Remember when this sub promoted free thinking and didn't try to tell others what to believe?

516  2017-08-13 by snowmandan

Dont listen to ANYONE telling you "there's nothing to see here"

Do the research yourself and base your judgement objectively. I'm sick of egotistic douchebags talking down to free thinkers.


yeah man, that's exactly how they work. shame shame shame shame. it's a great way to identify them.

Shaming, guilt-tripping and throwing insults are the most obvious tactics.

but what would we do without our 'Daily reminders that ..."?

It's our "rally pedes!"

"rally pedes!"

Wrong sub.

the intent of his post ya goof.

he's saying the 'daily reminder...' that gets posted here is analogous to the 'rally pedes' from that other place

Thank you.

Tell people what this sub is 'really about'?

Reddit used to be the last bastion of non controlled perception managed media.

It's always been media— 

This is the media, industrial, drug, and military complex— Public and private taking over.

Who has the louder voice on a pseudonymous platform like Reddit? A bunch of random individuals with a variety of nuanced opinions, or governments and corporations with endless budgets to promote their viewpoints?

We know that there are opinions being parroted over and over verbatim by bots, that help frame the conversation and amplify the echo chamber. The internet is turning into a constant stream of drivel where everything is an opinion and facts are worthless. Anyone who proposes filtering the signal from the noise is shot down as an opponent of free speech and biased. It's completely insane and it is rapidly eroding our cultures outside of the internet.

"Targeted Advertising Analytics"

They are targeting you.

Yeah it is funny to me that people want to argue about things they are reading about second hand. They just want to argue in general, use you to jerk themselves off, feel superior, etc. It is not like we can be 100% certain about most things, so I just usually share my off the cuff thought/opinion and move on. There is not much on here worth arguing over, especially when there is so much deception going on.

Thank you

I call it mental masturbation.

Oh really? Got any proof for that claim? I'll wait....


This place sadly isn't full of free thinkers. It's full of people who already have a hard set opinion on things and pretend they are open minded.

I was in the army reserves, but working full time. I had this cool Platoon Sergeant who most definitely did use sexually harassing language around some females (I don't think what he said should have landed him in any trouble.) The Major called me into his office and I got to use the "I don't recall defense." I was basing this off of Ollie North testimony not Bill Clinton's.

Do I support sexual harassment. Back in 1999 I thought what he said was no big deal.

I should've made it a string of I don't recalls and linked to a different politician every time.

No. It never really worked that way.

That's what they want you to think, but the thing is that this sub is over two years old and before the election, it reasonably promoted free thinking. At least it didn't tell people to accept an immediately propagated narrative attributing killer Nazis to over half of the legal US population who voted for Trump.

...but if that free thinking ever happens to coincide with what the MSM is reporting, then don't. Because it must be wrong.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Just blindly believing the opposite of whatever the media says is just as detrimental to free thinking.

What if the driver in Charlottesville was just an alt-right white nationalist and the whole thing wasn't a plot by George Soros? No? Too unbelievable?

First, your agenda of trying to get people to stop asking questions about an event that occured yesterday is shameful.

If he is not an actor or an agent provocateur, then we still need to be asking questions about who this guy is, what his motivations are, who he knows, and who inspires him.

COINTELPRO is a fact of history. We know the FBI and CIA infiltrate anti-establishment groups and convince them to commit crimes of terror. We know they use agent provocateurs to crush demonstrations. We know they killed the Branch Davidians in Waco and we know they built the bomb that went off in the World Trade Center 1993.

If you're not asking questions, then what are you even doing? Just go back to sleep.

First, your agenda of trying to get people to stop asking questions about an event that occured yesterday is shameful.

You completely mischaracterized my statement. I'm not telling people to stop asking questions. I'm just saying be careful not to fall into the other trap of just blindly believing the opposite of what the MSM is saying.

If he is not an actor or an agent provocateur, then we still need to be asking questions about who this guy is, what his motivations are, who he knows, and who inspires him.

Absolutely agree. However, if the answers to those questions wind up suggesting that he is simply a white nationalist who drove his car into protesters out of anger, then we need to be willing to accept that as well.

Dont listen to ANYONE telling you "there's nothing to see here"

Please, tell us what to think.


How can you tell Pizzagate/Seth Rich is fake news? Just mention the subject, anyone who notices will jump in and take the opportunity to tell you.

On a non news habbening day, why can't the mods log the accts that flood the forums with non conspiracy political posts (both sides)? I'm not saying ban them, they should make a sticky and call them out. I.e. here is a list of conspiracy posters that blatantly flood the sub with partisan political posts that are non conspiracy related.

Ive been asking for this for awhile now

reddit admins would get pissy at the mods for 'doxxing' or something and punish this sub.

mods. all the responsibility with none of the power.

Great job OP, you are telling us exactly what you think we should be doing. Sorry, but it is funny.

If that's what you think, you didn't read it correctly.

Don't listen to anyone and just learn the facts to form an objective perspective. It's really not that hard to start thinking for yourself.

/u/snowmandan don't you realize how you are actually insulting us by implying that we aren't thinking for ourselves, that only you are so engaged?

He literally said, "think for yourselves"...

Didn't think it would be such a terrible concept

The hypocrisy is hemorrhaging through my screen. Better get a Band-Aid lest he bleeds out.

What? How is he saying that? He's saying apply critical thinking, take no one's word for anything and form an opinion yourself. He specifies no specific opinion for you to form, so I'm unsure why you're triggered by this post.

This account is only a month old (to be fair this is like account number 8 over the last like 6 years) but people would call others shills or tell people they're idiots constantly, even when discussing Antartica and Ancient Civ shit back in the day. This sub went to hell during the elections and hasn't recovered since, no matter which side you're on. Both sides are accusing the other of the same exact thing and our justifying their actions using the same reasons as the other side.

It's so different now, back in the day it was ok to talk about things like Sandy Hook here. Hell I even remember people getting bashed for coming here and asking about it, the general sentiment of this subreddit back then was that it was one of most obvious false flags and a great starting redpill for any budding conspiracy theorist. Nowadays any mention of Sandy Hook, even in this subreddit, is met with anger and downvotes.

Spot on. Those were the days that made me start coming here regularly in the first place. Now the only thing that keeps me coming here is trying to help fight against the people who have ruined it.

If you're on any one side, you haven't really been paying attention.

The only side worth being on is the side of truth. Whoever seeks the same is fine by me, even if we disagree. Everything else is either petty or a distraction.


Exactly!!! Now can we all agree, until one if goes up in space, that the Earth is flat.

Thanks in advance.

Yes! Knew I'd catch one! :D

You're right.

The sub is totally gone to shit now. People seem to get angry if you dare to talk about something that isn't being regurgitated in the main stream media.

Limited hangout

Politics on reddit is so unbelievably toxic. I'd be happy if i never saw a political post again.

Politics on reddit is so unbelievably toxic. I'd be happy if i never saw a political post again.

Your posting history shows that to be a rather unbelievable statement.

When up to 25% of the front page is something politics related. You have a hard to avoiding it.

You have a hard to avoiding it.

You search it out.

thanks for your analysis


Anyone telling you to look the other way shouldn't be here!

Well, judging by the top threads on most major posts this is a sub for shitting on conspiracies and pushing the government narrative.

or the MSM talking heads from TVs official story

Except it constantly pushes the narrative of the Trump administration.

When a controversial or sensational event is reported by the MSM, our first response as a sub should be a concerted effort to confirm or deny the event to see if it holds up to scrutiny. Not to simply accept every detail we see on CNN and then circlejerk about the political implications.

We know about Operation Mockingbird -- right? We know that the mainstream cable news outlets often report literally fake news -- right?

So why should anyone come under fire for questioning the veracity of these lurid claims?

By the way, "there's video therefore it's real" is not critical thinking!

yea we should accept every detail on fox news instead. /s

As if there's a difference.

no, 4chan is where the concrete info is. you new here?

Is that what they are saying?

Word, brother.

Fuck these joke bs top comments. Op is right. Especially today. This shut has gotten way out of control. The true advocates of the sub that brought the useful researched posts have moved on. These days most forums are like this. "You suck" "government shill" "alt right" "you only because of this" "blah blah blah". There is no substance. It's garbage posters.

This guy has posted this exact same post, word for word, at least three times in the past two hours. He's either karma whoring is is a shill. There are so many reasons why this entire post is just b.s. it's why he got down voted to oblivion the first like five times (I've personally commented and seen three posts, I would assume this dumbfuck has been at it).

  1. Free thinking is defined objectively. I.e. in relation to who the user characterizes "free thinkers." I think that many T_D users on this sub are not "free thinkers." I would assume they think the same of me.

  2. As conspiracy theorists we actually depend on the work and research of others. It is critical. This sub is the prime example of that. What other function does this have but to come together as a community of like minded individuals to share, debate and question each other. Ultimately, i have formed my theories on the backs of other users. Off the top of my head, for instance, u/astralrocker2001 made a post one day on a topic i had never even heard of. How am i supposed to interact with info i cant even begin to debate or form my own opinion on? Simple, i didnt need to. I just listened, processed and proceeded. And it changed everything for me. How we filter and process the information is what is important.

  3. This sub has never been like that. You sound like the Pepperidge farm guy. Nostalgic and dumb as fuck. Conspiracy theorists have always fallen pray to the same human traits as others do. We may be more cyncial, but in general it will occur.

What are you saying? I posted this one time in a quick moment while hiking after glancing at the post telling people to accept the narrative thats been propagated.

I'm simply trying to remind folks to think for themselves because too often, they don't.

I am confused as well. I'm trying to wrap my head around it. Some of it is well organized thought but I just don't get the subject, if it wasn't about you, unless it's about me, but I haven't posted that more than once, today.

Yeah the whole comment was nonsense honestly. "Free thinker" isn't just a term used to classify people in a group. It's used to describe an individual who decides to take responsibility for him or herself and doesn't let anyone else make them their bitch or tell him or her to think a certain way or disregard anomalies or to not question the narrative.

A free thinker isn't just someone who says that they are or says that another group isn't. It's someone who's willing to think for themselves and look at the facts objectively to form their probable conclusion, without being influenced by those egotistic assholes telling him or her how and what to think.

I honestly think he's trying to make it seem like being a free thinker isn't possible. But that's just not true. It is possible to be happy with what you have, not attach your identity to any groups, and learn about all sides of an argument or subject in order to form an objective and properly informed perspective.

Groups are the worst creation. It leads to unintended compromises that take an individual away from their true belief/pursuit.

No, exactly the opposite. Being a free thinker requires a much deeper level of understanding than what I've seen demonstrated in this post. I fully support "free thinking." My issue stems from your approach.

Generally posting about this issue in the broad way that you did is a huge red flag. What are you accomplishing? Like I articulated, everyone defines themselves as a "free thinker." Think Platos allegory of the cave. The people living in the shadows deem the real world to be fake since all they know is shadow. The parallel would to reddit would be what I described with me and T_D users. Nothing of merit is accomplished by your post. Quite the opposite. It affirms the same qualities and thinking that keep people trapped.

Sorry, my mistake. I sincerely apologize for calling you a shill/karma whore. I'll edit my post if you want. But my criticisms of the post still remain.

You should delete it because all you're doing is pandering the divide and conquer technique and assuming a bunch of bullshit. And based on that first assumption of yours, I doubt you're thinking through your argument fully and are instead falling victim to your ego.

Nah, I'll edit it to remove the false things I said about you. Which I'm sorry for. But my initial criticisms remain. Your being nostagalic and two dimensional.

Sorry it wasn't enough content for you, but I think most people here agree that it's a pretty simple concept for an individual.

Why are you apologizing. Address my points. But yeah, that's kind of the problem. Everyone defines it completely differently. Your post has no depth and adds nothing to the community. In fact, it detracts from it.

I honestly don't think you're worth the time and effort to tell you why your points don't make any sense and has no depth and detracts from the community.

I'll say one thing. You just consider conspiracy theorists no different than other people other than they are cynical. That's just not true, and everyone here knows it except you.


Omg. I just double checked. You lied you dumb fuck. You did post three times.

No I didn't you moron, got proof?

Yeah. You deleted the first one. The second time I saw it I commented that it was a double post, along with another user.


You don't think it's possible for someone else to have the same idea after what happened yesterday? There's a front page post of Jared beck tweeting something similar.

Stop making accusations and get over yourself, prick.

I'll post a link in the edit in a second. Even if it was a different user, it was word for word the same post. How is it possible that two out of three comments are accusing you of double posting within 20 mins of posting?

I'll be waiting. Keep making a fool out of yourself.

Check your own post history. Why are 2/3 comments , posted almost immediately, claiming it's a double post? Hm?

Where's the link? From an outside perspective, snowmandan made a post from mobile and it double posted (happens often with comments and posts when I'm on mobile with spotty service) and then you swooped in to be a jerk about it. I'm not saying that's what happened, but that's how it appears. Is there a link for your second edit that would offer some clarification?

Free thinking is defined objectively. I.e. in relation to how the user characterizes "free thinkers." I think that many T_D users on this sub are not "free thinkers." I would assume they think the same of me.

You are downvoted for that word salad of a statement.

Arguments that demonstrate no one should listen to you:

  1. "X is subjective/objective"
  2. "By that logic..."
  3. "Hypocrite"
  4. "That's a no true scottsman fallacy "
  5. "No free will"
  6. "Socioeconomic factors"
  7. "Nazi/Commie"

This guy is fucked. TBH I was really hoping it would go there. I used to think this sub had the most psychos but r/beatles blows em all away. Gives me the willies

I honestly didn't understand what you were trying to convey at first. I did notice that you made the same "you posted this 5 times..." comment 3 times in your post history. I searched this thread cause I assumed you posted here 3 times and thought they were 3 different threads. Though only one of those posts is in this thread. Which does lead to your statement being credible. Though I, A. Don't really understand the ramifications. And B. Can establish you are correct. I had not seen op make same post multiple times. I only saw this one. I only checked your comment history to try and establish the context of your post because I wasn't sure. Though, since only one of your posts is in this thread, I have to assume you are correct atm.

Right there with you, please check my history, I've been sick of these vote manipulating trolls for months who do nothing but completely shutdown all objective discussion on any topic. Doesn't matter if it's anti-Trump or pro-pizzagate.

Anti-Trump post? Lol this sub is TD, can't believe all you Trump supporters can't realize what's happening. no discussion on actual topic

Pizzagate/Wikileaks/Seth Rich/Awan Brothers/DNC post? Oh come on guys, this is what your deflecting from Trump with now? This sub is so TD. NO DISCUSSION ON THE TOPIC

Civil discourse is dead.

It's not dead, it's just become overshadowed by distraction bullshit.

True, it's not dead so long as we keep asking questions.

I think this is the important point: ask questions. Lately I have been wondering about this protest. There are some unanswered questions surrounding the footage, and i hope to eventually get some answers.

Especially since the accusation that Trump himself has anything at all to do with it is so absurd there is video comedy montages showing the many times he has disavowed , so these people are pushing a narrative and trying to link Trump himself to it, flat out.

I hate all the "WAKE THE FUCK UP" posts.

As if they're they only one that understands shit and we're all fucking stupid. Wrong....we just don't feel the need to remind you of shit that we assume you already know.

A lot of this is shill poisoning the well. They come here and push outrageous coincidence theories to frustrate the users. Like people saying Hillary Clinton isn't a criminal, and pretending that is a political issue.

I agree, it's hard to tell sometimes though, just with the recent event, I thought it would be a valuable thing to say.

We're already here brother, "there's nothing to see here" doesn't work on us... We need to project this advice beyond the choir

Hell yeah, I wish people wouldn't get so butthurt so quickly

Agenda pushing in this sub and acceptance of the main stream narratives without entertaining alternative view points have killed this sub. But who am I kidding, this sub has been dead going on 5 years, not sure why I still browse here occasionally.

The false flag Navy Seal drove a look alike challenger into the crowd of people is by far one of the most interesting angles of the Charlottesville attack, but anyone talking about that gets ridiculed and downvoted all to hell.

It's "interesting", but since when has being a free thinker meaning spouting shit defending literal Nazis based off of a single grainy frame from a hand camera? Occam's Razor is still our most powerful tool.

This is a conspiracy sub. Occam's Razor is le reddit atheist fagotry that has no place here.

So, /r/conspiracy means jumping to the wildest possible conclusions with little to no evidence, nor a fair and rational logical connection coming to that conclusion, and then being congratulated for doing so? And if you disagree and try to bring up the level of discourse, you get called a "Le reddit atheist faggot" and a shill?

It's definitely an indictment of the state of this sub when a self-professed "free thinkers group" finds basic logical analysis abhorrent.

It's definitely an indictment of the state of this sub when a self-professed "free thinkers group" finds basic logical analysis abhorrent.


See, there's your problem. You think that the real world is a nice tidy package that can fit into some bullshit logical axiom such as Occam's Razor. Occams' razor is the intellectual equivalent of a maggot festering pile of shit on a West Texas highway.

Occam's razor is the intellectual equivalent of a maggot festering pile of shit on a West Texas highway.

haha well said!

Goddamn you are stupid.

How would investigating the patsy theory be defending Nazis?

Ignoring the fact that these white nationalists are pro capitalism whilst the Nazis where pro socialism (but not the Marxist/Communist variant) defending Nazis would involve making arguments regarding what Nazis believe, not whether a horrific event was actually a psyop designed to further justify digital censorship measures currently being rolled out.

Don't push this shit, Nazis were pro-capitalism, but they weren't Pro-free Market. They believe in what is basically an extreme form of mercantilism. Trying to equate Fascist collectivisation to Communist collectivisation is absolutely inane and just lowers the bar of debate on both. They were very different beasts.

Occam's Razor says that the simplest explanation is most often the truth. A known white supremacist driving his car into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally is much simpler than trying to say he's some antifa plant, or a government psyop agent. You'd have to go in already believing that this was the case to come to this conclusion, and going into an event with an agenda is most likely because you want to shield the most probable instigator from indictment. That's what I meant by saying "defending Nazis".

...Nazis were pro-capitalism, but they weren't Pro-free Market.

ROFL. The Nazis orientated their entire economy around the state (link should be simple enough for you)

The National Socialists Program (Nazi stands for National Socialists)

  1. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens...

...most likely because you want to shield the most probable instigator from indictment

Is that really the most likely reason? Especially considering that huge numbers of people that think YouTuber's like 'Sargon of Akkad', for example, are alt-right and that we live in an age were accusations of belonging to a hated group are all that is needed to prove the accusations are true.

This horrific event will only cement the term 'alt-right' as a label that can be used to demonise anyone that questions the infotainment complex's dominant dogma.

One more thing, just a friendly reminder, this is r/conspiracy and this threads title is 'Remember when this sub promoted free thinking and didn't try to tell others what to believe'?

You know what "State Capitalism" is, yeah? Don't bring your condescending bullshit out and then trot around the "Nazi means National Socialism" bullshit.

Sargon of Akkad is actively praised and supported by groups such as the EDL - i.e. About as close to Nazis as Britain has in common knowledge of political groups. He calls himself a left winger without understanding that he clearly isn't.

Please don't get all uppity about the "alt-right" label. One of the guys who were in charge of the rally yesterday is the guy who invented the term.

It's highly ironic you're telling me about the sub title while you try to gas light historical fact.

You know what "State Capitalism" is, yeah? Don't bring your condescending bullshit out and then trot around the "Nazi means National Socialism" bullshit.

State Capitalism is Socialism you utter plonker - the state owns the means of production i.e. the capital. Marxist's try to argue there's a difference using surplus value as evidence, but all that means is that economic activity mustn't be used to create more economic activity i.e. growth.

State capitalism:

Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism...with ownership or control by a state...where the government controls the economy...extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.

...many people argue that the modern People's Republic of China constitutes a form of state capitalism and/or that the Soviet Union failed in its goal to establish socialism, but rather established state capitalism.

So basically attempts at socialism always produce state capitalism because the only difference between the two is Marxist literature.

Sargon of Akkad is actively praised and supported by groups such as the EDL

So what? Does that mean Sargon of Akkad supports the ADL? No it doesn't. I'm sure the people behind US government torture programs praised Sigmund Freud. Does that mean Sigmund Freud was pro torture? No it doesn't.

The only way to make these kinds of statements work is burry a logical fallacy at the heart of them, he same logical fallacy at the heart of all discrimination.

Please don't get all uppity about the "alt-right" label.

Well maybe its time to invent a suitable label for the people that focus their hate on the alt-right label like yourself. How about marxist-narcissists? Kinda has a ring to it don't ya think?

It's highly ironic you're telling me about the sub title while you try to gas light historical fact.

Thats a pretty twisted observation to make. Gas lighting huh? Trying to convince someone that they are going insane. So basically projection on your part. HaHa.

I believe space agencies are full of shit. I believe outer space is not what they tell us. I believe the earth and Antarctica is not what they tell us. After a lot of research and testing I've determined flat earth is more likely true than globe earth. I sincerely believe that it is the greatest conspiracy on earth. Yet... I always feel it mustn't be talked about in this conspiracy sub reddit. Is there something wrong here?

Yeah, try taking a physics class

Did you really just insult someone because their conspiracy theory is too crazy for you? Wow. Now you know how I feel about most of you. The hypocrisy is astounding.

It's not because it's too crazy. It's because it's proven to be untrue if all you do is do some research on the laws of physics.

And so are like 95% of the conspiracies posted here, but that doesn't stop people from spouting bullshit. Much like today, that guy is guilty as fuck, admitted he did it, videos of him doing it including pictures of him in the driver seat, he's an openly known neo-nazi who is a member of vanguard america, was shown to be with them before the incident. Please point me to where the conspiracy is in this? Isn't it more likely that there is just a sick motherfucker in a group of neonazis?

It's unfortunate that one of the banes of being a flat earther is the constant attacks or questioning of ones academia. Unfortunately a lot of this is through ignorance of exactly how big a puzzle Flat Earth theory is to start making sense, including how gravity doesn't exist, only up down, buoyancy and density, or how the sun is not big and far but small an localized, just two examples of "unprovable" things (unless you subscribe to the gospels of the religion of NASA). You say I didn't study physics (I've studied plenty of physics), but sometimes the things you learn just aren't true when new better explanations come to play, like how I mentioned with gravity.

Because the parameters of the theory allow most people to automatically dismiss it. It is too big, and is not just a conspiracy theory but has all kinds of other undesirable properties. It requires an astounding number of scientists, teachers, and various public figures to be deliberately misleading everyone, and thus it comes with a fantastic anti-intellectual bent. It requires extraordinary explanations for commonplace things that are much more easily explained by a spherical Earth. It requires our planet to be somehow different than all the others we can observe with the naked eye and low-powered telescopes. I'd sooner believe in Sasquatch, ancient aliens, and a wrathful anthropomorphic god than a flat earth.

For your "astounding number of scientists, teachers, public figures", see: Compartmentalization (information security))

What we observe with our eyes and telescopes are just lights. They are "planets" only because NASA and the powers at be indoctrinate you to think stars are giant suns far away and wandering stars are planets. To believe in flat earth you must discredit all space agencies entirely (because they have no credibility) and not accept any source of information from them. Once you do this you realize there is no evidence for a sphere earth or even outer space including the size and distances of the sun, moon, and other aspects of "outer space".



Bro this like the fifth time you've posted the EXACT same thing today. Stop karma whoring you fuck and get to research.

Bro this like the fifth time you've posted the EXACT same thing today. Stop karma whoring you fuck and get to research.

When was that?

Dont listen to ANYONE telling you "there's nothing to see here"

good advice but this sub always reminds me to do the opposite as well - which is to not listen to people saying "there's something to see here!" every single time a tragedy happens.

so one side is saying to be ignorant and not look at things which might sway your opinion...

and the other is saying look into everything and weigh it out....

there is nothing wrong with engagement and education on a subject. I don't think those two approaches are equal - there is great danger in being ignorant, and I don't think there is quite the same risk in being critical and evaluating all options.

Repeat after me: pizzagate is real. Lol, free thinkers.

Good one?

Removed. Rules 5 and 10.

Me neither.

All bluster and strong words must be tempered with facts. And some decent theory-building skills.

Theories (all theories whatsoever) come in 3 varieties: False Possible & unfalsifiable

Those are the only choices available. Ever. Doesn't matter if it's a murder case, tax fraud, chemistry problem, engineering, recipe mystery, it doesn't matter. And the only thing differentiating a false theory from a possible one is it's ability to predict some yet unknown factor, a.k.a., a test.

This of course, only counts for falsifiable theories. If a theory is true under all circumstances, it's definitely a piece of shit theory and can be immediately discarded.

Take this, refine it. Understand it. It is applicable in all cases past, present and future for any inductive theory that can be dreamed up.

Nah because most of these people weren't around back then

Ooo, oh....ooooo....(raising hand, waving frantically)

I still believe in free thinking. Me.

Be honest. Tell the truth.

Speak of liberty

I remember the Pre Obama golden years of conspiracy forums. 911, aliens, and the occasional "its the Jesuits/Masons/Spanish Inquisition. Okay, the last one might not be serious but I'm telling you, nobody expects them.

that was before this sub made t_d people mods ...

no, your mind is tricking you, this never happened here.

That all ended when people came in here and started telling us how to think. Our reaction? Tell others how to think.

/u/snowmandan don't you realize how you are actually insulting us by implying that we aren't thinking for ourselves, that only you are so engaged?

So, /r/conspiracy means jumping to the wildest possible conclusions with little to no evidence, nor a fair and rational logical connection coming to that conclusion, and then being congratulated for doing so? And if you disagree and try to bring up the level of discourse, you get called a "Le reddit atheist faggot" and a shill?

It's definitely an indictment of the state of this sub when a self-professed "free thinkers group" finds basic logical analysis abhorrent.

It's definitely an indictment of the state of this sub when a self-professed "free thinkers group" finds basic logical analysis abhorrent.


Yes! Knew I'd catch one! :D

You should delete it because all you're doing is pandering the divide and conquer technique and assuming a bunch of bullshit. And based on that first assumption of yours, I doubt you're thinking through your argument fully and are instead falling victim to your ego.

I'll post a link in the edit in a second. Even if it was a different user, it was word for word the same post. How is it possible that two out of three comments are accusing you of double posting within 20 mins of posting?

It's not dead, it's just become overshadowed by distraction bullshit.

See, there's your problem. You think that the real world is a nice tidy package that can fit into some bullshit logical axiom such as Occam's Razor. Occams' razor is the intellectual equivalent of a maggot festering pile of shit on a West Texas highway.

Especially since the accusation that Trump himself has anything at all to do with it is so absurd there is video comedy montages showing the many times he has disavowed , so these people are pushing a narrative and trying to link Trump himself to it, flat out.

You have a hard to avoiding it.

You search it out.