How ya like dem apples-
105 2017-08-13 by ParsingSol
44 minutes ago 6.4 magnitude, 35 km depth Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
From thread: Id argue activity in New Zealand. With lesser Chance for an Indonesian swarm.
I don't expect anything larger then a 6.8 really..
The biggest earthquakes this week: 6.5 in Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
1 EricCarver 2017-08-13
nice work. I posted in your thread earlier about a 5 that someone reported in NZ recently.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Ty, and ty...
Hope all is well with you @ /U/EricCarver:)
1 EricCarver 2017-08-13
always my friend. I hope the same for you too.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Met the girl of my dreams! Going to marry her if I can ever make it happen!!!
1 EricCarver 2017-08-13
Love is amazing, how stupid it makes us act, right? I like how colors seem more colorful when you are with the right person at the right time.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I want to brag about her. Its not the time and place yet...
Shes amazing eric! Absolutely stunning, and kind, and sweet... I truly want to marry her!
1 EricCarver 2017-08-13
Give it time, live in sin for a while first. :D
I kid. I am glad to see things click for you after some of your trials.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I just honestly wish my first attempt to take a more proactive approach was recieved better?
Wveryobe wants to demand more from me. Im trying to deliver but half what they want is contrary to what I can provide. :( The system I imagine will work with a potentially highly beneficial accuracy. This is like a demo and honestly it hurts my head... Then add in insults and slander and I just want to scream and quit...
I take walks and try not to let users bother me. But the fact everyone suggested I do this more. And when I did they responded so negatively kinda hurt :(
I just wanna like idk. Prove myself to the world and like be a someone...
So it means alot. Ty eric :)
1 Step2TheJep 2017-08-13
How much are they demanding?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Some are demanding I shut down. Some are demanding spreadsheets of my user history. Some are demanding I provide my personal notes to verify my already public processes in which I use to determine these events. Calling me a scammer for attempting to build my model, via a crowdsourcing campaign.
Constant harassment, insults, posh "its just probability" jargon.
I came here originally to stimulate relevant conversation to communities that compliment these field's; because I had an idea/ intent to design a useful application (based on several years personal observation)...
Lately my works been brigaded by users. Its quite dispicible. Just saying: i'm just a guy with a pretty logical idea. One which could improve earths seismic warning in its feasibility. Yet this latest trend is appalling...
1 SirFluck 2017-08-13
Will you be willing to publish your method as a paper? That would make it easier for it to be read and analysed by professionals. Plus you'll get credit and help the world too.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I'd like too?
1 SirFluck 2017-08-13
If you have an alma mater try and make a rough draft and contact one of the professors you trust, he/she will help you out. But your method has to be sound.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Thats my problem really... A. No formal education...
I'm more forward minded. I see a logical device which is explainable and ive done well to elaborate it from an engineering perspective.
Yet this requires skillsets I don't have. I.e. developers, modeling specialists, coders / programmers... (probably more specialists fron various fields).
I assume its easily a million doller concept with a billion dollar potential return. Imo a poc is anywhere between 0.00 and maybe 2 million. The question is how much time will the data take to analyze? Will it work?
Just drives me crazy. Programmers are like. Just pick up a book on (name xxx platform)...
Ive tried to think of ways to prove the concept as far as recording activity live on the australian radio array? This to show speed increases in flux tubes during a solar emission.
So, any route I go coming from a poverse perspective is a challenge. Yet the more challenging part is continually giving away the concept for free in hopes I will ever be credited for it. Hence the fast tracking crowd sourcing attempt :/
1 Eduel80 2017-08-13
First time seeing all this and trying to understand it so maybe that's why they're doubting you. It's hard to get on track.
Ok so you're saying the sun's storms could cause earthquakes?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
The auns storms are inducting the earths flux tubes.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
1 g3374r2d2 2017-08-13
They tried to take out the electric car too. Hang in there mate :)
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
"Who killed the electric car" was a great movie indeed.
1 coffeeandtrout 2017-08-13
I found your work intriguing and insightful. Keep it up, and don't stay away for as long as you did. Best to you.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Ty :)
1 crashdaddy 2017-08-13
Now there's a conspiracy we can all get behind! 💘
1 klemonstrate 2017-08-13
Well done my friend
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
1 martini-meow 2017-08-13
Keep going! Nice to see more voices of encouragement, even if they're downvoted :)
1 The-SaltLife 2017-08-13
Wow... this is crazy. Nice job!
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Hoping to create a machine to do quakes like the china one. That region needs far more data. (untypical of activity).
An application with a mass data archive would have seen that. I knew 6.5 was the biggest eq. (based on intensity readings). But locations need more data and probability then I could ever factor alone...
I am working on gearing up the poc in /r/parsingsol :)
1 vitisrotundifolia 2017-08-13
Saw ppl doubting you and I thought "day isn't over yet" :)
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I was getting hazed earlier while sort of laughing it off in the back of my head ...
No point in arguing in a situation that takes patience ;)
Thanks for following my threads :)
1 InfectedBananas 2017-08-13
You're like 2000miles off though...
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
From indonesia? Cause you can use ceddit. Indonesia was always included in the original post.
You do know the planets 5million sq miles ya?
1 InfectedBananas 2017-08-13
You said
It be a lesser chance
it'd be a swarm
But the lesser chance one happened(not the higher chance one that was the basis of your post), and it wasn't a swarm.
So you were right about what?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Theres factually been a constant swarm leading up to this event. Including a 6.2 just 500 km north of this quake. (Philippians)
1 InfectedBananas 2017-08-13
There are earthquakes all the time there, it s the most active earthquake area in the world
The place has a lot of earthquakes a lot of the time and a lot are large, this is not new.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Not in this intensity range...
Thats like saying a 3.0 near cobb. I assessed the largest seismic acrivity on earth in advanced again...
Its not exactly a 4.5 were talking here. Its notable...
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
There were 498 earthquakes in Indonesia in the past 365 days. The strongest was a 6.7 magnitude 8 months ago. You literally guessed that the rate of earthquakes would remain the same as it has been for a year, and that they would not have their strongest quake of the year. Source:
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
No I used solar data to determine an event in advanced. Guessing has nothing to do with how my system works.
It is and always has been outlined within my theory with the best technical analyses I can personally provide as per the processes I assess taking place.
This was a large event. Not to be confused with daily traffic in terms of seismic events.
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
What aspects of the solar data had you choose New Zealand and Indonesia?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
In addition to this key:
850 - 950km/s 8.5 - 9.5+
750 - 850km/s 7.5 - 8.5+
650 - 750km/s 6.5 - 7.5+
550 - 650km/s 5.5 - 6.5+
450 - 550km/s 4.5 - 5.5+
350 - 450km/s 3.4 - 4.5+
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
Your prediction of a swarm in Indonesia would have been correct for the last 70 five day periods. Since that's a constant, how is it related to solar wind? That seems like it would be a control group. What is your control group for working on your theory?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Me? 6 years dedicated solar observation, with the inclusion on seismic data. Testing multiple variations of seismic expectancy via the results?
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
No, I mean a control group as in picking quakes without solar data as a baseline. Not doubting your efforts, just as a baseline to which you compare results.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
Most scientific research is measured against a control group. I was curious if you had one.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
No. :/ I'm literally a self taught helio armchair physicist. Ive taken some courses on seismology, geology, and volcanism.
I've been monitoring these since 3/11 japanese 9.0 As I saw the solar data live and accurately assessed the event in advanced. I began posting tests on the multiple aftershocks. Slowly refining my process since then. (in public forum).
After several life tragedys I simply took a leave of absence, burying my past handle. Stress was too high, and while I was off I merely put my concepts on hold.
Im doing my best to fast track myself through electro magnetic induction, physics, and thermo dynamics.
Learning advanced mathematics, calculus, algebra. Attempting to learn the values of each field and its role in the processes I am failing to elaborate upon.
I merely see a system and cause and effect via solar intrusions and escalations of seismic intervals.
I gather we can and will extract this data via a simple system of monitoring. In hopes to achieve something ground breaking.
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
It's a lot to learn, no doubt. Something to maybe keep in mind is how you would show success to others. That's what control groups are for. You could, for instance, define something like 10 geographic areas in which to predict earthquakes. For ease of the example, let's say each group has an identical past history of earthquake rates. If each of your predictions identified 1 of those 10 areas, and if, after a significant number of predictions, your success rate greatly exceeds the random success chances, then your model can be easily shown to others as having merit. That's a massive simplification of the process, but that's the general idea. Anyway, again, it's your project and not mind, but something like that would help you gain momentum in working with others.
1 ifrikkenr 2017-08-13
This is true, but the last >6MM was 3 months ago and this one was within the window of his probability. They're not daily occurrences so he's still closer than random chance it would seem
1 videopower 2017-08-13
Keep it up!
1 Dr_Cowboy 2017-08-13
Congrats. Saw those haters a few days ago. Keep up the good work.
1 ready-ignite 2017-08-13
Fak. Alright, subscribing to ParsingSolFacts.
1 caniborrowafee_ling 2017-08-13
Apple sauce bitch.
1 McDuffBSmith 2017-08-13
That's the shit! Nice work mate.
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
lol, Bengkulu is almost 8,500 km away from New Zealand.
In that radius there have been over 60 earthquakes of 6+ magnitude in the past year, literally more than one per week.
The scam show continues ...
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
The thread specifically outlined indonesia. No additional radius was applied. Stop harassing me- Final warning prior to mods being contacted-
Your continued insults and harassment are criminal acts. At no point have I ever attempted to scam people. You are willfully breaking the law to prove an unfounded conspiracy.
I am also begining to question your mental stability- Please do not contact me again-
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
The earthquake you noted in this thread was 8,500 km away from New Zealand, within that radius, 70+ major earthquakes occurred within the past year, more than one per week, or one every 5 days.
Please contact the mods, I've done nothing but provide the statistical background for your so-called predictions.
I don't think you understand the law ...
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Funny earthquakes are determinative by probability yet no other thing can influence their creation. You refute all evidence I have provided on the contrary. Your assessment is in no way related to my post. I gave no radius. I gave two percieved locations for percieved activity related to the earths geomagnetic activity.
I am not even asking for money. Thats what makes this harassment. Your mentally unstable...
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
I never said that ... I said that your current methodology is impossible to differentiate from what would be statistically expected.
What evidence have you provided to the contrary?
Yes, and within those points of perceived activity, there are 70+ earthquakes over 6 magnitude per year, basically one every 5 days ...
Are you claiming you didn't make a thread asking for $600,000 in crowd funding?
I'm not going to degrade to your level and lash out in personal attacks.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Yes, to marry my gf amd create my model. Are you claiming I don't intend to marry my gf and build a model. Because I have emails to nasa noaa tesla and predpol as well as telephone records. Records to users programmers and developers that argue differently. Some posts going back as far as 6 years. So again. Are you willfully harassing me and stalking me? Defaming my project. Attavking my social networks and attempting to derail my process out of anger? My delivery theory and practice is all physically outlined. Don't balme me if you dont understand it- nor agree woth what you cant prove dofferently in spite of your best wishes. And stop harassing me on my threads-
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
These are two separate issues, not sure why you're crowdsourcing for your marriage in conjunction with your model.
I never said otherwise?
I'm not defaming you, I'm not saying anything libelous ... you don't seem to know what the definition of defamation is.
I have proven differently, I've demonstrated that within the zone you outlined, there were over 70 earthquakes over 6 magnitude in the past year, one every 5 days. Your claims are as accurate as basic statistical analysis would indicate they should be. They aren't 'predictions', they are simply matching up with what we would expect under the statistical likelihood of an earthquake happening in that region. It's actually up to you to demonstrate that it is something different.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
In addition to the live and relevant solar data which is its own unique system.
I am creating a model that links the correlation of events.
Which is exactly what I am demonstrating. Please ahow the solar impact had no reputable caustic effect on earth.
You've not proved that. Therefore its a potential and you have not disproved me. You simply dosagree which gives you no reason to call me a scammer which I am not-
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
It's your job to show that it does.
I don't need to, so far you haven't demonstrated that your "predictions" are nothing more than what is statistically expected ...
Of course there is potential, but you have yet to demonstrate such.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
What do you think I've been doing all year?
Semmed to be here doing just that... But sure your fall back will always be "probability".
Here is a professional list of people that disagree-
We're all trying to prove it-
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
Then why are you unable to do something as simple as provide a statistical analysis of the accuracy of your predictions that fall outside of the expected statistical likelihood?
You don't seem to understand that I don't disagree with your premise, I'm saying that you haven't demonstrated it to any degree beyond what one would expect from the statistical likelihood of earthquakes happening in the areas of your predictions. This most recent one demonstrates exactly that.
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
Again, link?
1 ifrikkenr 2017-08-13
To be completely fair, he named only two specific locations, New Zealand and Indonesia, and neither of those two specific locations have >6MM earthquakes on a weekly basis, nor 70+ per year
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
If you want to be completely fair, he said 6.5-7.0, so he didn't even get the magnitude right.
If you want to be completely fair, was also more than 5 days.
If you want to be completely fair, the distance between the points of his "prediction" is around 8,500km, over 1/5th the circumference of the entire globe.
1 ifrikkenr 2017-08-13
the magnitude was close; he said 6.5 - 7 and it was a 6.4 saying he's wrong is fairly pedantic
the time was very close - only a few hours outside the 120hour window, again, fairly pedantic. Events appear to reliably occur on a waning solar wind, predicting the exact moment is not straight forward.
the distance between the points is indeed 8500km but that's irrelevant. he named two specific points for the event to occur and it occurred at one of them. not between them, not anywhere else, but at one of the named points. you've got to give him that.
A lot of his "science" is "complete junk" for lack of a better description but he does appear to have a better hit rate than random chance would otherwise suggest so while he may not have the mechanics of it all worked out, he's at least found an apparent correlation between two seemingly unrelated phenomena
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
That's the thing about science, it's usually very pedantic ...
Again, it fell outside of the predicted window, it doesn't matter by how much, the prediction was actually incorrect.
The place where it actually happened according to his words had a "lesser Chance" of it happening. In his own post he bolded "6.5 warning newzealand", which never happened.
He is also linking to the China earthquake as if it somehow validates this "prediction", a location over 10,000km away from his "prediction" ...
I'll believe it when it's demonstrated to be anything more than statistical coincidence.
1 Gen_Kael 2017-08-13
Thank you for being so level headed(more so than I would be) in the face of complete ignorance to the scientific method. You even repeatedly tried to explain how you came about your conclusions by thinking critically and understanding the data available and they just can't understand or accept it.
1 ifrikkenr 2017-08-13
It was given as a "warning" implying increased likelihood not certainty that it would happen. Most significantly though, he listed two specific locations for the event "A" and "B" and the event occurred at location "B" as named.
The China quake was well outside his parameters so I certainly can not in any way defend his claim that that event was confirmation of his prediction. In fact, if he himself thought about that for a moment he'd realise he can't have it both ways; Either the China quake was the event he predicted or the Indonesia quake was the event but it can't be both. Also China was neither lcoation A or B. Again, much of the "science" he states is provably false highlighting his lack of understanding in many relevant fields, but, he appears to be more accurate than random guessing.
Statistically a >6MM earthquake occurs somewhere on Earth every 3 days (on average) so random guesses would seem to have a pretty decent chance, but being able to name the specific location and time in advance as he has is somewhat remarkable. He's been right on enough occasions to indicate it is not random chance.
Anyone can access the USGS and NOAA data. If you look at many major quake and then refer to NOAA data and you will notice increased solar activity in the days prior. This is a consistent recurring phenomenon. It's not a guarantee of a quake but does seem to indicate that interactions are at play that may trigger a quake on an already stressed faultline. Quakes can and do occur outside of these parameters due to other factors though and solar events do not always trigger fault ruptures.
Also interesting but not neceassrily related, the French "Demeter" satellite) measured a significant increase in ULF emissions over Haiti prior to the 2010 Haiti quake. Now, that doesn't neccessarily relate at all to /u/ParsingSol 's theory, however it does indicate that our understanding of seismic mechanisms is not complete.
It's an interesting theory and he's certainly not the first or only person to notice a correlation. It certainly warrants investigating.
1 ClassicFives 2017-08-13
I'm just seeing this "argument" but thank you for the laugh.
1 Guerrilla_Time 2017-08-13
lol what???
Too fucking funny. What law? You think people can't refute your unfounded (what you called it) claims? The internet isn't a bubble to protect your unfounded conspiracy.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Harassment is a criminal act. Digital stalking is a criminal act. Online bullying is a criminal act.
1 HelperBot_ 2017-08-13
Non-Mobile link:
HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 100959
1 Generic_On_Reddit 2017-08-13
I've noticed lots of predictions are in regions of the world that get Earthquakes all the time. Which is not to say he's phony, but it makes it not very impressive when you can roll a die any day of the week in South America or east Asia and an earthquake would probably roll through and change the outcome of the roll.
That's why it's important for him to have metrics for all of his predictions. Not only for distance off from prediction points, missed timing, and completely wrong predictions, but also testing predictions versus other prediction models and randomly generated predictions.
There's been lots of talk about this in the last few posts, but if he's not collecting data like this and setting up rigid criteria for successes and failures, he'll never prove his work and he'll never get better. How can you readjust your models if you don't have data telling you which way your data skews?
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
Take a look at how far away Bengkulu is from New Zealand ... it would literally be more impressive to predict that a 6+ earthquake wouldn't occur in that region in a span of 5 day than predicting it would.
There are over 2billion people within the radius of this "prediction" ... I'm not even sure how this kind of system would even be applicable.
1 dalik 2017-08-13
Keep up the work, you're on to something great here.
Ignore the haters, there are always those that envy those that do great things.
1 ZantTheUsurper 2017-08-13
Glad to see you are persevering! Interesting stuff.
1 CCM4Life 2017-08-13
A lot of distance between your prediction and the actual earthquake though.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Its typically a 5 day advanced warning. Coming on the end of the warning cycle.
1 Guerrilla_Time 2017-08-13
As you get closer to your predicted event, does the data get any stronger? You should be continually looking at the data up to and beyond the date you predict. As the event gets closer, your data should become stronger.
Are you even looking at any of this stuff day by day to see how it changes to get a more accurate prediction?
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I look at the data maybe 3000 times in a week.
I literally constantly watch both solar and seismic data.
Also I always expect an event to come nearer the end of a prediction window. The only time it appears to go sooner then my own expectancy is when cme's strike. Vs. The existing coronal hole streams.
I also typically update and include maps of event locations. Yet I can't do this anymore. Primarily due to my lacking infastructure. Poverty is hell :(
1 bpthrx 2017-08-13
I immediately thought of your thread when i saw this news
1 Etoiles_mortant 2017-08-13
Prediction: There will be a 6+M earthquake near japan within 7 days.
1 Analiator 2017-08-13
WHy do you always celebrate when you're off? I could easily predict these when I can be off several days, or couple thousand miles or several magnitudes. As you have done in the past. Fuck it, I'll predict some.
5+ in indonesia. Lesser chance in Japan 5+. in next 5 days. Woo lets go.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Thats not what I do at all... Lol
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
I'd love to see any of the doubters predict something that well.Go ahead,assholes.Make a prediction as close as u/ParsingSol did and the,and only then,will we believe you that these prediction are easy to make.
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
There will be three or more earthquakes recorded in Indonesia over the next five days.
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
Ok,fine.At what level?
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
The majority in the 4s and 5s. Nothing will exceed 6.5.
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
u/ParsingSol was off by .1.Make a prediction just as accurate.
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
He made three predictions: the magnitude of an earthquake in New Zealand, a swarm of earthquakes in Indonesia, and the magnitude of the largest Indonesian quake. So his predictions score as: wrong, correct, and close. So here are my three predictions for the next five days: 3 or more Indonesian quakes, the majority in 4s and 5s, and the largest at 6.0. If my score is also wrong, correct, and close then I think it's safe to say that I scored the same accuracy as he did. Less than that and I did worse, more than that and I did better.
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
Ok.Let see how your "predictions" play out.If youre wrong will shut the fuck up?
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
Will do.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
So your choosing an area which is expected to have aftershocks?
I doubt a 6.0, but hey what do I know. 4.0 and 5.0 isnt relevant as these would be standard aftershocks to the area activity following this event...
I dont say 4.5 chile 3.0 mammoth lake ca. 1.2 washington. Thats probability. Not solar data-and plotting;
Thats the difference in what I do and what your doing.
You just are delimiting the difficulty in what I do.
Like telling someone yoyr a pro skater cause you can stand on a board. Not really significant now is it?
1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
The point of the exercise is that if picking probability results in equal or greater results than solar data, then the solar data may not be effective. If probability performs worse than solar data, then it shows merit. Obviously more than one test would need to be done no matter the outcome, but I'll stick to my agreement to STFU about it after the five day period ends. This is just an absolutely basic control group that should be in the experiment in one form or another. You can't demonstrate results without a control comparison. But it's your baby and it's up to you as to how to precisely report effectiveness, including if you even wish to do so.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
I've always gathered this.
To me its contrary to my understanding as I truly feel solar data acts as a pitch regulator. The key I use to monitor seems relevant. I'd like to use machine learning to find its exact role.
I don't argue it may be anything more then basic probability. However I do argue that I feel it plays a significant role in the processes taking place.
Hence my continued posting and observations.
The largest seismic events are harbingers of solar data. Their following thrusts are propelled by the initial cause and effect relationship of solar geo magnetic activity. (imo).
So I just continue to explore the relationship in hopes it will lead to some body to attempt to create my model. In hopes my findings may be proven in the appropriate fields of respected scientific journals.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Your way is of a complex variety which casts uncertainty to my scope and direction. Its a good suggestion. Yet my understanding is that if I took this route i'd be taken away from building. In that regard my time is critical to my own personal survival. My finances are gone. There is no time other then now.
Were not all born equally. My living situation has been hell 2 years now. My education on hold and appearing seemingly useless at this time. Formal education, formal design. These are luxuries I am not beholden too.
I am beholden to no silver lining, nor professional background. Im merely a user whom is dedicated... That is the truth of it all.
1 purple_pink 2017-08-13
RemindMe! 5 days "Is this earth quake 'model' full of shit?"
1 RemindMeBot 2017-08-13
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1 GrumpyAntelope 2017-08-13
Indonesian quakes: 5.5 4 on 8/14 in Abepura, 5.4 on 8/16 in Padang, and 4.7 on on 8/14 in Kep. Tanimbar.
My prediction of 3 or more Indonesian quakes: Correct Majority in 4s and 5s: Correct Largest at 6: Wrong
So I got two corrects and a wrong whereas he got a correct, a close, and a wrong.
1 Guerrilla_Time 2017-08-13
1 Iceboundend 2017-08-13
Democrat apples you say?
Rotten to the core
1 The_Frag_Man 2017-08-13
Keep up the good work!
1 4702four11 2017-08-13
Good try buddy
1 WestCoastHippy 2017-08-13
I like the humble brag posts after a successful modelling guess! Keep em coming.
Absolutely no /s!
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
1 DefNotHillDawg 2017-08-13
Well done! Hope you can make something more out of this. Look into patent lawyers
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
Pretty worried someone will beat me to my own punch. Hence the attempt to fast track the system.
It would be awesome to work with tesla, or predpol on this. Or IBM. Their the best in probability and predictive data extraction imo.
1 DefNotHillDawg 2017-08-13
Yea I hear you. I wish I had connections for you. Best of luck.
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
Remind me!7 days
1 Step2TheJep 2017-08-13
How much are they demanding?
1 overtaxedoverworked 2017-08-13
The earthquake you noted in this thread was 8,500 km away from New Zealand, within that radius, 70+ major earthquakes occurred within the past year, more than one per week, or one every 5 days.
Please contact the mods, I've done nothing but provide the statistical background for your so-called predictions.
I don't think you understand the law ...
1 ClassicFives 2017-08-13
I'm just seeing this "argument" but thank you for the laugh.
1 frontbuttz 2017-08-13
u/ParsingSol was off by .1.Make a prediction just as accurate.
1 ParsingSol 2017-08-13
So your choosing an area which is expected to have aftershocks?
I doubt a 6.0, but hey what do I know. 4.0 and 5.0 isnt relevant as these would be standard aftershocks to the area activity following this event...
I dont say 4.5 chile 3.0 mammoth lake ca. 1.2 washington. Thats probability. Not solar data-and plotting;
Thats the difference in what I do and what your doing.
You just are delimiting the difficulty in what I do.
Like telling someone yoyr a pro skater cause you can stand on a board. Not really significant now is it?
1 RemindMeBot 2017-08-13
I will be messaging you on 2017-08-18 19:18:21 UTC to remind you of this link.
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1 Guerrilla_Time 2017-08-13
lol what???
Too fucking funny. What law? You think people can't refute your unfounded (what you called it) claims? The internet isn't a bubble to protect your unfounded conspiracy.