These Nazi-focused Posts are Insane. Who is paying for them?

30  2017-08-13 by [deleted]



So, ignore nazis but get mad at everyone else?

Uhhhh I see you're missing the bigger picture. This isn't 1939, nazis aren't actually a problem.

Oh ok, nazi's aren't a problem. Good to know.

They were in 1939. Not today. So easily distracted.

Really cuz there was a big white nationalist rally this weekend and one of the dudes ran over a bunch of people. Seems like there's an uptick in nazism in America, maybe.

you can be a white nationalist and not a nazi.

I deeply apologize to all nazis and white nationalists for conflating these very obviously different political outlooks, lol

they are different. just because you're ignorant of that doesn't make it any less true.

Care to elaborate on the differences between Nazis and white supremacists in regards to this weekend's rally?

sure. a nazi was a member of the german nationalsozialismus or nazi party in the 1930's. a white nationalist is a person who believes in a white nation.

You're confusing German Nazis with National Socialism in general.

You may want to go tell the American Nazi Party that they never existed, I suppose.

i'm not confusing anything. you are just ignorant. as for the american nazi party. it was a honey pot. still is today actually. most neo-nazis are undercover feds.

Well, I mean you're saying that Nazis haven't existed since World War II.

when did i say they didn't exist? i said they did and they are a honey pot. you're not very good at this.

So, you're saying nazis exist in America, but they only exist as a honeypot to uh... catch nazis?

neo-nazis do exist in the us and for the most part are honey pots. yes.

Those poor babies, why can't they be left alone to be racist violent shitbags in peace. smgdh...

so you want to take away their rights because you disagree with them? that's a slippery slope now don't you think? also it was antifa who were the violent ones. i suppose don't throw bricks at people if you don't want to get hit back.

Who said anything about taking away anyone's rights?

you did. well people usually do not take too kindly to when you throw bricks at their car. some may even fear for their lives and run you over. whats the saying? play stupid games win stupid prizes.

you did.

When did I say we should take peoples' rights away?

well people usually do not take too kindly to when you throw bricks at their car.

You'll have to be more specific.

definitely implied it. i have to be more specific about what? you sure do like nagging on with that phrase. it's almost like it's a part of your script. i mean shtick.

definitely implied it.

I see, so this just downgraded from "saying it" to "implied it". If I ask how I "implied" it, what will I get next?

you sure do like nagging on with that phrase. it's almost like it's a part of your script. i mean shtick.

Right, the shtick where I ask people to back up what they say. It really seems to make people flip out on this sub. They don't like facts over feelings.

implying is saying. you never specified about specifics. care to?

Implying means suggesting by not expressly stating, saying is expressly stating. Pick one.

you never specified about specifics. care to?

You said "well people usually do not take too kindly to when you throw bricks at their car."

Care to be specific about this?

How many of those Alt-Right racists do you think were socialists. You do no the NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALISM correct? Nazis were far LEFT on the political spectrum.

Calling national socialism leftist is about the most retarded thing I've seen on a very special weekend in this sub. Thanks.

Welp, the truth is incontrovertible. Feel free to read the wiki entry on political spectrum and socialism, national and otherwise. If you think the Nazis weren't about big government providing for the people, then we have nothing further to discuss. Learn some history there bub.

You're not describing leftism, you're describing statism.

Leftism is your word not mine. I'm talking political spectrum here.

Nazis were far LEFT on the political spectrum.

What exactly are you talking about, then?

Leftist politics is a subset of the political spectrum as is national socialism. They are both on the left end of the spectrum as are communism and socialism, etc.

Neo nazi

you can be a white nationalist without being a neo-nazi.

I don't think either deserve any nuance.

What the Fuck does it matter WHAT you call them? How bout Hillbilly Assclowns??

you can be a white nationalist without being a hillbilly assclown. you seem very bigoted.

Nope: just don't like Hillbilly Assclowns.

You're a problem. Not helping anything.

Uh huh.

So you should be implying that the rise in black nationalist rallies are also an uptick in racism in general. My whole point is that this rise in racial tension is being MANUFACTURED by the media and on Reddit. That the conspiracy. That's what this sub is for, get off you're politics. Also you seem to be quite the conflict-creationist here on /r/conspiracy.

So you should be implying that the rise in black nationalist rallies are also an uptick in racism in general.

Or a response to state and institutional policies and corruption that are considered racially motivated.

My whole point is that this rise in racial tension is being MANUFACTURED by the media and on Reddit.

So, racial tension is created by people. Amazing theory you have here.

That's what this sub is for, get off you're politics. Also you seem to be quite the conflict-creationist here on /r/conspiracy.

I was under the impression that this was a forum for discussion. My bad, lol.

Jesus your response is cancer. "Fuck white people" must be the most used phrase in the last 3 years. You're response to the media-created racism is borderline retarded, people do create racism, and some people have more influence then others. And this is a conspiracy subreddit, you haven't once talked about the conspiracy. I see what you're doing. I'm done here.

Oh, ok. Thanks for taking an interest in my comments today.

I have you tagged as "Valueless Opinion"

Your constant replying betrays otherwise.

Like I give a fuck?

Yeah, like you do. Seems like you can't stop yourself.

The night is always darkest before the dawn.

Stay strong.

Aww, you two are cuter together anyways...

a nazi in portland killed a man and wounded 2 others on a train, not even 3 months ago.

Ooh wait, didn't see it was /u/regular_poster. You're so suspicious, man it's hilarious.

Suspicious of what, duder?

You just make me curious is all

Oh, I thought I made you suspicious.

What kind of curious, buddy? Fraid I don't swing that way, not that I judge.

You honestly make me curious, due to your lack of open mindedness.

Well you're just assuming that the posts are being paid for.

Hardly open-minded.

Hahaha wtf? Do you honestly think Reddit isn't a paid-for propaganda platform?

I make no comments about Reddit as a whole. Laugh all you want.

My point is that if you're going to say these are obviously paid posts then the onus is on you to say why.

Well, look at the accounts posting them. You might learn a thing or two.

Alright tell me what's so suspicious about the accounts.

I might learn from you.

We're you just born yesterday?

So you cannot explain your position.

That's sad for you.

And it should be "were" in your post above.

It's true, but my direct deposit from shareblue is late so I'm pissed enough that I might BLOW THE LID OFF EVERYTHING

What's sad is that people actually trust the front page of Reddit

It's blatant that these Anti-nazi posts are being created/posted on a schedule, around the clock.

Can you concretely explain your position here?

Not to you

Didn't think so. Oh well.


He's trying to call you a shill without actually saying shill so that he isn't given a meaningless warning.

That's good because my shilling supervisor keeps writing me up for getting called out.

Hey man, I think you're interesting too. Don't feel left out.

Classic /r/conspiracy tactic. Instead of having a discussion based on the fact you try to discredit the person bringing it up. You don't deal in facts. You deal in labels

I have yet to see arguments or facts from the other side either... hmmm

Regular_poster asked you a clarifying question which you had ample opportunity to explain and clarify your point on. You instead decided to begin discrediting them by calling them suspicious. When faced with one question, you immediately departed from discourse and went directly to obfuscation tactics.

Dude, these guys are obviously not here to talk conspiracies.

Neither are you.

Great. More discreditation.

Are you seriously not able to discuss a subject objectively without attempting to discredit the other person? Jesus Christ. Cut down on the disinformation a little please.



Your wrong. Our movement grows stronger every day. Soon you will kneel to the proud and mighty Aryan race! /ssssssssssssssssssssss

Spot on chap.

Somehow I don't think sarcasm will do well to help us thwart this obvious setup.

It's true, sarcasm just damages any point being made

It's blatant that these Anti-nazi posts are being created/posted on a schedule, around the clock.

Is it now?

Maybe there are posts about Nazis because there was an actual fucking Nazi rally that resulted in death.

Fucking crazy theory I know.

Must be Soros.

Lots of rallies result in deaths. I'd just say there's a rise is rallies of all kinds. People everywhere, of all kinds are rightfully pissed. Its sad to see race be the target of all things. Be mad about endless wars, being industries slaves, and bullshit debt. Petty race wars need to be a thing of the past. Media is doing its job to keep them alive, and so is Reddit. That's what this is about.

I think people just really fucking hate Nazis, find the rally resulting in a death unacceptable, but more so anything find it unacceptable that there was a Nazi rally to begin with, and even more than that hate that Nazis still exist in newsworthy numbers.

Again, people really fucking hate Nazis.

Actual nazi here: we're just chillin' everything's cool

later bros

Poland. They still remember

So you should be implying that the rise in black nationalist rallies are also an uptick in racism in general.

Or a response to state and institutional policies and corruption that are considered racially motivated.

My whole point is that this rise in racial tension is being MANUFACTURED by the media and on Reddit.

So, racial tension is created by people. Amazing theory you have here.

That's what this sub is for, get off you're politics. Also you seem to be quite the conflict-creationist here on /r/conspiracy.

I was under the impression that this was a forum for discussion. My bad, lol.

You're a problem. Not helping anything.

Your constant replying betrays otherwise.

Well, I mean you're saying that Nazis haven't existed since World War II.

Aww, you two are cuter together anyways...

So, you're saying nazis exist in America, but they only exist as a honeypot to uh... catch nazis?

Implying means suggesting by not expressly stating, saying is expressly stating. Pick one.

you never specified about specifics. care to?

You said "well people usually do not take too kindly to when you throw bricks at their car."

Care to be specific about this?