No, the white supremacist Nazi Trump cultist who ran his car into people is not a false flag. I've already tried telling this sub multiple times that the right wing alt media is pushing civil war.

672  2017-08-13 by KaiserZen



white supremacist Nazi Trump cultist

Your like a /r/politics commenter on fucking steroids with the way you write. Go back to shilling falseflag russia theory on your shitty sub. You shills are so easy to spot it's laughable

Wow... that's just sad. Here you are ready to derail my thread trying to expose the civil war propaganda in America society.

I wonder why?

In civil war you mean race war? The only one I've seen wanting a race war is pol.

... fellow Americans fighting fellow Americans is civil war regardless of their skin color. AFAIK, only one side wants one color and that's it.

class war? political war?

Your thread was derailed from the start. Were you this outraged when the liberal extremist literally SHOT AT CONGRESSMAN? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, you were not. Calm down little snowflake

Yes I was.

You don't know anything. Defend your little fedora nazi buddy more

Man, you are a cunt.

Something tells me I really should not value or opinion.

Exact type of deflecting response I was expecting. So predictable

What's predictable is the whataboutism you used. lol what are you talking about?

If you can't keep up with this simple convo then idk what to tell you. I'm not reiterating for the simpleton

You don't have any conversation. You asked if I was outraged and I said I was. Get over it.

Was more rhetorical as any moron can just say yes. As you just proved

The one typing in caps and making assumptions is calling other people snowflakes and telling them to calm down? Priceless..

Name the assumption I made. Ready go

"Were you this outraged when the liberal extremist literally SHOT AT CONGRESSMAN? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, you were not."

Anything else?

Was prefaced with a question in which the person I was referring to responded. So to answer your question, yes there is, go google the word "assumption" and then you can come back sounded less silly.

Even if he was not, does it make a difference?

Any liberty-loving "conservative" pro-2nd amendment American can see how the media caricatures him ("ignorant bible thumping gun nut redneck").

Is it that hard to imagine the other side is being caricatured as well? SJW constantly-triggerized Clinton-loving testicular amputee...

Both sides think the other side is only composed of unthinking sheep. This is by design.

you havent even made up a theory, you just said some vague shit about people inciting violence. Idiot.

You're so mad lol

Rule 10, removed

You're going to get a lot of hate for this. Too many people on the sub are busy constructing the new narrative--it's not a question to them whether this was a false flag, just how to spin it that way.

Every time I've posted about this I get people like u/vongoebbels not a surprised he has a problem...

Plus the thread probably will be at 30% soon.

"Left wing gun enthusiast" is pretty hilarious, considering your politics are primarily responsible for gun confiscation and authoritarian governments.

Very creative, right? Never heard of such a thing, just like I've never seen such a thing posted on this sub either.

Looks like sharia blue is triggered.

lol what a load of bullshit.

Stalin, Mao, and Hitler were all authoritarian leftists who confiscated guns and inflicted massive harm on their own people.

For all the left's attempt to make him "right wing" with socio-political gaslighting, see who do you think cheers a hitler speech at rally AntiFa or Trump supporters?

Hitler will as not left wing. This is real gas lighting.

Hitler was a leftist? Fuck off.

National Socialism. Meanwhile his speeches get cheers at antiFa rallies.

Best place to find such a strong overlap of ignorance and leftism.

So does that make the Democratic People's Republic of Korea a Democracy?

So how many guns did obama confiscate from you?

Stalin, Mao, and Hitler all pushed gun control hard. Socialist authoritarians (leftists) can't control governments when the populace is armed.

Well obama did just fine

So full of shit its leaking out your ears

I'm sure the 10's of millions dead from communism/leftism agree with you.

Plus the thread probably will be at 30% soon.

It's literally about to be the top post. It's so tiring to see so many people in different subs claim they will be downvoted to oblivion for being anti-Trump. Others claim that Trump supporters have "fully taken over this sub" or "This is T_D 2.0." No, it is not. There are a lot of different people in different subs. I've seen a lot of anti-Trump posts on the front page of this sub, many of which hit the top spot. That cannot happen in a sub dubbed "T_D 2.0." A large percentage of the pro-Trump posts contain top comments that are anti-Trump.

Do yourself a favor and use the search bar. Try keywords like 'Trump,' 'sessions,' 'Russia,' and so on. Maybe you simply haven't spent enough time here, so hopefully that will get you up to speed.

Complaining about a heavily-exaggerated state of this sub is not going to change anything. Just state your opinion and debunk pro-Trump shitposts. That's all you have to do. State your case effectively and honestly. You don't have to pretend that you will be downvoted while you accumulate upvotes. I have no idea why so many people in this sub and others believe something that is so obviously not true. It's one of the weirdest trends I have seen in a long time.

Thanks for your comment and observations... 5 hours later. Really, thanks. I mean, you've done us all a great service pointing that out.

If you spend enough time here, you will see highly-upvoted comments that say "I know I will be downvoted for this, but [insert anti-Trump statement]." You would think that the fact these comments were upvoted would trigger a realization that perhaps they aren't true, but I guess not. That's why I felt the need to point it out. If people aren't seeing it, then it needs to be pointed out.

There is a wide variety of viewpoints here, which is fine. It's a good thing, but the constant complaints of something that obviously isn't true does not help.

Maybe sometimes your post makes it and sometimes it doesn't. That's just how Reddit works.

6 hours ago.

Excellent. I also agree that you posted this 6 hours ago.

I'm glad we agree that you now see my post in context and the others after this.

And then contest mode, "shills shills shills", and post gets removed...

I'm not defending unwarranted removals, but at least the mod actions are logged in the sidebar links. I'm discussing the community and trends, not the mods.

I'm aware of both right and left wing paid forum manipulators, and everyone else should be as well. The blame for shill accusations should rest on the groups who have decided to take up shilling as a propaganda technique. The paranoia of shills infiltrating online communities is caused by the shilling itself. We know it occurs, but the fine details are scarce, so there will obviously be an increase in the amount of shilling accusations as the amount of shilling increases. The one thing I will grant is that some of the mods don't seem to be taking the possibility of pro-Trump shilling as seriously as the opposite, but there is such a huge amount of anti-trump content here (particularly in the comments of political posts) that they will have barely made a dent in it.. if they were pushing a pro-Trump agenda.

Doesn't matter if it's logged. The actual mods have been warned by the senior mods, and stated as much. What matters is that 99% of the sub viewers never have any clue.

Do you have screenshots of the warning? That seems like it would be entertaining to read.

It's for the one where the OP questioned why it had been put into contest mode (the original post being the one about the FBI raid, that was put into contest mode about 5 hours in). I forget which mod it was, and its hot the kind of stuff I bother screenshoting.

you're a busy bee around here constructing your own narrative or is it your own?

Case in point.


Case in point.

Showing that the driver is not James Fields somehow makes your point?

The fact that you think you've shown that does.

He's wearing the white polo James was seen wearing that day and has the same unshaven scruffy beard. Plus he's fucking driving James' car. this is James Field. He is the guy driving the car. He should not be confused with James Fields, the neo nazi who they arrested and are blaming.

Also, not the same car. Pinstriping and paint are different.

But the driver looks exactly like James Fields, even this blurry shot shows the same eyebrows, eyes, and head shape, more so than this guy you're posting.

This is James Field. He was driving the car. This is not the neo nazi James Fields who is being blamed.

Rule 10 and all but this doesn't feel organic.

Well, I have a fair bit of history on this sub, you're welcome to browse through it.

I apologize for insinuating.

Your image doesn't demonstrate anything other than that there is a guy named James Field who one article apparently misreported as the suspect. What exactly are you trying to show here?

The image is clear enough to see that the James Field driving the car is not the James Fields they arrested and blamed.

Except it's really not. I wish it was, but it's not.

Nah, the false flag story about a James Field conspiring to bring down unlikely named white nationalist James Fields who just so happens to own the same vehicle, wear the same white polo, be at the same location as the same time, and each went 2-3 days without shaving is the cool story.

There's no cool story about what actually happened.

Different vehicle, different shirt, and more importantly, different face.

The real cringe is that you falling for such an obvious photoshop.

That image is photoshopped showing James Field in the car.

There is no evidence that James Field was driving that car. But there is an image floating around of the police arresting James Fields next to the car involved in the attack.

The guy in the picture looks exactly like the guy in the mugshot. What's your point supposed to be exactly? Also what's up with the colors?

This is James Field, the driver of the car. That is not the James Fields they are blaming.

That's not the guy in the car picture. He looks nothing like him. Check the nose for proof. Also Field has a huge neck and a square face, nothing like the round faced young man in the car.

This is James Field, the man driving the car. This is James Fields the neo nazi who they arrested.

Sorry for the confusion, I've been arguing this in a lot of threads and it's hard to keep track.

Haha yeah. We're arguing with each other in two threads now somehow. That's what happens when I try to post on mobile.

The military guy just isn't the guy in the car though. It looks nothing like him and exactly like the guy they arrested.

That bottom photo is photoshopped. The original image is far too blurry to show that much detail inside the car.

You people love sticking to the MSM establishment narrative whether it's Trump being Putin's puppet or this.

Case in point.

Keep supporting MSM and the establishment.

I'm delusional


Both sides of the aisle are being baited and have violence being incited at their protests. Sad times.

Enough with this "both sides" crap. The white nationalists were the ones who invaded Charlettesville. People such as Heather Heyer only responded to counter-protest as they SHOULD.

They didn't invade, they had a permit to peacefully assemble. Violent leftists and the state government made sure they were unable to do so. She was an anti-white leftist who got what she deserved lmao. This is a conspiracy sub, take your anti-white faggotry elsewhere.

They didn't invade, they had a permit to peacefully assemble.

Members from these alt-right white nationalist groups attacked a peaceful counter-demonstrators the night before. That removed all pretense of being "peaceful" once these torch-wielding people assaulted others.

They had people with rifles, clubs, and shields. That does not seem like peaceful intentions, either.

Violent leftists and the state government made sure they were unable to do so.

It was the MURDER of a counter-protester by an alt-right white nationalist that eventually doomed the event. It's incredible how you have cherry-picked her Heather Heyer's death out of your memory to create your narrative.

She was an anti-white leftist who got what she deserved lmao

She was a fucking paralegal, you fucking low life. You think using ISIS's terrorist tactics is going to win people over? We defeated shitheads like you in 1865 and in 1945 so go fly your traitorous, loser flags somewhere else.

This is a conspiracy sub, take your anti-white faggotry elsewhere.

Fuck you, fascist. This isn't a white power forum. Why don't you go back to your fucking safe space so you can have your "poor whitey" jerk off? You motherfuckers got chased out because that's what you scum deserve. You will always lose, fucker.

lol gay

so, what is the point of counter-protesting, again? Besides making most sane people hate you, it hasnt done shit. Maybe you should stick to virtue signalling ONLINE, where our boys in blue dont have to waste precious bullets on you.

so, what is the point of counter-protesting, again?

To voice your counter views. I didn't think it would be hard to understand.

Besides making most sane people hate you

The KKK and white nationalists always have much larger counter-protester crowds (composed of many different people) because most sane people hate these groups.

it hasnt done shit.

Of course it has. Case in point, the reaction to the murder of Heather Heyer by an alt-right white nationalist. Counter-protests typically shows that communities usually don't want white nationalists hanging around and barking their crap, which is why groups like the KKK are eventually chased out of town.

Maybe you should stick to virtue signalling ONLINE, where our boys in blue dont have to waste precious bullets on you.

All you've done here is virtue signal, and I can guarantee you that the cops are more likely to shot some club-wielding fascist scum before me.

I'm sorry, but protesting a protest/rally is just asking to incite violence. This is the entire premise of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Is trump still Russian or is that last weeks narrative ?

The right wing has been pushing for civil war and they know they can't start it.

Can you give some examples?

Hannity has used the "take back your country" the "liberals are trying to subvert the will of the people".

Trump uses that too while calling media and anyone who did not vote for him an enemy of him and America.

A couple of dudes in the mainstream media?

James woods has been tweeting about it for a while. And once the president starts using your articles to back policy decision and statements he makes. I think you become part of the MSM whether you like it or not.

Its funny that the left is jumpin on neonazis for wanting civil war, but blm has been killing cops for years, and antifa has been screaming civil war and anarchy since they got air time amd have been smashing heads in with bike locks and bottles. Fuckers all need to be sent to venezuala.

So if you say All of BLM is killing cops because a few of them did, do I get to say that All conservatives are assaulting black people in parking lots because a few of them did?

Interestingly close, but no. Conservatives is a lil broad- neonazi or skinhead or kkk would suffice. Because most of the vocal blm reps have all pretty much said the same thing, the main points they get across, when theyre coherent, are fuck whitey and fry cops like bacon. So yeah, all of blm is associated with this shit just like all neonazis are stoked one of em 'finally did something'.

Yet you also call anyone who voted for Trump a nazi and think Hannity is the problem?

Oh yeah? Tell me you voted for Trump and love multi-cultural America.

I voted for Trump and love multi-cultural America. Those that came here legally. And I'm Hispanic btw.

Didn't ask you.

Too bad, that's not how this works.

Still didn't ask you. I was born here legally and never had to immigrate. Ever.

Absolutely look at a recent post I made just hours with photos showing my approval for multicultural america. That's the problem with your narrative, it doesn't hold up.

Then good. I'd like to see you have a conversation with some of the others who don't.

You can't get any dumber than alt-right unless you're using it as a cash cow.

You can't get any dumber than partisans who constantly try to divide people using the left-right paradigm.

No, that actually requires more intelligence than self-identifying as alt-right.

They are not the same. The elites maybe, but the people are NOT. Lots of commonality, but not the same.

This is a mindless deflection from the issues at hand. It's always "yeah but it's THEM trying to make you believe in the left/right paradigm to divide us" anytime the right does something horrible. The rest of the time it's "the left is terrible" all day everyday. You're part of the problem.

what? its literary the opposite of that

I'm a left leaning centrist, you knob.


ctrl+f "rodental"

13 matches.

Holy fuck dude.

Just trying to spread the truth about this false flag.

You come off as someone motivated by something other than truth.

Just trying to combat the massive wave of SB shillery we're currently experiencing. Getting kinda sick of all these goddamn false flags.

That is James Field. He was driving the car. He is not the James Fields they arrested.

Getting kinda sick of all these goddamn false flags.

What other false flags are you referring to? I'm very open to the idea of false flags, but not the way they're typically described in mainstream conspiracy subcultures.

At least say I'm SB to my face coward.

That would be a violation of the rules of this sub.


10/10 baiting. Would downvote, report, and block again.

lol SAD!

I know what you mean. I really thought after we discovered it was an Antifa guy from Michigan that it was an attack, but now that I know he's one of our people it's totally a false flag.

This is James Field, the driver of the car. That is not the James Fields being blamed.

As someone who watched it unfold, that's pretty much what happened.

Meaning "I'm not fully educated yet"

Meaning I don't trust either extreme. I think capitalism is a good system provided it's heavily regulated, and I believe in a strong social safety net and socialized medicine.

You can still adhere to the capitalistic ideology without considering yourself centrist. Capitalism isn't exclusive to right wing politics.

Depends how you define left right, I suppose. I'm Canadian, and here it's mostly a matter of economic preference.

I mean, they worship losers (nazis, confederacy) so yeah, they will be far from the brightest bulbs on their Christmas tree of hate.

LOL that was really funny!

What a faggot you are. Only a tremendous cocksucker views politics and history as some football game. "Haha these guys died for what they believed in haha losers."

You ever think that maybe the toxic ideals that drove the groups are why they lost? Like, had they not desired to remove rights from others, they would never have started the conflicts which resulted in their defeat. Maybe, just maybe, if they actually HAD something worth believing in they wouldn't have lost.

dying for your beliefs isn't cowardly.

I never said they were cowards. I just said their ideals put them on the wrong side of history, and maybe the lesson to be learned here is don't infringe on other peoples rights.

"wrong side of history" lmao gay

I read somewhere they should all carry white flags, as it's the final one all their heroes used.

The Antifag communists were the ones starting the violence. If you watch the video, they were throwing things at the guy's car before he ran into the crowd. What likely happened was that the Antifags were breaking his windows (eg, by throwing bricks, etc), and the driver panicked and accelerated to get away and accidentally hit those people. Not intentionally.

Someone hits his car he brought to a rally where most are on foot so he's justified to run people over because you think it's an accident. What a load of bullshit.

This guy is already trying to soften what happened and turn it so they can still blame "liberals" for the civil war they want.

You don't know that it was intentional. You are assuming that.

You are also assuming it wasn’t intentional. You also assumed that his windows were being damaged/broken, and there is no evidence of that in the video.

Show me evidence in any video where his car is being attacked prior to him driving into a crowd of people who WEREN’T throwing bricks.

I'm stating for a fact what happened. I was merely saying that it is possible that it was accidental.

We need to wait for an investigation and more facts to come out.

You just said that it is a fact that people were throwing things at his car, and that is probably the reason for him driving into the crowd. You do not know where his car was, so how do you know that’s what they were throwing things at? Also, you provided no evidence of them actually throwing anything in any video.

The investigation is over, he was charged with murder. You act like there is some fantasy world where there is justification for reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter, do yourself a favor and pull your head out of your ass or wherever the fuck you managed to lodge it.

Just because someone is charged does not mean they are guilty. Sheesh. This city (and state) are run by communist filth.

Ah yes, getting to the ROOT of the problem. Maybe if the state wasn’t so filthy he wouldn’t have had to run anyone over! Now I see what you’re trying to say.

Still waiting for a point in the video where they are throwing things towards where his car may be. But if you can produce some fantasy reality for yourself where reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter is permissible, then I’m interested to see what kind of things you can’t do!

Good thing the federal government will get involved since he crosses state lines.

Where is this video? I'd like to see it.

Keep posting this lol, along with the original, its the biggest smoking gun out of this whole thing

Antifa was on foot because they were bussed in to riot, they had no access to cars.

Get this bullshit out of here. The 'driver fearing for his life' angle is being spun to appease the conservative base. Those 'antifa communists' aka crisis actors who decide to randomly start beating on some dudes car during a peaceful protest? More disinfo to distract from the glaringly obvious evidence that the suspect in custody was not the one photographed driving the car.

Doesn't matter anyways. Fearing for your life doesn't give you carte Blanche to do whatever you want. He could have immediately removed himself from The situation by reversing as he did to get away and since he didn't, no matter what he felt, dude is liable for what he.

The Antifa assembly was not a peaceful protest. It was an attempt to unlawfully intimidate conservative opponents--lawfully gathered conservative opponents--into silence. This was Antifa'so Berkley Method applied with deadly consequences.

You are defending nazis, and someone who drove a vehicle into a group of people. Are you comfortable with that?

Oh, so muh Nazis and muh Holyhoax is the argument? Where is the evidence he is a nazi?

Two separate statements. By trying to shift any blame to antifa you are essentially defending the people at that rally, who were carrying nazi flags, chanting nazi slogans, and using the Hitler salute. How's that for evidence? The other part of my statement is that you're also defending someone who drove a car into a group of people. The evidence is that he drove a car into a group of people. However, it's probably safe to assume he is also a nazi.

If someone damages your car, you make a claim on your insurance. You don't destroy your car and commit a fucking murder.

When he starts speeding into the back of a crowd of people there is no one around his car. Wide open empty street.


Did you say the same about the left wing media when a Bernie Supporter tried to assassinate the Republican Congressional baseball team in Alexandria?

They sure to have resistance propaganda down, but no one seriously believes the left wingers are going to start a civil war.

Pretty sure EVERYONE was against that bernie bro shooting at congressmen. No surprise to see your reaction and where it went. Show me where people defended the guy on this sub like you did.

Also side note... how's the CA project going? Isn't that like assigning Robert Hanssen to look for KGB spies?

Wtf are you talking about?

Where did I defend the guy?

You come by not talking about him but trying to derail the thread by whatabouting the bernie bro EVERYONE was against.

But I know you can't violate the rules so... rules for us plebs but the ruling class of r/conspiracy gets away with thread derailment.

It's a valid question.

Some right wing guy attacks a crowd of protestors and you say the right-media is trying to start a civil war.

Some left wing guy tried to assassinate right wing politicians in Alexandria so does that mean the left-media is also trying to start a civil war?

You also never answered my question about who what where when why did I defend the Charlottesville attacker?

Did you just make that up about me because I didn't automatically fall to my knees and worship your theory?

Did you not read what I has written? Did you only come here to derail the thread with the bernie bro who killed no one?

I stated I posted multiple times about this... but here for everyone of r/conspiracy to see, why it has never been seen before.

I've provided proof they are getting ready for civil war. Not to mention all the "militia" groups out there responding to jade helm and whatnot.

How many millions listen to AJ and where do you think people who watch him voted? That was back in June.

I've seen democrats kinda threaten the president on T.V, but none are telling them they have to take their country back and if they do it's a advert to vote in 2018 for democrats.

BTW you're whataboutism was the defense. What didn't you get about that??

No, just because I asked you if you're applying the same logic to left wingers when they attack people does not mean I was defending the actions of some stupid racist prick who drove into a crowd of people.

You need to take a step back and look at what you're doing.

You literally did defend him.

Now, you state you think he is a "racist prick". It's not the same thing and both are different situations. One targeted a political figure, one is trying to run over fellow Americans during a heated protest. As it is well documented in American history, crazy left wingers shoot up political figures, while right wingers shoot up planned parenthood.

Seriously feigning ignorance in this subject, while I watch only right wing news, is hilarious.

You literally did defend him.

Then you can literally provide a link?

Provide you a link to your own comment?

Yep, I never defended the guy so your accusation is false.

It's not an accusation. It's a fact you came into a thread about a guy who killed someone at a unite the right rally to talk about the bernie guy.

Your premise is that this idiots act of violence is proof that the right media is pushing for civil war. I asked if this also applies to the left media when left wing people commits an act of violence.

That in no way shape or form translates into me defending this guy.

Attacking leaders who make shitty policy, while wrong, is not at all the same as attacking citizens.

So you're saying it's okay to attack government officials? Because you don't like their policy positions?

This is a truly fascinating confession.

Now please show me where I've made any similar supportive comment about any violence anywhere.

He said it was wrong. Dude...

No, not at all. I do not condone or advocate aggression.

I'm just saying that there's a huge divide between attacking protestors and politicians. Both are wrong.

I don't see the difference. Violence is violence.

I agree.

Try to think of it like this, then. Taking out the king will most likely result in drastic changes. Taking out some peasants will piss off other peasants, and THEIR lords, but the chance of this changing things is minimal, beyond frightening the populace. Both are usually wrong.

Assassination can be terrorism, but fear is not the main goal, taking out opposing powers is. Most cases of Terrorism are more aimed at the populace. theres a much bigger psychological component to those kinds of attacks. I do not condone killing your opponents. I don't even think they should be jailed, in most cases. But that's another subject.


That is the guy driving the car. He is James Fields.

However, he is not the neo nazi James Fields that they arrested and are blaming.


Bullshit, next.

Quality response.

Equivalent to yours.

Why should I give more effort than you?

My point was demonstrable. Whataboutism is lazy and a poor method of excusing the actions of a neo nazi terrorist.

I'm not trying to excuse his actions so that's a false equivalency.

Whataboutism versus false equivalency.

Nobody wins.

"This guy is bad"

"But what about these other bad people huh?"


It's relevant to OPs question.

If OP has said, this guy who drove into a crowd of protestors in VA is a bad guy and what he did was wrong, I would have agreed with him 100%.

But that's not what he said, he is trying to make everything about the right being wrong and I simply wanted to know if he applies the same reasoning to the left. It's a perfectly valid question when considering the OP's post.

Why are you so worried about the same standards being applied to the left?

.It's relevant to OPs question

It isn't. It's whataboutism and it's a very transparent way to excuse neo nazis.

.Why are you so worried about the same standards being applied to the left?

Standards of not murdering people?

Why are you so afraid to call out white supremacist terrrorism?

Why are you so afraid to call out white supremacist terrorism?

I'm not at all, I'm just asking how the right-media is trying to start a civil war, when the left media isn't. It's pretty obvious to everyone what my point is with exception to those who are perfectly okay with the left-media saying "take our country back by any means necessary!"

We obviously have idiots on both sides of the political rift doing stupid shit and trying to kill people. It seems unimportant to you until someone on the right does it.

It's not terrorism when you're fleeing "peaceful protestors" blocking the road and attacking your car with baseball bats.

Which would maybe make sense if that's what happened. But wasn't so your point fails

It'seems exactly what happened. I've seen all videos from all angles. The driver was being attacked and drove blindly forward through the crowd to escape. When he hit a car, the mob set upon his car from behind with baseball bats. He backed them over. One died.

.It's exactly what happened. I've seen all videos from all angles.

You clearly haven't watched a single one.

.. He backed them over. One died.

One was murdered yes.

I've watched them all. Up close and slowed down. It is you who clearly has not. Like the idiot that got smashed between the Challenger and the pickup. He ran right onto the trunk just after the reverse lights lit up. This is an indisputable fact. That's how his red sneakers ended up lonely on the pavement.

Of course, this was well after the driver had wilfully decided to drive straight into them.

Bats can be heard beating his car before his tires ever squeal. Reality just doesn't line-up to your delusions.

So this was right around the time he drove up to the line of people in his car, and lined up his approach.


No it wasn't. Still dancing with your delusions. The facts will all come out in time. As it has been for a number of years now, they will not play in your favor. You should be used to this by now am know better. Oh well.

No it wasn't. Still dancing with your delusions. The facts will all come out in time. As it has been for a number of years now, they will not play in your favor. You should be used to this by now am know better. Oh well.

Most ppl here should be familiar with how it goes. Very odd event happens with a ton of weird coincidences and things that don't add up - an MSM created narrative is created that all the sheep can agree on and blast across the internet - the reaction to the event goes exactly to plan - then, just as everyone outside of subs like this begin to forget about the event (as something new and juicy will replace it) then the truth quietly comes out and all the people regurgitating the lines mere weeks ago simply don't even remember what happened enough with the original story to care that everything they were told was bullshit.

They've been doing it for years and it never ceases to fail.

From what I've seen with Antifa, the left seems much more likely to incite violence.

Not that I'm not a Trump fan, and I'm a left leaning centrist.

Rallying for a white only America is a form of violence.

No, it isn't, and only a few fringe weirdos ever do that anyways.

Rallying for a white only America is a form of violence

Sounded to me like they felt oppressed, I heard nothing ao far about white only anything.

The first amendment protects their right to have unfortunate and ridiculous opinions and the ability to voice them.

Your playing it off as violence is a serious detriment to liberty. Everyone in the United States has the right to be dumb as fuck and sing about it while they're at it.

It sure does. And it also gives the other side the right to protest their opinions.

We're talking about inciting violence. The pro-Trump cult rallies do this only for the violence and trying to get the other side to be violent for recruitment purposes. But... it seems one of the kekistanis deliberately tried to run the opposition to his little rally. He's been pictured before he got in his car to be a murderer.

No, you just stated that rallying was violence. That's not the same as "inciting violence" which antifa is just as guilty of. Speech is not violence, but hitting someone over the head is.

From what I've seen, they haven't ran a car through a dozen people trying to murder them all and more if it weren't for some parked cars.

Neither has James Fields.

This is the stupidest shit. Second guy looks nothing like the car pic. Why would they need to have someone with the same name do it anyway if they were just gonna fake it?

Second guy is the guy they arrested. First guy is the guy who actually did it.

First guy is the guy who actually did it and who appears in the mugshots. Second guy in your post is a completely unrelated veteran who looks nothing like the guy in the car picture and who for some reason is being smeared as the perpetrator of a false flag just because he shares the same name.

They're all pics of the same guy. The guy who was arrested, James Fields, looks nothing like the driver.

Sorry about the confusion, been arguing this in a lot of threads.

most don't have key to the cats they were bussed in to the riot

BLM assisinates police officers and their leaders openly call for violence and murder of whites and law enforcement.

If this were true it would be an issue, but blm held several rallies today with plenty of whites and cops involved peacefully.

So because they held one peaceful rally they're completely innocent? The "alt right" has held peaceful rallies too.

Here's your BLM killing cops:

The leaders of blm didn't denounce this because blm has no leaders, that is the point. The guy who shot those cops wasn't even marching with them, he was hidden in a building and had written his manifesto on how he wanted to kill people.

Antifa is a group of extreme left activists.

Everyone looks extreme left next to actual fascists.

Fascism has historically been almost exclusively tied to socialist regimes.

Not this case.

Dude the alt right came armed with weapons....

Don't they historically support the American right to bear arms? I'd probably want a weapon too if I knew that a bunch of violent crazies like Antifa were going to be there.

You don't peacefully protest armed for a fight

Actually, in America that is not at all unusual. See NRA rallies, for instance.

That makes sense that's about guns, this isn't

The right is always about guns, that's kinda their thing.

But given Antifa's history of inciting violence dozens of times over the last year or so, I think it's reasonable to go prepared.

All it says is I'm looking to fight and only encourages antifa being violent. Let's also not pretend that these alt right morons aren't violent either. They killed someone ffs


It should be noted that James Fields, who they arrested, was not the guy driving the car. James Field was.

Wow I'm done you are lost that's literally Ridiculous. He did it stop with this fake shit.

You would see an innocent man locked up for the sake of ideology.

Not what I said at all but you are going to such lengths to prove an alt righter wasn't responsible

This is the driver. His name is James Field. His political affiliation is unknown to me. He is not the man they arrested. The man the arrested is James Fields, and he appears to be some kind of neo nazi. However, he is innocent of this particular crime.

How does that prove anything I'm not sure what you are trying to prove.

It proves that this is another false flag, and that they're trying to blame an innocent man because of his distasteful political views.

There is more than one James fields in the world... they don't even have the same middle name

This is James Field, the man driving the car. This is James Fields the neo nazi who they arrested.

Are you a bot who just links something that proves absolutely nothing?


Dude the alt right came armed with weapons...

Dude they had a permit to be there.

You don't peacefully protest armed for a fight. Only exception is a 2nd A rally. You want BLM walking around with weapons now

You don't peacefully protest armed for a fight. Only exception is a 2nd A rally. You want BLM walking around with weapons now

You don't get to define protests that are already duly permitted, nor do you get to define a states carry laws.

Never said it wasn't their rights to protest or carry. But peaceful protests don't have armed protesters.

What are your thoughts on Syria and Russia?What about NK? Israel?

I think we should get out of all wars. I have no problem with Russia but I do have a slight problem if they are going to hack people's emails. I'd be against it if they hacked repub emails too. It sets a dangerous precedent. Someday a democrat may call China or Israel to hack right wing politicians.

Not a fan of Israel, I think they are jewish white supremacists. I wonder why we go all out for Zioning that region which is the size of New Jersey.

NK is a dictatorship. Their people are afraid of their government which is now a right wing fascist country.

Oh, look over there.


Mods deflecting from people shitting on the alt right narratives? Nothing to see here folks.

YES. We all did. Why do you assume we'd just shrug?

Several people had trouble with this question.

It's also going to be 'forgotten' that T_D promoted this hate rally with a stickied post, now deleted, some of which remains archived here.

Of course they did, there's probably a 4chan archive of threads for the trump cult rally advertisements somewhere.

They will distance themselves, they will derail threads about guys like them and they will make excuses for their own trump cultist but call everyone else evil.


Here's a quote from one of brilliant t_d posters

[–]A_Wookie_on_crackUSA 29 points 7 days ago The destruction of white history and peoples is real, and PC culture reinforces that destruction.

You do realise that whatever this person's motives were for writing that, he is not wrong. White people aren't immigrating to coloured nations it's the other way around and they are vastly outnumbered. Think whatever you want of it, but his statement is arguable valid.

Immigration is different from destroying history. Native Americans still have a rich history in spite of what the Europeans settlers did to them.

Yeah, the few that are left have some great memories of their rich history.

No they do not. They live in shit hole reservations and their people are almost entirely addicts. We ruined Native American culture.

Just so we don't misunderstand each other. I am talking about the fact that it can be safely argued, even though nothing like it is certain, that white people are diminishing if you look at demographic trends. The dispersal, demonisation of white history can be interpreted in many ways because his comment was so short, but since he references it to PC culture you can argue that that trend of SJWs and tumblr-like ways of thinking has infiltrated a lot of actors in society. Don't you think it is safe to say that they often show a tendency to want to "change", minimise or demonise western history and culture. Again, I am not an alt-righter I am just trying to bring some nuance because I'm tired of the tunnel visioned trench warfare from both sides.

The entire US is founded on white people immigrating to a "coloured" nation.

Great reply. You win the internet today my friend.

There were tribes of Indians running around killing eachother. There was no nation.

Do you realize how fucking stupid this sounds? Do pre-colonial civilizations not count because of their relative lack of technological advancement? The land wasn't uninhabited. It was settled by people, who formed cultures, and yes, nations. The Iroquois Confederacy in the Northeastern US, the Triple Alliance in Mexico... There was a wide and varied population that was conquered and exterminated by invading colonizers.

Jesus, this is fucking 18th century thinking. "They weren't civilized enough so there's no problem just taking the land." Should Americans stake a claim in Africa because they're "less civilized" today?

No lets let Africa keep doing what they're doing, they're doing great. Really well honestly.

Who's fault do you think that was? Could it possibly have been due to the centuries of exploitation by European colonizers and imperialists? Africa doesn't exist in a vacuum. It was just a couple decades ago that there was still apartheid in South Africa. You don't think Europeans contributed heavily to the currents state of African development?

Read a fucking book.

just a few decades ago

Decades ago. Just need a few more decades. Maybe a millennium to get back up to Western European standards of living right?

Africans are committing genocide of whites in South Africa. TODAY. IN 2017. Please justify that.

Justify? No. But I can explain it by pointing to the centuries of abuse by white landowners and elites against the African population there. Do you think there would be a "genocide," which I think we both know is exaggerating the violence, if Europeans didn't force them into slavery or a destitute lower class in their own homeland?

Doesn't refute his point.

Actually I don't like his point for other reasons. He is saying that removing confederate statues is destroying "white history". This just isn't true at all. Why is "white" history only brought up when discussing the confederacy? There were plenty of whites fighting against the confederacy, and we all know who lost. What about the massive immigration wave at ~1900 - all those people are white, and have zero to do with the confederacy. Whose history are we talking about with "white" history?

They aren't erasing white history by removing these statues from public places, they are just choosing not to glorify traitors.

Yeah I don't agree with those of his points, just pointed that one out

Yeah I've always had a beef with this "white pride" stuff. I mean - I'm from Italian immigrants. We weren't even considered white for a big chunk of time in this country (I guess until browner and poorer people started coming in bigger waves). So I've never understood their viewpoint and can't relate to it at all, even though I'm white.

Its not exactly the "White Pride", stuff. Its the question, to why its acceptable for other groups to be proud of who they are, but the second a white person is proud to be white, you are a nazi and a racist. Meanwhile BLM groups can do this and its acceptable.

Because white people have not been systematically opressed in the US.African Americans are proud that they overcame and persevered through slavery and being 3rd class citizens.

Why should you be proud about giving native americans the shaft, oppressing minorities and being the ruling ethnicity for over 200 years?

We have plenty of things that celebrate white heritage - usually specific to the culture (Italian, Irish, German, etc.). Have you ever heard an Octoberfest called racist? No?

Whenever I see "White pride" specifically, it is this garbage:

Yes, when you do that shit people will call you racist. Also - that user name.

You should not be on this forum. You are pushing a far left agenda. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are. Whether your white,brown,yellow or GREEN. This is insane, you are clearly part of the indoctrination of the new America were logic is throwing out and any point is racist. How is me saying, being proud of who you are is racist? With you're logic then BLM is racist then right?

I'm far left because I don't like white nationalism and Nazis? TIL.

OMG dude that's the problem. Am making a simple statement, to be proud of who are. You jump to conclusions of White nationalism and Nazis?

It's impossible to have this discussion if you keep making up shit. I never said you couldn't be proud of being who you are. I just pointed out that whenever I hear the term "white pride", its always some neo Nazi bullshit. Or do you see those groups as the only way to express pride in your race?

Actually I agree with this but this is the point am making. Just because I say am white and proud, does not mean am racist. Which for the record I don't. but why the double standard? How is this okay for same and not okay for others? How can BLM march the streets but not a Alt-Right group? Which I personally believe them to be both racist. But this is the point am making. The Mob mentality the left has created is a fascist movement. The mob always believe they are doing right but we knew threw history there not.

The point of BLM is that they think blacks are being treated unfairly in the justice system. They do not say that blacks are better than whites, or that whites should be purged from the country. Alt right groups are white nationalists and neo-Nazis. It isn't just about being proud of their heritage - these are white supremacist organizations. It's like talking to a wall that you can't see the difference.

IK both of them. I see the point you are trying to make. But they are the same.

Nothing Racist here.

Pretty sure this Hammers my point away, there both racist and why is there a double standard?

Are you talking to yourself? Dude, get some help.

Yeah okay. That's what I thought.

I'm asking about this:

You should not be on this forum. You are pushing a far left agenda.


SO NOW MY USERNAME IS A VALID POINT? BTW my username is to troll people, that think identity politics is valid. Congrats you are an idiot. Am starting to realize that this is not a conspiracy thread at all. No valid points are ever being brought up.

You sure trolled me good, lol.

Because being proud of being white doesn't mean anything other than being proud of an accident of genetics. There's no "white" culture to be proud of. I mean, seriously, do you think you have anything in common with a Russian farmer? Or a Norwegian fisherman? How about a vintner in France?

Nobody gives a shit if you're proud of your cultural heritage, but when you start talking about being proud of being white, you might as well be proud of an early receding hairline.

What? Okay answer me this one question. Is Black Lives Matter racist then? How is there no white culture to proud off? Tell me who created this platform we are talking on now? I do have this in common with the Russian farmer and the Norwegian fisherman? This whole thing of hating white people is displaced anger towards the system that has been fair. This is a mis-directed attack lately. Am tired of everyone crying victim, if you live in America you have not been oppressed, overall take a look at the world, you tell me Amercia is not fair? This whole ideology you have is racist, famous quote of WW2 "The fascist of the future well be the anit-facist." Again people who give in to this ideology you have that white people are evil, are giving into the bully. You created Donald Trump.

Tell me who created this platform we are talking on now?

Dude, have you been to Silicon Valley? I'll give you a tip, it's a very diverse and multicultural place.

yeap, something i find myself harping on with people online and irl. race in this country is government defined, not some natural state of being.

Try this then. White pride is not white supremacy. It is the same a black pride or gay pride of woman's day marches or Cuban pride marches. None of them are about being supremacist to anyone. They are about being proud of who and what you are instead of letting media and college snowflake-babies dictate to you what you should feel ashamed of? If everyone else is allowed to feel pride for their race or culture then so are white people. And white culture and history is more than just one statue.

There is St. Patty's Day, Octoberfest, San Gennaros, Syttende Mai etc. These are all celebrations of white European culture. Nobody is ashamed of being white.

What is shameful is this shit:

If the only way you can express being proud of being white is with this neo-Nazi shit, fuck off.

But none of white American culture? When you do that it is called an Alt-right Nazi March. Some idiots wearing Nazi garb does not mean the thousands of other who were dressed normally are Nazis or KKK. How about this then, if the only way leftists SJW's can be proud of their shit is to dress up in black balaclavas and scarfs to hide their chickenshit identities and then run through the streets causing massive public destruction and violence then all leftist cunts can fuck off? Or is it wrong to lump thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people in with a small group of abusive retards? What is shameful is this: Antifa thugs

What would be your celebration of white American culture? Give me an example.

It is called the 4th of July.

So this celebration already exists? What are you on about then?

You said White American culture. That is the only day White people can celebrate their culture but they have to share it with all the other American races. They don't get their own thing the way everyone else does and when they try for it they are labelled as Nazis and racists.

So you want the 4th of July celebrations to be white only?

Wow you are stupid.

I'm trying to figure out what you want. You don't like the 4th of July because you have to share it with other races. So give me what you want to be able to do to celebrate white American heritage.

I never said I don't like the 4th of July. I simply answered your question. i Just told you how the American heritage is celebrated. You have made some wild assumptions here. Everyone else gets their own day to celebrate their race and culture AS WELL AS the 4th of July. White Americans only get the 4th of July. Anytime they celebrate their race and white American culture they are called Nazis. And to show you how much you work on un-grounded assumptions, I am Australian. I couldn't give a shit about American or European culture or race. Australia has its own cultural and racial issues to deal with. White people are the only people who are racist by default simply because of their skin colour and they are the only race that is not allowed to take pride in themselves for it. And their superior culture. Yes, Anglo-Saxon 1st world culture is better than anything else in existence. It is far from perfect. Easy to poke holes in and criticise, but everything else deserves more criticism. Now stop making assumptions and read the words on your screen, not the words stomping through your mind that are telling you what you think I mean. I say what i mean. My words don't require your interpretation.

What celebrations of the white race and American culture were called racist? I'm trying to make you be specific because you are claiming a lot of baseless things. I keep hearing this trope where "white people are called racist because they are white" which is simply not true. Maybe some shitty people on twitter say shit like that, but it isn't the majority opinion, nor is it acceptable.

All this to do in this thread started with removing a confederate statue, and claiming that is erasing "white" history. I'm a white American - the confederacy has nothing to do with me. My family didn't even come here until like 1910. My family is typical Italian American out of NYC metro area. All our celebrations revolve around that. That doesn't represent "white" America to you though.

So again, what type of celebration would make you happy? Because white people in America don't share the same heritage. Concocting some sort of celebration that is completely focused on the fact that we share a certain skin color?

What celebrations of the white race and American culture were called racist?

Umm, the one this post refers to? Duh!

Concocting some sort of celebration that is completely focused on the fact that we share a certain skin color?

Yeah, that would seem silly wouldn't it. So why do we tolerate and celebrate other races and skin colours for doing it?

Are you talking about blacks in the US? The ones who don't actually know their cultural heritage because they were slaves?

The ones who don't actually know their cultural heritage because they were slaves?

Right, because they are all 160 years old. None of them were fucking slaves. And that is one hell of an assumption about the millions of black people in thew US. Who are you to say what millions of people you have never met know and don't know about the history of their ancestors? The people who are alive today are claiming sympathy for suffering slavery a full century and a half after slavery ended. That is how long this has been a dead issue.

That IS their heritage. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand

I do understand it, very well in fact. That is why I am calling it puerile nonsense. It is not their anything. Their skin colour does not give them a right to appropriate the suffering of distant ancestors, many of whom are part white. Lets not try to pretend that every black American is straight off the boat from Africa black. Most now have at least 12.5% Caucasoid genes and many have 25 to 50 or much more%. If you want heritage then theirs is also white heritage, but none of that matters because nothing bad happened to them because of white people. Anything bad going on in their lives now is their own fault. There are plenty of white trash people living in poverty and have a hard time of it. It is not a race thing, it is a poverty thing. Poverty is the great equaliser. All this is, is a bunch of people claiming that they deserve pity for shit that happened to other people generations ago. It is not more than that.
The white people of today did nothing to them. Nor did white people of today do anything to their ancestors. White people are even some of their ancestors.

So black people can't celebrate their heritage because it was 150 years ago, but you are complaining that you want to celebrate your own heritage, and think you can't? You are flat out contradicting yourself.

. this is not about celebrating heritage, it is about whining about their heritage as though it happened to them and not other people. Celebrate anything you want but yo have no right to reparations or special treatment for having the same skin colour as some people who had it hard in the distant past because they also had dark skin. And they don't have the right to call me a racist for being white just because they are black. White people owe black people nothing. That is all I am saying to them. I am not contradicting myself, you are once again making up assumptions in your own mind rather than actually reading what is written on the screen, and then arguing your inventions as though they are something I said. Stop being a fucking idiot for once, please!

A lot of people forget 600k people died in the civil war. This however, is not a left or right thing. The media is making it into one. I've spoken to people on both sides and most if not all abhor this whole concept.

Agree, we are removing the losing side of history. Everyone know's the winners write the history books.

There were plenty of whites fighting against the confederacy, and we all know who lost.

Did I miss it where people were advocating for the destruction of statues memorializing the North in the Civil War?

Why would they do that? That side wasn't the losing traitor side.

You totally missed the point. You are too blinded by partisan divide to have a conversation. This is the real problem with our country today.

No, you just don't have a point. Why would they remove statues of Lincoln?

My point was that they both represent history. American history is peppered with terrible acts, and removing the evidence of those acts will not erase the history. The only purpose it can possibly serve is to remove it from the public conscience, which will inevitably lead to a repeat of history. We need to immortalize our failures every bit as much as our successes so that we cannot ignore them and do not repeat them.

They aren't erasing it, all the statues are being placed in museums. The cities that are removing these sculptures are just removing them from public parks. We can remember the civil war with monuments to Lincoln, civil rights with Martin Luther King.

We need to immortalize our failures every bit as much as our successes so that we cannot ignore them and do not repeat them.

So, if Germany doesn't put statues of Hitler everywhere they are bound to repeat the same thing? That makes no sense.

I have an idea! If we ant to influence civil discourse, all you have to do to make pariahs of your competition is equate them with evil. Let's call everything literally Hitler!

Yes, I called Adolf Hitler "Hitler". Should I call him something else? Nice try at the misdirect.

No you equated my argument (and the civil war) to Nazis and Hitler. You probably see Hitler around every ideological corner, and that is the problem. You equate anyone who does not share your opinion with the most evil thing you can imagine. It is a deceptively Naziesque style of thinking, actually.

Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I meant. I pointed out a flaw in your argument - that if we don't have statues in public spaces of unsavory historical figures we are bound to repeat past mistakes. Germany does not approach it this way, and they haven't had a problem with a rise in neo-Nazis because they don't have Hitler statues. I did not compare anyone to Hitler.

This argument doesn't work when the people you are defending are carrying Nazi flags.

I'm defending their rights, not their ideology. If you can advocate for even the most abhorrent people in your society losing their rights, then you are advocating for you yourself losing the very same rights.

Removing confederate monuments is literally erasing history faggot.

They are being put in museums dumbass. Yes, having things on view in museums is "erasing them".

I highly doubt that any of these people crying "muh Confederacy" have even read a book about the civil war.

YOu must be barely literature because the US Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. Why the hell should any city have statues of defeated foes hanging around? Keep them in battlefields, keep then in museums, but they have no fucking business on public AMERICAN soil.

lol gay

Fuck you. I bet you'd love a 2nd American civil war. Erasing our history is not okay. Just because their side lost doesn't make the men who fought on that side any less important, or any more "evil" or something. Every person involved in the civil war was an American.

Fuck you. I bet you'd love a 2nd American civil war.

Why would I? My side won.

Erasing our history is not okay.

It isn't erasing history. Have you ever actually visited a civil war memorial or battlefield? Because there aremany of them around with statues. For example, here is some information on Lee's statue at Gettysburg.

Statues belong in the places where these men toiled: on the battlefield.

Just because their side lost doesn't make the men who fought on that side any less important, or any more "evil" or something.

I don't think that is the case, but glorifyng a nation that lost against the USA only emboldens neo-Confederates, historical revisionism, or those who would want to contunue the "Lost Cause." Ever read Confederates in the Attic? It's a very good read that touches upon these issues, which are still problematic today as we saw from Charlottesville, VA.

BTW, I grew up south of the Mason-Dixon line, my father is from the South, and we had ancestors that fought on both sides during the war, so I am not just some Damn Yankee trying to oppress Southerners. I love the South in many ways -- its food, music, and climate, for example -- but that doesn't mean I support people waving the Confederate flag all over the place.

Every person involved in the civil war was an American.

That is true, but Southerners attacked the US and seceded from it because they had a different vision of America while the rest of America was free soil. It's a key issue.

Yes it was, in what sense is my text against what you just wrote? I am talking about what is arguably happening in modern times. I am personally not convinced in any direction really, I am just pointing out that what the donald person wrote can be quite confidently argued. Your analogy is not the greatest either. What happened to the native americans? Didn't go so well for them in the end.

Blah blah blah - not even white and I can see it. They're hunting anyone who was in those Tiki torch pictures - giving out their address.

Yes. However, if you dig deeply on the history of America there are two factions.

One of them wanted to get along with the American Indians, and opposed slavery. The other one, largely led by the British aristocracy, wanted to slaughter the Indians and supported slavery.

For example, most people aren't aware that slavery was forcefully imposed against the colonists' will by John Locke. And that most of the founders, like Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton, wanted to abolish slavery at the founding, but were opposed by traitors loyal to the British aristocracy.

The true history of America's founding is nothing like what we are told in school. This nation is the result of a centuries-long righteous conspiracy to build a Republic of free people. And we're very close to putting the final nail in the coffin of the aristocracy.

Patently retarded m8. What was the name of the country they came too? What was in their bill of rights? There's was no nation before America you mongoloid. Indians didn't own shit. They were nomadic tribes constantly at war with each other and chased the ass end of a buffalo when they got hungry. They weren't some unified society or vast civilization and they had no country. Whites created America, learn some history moron.

While I see where you're coming from, and agree with you, but the argument made still stands.

I saw, it's hard to argue with reality though. That's all based info.

It may not be factoring in variables, likely unknown or unforseen ones, or even inevitable ones (all humans will be brown someday), but nothing presented is false or wrong, just leaning in its presentation.

Being able to see through that is probably hard, but I encourage you to try.

It's not even a left vs. right thing, there is data to support the claim.

What is "based"? Do you mean biased?

It may not be factoring in variables, likely unknown or unforseen ones, or even inevitable ones (all humans will be brown someday), but nothing presented is false or wrong, just leaning in its presentation.

Are you high or something? That is the most incoherent sentence I've ever seen.

Imagine what the world would look like if Native Americans had enforced their borders!!

White people aren't immigrating to places they plundered for centuries, go figure.

That is one way to put it that I think holds a lot of merit. I wouldn't say it's the be all end all, but still very valid.

Clearly their countries were shitholes before they "plundered" rich PoC countries. That's why it was so easy. Use your brain.

Oh yeah remember what a shit hole China was, the oldest civilisation on the planet, before the British came around and pumped it full of opium? And clearly South America and North Americans was much worse than the genocide and enslavement the Europeans brought with them.

Please show me which white people plundered these other countries, I may be wrong but i think you'll find that they are all dead and that their descendants are all rich fucks who own lots of things. As a white person i feel resentment for the guilt that i'm supposed to carry for the colour of my skin because of what others did. If you want to help us get rid of these rich aristocrats and bureaucrats to get that money back and redistribute it fairly then i'm all for that. My opinion is that when people talk about white supremacy they actually mean rich elite supremacy. I'm pretty sure that my ancestors farmed sheep and i'll be very lucky if one day i can own a house. Don't equate the actions of a few to all.

Slavery was rarely, if ever, economically viable. Whites conquered the world and faggots like you want them to apologize? lmao stay mad bitch boi.

So white people aren't immigrating to coloured nations but coloured nations are immigrating to white nations? I'm curious would you mind expanding on that?

What's there to expand on? That predominantely white countries are seeing a greater demographic shift from being white than non-white countries are from being non-white. Since white countries are usually far more well off, they don't have the same incentive to move away from a more comfortable setup. The guy made a statement and he wasn't wrong factually.

What are these predominantly white countries you speak of?


I didn't think you would be able to.

Were you born yesterday? Say something constructive instead.

I asked you what are these predominantly white countries you speak of? I am being constructive building a discussion by asking question. Not edgy vague statements that are held as truth.

I will make a mental note to write "there are always exceptions" to absolutely any summary I will ever write.

I can provide plenty of more examples.

You might want to adjust your claim.

So putting civil war participation trophies in museums is an example of white genocide?

Why is it white history and not confederate history? Black people have suffered in America for as long as white people were here. Why is it all of a sudden a racial thing.

I would say that this quote this whole discussion is about is quite ambigous so its hard to say what was meant exactly. I would agree with you though that saying white and confederate history is the same is very off.

However, the subjugation of white history and pride in culture is uite obviously promoted by parts of the PC,culture marxists.

are white people being racially profiled to prevent them from traveling to other countries?

How is this relevant? Triggered?

White people aren't immigrating to coloured nations

please say how it's relevant to what I wrote, it certainly isn't obvious I can't read your mind.

white people are in no way prevented against migrating to other countries which makes your comment

White people aren't immigrating to coloured nations


I think you are misunderstanding my point. Read everything I wrote again and see if you get it.

you think somehow what you say somehow gives any credibility to what u/A_Wookie_on_crackUSA said and i am showing you why its irrelevant.

And? How does a colored person negatively affect you?

And? How does a colored person negatively affect you?

And? How does a colored person negatively affect you?

did I say it did?

Lest we forget the hundreds of years of colonization by various countries and people, one event which might have spawned something called the United States of America, i cant really remember. Or do you mean hes correct if we focus on the last 70 or so years of human history and ignore the rest?

Seriously though, go to google, hit images, type in European people history. Yeah there's nothing to that am sure.

Here's a better archive:

Also note the person who posted it deleted his account. He was a mod over at /r/Ask_TheDonald

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Random comment from the thread

Exactly. Anything to the right of Elizabeth warren is already a nazi ready to gas six trillion Jews so might as well say fuck it. The enemies of my enemy are my friends

Holy shit.

Lol they actually acknowledged from the start that there was going to be a ton of "National Socialists and Ethnocentrists" there. Didn't even slow them down .

They knew alt right. In that post:

[–]~~~~~~~ 70 points 6 hours ago So glad this got stickied. And to those of you who don't like the Alt-Right well guess what. The left is going to call us (like they've always been) Racist, Homophobic, Antisemetic, Uncle Tom, Alt-Righters anyway might as well War it. I mean what happened we wore the term Deplorable like a badge of honor. permalinkembedreport

[–]~~~~~~~~ 39 points 6 hours ago Exactly. Anything to the right of Elizabeth warren is already a nazi ready to gas six trillion Jews so might as well say fuck it. The enemies of my enemy are my friends

the rally had nothing to do with trump. educate yourself before you post retard

Couldn't respond to the other comment then and had to come here and call me a retard?

Keep lying. It's all you can do.

What do you mean going to be? The gaslighting is in full effect in their cesspool of a sub.

They are literally running around in circles trying to deflect attention from themselves and pass the buck to anything but their own hatefest.

It's probably the only good thing out of this. Watching them trying to paint it as a false flag or paid protest...that they themselves helped organize and promote. Hilarious if it weren't so disheartening.

T_D = soros?

You should see how much panicked they are in their private discord.

It is something to see.

The tide has turned against them, because they went to far via outright terrorism.

oh please let there be pics

private discourse**

It's not like there's no blood on our hands. I saw multiple posts promoting here in the "New" section of our sub.

There's a clear divide between the people that are promoting that and the people that abhor it.

What's the point of bringing that up? All you're doing is trying to blame everyone in this sub for the actions of a few random people on the internet who happened to post something to this sub. Nobody in this sub promoted the nazi car crash. They promoted a stupid rally, that's it. There is no blood on my hands because I am an individual who is not associated with dummies who wanted to promote a rally.

Those people that promoted that rally are still in this sub.

You are missing both points. Random people on the internet can post pretty much whatever they want anywhere they want any time they want. This is not some huge revelation that we just realized today. Those individuals specifically are the only ones who are to blame for their role in the promotion of a rally. Their blame for the car crash is a separate discussion and arguably the two have nothing to do with one another. The person who drove that car is the only person who is to blame for that crash. It's a wingnut who was too involved in his delusional ideology that he became violent.

This has nothing to do with the subreddit /r/conspiracy as a whole. All users who were not involved in the promotion of that rally are a separate population from the ones who did promote it.

Soooo, does the same not apply to other subs?

Doesn't really make sense, you're inferring that every user had a choice to sticky and promote the rally.

You and everyone else promoting this idea that the users of /r/conspiracy are to blame are being extremely vague. What's up with that? You're also forgetting that you are a user who is posting in this sub, so I guess we should blame you for the incident? It doesn't really make sense.

That was attended by David Duke, Richard Spencer and people wearing full KKK regalia and flying Nazi flags.

It wouldn't surprise me, every time Duke opens his mouth he praising Trump, he seems to know that he is doing.

About 10 people with nazi flags but whatevs. Duke was with the klan over 30 years ago, has advocate violence or killed anyone and neither has spencer you faggot.

What did you call me?

That was attended by David Duke, Richard Spencer and people wearing full KKK regalia and flying Nazi flags.

Which should tell you that it was all contrived and staged.

Then you should have told the moderators over at T_D, because this event was promoted and stickied.

Does that mean that T_D was in on this too? Hmmmmmmm

A good question would be are there any users there who were at the rally who can speak on how the events unfolded. Just because it was promoted as a real event doesn't mean that parts of it were not staged for good television.

You just said that it was ALL contrived and staged.

I guess I did, but you know that with these race riots and violent protests it's usually a large percentage of people who are curious or just there to show solidarity and a smaller faction of agents provocateurs who are there to foment chaos and stage made-for-television scenes of violence.

You act as if T_D mods act like reasonable human beings

It has nothing to do with how reasonable they are.

It has to do with them promoting an event that many feel was a false flag operation.

Ah yes, they're all paid actors...I wonder how they get hired? Do they have auditions? Do they sign non-disclosure agreements? If only a former actor would come clean anonymously, it wouldn't be pretty easy with a throwaway. Maybe one day!

Yeah it's ridiculous to question MSM reports on George Soros's birthday on a conspiracy forum. You think Sandy Hook was a real shooting too I'm sure.

What about the times Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch called for blood on the streets protests? The entire political class is to blame, starting at the very top but not stopping there.

this hate rally

Only it wasn't a 'hate rally' until violent leftists showed up, as usual.

I was in the thread when it was live last week, there wasn't racist shit in there. The other rallies they organized didn't end like this one did. something is different. I really don't know what happened this time, it doesn't make sense

It's not forgotten at all. It's in the top 5 comments on every thread.

Update your link with the archived post.

How is it a hate rally? White people peacefully assembling claiming they have a right to exist and a right to self-determination is hate? lmao what a faggot you are.

It was a protest over the fucking statues 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🤔 Not a hate rally

Oh look it's another post on a conspiracy subreddit attempting to squash discussion of a conspiracy while name calling and offering up no substantive evidence.

Oh look it's another name I do not recognize coming to derail the thread by pretending there is no evidence.

Yea lets ignore the photo of seal team alpha doing a calm as fuck reverse burnout looking nothing like our chubby faced suspect.

Lets ignore the .9 miles he made it before being apprehended by two blacked out suburbans, one of which can be seen parked a few blocks behind the crowd as he reverses straight towards it.

Lets ignore the weird as hell interview with the mom, the suspect's scant online footprint, and the fact that the few photos that he did post show him posing next to his car like its his pride and joy (he was just itching to destroy it into a group of people, wasn't he?)

Go ahead now and call me some sort of name, preferably one that identifies my political stance, it's about time for that right? I voted for Obama twice, I fully support LGBT rights. I believe that the only opinion on abortion a woman should be concerned about is that of her medical professional. Yet somehow I get called an alt-right neo Nazi everytime I try to contribute decent conversation about conspiracies in a conspiracy subreddit...

You're just a fucking idiot. That's the only thing that needs to be said.

I'll just leave these here

Absolutely based

Pot meet kettle.

Username checks out


Go ahead now and call me some sort of name, preferably one that identifies my political stance

What? Why bother?

His mom just got told that her son ran people over in his car, if she didn't act weird that would be suspect. The FBI and police were there in advance which explains blacked out Suburbans. So your proof he is a false flag is someone caught him?

No, I think the most compelling evidence are these pictures:

suspect with his car

photo of vehicle reversing after attack

enhanced version of previous image

I don't think they are the same person, now I understand if you have a different opinion and honestly would love to hear it because that is what we are supposed to do here, have a decent and mature discussion on stuff like this!

The first picture is misleading and shows him younger.

The mugshot looks like it could be him if he was looking up like that stretching out his chins.

How old is the first photo? His mugshot looks like the guy in the second pic.

I would imagine it can't be older than 4-5 years since the suspect is 20.

that "enhanced" version looks like a fucking joke for real. also, interestingly the actual car has racing stripes and the one where he is leaning on it does not. i dont think those are the same vehicles, but that doesnt mean it isnt him because the picture of him leaning on the car is clearly years old.

Am I the only one that doesn't see the same car?

The divide against each other agenda IS real. Gotta pick team s before we can fight, ya know.

If you felt your views were honest and worthy you wouldn't have to broadcast your voting history alongside them.

Just saying.

You are grasping at straws and ignoring all rational evidence. That isn't a conspiracy, it is a politically motivated assault on our intelligence. Stop acting like a victim because your propaganda doesn't take hold the way you want it to.

You forgot about the weirdest part of it all and that's the helicopter that was videotaping the event crashed, killing both people and the video evidence.

Ahhh, I'm not ready to touch that puzzle piece yet, I have a feeling when it's all said and done that one will be the big piece that fits in the center to bring everything together.

I'm so confused by your logic stretching here. He is on video running people over, and he reversed out and was arrested in his severely damaged car almost immediately.

and he reversed out and was arrested in his severely damaged car almost immediately.

Oh yea, how about these pictures showing the car almost a mile from the incident?

Car's final resting spot on Monticello Ave

Another of the Challenger on Monticello Ave

estimated drive-time using google maps

you are speaking of unrecognizable names? Strange I've never seen your brand of left wing gun nutism demonstrated on here before ....

Funny tag I have for you through RES

Hey this guy ^ knows who everyone on here is.

But it is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to start civil war.

I think what they're opposed to is the agenda behind the conspiracy.

Obviously there are people who genuinely want to investigate, but there are also a lot of people who really want to believe that this was a false flag because there's no way to spin a guy deliberately running people over.

Someone is going to say 'Not a conspiracy'

But when you show up armed to the teeth to a community that does not want you there, wearing helmets and flak jackets, (did I see a 50 caliber in the back of some jerks truck?) and start goosestepping around like the goons you are, one girl ends up murdered, 5 are still critical and might die too, you know what?

That might just BE a conspiracy.

Self defense isn't murder.

Her name was Heather Heyer, and she's dead due to people like you.

No, she's dead for running into the back of a fleeing car. She's dead due to people like you.

"running into the back of a fleeing car"

Wow, it's a wonder the alt right can even tie it's combat-boot laces every morning without help.

It's exactly what happemed. The mob set upon his car with baseball bats. Watch the videos.



You disgust me


And you disgust humanity.

What video are you watching?

Show me the video then please.

Hello mate, you didn't respond to my comment yesterday. Did you find the video that backs up your claims?

So if you drive recklessly and someone gets in your way it's their fault? I'll remember this next time I see you calling all Muslims terrorists when really they are just bad drivers.

If you attack a car with baseball bats while blocking the road with a large mob and you get run over, then it is absolutely your fault.

The road was closed, there was a protest that day, he attended it and knew. Why go forward if attacked, you are in a giant 2 ton steel cage, just turn around. Self defense is a de escalation, not do whatever you want if maybe threatened.

He didn't drive up a closed road. He drove up a road that was blocked by an illegally assembled mob.

Self defense is never an escalation, how on Earth are you gonna spin a bat attack into murder by car as a defense. The road wasn't blocked by people, that's why when he sped down it to murder people he hit a car and was stopped. You can't murder people who block a road, if you can get ready for a lot of Nazis to get plowed over at their next rally.

.if you can get ready for a lot of Nazis to get plowed over at their next rally.

In a perfect world it would be by an Abrams tank with an American flag flying from the barrel

Self defense is never an escalation

Patently false.

You can't drive through a random group of people 50 meters down the road after someone looks at you funny.

Virginia law allows the use of self defense where a person:

Reasonably believes He is in imminent danger of an overt act Threatening unlawful force, serious bodily harm, or death; and Uses the amount of force reasonable in relation to the harm threatened

He's a lying racist troll. Look at this video

He speeds into them, THEN they attack his car. No one was near it in the beginning.

Yeah I know I just want to see how dumb he is.

The sad thing is, I don't think he's dumb. I think he's just showing his true disgusting racist mindset.

They aren't dumb, they're fascists. And Nazi sympathizers. They've co-opted the alt right like ISIS co-opts movements in the middle east. They're almost identical to ISIS. Christo-fascists.

Your rhetoric is killing innocent people, I understand the guilt and the need to push the blame. Everyone, please forgive this person. They are just human, no one wants to admit faults.

yeah fleeing from the scene after he attempted to murder other people. just cause he "backed over her" doesn't mean hes not innocent. there is 0% chance that he was doing that for self defence.

You can hear the bats beating his car before the tires ever squeal. The world owes no allegiance to your martyr's delusion.

exactly he started braking after he hit a bunch of people, people start fleeing the scene and he backed over one after he found the route in front of him was blocked.

wow better never have any protest ever again for any reason because someone may die.

Yes because an ISIS style terrorist attack by car and a bunch of armed Nazis = protest.

Ah one person gets run over in an actual street during a unsanctioned counter protest filled with violent individuals, one driving on to sidewalk to murder people for his religion. Yeah totally the same!

Yeah that dead girl sure looked scary. I guess you'd have been all triggered if you saw her in dark alley.

yeah that's totally the argument i was making. r/Anarchism isn't sending their best.

lmao she deserved it

The new right: terrorism is self-defense

That's exactly it. And when they get called out, they whine like little babies and go 'waa it wasn't me that took the cookie momiee'

How are the 14 words terrorism dipshit? "We have a right to survive' lmao moron

Antifa has a policy of violence. So are you advocating the killing of Antifa members in "self defense"?

Kindly leave the country dude. Golden Dawn is waiting with open arms.

Worst photoshop ever. Try again.

I watched the whole thing on the live stream, that's not the guy.

Do you have a better shot of the drivers face?

This is literally the most insane sort of deflection. There are photos, there are police reports, the whole thing was on multiple streams from several angles, the guy is in jail, and yet this sub and T_D was doxxed the wrong people 3 seperate times.

yeah his face was so clear on those livestreams sure you got a great look. Gaslight much. Jesus

Actually there was a very clear still through the glass posted within 5 minutes of the terrorist's attack, but that messes with your narrative.

wow really? post it.

Do your own research.

"I have this proof to refute your point. You find it!"

You guys have no point. You have literally doxxed 4 unrelated people at this point. It's laughable.

Wow what a surprise you dont have it, and no one does!

Sure your message will look great to people skimming here to enforce whatever narrative that is being pushed. That's what really matters!

Deflect and deny, but we can all see you for what you are.

The irony here is just too much. wow.

Hopefully none of your people try to murder James Field.

Who are my people? Because I'm not alt right.

You got his name wrong. It's Fields, not Field.

This is James Field, the man driving the car. This is James Fields the neo nazi who they arrested.

Hijacking for visibility. Don't listen to the lies. Check these links. True false flag.

How come whenever something happens that makes you guys look bad you claim it's fake? LITERALLY every time.

For real. Why did the Communists show up? They didn't have a permit and nobody wanted them there and they showed up armed to the teeth. Who brought the Commies?

The beauty of RES tags, they let you know when stormfronters show up.

/u/xanderprice in other threads

First we have to purge the muslim's protectors, liberals. After the liberals are gone we'll take care of the muzzies.

Went to a gas station in the hood. A didndu was whining about something, hard to understand with all the jigabooing. When he finally left the clerk, some Apu looking motherfucker, was clearly exasperated. I said "niggers right?" he said "the only good thing about India is there was no niggers". We chatted for a while and have been friendly ever since. It's simply universal, everyone hates niggers.


Jeez. I shouldn't be, but I'm still shocked by the ugliness.

Is there some kind of extremism phone line you can report this kind of stuff to? These are worrying signs of somebody who is completely radicalised and has the potential to cause serious harm to someone.

purge the muslim's protectors

This sounds like a call for something rather ominous and should be investigated.

Yeah... unfortunately people 'round here don't like the government or sympathize with him. Also there's the ADL which is cringy in it's own right.

Sigh now i'm embarrassed that I've argued with this guy before

Defend those comments you racist piece of shit.

No matter how angry goose stepping and gun display make you feel, you don't have the right to turn to violence. Stop blaming others for your violence.

Stop blaming others for your violence.

Wait, you're seriously attempting to lecture the anti-racists about not resorting to violence right now? A day after someone was literally murdered while non-violently protesting white supremacists? That's fucking precious.

Calling yourself anti-racist does not make you a good person. Stop patting yourself on the back and step off your high horse. This guy is advocating violence against people who believe the wrong thing.

A day after someone was literally murdered while non-violently protesting white supremacists?

I am also condemning his violence. You are so fucking blind you think there is a difference between running a car into Antifa and running a car into the KKK. It is the same fucking thing, and it is wrong.

Calling yourself anti-racist does not make you a good person.

I mean, it beats the alternative. Racism is not morally neutral. It is not an issue on which I am willing to agree to disagree.

This guy is advocating violence against people who believe the wrong thing.

Either you're confusing the comment you responded to with something else, or you're making an enormous assumption, because /u/Freqwaves did no such thing.

You are so fucking blind you think there is a difference between running a car into Antifa and running a car into the KKK. It is the same fucking thing, and it is wrong.

The difference is that one of those things has actually happened (sort of, I'm not aware of any indication on whether the victims were associated with Antifa or not), and the other hasn't. Nobody's saying that the attack in Virginia means that identical attacks on racists are now justified. So fuck off with the false equivalencies.

I mean, it beats the alternative.

The alternative is not to have an inflated ego and self righteous, so it is not better than the alternative.

But when you show up armed to the teeth to a community that does not want you there,.... one girl ends up murdered, 5 are still critical and might die too,

He is blaming the protesters, and this thread is full of people calling for violence against the right.

The difference is that one of those things has actually happened

Are you seriously going to pretend BLM and Antifa are non violent? Are you seriously going to pretend people do not claim to be justified in committing violent crimes due to other peoples "hate speech"? We need to stop indulging these thoughts and call this bullshit out.

"Inflated ego" are you so separated from modern society that you think not being racist is inflating people's ego? What is the point you're making, I'm not racist, but people who are glad they aren't racist are just as bad as racist, you're not even making a point your just making poor deflections because you have no point but are being argumentative for the sake of fuck non racists.

You know what's bullshit?

If a white person says the word nigger, they are called a racist.

However, if 4 young black kids facebook live themselves torturing a young white kid just because he is white and has different political opinions, they are called confused young black kids.

So the double standard that exists where people are taught that only white people can be racist exists only to excuse the hatred and violence of non-whites and their allies.

You can't have it both ways, and until the "anti-racists" are willing to acknowledge their own hatred and violence towards a group of people they don't like because they have a different skin color, then they are just full of shit.

Lmao. Being against racism is now having an inflated ego and being self righteous. Wow. Is having empathy for people not like you that hard to imagine? It's so hard to imagine that you assume people are faking it for some kind of moral high ground? Is this why you all accuse everyone of virtue signaling? Because caring for other people outside your clan is so foreign to you?

Calling for violence in the name of anti racism is self righteous. Everyone is anti racism; thinking you are special because of it is having an inflated ego. Being anti racism is not virtue signaling. If you are being called out for virtue signaling it is not simply because you are anti racism.

I don't know, the actual videos were pretty damning, the leftiest were the ones committing violence. The so called murderer was getting his car smashed with baseball bats. You're only seeing what you want to see.

I also posted this response right here in this OP which I feel is very relevant.

Here's an important lesson from history:

From AlternativeViewTV (you can subscribe to it on YouTube) :

"Political Murder, Klan / Nazi Style" The government manipulated the KKK to kill Nonviolent Peace activists in Greensboro 1979)

Divide and conquer is what TPTB do regardless of whether it's black, white, good or bad, or whatever else. It's about decimating a group so no one gets too much influence. Some groups, of course, are GOOD to decimate and break apart. Many others aren't, however.

No one is trying to start a legit civil war. No states are leaving the union. Due to the interconnectedness of trade, federal governments military, banks, etc there will never be a civil wR.

It sure is strange how whenever right wingers hold rallies there's little to no violence, yet when leftists show up there's always violence. "Armed to the teeth" patently false. Shields and sticks are not "armed to the teeth". There's a a black dude with a bow and arrow and another black guy who made a mini-flamethrower with a hairspray bottle, why not mention them?

yet when leftists show up there's always violence

This is a point I saw well-made in a skeptical video about the event. how many people among the regular public are aware that baseball-bat wielding clowns make up a key element of the 'counter protesters'?

I'm not sure if you're aware but there are numerous photos of people at the right-wing rally decked out with rifles and hand guns. You can see them here:

those guy's gear is fuckin' bullshit and would be laughed at in a gear queer thread over on /k/. They're basically LARPing

I always bring weapons to peaceful protests

Those are Oathkeepers, the Alt-Right cant stand them, they call them Oathcucks, Boomer Antifa, Oathfags. They invited themselves. The rally organisers were explicit in telling attendees not to bring weapons, especially guns.

Because no one wants to mess with the guys who are likely caring at least one gun, if not more. A lot of right wing protests have a good amount of people who are carrying rifles in plain veiw so the right wing protests s e fairly safe as the left know that if they pull something, and try to start a fight they will die.

They were geared up for a fucking riot. Quit your BS.

the conspiracy in this case is divide and conquer, both sides were funded and fomented by the same side to destabilize this nation.

or, or, Or, Or, OR... maybe they knew antifa would be there to attack them and then some psychotic racist terrorist tried to kill a bunch of people.

I know, too real. Not sensational enough. I know.

Gotta add Soros to posts like this if you want to seem 'woke'

He is telling the truth about the mods and the ban hammer at least

Try bringing up economics to lightbringerflex.......

But when you show up armed to the teeth to a community that does not want you there,

Which side are you talking about?

This is not the guy they say it is.

Actually it kinda does from the top up. His head is just angled looking up stretching out his chins.

Bonus photo of a guy spraying a guy trying to grab a latter dressed in a black helmet.

I have no doubt that James Fields is a neo nazi prick. But he is not the guy driving the car.

The second guy is abaolutely not the guy in the car. Nose in particular os abaolutely wrong.

I know. And the first guy absolutely is, perfect match.

Looks like the guy to me.

That looks exactly nothing like James Fields.

I disagree. People will see what they want though.

This is James Fields. He was the guy driving the car. He is not the James Fields they arrested.

It looks like this James Fields, but that's not the one they arrested.

He looks the same as the mugshot to me.

Nope. Don't buy it.

Those people don't look like nazis or kkk or anything but old navy shoppers.

Brand new nazi flags and pants everywhere. On some of the softest looking 'nazis' i've ever seen.

And i'm old enough to have seen the real things more than once..

They just don't look like those people. Not enough tattoos. Not enough guns. Not enough crazy. Not rough looking enough.

They look like a bunch of yuppies on a weekend holiday.

That's because they aren't real Nazi's and the Nazi flags are about being an edgelord with the philosophy behind the flag.

BTW you don't think people going to a rally wouldn't buy some new flags? No, it has to be weathered because they flew it outside next to their American flag... okayyyyyy.

Nope. Don't buy it. Those people don't look like nazis or kkk or anything but old navy shoppers.


Modern Nazis arent aryan supermen.

yeah. but they're far rougher whitetrash+meth+alcohol looking than the group on video.

That's not who's in the alt right. Nazis have changed a lot since your day. Klan and NSM are dinosaurs being replaced by identitarians and others. Look at richard spencer for an idea of what I'm talking about. An alt right protest looks more like a frat party than an old school nazi rally.

This is what I was thinking. These guys look like nerds, no offense, not nazis. When I was younger I used to go to a lot of punk/metal shows in Minneapolis and every now and then there would be some nazis there and these guys looked totally different. Just my .02

Its almost as if people do t have to look a certain nway to believe something ? Wowzer that's not hard to understand

Spell check man learn to use it. I'm just saying they don't look the same from my personal experiences. They can absolutely have the same beleifs, but they don't look like nazis to me. Is that difficult for you to understand?

The problem is you're implying that because they don't look like nazis, that they might not be nazis.

The problem is this is /r/conspiracy so that's what I'm talking about I'm not saying they are not I have very little information to go and I'm telling you what I see based on my personal experiences. I'm not saying it's true, but I'm calling it like I see it. I don't know what is true OK and I'm not pretending I do know. But everyone commenting to me certainly acts like they fucking know what is true. But the reality is you don't know shut about fuck.

It doesn't cross your mind that the guys you saw 10 years ago at a punk concert are the outliers, and most nazi scum look like the people this weekend?

It does. But those kind of guys don't go out to protest, but apparently they do now.

I don't stand with them and I'm not defending them. I was only offering my personal experiences.

The world we live in now is different and I honestly can't tell you what I believe is true, but I will tell you this. I don't know and I am skeptical.

You make good points - 4 upvotes

A retards face smashes off the keyboard - 18 upvotes

I didn't question this narrative until I saw the obvious brigading on this sub, all pushing the same agenda and getting unnatural upvotes. Just know you might be on to something here..

Upvote or downvote me won't change how I think or what I believe. Show me evidence and I'll change my mind.

Just because I can't cat a mosquito doesn't mean it's not there.

Well when you're a bigot you kind of have to believe that looks infer character.

It's like day one.

Call me a bigot to my face and I will discuss it with you. :)

What's wrong with being a bigot? Know how I know I'm a bigot? Bc I don't know what race/color chuck_rogers is, but I know he's a worthless POS for thinking everyone has to love everyone regardless of how stupid they are :*

I hate everyone equally until they give me reason for me to feel otherwise.

Well fuck, call me a big of because I like you! <3

Shit's changed. Those nazis are old now and their organizations are crumbling. The alt right has taken their place now and they're a whole different breed.

Yeah I can Def see that, and I agree with you. Cheers mate and thanks for not calling me a bigot. I could very well be out of touch with the current state of nazis in the US, and when I say that I mean I am lol. A brand new generation very well could be upon us all.

Well you didn't say anything bigoted so no prob on that one. I've been a part of grassroots political movements for nearly two decades now and I can certify that a brand new generation very well is upon us. Everything is different and the left in particular is still plugging away at its old tactics hoping they'll start working again.

I absolutely agree, but I'm not going to say one side or the other left, right, and or middle finger. The shadow hand wants controversy among us all. That's just what I see and belive and I'm blind in my left eye.

This looks like a new flag with creases in it. Sould I consider it a false flag too.

Or maybe people just fold up large flags.

Muh six gorillion

Where's the source for that pic? Someone found it and uploaded to imgur. I'm interested to see the original link. Any help?

I saw it on r/oldschoolcool last night.

Good God this is too perfect. By far the best response I've seen to this stupidity

Yeah I agree. Im sure most flags get folded. That's hardly a sign of a "false flag".

You haven't really been paying attention have you? Steve Bannon started recruiting young, white male gamers on the internet years ago. He saw a group of disenfranchised youth that he could prey on with his hateful ideology.

So of course these kids look silly. They're just kids. They're being manipulated by feeling like a part of something bigger then themselves.

They're the new Nazi's in America and it's sad. They use to play WoW and now they're running over people who they disagree with. It's a sad day in America.

Sad indeed. He should have just tried to shoot a bunch of politicians instead.

Can't judge an entire group by one persons actions when that happens... something about wolves or something. it was never very clear...

Did that shooter belong to an organized rally of people talking about "taking the country back"? Or was he legit a lone wolf who did something terrible?

It's apples and oranges and the left came out very much against the shooter. Bernie came out and said he was against violence and demonized him.

Trump blamed both sides and didn't even demonize the guy who drove his car into a group of people.

did the car guy belong?

nope. they've already come out and said they don't know who he is.
and their actual event ended 2 hours before this all happened.

There are pictures of him lined up with them. In there "uniform". So yeah he did.

The one that seems to be a crap photoshop job?

The glasses on the guy behind him. His ear. His neckline.

Holy cow. Show me one time Bernie stood on stage and tried to incite violence? Just fucking one. Trump did it multiple times and this is his crowd. There was violence because they preach it. You can try and point the finger elsewhere but when you're rhetoric is full of hate this is what happens.

They weren't marching so all people are treated equal. So everyone has a chance a better life. That's what the "evil left" wants. I don't want to take away your right to be a racist but I want to provide your children with a proper education so they don't fall down the same ignorant rabbit hole you did.

See the difference?

if the evil left had stayed home yesterday.
nobody would be dead.

if the police had done their job.
nobody would be dead.

if the police had run the "counter protesters" out of there as they didn't have a permit like the other group did.
nobody would be dead.

if the police had not delayed the start of the thing in the first place.
nobody would be dead.

but lets blame trump. it's easier than admitting to being a massive hypocrite. again.

and lets just ignore all of the evil left politicians calling for violence and "blood in the streets".

Name me one modern politician who is on the left and called for blood in the streets?

So we blame the people who were peacefully protesting Nazi's in America but we don't blame the Nazi's for being fucking Nazi's?

Tell me what your grievances are with America and how being a racist helps fix those problems. I'll wait.

Difficult to sort out just the POLITICIANS from the celebs and others calling for violence.

“People have banded together, ordinary people, they’ve marched, they’ve bled, and, yes, some of them died. It’s hard. Everything good is. We’ve done it before. We can do it again. So march, bleed, die.” -Attorney general lynch.

"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

“May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there’s the momentum to be able to do this. And we’re not afraid of the popular outcry, we’re energized by it and that’s going to help us do our job and do it better. -Tim kaine

“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” -Michael Capuano

“There will be blood. There will be repercussions. We will relive the Battle of the Overpass.” -Douglas Geiss

But you won't believe any of them anyway i think.

Only one of those is talking about actual violence against others. The rest of them are harkening back to the civil right protests. When people were bloodied in the streets for saying enough is enough. They weren't the ones doing the bloodying but the ones bloodied.

Or are you saying the alt-right protests are like the civil rights protests? That taking down a statue of a traitor to our country is the same as not having equal rights of every other citizen?

It's just funny how much hate your side spews and then points the finger when someone points out how stupid you sound and how ignorant you really are.

And honestly if a bunch of pro-fascist Nazi's decided to march down the streets of the city I lived in you better believe I'd be down there and ready for a fight. My grandfather fought to keep this shit out of America. I'm just as willing. There is a right and wrong side to this issue and you happen to be on the wrong side.

And those kids should have done LSD like everyone from the '00s and before, or shrooms. Something to break into adulthood, like many cultures in the world do, although I find the people of Ghana (or Gabon) ballsy as hell to do Ibogaine as an adulthood transcending experience.

Problem is that millenials, which at first meant people like me, those who graduated in 2000, who many had their lives ruined by 9/11 and the post 9/11 insanity in a way...I mean, I kept going on but it felt felt like 50 times worse inside as when all that PG evidence started to make some sense. And that lasted for a good while.

Just fucking allow weed everywhere, medical or not, and the alt-right will disappear, I can guarantee that.

Steve Bannon started recruiting young, white male gamers on the internet years ago. He saw a group of disenfranchised youth that he could prey on with his hateful ideology.

So gamergate did charlottsville?

No the culture he created did. The hate and anger he pushed onto disenfranchised youth did.

Any proof for these claims?

It's a stretch, but those 20+ gaming sites all with the same new article on the same day calling gamers dead and such. That was done because some reviewer's girlfriends were offended and they all knew each other in a big circle jerk. It's kind of a first shot that something wicked was afoot.

Yeah, I've noticed a lot of people saying even more hateful shit during games that have talking. It's worse than usual edgelord shit TBH I've encountered in the past.

I love this "well their flags were brand new so it's fake" nonsense.

Do you really think it's more likely that (((GEORGE666SOROS))) bought flags for everyone, bussed people from all over, and brainwashed/leveraged someone to mow down those people as opposed to, oh I don't know, maybe young impressionable people buying a new flag of their own for a rally like this? White supremacist numbers are surging and it's in part due to denial like this.

shhh keep it down we're blaming a new nazi cult that suddenly appeared out of nowhere out here today.

I'm sure it's just a concidence that yesterday was george soros birthday.

Yeah, me too. Because why in the flying fuck would he arrange something on this birthday?

If you think that's evidence, you're letting your desire for a false flag override your common sense.

Because he can.
And it gives him what he seems to love most. Violence and destabilization.

Which is why Israel, Hungary, Turkey, Phillipenes, Russia, Brazil, India, China, England, Greece, Hungry, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Yugoslavia have banned soros and his ngos from their countries.

And more than few of those just want him dead too.

actually yes I do believe this is more plausible, it's been proven he funds NGO's and bad actors to infiltrate and stir up violence at rallies.

great point

Nazis don't always look like what you think they look like. That's the thing about ideologies: All you have to do is believe it and you're a member.

The people you're skeptical of are probably those who secretly believe it and are afraid of the repercussions of being open about it. If they look "soft", then it's only because they believe in white nationalism/supremacy after feeling persecuted, and the only thing that makes them feel empowered is the fact that they're white.

That's what the alt right looks like. Your kind of nazi is a dying breed.

So they're not nazis.
And it's just a label you slapped on them which means 'i don't like them but i can't really say why.'.

So all the sane people in the world should add NAZI to the list of words that signals the speaker is completely full of shit and should be ignored.

Well. Now we agree on something!

Well they revere Hitler, believe in the superiority of the pure white race, and carry swastika flags but they call themselves identitarians now so I guess the whole world is full of shit and should be ignored.

Ducks are ducks, bro. Even if some of them call themselves mallards, too.

Seriously, you're 100% correct. This resurgence of Nazi supporters are a whole new breed compared to the classic "neo-nazis." Nazis in America throughout the past few decades have resembled and functioned as gangs for the most part, much different than a political movement. These new nazis are different, they're well spoken, well dressed, and have poltical ideas that extend beyond "white is right." This is the first step towards normalization. The nazis arent scary gang members who sell drugs and wear punk outfits anymore. They could be your neighbor, your co-worker, and even in your family.

That's because that's thankfully the pathetic state that nazi scum have become. These are angry but very misled people who think that behaving like this is something to be proud of, driven by bullshit they read on breitbart and other cess pits tricking them into thinking they are news. It's very sad.


Amen brother

This is exactly what Bannon wants. doesn't trust this photo. It's been altered.

And, Trump/ZeroHedge/Brietbart label the NYT as "fake news" ... must be so.

Obvious false flag

no creases amirite

Hey guy, this post is now 65% upvoted. Not quite Pizzagate numbers, but still solid.

I think the problem here is that the car attack is only a conspiracy if it's not what it seems on its face, but yeah, it was just an angry young man who was obsessed with Hitler in school who wanted to kill some liberals and due to the internet and right-wing news felt justified in doing so.

I find it funnier that for the past year the biggest conspiracy in American history has been playing out in front of us -- electing a Russian puppet/reality TV star/blithering idiot President -- and that gets seriously downvoted.

Shit's going to get much worse before it gets better, I fear.

I honestly can't believe it, but probably going to get accused of being brigaded now.

I also believe it's going to get worse. We're lucky an actual bloody battle didn't break out with both sides bringing guns. I feel like this may get worse at the next rally. All someone has to do is pay a murderer to bring a gun and shoot at trump cultists to really start something now.

If you believe Russia and Trump colluded, this sub it's not yours. You've been sent in propaganda or something else.

Sounds like someone who wants to kill the colluding conspiracy, hmmm...

There is no colluding conspiracy. This sub is a joke.

Oh? Who's is it then, only people who toe the government line?

Believing in conspiracy isn't welcome on /r/conspiracy anymore?

It's a fake conspiracy made up by Podesta and Hillary. Congrats. You fell for lies.

Then why has Mueller gone to the Grand Jury? Or are the Grand Jury all bought out as well?

He's a deep state shill and always has been?

Also, facts... Like you MuhRussia dingbats who flood this sub have no facts.

What, the Grand Jury are all bought out as well?

He's pursuing deep state interests. What's hard to get here? Do you not know what a grand jury is? Save it. The MuhRussia stuff is a lie.

Go home.

nope, been here for four years.

if you simply outright dismiss the possibility of the trump/russia conspiracy, then maybe you don't belong here

This is a good point and a terrifying thought, because I see it being a very possible scenario.

It's a conspiracy when a bunch of armed people show up to a place they do not live and murder someone. That's a conspiracy. And it's terrorism.

antifa does that all the time, yet nobody is criticizing their presence in Charlottesville.

Who have Antifa murdered?

so, they didn't kill anybody?

That guy was a black nationalist. Antifa are anti-nationalist by definition. There is a wealth of anarchist literature speaking out against black nationalism and nationalism in post-colonial movements.

also not antifa.

try again

Nobody, but they will if the T_D's don't do this shit again.

but they will if the T_D's don't do this shit again.

Do you mean do?

People who were just serving free breakfast for their fellow black children were led to armed resistance because the cops would arrest them for feeding kids. Drumpsters right now will go in hiding for a while, appear on MSNDC and others to say that they denounce what happenned and etc. while they fully know Trump removed what was the FBI's #1 in the list of domestic terrorists, Christian Identity/White Nationalist movement(s). The Church of Jesus Christ Christian (yeah they thought they had to add Christian after Jesus Christ) is one group that needs looking at, they want a race war since the 50's.

well when you get state sponsorship, its not terrorism

When did that happen?

When did antifa murder someone?

Are you going to deny that antifa is a terrorist organization when I start listing names?

Still waiting for you to find some names to list. Who got murdered?

Well seeing that you'll deny antifa as being antifa what's the point? So-called antifacist groups have murdered millions of people all over the world and throughout history. Please don't deny that.

still waiting to see that this particular group (if you can even call it that) have killed someone

No it's a crime. I'm sick of people confounding the 2.

"Conspiracy" that is being pushed by the establishment and MSM.

You people are eating right out of their hands.

Or simply colluding with the MSM. This sub has become a shill battlefield since the election.

It makes it easier to think people with different opinions than yours are paid to do so i guess

It doesn't, actually... at all.

The establishment are trying to deflect as hard as possible, the MSM are pushing it for views, but the evidence is there if you go looking. Mueller wouldn't go to the Grand Jury if he wasn't sure he could get an indictment. Something doesn't stop being a conspiracy because it gets out on the news.

because it gets on the news

It hasn't got on the news, it's only ever been pushed by media since day one. Keep on living in your fantasy land that the dems and neocons are the resistance just because neither are president.

There's no resistance bullshit, they just want Trump out and their guy in. That doesn't mean they haven't found an actual, real conspiracy hiding behind Trump's golden doors.

but yeah, it was just an angry young man who was obsessed with Hitler in school

His likes and dislikes are known facts now?

His former teacher said that.

3rd degree anecdotes?

First degree. Only one person removed from the suspect.

still, very easy to find someone willing to say something like that, especially with this toxic political climate. Were he and the boy close? How did he know he held such openly hateful philosophies, and shouldn't we see a lot of this from people in his life then?

we may never know his true motives

His former teacher said that.

Yay. We all learned about WWII in school.

Is that an argument? Yes, we all did learn about WW2 in school. But his history teacher said publicly: "He was very infatuated with the Nazis, with Adolf Hitler,” and that he had "radical ideas on race.” That isn't normal and is valid evidence speaking to motive.

What are your thoughts on Adolf Hitler?

There was a photo of baby hitler in his facebook page before it was taken down, plus neonazi runes.

Now hang on. If Orlando and San Bernadino can be attributed to an ISIS conspiracy, then Charlottesville can be attributed to an alt-right conspiracy.

there are still way too many questions to be answered to say anything. The guy didn't even have a facebook page or twitter.

what proof is there that he was obsessed with hitler? what proof is there that this was pre-meditated? you're one of those muh russia retard lmao

Good post, but there's still no evidence of Russian interference.

The Russians rigged the election by showing how the DNC rigged the election.

Yea! And the only way we can stop them from starting a civil war is to overthrow the government!

What is this drek?

"The right wing has been pushing for civil war and they know they can't start it. So they throw racist Trump cult rallies to provoke people who have an intolerance for hate."

Lol. Antifa called. They want their bullshit back.

Antifa are who they are provoking. Here, keep your own bullshit please.

you know what you're up to

Do you know what you're up to? Of course you do. So do we.

So do we.

who is we?

Antifa, leftypol, share blue, Open society foundation... you know the proverbial we.

Hilarious that this is where the conversation ends.

"White supremacist Nazi Trump cultist" Brought to you by the same people who will never call a muslim a terrorist and who will defend violent criminals if they are black.

The left's anti white agenda is on full display again.

lol I call many muslim a terrorist. Where is anyone defending black criminals? I see a guy defending a murder neo-nazi.

Where is anyone defending black criminals?

According to Bill Clinton, BLM does...

He killed a Commie, the guy's a hero.

Removed. Rule 10.

In your case its easy to call you a white supremacist nazi Trump cultist

These are posts of yours

Only a nigger would respond like this.

First we have to purge the muslim's protectors, liberals. After the liberals are gone we'll take care of the muzzies.

Went to a gas station in the hood. A didndu was whining about something, hard to understand with all the jigabooing. When he finally left the clerk, some Apu looking motherfucker, was clearly exasperated. I said "niggers right?" he said "the only good thing about India is there was no niggers". We chatted for a while and have been friendly ever since. It's simply universal, everyone hates niggers.

This is satire, right?

How you wish it were so.

How you wish it were so.

Not wish, know.

Prove the right wing is not pushing civil war.

Prove the right wing is not pushing civil war.

Stop trolling.

I am not trolling. It's obvious and you can see the comments for yourself in right wing groups. The fact that you only say this means you've seen it too and are denying it.

Prove the right wing is not pushing civil war.

There you go

Um... Something about what?

Um... Something about what?

Oh wrong one here you go

That's not a reply, that's the sad adult version of "I know you are but what am I"

You bumper-sticker people really need to do better.

Last time I checked it was the "left" that openly advocates for the removal of the legally elected president because of Russian hysteria. But I guess I missed something and now it's the right that wants to revolt and start a civil war.

I'm a massive lefty

...who ignores the Antifa and BLM violence repeatedly perpetrated on conservative or Trump rallies.

Oh but you're a leftist, so I guess you think beating people with bike locks and chasing terrified drivers with baseball bats is perfectly acceptable for your revolution.

I don't approve of the counter-protests to the Trump cult rallies. And any violence among any of them is stupid.

Fight back = killing people with a car. What a disgusting side of politics to be on.

Fight back = killing people with a car. What a disgusting side of politics to be on.

Fight back = defend yourself. You don't get to put words in my mouth, Bernout.

We don't know the motivations of the driver yet. If it was murder, he should be punished.

If he was surrounded by violent Antifa thugs and panicked to escape, then Antifa thugs are to blame. I'm far more willing to bet on the latter being the case.

Told you.

If he was surrounded by violent Antifa thugs and panicked to escape, then Antifa thugs are to blame.

Bullshit. There's a video from literally every angle and he was only surrounded after he ran into the crowd initially.

Bullshit. There's a video from literally every angle and he was only surrounded after he ran into the crowd initially.

To quote you, bullshit.

There is no video (that I have seen - and I think I've seen them all) of what instigated this at all. No one knows what was happening further down the street.

But what we do see is black masked thugs - either Black Block or Antifa - quickly come at the car from behind.

Had they been attacking his vehicle down the road? Given their violent nature, I wouldn't doubt it at all. The fact is, we don't know.

You're welcome to jump to whatever conclusion you want. I will not be letting Soros agitators off the hook so easily for blame.

There is no video (that I have seen - and I think I've seen them all) of what instigated this at all. No one knows what was happening further down the street.

The protests were happening down the street where incident happened. The other end of street looked empty and if he was so scared foe his life, he wouldn't have backed out and reverse in the same direction where he came from.

You're welcome to jump to whatever conclusion you want. I will not be letting Soros agitators off the hook so easily for blame.

And I will not let Nazi sympathizers like you make this Nazi scum a victim.

Congrats, your rebuttal was a meme. Good luck defending that Nazi piece of shit.

Was the driver terrified when he floored it into the back of the crowd and the car in front of him or was it when he reversed over the people he just tried to run over? Or are we thinking he was terrified in both instances?

Have you watched the video? His car was surrounded by black masked Antifa thugs with bats.

The question is - who started it. If they did, I don't have any sympathy for them at all.

Antifa isn't entitled to threatened drivers without consequence. They don't get special rights detain and assault just because they're the left's darlings.

Now, if the driver just saw Antifa thugs and thought "Time to roll over some Antifa for fun!" then he committed murder.

Motive matters.

Yeah I've watched multiple videos. Again, was he terrified as he literally sped down the road and slammed through the crowd originally? Especially since he came from a basically empty road. Or was it when he decided to reverse over the pissed off people who just watched him throw tens of people through the air with his car?

He was scared of the black bloc... So he drove into a dense crowd of them. OK.

All we know is that he hit the crowd and was immediately surrounded by masked men with weapons and quickly backed out.

We still do not know the motivation for driving, or fleeing in that direction to begin with.

It clearly was not a planned attack or prosecutors would be charging him with 1st degree murder. In cases like this you tend to see over charging, not under charging. That suggests to me they think they can only prove 2nd degree.

But since that is likely to be an over charge, I think they're likely worried they can't even prove that - but a simple manslaughter charge would have caused public outrage.

If there is any evidence this car was attacked first and he was fleeing, all a defense attorney has to do is show the vast troves of documented video evidence of Antifa and Black Block being violent and convince a single juror that this man was in fear of his safety.

They can even point to photos of the brake lights being on and argue that he tried to stop when he saw he was fleeing into a crowd but that it was too late. Armed men then show up and surround the car so he backs out and flees another direction.

It's really easy for Reddit to delcare a case open and shut before a trial has started. And then they're inevitably outraged when the verdict isn't what they expected.

So one guy getting cracked by a bike lock justifies a Nazi driving into a crowd of people across the country?

nein no

Can, can we wait like a couple more days or something? This is a conspiracy sub. Seems a little premature, no? Usually you take some time to gather the info and follow some leads.

The right certainly does have some of the 'Civil War' rhetoric, I'll give you that. The rhetoric sounds a little different on the left, but the results are the same. Dead citizens, dead politicians, dead policeman...Both sides knowing and unknowingly provoke the most volatile

Perhaps the reason your posts are never seen is due to the fact that they rubbish. You provide HUGE claims, and offer no evidence (outside of anecdotal storytimes). If you truly believe in this conspiracy, then work towards proving it.

The purpose of a well-though out argument is NOT to sway the opinions of those who believe you; the purpose is to sway the opinions of those who do not believe you.

"There are all kinds of stupid people that annoy me but what annoys me most is a lazy argument." -Christopher Hitchens

Or possibly Trump cultists come by and downvote it calling it rubbish.

I'm not here to sway opinion anymore. I'm here to state facts. Learn 'em or don't. Something tells me we can see where you'd stand.

hahah such a bullshit answer

Instead of addressing my argument, you go straight for the personal attacks.

The only individuals who are adding stoking the fire of a civil war are the individuals who sit at the extremes of political ideologies. The protest in Charlottesville is an example.

I stand in the light. Where I assess the bulls***, strengths, and weaknesses of all political ideologies. I stand firmly on my moral foundation which is never swayed by partisan politics.

Personal attacks? Where? What snowflake bullshit is that?

Attempting to discredit my argument by implying I'm a "cultist".

BTW: I would love to see the evidence of your original argument.

Did you even go to high school? Or graduate at least. Your reading comprehension needs work. I didn't say you were a cultist and I have no idea if you downvoted or not.

now use safespace next, check all the buzzword you need to use in this thread. Now time to ad hominem and then strawman me.


What a crock of shit. I'm not even here to discuss this shitshow but I love that everyone involved feelss hollier than though when it comes to what they think. Jesus christ, you're so far up your own ass and you don't even realize it lmao

There are 0 facts in your OP.

Please learn what a fact is, or dont, your choice. just dont go all using shills as an excuse for a shitty thread with no substance that deserves to get downvoted.

So they throw racist Trump cult rallies to provoke people who have an intolerance for hate.

Riiight. All the racist provocation is totally one sided. All the anti-male sentiment is coming from the right, totally.

Yeah, they want a divided citizenry, it benefits the establishment. But guess what? The establishment is on both "sides", and the divisiveness is coming from both sides. The fact you choose not to see this and are here saying, "pay attention to this side, they are the real bad guys makes me question your motives.

Now, go ahead and downvote me, call me a shill, call me a racist, get upvoted, all while you continue to LARP about how this sub is Donald 2.0 and you're totes going to get downvoted

anti-male sentiment

holy shit are you really that mad at fucking blue hair feminists? Not everyone on the left is like them you know.

Don't be mad they won't fuck you

That is all you're going to answer from his text? You started the thread, defend it then you useful idiot.

I've answered many a comment. I got lots. You however haven't said a single smart thing...

What is there to say that others already haven't, right and left wing media and activists are both furthering divides in this country and hinting or gearing to civil war. A juxtaposition to what you suggest, would be the incessant branding of Trump by the massmedia and left alt media as the new Hitler, which I would argue is scary, very cheap, unnuanced and for some reason a narrative uniformely adopted across the opposition. It also sort of legitimises his and his followers' disposal, even though most people are smart enough to have more nuance than that, it is a very dangerous escalation of the narrative that splits the country, waters down actual Hitler/dictator comparisons and distracts from actual constructive debate of relevant issues.

if you only put your energy on the right wing you are missing the actual story.

Im aware not everyone on "the left" is like that. I dont think youre aware not everyone on "the right" is Nazis. The point is that right wing media pushes nationalistic bullshit for the purpose of radicalizing people just as left wing media pushes hyper progressive racism and sexism for the purpose of radicalizing people.

Also, I love how you completely avoided discussing my point, which is that TPTB control both "sides" and that they are pushing civil unrest from both sides. That is rich coming from a guy who's crying all over this thread about people trying to derail his discussion. Seems like you aren't interested in discussion at all, just narratives.

Cue ad homs.

Don't be mad they won't fuck you

I'm married. What else you got?

What does marriage have to do with blue hair feminists not ever wanting you bringing you to make stupid comments?

So you're choosing to derail my point with more ad hominem.

Ok, have fun with your LARP, OP.

Knew this was a larp/shill post when I read 'NOT A CONSPIRACY' in the OP

Derail what point? That you are crusading for neo Nazis because some females on the left? Sad!

I am not crusading for neo Nazis. I'm crusading against hyperpartisans like you.

some females on the left?

I specifically said that the left wing media is pushing these ideas in order to radicalized people.

So telling that you had to straw man my point in order to appear that you weren't deflecting.

Your motives are transparent as fuck, bud.

Don't be mad they won't fuck you

You say this as a joke, but nazis do actually seem concerned about getting laid, to quote daily stormer

"If you’re at a bar in a group, random girls will want to have sex with you. Because you’re the bad boys. The ultimate enemy of the state. Every girl on the planet wants your dick now."

LOL yeah, they want the antisocial fedora and trenchcoat drinking a beer nobody ever heard of then leaving frustrated 45 minutes after they came in.

This, they're on each other side of the chessboard.

Also, there's a lot more normal people whom they cannot convert to their insanity who are the silent majority just living their lives and not thinking of politics or if they do, well they're here, or elsewhere, but they're never going to get enough people to fight their battles. Information age's a double edge sword you fat fucking cats.

okay explain all of this then.

Yes, the right wants civil war because they won. lol.

This statement: "The right wing has been pushing for civil war and they know they can't start it. So they throw racist Trump cult rallies to provoke people who have an intolerance for hate." is where you showed your hand.

This is all disinfo, this whole post. Anyone with a clue entered this and can see the shills swimming about upvoting and trolling this fake narrative. I don't even need to post this retort because anyone with sensibility can see what's going on here.

Anyone with a clue

Transparent strategy.

Read some Stuart Wexler books or Larry Hancock. You know what was considered the #1 terrorist thread in America from Obama to hell likely since Hoover died?

You know Trump had white nationalist groups removed from the domestic terrorist list? A cursory search engine search will tell you the date when he exactly did that, which is about 1 month 1/2 ago.

You have MAGA in your name.

Yet another TD brigade.


What if the The_Donald is a Gestapo-like spy node embedded in Reddit that keeps tabs on unDonalid-like users (for example in this sub) for the purposes of documenting, monitoring, and perhaps real-life identifying them?

Wouldn't doubt it if they had access to Cambridge Analytica's data models.

So they throw racist Trump cult rallies to provoke people

You don't have the right to respond to rallies with violence. Stop trying to blameing your violence on the actions of others.

The right was looking to fight. Riot gear, batons, soda cans full of concrete.

Send like Charles Manson want to crazy after all.

And the mainstream media, Hollywood, Music, Thugs, Popes, Trendies, Pundits, Politicians, Bankers, NGO's, ThinkTanks, PR Firms & Pop culture aren't?

No, they aren't.

which of the six media companies do you have beef with?

These people still think there is a difference between left and right media/politics. It is all owned by the same corporations.

I disagree but I'm upvoting because this sub needs less donald shills.

No shill left behind! Get on board!

At least call me a shill to my face coward

Dude look at my comments on this thread. I'm happy you made this and I'm not calling you a shill. I'm sorry if you thought this comment was directed to you. It certainly was not. Much love brother.

Hm. I suppose I see it now. It's just... the op was kinda calling me a shill opposite of donald =p I've said that comment to a few people calling me a shill without commenting it to me. No probs.

Well I don't see you as some anti-don shill, and I appreciate you being up this discussion. No harm no foul. ;) <3

Check it out

Seems I hit a nerve. I know I'm right 1000% and no fedora wearing trump cultist is going to say anything remotely smart in this thread.

Keep fighting the good fight. Fuck these mods.

Here is his response to me when i callled him out on his hate speech.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

Do it bitch, you should seriously be hung and flayed in the streets along with everyone who thinks like you.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

You're pathetic. Cry about it more liberal fag. you're more liberal than liberals I hang out with.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago lol, spell much? You're so mad about a post outing white supremacists because you're an inferior faggy retard.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

Did you fucking seriously call me a snowflake then go liberal on me calling me a bigot? You're disgusting and should be hung.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

Say whatever you want. You're still literally retarded and can barely operate a keyboard.

Here is his response to me when i callled him out on his hate speech. Guy is a literal scumbag

Death threats, calling people faggots, retards, liberals, you name it, he said it

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

Do it bitch, you should seriously be hung and flayed in the streets along with everyone who thinks like you.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

You're pathetic. Cry about it more liberal fag. you're more liberal than liberals I hang out with.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

lol, spell much? You're so mad about a post outing white supremacists because you're an inferior faggy retard.

from KaiserZen sent an hour ago

Did you fucking seriously call me a snowflake then go liberal on me calling me a bigot? You're disgusting and should be hung.

Disgusting. Clearly you should be hanged, and not hung.

If someone is going to espouse nazi tendencies, I would hope they'd at least be a bit of a grammar nazi, too.

Removed. Rule 5.

Soon Spoony and Linkara will make come backs, reviewing Nazi Germany era films for Spoony and comics and propaganda posters from Nazi Germany by Linkara. At least they will be back, with their true colors, and in this political climate, make big bucks. Perfect timing for has-been internet stars.

now they're fedora tippers someone's mad hahahahaha faggot

Yeah you are so mad it's really funny. Comment more.

lol gay


just because you added the word "government" to your butthurt rant doesnt make it a conspiracy. also, this:

an intolerance for hate.

sounds really stupid. Overall im gonna give this shilling a 2/10

"Yawn" weak.

holy shit have you seriously been replying to everything in the thread the whole day? I wont bother debating with this level of autism

Your butthurt comments come to my phone as I'm on a road trip camping to some mountains near my city.

What is best that /u/KaiserZen admits to have alts in this sub and he is crying about getting banned in his OP. I hope the mods message admin and get his accounts shadow banned.

oh my god hahaha. that is too sad. the upvotes were probably bought too.

Now he is pming me insults, played with him for a bit but it gets tiresome quick.

same lol. gonna post this gold somewhere

I was wondering when the brigade was going to areive to change the narrative and make it about T_D.

Notice how all discussion of a conspiracy on the conspiracy sub is now gone and replaced with bashing this sub, bashing the users, T_D spam and Trump/Russia.

Also notice how all posts going against the narrative are downvote brigaded to the bottom, which usually only happens in these types of posts.

Notice how you didn't talk about the post but just to accuse people of going against your beliefs which I'm sure you believe is correct without a doubt.

What beliefs?

Considering in other comments on this thread you claim to know who belongs here and who doesn't...

I make a motion to remove any and all partisan bullshit from this sub. People need to realize the left and the right are just control mechanisms. This is /r/conspiracy for fucks sake, /r/politics is that way, just follow the shitty smell.

Agreed, this is the real conspiracy.

Having no position is the weakest position.

^ if you do not stand for anything you shall fall for everything.

A path paved with bullshit is very slippery.

I'd rather have no opinion on something that I don't really understand.

"If you stand for nothing, Burr, what'll you fall for?"

If you don't stand you can have a good time sitting

And using a tragedy that clearly had no motives other than the man's car was attacked and he panicked and tried to get out of there, to push your stupid agenda, is worse than "no position".

To push my agenda of anti-civil war? You people are a trip.

You are clearly a left wing shill. You are using an event which is clearly not motivated by "right wing ideology" but rather by fear and panic to push your agenda that the right wing "nazis" are trying to goad the left into starting a civil war. Frankly, it's pathetic and so are you.

Removed. Rule 10.

Fwiw, some of us td folks are unsure whether Soros played us by setting up the rally, enticing is too promote it, maybe even honeypotted some of us into doing ourselves by attending, etc. We are aware that globalist bankers are the real enemy, not Antifa per se. The hard part, for most of us, is how to fight against them effectively. Apparently going to a rally isn't it (as you and I probably could have predicted!)

Sorry for the typos, I'm on a mobile.

He was only attacked after purposely smashing into a group of people. The video shows him sitting calmly with his hands at ten and two. You are lying to push an agenda and defend a bigot.

That's not true, listen to the video, his car was hit before he panicked and lurched forward into the vehicle in front of him and onsite witnesses have confirmed what I just stated.

Yeah he was in such a panic he accelerated for half a block into a group of people, killing one. Poor guy.

Blow smoke up someone else's ass.

You're watching a video that starts after he already plowed through the group of people once. Here he is doing it the first time.

Were the onsite witnesses carrying swastika flags and now blogging about it? 'Cause I'm not sure I trust their interpretation of events.

a tragedy that clearly had no motives other than the man's car was attacked and he panicked

This is not clear at all and if anyone is pushing an agenda, it's you making these claims in order to defend a neo-nazi who killed a person and sent 19 others to a hospital.

There are dozens of videos showing his car speed up in order to ram into the crowd of people. You are pushing the agenda that it was in self-defense, despite the facts saying otherwise.

Why didn't he hit people all the way down the street. He clearly had opportunities. And I'm pretty sure he could've went faster. Not defending him I'm just saying if he was trying to kill people, then he wasn't very good at it.

If you watch the video you can see him speed through an empty section of street into the back of an unwitting crowd of people. It was an intentional attack.

Look at you trying to defend a murderer!

clearly had no motives other than the man's car was attacked and he panicked

you got anything to back that bullshit up?

Having no position

Refraining from participating in partisan bullshit is a very strong position.

Actually it's not. Means you have no backbone or beliefs you'd be willing to fight for or against.

and this is how society degrades into chaos, not that you would know, sitting at home talking about fighting on reddit.

LOL the irony.

How so, I am not the one talking about fighting and civil wars, you are the one sperging about it. Do you sit in your basement and rewatch Inglorious Bastards?

That makes no sense.

Not trusting TPTB on either side is a position, just not one they would like you to have.

Alas, a rule like that requires someone to make a judgement call over what is and isn't partisan. Queue endless squabbling over whether pizzagate is a partisan witchhunt.

You might be interested in /r/ConspiracyHypothesis

Any partisan cheering/attacks are removed. Granted, we don't cover any of the more esoteric conspiracies that you might find here, and haven't covered this recent event as a conspiracy, but between some of the recent language coming from the NRA and other far right outlets and T_D deleting posts with 5000+ upvotes advertising the unite the right, I do think that discussion of the event would be a good fit if anyone would like to post about it.

There's a faction clearly sympathetic to Nazis. I think we're allowed to talk about that even though it's "partisan".

Motion denied.

People in this this sub promoted /pol/ doxxing efforts against innocent people.

Many are politicizing it by arguing that the white supremacists were actors.

This sub politicizes everything.

No, left and right are not control mechanisms. They are vastly different ideologies. The illusion is that the Democrats are left, and the Republicans are right. They are both right wing.

Ehh, to be honest, it's not just right wing media. Leftist media pull the emotional morality card which fuels the other side.

They are distracting us from class war with race war. :(

Helter skelter!

Making this a partisan issue is exactly what they WANT you to do. It is not a matter of left and right. The deep state is pushing not for civil war, but for global war and they control both parties. Left vs right is just a puppet show.

National socialists and international communists are bickering over which toralitarian ideaology is better, again.

This guy gets it far too many do not.

Communism is not a totalitarian ideology. The entire point is to not have power structure and heiarchies and dictators. Which is why it will never actually be tried.

Except you have to literally be a murderous psycho to implement it. Hmm wonder what those kinds of people would do with their newfound power, once they've murdered the bourgeois... enact totalitarian agendas maybe... apparently.

And what do fascists do?

It's almost like power is an inherent and immediate path to greed.

I honestly hope AI is implemented to replace the corrupted and create a system of government truly based on scientific data and billions of independent calculations.

And then it kills us all, because morality, apparently


It's impossible to argue true socialism with idiots, I've given up.

Shitpost. All kinds of garbage "leftists" coming out of the gutter to play conspiracy with this Charleston thing, and getting loads more up votes at a faster pace than this sub normally sees. BS.


Hey that was also a white supremacist terror attack wasn't it? Dylan Roof?

My bad, meant Charlottesville. Dylan roof was definitely a terrorist act. Kid was nuts. Whatever happened yesterday is bogus, just meant for division tactics, and lefty shills coming out the woodwork only confirms my suspicions.

Some leftists where pointing out that a black dude in the middle of the rally was brave for being around so many Nazis. The_Donald then went around laughing about how he was one of their mods accompanied by about 4-5 other mods from the sub-reddit.

One of the most obvious shill threads ever.

Mass reports of violence from Antifa and associated alt-left groups? No reaction from you.

One incidence of violence from the alt-right? They're all racist warmongers.

Construct a better argument.

I'm not read in on this story much at all yet, just to be clear. But I hadn't heard the antifa reports, got any links please?

not sure if this post is serious, or satire

I can't tell if the replies are serious or satire either

Lets hope the post is satire at least

Trumpist damage control attempts.


Trump supporters are spreading propaganda to deflect from responsibility and association.

The most propaganda spreading is the corrupt lefties who trynna ruin democracy

Why do you name yourself after a pedophile?

Troll someone Else, it doesnt work on me

lol ok

No, Alex isn't calling for "civil war" against liberals, and using Newsweek as a source for that isn't the best idea.

There's no evidence that the driver was a "white supremacists Nazi Trump cultist" – but wow, what a nice string of groupings.

You've been a redditor for a month; sorry if you've tried to tell us something "multiple times," and we're not listening, but maybe that's because you're just trying to be divisive, like the people we're trying to either call-out or ignore.

Booking photo of Fields that Charlottesville police released Saturday, next to the image at the scene.

Liberals sure are excited that a white bot has committed and act of terrorism. They don't get worked up about radical Muslims chopping off heads, blowing shit up, etc. But a white boy drives his car into a crowd, and they're losing their shit. They can barely contain themselves. Why don't they get that worked up over radical islamic terrorism?

I'm in cville now. With the amount of streets closed down yesterday, plus the amount of cameras documenting, PLUS the amount of police presence, I'm flabbergasted that he got to Monticello Ave and no one got any decent footage of his arrest. It just doesn't make sense.

Sounds like the NEW-RIGHT protecting their own, setting up a patsy.

Bingo. These type of things never make sense. Remember that, and ask yourself "why?"

A big time Trump supporter who got promoted out of my division before the election returned to my campus on Friday. I thought he might be disillusioned by Trump's poor performance as president. He is disillusioned alright...with the whole country! If trump is impeached, he whispered to me, he and his friends will kill the liberals responsible. When I pointed out I am one of those liberals calling for impeachment he told me I may already be on a list.

it's not a false flag just like the BLM dude who gunned down a bunch of people wasn't a false flag.

when you try to start a race war with your media, you get a race war..

I totally believe you. Believe how much profit the military industrial complex will make from a 2nd civil war.

I remember when conservatives were talking about secession and civil war over ObamaCare, of all things. So, yes, the right has been pushing for a civil war for quite some time, partially because many of them are neo-Confederates. It's why they hate the US federal system so much. It's why red states are, in all essence, the states of the Confederacy.

Guys I do not agree with him, but if the post promoted discussion and you got involved, upvote it.

Op only posted to argue with users. He is purposely causing divide and is spending his time not discussing conspiracies, but being an aggravator.

He immediately insults anyone who questions him and is making zero attempt to maintain civil discussion.

This is a conspiracy forum and he is here telling people to not look into THIS conspiracy that doesnt align with his political beliefs.

Very suspicious.

Not true. I'm concerned about right wingers going full civil war because their feelings got hurt going to trump cult rallies to provoke minorities and antifa into violence.

You typed a lot of bullshit.

Maybe if the entire entertainment establishment hadn't been dragging us to civil war for the last 2 years things would be different. The media has attempted to pigeon hole America into war with Russia, N. Korea and now itself, all in Trumps first term. Nancy pelosi, loretta lynch, chuck schumer, al franken and many more all call for civil war and attacks againt trump supporters, and you want to blame the Trump supporters? Hmm very interesting.

Bullshit. This is The logical pendulum swing from where the SJW left has driven the country. Anyone wants a Civil War, it's the people pushing black lives matter, everything is racist, feminism, etc. Those are all hate movements that brought this on themselves

This post right here is bullshit propaganda, just like half the posts on the front page today. The facts are coming out. Stop using this incident to push agendas. His car was hit by protesters with bats, he panicked, he went forward, he hit the car in front of him, his car was rushed from the back, and he backed up to leave the scene. Per police reports, there was no malicious intent.

The protest was due to a statue that doesn't seem bad to white people but it invokes a lot of hostility. It is propaganda of the right. Fox news is far worse than CNN would ever be. I hate both channels. If your argument on CNN is valid but they don't like it, you will have technical difficulties or a commercial. Fox News will place music or something entertaining like puppies so that they build up their viewers and then bam, propaganda for Republicans. Both are not as credible as they used to be but Fox News is in every restaurant, gym, etc and have to see glimpses of them. CNN not so much.

This has got to be some of the dumbest shit I've seen on this sub.

It's obvious look at the media coverage

One crazy fuck does some shit like this and both sides use it as an excuse to tie whoever they disagree with to him and start attacking.

Good job guys. Good job.

massive lefty gun enthusiast

Stopped reading there.

Why? Because he doesn't fit in the pre-conceived box you'd like him do? Pro-gun lefties exist.

No because a gun enthusiast is the IRL equivalent to concern trolling on forums. A gun enthusiast is not a Second Amendment enthusiast.

Da fug is this?

they let a false flag upset them

This video breaks down the narrative on this.

You're probably getting downvoted because your view who is inciting the violence is completely backwards.

Yup thats why you see right wing activists like ben shapiro, milo, and anne coulter trying to speak in berkeley. They arent trying to have a conversation they are going to the heart of liberalism and slapping them in the face. They point fingers at how violent they get when provoked and its all about inciting violence.

Even Bill Maher couldn't go to Berkeley. I wouldn't put much faith into what Berkeley is nowadays imo.

Thats my point, why bother other than to stir the pot.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Then why Kellyanne Conway (CIA) would release the pussing grabbing tape to whatever american outlet (i'm a leaf, you got so many magazines with similar names it gets hard to remember them correctly).

Choose one:

A. Left is non-violent

B. Right is provoking the left to be violent

Pretending complex societal issues have binary answers doesn't get us anywhere.

Blaming the right for fighting for their right to held protests and speeches, seems very hypocritical.

Also, I would be very surprised if guys like milo or anne coulter are really wanting a civil war. I agree some people might want to incite a civil war, but I don't think these are the ones.

Your putting words in my mouth. Anyone has the right to protest, and anyone else has the right to counter that protest with a protest of their own. The events of these protests show the amount of resistance that is present and to be expected against alt right and white nationalism in general.

Nazis and racists have always been on the wrong side of history. To join them is a excerise in ignorance of your environment.

Anifa is astroturf resistance, and you Nazi racist insults are 😴. Get new ones.

Why are you insulted when I insult nazis? You really supporting nazi violence?

Nazis were on the far left

Apparently not any more.

m8 right wingers have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble in public just like lefties do. The problem is the lefties wanna get violent and infringe on their rights and the police allow it.

Sticks and stones...

I haven't seen the whole thing because luckily you can skip it

Then why are you even bringing it up? This sub is already poisoned with people formulating conclusions based on incomplete information. You're probably not even wrong, but the least you can do is avoid discrediting yourself by not admitting that you chose to ignore relevant evidence.

Anyway, cool story man.

If you'd seen it, it's cringe as fuck. I watched a minute of it but I'm not watching a 3 minute ad before my video.

Are you saying that since the right advocates violence, it must be an unplanned act...? Does not compute.

Couple of things: The challenger that drove into the crowd was not the same car owned by the that deus vult LARPer. His car had a different paint job with racing stripes and had factory tint. The tint on the attack vehicle has a VLT percentage much lower than what state law permits, so dark that you can’t even see a silhouette of a driver. Here is a link on Ohio window tint laws:

The one good shot of the driver through the windshield shows the chiseled face of a obvious ex-military type, not the weak jaw of that alt-right half jew. When bodies went flying and his car was getting beaten with bats he would have sharted his pants, not rip down 3 blocks in reverse in order to get a safe spot.

The interview with his jewish mother Samantha Bloom was very odd and needs to be viewed. I think AP was the first to interview her and its up on youtube.

The helicopter watching the chaos from the skies crashed into the ground killing both officers and destroying any video evidence.

The helicopter crashing and killing both is the smoking gun to me.

Don't blame the Right or the Left. They are both being played. Its classic divide and conquer. Elitist are feeding both sides of the team. They keep pushing them untill, one side "cracks", so to speak. Then all out war, and before you know it big brother comes in and we lose some more rights. One step closer for the elitist to strip are rights, and to fatten there pockets.

Why don't we call it by its real name?

The Alt-right are pissed off conservatives looking for leadership. Anti-fa, etc are pissed off liberals looking for leadership.

The CFR controls the left. The CNP controls the right.

But you never hear about the CNP, do you?

Of course not. I had to look it up right now.

The event was hosted by white nationalists.

It had nothing to do with freedom or unity and had everything to do with race.

It was 100% identity politics by the right.

Stop conflating the issue and deflecting it. There are shitty people from all sides. Yesterday we got a glimpse of the ugliness from the right.

If you consider yourself a republican or lean right you don't have to defend them. You don't have to make excuses for it. Accept that stupid idiots exist and ensure you never become one yourself.

everybody plays identity politics homie, only white cowards don't

to provoke people who have an intolerance for hate.

Look, provocation only happens to those who make themselves 'provokable'. There are nuts on both sides. Kind of an undeniable fact at this point.

Well, I'm a leftist and I'm not triggered by a Nazi flag. In fact I know some leftists who use the old Soviet Union flag with the hammer and sickle as the same kind of thing, to trigger the other side.

Others though really find it offensive and want to fight or punch whoever shows whatever flag.

Personally I see white supremacist rallies as advocating for marrying their cousins. You know, keep the white genes pure.

Hating hate isn't the same thing even though it is.

Hating hate isn't the same thing even though it is.

Yes, it is.

And just because you are capable of remaining level-headed doesn't mean the nuts on either side are.

This is normally why we have police - to address the nuts - however, even our police are caught up in this quagmire, allowing violence to foment these days. Only one truly happy is George Soros.

There's a lot of people truly happy about the violence happening and how everything is proceeding.

There were literally Nazi flags on American soil in the open. It's just funny to see right wing media because that's all I read. Nazi flags don't disrespect the American troops but black men in the NFL not standing for the anthem is disrespect.

If Soros is happy about anything, it's the rights reaction.

It's just funny to see right wing media because that's all I read

Perhaps you should broaden your horizons. These things are being stoked on both sides, Soros is primary funder.

I really wish Shareblue would be shut down for being a seditious, treasonous terrorist organization run by a literal former Nazi. These assholes are ruining everything I love on the internet.

Wow... that is the most head in the sand things I have ever read in my life.

OP is cancer.

Britipede here. Just getting my tunic dry cleaned. DEUS VULT.

LOL Wow... I just laughed so hard. Please tell me you sometimes wear a fedora. Oh man.

Who knew so many Antifa frequented /r/conspiracy.

Don't try to tell me you guys are peace loving individuals. That you don't go out of your way to attack those who disagree with you. Bash the fash and all the laughter when Spenser got punched? Who used bike locks, throws used tampons and excrement at rallies?

There wouldn't be any civil war if you simply let people talk and if someone starts instigating violence you report it to the police.

Antifa is only active because of pro-trump cult rallies. The government isn't denying your speech and people really hate your president for many reasons.

It's funny you only know instances of the left guys being violent. Nothing about the actual murder by right wing American domestic terrorists.

I actually call out my disgust when right wing people are violent, unlike liberals and the Democratic Party. Antifa has been active far longer then Trump's run for the presidency. I never stated that the government is denying free speech, though I can assume that the actions of the Mayors in Charlottesville and Berkeley can suggest this is changing.

I really don't care what you hate, I assume the vise versa is the same, the difference is I am against attacking you for your views. Like Antifa. Which I assume you are part of or at least approve of.

So what was your opinion about the black supremacists who killed those 5 policeman in Dallas? Are they domestic terrorists as well?

I've already tried telling this sub multiple times that the right wing alt media is pushing civil war.

Well, bro, apparently you're not actually understanding or seeing that that's the secret false flag ingredient working and at play right there. You have to stop and think a bit more deeply about what a false flag is in the first place:

A false flag is an attack that Group A covertly perpetrates on Group B and then blames Group C for...and that is exactly what's going on here.

TPTB make sure and foment the ingredients necessary to cause “this” race to hate “that” race and then blame "this" other race or "that" race for whatever malady they can come up with so that the races can then fight against one another and TPTB can then come in and say:

”What? You guys can't get along? You don't know how to behave yourselves? You’re shooting and killing each other and possibly killing some innocent civilians?? Well, don't worry! WE’RE here! We'll help everyone out! We'll take everyone's guns away because Lord knows you guys have shown yourselves to not be able to play nice with them and keep from killing each other - so NO NO NO! Can’t have them anymore! And then we’ll simply institute martial law over the entire city/state/nation and keep everyone safe and happy together! See?? Simple! It works out great…and you’ll love it too!”

What is happening is actually indeed a classic false flag equation being executed. It's just being done in a much more complicated and not-so-simple manner, and you actually have to think through it a bit more deeply in order to understand and see what’s happening.

It doesn't take the same guise as the types of "Gulf Of Tonkin" false flags that we've become more accustomed to wrapping our minds around. This is by no means checkers. Heck, if the Gulf Of Tonkin and the 911 false flags can be looked upon as chess, then what’s going on here with the elevation of racist violence across the nation can be looked upon as "3-D chess" where the false flag path is even more complicated to see and not as easy to discern.

Make no mistake, however, TPTB are absolutely controlling and manipulating the narrative.

Given that their hands are as deeply in what's been going on as they are then, it can absolutely be justifiably said that what's been happening recently is definitely a serious type of false flag operation.

Very thoughtful reply, and one that I've been fostering myself for a while. I can't understand why TPTB want to institute martial law, though. What is the benefit of that? What's the end game?

Would love to hear your response.

I can't understand why TPTB want to institute martial law, though.

That's a simple one, bro: Control. A not very small minority of the population is beginning to wake up more and more to the bullshit around us, and that spells a threat to TPTB's control over the masses.

TPTB, you see, live and subsist off their absolute and utter control over us, over the monetary system, over the slave-paradigm that exists on this planet - a paradigm that an absolutely massive proportion of us don't even know exist. The movie The Matrix if used and looked at as a metaphor for life on this planet is actually pretty accurate. Ignorance is a very powerful tool that TPTB have at their disposal and that keeps the people from fighting back against the rule that is over them/us. The more the populace knows, the less likely it is that TPTB will be able to keep control over us. Why? because we simply wouldn't stand for what is happening to us if we really KNEW what was happening to us and if we really knew the full extent to which we are being taken advantage of.

And TPTB absolutely know this, so they work hard at keeping as many of us in the dark as absolutely possible - at making fun of and marginalizing those members of society actually intelligent enough to question the malign manipulation around us.

We humans are in an open, "free-range" prison here on planet Earth. Make no mistake, we are controlled to a great, great extent here. That manipulation, so long as it remains intact and TPTB continue to stay in control of everything, will likely continue running smoothly. However, when the sheep begin realizing that they are being used for nothing but slaughter and start waking up and actually acting on that knowledge, then those PTB will begin clamping down the gates of the manipulation in the society and will begin working in a much more obvious and much faster manner to lock everything down. It's the Totalitarian Tip Toe that begins turning into the Totalitarian Sprint the closer it gets to actually being finalized. In other words, the closer the masses get to uncovering the nefarious intentions of TPTB, the more likely we are to absolutely rebel against it and fight it, which means TPTB have to speed up their plans to trap and enclose and enslave the masses, so they find reasons to institute a tighter, more obvious grip of control upon the population - i.e. institute martial law.

It seems we're at the point in this society where the masses are beginning to wake up to the shit that is TPTB in this civilization, and many people aren't liking it one bit. TPTB, conversely, are beginning to notice the masses waking up and so they have to enact greater, more obvious measures than before to enslave the population that is slowly but surely waking up to their manipulation.

It's a race between the sleeping giant that is the population, and the enslaving, encroaching liliputians who are TPTB. TPTB are currently in control, but they are heavily in the minority to the 99% on this planet. So long as the sleeping giant of the "dumb masses" remains asleep, then the liliputians can keep that giant in chains relatively easily. If the giant awakes, however, then it becomes much more difficult for the liliputians to control it - so the liliputians do everythign they can to make sure that the giant is COMPLETELY enslaved before it fully wakes up. If the giant wakes up before it's completely enslaved, then it's strong enough to actually break the chains of its manipulation. If the liliputians actually succeed at really building the cage of enslavement around it, however, then the giant likely won't be able to break out of that. Something like this. This is where martial law comes in - it's the measure that TPTB figure will be able to much more likely keep the masses in utter control if the 99% continue to wake up more and more to the fact that we've been enslaved and ensnared as a people, a civilization, and a species.

TPTB are manipulative and greatly in control of the current narrative, but are also vastly in the minority. They understand and are aware of the dynamic between them and the 99%, and they guard that paradigm fiercely. This comes to mind.

Absolutely fascinating and well-said. The logic behind this idea makes sense, too, which creates an even more terrifying reality for me, personally. It would be much easier for us to topple this kind of regime while we have access to free speech and assembly. Take those away, however, and our task suddenly becomes an entirely different problem to tackle, if not altogether impossible.

Let's just hope that the masses wake up before we are truly enslaved forever. This is why I try to have these kinds of conversations with people. It's such a shame that I usually can't even hold someone's train of thought for more than two minutes before they label me (without saying it to me) as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist.

Crazy to think that the masses have become so brainwashed that they can't even think critically anymore or, at the very least, keep an open mind to ideas that they have never been exposed to before.

It would be much easier for us to topple this kind of regime while we have access to free speech and assembly. Take those away, however, and our task suddenly becomes an entirely different problem to tackle, if not altogether impossible.

This is correct.

It's such a shame that I usually can't even hold someone's train of thought for more than two minutes before they label me (without saying it to me) as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist.

Those people are brainwashed well by TPTB, unfortunately. Yes, there are individuals that are indeed unstable and sometimes a bit too overzealous in their perspectives. Those people should in fact get reeled in. Yes. However, those people are in the extremes, and most people who question TPTB actually are quite normal and sane and of sound mind and body. That those people are ostracized and marginalized if and when they question TPTB simply shows how powerful the manipulation is on this planet against questioning the established narrative of things.

Crazy to think that the masses have become so brainwashed that they can't even think critically anymore or, at the very least, keep an open mind to ideas that they have never been exposed to before.

Ha. Just read this statement after posting my above response. Yes. We’re definitely thinking the same thing.


It would be much easier for us to topple this kind of regime while we have access to free speech and assembly. Take those away, however, and our task suddenly becomes an entirely different problem to tackle, if not altogether impossible.

This is correct.

It's such a shame that I usually can't even hold someone's train of thought for more than two minutes before they label me (without saying it to me) as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist.

Those people are brainwashed well by TPTB, unfortunately. Yes, there are individuals that are indeed unstable and sometimes a bit too overzealous in their perspectives. Those people should in fact get reeled in. Yes. However, those people are in the extremes, and most people who question TPTB actually are quite normal and sane and of sound mind and body. That those people are ostracized and marginalized if and when they question TPTB simply shows how powerful the manipulation is on this planet against questioning the established narrative of things.

Crazy to think that the masses have become so brainwashed that they can't even think critically anymore or, at the very least, keep an open mind to ideas that they have never been exposed to before.

Ha. Just read this statement after posting my above response. Yes. We’re definitely thinking the same thing.


Let's not forget it was a peaceful really until BLM and Antifa showed up...

Yes, a peaceful rally advocating for a white only America.

What's so wrong with that? There's no violence in that guise, believe me.

No that's not even remotely close to the truth.

It's called humour and not to be taken seriously or used to attack someone's character. Only scumbugs trawl through people's comments.

Oh yeah because directly attacking them is far superior. I just thought it was hilarious bro.

Nazism is a leftist ideology, they were leftists that killed those people, not the right.


lol keep that revisionist history going. Let's see your proof the Nazi's were left.

They were socialists, aka leftists.

How were they socialists?

You have no idea what you're talking about. Learn something and read the history you like.

Are you retarded on purpose or for fun?

National Socialists German Workers Party

AKA Nazi's

Do you seriously think that name means they are leftists? Did you not read the economy of Nazi Germany? Of course you didn't... you don't have that much depth.

It's just a name. In that link it quotes Hitler saying he wishes it was a different name.

His whole party ran as anti-capitalists and social ideals. Liberals trying to rewrite histroy lmfao, nothing new.


So now you're resorting to making things up? How sad.

It's a fact that hitler [A hero might I add] himself spoke about.

Ah, so North Korea is a democratic nation. The people there must really love the Kim's because they keep voting them in unanimously.

They are, US media is clogging your brain I see

It's false flag on steroids. It's the moon landings * the holohoax * 9/11.

Wait wasn't the guy who drove that car a huge left antifa supporter?

There was a picture of his car's license plate being looked up and crossed referenced with facebook and everything.

Unless that's debunked again.

Months before Trump won I declared that America would be the new Nazi Germany. And here we are headed straight in that direction. Nobody cared about what I posted and most likely thought I was being ridiculous. Also, I'm going to say right now that yes, a civil war is likely inevitable. The talk about it has been going on for a while even since Trump won. I'm just glad I don't live in the south.

We are absolutely nothing like nazi Germany. You were wrong. And will continue to be wrong. Also, every clown who supported Hillary was saying that. You weren't some lone prophet lmao.

And you're full of shit. I was saying that way before anyone else.

All the evidence you needed was a 5 minute podcast of a researcher....who's findings are all over the internet since a year that Fred Trump, the senior, was arrested at a KKK rally in New York in 1927 (or is it 1929). Been a while since I read that. So his father passed on his "values", you can be certain.

Very interesting article.

Lmao you're getting a bit extreme my friend.

It's not inevitable, but communication about what the fuck people want needs to improve.

Why would the right wing want a civil war when Trump is the president?!

If anything, the left is pushing for a civil war.

Have you ever read the declaration of independence?

Left and right.. all the same. Stop picking sides and dividing yourselves. Or just go to war and shoot each other already.

"Intolerance for hate"

That's a new one.

The globalist media has been inciting race tension for years. They've Imported mass amounts of incompatible people, AND the globalists fund "Anti"fascist violence which will inevitably radicalize the other side. You seem to have forgotten about Congressman Scalisce who was shot by a bernie cuck. The "right wing" is not the one pushing this escalation. The first shot of the civil war has already been fired, and Scalisce, Rand Paul, and other congressman.

No such thing as White Supremacy and Nazis no longer exist.

Next thread.

you leftists are hopeless scum. the moment you lost you've been waging war on us, either through political endeavors or out-right killing. Yet your leftist media won't show you this.

They're putting the people against each other and laughing from above. You fucking morons.

Oh yeah? How many leftists have killed righties in the name of terrorism lately?

Cause, I'll raise you a Dylan Roof. Let's see what you got.

I'm not doing your research. Life doesn't spoonfeed you.

Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. You got none.

Whatever you want to believe dude.

And I'm not even mentioning any of the 'suicides' linked to your god Hillary. You people are brainwashed to the fucking brim. GL with your life, slave.

Wow, that was incredibly weak, consider one of your own ran over a girl at a rally and protest of your Dear Leader.

Trust me, when the time comes, I won't have the chains. You will, marching down with the rest of your slave brothers righting a civil war against liberals.

WTF. You are insane.

I live in Europe so I'm safe from the chains that is the USA.

This is the exact attitude they festered inside of you. "one of my own" "Right-winged = nazi"

Trust me, when the time comes, all non jewish whites will be enslaved in the USA. You're literally the British (jewish) Empire 2.0, after WW2.

You're controlled by jews and you don't even see it.

Europe is freeing itself from its chains - what is the USA doing? Creating a civil war between their own kin only for the people on top to laugh at it while they work their plan for mass enslavement. Everyone wants the white dead (their own fucking words) yet there are enough whites fighting other whites because 'muh racism'. It's not about killing other races. It's about preserving our own. The fucking numbers don't lie. We're being bred out of extinction. The very race that you should be thankful for creating this fucking civilization in the first place. Stupid beyond all recognition.

I'm out. You're hopeless.

I live in Europe so I'm safe from the chains that is the USA.

AHAHA I'm not even going to bother reading the rest. Have a great day. Oh man.

You are arguing with a guy who's account is a month old, only posts in the sub. Don't waste your time man.

lol, you got something to say? I mean, we can see who you are too.

People are going to stick to their beliefs..most humans are not rational.

The whole event was designed to incite violence and promote division. It worked wonderfully.

Up until now it was for the alt-right to show up to a place then play the victim as hard as possible for internet sympathy points. Now they've gone full ISIS and it's not looking good.

Now they've gone full ISIS and it's not looking good.

Perspective is relative. If you're a billionaire, it is looking fantastic.

The unite the right rally was stickied on T_D. I think it's possible that if Charlottesville was a false flag, it was set up by the altright and T_D was the main platform they used to recruit for it.

1 dead 19 injured = 119 = 911

whoopsie daisies

119 = 911?

3 died actually. So 319 = potatoes.

Nice try Irish

you added two from a different incident

You might be right. In regard to the helicopter the jury is still out. But the 1 death and 19 injuries occurred during the car incident. I'm sure the total injuries are higher.

but the ultimate point is the reported it that way for a reason

Why don't you just say what it is you're trying to say? What is the significance of 119? What does this have to do with 9/11? What is significant about what your discovery? Why are you wasting my time?

I hate hate haters.

I love your hate.

Nice slew of buzzwords you've demonstrated. Your rhetoric alone is a dead giveaway.

Regarding the car incident yesterday, ignore everything you've read on the internet and just watch the damned video. The car was going down a crowded street (which shouldn't happen in the first place if adequate crowd control were enforced) and a ANTIFA jackass with a white flag swings it into the back of the car. Now if I'm driving down a crowded road and someone hits my car with a flag, I would go into defense mode, especially given the hundreds of people in the alley.

Now the film wasn't great, but you can clearly see the car was attacked FIRST and there were even sounds of impacts before the camera pans to the right. These impacts were not bodies. If you listen closely, you can clearly hear metal-on-metal. This easily could be a scared driver feeling his life was in danger.

Keep in mind, the only death was from when he was reversing out of the alley. After being attacked while driving towards the crowd, do you really think they wouldn't have ripped him apart if he didn't flee? This whole media narrative doesn't hold water and they are pushing the "white supremacist" narrative way too hard.

Says the 36 day old account which has posted nothing of the sort in it's long life. This is getting so fucking ridiculous. All I needed to see was the upvote to comment ratio, age and posts of account with the OP is attempting to get across, screw looking at the comments.

u/mistigia can nothing be done about this stuff? OP is demonstrably lying. You guys are going to start losing a lot more genuine users than you have been if this garbage is allowed to go on.

Demonstrably? Demonstrate so.

Try attacking the content of the post with facts instead of trying to silent content you disagree with. Isn't that what you're against?

The guy admits to having multiple accounts, and he posts here all day.

Gee I wonder what type of people make posts lime this like it's their job...

Hoax? Definitely not. False flag though, maybe. I'm hearing that the guy who got arrested has a sun roof on his Challenger. The one in the video does not. Also pretty skilled at driving in reverse....almost professional. No airbag, indicative of possible stunt car.

Jesus christ.

I don't know anything. That's just the word on the wire. They said his FB page shows a sunroof. The car in the vid def didn't have one.

Word on the wire? Seriously?

Whatever dude. You probably have a Facebook since you're a faggot. Go check his page out. Like I said, people are making these claims and I'm repeating it in case others want to look into it. I don't personally care.

Two sets of protesters at this event. One gets all the coverage. Not really a conspiracy about a tragic outcome with a life lost and 19 injured. It seems there is an investigation into the cause of it all. Time will tell and many people will not like the outcome when facts come to light *(makes popcorn)*

I totally agree...


"You guys are stupid!" Proceeds to link to tariq nasheed. OP tariq nasheed is a hardcore anti-white who says every attack (no matter the perp) is the result of white supremacists. You lose a lot of credit when you link him and it also says quite a bit about you that you linked him here. There has yet to be an ounce of evidence that shows this was a pre-meditated attack so if you have such evidence please present it. If your car was surrounded by violent leftists hitting your car with rocks, bricks, and baseball bats how do you think you'd react? This absolutely wasn't a false flag, but calling it terrorism is a reach.

Are you for real? Who cares about the dude who posted it. The video is the point. Care to find me a video without the twitter guy I'll post that.

It says quite a lot about you that you didn't even watch the fucking video you liar!

Looks like they're making American great again to me. What's all the fuss about?

In the first paragraph you admit to being a "lefty",and i should except your argument as non biased?

Do whatever you want.

I read this sub to get an idea of the broad spectrum of political opinion that's out there...the confirmation bias in this response is amazing. Each side tries to silence the other because they're constantly barraged with media saying people that don't believe what you do aren't human. The only media actually saying civil war is the right.

Critical thinking means stepping outside your comfort zone.

The ones I've seen pushing and wanting to start a civil war are the left, the right doesn't want you to be killed because you have a different opinion. But the left on the other hand, calling anyone who disagrees with them fascists nazi and so forth is just an excuse because they have no real argument as to why Conservatives and the "right" are so Damn evil.........
BTW I'm not speaking for all on the left and right each has there players however from some one looking from the outside I see its mainly the left spewing hate.

It's fucking disgusting what's going on in America at the moment. Everyone needs to just chill the fuck out a little, step back and see who's actually the ones doing the manipulating.

Alex Jones is controlled opposition, used to both derail and discredit conspiracy research. There's just enough truth in his material to maintain credibility in some circles.

I'm kinda scared about where the country is headed, never thought I'd see people defending Nazi flags in America.

lol is this real?

I'm just so outrage fatigued, yawn!

No it's the left that's pushing for civil. It always is and always has been throughout history

Yeah it's the right pushing war. That's exactly why BLM call for the death of police officers and assault people. That's exactly why antifa have been assaulting people, blocking roads, and starting fires at their political oppositions events. That's exactly why Hillary super pace were caught funding people to go to Trump rallies to start fights and riots to shut down events. You want to talk about pushing civil war look at the left pushing fake race narratives and a fake Russia narrative all to rile people up who then turn to violence.

Well you're half right.

You've apparently not noticed the radicalization of the left alongside the right. If anyone actually wants a civil war its both of them.

The left was steaming along full speed with the narrative that Trump followers would refuse to accept Hillary as president and resort to violence. They dropped the ball though, so they've got to run the same scheme but spun the opposite way.

Agreed that there's a push for Civil War but it's not by the right.

Do actual research, go down the rabbit holes.

YouTube isn't research. It's controlled and owned by one of the biggest tech companies in the universe and leans all the way left.

Just showed up to say fuck this sub, it's full of white trash shit.

Please. I haven't bothered with this sub in years since it started taking itself too seriously, but you're really off the wall. Yes, some voices on the right have mentioned civil war, as a consequence of Trump being assassinated by the Left trying to use bullets when they couldn't win with ballots. The Left are the morons talking about seceding California, The Left are the morons proudly violating federal law to make sanctuary cities and even states. They were the ones who rioted in response to Trump winning the election, and rioted all last year during the BLM stuff.

Just like the lead up to the original Civil War, we have Democrat states profiting by shipping in aliens to exploit as cheap labor; only this time I guess the Democrats are the good guys because they they've managed their PR a little better and filled up everyone's heads with stories the suggest that the life of a 19th century slave must have been infinitely worse than the life of a 21st century illegal alien.

So stop the projection, you're a moron. "The right" isn't trying to start a civil war. Republicans control the entire federal government, and a huge majority of State governments at every level. There's even talk of having the states trigger a constitutional convention to undo the insanity that leftist activist judges have done to this nation via a century of control. AND Trump is moving to end the Democrats' favorite little rogue state, North Korea, and latest communist revolution, Venezuela to end these threats to America. So naturally, Democrats are doing everything they can to create internal Chaos to prevent Republicans from setting the "progressive" cause back by a century. And yes, the Democrats probably will start a civil war just like they started the original one because they stand to lose so much money and power and they just won't accept losing their elite status, and they'll happily throw a bunch of illegal aliens in the meat grinder to die for their masters.

But again, the Right has no need for a civil war. We already won everything at the ballot box. But if the Left tries to steal that away with bullets by assassinating Trump, we will be happy to return fire. We are history, and we will not be denied.

The only thing that is what it seems to be is in the center.

The left and right are contrived.

I found the subreddit debatealtright a few days ago. There wasn't much debate just a lot of supremacists talking to each other. The majority of them seem to be looking forward to a race/civil war.

OP is Shareblue.

Fuck off OP

"OHBTW" Who the fuck role plays on the internet? I literally come here for unsourced news because I work 40 hours a week and am a bit older and look for alternative news and media. It's people like you who are the problem, not me.

"i have two pro trump accounts"

oy vey anuddah one

The only people calling for Civil war are those people who reject the legitimacy of the presidency or other institutions.

it was 100% false flag. Why did the Police chopper crash killing two State Police? From Hovering in the same spot too long? LMAO

Wifebeaters logic. 'Look what you made me do!!'

Can you fit anymore buzzwords into one title? Good grief

Wow dude you need to get over yourself

What's wrong with a civil war? We come out on top and remove niggers once and for all

I've got a theory, with social media providing a space of intense discussion mere minutes after an event, the events that pass the "critical mass of interest" filter tend to be discussed so thoroughly and divisively (because of social media's echo chamber effect and our time's increasingly calcified division of people into distant ideological corners) that pretty much every idea under the sun is put out there and defended to such a point as to give it at least some credibility, most people then simply latch to the idea that fits their biases the best.

You want to believe this was a false flag because an act of right-wing violence/terrorism would de-legitimize your party/movement/ideology/etc...? Well "CTRL+F false flag" and here you go!

The identity politics has been pushing folks toward this. We are seeing two worldviews clashing. AJ has never called for violence except when we are met with violence. This racism bullshit has been pushed hard on opposiiton groups. There is a reason for it. Yes there is hinky stuff going on with the stormfront types. The neolibs are trying to alter the narrative. Do you think this NK stuff just happened out of the blue?

You trolls aren't even trying anymore

Left. Right. Blah. Blah.

I had approved this post yesterday, see here:

There are 2 new reports since yesterday when I approved this. But since he has since turned this into a soapbox to attack me, and circumvent a ban, I have removed it.

He was banned for repeated rule 10 violations for attacking users and the board.

The left have started it all. The right even the (alt right) are just getting tired of the antiAmerican shit the left keep dishing out. Thus is why you see what you see. Watch Adam Corrola , Dave Rueben, Gavin Mcinnes, Joe Rogan and anyone else who is in the middle spectrum of reason or just right side of reality. They are themselves leaning more on the right, just by asking basic questions to people for the purpose of understanding the situations and they all basically say the same thing. (The left have completly lost their shit and dont base their lives off of scientific facts and logic and reason but feelings.) And they are 100% pushing anti American ideals on the people. But the left hate history, hate science and hate God and hate nationalism. Its going to be bad in the future if the country doesnt put a stop to the leftist communistic agenda.

Every time I've posted about this I get people like u/vongoebbels not a surprised he has a problem...

Plus the thread probably will be at 30% soon.

you're a busy bee around here constructing your own narrative or is it your own?

Worst photoshop ever. Try again.

I watched the whole thing on the live stream, that's not the guy.

You people love sticking to the MSM establishment narrative whether it's Trump being Putin's puppet or this.

No, it isn't, and only a few fringe weirdos ever do that anyways.

Sad indeed. He should have just tried to shoot a bunch of politicians instead.

Can't judge an entire group by one persons actions when that happens... something about wolves or something. it was never very clear...

exactly he started braking after he hit a bunch of people, people start fleeing the scene and he backed over one after he found the route in front of him was blocked.

No, I think the most compelling evidence are these pictures:

suspect with his car

photo of vehicle reversing after attack

enhanced version of previous image

I don't think they are the same person, now I understand if you have a different opinion and honestly would love to hear it because that is what we are supposed to do here, have a decent and mature discussion on stuff like this!

Both sides of the aisle are being baited and have violence being incited at their protests. Sad times.

Steve Bannon started recruiting young, white male gamers on the internet years ago. He saw a group of disenfranchised youth that he could prey on with his hateful ideology.

So gamergate did charlottsville?

That is the guy driving the car. He is James Fields.

However, he is not the neo nazi James Fields that they arrested and are blaming.

Yeah, I've noticed a lot of people saying even more hateful shit during games that have talking. It's worse than usual edgelord shit TBH I've encountered in the past.

The first picture is misleading and shows him younger.

The mugshot looks like it could be him if he was looking up like that stretching out his chins.

Just trying to spread the truth about this false flag.

Is trump still Russian or is that last weeks narrative ?

Hopefully none of your people try to murder James Field.

Bats can be heard beating his car before his tires ever squeal. Reality just doesn't line-up to your delusions.

Have you watched the video? His car was surrounded by black masked Antifa thugs with bats.

The question is - who started it. If they did, I don't have any sympathy for them at all.

Antifa isn't entitled to threatened drivers without consequence. They don't get special rights detain and assault just because they're the left's darlings.

Now, if the driver just saw Antifa thugs and thought "Time to roll over some Antifa for fun!" then he committed murder.

Motive matters.

Rallying for a white only America is a form of violence

Sounded to me like they felt oppressed, I heard nothing ao far about white only anything.

I think we should get out of all wars. I have no problem with Russia but I do have a slight problem if they are going to hack people's emails. I'd be against it if they hacked repub emails too. It sets a dangerous precedent. Someday a democrat may call China or Israel to hack right wing politicians.

Not a fan of Israel, I think they are jewish white supremacists. I wonder why we go all out for Zioning that region which is the size of New Jersey.

NK is a dictatorship. Their people are afraid of their government which is now a right wing fascist country.

What beliefs?

Personal attacks? Where? What snowflake bullshit is that?

Do you know what you're up to? Of course you do. So do we.

How old is the first photo? His mugshot looks like the guy in the second pic.

I've answered many a comment. I got lots. You however haven't said a single smart thing...

So im assuming their is video or pictures of his car being surrounded and attacked.

You got his name wrong. It's Fields, not Field.

There's a clear divide between the people that are promoting that and the people that abhor it.

This is James Field, the man driving the car. This is James Fields the neo nazi who they arrested.

Hijacking for visibility. Don't listen to the lies. Check these links. True false flag.

It's not an accusation. It's a fact you came into a thread about a guy who killed someone at a unite the right rally to talk about the bernie guy.

I voted for Trump and love multi-cultural America. Those that came here legally. And I'm Hispanic btw.

Absolutely look at a recent post I made just hours with photos showing my approval for multicultural america. That's the problem with your narrative, it doesn't hold up.

Keep fighting the good fight. Fuck these mods.

Well they revere Hitler, believe in the superiority of the pure white race, and carry swastika flags but they call themselves identitarians now so I guess the whole world is full of shit and should be ignored.

Ducks are ducks, bro. Even if some of them call themselves mallards, too.

This event was heavily promoted on T_D.

Is it possible that that sub was in on this too? I mean why would that sub promote such as obvious false flag operation with obvious government assets?

Yeah he was in such a panic he accelerated for half a block into a group of people, killing one. Poor guy.

Blow smoke up someone else's ass.

You're watching a video that starts after he already plowed through the group of people once. Here he is doing it the first time.

they let a false flag upset them

Its not exactly the "White Pride", stuff. Its the question, to why its acceptable for other groups to be proud of who they are, but the second a white person is proud to be white, you are a nazi and a racist. Meanwhile BLM groups can do this and its acceptable.

yeap, something i find myself harping on with people online and irl. race in this country is government defined, not some natural state of being.

Were the onsite witnesses carrying swastika flags and now blogging about it? 'Cause I'm not sure I trust their interpretation of events.

that "enhanced" version looks like a fucking joke for real. also, interestingly the actual car has racing stripes and the one where he is leaning on it does not. i dont think those are the same vehicles, but that doesnt mean it isnt him because the picture of him leaning on the car is clearly years old.

It wouldn't surprise me, every time Duke opens his mouth he praising Trump, he seems to know that he is doing.

It wouldn't surprise me, every time Duke opens his mouth he praising Trump, he seems to know that he is doing.

Dude look at my comments on this thread. I'm happy you made this and I'm not calling you a shill. I'm sorry if you thought this comment was directed to you. It certainly was not. Much love brother.

Considering in other comments on this thread you claim to know who belongs here and who doesn't...

What's the point of bringing that up? All you're doing is trying to blame everyone in this sub for the actions of a few random people on the internet who happened to post something to this sub. Nobody in this sub promoted the nazi car crash. They promoted a stupid rally, that's it. There is no blood on my hands because I am an individual who is not associated with dummies who wanted to promote a rally.

The first amendment protects their right to have unfortunate and ridiculous opinions and the ability to voice them.

Your playing it off as violence is a serious detriment to liberty. Everyone in the United States has the right to be dumb as fuck and sing about it while they're at it.

Well I don't see you as some anti-don shill, and I appreciate you being up this discussion. No harm no foul. ;) <3

Nobody, but they will if the T_D's don't do this shit again.

Soon Spoony and Linkara will make come backs, reviewing Nazi Germany era films for Spoony and comics and propaganda posters from Nazi Germany by Linkara. At least they will be back, with their true colors, and in this political climate, make big bucks. Perfect timing for has-been internet stars.

Try this then. White pride is not white supremacy. It is the same a black pride or gay pride of woman's day marches or Cuban pride marches. None of them are about being supremacist to anyone. They are about being proud of who and what you are instead of letting media and college snowflake-babies dictate to you what you should feel ashamed of? If everyone else is allowed to feel pride for their race or culture then so are white people. And white culture and history is more than just one statue.

And, Trump/ZeroHedge/Brietbart label the NYT as "fake news" ... must be so.

There's ZERO proof of them being feds m8. Telling white people to love their race isn't encouragement to become nazis. "Fighting the elites" lmao who are they exactly?

Government as in Trump? I know that Fred Trump was a KKK fan back in the day but I dunno if there's a strong connection between Donnie and Duke.

Though that sounds like a great name for a 23 minute sitcom.

now they're fedora tippers someone's mad hahahahaha faggot

just because you added the word "government" to your butthurt rant doesnt make it a conspiracy. also, this:

an intolerance for hate.

sounds really stupid. Overall im gonna give this shilling a 2/10

His whole party ran as anti-capitalists and social ideals. Liberals trying to rewrite histroy lmfao, nothing new.


Am I the only one that doesn't see the same car?

What celebrations of the white race and American culture were called racist?

Umm, the one this post refers to? Duh!

quote me

Concocting some sort of celebration that is completely focused on the fact that we share a certain skin color?

Yeah, that would seem silly wouldn't it. So why do we tolerate and celebrate other races and skin colours for doing it?

white people are in no way prevented against migrating to other countries which makes your comment

White people aren't immigrating to coloured nations


I think the KKK has freemason roots even. O_o I'm glad people are waking up to this pathetic attempt by the establishment to divide people. Threatening fellow Americans/humans just because of differences in opinion, is absolutely disgusting. I have zero respect for warmongers like that (and it is warmonger territory because it's reminiscent of civil war).

I wouldn't even attack a full fascist. Much evil comes from ignorance. Education is the future. People don't realize lib VS con a scam in itself. Because the parties/corporate media indoctrination is actually NEOlib VS NEOcon, which is basically fighting over corporate brands Pepsi VS Coca's just sick corporate propaganda. Our whole two party system is corporate far right authoritarian (NEOlib/NEOcon) and people are so brainwashed and filled with hate that they want to kill fellow Americans because of some bullshit on the media? I'm really repulsed by this. I hope people don't fall for this vile divisive propaganda.

I think you are misunderstanding my point. Read everything I wrote again and see if you get it.

Define "normal". They were racist fucking scum.

Here's an important lesson from history:

From AlternativeViewTV (you can subscribe to it on YouTube) :

"Political Murder, Klan / Nazi Style" The government manipulated the KKK to kill Nonviolent Peace activists in Greensboro 1979)

Absolutely fascinating and well-said. The logic behind this idea makes sense, too, which creates an even more terrifying reality for me, personally. It would be much easier for us to topple this kind of regime while we have access to free speech and assembly. Take those away, however, and our task suddenly becomes an entirely different problem to tackle, if not altogether impossible.

Let's just hope that the masses wake up before we are truly enslaved forever. This is why I try to have these kinds of conversations with people. It's such a shame that I usually can't even hold someone's train of thought for more than two minutes before they label me (without saying it to me) as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist.

Crazy to think that the masses have become so brainwashed that they can't even think critically anymore or, at the very least, keep an open mind to ideas that they have never been exposed to before.