Today's nazi conspiracy

0  2017-08-13 by Drewcifer419

I don't know all the details so correct if I'm wrong about the facts.

-Unite the right got a permit to hold a rally.

-Progressives shut it down through protest.

-Progressives then blocked the streets where people were leaving from.

-People got run over, at least one died.

One group wanted to gather peacefully, and went through the legal requirements to do so.

Another group didn't like what they had to say, so they shut down their free speech.

When the first group said "alright screw it" and tried to leave, the other group wouldn't let them (by illegally blocking traffic).

In the ensuing chaos someone died.

Shutting down free speach = nazi

Physically not allowing people to leave an area = nazi

Trying to make your way out of chaos =/= nazi

The conspiracy here is to keep people talking about evil nazis so they don't talk about how "progressives" shut down free speech again.

Did the guy have a swastika painted on his car? Did the guy give the nazi salute before he was put in cuffs? Has anyone found a link to his social profiles where he espouses nazi propaganda? Has anyone found any proof whatsoever that he was a nazi? Probably not, but that's not going to stop people from calling the entire right just a bunch of nazis.

Let's say, hypothetically, that this guy is a 100% neo-nazi. He did a stupid thing that he will pay for. How do the actions of a single man equate to the entire right being nazis? Point me to the 30 other instances of this happening for you to blame an entire group.

When acid attacks, gang rapes, car attacks, bombings, knife attacks, beheadings, and on and on come from one group, then you get to label them.

When people who bring sticks, rocks, bricks, urine, fireworks, bikelocks, masks, and on and on to peaceful rallies all come from one group, then you can label them.

When people who call for death to all cops, assassinate police officers sitting in their cars, demand that other races lose their voice, destroy private property, set their own city on fire, and on and on all come from one group, then you can label them.

When one singular dumbass does something after being provoked by those other groups, no, you can not label an entire group.

This is not about nazis, it is about the continued destruction of free speech and differing opinions in this country. It's about the normalization of violence against the right and ignorance to the violence perpetrated by the left. Did this one guy do something horrendous? Yeah, he did. Does he represent the actions of every single other person there? Of course not. But if you ask all of the "totally normal" /conspiracy users they'll tell you that every last one of them ran those people over.

This is about freedom of speech, and the fight against it. Speaking of which, this account is tagged and under double secret probation so it won't get anywhere but, this needed to be said.

Spez: Yes, he was a white supremacist who meant to do it. Yes, they were all white supremacists. Yes, a legal rally got shut down by fanatics who can't stand that others have free speach. No, I don't agree with pretty much anything they said. Yes, they still have a right to say it and not have "progressives" march on them.


It was clearly a Nazi gathering today.

This appears as though you might be apologizing, rationalizing and excusing what happened today.

clearly a Nazi gathering

To you have proof that it was clearly a nazi gathering, or did a couple nazis attend?

This appears as though

And there you go pushing a narrative. Completely ignore me saying that what happened was horrendous and that he will pay, so you can accuse more people of being nazis or nazi sympathizers without addressing the shuting down of a legal rally by protesters.

But go ahead, ignore more of what I said and provide no proof of your claims so that you can accuse others in an attempt to make yourself feel morally superior.

Your the one pushing a narrative. And you are wrong.

Lmfao. What narrative am I pushing?

Basically, your post?

So you have nothing of value to say, you just feel like typing words to make yourself feel better? Gotcha. Well hey thanks for adding such great insight to the discussion.

Even if it was a nazi gathering, nazis have First Amendment rights too.

No, OP is not supporting Nazis. I understood exactly what he was saying and trying to get across.

Not exactly shocking.

Why would a German workers party from 80 years ago be holding a rally in Virginia in 2017?

Still waiting on a shred of proof to back up your ridiculous claims... any day now I'm sure...

It actually was clearly a nazi gathering, and instead of simply providing links you disappeared.

Because it was so obviously a Nazi gathering that I didn't feel the need to prove it.

Why is the first reaction to a sensational story reported by the MSM to debate the political implications of it? Should we not instead be investigating the claim itself, seeing if it holds up to scrutiny; if there is adequate evidence to believe that a fatal car attack even took place?

I've seen a shaky cell phone video that shows nothing. I mean it shows a car hitting another car, then unbelievably having an empty lane to exit in reverse. No graphic content and no real injuries, just the obligatory "oh my god! oh my god!" and a guy who instantly starts blaming "some racist asshole." In one of the clips I saw a girl's voice says something like "So many people got hit, this does not look good," and meanwhile the video is showing nothing.

Car hit stunt: stuntman hit by car

a video was shown repeatedly that shows clearly the car approaching, hitting people who then go flying over the windshield, and stopping when the other car is hit. he then reversed over people at high speed in order to escape the way he came

Okay? You think everything on a video screen is real?

2+2=5 right comrad?

And that is incredibly fucked up, and he should spend the rest of his life in jail. How does that equate to the entire right being a bunch of nazis?

neither I nor anyone in this thread said the entire right are nazis, so you'll have to ask someone who has said that...

They didn't even know who the driver was and immediately labeled him a Nazi and called it a terrorist attack. The propaganda is deep on this one, the shilling is out of control as well. Something's fishy with this.

You know God damn well you're going to get people who go to extremes about labeling in any situation.

If you're a rational conservative then you shouldn't take any offense to this but you certainly are acting like you have a reason to be offended.

I'm not a conservative. And you assuming as much because of your apparent misreading of my post is what leads me to be offended. "People who disagree with me are right-wing nazis!"

OK buddy

I've seen a shaky cell phone video that shows nothing.

Uh, dude it clearly happened lol it wasn't a hologram.

Did this clearly happen as well?

When you leave the movie theater do you do so under the impression that giant robots fight each other?

By your logic nothing actually happens because movies exist.

No, by my logic simple car crashes are easily faked and the mainstream cable news networks don't always tell us the absolute truth.

What does "faked" even mean in this hypothetical? A car clearly hit a bunch of people. Are you saying it's a CGI car, or that it's all stunt people and a stunt driver? So all these people at the protests independent of one another, and the police, and the media, are all in on this one car thing?

This car is clearly hitting a stunt person. CNN could show this footage and say a Nazi was driving the car and then what on earth would we do? Just believe whatever we see on television, I guess.

Most people seem to be unaware that there have been many faked vehicular attacks over the past year or so.

So to answer your question, yes I'm saying it's a stunt driver and stunt people and those in this video are in on this scene. I don't think anyone can blame me for being a bit skeptical of the sensational claims made by the mainstream media outlets, which we know to be infested by intelligence agencies, and would gladly see any convincing evidence that a bona fide deadly car attack really has occurred this time.

Why do you keep showing me footage of a stunt car as if it means something?

I believe I answered that question in my comment.

CNN could show this footage and say a Nazi was driving the car and then what on earth would we do? Just believe whatever we see on television, I guess.

If CNN showed footage of the guy running people over and then being arrested, yeah I'm more inclined to believe that happened than believe some internet rando who thinks everyone there is an actor.

Sorry, but you have no evidence of anything you're saying.

No "evidence" of what? I've posted concrete proof that car attacks can be fake. Where is the "evidence" of a genuine car attack having happened? I don't see any real injuries for example. Just people harmlessly rolling off of the side of a car's hood, just like stuntmen do.

No "evidence" of what? I've posted concrete proof that car attacks can be fake.

That doesn't make any sense. You're claiming something didn't happen and using stuff from a movie, completely unrelated, as evidence.

That's like if I claimed Columbine never happened and then cited The Matrix as evidence.

Where is the "evidence" of a genuine car attack having happened?

Uh, there's a ton of photos, independent reports from individuals and journalists, there's a suspect, a car, video.

Wait, this is a conspiracy sub. Here we believe that there is such thing as "propaganda" and "staged events."

Show me the most convincing photos, video, etc. that this is a bona fide fatal car attack? I'm open to believing we finally are seeing a real one, but haven't seen anything remotely convincing yet.

Wait, this is a conspiracy sub. Here we believe that there is such thing as "propaganda" and "staged events."

Right, but if your conspiracy theory is gonna work it has to stand up to skepticism. No safe spaces, snowflake.

The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Yes I'm "claiming" (actually assuming/positing) that it is a staged event, but that's because the original claim, that a car attack has occurred, has not been substantiated other than a video which is indiscernible from numerous videos that I have submitted of fake stunt car hits.

I asked for the proof that is supposed to convince someone skeptical of MSM claims; where is it?

Dude, I showed you video, photos, victims, and a suspect. Your claim has nothing. Put up or move on.

You just went back and edited that comet after I had already replied.

The first version had five urls, the second version I made minutes later added the rest. Are you really gonna whine about editing now?

You had zero urls, but who cares? I haven't seen anything convincing in the slightest. You think because a suspect has been named I'm to believe a true car attack happened? That's like saying JFK wasn't a conspiracy because Lee Harvey Oswald was named.

Sorry but CNN has been caught producing fake videos before. You seem to be really ignorant about the possibility that this is another false flag.

That would be why I showed you a dozen sources independent of one another.

11/9 was also the biggest story which was a false flag operation and it was managed by intelligence operators handling the media output in all NATO and allied nations.

You just can't know.

lol ok buddy

"Lol" doesn't make the point disappear.

This here has the profile of the one in Nice 2016 and in Berlin 2016 which both looked "funny" and not the comedy kind.

What exactly is "the profile"

Vehicle ramming into a group of people at some event, "responsible" person is caught/killed without published detailed public recordings.

Then people with close intelligence connections show up with videos and descriptions about the event like Richard Gutjahr, a "journalist", who was in Nice 2016 and Munic 2015 and just happens to be close to the "action". The guy's wife is Mossad.

Vehicle ramming into a group of people at some event, "responsible" person is caught/killed without published detailed public recordings.

Are you saying that immediately after an attack like this that we should somehow magically have a bunch of detailed recordings of the perpetrator? You know it takes actual investigation to find that kind of thing, right? It's not waving a wand.

We see first patterns of similar terror events from the last 1-2 years which looked beyond suspicious. Declining the possibility that this is just another of them only because of some "media" reporting is naive.

We see first patterns of similar terror events from the last 1-2 years which looked beyond suspicious.

Are you referring to information gathering as "first patterns"

I say that if a new event shows the same patterns like other events you better start consider that the new event might be of the same nature than just join the intended public reaction and spread the psyop agenda.

I see that you say that.


Man so Bannoncorps new strategy is to just make everybody think they're crazy?

That's what gaslighting is.

No, he is saying to always be skeptical and question everything. It is like the old saying, "Don't believe anything you hear, and half of what you see." There is nothing wrong with being skeptical and looking at all the facts before making a decision.

But there are no facts that it was faked.

Maybe it wasn't faked. But maybe is was. I don't know. But I've been around a long time and have "woken up" to the fact that not everything we are told is the truth.

So it is always good to be skeptical.

Let's wait a little bit and see what comes forth. Maybe nothing. But who knows.

We're not watching the same videos.

Or we are and you and yours are in damage control that you'll do anything to muddle the truth that IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.

Show me the one you're watching so I can be convinced this is authentic?

This is an incredibly stupid sword to die on, dude.

It's a fairly simple question to which you have no answer. Believing everything you see on CNN? Talk about stupid.

I showed you dozens of angles of the crash, you just don't care. You want to believe it was CGI or stunt men.

Dozens of angles? You showed literally the same two clips I've already seen. This is a joke. None of those show anything that does not look like stunt men. If you think there is a particular angle or video that establishes this as a real homicidal vehicle attack, specify it.

How many angles would you like of the car attack?

Again, the assumption that any moving image on a television screen must be real until proven fake. No, it's the other way around when you're dealing with mendacious cable news networks. The fact you can't produce a specific shot or scene that corroborates it proves that you have nothing here.

The next several days will unfold and we will see nothing to authenticate this claim, but many details and analyses will emerge to prove that it was fake just like every vehicular hoax of the past year.

You keep focusing on tv as if the only outlet covering the attack is CNN. The entire world is covering it, there are hundreds of independent photos and accounts of the attack.

I'm sorry but you've offered literally NOTHING for your claim. So until you do, I'm going to bow out. I don't debate people who don't keep up.

Hundreds of independent photos and yet you can't produce one that is definitive or convincing. Yeah go ahead and bow out, we will see the next few days unfold and the event thoroughly exposed as a farce just like every single other vehicular hoax of the past year.

Uh huh, have a super evening.

1st clip: a bunch of people running and screaming.

2nd clip: the one I've already seen that is indistinguishable from numerous other fake car hits on stuntmen.

OK cool story buddy.

Sorry you think everything on television is real :(

I'm sorry your talking points are so silly. You guys need to hire better writers.

it was shut down by the city and the police, who called it unlawful. counter-protest had nothing to do with it being canceled.

OP already the driver did something horrendous.

It's okay, they don't care about facts. Theyxare here to push a narrative and to divide, nothing more.

Yes, you are right. There seems to be lots of them here doing that today. But don't worry, I understood exactly what you meant with this post. You are right. It is all an elaborate plot to take away our Freedom on Speech.

Stay strong and positive! Our thoughts are more powerful than we think. So stay positive! :-)

Stay positive = vehemently defend neo nazis in your opinion. Got it!

No. If you hung out here on conspiracy, you'd know exactly what I mean by Stay Positive.

What would you prefer me to say? Stay negative?

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a positive person. I believe that Good will always Defeat Evil.

Uh, what? You link to a twitter account making a claim with zero context, and a CNN clip which is obviously trying to portray that event in the worst possible light, and expect what from me?

The twitter link has video of the protest dude.

Again, what do you expect from me by postng those? Am I supposed to believe that the entire right are a bunch of nazis because of a tweet and a CNN hit piece? That the right are nothing but racist bigots? What are you trying to do by posting them? I don't understand the point you are trying to make.

Am I supposed to believe that the entire right are a bunch of nazis because of a tweet and a CNN hit piece?

No, but that it's a white nationalist protest.

Lmao, yeeeahh noooobody is calling the right nazis... sure.

Are the links you posted in regards to what happened this afternoon, or last night?

And okay, you say it's a white nationalist rally. Are they not allowed to hold rallies and voice their opinions, no matter how detestable they may be? Were they chanting "we're going to kill you all while you sleep?"

I think anyone can hold rallies, but communities are gonna drive out neo nazis. You can't be surprised when that happens.

It's pretty hard to have any sympathy for those idiots.

We went to war with communists and socialists too. I'm glad you agree that communism and antifa etc have no place in this country.

I don't agree with you. Have a super evening!


Yes because that clip backs up your peaceful protest claim.

Ethnocentric=/=nazi Common misunderstanding. Nazis did value their lineage, but all humans do and should. Need an illustration? Look no further than a pride parade. Black pride? "I am mexican and proud" I am sure some would say "pride doesn't mean that" but it does.

Humans are tribal and territorial.

Nazism is a form of political government and economic system. Guessing the vast majority of white nationalists like the ideas of capitalism and democratic republics, though I doubt many understand these ideas genuinely. Political spectrum. Economic spectrum.

Chunks of these two videos will allow you to understand what I am referring to significantly more clearly.

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

I only watched the second video, I won't click the twitter link. I understand 'jews get out', but hating jews has nothing to do with nazis, though I am sure (((regular_poster))) won't grasp why.

I understand 'jews get out', but hating jews has nothing to do with nazis, though I am sure (((regular_poster))) won't grasp why.

Feel free to elaborate.

This should be good, lol.

I'll be surprised if you get a response

(((Nopetsthanks))) is a troll.

(((jmflna))) is a CIA jewshill.

Nazis appear anytime Communism is acceptable in a nation. We need to cleanse the Commies from this Nation and the Nazis will just melt away. Communism is the disease and Nazis are one of the many symptoms. Plus the Driver was just acting in Self Defense

More babbling.

It's true. It's the Leftist fault for the violence and degeneracy they are inflicting on our society. And like I said the Driver was acting in Self Defense he did nothing wrong. You know what they say. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Please, elaborate. I find your ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

All you need to know is that all Leftist are SubHuman garbage.

LOL, ok bud. Have a super evening.

Unlike you right? Oh no, you are unloading mountains of information, you're spreading your millennia worth of knowledge to everyone, you're words are so deep they shake the very ground we walk on...


I'm sorry. Could you rewrite that in English, sir?

Humans are tribal and territorial

This is definitely true. Even in online 'communities' or 'spaces'. Watch what happens on 'awake' subs like r/conspiracy when you dare to question things like military technology. Do these gravity-defying super missiles really exist?

The most bitter pill that a lot of people in this sub have yet to swallow is the fact that the global elite are targeting white nations to decrease the white majority and bring massive disorder through increased diversity.

This is the big plot right now, this is how they will ultimately gain control of us, classic divide and conquer tactics. Holding this view doesn't mean you want to see all minorities removed from your country, it means you want to see the depopulation efforts towards the white race stopped.

Holding this view doesn't mean you want to see all minorities removed from your country

You are generally probably right, though I am certain some groups get along a whole lot better with each other than others.

Fuck off with your Nazi sympathy. Just like an ISIS terrorist. Same tactics, different color asshole.

You just don't get it.

fuck you

so tolerant

save it for someone else. I'm extremely critical of Israel, Zionism, and Islam. don't you have something better to do than defend neo-nazis?

If you were critical of israel you would support white nationalism, or really any form of nationalism. White nationalists are not nazis.

This will make it clearer, it's worth understanding.

Lol and ethnic cleansing doesn't mean genocide


Lmfao. Please point to where I am sympathizing with nazi scum. Oh you can't? What's that, you're just accusing people who disagree with you of being nazis? How progressive.

Can't wait til another muslim runs people over for you to tell everyone it had nothing to do with isis.

The thought that Charlottesville, Va is a Nazi haven is so laughably stupid.

Good thing /u/stalks-the-north didn't say that then.

The tiki bros psychically attacking students the night before 'their lawful assembly' prolly had nothing to do with it.

Were the cops called when they were physically attacking students?

did you watch the video? you make it sound like it was an accident that the people were run over.

So it not being an accident makes it okay for people to call the entire right a bunch of nazis? Gotcha.

I totally said that...

Shup up Obama!

Good for you, he meant to do it. The guy's a scumbag and he was arrested, he'll get what he deserves. How does him meaning to do it equate to the right being a bunch of nazis?

And what does that have to do with the fact that another legal rally got shut down by the "progressive" left? Did you miss the point of the post or do you just not give a shit because you're not here to discuss the loss of our freedom of speach?

I personally don't think the right are a bunch of Nazis, but there are definitely Nazis on the right. I believe freedom of speech should be protected, I'm not arguing against that, but when i read your post I got the impression that you were obscuring the events to fit your narrative.

Nope. As I stated in the OP, I didn't have all of the facts and asked to correct me. The guy was a white-supremacist who meant to run people over; they all were. My point still stands that a peaceful rally was shut down by fanatics; just another attack in free speach.

I'm actually back on the fence now, at first it seemed very straightforward, but with the video interview of the mother having a very similar license plate to the car the suspect drove into the crowd I don't know what to believe anymore. There was a picture circulating yesterday of someone tracing the car back to the guy who originally owned the car. It had the same license plate, not sure how that works exactly. I can't find the picture anymore, they were all removed for doxxing. I'd like to know 1) how that information was gathered 2) why the old license plate showed the previous owner 3) If it was the same license plate number when he had it.

I don't think everyone that holds conservative views are Nazis anymore than everyone that holds left leaning views is communist. That being said though, the people that showed up today for that rally were Nazis and didn't seem concerned about hiding that fact.

So we can call it a free speech issue and bring up all kinds of things to try and create false equivilencies or confuse the issue, but the undeniable truth remains that a bunch of Nazis protected by a far right militia showed up today looking for trouble. And now it appears that it's possible one of them plowed a car into a group of people killing one and injuring numerous others, in a right wing terrorist attack........ And that's what it would be, a terrorist attack.

So if no-one had tried to shut down their rally someone still would have died?

The police shut down their rally.

And rightfully so.

If you don't call it what it is you're complicit

This is the key. If you're willing to stand behind nazi flag waving moron too plain and simple. You never hear their leader condemn it and the only thing you see in this sub face on them is deflection. So until is see these fuckers in this sub speak out against these small pockets of nazis in their group they're complicit plain and simple

And what is it?

Extreme right wing neo nazi terrorism.

No, them carrying swastika flags and throwing out Heils and being white guys who want to eliminate any other cultural competition- that's what makes them maxis. This Nazi just happens to have killed equally legit protesters with his car on purpose.

Cops are saying the driver panicked after being attacked by counter protestors


You seem to have dropped a few 'maybe's'

I totally understand what your are saying. Yes, Freedom of Speech is under attack like never before.

Anyone who wants to look at this without bias will clearly see UTR got screwed over big time by the local government who had some of the usual suspects sent in to cause violence and give a reason to declare a SOE and shut the rally down before it even began.

However, all the violence the counter protestors caused is quickly forgotten because one disgruntled right-winger decided to plow through a crowd of them in his car. Yes, it's a shame, but this wasn't a one sided conflict here.

You apparently miss the point of free speech. These assholes have the right to hold a gathering and try to promote their hate speech. And we have the right - as well as a moral duty - to organize against them.

No rights were being trampled on here. This is a beautiful thing, because what we saw here was Americans responding to hate and refusing to just let it be. When Nazis gather in broad daylight it means they are winning because they should be too afraid to do that.

If you want to grab a nazi flag and march down the street you can do that. But don't be surprised when someone comes up and punches you in the mouth. It's their civil duty to do so. And I'm sure they will gladly take the legal consequences for doing so.

So go fuck yourself with your sympathy towards these cucks and their nazi gathering.

Removed. Rule 4.

By your logic nothing actually happens because movies exist.

OP already the driver did something horrendous.

I personally don't think the right are a bunch of Nazis, but there are definitely Nazis on the right. I believe freedom of speech should be protected, I'm not arguing against that, but when i read your post I got the impression that you were obscuring the events to fit your narrative.

This is an incredibly stupid sword to die on, dude.

It's a fairly simple question to which you have no answer. Believing everything you see on CNN? Talk about stupid.

I don't think everyone that holds conservative views are Nazis anymore than everyone that holds left leaning views is communist. That being said though, the people that showed up today for that rally were Nazis and didn't seem concerned about hiding that fact.

So we can call it a free speech issue and bring up all kinds of things to try and create false equivilencies or confuse the issue, but the undeniable truth remains that a bunch of Nazis protected by a far right militia showed up today looking for trouble. And now it appears that it's possible one of them plowed a car into a group of people killing one and injuring numerous others, in a right wing terrorist attack........ And that's what it would be, a terrorist attack.

Removed. Rule 4.