Charlottesville VA car attack, please watch all the videos and screen shot any frames that might have the drivers face visible.

52  2017-08-13 by Flytape

Post screenshots along with which video you got them from.


I still haven't seen any good pics of his face. If we don't get any good pics of him, then we'll never know if the suspect is really him and not just some patsy

Over and over again as fake car attack after fake truck attack has happened over the past year or so, I told the "white nationalists" over at Voat who loved to circlejerk about Islam and Muslims every time one of these hoaxes would happen, just wait guys: they're going to recreate one of these car attack hoaxes and just say it was a neo-nazi/white nationalist/ Trump supporter behind the wheel.

And here we are.

I'm surprised at the number of people who still think that any of these stunts have been legitimate, the Nice truck attack was the first one I can think of and was totally fake for example.

Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of "white nationalists" over on voat! I noticed that too. I didn't like it there.

Do you also hate Mexican nationalists and Tibetan nationalists?

I didn't say I hate them. I try not to hate anyone. They are free to have their own thoughts and opinions. I just don't share those thoughts and opinions, so I didn't want to stay there and be associated with them. "Birds of a Feather, Flock Together" is an old saying.

Just making sure it was only white people who you do not think have the right to assemble as nationalists.

I don't deny anyone the right to assemble. I don't care what anyone does, as long as they are peaceful and respectful. :-)

I dislike any nationalist. Depending on the definition of nationalist. Besides that, white nationalist is very different.

Dude you probably have them the idea!!!

Jk jk man kudos to you. Way to use your crit thinking skills. Can we get a scoreboard for the sub?

Sorry for being skeptical, but could you link me to evidence of any car attack being a hoax? I'm sure some are, just haven't seen anything to back it up yet and some people who are very sure must be for a reason.

This is pictured when he was driving in reverse. Seems oddly calm

Looks hardcore military guy to me.

If we can find the source video for this picture I would be thrilled. The driver in this picture does indeed look like the guy in the picture they are blaming it on.

Military Service From August 18th to December 11th, 2015, James was listed as an Active Duty Service Member in the United States Army​.[24]​

Heres where I see that picture and more info. Idk if it helps

He is actually. Not posting personal info though

White polo shirt.

No one wears white polo shirts unless their golfing or going to a casual event.

Central Illinois: See the prettt often here. Midwest thing I guess. I see a lot of polo and golf shirts, usually with the older crowd, down here. But you'll find some townies wearing them daily too.

Or... Their group was wearing it as a uniform as it appeared in hundreds of photos throughout the day.

the saturation of colors in this image is heavily edited, why? the original images of this scene are not bright orange like this one. with that saturation editing, it's not possible that the image of the person inside would not be equally oversaturated - seems like it's been photoshopped in later.

Im pretty sure the saturation was added. I just seen this one before.

I think the original was posted on another thread. Ill try and find it

They had to edit it to try and make the face visible. There's a glare on the windshield. Then altering the colors will make some disappear so its easier to see.

Its like when people mess with a photo in Photoshop to make it become see thru.

This looks like tom cruise. Just chilling. Is this a joke or is this picture being taken seriously?

The guy arrested is not the same guy driving in this photo

Ive watched many videos from about 6 view points, and none show his face.

Im actually curious now where this pic came from

That's why I posted this, I have seen about 20 different angles of video now and NONE of this show his face like this, or even a straight on view into the windshield.

I think it might be just a simple photo. Not from a video

I'm not a sleuth or anything, but there's no face in that picture..

dude they look exactly the same

No, no they don't

get your eyes checked dude

Thanks, doctor?? What's my copayment?

Jaw line and cheek bones are not the same. Sorry we disagree. Dude arrested has a chubby face. Dude in the car looks more chiseled, almost military like.

you're delusional

I agree with you

Arnold Schwarzenegger?

It looks like the guy they arrested.

Anyone that still thinks this was some crazy conspiracy is frankly an idiot.

Some nut job white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of people. End of story. It wasn't George Soros, it wasn't the deep state, and it was the fucking lizard people.

Political violence happens.

Sheep on sheep violence. Time to rise above all this bullshit hate or get swept up in this destructive wave of evolution.

Yyyeah, this is a sub that was built on being open to conspiracies, so..

Anyone that still thinks this was some crazy conspiracy is frankly an idiot.

Tell that to the people who will blame this on Trump.

And you know they will.

Its actually the top post now.

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Hey you said "it was the fucking lizard people"! I fucking knew it!! Icke

Flytape, I just want to say that I always enjoy when I see a post or comment from you. Not only is the little fly cute, but you always have a level head and make sense. :-)

The divide and conquer is working REALLY well. Just look at all the Charlottesville threads here. Do we even know if this guy is "right" or a "Nazi" like everyone is screaming that he is? Like this comment is pushing the divide even more and was posted before the guy was even caught.

I didn't say anything about him being right or nazi.

I'm just looking for videos that show his face, plain and simple. perhaps you can take this gripe to one of the thread that are actually saying such things.

In the first video I saw, the person filming refers to the culprit as "some racist asshole" within like 30 seconds of the "crash" occurring.

This is another fake car attack with no real casualties, swinging the pendulum the other way to knock the "right" back on their heels as they confusedly ask what is happening and others circlejerk about the imaginary threat of neo-Nazis.

There have been many fake truck/car attacks in the past year, you know.

The only thing I disagree with you on is the fake casualties. I do think this occurred before, at the Boston marathon for instance, but in this case, I don't see how that could be achieved unless the entire crowd in that alley consisted of crisis actors.

Do you have any reason to think the casualties are fake in this case?

Yeah, there's no real injuries or medical response visible. People standing around with little bandages on their boo-boos per usual. The fire crew performing CPR on an obese woman who wasn't even near the crash in the first place while other emergency personnel just stand around. No sense of urgency, just people milling around and saying "oh my gawd." The first fake vehicular assault was in Nice France on Bastille Day and there have been many since then, most blamed on ISIS. I have predicted before that the tables would turn and a "white nationalist" Trump supporter would become the culprit eventually so this is not surprising at all.

It's almost been 24 hours since the event and as more time goes by we will see more evidence of shenanigans and no evidence of a real attack. If it were real there would be multiple video angles to confirm it and the only video angles we have are indistinguishable from the numerous stunt scene fake car hits that I've been posting for comparison.

What youre saying is a complete lie, i typed in charlettesville car attack and this was the first result, clear as can be video of a car running into a group of protestors.

Right there. Proof of attack, contrary to what youre saying.

Ok, here's more proof of another real car attack.

He's in custody already. Should be learning his name soon. Probably the best you'll get for now...

If the Boston bombing taught us anything, it's that reddit is great at this stuff

they've already released the name of the driver. I just want to see if its clearly him in the vehicle.

That doesn't change how unqualified we all are

are we unqualified to watch videos and take a screen shot if you can see the driver's face?

Is there a class I can take to get qualified to watch videos?

are we unqualified

So the Boston bombing debacle didn't teach you anything then...

I'm not trying to name a suspect, the authorities have already done that.

Look I know you feel like you are winning this debate somehow, but that's not how logic works. The two situations are not the same. I am a mod here and I just personally deleted scrubbed and locked about 4 threads where people were trying to name suspects before the authorities had.

Perhaps you should stop talking now.

I'm not trying to debate, even that Roman emperor had a dude whisper in his ear that he's only human, this thread needs a gentle reminder that we've tried this before and fucked it up so be careful not to dive in too deep again

I'm pretty sure I asked if anyone has found a video that shows the driver's face. I'm pretty sure I did NOT ask for people to search a crowd of thousands of people to randomly pick out who is wearing a black backpack.

Its a simple concept dude, There were a hundred people livestreaming, A car crashed into a crowd killing people and maybe someone has a video angle that shows the driver's face.

There is no scooby-doo shit going on here man so get off my nuts.

My message wasn't directed at you, you just happened to respond to it, and you seem to understand that this sub can go off the rails sometimes which is exactly why you need to mod it, if anything I was just trying to help you by quelling any insanity before you had to deal with it :P

Thanks for taking the time to come remind the sub. Where'd you come to us from?

Soros bussed me in

Ah, you shouldn't take that man's money, you know.

this is exactly why you don't belong here.

Its exactly why you don't need to be giving anyone any advice. and why I have reacted harshly to you.

Do you have a link for name of the driver?

You're right. We all should just stop bothering trying to gather information to inform ourselves and just wait for the 9 o'clock news show to get everything spoonfed to us, with snazzy graphics and professional actors reading the memos.

You're right, we totally caught the right Boston bomber, we know exactly what we are doing

Can't speak for everyone here, but personally, I'd also like to find a clear frame on one of the videos and check that he looks like the arrested person. Maybe a stupid reaction, but that's human nature.

If you did something similar during the Boston clusterfuck and posted names and such, well, sorry to hear that.

You can't deny that this sub can go a little bonkers sometimes and this thread can easily slippery slope itself into witch hunt mode, I'm just posting a reminder to tread carefully

Bizarre we have no information yet. With the hundreds of cellphones nearby, and the half dozen or so visible in the various videos you'd think there'd be a closer face shot. I'm interested in the theory that they switched drivers, and the actual driver was shot down in the chopper, this is the most interesting theory to me so far.

I read that the guy has been arrested....

It was you, and you're trying to scrub the internet. Since you're probably also a spook, you have net access and will be out of there before midnight EST.

Why? Not everything is a conspiracy.

In a conspiracy sub it is.

Unless it portrays Donald Trump negatively, right Fly?

Those conspiracies are here too.

Do you have a point?

Yeah, they are here. And they're the only ones that get "unverified" tags. The only ones that get removed or put into contest mode for vague allegations of brigading (or was it just an experiment, hard to keep track of the excuses), never mind the many crossposts with T_D or your own invitation to it's members.

You know exactly what my point is. Do you think you're being clever or do you just not care how obvious you make it look?

I've removed about 3 or 4 posts that were cross-linked to the_donald, and the_donald also removed them on their side. It really doesn't happen that often.

And when it did happen the effect on our community was barely noticeable because Reddit isn't exactly a pro-trump space. However when it happens with anti-trump stuff and there are like 50 anti-trump subs they come here and totally disregard our rules. It's disruptive to the community and they just don't care about /Conspiracy. Why should we tolerate that?

Then you haven't been here long enough.

There is only one conspiracy, my friend, and it spans across the world, throughout all of human history and revolves around the suppression of consciousness.

It's not a conspiracy to most people as they have accepted it as just the way things are, but it needn't be this way. People go mad because of this. People take their own lives and the lives of others over this (think Columbine). Even if this turned out to be a "lone wolf" attack, which I have my doubts about, it can be directly tied back to a deliberate conspiracy of public mind control and a strategy of chaos and tension.

There's always more to it than meets the eye, and we're just scratching the surface here.

The license plate number is definitely suspicious.

They already caught him, I believe hours before this was posted.

are we unqualified to watch videos and take a screen shot if you can see the driver's face?

Is there a class I can take to get qualified to watch videos?

I'm pretty sure I asked if anyone has found a video that shows the driver's face. I'm pretty sure I did NOT ask for people to search a crowd of thousands of people to randomly pick out who is wearing a black backpack.

Its a simple concept dude, There were a hundred people livestreaming, A car crashed into a crowd killing people and maybe someone has a video angle that shows the driver's face.

There is no scooby-doo shit going on here man so get off my nuts.

Thanks for taking the time to come remind the sub. Where'd you come to us from?

That's why I posted this, I have seen about 20 different angles of video now and NONE of this show his face like this, or even a straight on view into the windshield.

My message wasn't directed at you, you just happened to respond to it, and you seem to understand that this sub can go off the rails sometimes which is exactly why you need to mod it, if anything I was just trying to help you by quelling any insanity before you had to deal with it :P

you're delusional

I agree with you