All you brigadiers sound like you're reading off a script it's so obvious.

56  2017-08-13 by goemon45

You shills want all us regular users to just leave right? Well that's never going to happen, so go ahead and keep screeching at us and calling us nazis or whatever your efforts are wasted, we will always be here calling you fucks out for what you are. Degenerates.


The downvoted let me know you're here. You're all slime.

Yesterday was rough for you it seems.

He's clearly correct. You're proving him right right now.

They're other places on reddit where you can circle jerk in peace but you're going to get people that disagree with you here.

Instead of throwing a fit because you feel like you "lost" get over it and continue to push and defend your narrative.

I will say the only shills in here over the past 24 hours seem to be bleed overs from conservative subreddits.

And while you're throwing a fit remember that many of those people actively doxxed and innocent man for hours last night.


don't buy into OPs game.

Couldn't possible agree more. Take your leftard narratives and shove them you totalitarian out of balance unprincipled freaks!

I agree but it's deeper than left vs right they're trying to divide us. This post was for the shills that I know are reading this.

I agree but it's deeper than left vs right they're trying to divide us. This post was for the shills that I know are reading this.

Mine too, they've been all over me following me around sub to sub and even attaching flag bits to me.

What does that mean, "attaching flag bits"? They are flagging your posts? Sorry, want to know so I can understand shill tactics.

bots. typo.

Current leftard narrative - Nazis are bad and shouldn't be tolerated. How terrible.

Except you cant define everyone that disagrees with your ideas Nazis and racists when they are not and do so with force as has been happening.

Anyone that carries around shields with fascist symbols on them is at least a nazi. I don't think that's a a stretch.

Anyone that carries around shields with fascist symbols on them is at least a nazi. I don't think that's a a stretch.

You mean the people with permits to be there, or antifa who didn't have permits to be there and have actually carried out violence at many places?

Oh so if you have a permit for your Nazi shield that makes you not a Nazi. Lmao how fucking autisitic can you be.

Who gives a fuck about the fucking permits?!!? Antifa didn't fucking kill anyone yesterday! Stop reaching and deflecting!!

Who gives a fuck about the fucking permits?!!? Antifa didn't fucking kill anyone yesterday! Stop reaching and deflecting!!

Hey check this out , if Antifas ideas are that good they should sell themselves it doesn't need to show up with weapons like they always do to force ideas that just means the ideas are already awful, obviously, otherwise everyone would agree. Inciting riots that get people killed everywhere it goes means they are not convincing anyone of anything.

Antifa is a violent group on outdated ideas that failed and they cause riots and deaths.

That's great and all, but this thread ain't about antifa. A racist white nationalist and TRUMP SUPPORTERS killed people with his car yesterday. Stay on topic.

That's great and all, but this thread ain't about antifa. A racist white nationalist and TRUMP SUPPORTER killed people with his car yesterday. Stay on topic.

Seriously though, Antifas violence needs to be addressed! They showed up to the rally with weapons in hand and violence in mind, this is not what the United States is about!

This isn't the place to address it. Make a new thread of youbwany, but this is about a white supremacist killing innocent people. People died and many were hurt. That's what we are talking about here.

Seriously though, Antifas violence needs to be addressed! They showed up to the rally with weapons in hand and violence in mind, this is not what the United States is about!

America was built on that premise though? A bunch of people showed up, bows/swords/rifles in hand and decided to start violently liberating 'your' country from Native Americans, did they not?

Nazis/KKK members ALSO showed up weapons in open carry holster or rifle across back, with the threat to use them. Both sides were legally allowed to have the weapons they had on them.

Why is it always the other side that needs to address their problems? Why can't both sides look at themselves with a little self awareness and go "you know what, we're all being pretty fucking stupid here"?

America was built on that premise though?

It's 2017 no one is alive from 1492. No one alive owes anyone for things they did not do, except basic human respect which has LONG been paid, ironically it is the left who wants to erase even history so it is rather a hypocritical double standard argument.

You sound excited

I ain't defending Richard Spencer, clear as that. If they literally say black people are lesser, they won't be defended by me. I'd hope most of the right leaning users will completely agree with that.

You can try and make it so they represent the entirety of people who aren't the left, and Facebook and Reddit are already doing it.

This is what I hate above all else, this ability to spread fake news and memes. You know Facebook had one showing a sign up in Charlottesville saying something positive, the meme said that they were posted on all the store fronts. How do I know that, do I take some memers advice? Do I just like it an move on because it's positive.

Now this is everywhere online and I can't figure out what is truly going on, especially since the numbers for these events are memeified half the time instead of actually displaying the real numbers.


Do your jobs journalist and deliver the pertinent information.

Calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi or racist and then advocating violence against Nazis and racists is a Communist tactic.

That's intolerant. I reject intolerance. NAZIS WELCOME HERE!!!

Well, they are welcome at r/uncensorednews

But blacks aren't. I want to coexist with NAZIS, antifa, commies, la raza, Muslims, Christians, Jews, ISIS, everyone!! DIVERZITY!

Left and right are both retarded.

Left and right are both retarded.

Not really.

Yes really

Downvoted. The shills don't want you to leave, they want you to hear and be steered by what they have to say.

Also, they aren't going to change their behavior because of your angry post. So why bother?

I know they're not going to leave. But I do believe that driving regular users out of this sub is what they want. I'm just letting them know that's never going to happen

Open and active discussion? MUH SHILLS

You realize the irony of your point as you mock him and produce nothing valuable to this discussion, right?

I'm pretty sure that I produced enough content in a crybaby selfpost as possible

Muh Russia

Wait is that what we're talking about today?

no, if they drive regular users away, to whom would they then speak to?

You are saying you are letting them know - but they aren't listening to you.

Each other, that's who they'll speak to. That's the point of all of this, to control the narrative (or at least the spectrum in which the narrative can be discussed).

maybe you are right.

They don't want to speak to anyone their trying to destroy this sub. Many regular users who have been here for years are now saying this sub is unbearable and I agree

Look at politics/worldnews comments and tell me who is sane enough to interact in that cesspit of PC agenda BS?

This wall of propaganda is meant to banish people. Subtile propaganda doesn't work reliable anymore as more and more people see it.

It's about destroying/poisoning the instrument to make it inefficient for spreading real information. That's why they demonetising and block content on youtube.

Where did you learn what you know about 'paid shills'?

It's my conclusion from what's going on. It's destructive than guiding.

It's getting real tiring to reply to all the ones feigning stupidity about shilling...

The sub is under constant attack from /r/politics (check where all the douchebags are most active, you will find they are from there), ShareBlue and brigading from places like /r/topmindsofreddit. A large amount of their posts are currently linking over to here now.

There is a lot of info on the astroturfing organizations Correct the Record, ShareBlue and Media Matters. Their official mission statements that are publicly available state their intent to use propaganda for the DNC on the web and on social media such as Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. This implies the use of social community opinion management software and other tools.

Task force will help Clinton supporters push back on online harassment and thank superdelegates

Hillary Clinton PAC Spends $1 Million "Correcting" People Online And Reddit Is Furious

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to β€˜Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Podesta meets with super PACS (Priorities USA and CTR) at law firm (Perkins Coie LLP.)

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

For further reading I would suggest these links:

How reddit is being manipulated

Reddit For Sale: How We Bought The Top Spot For $200

Reddit is Being Manipulated by Professional Shills Every Day

Guy makes short video where he explains that he has bought upvotes for his submission on /r/videos, submission has 20k+ upvotes before moderators deletes it to hide the incident


How We Hacked Reddit to Generate 5 Million Media Impressions in 3 days

An Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

From this Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

There is no doubt that individual social media users can spread hate speech, troll other users, or set up automated political communication campaigns. Unfortunately, this is also an organized phenomenon, with major governments and political parties dedicating significant resources towards the use of social media for public opinion manipulation.

... In many countries, political actors have no reported ability to field social media campaigns. In some countries, one or two known political actors occasionally use social media for political messaging, and in a few other countries there are multiple government agencies, political parties, or civil society groups organizing trolling and fake news campaigns.

Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8

I posted this in another thread about /r/MarchAgainstTrump but it fits /r/politics too, I'll recap

/r/MarchAgainstTrump uses bots to push posts and submissions as evidenced in these links.

More people need to be informed of these kinds of organizations.

These are a few examples:

Now, several more botting anti-Trump subs have surfaced with nothing being done about them from the admins.


Exhibit A

yeah the guy who just linked 4000 things that only point at liberal groups and doesnt even mention GOP/Russian trolls/bots. get fuckin real ya unpaid shill.

You know what you can't say though? That his sources are untrue. Unlike your phony Russia narrative.

Who would downvoted this? A shill.

We've literally been discussing shills in this sub from shareblue since the election where have you been?

So you learned what you know about 'paid shills' on a conspiracy forum?

Really? Why bother resisting?

It isn't like that. They are too many, too organized, too well paid, too motivated. Organics can't control the sub's front page, but they can atleast handle the NEW tab.

No you're wrong, the shells want us to leave so they can run their narratives with no opposition. It would mean clear funding for as long as until the next people show up and start throwing sticks in their spokes. The only people fighting this are people doing it on their own time, and I think we need as many people shining truth onto situations as we can.

Quality shit post here.


This is just sad.

Communism is sad

I dunno man, some other poster said anyone with two numbers at the end of their username is a shill out of Eglin.

Sure thing "regular-poster"

Not_A_Shill was taken by my bud two cubicles over.

Damn it's hard out here. Take a day off man you deserve it.

Or maybe we just disagree with your worldview and that's okay? Check my post history, I am clearly not a "shill" (exactly what a shill would say....). Everything I post and comment I also receive a lot of backlash, almost entirely from T_D theorists. Brigading is a thing, shills are a thing, reddit is not neutral. Ok. But don't use it as an excuse to just dismiss everyone who doesnt agree with you. This is r/conspiracy, not your safe space at T_D where you instaban anyone with an opinion (r/politics operates the same way just with more up votes instead of banning).

This is like the billionth "le T_d 2.0" comment I've seen here this is what I'm talking about. I don't even like Trump anymore

I'm sorry if I confused you with a Donald supporter but your post sounds exactly like the 100 other T_D posts today in response to the VA protests. Even the rhetoric you use while describing your opponents characterization of you (nazi) makes it sound like it. What's the point of this post then? Inviting the obvious? Pointing out the obvious?

No because the brigadiers have been calling regular users on this sub nazis for asking questions and being skeptical. I'm also willing to admit that their are shills from both sides.

Soooo the point of your post was? The people you are concerned with in this post are the ones who aren't going to give two shits about it, let alone change their behavoir.

I haven't seen that in any of the VA rally threads.

This is exactly what I have people tell me every once in awhile as well..."by your rhetoric and blahblahblah you sound like a T_D supporter". Just because someone has a strong viewpoint doesn't mean they are a the_donald supporter, lul.

Okay? I dont really get why that matters. Just let them know your viewpoint and it will be fine. Confusion happens, and case in point, it took two seconds to correct it.

People don't always believe it. Really annoying, and then everyone downvotes you.. it's whatever this site is kinda become trash anyways.

"So go ahead and keep screeching at us and calling us nazis"

that may be your problem here. What is the "us" you are referring to? It really, really sounds like you are referencing T_D in context to the "nazi" and "shill" rhetoric. Like, to a "T" (_D) <---pun intended. Honestly tho it's not like I'm gonna check everyone's posy history before I comment. If I see rhetoric like libtard, cuck, shill etc... it's 99% gonna be a trumper. I get where you're coming from but don't be offended or surprised when your post turns into a war between T_D users and T_D haters.

Not sure who you are quoting...

Sorry, thought you were OP

I'll go ahead and say I'm still a supporter of Trump until he gives me a reason to change my mind. This doesn't mean that I'm close minded or "shilling for him". I'd love to have a dialogue where ideas are challenged and if I'm proven wrong or shown supporting facts then I'm willing to change my view accordingly. But don't revert to the typical ad hominem attacks and name calling. That doesn't get us anywhere.

I never claimed that Trump supporters were shills or that being a trump supporter invalidated your opinion in this sub. I merely stated what is true for me as someone who doesn't support trump. I primarily receive backlash from trump supporters. Difference in opinions. I didn't revert to any name calling or ad hominen attacks. Merely pointing out the obvious.

Maybe not you individually but the dominating voice of the left seems to follow that suit. Just watch any late night tv show. Why does discourse prod such hostility these days? I thought we were smarter.

And of course you'll receive backlash but it's become a sort of self defense response. They feel the need to backlash because of the unprecedented attacks from media and other public figures while ignoring blatant achievements.

These days? The right wing literally called Obama a Kenyan Marxist Manchurian candidate for years, and Trump was the birther in chief.

What blatant achievements?

Have you checked the stock market recently? The unemployment rates? Major victories over isis? Or maybe you just listen to the intentionally weighted polls the media always covers. My point is that his performance isn't nearly as horrible as it's portrayed.

And not to be "that guy" but evidence of forgery was found on his birth certificate you know. Now I'm not saying all the Manchurian candidate stuff, but I can't exactly ignore facts.

"The jews are evil"

"Oy vey goyim!"


"Blacks have lower IQs its fact"

"Women are weak and emotional"

"Whats this, a Nazi murderd someone? WHAT?!?!? thats IMPOSSIBLE!!! This HAS to be a false flag! Nazis would never hurt anyone, surely this was faked by libcuck jews because they want people to hate Nazis!!!"

"Hey yall are Nazis."

"HUUUUR fucking shills fuck you shills!!1!1!!"



All you brigadiers gatekeepers sound like you're reading off a script it's so obvious.

You shills T_Ders want all us regular users to just leave right? Well that's never going to happen, so go ahead and keep screeching at us and calling us nazis ShariaBlue or whatever your efforts are wasted, we will always be here calling you fucks out for what you are. Degenerates.

Admittedly, I was reading off a script. Yours.

Heh heh heh

Trump shill whining about brigades LOL

You can also tell them apart by their condescending tones

2017: everyone is a nazi

Open and active discussion? MUH SHILLS

Anyone that carries around shields with fascist symbols on them is at least a nazi. I don't think that's a a stretch.

no, if they drive regular users away, to whom would they then speak to?

You are saying you are letting them know - but they aren't listening to you.

This is like the billionth "le T_d 2.0" comment I've seen here this is what I'm talking about. I don't even like Trump anymore

No because the brigadiers have been calling regular users on this sub nazis for asking questions and being skeptical. I'm also willing to admit that their are shills from both sides.

I'll go ahead and say I'm still a supporter of Trump until he gives me a reason to change my mind. This doesn't mean that I'm close minded or "shilling for him". I'd love to have a dialogue where ideas are challenged and if I'm proven wrong or shown supporting facts then I'm willing to change my view accordingly. But don't revert to the typical ad hominem attacks and name calling. That doesn't get us anywhere.

This is exactly what I have people tell me every once in awhile as well..."by your rhetoric and blahblahblah you sound like a T_D supporter". Just because someone has a strong viewpoint doesn't mean they are a the_donald supporter, lul.