Man at protests interviewed by MSNBC turns out to be a deep state shill that has received $380,000 from George Soros.

288  2017-08-14 by LightBringerFlex

These 10 images explain the whole story (make sure to click "load 10 more images):

Edit: They deleted to images to hide the evidence with the link below:

Instead, here is another similar picture story about what happens:

This man isn't just some ordinary citizen. He has a long history of higher level government work who has received $380,000 from George Soros.

Earlier today, a bunch of new accounts where defending Soros saying that he would "never use paid protestors for sinister political purposes" although this is exactly what he has been doing for the past year. This is what made me think this was Soros' dirty work. His minions probabaly wanted to impress him on his birthday which was August 12.

This whole thing smells funny but the good news is that the people are doing some amazing work with these investigations since we are forced into doing the FBI's job for them.

Edit: I was able to save the first 3/10 images that were deleted from yesterday here:





"Oops we couldn't find that page."

Holy Shit. They are trying to cover it up. Give me a second and I'll fix this.

How is your big "project"? You kick all the child sacrificing Jews out of America yet?

I still here that Ivanka Trump is in the White House! Are you going to start with her?

Regardless- "sacred economic" question

I have corn and you have fish- in your model we can just ask for them and get as much as we both want- I say- give me all your fish, now, I want it all, you can't say no because I want it. You ask for corn and I say NO because I am a fucking khazar and don't give a shit. You ask a volunteer cop to help you and he says he is on brake.

Now what?

Do you just kill me? Is that how quickly you model descends in to anarchy and murder?

Does not sound thought out

Are you mentally retarded?

Either schizophrenic, or very scared of the future that's coming.

Why? Because I ask questions about retarded fake economic models created by idiots

You comment made no sense to me, it was totally irrelevant to the OP.

LBF is always talking about "sacred economics" and Jews, look at his post history, he is a loon and basically just a paid Reddit shill

He just posts nonsense for clicks as a job and when you call him out on it his goons go bananas

People like him are why this sub is trash and the mods supporting it are nuts, it's basically Alex Jones selling his fake products

Look at some of the crap people are posting telling me about the Future I need to prepare for! The one where we will all live by not having money or jobs and I guess we will all pay for it by getting the money from Soros

It's shill garbage by poor idiots who want to rob MY money to pay for THEIR failure

Fuck them

Fair enough, thanks for the response. Ive seen his name around a bit, but never checked his post history. Imma just keep out of the economic discussion.

We can easily make a law that we cannot refuse service to anyone. If someone is playing shenanigans, we can open a very quick dispute in a quick court proceeding.


With the volunteer judge

And the volunteer cops

And the volunteer lawyers

All these volunteers enforcing your volunteer laws that work on your volunteer system

You see the thing with volunteer jobs is that it all breaks down when people don't feel like doing it or get incentives do it differently- you just ASSUME that an entire police and court system will function, LIKE MAGIC, with NO MONEY, to support a VOLUNTEER system

That doesn't make sense!

What if I and everyone else who grows corn just says NO, fuck this court, give us your fish, and your women, and your house too! Why not? Aside from you personally stoping us you can't DO anything because there is no actual system, it's all volunteer, it's not based in logic- money is based on a simple concept- we agree that a non expiring item has value for the purpose of trading goods and services- if you have nothing to measure value you against then the value becomes meaningless

How do people LEND money to build homes, start a business or build a god damn oil tanker?! You will say it's all free!

That's stupid because we live in this thing called the WORLD full of PEOPLE who are not all white Americans living in trailers like YOU

They are not all giving up their massive international growing economies because YOU FEEL POOR- because that's the issue! AMERICA IS NOT DOING GREAT!!! The rest of the world is having the greatest economic growth in history, and America sux and it sux to be there in its epic decline.

I left America and moved to china 4 years ago, learned Chinese and got a great job as a lawyer for a giant Chinese bank making tons of money

You have a fake masters degree in nothing and your job seems to be shilling for karma on Reddit

See? That's why you don't understand economics!

Right now is a fucking golden age of credit and lending! It just sucks for you because you have no money and don't understand how to get any

I don't read or respond to condescending posts from 7 day accounts.

I am glad you agree that sacred economics is ridiculous and that Israel 🇮🇱 is a great 👍 country

Just good to have that on the record

You may now resume your paid shilling

You have been reported for calling me a shill. Enjoy your vacation.

Blah blah blah

Yeah you post 100 times a day and have 100,000 karma

This is clearly your job!

You are literally doing Reddit for a fucking job

I mean your an actual shill

This is all you do, post shit, drive traffic, and probably sell some kind of stupid products or crap and have some social media presence or a books or god knows what but clearly THIS is your whole existence

Posting Jewish hate on Reddit is your job

Have you ever seen me selling anything? Nope.


Reported again.

Report as much as you want, you are clearly a paid Reddit shill

Typing nope and haha and reported doesn't change what your doing, it's obvious to anyone

I only noticed your existence like 2 weeks ago and it was mind blowing how obvious it was that you are just some guy who makes money doing this

I know mods on others subs who make money just gathering karma exactly like you do, again, I have an actual job so I don't know the exact process by which people bother to do this but it's clear that's what you are doing

You post clickbait, drive chatter- you do it constantly

And you do it during 9-5 America business hours, like right now

You never work lol

You never do anything

It's midnight in china for me and it's a holiday here, you NEVER WORK

Why? Because your AT WORK!

I know mods on others subs who make money just gathering karma exactly like you do, again, I have an actual job so I don't know the exact process by which people bother to do this but it's clear that's what you are doing

Ya ok Mr 7 day account. We see right through you on this sub. You're not fooling anyone.

Removed. Rule 2.

If you want to bash someone who is near unanimously despised here you should at least have some evidence to back it up.

Don't burden LBF with questions of LOGIC!!!

deeper down the rabbit hole

You could be a little more honest and say the person who he worked for received the money. I know tossing that number out there makes for a good soundbite, but you don't actually have anything linking those funds directly to this guy. I get the point, but it's disingenuous.

If you pay attention r/TD Is flooding this sub with fake stuff like this.

Yeah, I know. Anytime there's something in the news the post count triples.

"What's the source"

"T_D is sharing this"

"That's just not reputable"

I prefer to think for myself. How tiring it must be, to rely on a catalogue of ever changing allegiances and trusts, rather than simply live by principles.

Fitting name, since that's mostly a bunch of babble since what's being discussed here is discussion and manipulation. The post title either blatantly misrepresents the situation or indicates a lack of though into the whole process. If everything here can be verified it's certainly weird, but my personal thought process is I'll take it with a grain of salt when the title itself has an error like that.

Has nothing to do with anything else: when it comes to op I have no horse in this race.

That's a very long way to say "I'm going to ignore you and talk about other things".

I say only my arguments are relevant, and.. and I say that X infinity, and I'm rubber and you, sir, are glue, so I believe that by the rules you have set for our disagreement, I win.

Right. So I didn't address your honor and morals when discussing how a submission has either a stupidly wrong title or an intentionally wrong title.

Sorry for hurting your feelings.

Tut tut, sir. Remember, X infinity; rubber and glue.

They're scared. They know that the whole game is up.

They openly supported a nazi white nationalist rally. The same one where a young white male terrorist drove his car into a group of people.

This is why this sub is filled with them. Out of necessity they have to deny obvious facts in order to reconcile their hatred. Turns out here you can make up whatever facts you like.

"T_d in panic mode!"

They're scared. They know that we know.

They created and spread a movement which resulted in the murders of multiple individuals in their sleep, in their homes, in their beds, and all because they supported Trump. The real tragedy, though, is that rather than addressing this politically inspired hatred, the media amplified it, and ignored the victims.

This sub is currently infested with racists and monsters like this. Out of necessity, now, they have to attack themselves in order to make their own hatred seem like it sits in those who they hate. Their own kill us, and nothing is done, and then they use their own to kill their own, and the nation stops to blame us. Turns out the shadow government, the deep state, and (((media))) have colluded against the majority of their own people.


Yep. I never wanted this.

Wait, the same thing being posted seven times and making the front page your times isn't organic? And this happens in this sub every single time something negative toward the government is in the conversation?

Ya don't say.

Try hitting one wolf with a stick and then see what the rest of the pack does to you. You can sit in the trees slinging shit all day, and we have to just sort of take it, for now, but when someone actually comes down to fight, we'll fight the cowards.

Or you'll have one of your terrorist buddies drive his car into us.

Not a member of any of this; don't support Trump. I hate injustice and this weasely force moving our nation currently.

But hey, let's try your racist thinking on you: Maybe you'll get one of your crazies to come and murder my grandparents in their sleep for having a Trump sign in their yard. Maybe you'll get them to shoot a committeeman in the head for supporting Trump. Maybe your guys will get the media to bury it all and then lose their collective shit at the first sign of violence from their opponents in yet another chapter in an ongoing saga of bastard justice and insanity being placed not on a pedestal, but within a cardboard Mt. Olympus.

Because running into innocent people is brave and definitely not cowardly

I'm on my inbox screen so I don't even know which comment you're replying to specifically, but you're putting words in my mouth.

Click the context button.

Did that sound cool in your head as you typed it? Did you type it with one hand?

haha I love how every shill-targeted comment that real users type tend to make it to like +3, +5, sometimes even up to like +10 in the first few minutes before they're tagged. It's super obvs, but I guess it's the only way atm. I'm sure they'll get better.

The comment you're talking about only got to +3 or +4 last time I checked.. And you're right, I did pause while deciding on the vehicle for the analogy. I wanted to say "if you hit a hornets' nest, don't be surprised if they sting you", but that had iffy connotations I'm sure you can appreciate. So, then I was like, ok, no insects, and I should add an element of retaliation for injustice, preferably like some pack animal that defends itself from a pest that has simply grown too annoying. I settled for wolves, but I do think that there is a better version of the idea in there somewhere.

Shhh don't tell the mods. They don't like it when you bring that up. I mean don't we all want singular topics drowning out all other conversation for days at a time?

They're deflecting from the fact that they supported that neonazi rally and the terrorist is a Trump supporter.

And they are out in full force too, wew

These bastards removed the images from the image hosting site. I'm sure it will resurface though. The image I replaced it with is an older investigation.

Jesus, what?

Ok, here's what happened.

  1. The Donald sub posted this up yesterday.

  2. The Donald Sub froze the post and archived so people couldn't respond to it anymore.

  3. Pol posted this story about the Donald post freezing.

  4. I went to the Donald and looked up the images that told the whole story.

  5. I posted it on here and then Imgr or whoever did the image hosting removed it from the site.

  6. I tried to save the images on r/politicalconspiracy and I got 2 saved but lost the rest because I accidentally Xd the page.

  7. I am expecting one of the many investigators to re-upload this story. It basically almost proves that this was another false flag.

OK, so unless you have any kind of evidence, what your saying the evidence for the title is "the Donald said it, here's images that contradict"?

I can't say I have smoking gun proof.

So you have nothing to go on for your title, and the images you have linked contradict it.

Assuming you're not just a pile of bullshit: next time save images.

I don't see anything about him receiving money from Soros in your "sources".

That is because the original image was deleted by the image company.

So what was it?

It was what I posted here plus the Soros stuff plus some government jobs that guy worked in.

He didn't receive any money though...his employer did. Are you ever capable of not editing or hyperbolizing or just making stuff?

Are you still defending Soros and his minions? You've been doing so since yesterday. Sheesh. Are you a big fan or something?

No, i'm just annoyed when people make claims without any evidence then tell me to trust them, look it up, everyone knows, or it'll be found soon. Either put up or shut up.

You're still attacking Soros?? Yeah he's a piece of shit, but what, did he fuck your mom or something?

Some shill over at the image hosting center deleted the images. I was only able to save 2 before accidentally Xing the page.

No, Soros is not fucking my mom. He is fucking the entirety of humanity over.

What does the images being deleted have to do with the idea i posited that you're misrepresenting what was in the images? The guy himself was not paid by George Soros. His former employer, received a donation.

Why is Soros a piece of shit?

I inherently distrust and usually strongly dislike anyone with as much money as he does that uses it to influence public opinion, actions. Him, the Koch brothers, the Mercer family, hell even Bill Gates with his foundation.

Soros once said that removing President George W. Bush from office in 2004 was the “central focus of my life.” He put his money where his mouth is, giving $23.58 million to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating Bush.

I loathe GWB but that's just fucked up. No one person should have that much influence.

He's also a shithead that messes with international markets for his own profit.

He's also a greedy fuck that messes with international markets for his own profit.

Do you think money is his only motivation?

It is for most people. It gets you whatever you want, things, people, power.

If money itself is an end towards things, people and power then I wouldn't call it his motivation. I'd call things, people and power his motivation.

Never met the man, couldn't tell you. But again, probably those things or control over people.

Control over people seems to me like a decent guess.

When we think about his actions in manipulating political and civil unrest around the globe as a means towards controlling people, rather than simply making money, I think a certain picture emerges, one where OPs assertion that there is a connection between this man and a global figure who's goal is control over people isn't as sketchy as you make it out to be.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say a guy who destabilizes economies in his free time isn't giving businesses huge amounts of cash without some kind of return. A return which could very well be control over people.

He's also a greedy fuck that messes with international markets for his own profit.

He 'messed' with a market that was being manipulated by the Central bank, how is that a bad thing?

he's got those spooky brackets around his name:


see? shady as fuck

Oh ya I saw that. It was a good question because if he refuses to reply, he would be ousted as a shill but if he spoke against Soros, it would go against the ShareBlue agenda. Win/win situation. We can counter the shills using the truth. Truth is like kryptonite to them. They are forced into doing hardcore mental gymnastics to maintain all those lies so slamming them with the truth is like throwing a wrench in the system. Trump used this strategy against Hillary often such as the times he called her crooked Hillary in public.

way to dodge his point by deflecting. nice work.

LMAO fuck outta here

That's because OP is making shit up and is 100% full of shit. Review their posting history for evidence that they have a tenuous, at best, grasp on reality.

owned... nice work

what i find fascinating is how these incidents happen.

I live near several big cities and every time they have something which involves a lot of public on the streets, they always block the roads off with dump trucks so these types of things don't happen.

Every single time Ive been to any of these cities, this is the scenario. It's how you know this shit is staged if you are aware of the little things

How do you know he was paid? Don't see anything about the money

And of course there is a lack of sources.

Holy Shit. They are trying to cover it up. Give me a second and I'll fix this.

That's a very long way to say "I'm going to ignore you and talk about other things".

I say only my arguments are relevant, and.. and I say that X infinity, and I'm rubber and you, sir, are glue, so I believe that by the rules you have set for our disagreement, I win.

It is for most people. It gets you whatever you want, things, people, power.