Why are people so stupid that they will actually bit on fake racist bait? - Charlottesville

10  2017-08-12 by [deleted]



I wholeheartedly believe that single people are incapable of making horrible decisions, wake up-not EVERYTHING is a giant web of a conspiracy. Hold people accountable and condemn violence instead of shouting that it's fake, it only makes despicable people able to continue doing it.

There's nothing out there yet to suggest that this wasn't just someone's own choice, immediately disregarding it is cognitive dissonance man.

Those dudes holding the torches don't look like southern rednecks. They are paid plants.

Lol. You can tell some is racist by looking at them?

You can tell that certain people simply don't belong.

Do tell.

He's being racist in identifying racists.

let me tell you about skull shapes...

look at the brand new flags they have the dnc was caught on video talking about doing this kind of shit sounds like bob creamer again

So racists aren't real?

^ It's responses like this....

It's exactly what you are implying, that the racist protestors are paid actors or something. Isn't that what you think?


Oh my god and you thought the moon landings were faked! This is too good to be true sir. An absolute cry for attention you are.

Jesus. Look at your comment history. It's full of, "oh [because this] you think that....". "isn't that what you think..." "it's not ironic, you just hate America...". "You don't think women should have sick leave...."

This is just the first five comments I skimmed over. Before you get cozy on your pillar KNOWING you're on the "right" side of history, just remember. We are all being fooled. Drop your attachments to what you think you know and what you think is real and QUESTION EVERYONE. They will have succeeded when we are not allowed to ask questions anymore. And it's happening slowly. Racist, sexist, intolerant...some people are some of these things. Some people are the embodiment of them. And some are devoid of it. But these will be the tools used against us, and it will seem like something else.

What a liberal come back. You have psychosis.

What in the fucking fuck? I'm defending your stupid ass.

Didn't seem like it at first.

You read thewhole comment. You replied with an insult. I tell you I defended you in what you just read. You say it "didn't seem like it....at first."

Whatever dude, I hope people see this and how stupid you are. Fuck I pray people like you are never on my side.

You start your "supporting statement" with JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT YOUR COMMENT HISTORY?..... Good opening statement #SaysNoONe

Supporting statement...what other words have you been wanting to incorrectly use? Also, nice hash tag little boy. You're under 20, or ab-so-lute-ly stupid.

You're Ma

And you're from the south. Holy shit!

Not from the south and Kubrick was killed for his involvement. Anything else?

No. You're from the south. You're sub 20. And you love hash tags. I'm betting you like bass too.

No. I'm 32, from Chicago, a Veteran and a Freemason.

No. You're not. You're not mature enough. And masons don't argue with imaginary people.

ha ok.

But your comment history is full of you being a judgmental dick...

It's not like they can just hack someone's car and pin the accelerator.. oh wait

The real goal is legislation to eliminate public protests and demonstrations.

This is a thing that is real.

i don't doubt that tptb would be interested in outlawing public dissent but, someone just drove a car into a crowd of people and killed one of them. it's fucking sad.

They are not Nazis, they were there to protect their heritage, of course fights were going to happen, this is the first time the right has gathered together and Antifa made sure they would disrupt it, throwing urine, feces and chemicals on people. Whether the driver was a plant is another matter, but frankly it would have been a peaceful event had Antifa not turned up. The majority of the alt-right are not racist, they are trying to stop the impending reality that white European/American heritage is systematcally being phased out and destroyed by cultural marxists obsessed with race. As a white european, im very uncomfortable with the idea that its ok for the white race to be slowly diminished and bred out of existence. No one is doing it to other races, the reason it happens to us is because we create good beautiful civilisations and we'd be the last ones to bow to the NWO/luciferian/zionist/cabal

Driver LP# GVF 1111 - "Government Vehicle...." What does the F stand for? Funded? Federation? Foundation?


Fascist obviously

Tinted windows so no camera can catch the driver. Driver not identified or name not made public. Series of patterns here but it's "legit" lol...

Yes, clearly not a racist.

So you're not racist, you just don't want people interbreeding?

If it's important to you that people know that you're white, and your reaction to Nazi violence is to fret about the future of The White Race, buddy, you might find people questioning that.

They are not Nazis,

ya, those swastika flags were just a joke.

I let the pain get to me for way too long. My constant worry about healing the world's problems and dwelling over the woes of the public eventually led to near catastrophic consequences as I lost track of not only my own psychological wellbeing, I was also beginning to lose track of the needs and events in the lives of my wife and children. I grew up in the inner city of Cincinnati, my mom recieved welfare, I was bullied for being poor by other poor kids, and was a product of my enviornment. ( and received a subar public education of which I am in the process of repairing so pardon my grammar and errors), yet I have never harbored any Ethnocentric thoughts or hate. EVER. I just could never think in such a capicity and never understood hate. I have a racially and culturally diverse family of which I am sure has helped me to stay as sane as I can be this day and age . Anyway, I will spare you my life story bUT I assure you from my guilt about being born, guilt about my poverty, guilt about my uneducated family, guilt about my father's prison time for sexual assult, guilt about my military service and above all else as a result of what I would like to consider superior discernment, the guilt of any every dishonest pain suffered by good people in this world. Eventually I found myself addicted to heroin (with the help of my legitimate injuries...thanks percocet). Needless to say I went to the darkest place imaginable. Then something paralleling the miraculous happened: I found philosophy, ( particularly Schopenhaur and Nietzsche) and I began to feel illuminated. I quit heroin with only the help of Marijuana ( I now smoke weed everyday and am on the project of using it less because it is starting to have detrimental effects as well) and have been completely sober of any opiod or barbiturate or any narcotic for that matter since April 18, 2016. I stopped watching TV. I stopped playing games. I deleted my Facebook accout and eventually got rid of my smart phone. I stopped listening to rap, hip hop and any mainstream bullshit ( I still get down with Kanye) basically the veil had been lifted and I started to know with out exception who the LIARS are. And this sub was a big help but there are still a considerable amount of sheep pretending to be woke in here and are contributing to this great divide we are currently witnessing. I guess what I am trying to say is I absolutely know what Nietzshe was saying about needing to have a "going under" in order to truely rise above as spoken via the words of Zarathustra. After what I would like to think of as my extensive life experience I can only offer these words regarding the world in which we find ourselves today, a world I must remind you that none of us requested to join; Love Everybody. Abolish your feelings of Hate and Envy. Abolish your fears and protect your own from direct and immenent danger. What we are witnessing today are the sheep being sheep and we are in the beginning phase of the great herd culling itself through natural evolution ( with the help of some super fucked up NWO institutional systems, this I am aware...but now it's time to cut the bullshit : sink or swim time. Sorry for the uneducated emotional rant that I know I will regret posting .

Agree 100%

Here you go everybody.... Ghost government vehicle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJhmPJX8Aps


This guy seems legit too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3T0sjaYHuo lol... zzzzzzzz