another Antifaschistische Aktion discussion

0  2017-08-13 by 435435435

with news of the nazi terror attack what are peoples thought on antifa? surely they are doing good by bringing some balance to the political landscape at grass roots level?


Fuck no

is this a joke?


i like them, but i am a leftist so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

yeah, they are good people

they hit people with bicycle chain locks. that's 'good people' to you?

they hit neo nazis with stuff

so all trump supporters are neo-nazis now? hmm. also are you fine with neo-nazis using violence against antifa? like just randomly shooting into an antifa crowd or would that be wrong?

Some trump fans / alt right are neo nazis yeah

most antifa are marxists-authoritarians so it's ok if people beat them with bats and even shoot them indiscriminately? is that what you are saying?

most antifa are marxists-authoritarians

no they're not

if you beat people in the heads with metal weapons while espousing a marxist ideology then yes, yes you are. if we are keeping it equal here then neo-nazis are justified to do the same thing right?

a neo nazi just killed a person earlier today by driving his car into a crowd. wanna use your graceful mental olympics to justify that?

he wasn't a neo-nazi though. just some guy who was concerned with his life. if that was the case though it would be justified using antifa logic though. just bash them all. that's what antifa does.

are you saying he was concerned for his life? i watched the incident from multiple angles and i couldn't find a lick of evidence to support that. as for him "not being a nazi." anyone willingly associating with the TWP is close enough to a nazi in my book.

the reports are coming out that he was concerned with his life and safety. what is twp?

Traditionalist Workers Party.

i read on twitter the same thing, but the source was listed as the police. so, it's his word, being conveyed by the police, against video evidence. 2 other cars were in front of him, neither of them feared for their life in that way.

one is far right the other is far left. shouldn't they both get beaten? seems like you only condone violence towards one side and condemn it when the other side does it. you are hypocrite and i'm not even sure if you are serious at this point. if you are this world is doomed.

welp, i see that you are on a mission to move those goal posts up and down this thread so i am gonna bow out with this:

i have seen antifa get beaten, maced, detained, sucker punched and attacked. you don't see me saying "STOP THE VIOLENCE" and you won't because i believe SOME violence is a necessary element to change.

according to antifa logic they deserve it. don't whack people if you do not want to get whacked. common sense.

I personally don't think its ok for nazis to beat people, they are the ones who should get a beating.

Again, they aren't marxists and I'm not sure where you get that from but is not accurate at all.

so it's not ok for nazis to beat people but it's ok for people to beat nazis? why? you're not serious are you? lets say a peaceful nazi is protesting and antifa strikes them with a bike lock. is that nazi not in the right to shoot them dead to defend their life? as for marxism read what antifa stands for. i'll give you a hint. it's marxism.

Violence is initiated and perpetuated by the state (an extension of the owning class), therefore all acts violent or non-violent against the state, owning class, or its vassals (neo-nazis) are justified.

so neo-nazis are justified bashing marxists?

No. Marxists are enemies of the anti-authoritarian far left (antifa) just like neo-nazis are, I could careless if they beat the shit out of each other.

marxism is a part of their ideology. i don't think you know what you are actually talking about. or you're just not serious here. i hope it's the latter..

why do you keep repeating that ?

keep repeating what?

antifa are marxists, ask /r/anarchy101 if you want a second opinion

why would anarchists give everyone the reason to have a state? actual anarchists do not fuck with people or property. seems to me that you are being misled about what anarchy or anarchism actually is. it means rules but no rulers. antifa are authoritarian leftists aka communists-marxists hiding under the banner of anarchy.


yes, i'm laughing at you.

You may try reading further into anarchism than this sometime.

you should.

Should what? Complete sentences are our friend, sir.

try reading more?

Is that another one of your patented sentence fragments?

no? you asked a question and i answered?

It's not what I'm saying and I essentially disagree with all you've written.

Again, the far left generally tries to fight the neo nazis. Not random people

you seem to be condoning violence. how does antifa decide who is a neo-nazi and who isn't at say a trump rally? from what i've seen they just indiscriminately hit people just because they are on the trump side. so would it be alright if neo-nazis just indiscriminately did this to antifa?

Swastika tattoos, heil hitler arm signs - are generally a pretty good indication

anarchists, real ones, don't hit anyone with anything.

we fight facism by targeting facists--corporations and govt entities.

assholes whose politics we disagree with or who offend us, we ignore or laugh at.

facists work for the institutions that enable, defend, and promote facism...the police for example. random civilians may be supportive of the facist institutions, but on their own, they are treated like any other civilian.

if action is taken it is almost always defensive, not offensive. we are split on vandalism of govt and corporate property, but not on the property of our fellow citizens. the first can be ok*, the second is never ok.

*depends on whether one believes that innanimate objects are capable of being recipients of violence. i don't. however, in general i eschew vandalism because it usually just makes things worse.

anarchism is the belief in the right of every person to dignity, i.e. autonomy, self determination, and self acctualization. anarchism holds that oppression is the root of all evil, hierarchy is the root of all oppression, and property is the root of all hierarchy.

oh, and we don't call ourselves by what is essentially redundant. anarchists as pro-autonomy, anti-statists are inherently anti-facist. an anarchist adding anti-fascist to distinguish themselves, are ridiculous. basically they are calling themseleves anti-facist anti-facist.

fuck antifa, they behave like skins and are destroying the reputation of anarchists, they are taking us back to the haymarket days.

upvoted for posting a thoughtful message on the subject. are you basing your opinion on antifa off of the recent violence in the u.s, or does it envelop g20 and blacblocks world wide?

A 'true anarcist' saying fuck anti fa is kind of strange

i am not gonna get into semantics with him about anarchists use of violence and organized militias to liberate themselves. i know plenty of anarchists who don't feel that violence is necessary and while i don't agree with them on that front, i do agree with 80% of the rest he said.

Best post thus far for sure


your being a leftist has nothing to do with your liking them. leftists don't target civilians. maybe progressives do...i don't know, i'm not one, but it doesn't matter because progressives aren't leftists, they are parlor pinks (you know who do target civilians? facists).

as an anarchist, i depise antifa. they are destoying 120 years of work to overcome the myth that we are violent and seek chaos. if one was in front of me, i would mock it mercilessly...stupid little self entitled, petit bourgesois, wannabe punks. as a 1980s punk, i resent their charicature of us as well.

yeah, bascically i detest them all around.

i guess i missed it when blacblock in g20 started firebombing civs.

i would go 1 step further and say that anyone caught brawling in berkley could probably be considered a willing combatant. why else would you go protest with a shield and a stick?

The term antifa is pretty darn loaded around here unfortunately.

cause there are heaps of neo nazis here

anti - fascist.

can only be a good term

whats wrong with fascism?

It's screws over the working class

Like feudalism

Granted other political models are flawed also

I do have some big picture understanding the left / right is essentially the same thing historically possibily fuelled by the Jesuits / zionists to create wars

Yet on a pratical every day level fascism and nazism are not pleasant

Consider this.

Antifa routinely organize to physically beat the shit out of Nazis, especially when Nazi's try to organize themselves.

Antifa are far left radicals that the MSM and its masters definitely don't want to have people see as the 'good guys'.

Meanwhile libruls think that non-violence is some kind of ultimate virtue while ignoring the systemic violence all around them.

The MSM will be painting both of these groups as evil.

Im sure almost all here can agree the MSN are asholes

Antifa routinely organize to physically beat the shit out of Nazis, especially when Nazi's try to organize themselves.

See that part sounds OK.

No violence is okay shill.

that's objectively wrong. some violence, like the use of violence to protect oppressed people from oppressors is actually very good.

So that fashie kid did a job then, plowing through those oppressive antifa foot soldiers? By your stirling logic of course. I hope you're next then.

how was that woman from IWW oppressing him?

Who said she was? Not I. All I said is that all violence is wrong and the shill started downvoting.

well you just tried manipulating my comment to say that james fields did a good thing by running over "antifa foot soldiers" but he didn't. he rammed into IWW protestors and killed one of them.

by my logic: this kid is a terroist and a murderer and certainly wasn't being oppressed as he sped into 20+ people in his car.

So WW2 was immoral? Most would disagree.

I think their explosion in popularity is the blowback from liberals being labeled snowflakes, cucks, SJW's, and the like. Liberals are pissed right now for obvious reasons. Recruitment is simple for them.

To their supporters, they're the much needed muscle of the far-left. The violence and property damage left in their wake is justified for the greater good.

To everyone else, they're ignorant punk bitches using violence and intimidation to silence those they oppose.

I personally agree with their stance against fascism (who isn't), but I'm firmly against their tactics and most of their ideology.

The irony of labelling people social justice warriors and then crying when they perform social justice. Like fighting nazis

I strongly believe they are just another creation of the special conservative dirty trick operation. There wasn't enough violence created by actions of their "alt-righters," so they had to create some.

They are typical of that kind of operation and get mentioned constantly in conservative media, like BLM, SJWs, OWS and other political dirty trick operations.

The group was formed in Germany in the 1930s ...

I am referring to the ones that play a role in these alt-right demonstrations.

There is likley a lot of subversion going on from TPTB towards both far left and right grassroot groups (?)

There is not enough violence occurring naturally they have to create it so they can outlaw public protesting and demonstrations or at least make it nearly impossible to have one.

Because what they have planned for the U.S.A. will certainly generate real mass demonstrations and in not many months.

he wasn't a neo-nazi though. just some guy who was concerned with his life. if that was the case though it would be justified using antifa logic though. just bash them all. that's what antifa does.

Best post thus far for sure

try reading more?