realized. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea must be super democratic then too, gee wiz golly-wolly

How was Nazi germany not socialist?

Surely they weren't capitalists

Explain to me how they were socialists then, I'm interested to know. Hitler privatized state industries, I can't remember reading about any redistributing the wealth other than into Hitler's coffers and they certainly didn't have anything against private property. They seemed very unter/übermensch interested which kinda goes against the whole classless society thing too?

Who owned the means of production?

A mix between the state and like I mentioned, privatized state industries? If you're thinking of during the war effort, was the US and Great Britain socialists too then?

Define socialism for me. There's a lot of wiggle room if we both go off the other's definition of what it is.

Imo, if it's not capitalism then it is socialism. You could argue that socialism requires an equal redistribution of resources, but we both know that no real communist/socialist nation actually did that

You can't just put everything in either a capitalist pile or a socialist pile, things are more nuanced than that


I also went through what I consider the main principles of socialism in my first comment

They sure spent a lot of time rounding up and executing socialists for a socialist party. They were a far-right fascist group.

Far right culturally but certainly not economically or industrially.

socialism and fascism are really no different for the ppl in power. In both cases, they get the money or resources and they decide what they want to do with it.

They certainly were not capitalists tho

And they certainly were not socialists.

Fair enough. But if they are half socialist and half communist, but they call themselves socialist- aren't they socialists?

I mean, it's 2017, shouldn't we respect what ppl choose to identify as ;)>

5 mins of research will show how wrong you are. Stay ignorant if that's what you prefer.

Enlighten me

Because my five minutes of research brought up plenty good arguments for both sides.

Do you use Google? That might be why...

Google is bad, Mkay

It was a dictatorship. You'll be hard pressed to find a legit historian who disagrees.

Socialism and dictatorship can coexist. You'd be hard pressed to find a historian who disagrees

I mean, he's not the one using 70 year old parroted emotional labels to argue with, you.. you dirty.. you filthy.. (what's worse than a Nazi in emotion land..) ANTI-SEMITE.

People have protested white nationalist groups for decades, was Soros involved in counter protests in the 50s?

If white nationalist and Nazi groups are marching in my neighborhood I don't need someone to pay me to go throw rocks at them...

Ahh so much for respecting the first amendment

Is it not my first amendment right to say fuck off to white nationalists and nazis?

It's not your first amendment right to throw rocks at people, you lunatic.

Ah, I didn't look at what comment you responded to.

The speech you want to protect is promoting the removal of other people's rights based on their race (blood) and where they came from (soil). I am not responsible for protecting that speech, and will not be response for protecting that speech. So fuck off with your first amendment bullshit attempt to back up this hatred.

Not when you say it with rocks. Those amendments are found in the Hadith I believe.

SJW's get Sharia law and the BOR/Constitution confused a lot though so no biggie

First amendment is that the government can't stop a person from protesting, not that I have to respect their right. FUCK NAZIS!

Indeed, fuck Nazis. But if you throw rocks at their heads, you are becoming what you hate.

you rustled some jimmies. all the tagged & ignored shills are upset.

When a "Nazi" does it? What exactly are you insinuating? Pretty sure the driver hasn't been identified.

He has been. In police custody.

Link? I can't seem to find anything.

T_d is already calling it a false flag. Fox news said that maybe he was just trying to escape the violent protesters.

Pieces of shit. Own up to what your rhetoric does. Fucking cowards.

Reports on Twitter by mayor and others that someone has died.

Unreal. I can't believe I live in this world. This is fucking America, we have the right to protest.

We have protections, that go so far, but the only "right" that anyone has is responsibility. I hate it when any protesters have their message be subverted by a single person who resorts to violence, I really do, but, you know, this isn't some corporation's lobby that we go sit in, this is confrontation.

I hate it when any protesters have their message be subverted by a single person who resorts to violence

So what do you do when the message is filled with aggressive/violent rhetoric? Do you still think it's a just some "lone wolf" that shouldn't tarnish the rest of the group? Why is it when it's a single muslim (or non-white/Christian) person who carries out an act like this they are seen as representing their entire group and are labeled terrorists?

Why is it when it's a single muslim (or non-white/Christian) person who carries out an act like this they are seen as representing their entire group and are labeled terrorists?

Point taken, and I think that that's a great example for both of our positions: Imagine you tried saying that all muslims are terrorists. How would you treat you? How would the world treat you? That is not how you should be treated for your feelings towards those within Unite the Right, at all, even though I am sure you can see that it is the same thing. I know you can, because you used it as an example in just the same way. I don't think the way that people are treated for saying that all muslims are terrorists is either fair or right, and it would marginalize your concerns, if the shoe were truly on the other foot, for an army of SJWs to come at you for speaking your mind, and they use words like "hateful", and "caucaphobic asshole", etc, anytime you brought attention to the crimes you feel are traceable to the ideology of groups. I hate that same thing when I am talking about the crimes of Israel, or the Jewish control of media.

No, you should not be shamed for your opinions. You should be allowed a platform from which to cogently defend your arguments in a constructive way. They exist, they really do, but we are divided and divided and divided to the point that we just don't know how to talk to each other any longer. I think that you and everyone else deserve their opinions, and I don't think any of this needs to come to bloodshed.

So what do you do when the message is filled with aggressive/violent rhetoric?


Punches are thrown on both sides, but when it comes to acts of terrorism, the left is falling behind. I can't remember the last time a crust punk drove a car into a crowd.

I can't remember when someone shot 5 people at a (insert political party) softball game. Oh wait yes I can.

But it's not just a single Muslim, it's an epidemic. Christians haven't carried out 1317 attacks in 52 countries killing 9446 people

It's disgusting how the rhetoric (on all sides) has turned Americans against themselves.

I think it was probably a false flag.

Even if it is, this shit is fucked up. Seems you're saying that because it's a false flag there's no need to discuss this. Plus, I hope you're meaning it in the sense that it was done in an attempt to push an agenda, not that those are crisis actors. I've seen lots of other footage of false flag events with crisis actors, and this seems way more genuine (from what footage we currently have).

Nah man I want to get to the truth, hardcore.

Some of my friends were in that footage. These are real people.

Sorry to hear that, and I hope your friends are doing ok.

Luckily they were getting their camera gear together on the sidewalk. They were barely missed from the way it looks. I dunno, I just figured I put my 2 cents in. Maybe there were crisis actors, but there were definitely real people, students, etc inches away.

Could be but it's still notable how quickly pol, foxnew, etc came to such conclusions. I am open to finding out info about the suspect as it comes, but for now people are talking out of their assess, including ones labeling him a nazi.

Tbf conspiracy minded people have a tendency to call just about anything a false flag.

True true

Quit using conspiracy theories as scapegoats. This was is ridiculous. No matter side does it.

I still think it was a false flag. It's too convenient; is exactly the kind of move (((they))) make.

It seem like a completely plausible action that would happen when you bring together the Alt Right and counter protesters especially after what happened last night. This is why I stopped listing to people like David Weiss, everything isn't a false flag

Yeah, that, too. My gut though, she's screaming fuckery, on accounta the pattern of fuckery, the typical fuckee ,and the typical fucker. Just saying, I'm open to whatever this ends up being, but I swear to god if the driver was named like "Cosmic Champion", I'm not gonna believe that it was through and through a singular act.

You think it's a false flag because white people have been historically victimized

I think you think it's a false flag because you don't want your side to be in the wrong, committing terrorist acts

Nah man, and tbh I'm not down to talk with people who start out conversations with the worst assumption they can come to. I ain't looking for winners and losers, dude; gotta take that fight elsewhere.

Do you think a false flag is necessary to do in order to make white nationalists and nazis look bad?

What is convenient about it?

We're there Nazis there or are you just calling them that? Genuinely curious

I would consider people with Adolf Hitler quotes on their shirts to be nazis, so yes.


Then you'll love these Nazis!


That is makes the message of Unite the Right able to be spoken of as worthless by the media (any time someone brings up anything pro-white, people will say "oh so you think ramming cars into protesters is cool, like your racist nazi fascist friend over there in the mustang did?"), exactly at a time when it's expression was gaining traction. The issues and the people who consider them worth addressing are not dealt with in any meaningful way, and so this thing will continue to grow in the dark, inspired now by a bit of censorship and a newfound disdain for government as well, whereas they could be talked about openly and honestly, except for, you know, Jewish media, always trying to divide us, only allowing a spectrum of thought at one time, disallowing all others.

I'd say the white nationalists do a damn good job of trying to divide people on their own. The only thing more divisive than D vs R is white vs not white. I don't even want to bring in the idea that trump courted this group with his rhetoric because this group will grab on to anyone preaching about illegal immigration and I honestly don't perceive trump as a racist.

There is already enough ammunition against "pro-white" ideas, one person running down a group of (mostly white) counter protestors is a drop in the bucket compared to segregation, slavery, lynching, and many other atrocities which are attributed to "white supremacy".

I don't think that playing race politics in a world where everyone else plays race politics makes them into a "white vs not white" group. I think it means you're playing by the rules we have to play by, even if I agree that they're stupid and unnecessary.

I also think that you should consider very well whether or not you agree with the idea of punishing sons for the sins of their fathers, then see how your conclusion applies to your view of the world.

Promoting equality among races is not punishing sons for the sins of their fathers. And my comments should in no way be construed as promoting any race over another because I haven't addressed anything other than the white nationalist group that marched today. Do you see my hatred for this group as something other than just that?

Ah, but remember, you have just listed slavery, lynching, and "other atrocities" as a reason to hate the "alt-right", which, if you are careful, you will see are each very fitting examples of punishing a son for the sin of a father.

And you're equating pro white/white nationalist/nazi groups with the alt-right, I am not.

I didn't mean to choose your term for you, and I apologize for assuming; it wasn't my intention in the least. Were you saying, though, that all the protesters there were nazis, or that the protest itself was white nationalist/nazi? I believe you have said that you understand their fringe nature in relation to the Unite the Right movement.

Also, it's very disconcerting that you would feel that being pro-white is the same thing as being your idea of a Nazi.. I very much doubt that you carry this belief over onto any other race or group, and I would ask you to consider the parallels between the idea that only one race cannot campaign for the good of their own, and that of the late-war Nazi ideology which you know best. At the very least, ask yourself: "would a Nazi be more likely to agree that only Jews shouldn't be allowed to have a pro-race, or would they be less likely?"

You will have to forgive me for saying this, but you need to clean up these fissures which you abide in your thinking. They are tearing the world apart, and you could be helping to renew it.

Disdain and mistrust of the government is one thing, chanting a well known German Nazi ideological slogan (Blut und Boden/ Blood and Soil) while marching to protect a statue of Robert E. Lee is different thing.

Racist and Nazi ideologies are not something worth addressing, these people and their lust to push race superiority need to be driven back to their basements because their minds are made up and they aren't going to change.

I think that you are again using a few to decide on the character of many, which, I believe, we have already discussed.

So are you saying that some of the people marching toward the Robert E Lee statue chanting blood and soil were just swept up in the fun of it? Im using the actions of this group to decide on the character of those in the group and the people who are supporting what they're doing.

Honestly I agree that the statue of Robert E Lee should remain in the park, we shouldn't forget that he led a group of traitors to the United States of America. We shouldn't be erasing our history, as dark as it may be.

I don't think that they were the main constituents of the group, but we won't get anywhere if you keep assuming the worst.

I agree that they were likely not the core of the group. But the same type of wooden shields being carried by the group chanting "blood and soil" can also be seen in the videos showing fighting with counter protesters. They were a large part of the "face" of this protest group.

I said it in another comment, I believe the status of Confederate leaders should remain in place. We should never forget our history. I'm sure there were some people at this protest who aren't racists, and have the same viewpoint I do on the issue.

Awesome. I do think you're trying to make people that you disagree with into nazis a little too hard, but I am glad that we can find some common ground :)

I grew up in the punk and ska music scene in the 90, we still had skinheads trying to take over most aspects of the scene. Seeing someone with a Hitler quote on his shirt, or a group chanting a Nazi slogan being included in this protest group leaves me unsettled. There's no way around believing them to be neo-nazis or Nazi sympathisers. Does that mean everyone there is also? Not at all, and I didn't intend to make that my point.

I hate that this will just be more fuel for the removal of "offensive history".

Me, too. It fucking sucks so bad, dude. I feel like we're all at each others' throats when the person who pitted us against each other is laughing watching the thing play out.

Yep, then when you throw in people who stir the pot for fun by "trolling" on the internet it just makes things worse.

Stay safe and sane!

You too, dude.

What about people who just want racial differences to be acknowledges so that society doesn't come up with false conclusions?


I guess it depends on the end game, if the goal in pointing out the differences between races is to create a strict racial heirachy we've got a problem.

Everything can't be a false flag. Sometimes the idiots strike.

Yeah, for sure. Still think that in this particular situation, it was probably a false flag.

Personally I haven't seen anything to suggest it. Those people that got ran over we're definitely not crisis actors.

Yeah, I dunno man, a lot of people have a bullshitometer. I'd share it but it doesn't work like that..

No one other then a sociopath would deny that this is tragic and terrible incident, what one should wonder is WHY it happened. Is it so simplistic a notion that someone from the "right" did something terrible to people on the "left" and thus we (the left) should HATE everyone on the "right" and never look to see why we are so angry and who is causing us this anger?

You should watch this and tell me what you think.

Newsbud: Politics and the "Left" vs "Right" Fraud


You are being too rational, be careful. I am appalled by this violence today, but I am also appalled at the frequency in which mobs upon mobs of people blindly take hold of a certain rhetoric without any proof. They haven't released the guys name or his motives yet everyone seems to be judge, jury, and executioner today on the subject. Look the police got him, isn't that worthy enough?

Oh shit guess your in the wrong sub then genius

Are we on /r/conspiracy or not? Take your partisan politics discussion back to /r/all, Shareblue.

lol it's partisan to call hate speech what it is? Fuck off. You know what's happening. Fuck back off to /pol/, Stormfront.

Excellent response. Keep putting down conspiracies. /r/politics seems like the sub you're looking for.

Conspiracy, singular. One that people are going to use to deny the hate and not take responsibility for what their actions have done. I think /pol/ or the_donald are for you.

What is the benefit of a false flag? To make white nationalists and nazis look bad?


Yeah, because their message is actually pretty solid, so you gotta make them all seem like monsters, or even more people might listen to their arguments. It's what you do when you can't outmaneuver someone or some group politically.

So enlighten me please, what is their solid message? Blood and Soil has a very solid historical message, is this what you're referring to?

Probably that white people get a shit deal around the world these days, then they use lots of evidence to prove that feeling in various ways? I dunno, does it matter? We're talking about principles here. Do you want to be the kind of person who denounces entire groups for the actions of a single person? If so, you then must abide those who say that all muslims are terrorists. If not, then you have to remain open minded. You don't have to choose between those two option, but to eliminate any internal contradictions - to be honest - you will.

I don't need to choose, I have never came across a rational minded white supremacist, or a rational minded Nazi sympathiser. I have met well rounded rational Muslims however.

If I had to worry about contradictions I would equate the white supremacists within the Caucasian race with the Muslim extremists within the entirety of Muslim believers. It is a sub group within a larger group.

I know, but to be honest, you most certainly do have to choose. I can lay out the internal contradictions once again; how you choose to believe one thing in one instance and another in another, thereby rendering your world view as one of reactions, rather than understandings, but you most certainly do have to choose to be honest.

That race matters and that a racially cohesive society has many benefits that in their opinion outweigh the loss of benefits of a multicultural society.


Read it. It's outdated as it was written before the election so it is about stopping Trump from being elected or assuming office, but the same strategy can be used now, and has been used in other countries.

TL;DR False flag to start a color revolution, like the Arab Spring, Rose Revolution in Georgia(country not state), Ukraine, et al.

I remember when this came up, all of the chanspiracies we're about Obama/deep state postponing or canceling the upcoming election to prevent trump from coming in and dismantling the system of corruption or whatever... Now we're nearly 8 months into Trump's presidency and we're closer to adding more wars to our scorecard than ever before...closer to policing more of the world than this time last year.

I don't think one person running over 20 others is the planned spark to push a DC dismantling protest.

I remember when this came up, all of the chanspiracies we're about Obama/deep state postponing or canceling the upcoming election to prevent trump from coming in and dismantling the system of corruption or whatever...

Which is why I said it's outdated in that regard.

Now we're nearly 8 months into Trump's presidency and we're closer to adding more wars to our scorecard than ever before...closer to policing more of the world than this time last year.

How is this statement relevant?

I don't think one person running over 20 others is the planned spark to push a DC dismantling protest.

It's not just the event. Think about what happens now. The guy that did it is almost certainly going to claim that he was afraid and it was unintentional, which means there is going to be a trial, which means this guy will probably get out on bail. The left is not going to be happy about that. What do you think they are going to do? Protest? Riot? What happens if he gets acquitted or given a light sentence? Consider the potential for more violence, real or false flag, in the interim. The situation could ramp up very easily.

Also consider how the MSM is going to cover this story. Remember when Republican Congressman Scalise was shot? It only happened 2 months ago, but that story fucking disappeared as soon as we found out he was a left winger. It didn't fit the narrative the MSM wants to push. This story does.

I hope you are right, though, and this isn't the spark that leads to what would basically be a civil war.

My trump statement is relevant because the whole basis of the "democracy spring" was to prevent trump from ever holding office. Now that he is president, and has been for nearly 8 months it's obvious that the theories did not become reality.

That Scalise story didn't disappear as soon as it was discovered he was a left winger. The news that he was a Sanders supporter was came about within hours of the shooting and was in the news for several days. It disappeared with the next breaking story just like this will, thats how the 24 hour news cycle works. They'll talk about this at the top of every hour for a day or so, maybe longer if there's a vigil or something at the site of the act...but then it's off to the next story which will likely be early morning trump tweets.

My trump statement is relevant because the whole basis of the "democracy spring" was to prevent trump from ever holding office. Now that he is president, and has been for nearly 8 months it's obvious that the theories did not become reality.

I've said repeatedly that the linked image is outdated in that regard, But the Arab Spring, Euromaidan in Ukraine, et al, did not take place to prevent a person or government from coming to power, they were done to overthrow an existing government. So I don't see why Trump being president would preclude a color revolution.

Also, FYI Trump hasn't even been President for 7 months yet. Inauguration was January 20th.

As for your claim that this story will disappear in a few days, I guess we'll see. I don't think it will.

Prepared to be downvoted into oblivion for suggesting a conspiracy on /r/conspiracy.

It's all good, man. I gave up vote counts a long time ago. I do it for the times that people say stuff like you did, so thank you.

Fucking cowards.

What does your rhetoric do?

What else do you call someone that won't take responsibility for what they've contributed towards? Those who refuse to condemn those that perpetuate crimes against their countrymen? What is my rhetoric possible doing in this situation? I'm not Gandhi, I'm not going to hug a nazi sympathizer and try to see where there coming from.

Soo just escalate it then?

Video of the attack.

Another one.

Definitely intentional

maybe NSFL

How culd anyone argue that if there is video of him speeding up through an empty street to ram protestors? Assholes.

You do understand that a False Flag doesn't mean it's fake?

Got a link to that?

4chan got the license plate number and traced it back to a 51 yr old man from OH but the driver was actually his son a 16-17 yo kid who's a Bernie supporter so there goes that narrative.

Fuck off and stop lying you chantard.

No reason to lie. Check it out for yourself. There's another thread in this sub showing the same exact thing with pictures showing the license plate and his Facebook with pics of the car.

kid is posting on his FB right now refuting the story, says he sold the car a long time ago

And the kid himself is saying it isn't him.


Seems like this doesn't fit the narrative. No wonder the media isn't releasing info on the driver. CNN was praying for it to be a skinhead with a MAGA hat. Who the heck can they spin this?

Did this myself and looks legit, but do you have the link or archive of the 4chan post?

Still no proof that he was the driver though.

What a desperate attempt to shift blame.

i think both sides are fucking retarded personally, but currently nobody publicly knows either way, so maybe for once peopel can wait until there are actual facts!

Get out of here with you're logic! People need to be mad!

An American died at the hands of an American protest, which is a terrible thing to happen.

Exactly, and I only fear it's going to get worse.

The trouble with modern media/news is that everyone jumps to their conclusion and pinion so fast, even without any verification or facts in yet from police/authorities beyond what we can all see.

It happened with the London runner being pushed under a bus this week; all the news sites pushing a photo and name of a suspect before he'd even been spoken to by police properly. Then turns out he wasn't even in the country when it occurred, but his name is now associated with it now and people move onto the next thing/person!

Removed. Possible Doxx.

The brother already came forward and said that he is in Michigan right now and they sold the car years ago.


This is the "Nazi" you are talking about. If you actually look at his social media profiles you will find he is a leftist that hates trump.

Looks like he ran over the wrong people.

Except that's not the nazi.

You fucking idiot.

I, and most liberals I guarantee you, have no clue who the fuck that is.

You come in here slinging shit about how I think whoever that is is a Nazi, then tell me that this person you invented isn't a Nazi?

Just, what the fuck dude?

Removed. Possible Doxx.

So what basis do you have to claim it's a "Slow Response"? And what does this have to do with r/Conspiracy ? This isn't Drumpf is mean Sub! Those are the retards on r/politics

So it wasn't a nazi, at a nazi rally, attacking people protesting nazis?

I'd bet my next paycheck it was a black guy. If we're throwing stuff out of our ass.

theyve already confirmed the driver is in custody

So what's their description of the suspect?

I actually JUST saw that pic. Looks like the photo was taken with a calculator but I believe you're right.

It looks like a smartphone picture taken while zoomed all the way in, digital zoom is terrible. On top that it's Snapchat, which doesn't use the full capabilities of your smartphones image sensor, it essentially takes a screenshot of what is on the screen.

Looks like the photo was taken with a calculator


Why does being white matter? A majority of the antifa assaults/riots were from white people. Even some BLM assaults were from white people. Also some dude on twitter is not an official source.

"Why does being white mattter?"

Your responding to a comment that alleged the driver was actually a black guy stupid.

Why does being white matter?


I'd bet my next paycheck it was a black guy.

Point taken, but you do understand that a random picture from some guy on twitter is not a source, right?

To be fair, this sub has a very low threshold for what it considers a "source."

I'll take that paycheck now

Because this is literally in response to someone guessing it was a black guy.

Do you still need me to google this for you? They released his name.

Donate to the aclu please and thank you


Pay up. Pics of a white dude being pulled from his heavily damage challenger.

So where do we sign up to receive you paycheck?

Same place you can sign up to watch oompa-loompas do aerial acrobatics on unicorns.

So in Munich where Willy Wonka was filmed? Perfect, business trip there next week. If you can convert to USD that'd be great

Yeah I didnt think you could transfer disability checks to other people anyways.

You must have mistaken me with someone who gives a fuck.

So you get money for being retarded?


You talkin' ta me??

Gonna be a lean month for you then, ain't it sugarpuff?

Can I get some of your monies?

Pay up, kid.

It was a leftist millenial


This could be fake and the picture of the guy being arrested didn't really look like a skinny teenager

Yeah I saw, he did post a pic of a gray Challenger but maybe it's his dad or maybe some other circumstances exist and that family isn't related at all. Has a Reddit witchhunt ever come up with the right person?

The photo had a 2011 date.

Yeah I mean his page is public so you can go back and see he actually did post it although I haven't seen actual proof that the tags are registered to his dad

There is a photo going around f the driver being arrested and he's a fat middle aged man and not a skinny millenial.

LOL! It's actually an ANTIFA parasite that pol framed for it. They have his name out there and everything!

pol claimed some millenial kid did it, it has already been proven wrong.

Yeah but they did it on purpose from what I gather

Yeah I didn't at all mean to suggest it was the kid that did it as per my other comments here


This could be fake and the picture of the guy being arrested didn't really look like a skinny teenager.

Have the police even confirmed that that person was being arrested, and that it was because he was the driver? Or his motives? Anything? This post is literally partisan politics 101.

Well, he is being arrested and he is next to the car that rammed the protestors....

There was a ton of violence going on all over the place. People fighting. BLM and Antifa throwing tear gas into crowds. Whose to say he wasn't someone fighting or some other dumb shit. A twitter pic from some random dude isn't a solid source. If it's him it's him, but as of now it's unsourced. It also doesn't at all confirm his motives.

Already confirmed to be a republican from Ohio who according to eyewitness came with the nazis. So drop it.

Well, he is being arrested and he is next to the car that rammed the protestors....

It wasnt a nazi it was antifa

It could have been just an accident or done in self defense. There has been a ton of Left Wing Violence this election.

Hit people with a car in self defense? Killed a 32 year old woman in self defense?

Well they were throwing rocks at him and there has been an insane amount of Left Wing Violence these last few years. Granted that women was morbidly obese he killed so I doubt she was much of a threat.

Can you link to prof of the people he hit throwing rocks?

It will take you like 2 seconds to Google it yourself.

Sure it does

Did you even watch that? No one is throwing rocks.

Videos are Misleading. I prefer to hear from the people who were actually there. It sounds like the Guy did nothing wrong

The guy purposely drove into people killing one and injuring dozens. I and I imagine the DA who will prosecute him will disagree. Are you sold on your ideology that you can't call someone out for doing some stupid shit.

For fuck sake stop following the narrative and think for yourself.

I can't find any evidence of rock throwing on google. I think you are making this up.

Are you fucking serious? Either I'm an expert Googler or you are Google Retarded. This took me two seconds. LOL! Don't lie you were too lazy to even try.


To be fair, Google is becoming more "Retarded" by the day as they work to enforce political censorship.

True. They can only get away with their retardness because they have a monopoly

It is believed a counter protester had thrown a rock at the vehicle, causing the driver to swivel around and ram into people and cars in its way, before driving off with someone's shoe attached to its bumper.

Ah yes, totally justified self defense.

Agreed. Hopefully with ANTIFA's history and the fact that they were blocking him from leaving will be taken into account during sentencing.

Well, now there's right wing violence to go with it

Someone finally just snapped and had enough.

It's no different than when the left does it. Except this time it was deadly.

BLM killed like 5 Cops and Obutthole blamed the police

I was talking about yesterday.

A source would have been a good idea... all I can find are a bunch of commies vandalizing, is that what you are referring to?

Nazi?? The Nazis lost WW2. You mean "Nutzis".

The car attack in Germany was completely fake and there's no reason to assume this was any different until good evidence emerges.

I want to know more about this. Wouldnt take too much for the deep state to make a raucous situation into a deadly one, and thereby justifying a clamp down on protests in the future.

Does anyone have any info on the guy that they caught or about fake car crashes in the past?

The info we have so far: he was there so he's a nazi, and the entire right are scumbags.

Don't try to bring your hoax horseshit over the pond to us.

We are talking about the Berlin Christmas market "attack?" If so, yes that was entirely fabricated. There's not even the superficial appearance of a real attack having taken place.

Just disgusting.

Sorry you think everything on tv is real :(

Sorry you think that everything that happens outside of your cellar isn't.


Could you find me a quote saying I did ?


He hijacked the car? No way he used his own. He got within the police barricade? Oh, okay...

No one at a nationalist rally (police included) got off a shot?

Right...i wonder what move is being made under the guise of this deception.

Hi shareblue

So shareblue is the good guys

Removed Rule 10. 1st warning.

how do you know the person is a nazi? what makes him/her a nazi?

Something about weight vs. a duck, I think.

Well, do nazis sink when you put them in water?

No....no! They float!

they aaaalll float

she turned me into a nat soc

... i got better

Nazi salutes and Nazi slogans are a pretty good tell tale sign.

you saw the driver do that?

There's no evidence of him even being involved, please put your Justice bomber away

He is an anti trumper.

No, he's not. Just read his FB page

Got a link? The one I've got only has anti-trump/anti-nationalist shit on it.

redditor for 3 months posting the same link in every political sub.

You're a disgusting excuse of a person if your reaction to a nazi terror attack is to accuse me of being a shill.

No you're a digusting excuse of a person for trying to use a tragedy as a way to get karma.

push agenda*

this sub used to be better than this.

Talk about pot calling the kettle black you disgusting excuse for a person. Whore off this tragedy a little more why don't you?

Mhm. Real conveniant how its karma whoring when i criticize nazis.

Its reddit you fuckin tard. Literally everything i do is related to karma. You cannot comment or discuss without karma beint involved.

I want to talk about how people dont care enough about nazi terrorists.

If i wanted karma id just screech about libcucks pkzzavate maga fucking jews.

Really? Cuz in these types of posts users who talk about those things are usually downvoated to oblivion.

Pretty sure we all agree Nazis are bad. Pretty sure Antifa is no better though.

Fuck you. AntiFa is better than Nazis you shit.

How so?

Antifa looks a lot like the Nazis did before they came to power...

To a retard, sure.

Nazis didn't live me retatds either. Thanks for the helpful proving my point.


Antifa is a nuisance, these people are fucking domestic terrorists. They want non-white people to die. How are you not getting that?

Yes, WW2 Nazis wanted non-native ppl to leave Germany and eventually they started killing non-aryans. That is truly reprehensible.

But to suggest anyone right wing or who might be right wing is a Nazi and therefore they want all non-whites to die is pretty disgusting imo

I'm not right wing, but I support anyone's right to protest non-violently. I didn't vote for trump, and frankly have never voted. If I did vote it would've been Jill.

But you would probably call me a right wing Nazi who wants all non-whites to die just because I'm not freaking out about a group of ppl trying to peacefully unite or w/e

When did I suggest that? I have plenty of friends and family who are right wing. I was referring specifically to Unite the Right, which organized as a white supremacy movement.

Yeah, the rally was SO peaceful. LOL

You're a disgusting excuse of a person if your reaction to a nazi terror attack is to use it as leverage to push your political agenda

So much for the tolerant Right.

So when an individual does something it's okay to blame the entire group? Gotcha. I'll be sure too remind you when you cry not all muslims or black, red, yellow, or purple people.

I hate myself for this, but: THIS


But this wasn't an individual. This was a group of actual Nazis assembling under the banner of "Unite the Right".

The individual in this case just did what many of the other marchers threatened. Did you not see the footage? Did you not see the people with SS logos and swastika flags chanting "blood and soil?"

I believe that aptly applies to the muslim crowds as well.

"what about muslims"


What Muslim crowds

To play devil's advocate, If you call yourself a Muslim, are you not subscribing to the beliefs that call for violence too?

No... because there are tons of different sects of Islam. Nazism is a specific movement modelled on Hitler's Germany.

I feel like you could make the same argument to both sides. Not that I think either one of them is morally good, but I feel like lines are blurred when you're trying to make that argument for any ideology.

Not really, though. Nazism is very specific. Christianity, for example, isn't - you've got Catholics and Protestants, and within them traditional Catholics and Orthodox, Calvinists/Lutherans/Methodists/and all the rest. There might be some fringe Christian who kills someone because he thinks god told him to do it, but Christianity doesn't have an inherent, unified message of violence. Nazism does: it's built on driving out or killing non-European whites.

but tbh I think you're just putting me on, aren't you? You don't actually think that there are good Nazis and bad Nazis

I'm not saying anything, I'm just trying to pull on some ideas. Who's to say that there can't be Nazi's that aren't mega crazy (not going to use "good" as an adjective). Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Nazism a political socialist party?

It's probably a stretch. I'm just trying to make some idea up here. But WHY can't Nazism have a moderate side like Christianity and Islam do when they originally weren't?

It's not a very accurate analogy. A better one would be ISIS. Yes, being a member of ISIS you are explicitly supporting a cause that promotes violence. The analogy does not work when you expand it out to Islam, as it is a huge religion with plenty of peaceful worshipers.

Thanks for the reply. I do believe that is a more accurate example.

No problem. Overall, I understand where you are coming from as Islam on the whole needs a lot of reform. I just don't think they quite compare to white supremacists.

I'm not tying to support either side here. I'm just trying to convey that when it comes to ideologies, it opens a bit of an argumentative wormhole. A lot of comments on Reddit are revolving around that.

To be fair then we just get into interpretation of ideologies. I'd say Nazism is more cut and dry on the whole violence thing than Islam.

Well I think this entire debacle is just interpretation of ideologies then. I have no idea what these people think and I think anyone can make any argument about what the group REALLY believes. Some people on here just want to say that they all believe in X, Y, and Z

False. I know modern National Socialists who have denounced the actions of the neo-Nazis in Virginia and have no issues with non-whites.

Are there peaceful and violent Muslims? Yes.

Are there peaceful and violent people on the Left? Yes.

Are there peaceful and violent people on the Right? Yes.

If you say that the actions of some Muslims don't represent all Muslims, the same is applied to my argument. People interpret Hitler's National Socialist ideology very differently in modern times.


If they didn't want to be lablled for the actions of a few, they should have lead by example and not labelled others for the actions of a few.

Where are all the other white nationalists denouncing this person?

It's a play on the common phrase, " So much for the tolerant Left."

Do you even know if the driver was "Right"?

so now reddit has to decide, do we judge the acts of a huge group of people based on a single persons actions?

what group though? wider conservatives or far right extremist white nationalists?

As of now he has been confirmed "alt right" by his mother.

Lol keep dreaming it was your guy who did it

The same conservatives whose ancestry are Confederates--which they are fighting tooth and nail to bring back into the spotlight? How in the holy fuck did we allow these people do deem themselves as "virtuous" or "righteous" is beyond me.

This is the event that should be the end of T_D on reddit. They promoted this event, members were present and this is the result of their rhetoric.

Wait seriously...?

Divide and Conquer: A Lesson of History


Newsbud: Divide and Conquer


well if true antifa was asking for it. don't write a check your ass can't check?

Slowest from what angle? All major media networks are covering it. It's breaking news across platforms.

/r/news deleted multiple threads about it until very recently.

are you claiming reddit isn't left wing?

We're talking about the same Reddit, right? The one that's the second largest white nationalist platform on the internet?

T_D isn't a white nationalist forum - there are people of all races that post on there, not to mention how many of other races get praised on the front page of T_D. But while we're on the subject, whenever there is an actual "white nationalist" sub, it always gets shut down (such as r/altright). Yes, Reddit is left wing. The vast majority of subs are, and those who work for Reddit definitely are.

And even T_D has been threatened to get shut down... to imply Reddit isn't left wing just because it allows that sub is unbelievably idiotic.

If it quacks like a duck...

T_D is currently calling the attack a Jewish conspiracy set up to besmirch the reputation of good, hardworking white Trump supporters.

T_D is currently calling the attack a Jewish conspiracy

We are? Show me. I'm pretty sure we're blaming it on soros. People here should know who he is and what he does. He is a jewish person. We're not calling it "a jewish conspiracy" lmao.

Way to make shit up dude...nice try.

This is front page. Sorry, I meant Jewish "internationalist" "([(banker)]) Soros conspiracy, my B.

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Thanks for admitting when you're wrong.

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with the dog whistles of the day [{(proper enemy of the people.)}]

I'm surprised this sub isn't calling it a Jewish conspiracy.

T_D is currently calling the attack a Jewish conspiracy

you got a link to a stickied post so we can prove the mods support it? Or a post on page 1 or 2 or something near front? Or at least a link to a post with a few thousand upvotes so we can call it top?

or is this like one guy in a comment 30 scrolls down on a long post that you're crying about?

Of course - sitting on the front page at about +7000... here

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That's not a jewish conspiracy at all. Seems you're looking at this through your own lens or are unaware of how T_D (or /conspiracy for that matter) sees Soros.

A search for the word jew in that post of 583 comments has 9 results, 8 of which are unrelated or in defense of jews. One of which is borderline bigot as he calls the mayor a jew.

One guy.

That is a globalist elitists conspiracy. Soros is an evil nazi (literally) globalist elite, no one cares if he is a Jew, including himself.

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What? That sub is 100% no questions asked pro-Israel and anti-Muslim.

So funny that you tried to smear the racist brush on them but used the wrong anecdote. I just went there and on the front page theres a post denouncing all racist organisations and another post thats a picture of Trump with a jewish cap on visiting Israel...

Pretty funny that youd judge several thousand people on a post or two you read you racist hypocrite.

One of these days, people will realize that 'white nationalism' is an oxymoron. Nationalism alone is evil! You don't need to say 'white nationalism' when 'nationalism' alone should suffice. Also: nationalism and fascism are the same fucking thing. Patriotism and fascism are the same fucking thing. Patriotism and Religion are the same fucking thing. Be an individual. Have morals. Have a spine.

Nice strawman arguments, they might hold more weight if all those words weren't already defined.

I can't make any sense of this comment. Nationalism has historically been the root of all evil, intolerance, ignorance, and sheepism in general. If you can't understand why that is, I see no reason in having an argument with you. It would be like debating a fucking goat.

Nationalism is a relatively new concept. Historically speaking, you have no idea what you're talking about.

That's true, but in those 300 years all the evil people have rallied behind nationalism. May be a germ that goes by the same name. For want of a better word, you could call it, anti-individualism/ sheepism, which is been around since the dawn of history.

And your point is wrong. Just because someone chooses to conform to society doesn't mean their life is a waste.

Nah. Because a coalition inherently implies a hostility: an other people to give shape to the 'we'. The 'we' in this case is the nation, the religion, the political party, and all the similar week minded bullshit.

The individual sees what is important: his girl, his friends, and the world abounding. Everything else is superfluous.

Wrong again, coalition has no such implication.

You are small minded then, I am sorry to say.

Nope, you just don't know what you're talking about.

check the account your arguing with...

Ohh wow. It's like baby's first acid trip: the account.


You're a white nationalist? You must be, you're on reddit.

the lack of logic in your comment is hilarious.

Nah dude, you're on the same side and you were too dense to get the joke.

YOu believe this?

No, but I believe that Reddit's admins' only goal is to make it look like their company is worth something, and the best way to do that is to allow as wide an audience as possible, from the fascists in physical removal to the ironic tankies in fullcommunism.

While I agree with you on the first part, it's bad business to have ties to Nazi organizations.

That said, I don't really think Trump is a Nazi, nor a fascist, despite what the TOTALLY LEGIT AND GRASSROOTS HASTAG RESIST people are saying.

Sure, but giving white nationalists and other right-wing identitarians a place to gather and converse doesn't seem to be hurting business. White nationalism seems to be pretty popular in the USA right now, and there are presumably white nationalists who aren't Nazis anyway.

they do this routinely until the full story is out so they don't get caught posting wrong info.

Well, in fairness, that makes.

The threads were all deleted until it was found out he was white. If he were anything but, they'd still be getting deleted.


terrorist attacks get deleted until information comes out, supposedly so witch hunts don't happen. I've seen all of the past major muslim terrorist attacks on r/news

Pulse shooting wasn't on /news at all

Actually it was: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/4nql8f/orlando_nightclub_shooting_megathread/

But it was disgustingly hidden and censored.

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Slow to call it terrorism.

What's the definition of terrorism?

There is no internationally agreed upon definition. But the simplest version "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Would almost definitely fit this situation. And if this man were Muslim the President and everyone in the media would have called it terrorism by now.

So what are this driver's political aims?

Are you really this retarded, or just pretending to be? He was an alt-rightist who drove his car into a crowd of anti-fascists, anti-racists, and anarchists protesting the Unite the Right march. What do you think his political aims were?

How do you know he is part of the "alt right"?

Because he gunned his car into a group of people protesting the alt-right March.

You are a fucking idiot.

You're making a huge jump to a conclusion. Do you even know the identity of the driver yet?

Literally no one does.

Exactly, so why don't we wait on that to get sorted out first.

Im not disagreeing with you lol I'm not even the guy you were talking to. Im just a third party saying that no one has any idea haha

I know. I'm just making my point after my string of questions.

Well fuck that guy.

What a fucking surprise that he actually turned out to be some Republican douche with a fashy haircut.

How fortunate the world is to not have intellectually lazy morons like u/thetallgiant in any sort of important investigatory roles... what a useless tool he is, haha.

You're a troll. Just stop.

Usually, when someone says stupid things and then is shown why they were wrong, they apologize, concede the point, and admit they were wrong. I admire your lack of shame.

You haven't shown me I'm wrong at all. I'm simply asking questions you have no answer to other than "It's logic"

You haven't shown me I'm wrong at all.

Ugh... * facepalm *

I'm simply asking questions

No, you've just been sitting there withholding any affirmative opinion on the matter and waiting for information on the driver's identity to come out. And now that it has, you still stubbornly maintain that you weren't wrong to disagree with my assessment. How old are you, child?

Other people are actually providing links and answering my questions. You have done no such thing so far.

Your assessment was based on your gut and "logic". About on par with the accusatory process of Nancy Grace.

Old enough to know that anarchy is a foolish pipe dream.

Your assessment was based on your gut and "logic".

So now you're saying good detectives neither use their gut nor logic? You are a very confusing person.

About on par with the accusatory process of Nancy Grace.

So all people who use their gut and logic, which is literally all people, when investigating matters of truth are on par with Nancy Grace?

Keep it coming, man. This is just too funny.

Old enough to know that anarchy is a foolish pipe dream.

Hmm? Where did that come from?

Since you summoned this totally random tangent, allow me to ask: Why do you believe anarchism is a foolish pipe dream? Do you even know anything about it?

I see I struck a chord. Name a successful period of anarchism in history.

Well, bedtime for me.

Struck a chord? I'm just curious why you made that totally random comment, lmao. Also, it's "struck a nerve," not "chord," you tired moron.

Name a successful period of anarchism in history.

For 100,000 years before the advent of classism, about 10,000 years ago, humans thrived in egalitarian, anarchic bands. So, most of human history can be characterized as anarchic.

Anyway, just because, in modern history, anarchism hasn't had any major success doesn't indicate anything about potential future successes. What happened to waiting for the facts to emerge before "prematurely" jumping to conclusions, hypocrite?

The facts are that we havent had anarchism since we decided to stop sleeping in caves... So yeah. Wouldn't call that jumping to conclusions that it wouldn't work in our times. Nice try though.

It is not a huge jump to a conclusion to suppose that an individual who deliberately sped his car into a group of protesters and hurriedly left the scene is politically aligned with the group being protested.

You would be a horrible detective.

Yes. It is. Let the facts of the situation come out before making your mind up. You know, how good detectives operate.

You're saying good detectives wait for the facts to reveal themselves instead of investigating and employing intellect and common sense? Do you know what a detective is? Detectives ask questions and think critically in order to develop viable theories. They don't just sit on their asses and do nothing.

How exactly is this a giant leap to a conclusion? Please explain.

Detectives investigate to bring facts to light. They don't jump to conclusions.

Because you literally know fucking nothing about the driver. That's why it's a leap to a conclusion. Wait on the facts. Then sure, if he's a fucking asshole, then crucify him. Why is that so hard to follow?

They don't jump to conclusions.

You're the one characterizing this as a "jump." I'm wondering why you believe this, when all the facts point to the conclusion that the driver was an alt-rightist.

Because you literally know fucking nothing about the driver. . . . Wait on the facts.

Here are the facts: He was present at an alt-right rally, gunned his car into people protesting the rally, and sped away.

You're saying it's unreasonable to conclude, based on that information, that he was aligned with alt-rightists? Really?? Would you also hesitate to conclude that individuals who bomb and/or open fire on mosques are Islamophobic? You are quite dumb, are you not?

The only fact you have is a person drove a car through a crowd of protesters.

The fact you keep resorting to personal childish insults says quite a lot about your argument.

The only fact you have is a person drove a car through a crowd of protesters.

Right. That is a crucial fact. This person's aim was to deliberately maim and murder people belonging to the protesting group. Logic denotes that, since it's incredibly unlikely for an ingroup member to do this to their own kind and that since this, as an act of war, was not a neutral act, the perpetrator was an enemy of that group. Since tensions were high between the marchers and their protesters, one can reasonably deduce that the perpetrator was with the marching group, which is an enemy of the protesting group.

You are dumb. GTFO and die in a hole somewhere.

The fact you keep resorting to personal childish insults says quite a lot about your argument.

No it doesn't. My argument stands on its own, regardless of my insults. Dummy.

How old are you?

The identity of the driver has been released. He's a white Republican who was seen marching with the alt-rightists earlier in the day: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-alex-fields-charlottesville-driver/

Where does it say he was part of the other protest? Do we actually evidence of that?


I admittedly do not know the source of this photo, so if you find out it's fake please let me know. I don't want to spread misinformation

Fair enough. Looks like him. Now do we have video of the lead up to him running the car into the crowd?

I don't believe so, no. The police chased the car down and took him into custody, and his name and image were released a few hours later. There's not a ton of information available yet. I'm trying to stay as updated as possible but it's difficult with all of the speculation happening from both sides

You're telling me, man. I'm just getting attacked for trying to get to the bottom of this

And if this man were Muslim the President and everyone in the media would have called it terrorism by now.

Therein lays the issue. People like you say this, yet when there were people driving busses into crowds in Europe, it wasn't labeled terrorism. They were a "lone wolf" or whatever. It was an "act of aggression".

The point is - Trump should have immediately said this was terrorism. The president of France should have immediately called it terrorism. EVERYONE SHOULD BE CALLING EVERY ACT OF TERRORISM, TERRORISM.

I'm honestly very fucking frustrated. The left and the right are picking and choosing what to call terrorism and what not to. The left and the right pick and choose what to call something because it simply makes them look good and their opposition bad, but we shouldn't be giving a fuck about what makes us look good and address the issue that whats happening in the world right now is insane.

And then, people like me, who chose not to associate with any political party because I just simply don't agree with anyone, get ostracized, basterdized and labeled if we don't belong to one or another.

I commented on the top post on /Starterpacks right now called "The 2017 KKK Starter Pack" and said, "You people upvoting this make me sick". Why? Because it's a total generalization of a group of people who, 99% of aren't Nazi's. It's aimed to totally evoke hatred 110%. If it was a post that said was just as horrible and was aimed at the left, id call the people upvoting that sick too.

It's just hit piece after hit piece after hit piece from the left to the right and the right to the left. "You're a Nazi!", "You're a cuck", "You're a Nazi!", "You're a cuck!".

Just shut the fuck up. You're all so wrapped up in your hatred of one another that you're totally ignoring and forgetting that people are committing atrocities and it shouldn't matter who they are, we should all be condemning it no matter what.

Everyone's hatred for one another is breeding such dangerous ideologies.

Democrats, Liberals, Socialists etc. don't see Republicans, Conservatives and even Libertarians as people with "opposite view points" anymore, they see them as an enemy which is fucking scary. The same is said for Conservatives and Republicans. They don't see Democrats and Liberals as "people with different viewpoints" but as enemies.

You all see each other as dangerous enemies of each other. As people you want to "destroy" and "eliminate". People you want to "shut the voice up" forever. Its horrifying.

It's horrifying that if I tell someone I don't agree with them, they become instantly filled with a hatred of me and im seen as a literal enemy. Someone they can't trust anymore - NOT AS A PERSON WITH A DIFFERENT VIEW.

It's like a rabid sickness that's infecting this country. A virus that lays dormant and it's trigger to become active is when someone disagrees with the other person. Their total behavior and emotion changes.

It was never like that. EVER. It used to just be, "yea im a democrat." or "yea im a republican" and no one gave a fuck. No one cared.

NOW, its "Im a republican" met with the response, "YOU'RE A FUCKING NAZI", or "Im a democrat" met with "YOU'RE A SOCIALIST THREAT".

Fuck politics, fuck people who label other people so quickly, fuck people with thin skin and fuck all of this hate you all regurgitate at each other.

Best. Rant. Ever. 10/10 would read again.

when there were people driving busses into crowds in Europe, it wasn't labeled terrorism.

Is this a joke? It was resoundingly labelled terrorism. The difference is that people wanted to know the cause of the action instead of kneejerking that clearly Muslims need to get out of Europe. People were claiming that because the terrorists were brown, they were therefore illegals and agents of ISIS, when it turns out to be citizens doing shit and ISIS claiming responsibility for someone they never got in touch with.

Meanwhile, with this car driver, people are doing everything they can to say "well, he panicked" and "well, he didn't initiate it", so therefore it's not fair to call him a terrorist.

it's a total generalization of a group of people who, 99% of aren't Nazi's

The tiki torches are literally about this rally. You're specifically claiming that 99% of the people at this white supremacist rally aren't actually nazis or maybe even don't believe it. But let's call it what it is: a small occupying force. We have "soldiers" coming in, chanting things like "blood and soil", a classic nazi phrase, while carrying flags and shields. These were people waving nazi flags, wearing shirts with quotes from Hitler, and marching down the streets. That last one is a bit long for payoff, but it has a group of people identifying as National Socialists, fighting for a better tomorrow. Just how many people do you think were there if you think that's only 1% of the crowd?

This was a bad group of people, plain and simple. This isn't someone just with a different view, this is someone who fundamentally sees me as an enemy because I'm not them.

You didn't understand my comment to the point where I cant even exhausted my time breaking down your utterly misthought comment to explain things to you.

Nice job.

I understand your comment just fine, but the two key examples you had, the foundation of your post was no good for the point you're trying to make.

I understand your comment just fine

No, no you don't.

If you did, then youd understand that I said 99% aren't Nazi's referring to 99% of the people who voted for trump - but you, not understanding my comment, thought I was referring to the Nazi fuck faces in Virginia. So, no you DONT understand my comment just fine.

That's on you. The starter pack was quite literally referring to the rally by mentioning tiki torches, which I pointed out in my post. You claimed

t's a total generalization of a group of people who, 99% of aren't Nazi's

So your statement reads

99% of the white supremacists at the rally aren't nazis

If you meant something different, then you should have said something different.

So every single person who voted trump is a white supremacist, is that what you're saying? The old guy who fought in ww2 against the Nazis, hes a white supremacist? The blue collar family who voted trump, they are all supremacists? My 83 year old grandma, who I KNOW for a fact voted trump, shes a white supremacist?

I know what the fuck I meant. You're just too sick minded to see it any other way.

Look, your words clearly read differently than you meant them, don't blame other people for not getting the meaning that you didn't write down. But hey, congrats on taking 3 posts to go from

fuck people who label other people so quickly, fuck people with thin skin


You're just too sick minded to see it any other way.

Hooray for this remarkably well put post!!!!

I'm not saying you're wrong but I think there are bigger forces running through the country than just republicans and democrats. It really is communists vs. nazis.

And if this man were Muslim the President and everyone in the media would have called it terrorism by now.

Therein lays the issue. People like you say this, yet when there were people driving busses into crowds in Europe, it wasn't labeled terrorism. They were a "lone wolf" or whatever. It was an "act of aggression".

Would you please shut your face? When the Truck drove into people in Berlin it took five minutes to be called terrorism. When Charlie Hebdo got attacked it was called terrorism right away. You know what it was called when german police found luggage rigged to explode?Terrorism.

You know what country doesn't call terrorism by white people terrorism? The USA and it's current president. You know what they call it when a white dude shoots black people in a church?Mental illness,lone wolf. Hell,the knee jerk reaction is to scream "Muslim"

Check out 4chan and T_D right now.They are grasping at straws.Dude who ran the protesters over did in self defence, it was an accident,he was a leftist,false flag.And those are the people who feel closest to the president and vice versa.

You tell em' pal!!! You're my kind of mensch! I'm in earnest here. You really nailed it. Hateful partisan bullshit is going to ruin everything. There are still those of us that don't want to take it. Keep thinking,keep on keeping on, we may just get through this in one piece!


You're welcome! I mean it!

The 75 year old man could have only fought in ww2 if he invented a time machine. Check your math.

You all see each other as dangerous enemies of each other. As people you want to "destroy" and "eliminate". People you want to "shut the voice up" forever. Its horrifying.

It's horrifying that if I tell someone I don't agree with them, they become instantly filled with a hatred of me and im seen as a literal enemy. Someone they can't trust anymore - NOT AS A PERSON WITH A DIFFERENT VIEW.

It's like a rabid sickness that's infecting this country. A virus that lays dormant and it's trigger to become active is when someone disagrees with the other person. Their total behavior and emotion changes.

It was never like that. EVER. It used to just be, "yea im a democrat." or "yea im a republican" and no one gave a fuck. No one cared.

Welcome to the riping fruits of multiculturalism.
On that path, the cradle of civilisation the Middle East is the most advanced.

This is an incredibly important question. Without a set definition, more and more people can be swept up as "terrorists" and therefore forfeit their rights to the typical process of American justice.

I always thought a terrorist was someone who targeted a government by targeting innocent people. Lately, I get the feeling the needle is moving to include people who kill a lot of others or leak classified information to the public or protest government actions they don't agree with.

Without a set definition

This is the problem I see with most arguments online. No set definitions, so people are effectively arguing past one another.

Politically motivated violence. We have hate crime statutes in place too. The purpose is to instill fear in the public. Hell CNN doing round the clock coverage of it with no new information is complicit with the terrorist.

Colloquially, the definition will vary (often from person to person). However, the Patriot Act added a legal definition of "domestic terrorism":

… the term ‘domestic terrorism’ means activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of criminal laws of the United States or any State” and (B) “appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.


I also think people were pretty quick to call it terrorism.

Yeah a Nazi killing anyone is clearly a terrorist attack

Do you think I was trying to say it wasn't a terror attack?

I was just saying that the speed with which the media called this a terror attack seemed normal and fine to me.

I just don't get where all the manufactured outrage is coming from.

Deep state

manufactured outrage

You can't make this shit up hahaha

If you look at the context, I think it was fairly clear that I was referring to being outraged at people "not calling it a terrorist attacking fast enough" when I said that.

And if it wasn't clear to you, I'm explicitly stating it now.

Nazis are bad because jews are good!

This event clearly fits the bill. If you call any of those lone wolf attacks terrorist attacks, this hits all the marks.

I don't agree with any of you. Do you not understand the significance of such labels? Do you want to go through police checkpoints on highways in which YOU are considered a suspect?

Do you want your house raided because you're a white person who owns guns and listen to Ron Paul??? Hmm?

You do not understand consequences.

It's a terrorist attack. Why would anhthing you said happen because they call this event what it is. A terrorist attack. An attack on a select group of people with the intent to inflict maximum harm, death and above all fear.

No one is raiding my house. No one is stealing your guns. Listen to Ronny all day if you'd like.

This terrorist attack isn't any differnet from San Bernardino, the bat man movie massacre etc. Why would it effect you or I differently?

As far as I'm concerned a "terrorist attack" needs to be not only proven premeditated, but needs to kill a whole hell of a lot more people than fucking one. Look, were not an endangered species. We don't need to get our panties in a bunch because one man drove a car into a crowd of people and killed one person- shit like this has been happening EVER SINCE CARS WERE INVENTED.

We don't know the context under which this happened.

"My" guns? I'm a convicted felon, brah.

I think you people screaming "terrorist attack" are a bunch of patsies.

You ask me why would it effect me differently?

Why does calling it a terrorist attack effect you differently? Obvious it sort of turns you on.

You don't have to kill anyone for it to be a terrorist attack, it would just be called "attempted". The conversation is about if this event needs to be labeled and considered a terrorist attack. It does. The driver should be tried as a terrorist.


A terrorist attack is more group network and plot/plan oriented

This is a lone person

Would you call a road rage incident a terrorist attack?

A bar fight?

Good point. Calling this incident 'terrorism' is straight up utopianism.

What are your thoughts on 9/11?

If the logic that any public attack that terrorizes people is a terrorist attack, then yes sure

But terrorist attacks imply plotted attacks conducted by a group or network of people.

Not one person snapped

Otherwise we should be calling road rage incidents terror attacks too

My, my, look at this slippery slope that's been presented

So basically what a lot of minorities go through daily.

Assuming they actually through that daily, why would I want to go through it too?

I'm white, I've had my house raided. I've spent half a decade in prison. I've been pulled over for being white in a black neighborhood. I've seen cops take money from friends.

Was it a planned attack?

thats irrelevant, you are just gas lighting

Why would it be gas lighting or irrelevant if you had been attacked in a car before making incoherent decisions in said car?

i honestly can't understand your question.

You are attacked in a car with baseball bats.

Is your opinion of the matter:

  • Irrelevant?
  • Gas lighting?

Please circle one.

was u/AngryD09 attacked in a car with baseball bats?

Looks the only appropriate response here is "fuck off gaslighter"...

Projection is a bitch, bitch.q

Projection is a bitch, bitch.

You're not gas lighting, and it's a legitimate question. The motives and planning of this attack are obviously important.

it doesn't change that it was a terrorist attack which is what this thread is about.

As I commented elsewhere, I never denied that.

How about the president?

Won't happen.

Shh, that's not the narrative OP is trying to paint.

We don't like calling ourselves terrorists. There have been domestic attacks since the formation of societies, only recently have been branded 'terrorism'

For whatever reason I don't consider this 'terrorism' although it may fit the description. A deplorable attack, certainly.


This is most likely the driver of the car

That's the old owner of the vehicle.

Do they have a confirmed person yet?

So the feds kidnapped a nazi and swapped him out for the liberal kid and then shot down the helicopter?

Except it's not.

Does the speed really matter? It's just a label and every event is different.

BLM members are also terrorists, yes?

What terrorists acts were carried out by BLM?

playing dumb?

baltimore, ferguson, kidnappings, murdering cops?

People called the Dallas cop killer a terrorist. Though he had no connection to BLM. And prominent BLM members condemned his actions.

The kidnappers we also not related to BLM. That was a hate crime, not terrorism.

The Baltimore riots were riots, not terrorism.

Ferguson was once again rioting, looting, vandalism and arson, not terrorism. The arson is probably the closest to terrorism and I might agree with you on that one.

Liberals are not silent on these things and always condemn violent acts.

denials and copouts. how many cops and cities were murdered/burned as a direct result BLM terrorism? why didn't failbama ever disavow?


Cops were murdered due to systemic racism, racial profiling, police brutality and the killing of black suspects. People feel as they have no options as the situation never improves and they strike out in desperation. Just as Palestinians in Israel.

However BLM did not call for murders, unlike Hamas, so they are not a terrorist organization. They called for equality under the law and justice reform through peaceful forms of civil disobedience.

Cops were murdered due to BLM's terrorist mantra

fixed that for you. you're dodging failbama and the entire left never disavowing BLM/antifa.

dodger. pathetic.

Not sure who this failbama person you keep referring to, but Obama most definitely criticized violence from BLM and all Americans.




Antifa is such a tiny movement it's not really on anyone's radar except the most paranoid in the conspiracy community who thinks it's a private army for George Soros, as opposed to some overzealous college kids who hate fascists.

Not sure who this failbama person you keep referring to,

that's because you're a failbama apologist. failbama never disavowed the BLM terrorist movement. fail again.

Antifa is such a tiny movement

pathetic copout. why haven't you or the left/MSM disavowed antifa terrorists? similar to how you won't disavow black/BLM terrorists. pathetic.

It wasn't terrorism. James Fields's actions were in self-defense. Antifa and other far left thugs have a well-known history of blocking traffic illegally (which is what they were doing in Charlottesville as they did not even have a permit for their unlawful "counter-protest", much less for congregating on the street) and then dragging people out of their cars once they politely stop and beating them severely (sometimes to death). By all accounts, on the day in question they were (with the cooperation of the police) attacking members of the UTR rally the entire time with a variety of weapons.

In the case of James Fields, they had already cracked his windshield before the incident even happened and were still throwing projectiles at his car. Meanwhile, the UTR rally he was a part of had peacefully dispersed by this time (by orders of the police, which they followed) and he was simply trying to go home. The people he had a confrontation with chose to gather on the street they were at because they knew that people from the UTR rally were going to be leaving via it and they specifically wanted to block them from doing so in order to attack them. They chose to pick a fight with him. He did not want a confrontation with them.

So given these facts, what should he have done? Wait until he was surrounded? According to him, he panicked, and I believe it. He was surrounded by people who wanted to kill him for expressing his opinion at a rally that was completely peaceful before they chose to escalate things. Anyone would panic and do something regretful in the same situation. His intentions were obviously not malicious. If he had really wanted to hurt people, he could have ran over 50 more of them with how concentrated they were. Cars are dangerous, and it only takes a quick lunge to do a lot of damage, a fact unfortunately made clear in this situation (which is why it's not a good idea to illegally block traffic). He made a mistake, willingly or due to improper operation of his vehicle we do not yet know, and he will and should see some consequences as a result, but don't pretend he was entirely at fault.

Like I said before, they picked the fight, not him. He merely ended it. You don't want to accidentally get run over by a scared kid? Then don't menacingly surround people with weapons while illegally blocking traffic. It's that simple. Obviously the death is a tragedy, but don't pretend the people that got hurt weren't playing with fire. They were. They just wanted the other side to get burned. And if it had gone down that way (which it was before this incident), you would have never heard a word about it.

Youre so delusional. The first sound you hear in the video is his car bottoming out because he hit a downward slope like a speed bump because he was already moving so fast towards a group of people. I wish it was you not that poor young lady

How is it terrorism? Micah Johnson was not labeled a terrorist and neither was James Hodgkinson. Both affiliated to extreme progressive groups. How is this different? Because it associates to the right? If so that is extremely hypocritical.

Thanks for sharing the links. I was referring to the Fed classification of these events. For the Fed to classify it as terrorism (from my understanding) it requires the criminals intent or MO to be "insight fear and intimidation." I'm sure there is more to the definition than what I shared but you get my point. I believe the Charlottesville event was definitely terrorism but again I don't know exactly the method or logic the Fed's use to know for sure. Often I feel the media is quick to either distance an event from being labeled terrorism or quick to call it terrorism. Good example is this one: http://www.theroot.com/james-hodgkinson-proves-white-men-are-bulletproof-1796137659. It seems the label assignment comes from the Fed later down the road. I realized this when reviewing data from the fed in an article about domestic terrorism. Many of the events like we consider terrorism doesn't always get assigned that way in their database. However when you research the web you find articles claiming otherwise.

Fair enough. I think there's two conversations going on. About the respective ideological camps and their supporters in the media calling acts out as terrorism, and then the feds prosecuting it as such.

I do agree that Hodgkinson seems like he very much should fit that definition. But apparently Trump's justice department disagreed. Sessions said today that he thinks the Charlottesville attack fits the definition however. So it's hard to argue these are political actions.

Agree but still find it hypocritical when the official ruling of the classification hasn't been determined. The Fed's just opened the case and until the case is finished we won't know how it is classified. The Fed's will say initially it "seems" to fit or it will be investigated as an act of terrorism but it isn't official until they conclude and share findings. Therefore we are all assuming. Yet when we have other events that involves a Muslim - we hear the right calling it an act of terrorism and the left being cautious not to call it terrorism. That is why I say it is hypocritical but agree to your points.

Yeah, I won't disagree. Both sides want to slow down or speed up the labeling of terrorists depending on how it supports their narrative. Personally I try to look at it on a case by case basis regardless of how I feel.

Though I'm also one of those Sam Harris liberals who is not a big fan of Muslims fundamentalists or Christian fundamentalists, so it generally fits my narrative cause the psychos usually come from those wells. Hodgkinson being fairly exceptional, and I do consider his act terrorism.

I like Sam Harris.

This subreddit is lapping up the MSM explanation.

Because in this case there is no other explanation? I have yet to see any convincing "evidence" that this is a "false-flag op," and that kind of rhetoric usually comes out to distract people from the root cause of violence and shift the blame onto shadowy conspiracy people.

The Antifa communists were the ones starting the violence. as always. If you watch the video, they were throwing things at the guy's car before he ran into the crowd. What likely happened was that the Antifas were breaking his windows (eg, by throwing bricks, etc), and the driver panicked (not wanting to get a brick/rock thrown into his face, etc) and accelerated to get away and accidentally hit those people. Not intentionally.

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You're only allowed to be proud of your race if you are an "oppressed" "minority."

Fuck white people amirite?

I see white people who are proud of being American/Texan/Irish/Scottish etc. all the time with no issue.

Nah fuck them they are systematically oppressing everyone else with their pride.

White people are at fault especially the Russians, Italians, Germans, Brits, Pols, Jews, Aussies, and all those other fucking white people.

They're pretty much all the same and all to blame amirite.

What are you trying to say here? Just say it outright.

I blame Sweden.

Nobody rioted when Obama was president.

There are no black people in the system that oppresses us. There are no black police officers. Police brutality is a white only problem.

Democracies should pander to minorities, that's why we vote!

The key is to ignore the wants of the majority of people to push the agendas of the minority, that's how a functioning democracy works.

Only white people voted Trump! That's what the TV told me and I believe it.



Obama is oppressed.

Are you ok? Lol looks like you're having a major meltdown/stroke

I just hate white people they are the source of my unhappiness and problems. All of them and their dozens and dozens of cultures.

I hate computers. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates make me sick. Everyone knows minorities are pushing innovation in America and those that aren't are being oppressed and that's why they aren't successful.

I'm a victim.

I just hate white people they are the source of my unhappiness and problems

I thought you were serious until I read this.

So, in other words, you are a bigot.


Consider two counter-points if you're willing.

1) If you are an oppressed minority (ex: go ahead and look up how black people go to jail longer than white people for the same crimes), you generally face an inherent disadvantage in life in the US. Not always, obviously. Generally speaking. Therefore, when you're proud of being a Muslim, black, or Mexican, or w/e, you're basically saying you're proud that you are able to handle dealing with the inherent disadvantage. Now, let's consider whether whites overall face these same inherent disadvantages....well up until 1865, many, many blacks were slaves. After that many lacked the education or skills that white people got in school and from their more educated relatives to succeed on their own.

So white people took advantage of them ala Jim Crow laws and sharecropping. Shit like this continued for many more decades. If you use your imagination or Google, you can find out how whites oppressed other races through institutionalized and legislatively racist laws. For example, up until 1965, it wasn't illegal to discriminate based on skin color, etc. It was okay to be racist. I wonder if that could have any effect on minority groups? Like maybe when a black person moved into a neighborhood of white people, those white people decided to move away, causing homes in that neighborhood to lose value, attracting lower income people, which is correlated with crime, which of course causes stress, which makes it difficult to focus on studying or working hard-things that allow for social mobility.

2) "White" is used commonly to refer to people of a lighter, pinker skin color. It refers to a fucking massive group of people-people in dozens of countries across Europe, Jews, people in Russia, people in the US, lighter-skinned people. It doesn't refer to a single racial group in the same way that "Mexican" or "Black" does. There's nothing wrong with Irish pride, British pride, French pride, Russian pride, etc. But when you use the term "White pride" you're basically saying you're proud of the achievements of all white people-Irish, British, French, Russian, etc, etc. Seems a bit unfair that white people have access to all this backstory, whereas Mexican people and black people don't. Like, wait a second, say you're French. Do you know get to take pride in things that Russians and British people did too? Does that mean a Mexican person can take pride in what an Asian person did? Because they're both "not white" right? If you have white pride, is everyone not white allowed to have "brown (+black) pride"? If so, does the schema for that exist in society? I would argue that it doesn't. Until it does, there's an inherent inequality in calling yourself white vs the fractured groups that would comprise a hypothetical "not-white" or "brown". When people see a white person, they subconsciously associate that person's backstory to include British, French, Russian, German, Jews, etc, etc. When people see a non-white person, they usually see them only as either Asian, Latino, Black, etc. See how that's unfair?

1) the first slave owner of america was black man. arabs enslaved white people for over 500 years, don't hear them bitching.

2) punishing people for flourishing, innovating, creating democracy, advancing society is counterproductive, especially when coming from people who use a victim mentality and refuse to clean up their own communities, glorify gang members and drug use, etc.

Like I stated on this post already Hillary Clinton used Pusha T to push voter registration in Virginia (known cocaine dealer) and YG's popular song "Fuck Donald Trump" was of course written by YG, a popular and widely known blood gang member.

Snoop Dogg, a crip who murdered someone, has a cooking show with Martha Stewart.

Lazy, uneducated people, blame others for why they are not successful.

People have no idea how much blacks were involved in the slave trade. It's a big red pill.

No it isn't because they refuse to acknowledge it and continue to spout historical inaccuracies.

You got a source on that first claim? And you just inherently misunderstand the issue about why black communities are the way they are, the system is built against them. Richard fucking nixon started the war on drugs to target african americans and put them in jail, reagan era continued that even heavier especially with the cia flooding ghettos with crack. How you can honestly think people choose to live like that is bewildering.

public widely known information for any who has done an ounce of research on the matter and not just regurgitate nonsense from other people


That definitely does not say the first slave owner of america was black jesus learn to fuckin read. It says he was one of the first black americans to own slaves.

it's not my reading comprehension that's lacking...

read your precious snopes or whatever


Dude they even say there "he was not the first slave owner in america" you are doing nothing to prove ypur argument.

Please screenshot where it says what you put in quotations

He was one of the first to have a slave indentured to him for life legally, youre comprehension is still lacking, so much so you even had to edit your comment twice so far, changing it completely the first time. Asking me to screenshot where it said what i was claiming as you clearly hadnt even read it yourself.

Black people traded lots of slaves, just keep reading. So have arabs and jews, and every other ethnicity of people.

I dont see how thats relevant to the conversation, or where i ever tried to deny that. You made a claim, it was patently false, and now youre trying to slide the topic.

Being tied for first doesn't make you first?

He wasnt tied for first. He was, follow me now if you can, among the first people awarded a slave FOR LIFE LEGALLY. That has nothing to do with being one of the first slave owners in america, he WAS a fucking slave in america himself.

2) punishing people for flourishing, innovating, creating democracy, advancing society is counterproductive, especially when coming from people who use a victim mentality and refuse to clean up their own communities, glorify gang members and drug use, etc.

Ahhhh this is the part where the racists talk about what was built but ignore that the playing field was never even. White people have never had to compete in this country with any group without laws giving whites the advantage. Shit most white people won't even acknowledge that the only reason there's a middle class is because of affirmative action from the government in the form of the New Deal, GI Bill and FHA loans. All of the benefits from those programs were legally kept from Black people through racism and discrimination.

As for glorifying gangs and drug use. Well I guess TV shows like Sapranos, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Shield all show wholesome white life and doesn't glorify any negative behavior. As for drug use......last I checked heroin and Oxy addiction is a huge problem for WHITE PEOPLE. Seems to have y'all dropping like flies.

There are more countries in the world than America who is protected via NATO by dozens of white homogeneous nations.

Black Americans have more privilege than 90% of the world, yet complain like children who didn't get the specific toy they want on Christmas.

White people, native people, Mexicans, and all other races suffer. Are they glorified in popular culture like black immigrants and their families? When was the last hispanic President? When was the last asian President?

The 13% of black people in America don't run the world, culture, their own country, or anything really. And they likely never will.

Should I move to Algeria and complain about the representation of white people in government? No, I'm not a total fucking imbecile.

Black Americans have more privilege than 90% of the world, yet complain like children who didn't get the specific toy they want on Christmas.

I know the nerve of Black people in America to want what every other American has. Ability to vote without government trying to stop it. Ability to walk down the street without being harassed by cops. Ability to work without dealing with racism.

Damn...what a dumbass.

Except white people don't have that privilege either. Imagine having to obey laws. Even then, black officers do plenty of wrong too, only one group of people makes it about race.

But since we're here....

A white Australian woman was shot to death by a black officer when she was the one who called the police just last month.

I suppose we shall go burn down some businesses, create a ridiculous movement, and get angsty teenage feminists to push our agenda.


Black people DO have the same rights every American has. GET A FUCKING LAWYER IDIOT.

Except white people don't have that privilege either.

Hahahahahahaha. I wonder fi you really believe that.

A white Australian woman was shot to death by a black officer when she was the one who called the police just last month.

Yep and they gave the officers name immediatly and the police chief was forced to resign. Now tell when have you ever heard of that happening when its a Black person killed.

Often those people are forced to resign and you know the names of every officer that shot every person?

It's almost like there's a legal process for this kind of thing. Are all lawyers white?

BLM rioted Baltimore.

The crown prosecutor for the case was black The arresting offers were in-part black The President of the United States was black The looters and rioters were black

The white governor of Maryland called a state of emergency.

Fucking white people.


Stupid white bitch not giving anyone a chance in life. Snoop's gonna have to shoot a couple more people to get ahead.

If only black people had rights in America, maybe Bill Cosby would be in jail. It's so hard being a person of black skin and not having the right to a lawyer or legal process. Certainly has nothing to do with class and ability to pay for a lawyer, I'm sure it has some legally irrelevant correlation with race.


You're about to lose it all because you're a racist and not even a very good one. See how easy it is for this Black man.

Such a snowflake.

Good counterargument. Call the other person racist because the USA objectively glorifies crip members and gives them millions of dollars while they claim they have no rights.

What about American pride? Am I allowed to be proud of my country, or is that racist too because of the discrimination that some faced here?

You're allowed to do whatever you want. We have freedoms here in America. That said, if you support this ideology, you're a disgusting blight on society.

Which ideology? White pride or American Pride? Not trying to be facetious, just wanted to make sure you were not implying being proud to be American is a disgusting blight on society.

This as in white. I think people should feel proud or at least comfortable in whatever country in which they reside.

So let me get this straight

Black pride======Good Thing White pride======Bad Thing

Makes sense to me /s

It's pride of your heritage. Like, maybe you as a white person are a descendant of Russian immigrants, then it's okay to be proud of it. Or maybe your ancestors have been in America since its inception, and you're proud that they built the nation it is today. If you, however, are proud of the amount of melanin on your skin, then that's a problem.

Black people can be proud of being black because of the history of black people in the US. They have no way to trace their ancestors back to their countries of origin, and up until about 50 years ago were treated as 2nd class citizens, not to mention slavery. Today, they have it better, but they still have many problems. If you listen to rap, you can often hear how the artists talk about how they came from the bottom of society, and they're proud of the people that manage to get out of there. Just get in their shoes.

American Pride

What do you think the Fourth of July is?

America is probably the most patriotic western country. I don't think anyone questions people's pride to be american.

I'm white. I'm very proud of my race. I don't need to murder other people to show how proud I am. In fact, that is cowardly and shameful.

That's an imaginary monster you're fighting.

The imaginary monster is white people. I hear Africa is flourishing without European colonization it's only about 8 decades behind in most places and 85% of the continent doesn't have internet.

Fucking white people.

Great. That has nothing to do with the US or what we were talking about.

African Americans have more privilege than 90% of the world and still cry wolf over nonsense. No amount of equality, recognition, celebrity, or power will change that.

If you want to run a country, there's a whole continent you can do it on, AND IT ISN'T EUROPE.

Again, not talking about Europe or Africa.

In the US we are a melting pot. Where you come from doesn't matter. What color you are doesn't matter. Everyone has a place in this country and running it. If you don't like it, move to a more restrictive country. Not that you could get in.

That's another problem with Americans.

Whether or not you want to talk about Europe and Africa, they are talking about you.

Like it or not, you are a part of the rest of the world.

Like it or not, the rest of the world is sick of your shit.

Get it the fuck together retards.

I'm watching it from up close. I'm aware we're part of the rest of the world but part of our country is including everyone in our culture.

Plus you're commenting on a thread about the US. So I assume you want to talk about US politics. It's different for Europe and Africa. They are different in many ways, not the least of which is polical climate and country history. So check your arrogance.

Again, America is the most arrogant and egotistical country on earth. So arrogant, the people there think they are not flourishing with opportunity and rights other people throughout the world don't have.

Then, they have the audacity to call other people arrogant.

You are being arrogant. And grouping a whole country together as one category. So you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm glad you aren't from the US by the way. There are way too many ignorant people like you here already.

Yeah like people who race-bait and push identity politics and profit from the division of society.

You're talking about African American privilege and have the balls to accuse me of race baiting and identity politics? Project much?

Hispanic and Latino Americans make up 17% of the population but only 7% of the millionaires.

African Americans make up 13% of the population but only 8% of the millionaires.

Asian Americans make up 5.6% of the population and 8% of the millionaires.

White Americans (non-Latino/hispanic) make up 62.5% of the population and 76% of the millionaires. This includes other ethnic minorities like jews.

There are certain factors that cause these numbers and their implications including generational wealth, but it's by no means as lopsided or solely against black people or minorities as detractors of America make it seem.

White Americans are over represented by 13.5% in the millionaire and above category.

Does that mean other races are devoid of the same economic and social opportunities?

That's part of it. It's hard to dig yourself out of poverty and they've really only had that opportunity for the last 50 years or so whereas white people have had centuries to accumulate wealth.

That being said, things are a lot more even now than ever before in this country.

Just so I'm clear on what I saw in the video, it looked like the guy in the gray Challenger rear ended a white 4 door pushing it into a crowd of people before throwing it in reverse and taking off.

Was this road rage? What happened with the white car before he ran into it?

The Challenger hit a group of people before rear-ending the car in front of it (causing more people to be hit).

It wasn't road rage.

The guy that ran over people is a trump/anti-nationalist btw


Might not wanna jump the gun next time OP

Hey here's a thought. When here is a group of scum taking over a city for no other reason then to spread hate do not "counter-protest". Do not add to the chaos unless you want to cause more chaos. We shouldn't give these hate filled people one second of attention in the media. But not now.

IDK why everyone is down voting you. This was exactly my reaction. I think it is all the leftist antifa people that hang out here now.

fucking coward

coward for not anti-protesting? sounds like the most intelligent thing to do to me.

let a bunch of morons scream at themselves in a vacuum, they accomplish nothing.

or show up and scream back at em with the same amount of hatred..

hm... i guess somethin was accomplished, at least? right?

fuckin imbeciles, all of you, both sides.

When a group of Nazis try to take over a city the best thing to do is hide indoors

Okay Neville Chamberlain. Can't imagine anything going wrong there.

who said that? who took over the city? were they going house to house and trying to take people out? or were they relegated to an area, WITH FUCKING TIKI TORCHES FROM WAL MART MADE IN CHINA???

you guys are fucking ridiculous.

feeding the hatred is only going to create more hatred.

The person I was responding to, dumbass. Do you just get off on reading random comments out of context and being confused and angry?

you responded to me? and applied a quote that was never stated nor implied in my previous reply. either to make a point or i dunno what, but it made no sense and was out of context, and my point still stands.

dont feed it, and it has no life. allow the police to handle the situation if the mob becomes violent or disrupts usual business.

forming a counter mob is exactly the wrong thing to do, unless of course, they are actually trying to destroy property and conquer a city!!! fuck!

you responded to me?

no. scroll up dude. seriously. i responded "fucking coward" to TomFarger

not according to the parent.

This is dumb but here

For a slow responce time, try 9/11

you mean a non existent response time. cause war games.

Flight 93 was probably shot down.

oh ya. always forget about that one. they like to sweep that under the rug. I understand why, just like if they shot down all the planes they'd have some elaborate cover story.

Not from many of our police and firefighters though. Fuck the government, but praise our real heroes on the ground.

Especially since there's a lot of them in the ground by now.

The media was all over it when it happened. Saw the 2nd plane hit live on tv.

That depends which network you watched.

Well I was in Las Vegas, so I got to hear about the tower falling 30min before it actually fell on fox5.

Sure you're not mistaking time zones?

No, it was live. This has been covered exhaustively as one of the key issues that question the accepted account of 911.


Hmm there is no time stamp on the news, she doesn't say the feed is live

You should be able to find your way. This is brought up every time 911 is discussed pretty much. BBC announced early as well.

I've seen it before but never proof. Never with a time ticker or them saying it's live

Probably because it's bullshit.

Also BBC reported tower 7 had fallen while it was visible in the background lol

Damn, I forgot about that. I was busy at dinner with my wife, and I had an unenthusiastic truthseeker that would have been perfect for that response.

He means military response to non responsive aircraft changing flight paths.


I disagree. Some networks were so fast that they reported the collapse of Tower 7 before it even happened. Pretty impressive imo.

I see what you did there

For a slow responce time, try 9/11

Oh 911 was there... they just didn't do shit.

FYI - They already caught the guy.

Just want to point out that there is obviously something more happening today, the youtube censorship of WW3 stuff, etc.

Something else is a afoot.

Why was such a huge protest happening in such a small city?

The statue of Robert E lee that was getting taken down was there

Ok that makes some sense. People from all over drove for a Robert E Lee statue?

Idk the protest was organized online from a lot of people T_D even advertised for it. The Lee statue being taken down has been a major controversial topic recently

T_D advertised for it? Jesus, I followed them about a year ago before they exploded, and there were some pretty rational people at the time and that shit would not have been accepted.

Early days T_D was a remarkably different place. I'm not going to call it a bastion of intelligence, but when he was still an unrealistic outlier candidate (by all sources, arguably including his) there were some discussions that were definitely "fringe" but included rational thought. That did not last long, even though T_D now tries to market themselves as such. Now it's "whatever can get the most momentum regardless of facts, and ignore this happened as soon as its more convenient to"

Agreed, it was fun and informative during its inception. But once it passed like 100,000 subs it started to go down hill.

It very quickly devolved into memes and larping, so the point where people think that's how it's always been and is "real". It's a sad statement on how short of a memory the internet actually has, but it doesn't help that the mods there directly manipulated it.

Ehhh it was pretty much straight cancer from the beginning.

It was the first to post news articles about the nightclub shooting while the rest of reddit actively deleted them, iirc.

Wasn't that ask reddit and The Donald?

Maybe, don't remember. The issue was that it was being censored from the major news subs.

They also renamed the park from "Lee Park" to "Emancipation Park." It started from a petition to remove the statue because it offended a couple of people, and they made a grand, historical case for it.

This local issue was latched-onto by people who could fan-up this kind of shit, bring all the racist/nationalist/commie groups together for a single dichotomous brawl. I'm sure the travel expenses of many will be reimbursed by Soros groups or the Feds, or both.

The locals didn't help things, because they're well-meaning counter-protesting to the protesting made it more chaotic. I don't even know how they knew who was protesting what and who was on what side once the violence happened.

Is it worth people dying to take 100+ year old statues down?

Is it worth killing to keep a 100 year old statue up should be your question honestly

Obviously not but, the government instigated this situation. Divide and conquer

National guard should have been emoting mags into these traitors

the youtube censorship of WW3 stuff

can you give me a rundown?

Lol you're such a fucking hypocrite. I guarantee if I go look at your post history there won't be a single iota of a fuck given about any of the left wing terrorism that has happened in the last year, and here you are sitting on your high horse calling people "fucking disgusting" for not caring about this specific instance of terrorism to your standards.

And no, it's more like when a Muslim rams his car into a crowd of people, or live streams a gang rape, or gets caught being involved in a massive child rape gang every fucking week, it's a big deal.

"You're a hypocrite. Also I won't look at anything you say. So I'm literally just saying you're a hypocrite because you called Nazis out on their shit".

Fuck you.

Your post history reeks of shareblue to be honest. 112 days old, only started posting 3 days ago, all in political subs.

Shareblue buys accounts with loads of karma. Think aboutbit, if it were that easy to spot shills, they wouldn't be a problem on this sub.

I don't have to look to know. You're fucking predictable. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

Jesus you really are retarded.

How exactly do I prove that I'm not a hypocrite when you haven't even looked at my comments.

Like I said, go ahead and prove me wrong.

Shhh... facts and reasoning are harmful to these yokals.

Can you give some specific examples?

Here's a succinct list.

Here are some pictures from rallies.

Here's a montage.

You seem to forget that right wing extremism has long outnumbered left wing extremists NPR

I don't buy that at all and think it has more to do with the biased way in which politically motivated attacks are labeled depending on who they're committed by, but even if that were true, what does it have to do with my comment about OP being a fucking hypocrite?

It's amazing how when you support a hateful campaign, people try and resist it.

Lol everyone thinks their reasons for committing politically motivated violence are justified you dolt. The people you hate are just as sure of their own moral convictions.

And here you are. Justifying it. At least places like T_D disavow their violent terrorists. The left never fucking does. They always justify it or even praise it.

You wail about "Oh my God, I can't believe we live in this kind of society, where people are attacked for exercising their rights and speaking their minds, this is so horrible," but justify why it's okay that your political opponents get attacked for exercising their rights and speaking their minds. What a fucking joke. If you guys didn't have double standards, you'd have none at all.

Justifying what exactly?

The guy wasn't a nazi...

The guy your pinning as the perp is responding right now on Facebook. How would that be possible if he were arrested?

Isn't he a Trump hater?

The guy that 4chan is pinning as the perp yes, he's also in Michigan currently laughing his ass off and ridiculing the internet on Facebook. Not possible for someone arrested in Ohio now is it?

For sure. I'm gonna wait and see how this plays out. It's highly interesting, I must say.

it was a false flag. Also, this isn't /r/politics

Fuck off Nazi. How come every single bad thing you Nazi shits do just has to be false flag? What, it's literally impossible for you fuckers to do anything wrong?


Nothing ever actually happens, didn't you know? Every event ever is a false flag

And everyone is a paid shill.

Still waiting for my paycheck!

Seriously. According to r/conspiracy a crazy person has never done anything on their own.

This is the same sub that is still getting off to the idea that they uncovered a massive pedo ring, despite the fact the whole thing literally started with the idea to show how gullible people are.

Whatever the Alt Right thinks of their "enemies", they have now proven to be exactly what their enemy said they were all along.

Singular event blamed on entire group, how progressive of you.

Let's hear the leaders of the alt right movement condemn the violence, to stress non violence is the way forward, and that those who committed acts of violence are criminals who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Anything else is tacit approval at best. I'll keep an eye out for that condemnation.

So are you saying that the rest of the group who were non-violent Nazis are totes fine bro?

That's not what he's saying at all.

It's not hard to understand. Don't judge a huge group of people based on the actions of small fraction.

The group was swinging nazi flags. Do you think the counter protesters would have let that fly? Hell no. Just callin' em like I see em. Why are you going to lengths to defend nazis?

How is writing "don't judge a large group based on actions of a few" going through lengths to defend nazis? Come on...

Why wouldn't I judge a group full of people swinging nazi flags? Is there some reason you think that I should not do that? Please explain.

For being on r/conspiracy you seem to lack basic knowledge. You must be new here. I don't feel like explaining stuff to you. Good luck.

You don't feel like explaining how you feel compelled to defend nazis? Yeah, I wouldn't either.

You realize that you saying "you defend nazis" doesn't mean I'm doing that, right? Surely you're just fucking around. No one can be that slow lol

Again, you told me I "shouldn't judge" a group waving nazi flags. I'm just waiting for you to explain to me why I shouldn't judge them.

Instead, you are trying to attack me on a personal level repeatedly. Your deflection isn't working and you don't know how to deal with it. Sad!


You are really bad at what you're doing. Lol

Feel free to keep personally attacking me. Your attempts are pretty weak TBH.

Remember, you still haven't explained why you don't want me to judge nazis. Do you support their actions?


Way to prove their enemies right, too.

IMHO both sides are wrong, but up until this moment, I actually empathized with the alt right, becasue largely they had not resorted to violence. That is no longer the case.

So, we have two violent extremist organizations active in America...one is all white, and one is representative of the population. How do you think that looks to those of us in the middle?

I applaud your introspection but I have to say: When you ally yourself with fascists, neo-nazis, and klansmen, violence is inherent to your political program. The only difference thing that stops Nazis from engaging in street violence is the fact that their long-term goal is to gain control over the police and military, and have them do the violence for them.

I applaud your introspection but I have to say: When you ally yourself with fascists, neo-nazis, and klansmen, violence is inherent to your political program.

Empathy is not an alliance.

I actually empathized with the alt right, because largely they had not resorted to violence.

you empathized with the people who call themselves Nazis because you didn't think Nazis would be violent? like really

Maybe now you'll begin to appreciate exactly how horrible the left has been in all this, that it took until today for me to come to this conclusion.....and btw the way, it doesn't excuse anything the left has done, but this is a new wrinkle to be sure.

Yeah, I think supporting Nazis says more about you than it does about unrelated people who aren't Nazis. But I guess you're moving in a positive, non-Nazi direction, so... kudos?


You supported the Nazis over the leftists, did you not? Is that not another way of saying what your original comment said?

I like how those of us on "the left" are attacking Nazis as a subgroup, but you lump everyone with a left-of-center ideology. Then, if anyone refers to folks like this as "the right," commence endless pearl-clutching.


You think the left should reflect on themselves after something like this happens? lol?

I think we all should reflect on ourselves. All day. Every damn day.

And yet you've been supporting Nazis, so obviously you're not great at this self-reflection thing, if you've been doing it daily.


You supported the Nazis over the leftists, did you not? Is that not another way of saying what your original comment said?

I supported no one. I empathized with the side which refrained from violence initially. Send me to the gas chamber.

Okay, sorry, you empathized with Nazis. That does not change anything about my comment. Your self-reflection skills are clearly not great.

Okay, sorry, you empathized with Nazis.

Yeah, I did...now take a good hard look at you...and try to realize what that means.

hahahah WOW.

I said try....I'm not expecting a miracle.

Maybe now you'll begin to appreciate exactly how horrible the left has been in all this, that it took until today for me to come to this conclusion

TBH, most people read this will just think that it shows how braindead you are that it took you this long to realize that fascists/nazis are terrible for the country.

TBH, most people read this will just think that it shows how braindead you are that it took you this long to realize that fascists/nazis are terrible for the country.

Both sides are terrible for this country, and I think most people will see that.

Sure, but SJW's complaining about not being called by their preferred pronoun is in no way comparable to driving a car into a crowd of people with intent to kill.

I'll have to go ahead and agree on that one.

Well... One side is literal nazis, so...

If only we had a sane side....

No man you see it's going to be a peaceful ethnic cleansing.

there is such a lack of critical thinking in this thread, and considering the sub were in, thats sad.

Way to prove their enemies right, too.

Almost as if it was a perfect false flag.

Why people still believe fox, cnn, and msnbc after the elction I have no idea. How many times do you need to be lied to before you get it?

I feel really sad because your comment was the only one I say that states this, and you were downvoted.

Too many people with an agenda on this sub now.

It is sad. It's like a completely different sub.

A perfect false flag or Neo-Nazis have always been violent shitheads but conservatives like to downplay their influence because...well...those are goods votes!

That's not critical thinking, it's just have an active imagination and a political agenda to guide it.

It's to be expected. Honestly, the antifa crowd took to violence first, literally calling for punching Nazis. No excuses all around, these dudes need to be locked up, but escalation is inevitable once we resort to violence to force opinions upon others.

It's a fair point. In fact, it's so fair I have nothing to add.

They aren't fucking nazis, they're the white equivalent to BLM.

Uh, they were throwing out Heils dude.

Fucking bullshit. I've been to multiple BLM rallies. They openly invite all colors to be a part of it. These people were wearing actual Nazi memorabilia and doing sieg heils. Get your head out of your ass!

I really feel like reddit is being astroturfed.

Lol. Check my history if you believe that. People are jsut getting sick of people like yourself, equating Nazis and white-nationalist with movements like BLM. They ARE NOT even remotely the same.

I didn't realize these people were systematically exterminating jewish and non-aryan people. I also didn't know that these people were responsible for starting the largest land war in recorded history.

Forgive me for my ignorance, these protesters were obviously Nazis.

Their ideology is the same. They simply don't have the numbers or power. While they may not be literal Nazi's, their white-nationalism is the same breed of hatred that gave rise to the Nazi's and that's whats important.

gave rise to the Nazi's and that's whats important.

That is about the absolute most ignorant thing I have read all day! Show me one Nazi in America that holds office as a Governor, Representative, Senator, or the Dept. of Justice?

Yeah so I did what you said, the other guy is right. It's 99% the same tired rhetoric and you're not really a poster here.

They openly invite all colors to be a part of it.

Tell that to Bernie.

Ya, they literally took his mic away and threatened him because he's white.

Explain this photo from Charlotteville. Let me see those mental gymnastics in action!

This all over every msm outlet you idiot.

There is literally zero proof of who it was, his motives... or anything except the vehicle which leads to someone who is strongly anti-Trump. Shareblue fuck off already with these dumb partisan posts.

The irony is "not jumping to conclusions" is exactly what the regressives say everytime a Muslim probably did something

So how long will it take the police to actually catch the guy? Maybe never?

The picture floating around could very well be of the driver, but it still doesn't confirm his motives, and it hasn't been confirmed by any official law enforcement source so until it is -- it is nothing but conjecture.

You're right.

we'll find out tomorrow, or later on tonight who did it.

I'm sure every media figure in the world is gunning for the booking photos!

except the vehicle which leads to someone who is strongly anti-Trump

Lol fuck off already with this BS misinformation campaign

Do you want a link to his Facebook posts? Or tweets that include "I wish Trump had been aborted"?

Sure. Link me to the posts of the 26 year old Michigan resident who has been harassed by channers because his name is similar to the name of the actual suspect, who is 20, from Ohio, in custody, and a registered Republican.

Where is that at? I've seen nothing naming the driver or anything else. No one has gotten back to me with links yet.

It's a recent development. check this out - it's publicly written but better sourced than individual news stories ATM. Alternatively Google "James Alex Fielda Jr."

Thank you!

Sure go ahead.

Guess you stopped reading before you got to the edit.

Do you want a link to his Facebook posts? Or tweets that include "I wish Trump had been aborted"?

where did you see this bs? wasnt T_D was it?? they wouldnt push utter shit constantly would they??

Actually no it was on 4chan about 8 hours ago. I guess you ignored my edit to jump on the chance to shit on TD huh? Pathetic.

doesnt really change anything, just shows what absurd sources you believe information from.

Still ignoring my edit where I admitted I was wrong after seeing recent updates just to shit on TD/4chan and insult my intelligence. You really are pathetic.

i mean, if you are still believing anonymous shit on 4chan maybe its fair to insult your intelligence.

/pol already found the guys facebook. He had anti Trump posts so I doubt he was there in support of the right. People were attacking his car so he probably got scared and floored it.

They doxxed they wrong guy...

the real culprit has been arrested, he was from ohio.

/pol already found some other guys facebook then harrased him.

LOL can't wait until the next international terrorist incident happens and everyone here bends over backwards to defend Muslims and the lack of proof that a radical Muslim might be responsible for the attack. Can. Not. Wait.

Wtf happened to your subreddit?

This whole thing smells rotten. Of any sub on reddit now isn't the time to think this may have been staged off the table.

Seen the update yet, stupid?

Maybe you need some brains, but my statement was 100% correct at the time it was made. What's wrong with waiting for the facts or is this just shareblue bullshit?

100% correct huh? The vehicle led to an anti trump person? Sounds like you could have used your own advice pal, wait for the actual facts to come out. That's not shareblue.

Slowest response? That sounds like you're trying to drum up more divisiveness

This is just pathetic. You people never label muslim terrorism as terrorism. yet you are super quick to label white people as terrorists. I'm just glad everyone is waking up to your agenda.

The driver was a Trump hater. Just saying.

Looks like pol fucked up on that, the kid's saying it's not his car.

Maybe it's not. Maybe it is. I really don't know. Just thought I would toss that shit out there. At this point I would like to hear a direct statement from the guy and what's on his mind. To me, the whole situation seems contrived. It looks like the first false flag attack since Trump took office.

Pretty weird they haven't released the guy's name yet.

It's almost like they don't want us to know who it is. LOL.

"Agent Smith of CIA"

Except we do now, that dude is currently ridiculing the internet from Facebook. Would be hard to do from a jail cell.

Sure. If he is the one who did it. If he is, then isn't it amazing he hasn't been arrested yet. BTW, notice how after Trump took the White House we have not had any more strange shootings that looked like false flags and or a hoax? And the one attack of this nature turns out maybe to be a Trump hater? Hmmm?

Muslims who kill people are terrorists White people who kill people are terrorists


Lol what a load of bullshit.

Block traffic, get run over. Maybe next time they'll think about stopping people from getting on with their lives.

You sound like a terrorist

Have they released the mugshot of the perpetrator?

Or are they protecting White Trash fee-fees?

That opioid epidemic needs to speed up.

Ok finally watched it, and it is fake as fuck. I'm sorry if you think the recent spat of car attacks has been real but this is no different. One huge giveaway is that he's already blaming "some racist dick" for the attack. One other subtle clue is..... the complete lack of any graphic content and overall air of inauthenticity.

People were Periscoping live as it happened you tinfoil hat nutjob.

Ok, show me the most convincing one. All I've seen is one with a guy commuting "people are badly hurt. badly hurt" with no hurt people in sight and cries of "OH MY GAWD OH MY GAWD"

That's the second video I saw of this. All it shows is a lady rolling off the hood just like a professional stunt woman and the camera looks away right after the action happens. The narrator was talking about how it was a "diverse group" just before the crash; it couldn't be more staged looking.

That lady is Faith Goldy.


Goldy has been employed by a number of press and broadcast media organizations, including The Catholic Register, The Toronto Sun, TheBlaze, Bell Media, Zoomer Media, and The National Post. She is a former reporter with the Sun News Network, and currently is employed with the The Rebel Media, an online political and social commentary platform, where she presents investigative journalism and commentary in regular YouTube videos and a weekly show called On The Hunt with Faith Goldy

I should have probably mentioned it in the reply.


The Rebel Media (stylized as TheREBEL.media and shortened to The Rebel) is a Canadian, far-right[2] online political and social commentary media website founded in February 2015 by the former Sun News Network host Ezra Levant.

Former Sun News Network parliamentary correspondent Brian Lilley and former Sun News reporter Faith Goldy later joined the outlet.[3] Gavin McInnes is also a contributor.[4]

I think it's odd that she began live-streaming apparently moments before the crash occurred.

Kill yourself :)

Do we know the name, and the ideology of the person that committed this act? Do we know their motive, whether terrorist, or other?

I'm sure the anti-nazi protesters drove into themselves to murder their own /s

Just for the sake of argument, its entirely possible that someone from the antifa movement or even a completely unrelated group did this in order to heighten tensions and cause civil unrest.

Well... He was in the army and is apparently part of many alt-right organizations. Last i checked, the more extreme alt-right fucks are actually just nationalists... aka nazis.

This is just a guess at this time.

Yup. White nationalist scum.

Terror attack? little soon, no?

Oh, and I'll repeat my last top post considering the shills will be going to bed soon.

These comments are definitely organic...

Source on the driver being a Nazi? I'm still waiting for police to release his identity.

Bad link, got another?

the culprit has been arrested and he is from ohio, not the guy /pol leaked.

This is correct. The guy /pol leaked was apparently the previous owner of the car.

It turns out this guy James Alex Field Jr also had a recent ticket for unlawful license plates. Saw it on twitter but didn't save the link.

didn't catch that, thanks for sharing.

NP. Also there is confirmation that guy James Alex Field Jr has been charged and booked earlier today.

Something something agenda 21. Cars are too dangerous for every citizen. Ban cars.

Okay. This is all concerning:

• Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency "to aid state response to violence," according to a post on his Twitter account.

  • "It is now clear that public safety cannot be safeguarded without additional powers, and that the mostly out-of-state protesters have come to Virginia to endanger our citizens and property," McAuliffe said.

  • Members of the Virginia National Guard also were there.

Wasn't the National Guard called in on standby before all of this? Hmmmm

Probably cause like in other cities it always turns into a shit show.

yes, you can see a couple nation guard in the first responders to the car attack.

This is one of the concerning things about this event. Just like with the Boston Marathon bombing and the Baltimore riots, marshal law was effectively being imposed. Boston let it happen in a hunt for a teenager. Baltimore fought it a bit, or rather the rioters steered clear of the containment area. In this case, it was simply away from the containment area (the park with the statue). I don't know the right answer, but I don't support marshal law.

and here's the real story, while all the "shills" are busy calling everyone a nazi...

What real story? They had national guard on standby because a notoriously violent group was coming into their relatively small city and to top it off a group was planning to counter protest increasing the odds of violence breaking out in some fashion.

So things started going south and they declared a state of emergency and it was proven to be a good decision as fights broke out and a guy who considers himself a white nationalist and nazi symbolizer ran his car into the counter protest.

You sound like someone that is happy to give up your rights and freedoms as long as white nationalists and nazi sympathizers are on the loose.

~It is now clear that public safety cannot be safeguarded without additional powers~

That's the same reason they used for the Patriot Act.

What conspiracy theory are you proposing here? Please be more specific.

This right here ^ im not a nazi. And i dont think of muslims any less.... But OP's post seems like a shill post.

How about you take your hundred day old account and just leave shill!

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

why is this in the sub?

the only conspiracy i can see out of todays events were that a peaceful permitted rally was attacked by anti free speech zealots, and for some reason, the mayor had the police stand down instead of protecting the organized and permitted rally. some dude (one person kind of rules out a conspiracy) with apparently not a whole lot to lose driving his car into a group of people is news worthy and worth a conversation in the correct sub, but i am not sure this is the correct forum.

So protesting Nazis makes one an "anti-free speech zealot?" Does that mean you agree with white-supremacy ideology, or do you just passively accept it?

i accept and will fight for all free speech. if you dont feel the same maybe the US is not for you?

Antifa are not forward thinkers and I don't agree nor align with them. I'm more than happy to have the first amendment but you bet your ass I'll be there counterprotesting.

Get the fuck out of here with that US is not for you bullshit.

why is it bullshit? what does freedom of speech mean if you filter what can be expressed. you cannot have it both ways. one way is american, one way is not. if you do not agree with freedom of speech, as in if you dont like it go away or change the channel, then maybe some place in europe where speech is openly filtered should be more your style. just saying, cant have it both ways. freedom of speech or not.

Do you understand the concept of freedom of speech? It not only covers these despicable swamp creatures and their display of filth, but it also covers their counter-protesters. Is there something you can't comprehend about that?

And no, I'll stay here in America, where I'm free to call out Nazi scum like I see it.

i do not think i am the one having a hard time understanding the concept in this conversation buddy. if anyone doesnt understand anything its you. freedom of expression does not come with qualifiers that you get to arbitrarily decide. and anyways, the anti white morons showed up to a permitted rally and started a bunch of unnecessary shit to attempt to shut down free speech. that sure seems to be the side you have taken, the anti free speech side. deal with it scum. you cant have it both ways commie. explain to me how nazism is worse than communism. go ahead.

So your perspective is that one protest is OK but the other isn't? Why don't you go ahead and explain that.

"Anti white"? Where are you getting that? Why are you so salty that people have a problem with hateful, racist people? I love my freedom of speech because it means I get to explain to people like you how sad and wrong your beliefs are. AMERICA!

you are confused and backwards. your logic is not based in any reality. you talk positively about freedom of speech and say AMERICA!, but you side with the side that is anti free speech. maybe you can explain things to your dumb commie friends.

as far as anti white, it is what it is. the left by and large is anti white. that has been the overwhelming sentiment particularly since this last election. i dont know what you guys expect from the white guys. these people go to work, pay taxes, have illegals and bums leeching off of their social system, have criminals predating their neighborhoods, have ideologues screaming anti white rhetoric at every turn, and now recently the left wants to play identity politics. what in the world do you dopes expect the response to be? this is an easy prediction. white people more and more will realize that they are the only potential group that shares an identity and does not act to advance its agenda. not only that but, when they try to unite to asses and forward their agenda, they are attacked. this will lead to more and more white people, just ordinary white people deciding to identify as white and begin to push a more pro white agenda. of course the morons of the world will call them nazis for daring to have a positive identity of white, because thats what they have been trained to do, but the mechanics of what is going on here is not rocket science. a group of people is being bullied into a corner by other groups, and they are going to respond. does a white man saying he is proud to be white make him a bigot, a nazi, or a racist any more than a mexican saying he is proud of his heritage or a black fighting for black rights or a gay dude on gay pride day? if you can explain to me the function that makes white people evil for identifying as white and attempting to forward their agenda, but a black dude identifying as black and pushing a pro black agenda is good, a gay dude having gay pride is good, and a mexican dude being proud of his culture and heritage is good and ok, then i will call you the winner and leave this alone. the problem is that you cant. it is a double standard and a hypocrisy that for whatever reason is prevalent in our society. it would be understandable if whites were actually bad people, but they generally aren't. they are among if not the most charitable on earth, they commit far less crime than other demographics, they generally are hard workers, and family people. there is no excuse for the hatred against them. so when you talk about racists and bigots, do not leave out your white hating friends.

Ummm... how about French pride, Swiss pride, Finnish pride etc. Those are actual cultures. "White" is not a culture.

Regardless, I don't know anyone who hates white people.

You sure are going to great lengths to try support views of hate.

as i said, you cannot explain it. so it is what it is. get used to lying in the bed you have made.

The bed I've made of not hating people for their beliefs, race, sexual orientation etc? Sounds good to me!

youre and idiot dude.

you want to paint any white person that wants to advocate for white interests as a nazi while you claim not to be a bigot, and you say you are pro-free speech and AMERICA!, but join the side that is actively engaged in shutting down any speech they deem harmful, your entire belief system is a contradiction, you have no arguments based in reality, and you obviously haven't thought about the counter to your arguments. i feel sorry for your father, he probably had high expectations, spent a ton of money to send you to some uni, just so they could turn your brain to shit. one day you will look back on all of this and know that i was right about everything, and that you just weren't prepared to grasp it yet. so sad, high hopes.

You know nothing about me or my beliefs, other than the fact that I am opposed to people waving nazi flags. Is that so objectionable to you? If so, then I am more than happy to have agitated you.

WTF are white interests? Feel free to explain. I'd imagine they are similar to the interests of any other racial group - have food to feed their kids, have a job, don't get murdered by domestic terrorists...

My father, who is very proud of me, didn't spend a dime on my education. I had a full ride scholarship. How about you? What was your education like? Is YOUR father proud of you? Is he proud to have a child who brings personal attacks to the debate table? A child who believes his/her race is superior to that of others? I sure hope not.

Are you that incapable of having an adult conversation that you need to attack my origins? Or are you just too uncomfortable with your beliefs to defend them?

The first amendment only means the government can't shut down free speech. Counterprotestors are free to come call you an asshole for spouting nazi beliefs

no doubt. was this ever a question?

Liberals genuinely believe that there's a pro white conspiracy in America. Stupidity knows no bounds.

It's not really a conspiracy. There are plenty of open white-nationalists here. They aren't exactly ashamed of their beliefs.

Nor should they be. But they are not the government. The leftist establishment is.

he dont get it dude. he is one of the ones yuri told us about. cannot process information.

The "leftist" establishment who can't even ensure that all of the children in our nation get fed each night? Did you finish elementary school?

And they should be. White supremacy is fucking disgusting, as is anyone who supports it.

You think that "leftist" means utopia. lol.

White supremacy means nothing more than whites controlling the demographic majority of any country.

white su·prem·a·cy noun the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.

So, are you a white supremacist, or do you just defend them for shitz n gigglez?

Are they wrong?

Are they wrong about what?

Which people created the civilization that everyone aspires to and that everyone wants to immigrate to?

Do you leave your mom's basement very often? I think you might want to brush up on your world history. The US has been one of the shortest-lived global hegemonies in history.

And yes, they are wrong, disgusting pigs. All people have different perspectives to offer the world. People who preach hate and intolerance should be shunned absolutely.

This civilization is garbage. Actual trash.


This thread for example

That's a very weak example

You're part of this civilization. Actual trash.

Not very good at explaining things, are you?


Anyone who identifies as a white supremacist or defends them is a racist. Period. (And, because I apparently have to say this, being a racist is bad.)

Do you have any conception of biological science or empirical evidence?

Not only that but they make up an insignificant amount of the population. But like most loud minority groups who can be used to scare people or rile them up they tend to get all of the attention from the media.

Weird how at an event with THOUSANDS of armed "alt-right nazis!"

The only deaths came from someone using a car...

he drove into a parked car not people. that's it looked like. i don't know if this was intentional...yes the impact was reason for the death and injuries.....but he did not drive into people

not accurate. you can see the bodies flying over his hood in the video cnn posted.

cnn lol ...he hit a parked car... https://streamable.com/wbm5w

and nobody got hit, huh? go look at any of the other clips from different angles, you can clearly see him fly into atleast 4 ppl. of course he hit a parked car, something had to stop all that momentum.

he did not hit anyone. the impact from the parked car did all the damage. a drunk idiot behind the wheel.....not terrorism

this is either cognitive dissonance or intentional narrative control. a person died from the impact he caused and there is a plethora of photographic and video evidence that shows his car coming into contact with civilians.

or a panic stricken drunk idiot behind the wheel

gonna bow out of this convo because i have no idea where you are getting that wild speculation from. i haven't read any reports of that, and DUI isn't on his list of charges

good night

good night.

This is all soros

Hey, how about how /pol/ jumped up and doxxed an innocent as the perp to try and muddy the waters?

There was a legitimate conspiracy to try and frame someone for this and you all are silent.

How do you know it wasn't him? He hasn't been named by police yet.

Uh, yes he has. /pol/ said it was Joel VanGheluwe. The police have taken James Alex Fields Jr. into custody.

It took over 21 hours for your comment to show up. Weird.

James Alex Fields killed a 32 year old woman when he rammed his car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters.

You 💯 right bud, seriously

Bu-bu-but CNN!

In fairness, there are some reasonable questions to be asked of CNN. For instance, in their footage from the scene, a man instantly identifies the culprit as a Nazi, while bodies are still rolling across the pavement. How is that possible?

Because they were at a fucking Nazi rally with someone running a car into an anti protester group on purpose!

It was a safe assumption to make.

How did they know it was not a drunk driver? Or a patsy? Or an antifa who drive down the wrong street?

Because it wasn't an accident. The driver purposefully aimed at the protesters and speed up while running them over.

Him beeing a Nazi and committing an act of terror is the simplest answer.

Are you this reluctant too whenever a "truck of peace" runs into a crowd?

I think those major truck-run-over-people events were fake, personally.

I'm curious as to why you think this

Are you familiar with fakeology?

No, I am not really. I'm just interested to know what you think actually happened and how it was covered up that it was all faked

If it was all faked, why would they need to cover it up?

I mean how do you cover up the fact it was faked/never actually happened? What did the witnesses actually see?

Which 'witnesses'? I suggest you think through this one, start from the start. If you want to fake an event, how many people need to know?

The witnesses who saw said cars and trucks plough into people, is the argument that they were actors? This conspiracy of them being faked is new to me so I'm just trying to learn what the arguments actually are.

As for your second question, it depends on what the event you wish to fake is. When it comes to a truck ploughing into people, I would say the crowd and onlookers need to be in on it,or what am I missing?

Are the extras in a movie 'in on it'?

What? Yes they are mostly. Sometimes they don't get told the full details, but in this instance if you were an "extra" in this, you would know you were once you saw the news.

I'm sorry, I'm obviously not understanding your line of questions, and you are not answering mine

Some think the car accidents are either fake/made to happen/just happened and their using those to be able to push self-driving cars.

Not saying I support that or not, just something I've come across.

That's he shittiest piece of evidence for a conspiracy ever, they were counterprotesting nazis and someone rammed them wit his car, who do you think they were going to suspect? Mormons?

You didn't find the instant reaction at all conspicuous?

Why would I? That seems like a normal reaction to what happened.

Sounds like something a far-left person would say if they were being attacked, yes.

Gotta love all of the gaslighting over at t_d too. "I never heard about this event, must've been staged!" It was only promoted all over your sub...and the President's statements were pathetic. He's totally helping...

I haven't been on Reddit in a few days, but could you provide me with links showing this was promoted all over t_d?


guy deleted his whole account in this thread or another someone posted a screenshot of the it still being up and i remember reading when it was originally posted.

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So what? do they not have the right to protest? I see no calls for violence in that thread.

Where did I say that? There's a big difference between me saying they can't peacefully assemble and then saying hey let's rally then when it goes south, we never heard of this event the bad parts must've been someone else!

What was the guy that deleted it saying? It seems he was not getting overwhelming support from t_d...


It looks like overwhelming support and the thread was stickied by the mods

Interesting that they straight up say "there will be national socialist and ethnostate groups" and go right past that.

Um, you really want to keep company with these kinds of people?

How do we not know that this was a Nazi and someone on George Soros' payroll?

Way to make your own conclusions based on ZERO facts.

It was a kid, and a leftist at that. Nazi hahahahahah! You are an idiot.

What's 4chans doxxing success record so far?

Nope, registered republican. LOL!

And protesting with the Vanguard nazis.

1 person died by 1 asshole. Terrorism? Response time? Breaking news? Jesus fucking christ.

What bullshit virtue signaling. A tragedy happens and you come here for Reddit karma. Go fuck yourself.

Except it wasn't one of their members that did it. I tried to post links with the kids name and photos of the car along with Facebook posts that were very progressive along with a tweet that said "I wish Trump had been aborted". As soon as the media names him and I won't be guilty of "doxxing" I will post again.

The response is massive what are you talking a out

Trump made sure to mention just how great the stock market was doing and how unemployment was at a record high. Everything is in a state of chaos right now, which is exactly what the Powerade that be want. A number of YouTube channels exposing the mass manipulation of the populace have magically been erased. All of this while the media is continues to drill the fear of a nuclear holocaust into our minds. It's a truly disgusting time to be alive.

Which youtube channels? I watch a lot of youtube. Probably more youtube than TV and Netflix combined. I've seen no videos about it at all.

There are a number of channels that have been erased, it's even been posted about on this sub. The big one for me was "Russianvids". He pretty much ripped apart every news story and decoded the Masonic symbols/numerology, etc. It was an eye-opening channel (to say the least). Realizing just how deep the level of manipulation, fabrication and embedded symbology goes was beyond alarming.

Is there a source for the driver being a Nazi?

This reeks of a false flag w/ paid protesters on both sides. Also today is Soros' birthday. The person arrested does not look like the person driving behind the wheel.


Go fuck yourself. Why is it that when it's a terrorist attack by someone on the far-right it's always a "false flag?" Again, go fuck yourself.

It's great that r/conspiracy is allowed to question the narrative. It is also great that this sub can have actual thoughtful dialogue without people having to resort to using obscenities.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care that obscenities are hurting you so bad. Someone fucking died today trying to protest people white supremecists. A woman who wanted to speak out for the rights of all people. So, fuck you for downplaying the evil of these white nationalists. You're no better than them.

Fuck you

Fuck you too! ☺️

no...FUCK FUCK YOU too.

Warms my heart 😍

I'm not ruling out that it could be a false flag. But to say the picture of the driver doesn't match the mugshot of who they arrested is asinine. Definitely see a resemblance. http://imgur.com/W1yM5jW

I'm not ruling out that it could be a false flag. But to say the picture of the driver doesn't match the mugshot photo of the man they arrested is asinine. Definitely see a resemblance. http://imgur.com/W1yM5jW

its been non-stop coverage I'd say fox news and cnn are making a big deal out of this horse shit that reeks of George Soros. And a market and dipshits purposely standing in the middle of a city street counter protesting are entirely different things.

I know. The left goes through all the trouble creating a situation where violence is almost guaranteed and then when it happens they can't milk it to maximum capacity. Maybe they should hold a protest....

Calm down kid. It is a big deal as it's all everybody is talking about.

The whole white-nationalist movement reeks of a set-up.

Just remember all western nations have to watch out for tens of millions of Muslims world wide, who are considered and labeled terrorists. This is an open fact and not debateable. Ill say it again, (tens of millions) world wide are openly in support of terrosim. There are not even a million so called Neo Nazis in the United States. Most of whom are in Jail or live out in the boonies to be left alone. And every white person who has a shaved head isnt a nazi. And every batshit crazy white trash person isnt a Nazi. You can also be a racist SOB ,but still not be a Nazi. If there was a shit ton of Neo Nazi making peoples lives shitty then trust me it would be known and made public daily like Muslim bombing are. And yes , they exist but on a world wide scale?. Not even close to a national threat as Islam produces. So shitty events like this one are way harder to find because it falls in the range of crazy and NOT DOCTRINE BASED. Which the Qur'an openly states that terrorism is Jihad amd Jihad is the destruction of amyone not Fully Muslim including peaceful muslims.

some good ole Whataboutism, delightful!


Its really hard to equate a violent protest going after a car and the car speeding away with a planned terror attack by a muslim

The car deliberately drove into the crowd.

Because the crowd attacked him

Oh this is a new justification.

So the claim is that it was self defense?

Where did you hear that?

Self preservation seems like an extremely valid justification

Spoken like a true Imam.

Here comes the racism

The car accelerated into a crowd of people. That isn't "driving away from," it's "driving into."

so this random crowd wasnt standing in the middle of a street?

Also, it was in now way harassing him? I know I'd be scared as fuck if I were being harassed by that many people at once.

Not sure if a good video exists, but someone from the Hill said that POs said the car was being swarmed, and the driver was probably scared. Also, they add that he was apparently hit in the head earlier. It is too early to judge, and seems like it 's possible that it wasn't intentional. Also, this is much more harder to figure out considering there was a huge riot and fight, not just average day in Paris.

That same reporter then said the the cops (a) weren't on the scene and (b) hadn't even seen the fucking video. Source.

My bad. I saw the brief mention of the tweet on a website. Not trying to spread BS. My bad.

If you are not trying to spread bullshit, why do you spread the first bullshit you see? Why not fact check before sharing? ;)

I thought it was new info. Lmao, I could be an ass about it.

I wonder how many "think it is new info" before they even bother to fact check it :)

"I HAVENT READ IT, IT MUST BE NEW!" No, you are just not as informed as other people...

That's complete bullshit, show some source that mentions the crowd attacking him.

God you retards can't even ass yourselves to watch the videos.

Bull, fucking, shit.

Youll never see a video about the events before the crash. They dont fit the narrative

Rule 10 removed.

Is there any proof that he's in fact a NAZI?


No thanks

Yeah, gonna need more evidence that he is a Nazi. Let's be subjective. I saw that police officers apparently thought the driver was not malicious in his intent and was scared. Hopefully they were right.

He's part of a neo-Nazi group called Vanguard America and posts pictures of baby Hitler on Facebook and American Nazis. What more proof do you need?

Eh, could be a nazi. His Nazi pics on his fb kinda convinces me. Although, who the Hell knows. I'm brown and have some photos of Hitler and pepe on my desktop.

The retracted that already.

I dunno. There any proof you belong in a retard hospital?

Yes. Yes there is.

I don't think simply asking for proof warrants that sort of response.

It was a truck of peace.

Besides, if you live in a big city, you are just going to have to get used to this sort of thing.

There are no more Nazis. The Nazis don't exist anymore.

Oh fuck off you dumbass.

The Nazi ideology didn't die off in 45. Retard.

Well when you put it so eloquently, I guess you must be right.

I am right. I'm not wasting my time explaining why an ideology currently being practiced did not die out in 45.

Fucking outrageous knowing that Trumpsters are defending his actions.

Yeah, and it would be so easy to just be like, "I don't agree with Nazis, that's fucked up." But no, all of this false flag bullshit and "we don't know what he really believed".


They'd need to explain why they promoted those nazi rallies.

Probably sour grapes from the 391 times we get told "that Muslim was a lone wolf who doesn't represent Islam".

The arguments never change, just the proper nouns. Let's not pretend anyone's any better than anyone else.

Islam - a religion made up of billions of people (just like Christianity!) White supremacy - an organized effort to marginalize people on the basis of race by any means possible.

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say one of them is likely to be better than the other.

Either you can't judge the whole by the few, or you can.

Defending double standards only manage to make you look pathetic.

How can I not judge a group whose goals are literally to push non-white people out of this country? I am literally disgusted by their core values. Of COURSE I'm going to judge them!

And the goal of Islam is definitely not proselytization. What insane religion wants to spread? Besides all of them, I mean.

Fuck all terrorists. White, black, muslim, jewish, etc. I'm an equal-opportunity terrorist hater.

Nice deflecting.

You're still applying the double standard of judging the whole by the few, so long as you already don't like the whole.

What whole am I judging? Nazis?

Why is that bad?

Is everyone you don't like a Nazi?

Nope! But people happily swinging Nazi flags and chanting that the jews should leave the country are! Feel free to explain to me how I'm wrong about people who are literally wearing swastikas being Nazis.

So the guy in the car was waving a flag and chanting?

Must have been tough to steer.

Well, I was referring to the organized group of nazis in my last post, but it's already been confirmed that the guy was a member of the alt right. Given that he drove his car into a group of counter protesters I think we can draw some conclusions from that.

I'm going to go to bed now. Why don't you reflect on why you feel the need to defend people who support the white nationalist movement? At the end of the day, I am not the one who divides people based on race. Are you, or do you just spend time defending those who do?

Honestly I just hate hypocrites with double standards.

Is it black supremacy if no diversity is forced upon countries with mostly black people living there? White supremacy is just as stupid as black supremacy [BLM/Black only universities etc].

To me islam and white supremacy are equally shite. One oppresses all freedoms and women and practices laws that only fit into the middle ages. Such as marrying your rapist, getting stoned to death for being raped, genital mutilation, paedophilia and anti gay to the extent of killing them [not just isis but here in Europe too, just because]. So called 'honour' killings of your own children etc, etc, etc...

The other one wants to be segregated [but haven't actually killed anyone in their name in recent times]. And as you said, one is a religion with millions of member and spreading constantly, the other consists of a few crackpots, easily outnumbered.

Oh and if you want to leave islam, death is the going penalty for it. So yeah, I think we have a definitive answer to which one is more dangerous.

I've been on T_D and not seen anybody defending this.

Lol. 🤣🤣🤣

I don't think anyone is defending the actions of the driver, but the left seems to be using this incident for yet another attack on Trump. That is not defensible.

He was just the latest CIA mind control victim.

Im assuming this is sarcasm--but whats sad, is i bet anyone whos done any research on MK-Ultra thinks this (even if very briefly, for a split second before dismissing it as a joke themselves) just about every time we see/hear anything crazy like this happening around the country.

Are we sure it really is terrorism? Or would ''Hate Crime'' fit the bill more correctly in this situation?

I personally dont care what its called--it was attempted murder, or attempt to cause bodily harm at the very least. My only problem with every act of aggression like this being labelled as a ''terrorist'' attack, is that once our own citizens are being put on watch for terrorist activity, the rights of our own people, in our own country will very quickly begin to diminish. You guys do know what the 'Patriot Act' is, right?

Eventually, anything will be called an act of terror, and if the term starts getting used loosely, the sentencing/punishment and all other things associated with handling terrorist activity will begin to be used loosely.

I dont think people should be upset about this (the terminology)--i think people should think about the implications of beginning to use the word terrorism more freely, and the impact it could have on our country.

He rammed his car against protestors, thats pretty much domestic terrorism.

Yeah, i mean like i said, attempted murder/attempted bodily harm--whatever...I guess since the guys affiliation lie with white supremacists, and the views of the protesters he attacked were what they were, was the reason i asked if maybe it was as simple as being classified as a hate crime (to the highest magnitude).

Terrorism is terrorism. How do you even end up ''charged'' with that? How will it be decided if it was truly terrorism? Does the media decide? The courts? The people?

Oh, it is not. It is a violent outburst erupting in a confrontational situation. Terrorism typically is an attack on innocent people. Also, I doubt the guy was planning to run his car into people. I had heard they were pelting his car with rocks. This is more akin to gang warfare then to terrorism.

Yeah, that's a lie the video shows it was completely intentional. And the guys were just protesting so I don't see how that makes them less innocent?

When Muslims ram their cars into people that's called terrorism, so I don't see why when a nazi does it, it would be different.

It has already happened. Ever heard of the National Defense Authorization Act?

This was an actual REAL terrorist event. All of the ISIS fake terror drill bullshit was staged.

Maybe because Muslims do it monthly. I'd be pissed if people who I'm busting my ass to fed with my tax dollars we're trying to kill me too.

Bro you work at Wendy's. Your tax dollars ain't doing shit for anyone.

I quit like last year. Did you really go that far back in my post history? Christ you're pathetic.

Where the fuck are you people coming from

Okay. This may seem like a stupid question but its necessary. How has anyone proved which side this guy was on since it was a street fight/riot? Victims targeted?

1, he rammed leftists

2, he was standing with active right-wingers before he went into his car

Thanks. Good to know.

It's not a slow response it's a typical response.

It seems slow to you because you actually heard about it before it became mainstream news.

You heard about it early because it's a white guy and reddit has been blueballing for a white terrorist for ages, so it hit the top of r/news within minutes, whereas if it had been yet another muslim it would have been suppressed and/or ignored because... Muslims being Muslims is not shocking anymore.

It was not a terrorist attack.

The situations are not comparable. The Muslim terrorists rammed into innocent shoppers or people celebrating a holiday. The Antifa/BLM were deliberately confronting the alt-right group. This is not to say the violence should be condoned, but it is not too surprising that it happened. I believe the leftists were pelting his car with rocks and he panicked.

All leaders of the Alt Right who would have given speeches have clearly shown their support for non-violent protest. This is not true of Imams and muslim leaders.

There's a lot of video on Youtube. What I have seen includes one car smashing into another, getting smashed with poles and bats and then reversing the hell out of there. What happened to cause the car to crash into the one in front of it?

I'm not sure if it can be classified as a terrorist attack, these people aren't just civilians going about their business, which I think would be a requirement.

It is all over the news including in Sweden. And apparently everything as usual is Trumps fault. The disgusting part is that dnc media haven't written a word about antifa.

I'm not defending the driver, but do we have proof they are a Nazi? Why can't we assume they are just a murderer so far?

Because it's being called a false flag. It could be...

So your saying this is being ignored because it's one of the biggest news stories of the year? The media would shut up about it in 2 days if this was a Muslim attack, but this is going to blow up the media for weeks. It was awful but not like 50 people dead awful. What is so bad about it is the psych warfare that this is going to allow for. They will try and get people to identify whites as Nazis. There may even become talk of dangerous political speech, and the need to stop it and monitor it.

I wonder if the parents of Heather Heyer could win a suit against Fox for telling listeners to run protestors down with their cars?? the original post and video has been up since january and just taken down.

What's more disgusting is how the police stood by, allowed the riots to get worse, and worse, and worse. The death and blood is on their hands as much as anyone else's. They stood by on "stand down" orders while people were assaulted.

Fuck those cops.


We have protections, that go so far, but the only "right" that anyone has is responsibility. I hate it when any protesters have their message be subverted by a single person who resorts to violence, I really do, but, you know, this isn't some corporation's lobby that we go sit in, this is confrontation.

Even if it is, this shit is fucked up. Seems you're saying that because it's a false flag there's no need to discuss this. Plus, I hope you're meaning it in the sense that it was done in an attempt to push an agenda, not that those are crisis actors. I've seen lots of other footage of false flag events with crisis actors, and this seems way more genuine (from what footage we currently have).

Could be but it's still notable how quickly pol, foxnew, etc came to such conclusions. I am open to finding out info about the suspect as it comes, but for now people are talking out of their assess, including ones labeling him a nazi.

Quit using conspiracy theories as scapegoats. This was is ridiculous. No matter side does it.

It's not about it not being a big deal. It's blowing things, marginally infrequent things, as I said before, out of proportion. It's irresponsible. Don't you people get that?

If the truth is controversial, that isn't a good enough reason to stop speaking it. I detest the evil actions of men and women despite their labels and their political or religious identities. I'm sure we agree on that more than you're willing to admit. Don't misconstrue what I'm saying.

theyve already confirmed the driver is in custody

Donate to the aclu please and thank you

What is the benefit of a false flag? To make white nationalists and nazis look bad?

fucking violent hicks


Pay up. Pics of a white dude being pulled from his heavily damage challenger.

Ahh so much for respecting the first amendment

So where do we sign up to receive you paycheck?

You can't just put everything in either a capitalist pile or a socialist pile, things are more nuanced than that


I also went through what I consider the main principles of socialism in my first comment

Yeah I saw, he did post a pic of a gray Challenger but maybe it's his dad or maybe some other circumstances exist and that family isn't related at all. Has a Reddit witchhunt ever come up with the right person?

Really? Cuz in these types of posts users who talk about those things are usually downvoated to oblivion.

Pretty sure we all agree Nazis are bad. Pretty sure Antifa is no better though.

Prepared to be downvoted into oblivion for suggesting a conspiracy on /r/conspiracy.

Hey now, reasonable comparisons are not allowed if you're not attacking Trump or the right.

Well, do nazis sink when you put them in water?

Never had EBT but if my GI bill goes away I'd be super pissed.

Isn't he a Trump hater?

So enlighten me please, what is their solid message? Blood and Soil has a very solid historical message, is this what you're referring to?

Could you find me a quote saying I did ?

An American died at the hands of an American protest, which is a terrible thing to happen.

Exactly, and I only fear it's going to get worse.

The trouble with modern media/news is that everyone jumps to their conclusion and pinion so fast, even without any verification or facts in yet from police/authorities beyond what we can all see.

It happened with the London runner being pushed under a bus this week; all the news sites pushing a photo and name of a suspect before he'd even been spoken to by police properly. Then turns out he wasn't even in the country when it occurred, but his name is now associated with it now and people move onto the next thing/person!


The guy that 4chan is pinning as the perp yes, he's also in Michigan currently laughing his ass off and ridiculing the internet on Facebook. Not possible for someone arrested in Ohio now is it?

So are you saying that some of the people marching toward the Robert E Lee statue chanting blood and soil were just swept up in the fun of it? Im using the actions of this group to decide on the character of those in the group and the people who are supporting what they're doing.

Honestly I agree that the statue of Robert E Lee should remain in the park, we shouldn't forget that he led a group of traitors to the United States of America. We shouldn't be erasing our history, as dark as it may be.

Bad link, got another?

Me, too. It fucking sucks so bad, dude. I feel like we're all at each others' throats when the person who pitted us against each other is laughing watching the thing play out.

I remember when this came up, all of the chanspiracies we're about Obama/deep state postponing or canceling the upcoming election to prevent trump from coming in and dismantling the system of corruption or whatever...

Which is why I said it's outdated in that regard.

Now we're nearly 8 months into Trump's presidency and we're closer to adding more wars to our scorecard than ever before...closer to policing more of the world than this time last year.

How is this statement relevant?

I don't think one person running over 20 others is the planned spark to push a DC dismantling protest.

It's not just the event. Think about what happens now. The guy that did it is almost certainly going to claim that he was afraid and it was unintentional, which means there is going to be a trial, which means this guy will probably get out on bail. The left is not going to be happy about that. What do you think they are going to do? Protest? Riot? What happens if he gets acquitted or given a light sentence? Consider the potential for more violence, real or false flag, in the interim. The situation could ramp up very easily.

Also consider how the MSM is going to cover this story. Remember when Republican Congressman Scalise was shot? It only happened 2 months ago, but that story fucking disappeared as soon as we found out he was a left winger. It didn't fit the narrative the MSM wants to push. This story does.

I hope you are right, though, and this isn't the spark that leads to what would basically be a civil war.

So protesting Nazis makes one an "anti-free speech zealot?" Does that mean you agree with white-supremacy ideology, or do you just passively accept it?


he dont get it dude. he is one of the ones yuri told us about. cannot process information.

The "leftist" establishment who can't even ensure that all of the children in our nation get fed each night? Did you finish elementary school?

And they should be. White supremacy is fucking disgusting, as is anyone who supports it.

Flight 93 was probably shot down.

why is it bullshit? what does freedom of speech mean if you filter what can be expressed. you cannot have it both ways. one way is american, one way is not. if you do not agree with freedom of speech, as in if you dont like it go away or change the channel, then maybe some place in europe where speech is openly filtered should be more your style. just saying, cant have it both ways. freedom of speech or not.

It's disgusting how the rhetoric (on all sides) has turned Americans against themselves.

Not only that but they make up an insignificant amount of the population. But like most loud minority groups who can be used to scare people or rile them up they tend to get all of the attention from the media.

white su·prem·a·cy noun the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.

So, are you a white supremacist, or do you just defend them for shitz n gigglez?

Idk the protest was organized online from a lot of people T_D even advertised for it. The Lee statue being taken down has been a major controversial topic recently

I see what you did there

They also renamed the park from "Lee Park" to "Emancipation Park." It started from a petition to remove the statue because it offended a couple of people, and they made a grand, historical case for it.

This local issue was latched-onto by people who could fan-up this kind of shit, bring all the racist/nationalist/commie groups together for a single dichotomous brawl. I'm sure the travel expenses of many will be reimbursed by Soros groups or the Feds, or both.

The locals didn't help things, because they're well-meaning counter-protesting to the protesting made it more chaotic. I don't even know how they knew who was protesting what and who was on what side once the violence happened.

you responded to me?

no. scroll up dude. seriously. i responded "fucking coward" to TomFarger

Oh come now.

Thank you!

I can't make any sense of this comment. Nationalism has historically been the root of all evil, intolerance, ignorance, and sheepism in general. If you can't understand why that is, I see no reason in having an argument with you. It would be like debating a fucking goat.

Retarded. The guy in Charleston just hated Blacks he wasn't Conservative that I'm aware of, I'm not sure what Violence your think Right Wingers committed at Bundy Ranch, No Clue what Colorado PP is, That Jewish Community Center was back in 2014. I said the last couple years. Everything I listed happened in the last 1 to 2 years. If they were allegedly planning an attack it doesn't count and the Portland Stabber was Left Wing Bernie Supporter so that counts for me. LMAO! You just Blew Yourself The Fuck Out Snowflake!!!

Your mind is so filled with leftist trash that everything is Nazism to you. You're pathetic. Get a grip.

cnn lol ...he hit a parked car... https://streamable.com/wbm5w

this is either cognitive dissonance or intentional narrative control. a person died from the impact he caused and there is a plethora of photographic and video evidence that shows his car coming into contact with civilians.

she turned me into a nat soc

... i got better

Oh this is a new justification.

So the claim is that it was self defense?

Where did you hear that?

The car accelerated into a crowd of people. That isn't "driving away from," it's "driving into."


No thanks

Yeah, gonna need more evidence that he is a Nazi. Let's be subjective. I saw that police officers apparently thought the driver was not malicious in his intent and was scared. Hopefully they were right.

That's complete bullshit, show some source that mentions the crowd attacking him.

What whole am I judging? Nazis?

Why is that bad?

I don't think simply asking for proof warrants that sort of response.

Gonna be a lean month for you then, ain't it sugarpuff?

If it was all faked, why would they need to cover it up?

Some think the car accidents are either fake/made to happen/just happened and their using those to be able to push self-driving cars.

Not saying I support that or not, just something I've come across.

Can I get some of your monies?

Prove it, you factless loon.

Pay up, kid.

You are being arrogant. And grouping a whole country together as one category. So you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm glad you aren't from the US by the way. There are way too many ignorant people like you here already.

it's not my reading comprehension that's lacking...

read your precious snopes or whatever


That lady is Faith Goldy.


Goldy has been employed by a number of press and broadcast media organizations, including The Catholic Register, The Toronto Sun, TheBlaze, Bell Media, Zoomer Media, and The National Post. She is a former reporter with the Sun News Network, and currently is employed with the The Rebel Media, an online political and social commentary platform, where she presents investigative journalism and commentary in regular YouTube videos and a weekly show called On The Hunt with Faith Goldy

I should have probably mentioned it in the reply.


The Rebel Media (stylized as TheREBEL.media and shortened to The Rebel) is a Canadian, far-right[2] online political and social commentary media website founded in February 2015 by the former Sun News Network host Ezra Levant.

Former Sun News Network parliamentary correspondent Brian Lilley and former Sun News reporter Faith Goldy later joined the outlet.[3] Gavin McInnes is also a contributor.[4]

playing dumb?

baltimore, ferguson, kidnappings, murdering cops?

He just said they weren't Nazis, you goddamn moron

Speaking nice with your ilk really doesn't function, does it?