They'll soon won't be able to hide directed energy weapon attacks

140  2017-08-13 by targetedindividual

Maybe this will go unnoticed due to all the right wing attack, Nazi vs true American and so forth, but what happened in Cuba was never even remotely explained or clarified.

Seems like if people is using directed energy weapons (this includes the supposed ultra-sonic weapons) against other HUMAN BEINGS, causing physical and psychological harm, is not much of a deal. Seems like it's more of a joke and funny or mostly avoided, even on a conspiracy subreddit. Reminds some people of the Soviet microwave attack on the US embassy, that is mostly discredited because the non-ionizing energy from microwaves "don't cause cancer", instead of finding sources about directed energy weapons biological and neurological effects. Interesting, isn't it?

Now seems like Cuba have developed through-wall ultra-sonic weapons (It might not even be what it's claimed to be, as ultra-sonic devices don't go well with walls), this is one of the most insane statements I seen, a technologically under-developed country is using high-tech weapons to attack diplomats from the most technologically advanced country in the world, that also invest $580.3 BILLIONS on it's army. This is an obvious attempt to pass a statements that is implicit for both parties or something else, but the relevant part is that people will remain ignorant on the assaults that can be done not only to harm US officials but target ANY civilian, and I can assure you, these aren't new weapons nor these officials were the first targets.

"U.S. government personnel in Havana report "incidents" causing physical symptoms"

"Canadian diplomat in Cuba also suffered hearing loss"

"State Dept Evades On Bizarre Cuba Story's 'Incidents,' 'Symptoms' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC"

"Russian microwave assault on US embassy:"**

Voice-to-Skull device had a page on the US Army website (now deleted): (Page saved by webarchive)

"Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man's Mind!"

"U.N. Investigates Electromagnetic Terrorism"

Electromagnetic Weapons - Minister of National Defence for Poland (This is about unproven claims. couldn't find if Poland authorities got any information, no information released)

"MIT's 3-D Microwave Camera Can See Through Walls" IEEE


Got an upvote 3 seconds after posting it. GG reddit.

I did the opposite. But my vote doesn't count. It never does

Have an upvote.

Seriously.. What's up with that shit, though? I noticed it, too

Every thread


There’s also this Wikipedia entry :

A decade later, an overview of radiation impacts on human perceptions cited investigations at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research that demonstrated 'receiverless' wireless voice transmission via microwaves. However the radiation levels approached the (then current) 10mW/cm² limit of safe exposure.[7]

Awesome stuff. The voice to skull is what really blows my mind.

no you didn't, you're just witnessing vote fuzzing.

The sub needs more of this.

Hillary Clinton reportedly had very, very secret technological information on her server, which was hacked by at least three nations.

The Awans had access to some of our highest secrets.

China, Israel, Iran, Russia, etc have been hacking our defense undustries for well over a decade now.

It's not beyond belief that either Cuba got their hands on some of this technology, a third party state gave it to them, or maybe Cuba was being used for its field application and didn't even know it.

So, lets think for a minute that maybe Cubans got it, that means the information about such weaponry might be more distributed than we thought. Cuba, Russia and even the US might have defectors or officials involved with criminal organizations, mafia, extremist groups and so forth (hackers already own CIA and NSA most advanced exploits and are suspected to be part of cyber criminal groups, literally thefts).

This might open the door for covert actions from criminals against the average Joe that would be treated as mentally ill, or that those actions have been happening and undisclosed. Is this possible?

Targeted individuals claim to be attacked by similar shit right? Maybe they're not all schizophrenic nut jobs

In this post we aren't dealing with loose imagination, nor conspiracies targeting dysfunctional people, nor satanic reptilian attacks. The more legit sources, the better. The more studies disproving some and supporting their technologies, the best. You don't need to reconsider your thoughts about the internet label of TI, just need to look closely to the evidence.

TBH, it's not for OP to say what you can and can't comment on this thread, and for what it's worth, I enjoyed yours.

There are seven types of targeted individuals. One type is mentally ill.

Meter reports, biomarker lab tests for radio wave sickness vs. biomarker lab tests for schizophrenia, medical reports of DEW injuries, etc. can differentiate real TIs from the mentally ill.

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Well it really isn't hard to make a microwave gun.. And that goes through(most) walls with a range of 50-100m achievable with a relatively small dish. Plenty of people have made prototypes showing how to do it on YouTube. I have the technical knowledge to cook a whole house full of people from the inside out, with no sound or evidence and for under $100. If I know how to do that and on such a small budget.. What on earth can the govt do.

Do you have a source for this? I thought microwaves were line of sight and didn't penetrate surfaces

It is real. That's how they try to take out some people who are unwanted.

There is something fishy about this story. If it was actually some sort of failed intelligence mission on Cuba's part, the US would be blowing this up in the news everywhere. This makes me think it's more complicated or that someone else is behind it.

You've had three days to repost the exact same thing, and you still don't know how to fix the grammar in your headline?

You are right, I used the same title without even re-considering.

I only commented because I recognized it from before. It's a whole lot of energy put into your post to not check basic grammar. Something to work on.

Nice title

aren't most weapons "directed energy weapons"?

A gun is directing the energy of an explosion to propel a piece of metal.

A bomb is directing energy from an explosion to decimate all in its radius.

Shit even a water canon is directing pressure energy by pushing water at targets.

I am not arguing against your info, I am just not sure what you are supposed to mean by "directed energy weapons"?

I assume you mean things using energy that cannot be visibly observed.

You might be partially right, but the shared definition is a focused beam that harms through it's own radiation and not from shrapnel, bullets fire and so (and the rest of main or colateral damage from conventional weapons):

From Wiki: "A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits highly focused energy, transferring that energy to a target to damage it. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or devices"