They want to make it about it race and political ideology, in reality it's about economic status and education....don't forget that.

323  2017-08-14 by raka_defocus

The last thing they want is the rest of us (the 99%) on the same team. We out number them and our blue collar skill sets make the physical infrastructure of this country run. They don't want the barrio, the projects and the trailer parks on the same team, the thought of that scares them. There are only two sides in this, the wealthy elite and the rest of us. Don't let them divide us with religion, race and politics.


It's about control.

It's about the means of obtaining control

Thanks for this.

Just to be clear, you do or don't view Donald Trump as part of the wealthy elite?

Not OP, but I do now. I was pretty hopeful with his "drain the swamp" talk, but he just put goldman sachs in charge.

I honestly don't understand how you could look at Trump and not see he was just an orange Hillary, perhaps even more self centred. Your political system is entirely bought and sold by people like Trump, voting for him just seems like enabling them.

He made some campaign promises (way less than half) that I really liked. I was hoping his tremendous ego would make him keep his word.

i think a lot of people felt this way but are now too proud to say they fucked up. I dont care about politics because they dont matter but i will say he should never have been prez of the u.s.

Question is, will you be fooled again when the next big talking snake oil salesman comes promising big things and fails to deliver? I mean when has it not happened that we voted for a con man? It seems like we're always enthusiastically picking the lesser of two evils.

orange Hillary

That's insulting to Clinton. You may not like her politics or her personality, but it is undeniable that she is a skilled policy wonk who is perhaps one of the most intelligent political players of the last 30 years.

Trump is....none of those things.

Straw dog. OP could have said "the powers that be" instead of "the wealthy elite'

Don't you view the president as the government?

I've always understood the PTB are the energy barons, Rothchilds, Soros...

Yeah? No.

Both major party candidates are controlled by the globalist powers that be.

Two sentences later

Trump **appears* to have been bought long ago.

Your next article had better be much, much better

If you think everyone is bought but Trump magically isn't you are a fucking idiot. If globalists didn't want Trump as president they could have easily rigged the results to get Hillary in office and no one would ever know.

Either the PTB don't exist or Trump is another stooge.

If you think everyone is bought but Trump magically isn't you are a fucking idiot.

I don't think everyone is bought.

If globalists didn't want Trump as president they could have easily rigged the results to get Hillary in office and no one would ever know.

Do you have some proof or just imagination?

Either the PTB don't exist or Trump is another stooge.

Next you'll come with some proof that isn't a loan from a long time ago?

Kennedy would be a perfect example of what happens when someone in power doesn't play ball, or the repeated assassination attempts on Castro, or Chavez's sudden cancer illness that killed him.

Yes, yes Dr. take some more of your prescriptions meant for your patients


You're no Psychologist. What's more. I say you're the sociopath filled with anger and speculation.


Because we can

We? How many voices are we talking here? In any case fair enough.

Backing off your diagnosis so soon?

Hey, you know, you have a right to your opinion, just as much as I have a right to disagree. May things be well with you.

The difference is I won't be duplicating your professional diagnosies

I'm not making any.

Not very conspiracy minded are you?

Question all the narratives not just the ones that challenge your worldview.

Not very conspiracy minded are you?

Typically they are based on facts


he's part of it, should be obvious just like eric prince and his sister Betsy.... their parents are all part of the new money.

stop derailing the topic at hand with questions that have obvious answers. you're trying to pigeon hole OP for no reason.

I think you are forgetting all the temporarily embarrassed millionaires out there ;)

Seriously though, it seems like it's about having the opportunity to make a difference, to approach death remembering a dynamic life story and leave behind a legacy of having done something meaningful. Many would be perfectly happy to live simply (even while others jet around) so long as they aren't a cog or piece of physical property. Education and economic status are no doubt important parts of the formula.

Actually, it's about fucking Nazis.

Division between Nazis and people who aren't Nazis isn't some tactic. It's common sense.

You seem really angry. At the wrong people too. El oh el

marginalized white people are racist for the same reason marginalized black people are. Fear and a made up boogey man .

Racists are still racists though. I agree what the real problem is from your main point, but that doesn't mean you can ignore the symptoms caused by the problem.

It also doesn't mean you kick em to the curb and not try to come to terms.

You can't come to terms with nazis though, a nazi is very different than a racist.

replace nazi with any other ideological group and tell me that doesn't sound racist?

Compare what nazis stand for and their history with any other ideology and tell me if they still exist. Do witch trials still need to exist or is that a provably horrible ideology?

What ideology? Like Communisim, Socialism, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, all of those still exist, See NK, Venezuela, Cuba, U.S., Philippines, with predictably bad results. No system of governance is perfect, Russian style Marxist communism led to a lot of death and oppression, as did Nazi Germany, but from a purely economic point of view they were successful. The U.S. has plenty of bloodshed on it's hands, particularly the natives, not to mention the people we nuked, and the brown people we've slaughtered for a good while, not to mention the countless puppet dictators we've installed that had no problem being ruthless oppressors on our behalf. However from an economic point of view it did a lot of good for us.

Yeah they all still exist and Nazi's don't. When you make your policy "only one race should be allowed to exist and prosper" then you don't exist for very long.

Tell that to the Muslim extremists. Which by the way German Nazis collaborated with Muslims during WW2, but don't let that get in the way of your argument.

Not condoning either group, just keep things in perspective, the world isn't as simple as you think it is.

Did you know America sided with Russia during WWII then once they weren't useful started battling them?

Did they? I thought we were always at war with East Eurasia.

I really wanted to make a meme about make witch trials great again, but was too lazy to find just the right picture of a burning witch to go with it

And believe people are inferior based on their skin colour? Fuck their terms if that is what they want.

Most people are racists, we fear the unknown, and prefer the familiar, even enemies, and are naturally prejudiced against that which is different. Go to Asia and see if you feel welcomed, or go to an predominantly Black country in Africa, or somewhere in the Middle East, or South America, hell go to the wrong church here. People may tolerate you, but they'll talk about you behind your back, you'll never feel like you belong. I can tell you from experience, as a 1st generation immigrant.

I live in a state that's predominantly white and certainly was even more white 15 or so years ago when I witnessed a white baby cry upon seeing a black person for the first time at a restaurant. The circumstance was so obvious that it couldn't be played off like the baby was crying for a different reason. The mother was mortified and apologized profusely! The man was understanding; poor dude was fuckin surrounded by white people. But yeah, to see a difference in skin color is absolutely a normal thing and to be initially frightened by differences is as well. Racism is a basic human instinct that we're still overcoming, I think. Ignorant racists suck. Baby racists are babies.

How are white people marginalized though, they are better off in every single way than black people.

Think that statement through. That is generally accurate but you are talking about individuals who band together through ideology. Not every white person is better off than every black person. When people get down, they look for someone to blame.

Yeah white people as individuals my be in a bad spot but we have to create laws to allow black people a shot at jobs/colleges. In the same situation, a white person will always be better off than a black person.

I think so much gets boiled down to racism where it can be attributed to personal contacts. It's not what you know, but who you know in life. Race can play a part and racism certainly exists, but I don't think it's all that simple.

Maybe black people don't know people because they only have had equal rights for like 50 years.

I don't disagree. That's why the education piece is important- not just for what you learn, but the connections you make. People tend to make friends for life in college. Friends can often help you find employment. Things are slowly coming around. Don't underestimate the tendency to self-segregate though.

At what point would we reach equality? When do we say, "okay, racism conquered, we can stop affirmative action now?" Affirmative action IS racism and its condescending as FUCK to non-asian, non-white people. "we have to create laws to allow black people a shot...." How is that not racist to black people?

Because they were systematically oppressed for hundreds of years? We reach equality when people are basicly treated the same no matter where they are and how much money they have. Equality for races is maybe like 20 years away IMO but for economics it all depends on whether we keep electing supply side economics republicans who disrupt the balance in their favor.

No you don't. That's actually racism. Your idea of combating perceived racism is to install racist legislation?

A black person who can get the grades and do the job will get the college and the career. It's that simple. Capitalism does not care. Capitalism wants to get paid.

That's why the wage gap myth is stupid. If women could do jobs as well for 30% off discount, then men wouldn't be able to get a job.

College doesn't care about your grades lol, they want money, something a disproportionate amount of black families do not have.

Seems like they sometimes won't get what they deserve just for having ethnic names.

Good grades get scholarships. And it's overwhelmingly easy for blacks to get scholarships, even with inferior grades.

I maintained a 4.0 in college and couldn't get any scholarships because I wasn't black, female, or some flavor of victim class. I read scholarship after scholarship about minorities with extremely low GPA maintenance.

It's much easier for minorities to get that money. If they're not getting it, they're failing themselves. They have overwhelming systematic support and favoritism.

bullshit, I'm half white hand Asian, my white friends all grew up poor in the shitty party of town. They're no better off than anyone from the projects. It's meth and trailers vs public housing and crack.

Made up boogey man? You think the KKK is a made up boogeyman? You think that Nazis are a made up boogeyman. (In America)Black people are racist towards whites as a in kind response to the brutality ignorance and oppression that they had (and sometimes still due) endure. The only reason the divide and conquer tactic works is because of plenty of white people are the ones that don't realize that they should be aligning themselves with the disenfranchised minorities. It's a tale as old as the states themselves. "White" wasn't an ethnicity until the elite decided they couldn't have indentured servants rising against them with the slaves. So they divided them by fooling the people of many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds from europe (who all happened to be fair skinned) that the dark ones were responsible for their plight. Thus the strictly American "white race" was born. Still to this day it is like this, I can guarantee that any non-white disenfranchised group would be glad to work together with disenfranchised whites to solve the problem that is the elite. The same cannot be said of the other side. They have already decided that the solution is genocide. Fact of the matter is the NOW disenfranchised whites brought this upon themselves by not standing up for the disenfranchised minorities that rightfully shared this country and allowing the elites to fuck them raw. Had the mistreatment of FELLOW AMERICANS been curbed at race we would not now be seeing it at the economic level. The cherry on top is the fact that once again the plight of the disenfranchised white is being blamed on minorities while the elite steady stay balls deep in them so much in fact that they are able to control their arm into pushing a button that makes them vote against their own interests.

TLDR: Divide and conquer has worked incredibly well because whites have been brainwashed into thinking that non-whites are the root of the problem. Someone on the left is more readily willing to work with ALL disenfranchised groups to reach a solution where as the alt-right has already chose their solution. Displacement or death.

The alt-right, to whatever extent it exists, is probably made up predominantly of said disenfranchised white people. The worst, most ignorant person I can think of who I've personally come into contact with...who have babies they shouldn't have in order to get 'free money' from the government to buy their cigarettes to smoke while they're pregnant...who want to leave their mcdonald's employee dead-beat drug addict husband due to the incentives given to single mothers...She's also the most racist person I can think of. She's super white trash horrible. These programs she's taking advantage of were set up and maintained by the left. She's bringing future racists into this world because of them. This is not a left and right thing. This is elites and everybody else. Yes, the KKK exists. Yes, the black panthers exist. They're both all around racist, bad organizations. The KKK is certainly worse in my mind, but shit man...I see your paragraph and I see "all non-whites are better" and I just have to disagree. I think people of all racists have the same capacity for evil, and I don't think segregation of disenfranchised "groups" helps anything. There are PLENTY of disenfranchised white people who hate the elite and aren't racists. There are exceptions to every generalization. STOP generalizing. STOP the social justice, it truly is antithetical to real justice and is racists in and of itself. Racism sucks. I used to be pretty far left, by the way. Now I consider myself a free-thinking, not-so-proud American.

Still to this day it is like this, I can guarantee that any non-white disenfranchised group would be glad to work together with disenfranchised whites to solve the problem that is the elite. The same cannot be said of the other side. They have already decided that the solution is genocide.

Seriously, have you read some of the comments on YouTube recently from people who are black (or, to be fair, people who are posing as being black)?

There's really vitriolic racism on both sides. I'm white and from the UK so I admit that my own bias might skew my perspective, however, it appears that there are constant narratives in the mainstream and popular YouTube videos that promote ideas, such as, non-whites cannot be racist towards white people. The idea being something like "power + privilege = racism", therefore it's acceptable to make sweeping statements that all white people are evil but that can't be labelled as "racism". Also, all white people are being told they have the original sin of "white privilege" so even if a white person from a poor economic background succeeds, it's not because they worked hard or may have had a more difficult time than a black middle-class person who was encouraged to learn.

I really don't believe this narrative is coming from the majority of black people. Personally, I believe most people just want to spend time with their friends and family, make a living doing something they enjoy. To be proud of your skin colour or to attack someone for theirs I find insane. Being proud of something you have no control over is not something I want to identify with as a value. Being sucked into caring about social groups and not the individual just seems so backward. There are tons of great black people, white people, Asian people, Muslims etc. and there's an equal amount of hateful people from all those groups.

you say:

Someone on the left is more readily willing to work with ALL disenfranchised groups to reach a solution

I do not consider myself on the left or the right, but in terms of policy I would say people would say I am on the left, but the so-called "progressive left" are a huge part of the problem at the moment and are actually the reason for the rise of the alt-right. Shutting down free speech just causes people to start thinking "why are these people being shut down - maybe they have something interesting to say" or causes them to double-down as they are having their voice taken away (or at least it's perceived to have been taken away).

There's also the move towards group think that the left seems to want. It seems to be "tolerate all opinions but any that differ from ours". Honestly, how is it acceptable that a black person who says "I can achieve anything and won't blame my failings on society" be called disgusting slurs, such as "coon" and "uncle Tom" or accused of "internalised racism" or "self-hate" by black and white leftists alike? So, not willing to be accept the apparent narrative from the left means black conservatives are supporting "white supremacy".

I actually think that many of these so-called progressive leftists are more racist than those on the racist right. At least the right view people of colour as a capable threat, the leftist "ally" seems to regard PoC as a group of perpetual victims in need of pity.

I'm not from the US, so I can only speak from what I read online. I live in London and fortunately, the racial division doesn't seem to be anywhere near as bad as the US. Are you sure that there are really the number of alt-right racists though? I've seen videos online where groups of people have been called ""white supremacist protesters" by counter protesters and the mainstream media, but when a reporter went over and asked the group they were adamant they weren't white supremacists or against PoC.

As I said, I could be looking through my own distorted lens of the world so could be focussing on what is only a small, but vocal element of pages I've visited in the last few months. From my outsider perspective, it does seem that the US police need to be reigned in. I believe there are cases where both poor black and white citizens are abused by police with seemingly no repercussions. These incidents need to be called out by all races too. If these policemen were trained to not have some siege "us vs them" mentality and actually faced prison time for their actions then I could see how this would go a long way towards rooting out distrust of the police. At the same time, calling for the killing of police only gives the police justification in their own minds that it is "us vs them",

It shouldn't have to be said in 2017 either, but judging anybody on anything other than their ideas is stupid. At the same time, ideas should be up for debate as long as criticism is civil and not personal attacks. Sorry for the long post, but it's disappointing that in 2017 the idea of the individual is being replaced by social group. Hopefully the remainder of the year will see less division between races, sexes and beliefs and more people will start to look at who avoids scrutiny while social groups are pitted against one another.

I read this whole post, More people need to see this!!!

Is there a post that doesn't contain spastic kvetching about Nazis? Can you say "heavy-handed?"

Not anymore. I don't know what the big deal about nazis is for they haven't had power for almost a century now.

Oh my fucking god

The problem is that race an ideology are deeply tied to socioeconomic status and education

so change that.

Easier said than done.

so does that mean dont try? why not start with small things? just being good to people in your daily life makes a difference. we dont need to change laws to change our behaivor

I agree, it's the little things that count, a lot of little positive steps can go a long way.

dat's racist?

What organic user of this sub would downvote this? Lol

You can shut the fuck up.

This isn't a fight with only two belligerents and if you honestly think that you are dualistic simple minded troglodyte that needs to fuck off and die.

Wealthy Capitalists may be a large part of the problem but we are NOT ignoring the Judeo-Christian/ Islamic cults.

We are also not going to fucking ignore the fact that the same Capitalists are using cults for their own gain.

Defending any aspect of their strategy is a fallacy and only drags us further down.

99% my fucking ass, we aren't all on the same side and never will be.


you're on the same end of the dick, getting fucked just like they are. You might not want to hug when it's over ,but you still got sodomized by the same person.

we really aren't all on the same side though. the minute whatever war against the elite is over, the war against each other has only begun and the guillotine wont stop falling.

it never does, and this is why.

I don't stand by neo-nazis and I reject their entire ideology and belief system.

If it comes down to "us" vs. the elite, whatever 'us' I'm with does not include neo-nazis or white nationalists.


Literally. Why can't people just chill the fuck out man.

Couldn't agree more.

I am a literal neo nazi. I believe in nationalism and socialism. do you reject these things?

Does anyone even listen to themselves anymore?

I think they reject you. They don't have to reject all of the things you believe in to reject you.

How do you define neo nazi?

someone who thinks nationalism and socialism combined make an excellent form of government for most nations. Political spectrum. Economic spectrum.

This helps me understand some really important ideas. Do they align with your views?

their most popular video has 30k views after 4 years?

You should google what the Nazi's actually stood for. The term national-socialist was just there for imaging / marketing purposes - they were not actually socialists.

It's the same with the various 'people's republics' we see around the world. Those aren't actually republics and hardly designed for the people.

That's great, but they're not the majority you should be with, if you can't see that there's no hope for you. No one is telling you to band with fringe groups, the vast majority of people are liberal individualists simply trying to get by.

When T_D was promoting that rally (before they started pretending they didn't and it was all orchestrated by Soros) they knew it was Alt-Right. But they didn't care, some even seemed to support it, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I'm assuming as part of some Machiavellian notion that as long as they got what they wanted they didn't care. They DID band with fringe groups, and I don't want to touch that with a 10 ft pole.


well, if your in an extreme minority, and actually within some oppressive system, the enemy of your enemy must become your friend. part of banding together to change things is temporarily setting aside your differences.

its why the guillotine never stops falling after a revolution. everyone is now competing to make their ideology reality.

any smart group taking advantage of these people will betray them rather than deliver the goods after they have outlived their usefulness.

If it comes down to "us" vs. the elite, whatever 'us' I'm with does not include neo-nazis or white nationalists.

Perhaps you misunderstand the idea of white nationalists? Seems like they are very much part of that us, why attempt to make any disparaging terms against?

Ben Garrison is very much one of "them"

In either case, the image defines an important idea, the words here sound like divide and conquer and few seem to realize it.

This is why I hate all these 'we should unite' because they never say exactly what they want, which is 'we should unite... And conform to my agenda."

We should unite against the elite!!



And do things the way I want them to be done.

Lovely strawmans all around. What about the message that "we should unite against the elite... ... and then find compromise amongst those who don't seek to manipulate and use others but still see different ways of living" Some of you are working yourselves into a fury just because media companies brought out the term nazis.

I don't know about you, but adolf hitler came back from the dead and moved in next door. I'm kinda scared guys....

If the time comes that it comes to blows and bullets best believe these Nazis will get the same treatment as the ultra elite that helped create them.

They can fuck off with this notion that we need to collaborate with them. Building a better world means they won't be invited.

I think you just entirely missed OP's point. Or you're a troll.

It's not about choosing a "side". Choosing a side is precisely what the establishment wants from you, because there are enough "side" to choose from so the whole society is divided enough and the establishment has no threat to them. The point is : don't hate, help those in need, and f***** educate yourself. Get rid of those propaganda and mind control tools that are the television, the MSM, facebook and snapchat and tinder, and read books instead, go out meet real people.

the best thing to do would be to use the neo Nazis, and the fringe racial groups, then exterminate them all after they have outlived their usefulness. If you could strategize, and act through proxy, you could hide your real organization from the world and pull the strings much like they do.

then, after the final battle is one, allow them to meet like the soviets and the allies in WW2 D-day, then they wipe each other out out of hatred, and you send a core of your most elite warriors to finish off whomever survives.

you have now become king. congratulations!

Education definitely has something to do with it, but the claim that it's about economic status doesn't really hold up. Clinton won among voters earning less than 50K. Trump won among voters earning more than 50K. Race a much larger split - Trump won whites by 20 points, but Clinton won non-whites by 50 points.

Don't forget this a nation/Built on the exploitation/of the black-kidnapping plantation!

It's about Zionist Israel and Rothschild fucking all races of the world, through class warfare and more...

they smartened up after ww2 and realized they needed to control the mechanisms that make our comfy lives work. instead of forcing people to do things to gain control over them, simply control what they need and they will HAVE to do it. Follow the money. Follow the money.Follow the money.

Its funny when its BLM they are george soros funded and not legit ... but there is a race problem ... the cia was founded on nazism so even if they are "crisis" actors they are still white supremacists ... this sub is really going out of their way to defend this neo nazi rally and that is fucking scary

I don't think anyone defends violent fringe groups, or their actions, except people who subscribe to that distorted ideology.

Nazis arent a fringe group... there was an FBI report that said that they were also in government agencies and police forces so these white supremacists arent a fringe group

Fringe as in not part of the norm, I don't doubt that they've been part of the government for some time. Look up Prescott Bush, he was a Nazi, and his descendants as well. The majority of people aren't high ranking politicians, they're not nazis either, and haven't been for quite a while.

Um the system is embedded with white supremacy and nazi shit and how they have changed perception to make you think that white ppl are the ones being vinctimized when they is a private prison system designed to enslave black ppl in modern day slavery so fuck you with saying this is a fringe group

I'm Hispanic, not white. Also is telling me "fuck you" necessary? I don't recall insulting you.

So you can be white black brown and still be a white supremacist

You can also be white black brown and still be an asian supremacist, or a latin supremacist, or a black supremacist, or a semetic supremacist.

White supremacy is the cause of majority of the problems over the world and the system is embedded into it so your false equivalency is bullshit and you know it so keep defending the white supremacists and peddling your nonsense because you happen to be on the internet

White supremacy is the cause of majority of the problems over the world and the system is embedded into it

Prove the first part please, and as for the second part, what?

Who said I'm defending them? I'm merely engaging in independent thought, also, I'm not white.

yeah, it took me a while to get it but after realizing how white supremacists are the sole cause of global warming, the idea of poverty, and are even (somehow) in charge of the non-white parts of the illuminati. even violent islam is totally caused by white supremacy.

but mainly global warming. that's why we need to kill them all.

lmao jk

white supremacists actually leak more methane than cows when they fart/shit. its actually a srs problem guise

Well if the CIA and white elites are taking over countries and putting in oppressive leaders and create terror groups so yeah that is white supremacy bud. I know because this is the internet and it is supposed to be counter culture to the MSM you take advantage of limited voice they have and use online rhetoric to seem more truthful because its less Pc


its minority supremacy is what it is. don't blame me for what they did just because I happen to have similar skin color and (extremely loosely based) genetics.

hating white people does nothing, and in fact would make the situation worse as it would "remake" the same hierarchy in its own racial image. which is the last thing the world needs.

we need the total death of the hierarchy, and all the cultural mass death/confusion it would cause -- and the birth of an entirely new and incompatible, more meritocratic hierarchy, where while the value of an individual is not guaranteed, his/her potential for value is

If you keep trolling to defend white supremacy then you be known as such and its not all white ppl... but no other culture supremacy has the affect of what white supremacy has done and has infiltrated other countries and became the dominant society so keep intellectualizing and denying the white supremacy exists within the system

"white" supremacy would be similar to black supremacy in that the ENTIRE GROUP bands together to empower each other.

it cannot be considered "white" supremacy unless these elites are going door to door making sure each white has a job and better education; if government and economic positions are not relegated out by some totally white conspiracy.

just because the few dictators and string pullers happen to be white does not make it 'white supremacy'

its the same reason hitler killing the jews was wrong -- its not because some jews aren't evil and pulling strings -- they well might be -- its that the guy off the street who is poor and has no job has ABSOLUTELY NO PART OR SAY IN IT.

if he did, he wouldn't be hungry and poor, would he? he would be part of some grand conspiracy which ensures his personal advantage on at least some level.

this is not the case. the people in charge don't give a flying fuck what happens to ANYONE THAT ISNT IN THEIR DIRECT LINE OF LINEAGE as long as they are provided money, luxury and throngs of sex slaves/people who can be manipulated into sex without being slaves

Its still white supremacy and doesnt mean other colors cant partake in it and I didnt say every white person takes part in it but when you deny there is systemic racism and hasnt played a part in other countries then you are mistaken

lol well, we did fund the Nazis and the soviets. so i guess you could say we sort of are the Nazis and the soviets. actually its far less cute, and a hell of a lot scarier than that in reality

No I think people here are more interested in the conspiracy theory angle.

If they are only interested in the conspiracy angle, why are they only interested in taking down the left, and defending the right?

You are generalising with "they".

The people after the real truth know that it's pointless to side with either side.

By "they" I mean in posts in this sub.

You think that everyone here is alt-right?

I never said anything about alt-right. I said right.

Edit: you think everyone here is on the right?

I wouldn't say I'm defending Nazis and White Supremacist, I'm questioning the validity of that guy going out of his way to hit a bunch of people and why.

It's Problem, Reaction, Solution. I don't question the Problem (Racist Fucks Exist), I question the Reaction (Racist fuck decides to hit a bunch of people), and am terrified of what Solutions are offered because of the violent Reaction (destroy the right to assemble, even greater partisan extremism, tit-for-tac violence and possible martial law, etc,,,).

There will be a point of no return if the elites divide and conquer strategy keeps ramping up like it has the past few years. It will most likely bring high security measures for highly populated areas and speed us down the road to martial law.

Anybody who thinks it's as simple as "the wealthy" vs. "the rest" needs to read Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson to gain some fucking perspective.

White supremacists are running over people in the streets and people are trying to dismiss it as some kind of elite vs. the rest reductionist argument.

One white supremacist who was on anti-psychotics drives through a crowd, but suddenly the media makes it political and people fall in line. Marching to the beat of the photon mind control.

Where was the media outrage over the racist Hispanics that wanted to murder innocent people? I'm Hispanic by the way. The media is trying like hell to make this political, it almost seems coordinated, and people just fall in line like sheep. The guy was wrong to drive through that crowd, this I won't deny, ever, but swallowing what the media is presenting is dangerous. They're making it political and they're trying to divide the country and it's working.

Another facet people here are largely ignoring.

These neo nazis are one of 'us'. They didn't just pop up over night, they've been in to alt news sources for years.

They were there with us in forums just like this one during the 9/11 conspiracy era, they were with us in the pre 2012 period with all the disaster preppers.

They are the disaster preppers. Living in a state of manufactured fear for the better part of a decade now feeding themselves on paranoia and badly written articles that want to sell you nine hunks of emotion for ever fact they serve you.

We've watched this happen.

Most disaster preppers are not racists, and are integrated into normal society. there are plenty of legit reasons to prep that have nothing to do with 2012. Forums *like Reddit were not as popular in 2001 and the years directly following. They could not get away with another 9/11 today because of forums like this. Turns out you're the one generalizing and asleep. Neo-nazi's exist, but they're pretty few and fucking far between, brother. The world is the LEAST racist its ever been, and its still pretty damn racist...but its not systemically racist in the US, anymore, at least.

A. not all disaster preppers are nazis but many nazis are disaster preppers

B. forums like this one references conspiracy forums, not reddit style vote fests.

I realize we're talking about subsets of a counter culture, that was the point, along with how they've managed to gain a foothold in mainstream attention.

Appreciate the response, I just feel like you painted people with on conspiracy forums and preppers with the ol' nazi brush. I'm pretty sure there are people of all races prepping and reading conspiracy forums. I guess I've never knowingly met a nazi, why do you say "many are preppers" ... evidence please.

It's less about attempting to paint all people as one thing, as it is an attempt at referencing the trends that have happened over the years.

My talking about 2012 isn't just about some aztec calendar calendar change seasoned with alien mythology, to me it represents a very real shift in the way counter culture was presented across the internet during that stage.

If you followed the types of sites back then that published the kinds of articles people are prone to link here, you would have noticed a surge of fear based articles coming out on the need to prepare. Not necessarily because of the approach of 2012 but during the era of general frenzy and panic over a number of stories that were floating around.

Remember, back then some people were certain a mass depopulation event was just around the corner. Many articles attempted to claim that the facilities FEMA uses to store mobile housing that gets deployed during disasters were actually concentration camps being prepared for the 'few of us that might manage to survive'.

If you saw enough of that kind of thing.. the nazi stuff wasn't buried much deeper. They learned how to be more subtle about it though.

This is my whole problem with your argument. I don't see how you've tied prepping or people looking to make a buck of sensationalism and fooling people to racists.

I don't have screenshots of 2010-2011 era forums, just out of curiosity, what sites were you even looking at back then?

I wasn't, but Digg? I don't think it contained a very popular conspiracy forum, but I never looked, either.

Then how would you have reference for the rise of nazi style topics being repackaged under all sorts of topics during that era?

I get that it's uncomfortable to realize this shit has been lurking everywhere for years now, but even supremacy themed memes have seen a rise since then.

Once again, this didn't manifest itself out of fairy dust. There was a steady progression.

supremacy themed memes? like a frog? My understanding is thats something that started as nothing, was labeled supremacy, and is now used to troll people who labeled it, playing into it their agenda...Not that educated on memes, though, to be honest.

no, like the "How is X the same race as X' type pictures, and sadly so much more.

I can happily say I've never seen that meme and don't really wanna have that frame of reference. I've been pretty locked in on elite pedophilia research since last November. That frame of reference is shitty enough. Not really into 4chan because the format is a little jarring at first and everybody is being a dick.

Also, on a big enough scale a mass depopulation event is literally always around the corner, so even the swindler's aren't all wrong. I think prepping is a great idea and has many benefits unrelated to sensationalism or racism. I've never prepared for anything, I really wish I WAS prepared, though. And why 2012? Jade Helm was just last year...

There's a massive difference between 'a man of many virtues' who holds a large skillset at their disposal, and feeding in to a mass frenzy that profit scumbags who want to keep people zoning out on fear based fantasies of disaster to maximize profits.

These weren't people just fearing one localized event, everything that wasn't understood at that time was being pointed at as if it were the thing that was going to kill us all.

This style of article writing now dominates counter culture, which is being touted as 'alt news'.

We didn't reach this point magically, it happened slowly over time.

Ahhh, you're just using the word 'alt' to draw the connection. I see now. That's pretty ignorant, sir or madame. Sorry, but that's how I feel. The whole alt label in general is a media fabrication. I think you've bought in pretty heavily to the concept of "alt" means "bad". How about you just take in as much info as you can and judge things for yourself? I have to assume it'd be pretty obvious and in your face when you've encountered a nazi, rather than subtle. I think your worldview is much more paranoid than the worldview you assume belongs to a large swath of people, and its because you've chosen to believe someone.

No, I'm using years of following not only counter culture articles, but the way articles are written.

I'm not here to discuss your feelings, I'm sharing my experiences.

umm.. what about the mass graves, and bullets they bought... and what about the fact that the camps are real and have barbed wire facing in to keep people inside?

they can still easily convince reddit of a false flag. i really don't think reddit is some holy protector of all that is good against the government

So wait, that kid with the nice looking car was just economically anxious and that's why he ruined it by running into people with different beliefs about race?

Name one time in the history of the world when White people have been oppressed... (White people oppressing another group of white people doesn't count). Given that statement do you really think this isn't about race? White men have for centuries established their interests first in this country and now that the world is changing toward equality and they have something to lose they won't make it a race issue? Be serious, like Heath Ledger Joker serious... Race is an issue, it's always been an issue, and until we as a nation undo the atrocious weaving's of the past, we can't move forward. What % of the elite are white? Think that one over and get back to me about how it's just elite vs all of us.

It's an issue if you make it an issue. I guess I could be a little bitch and say ohhh no My great grandma couldn't become a citizen because of anti-asian immigration laws, oooooh noooo my grandparents were citizens but got tossed in interment camps....ohhhhhhh I'm so oppressed poor me. Help me affirmative action you're my only hope.

Fuck that, work hard get what you deserve.

You probably don't believe there's systematic racism either. The blacks bring it on themselves yeah? They haven't been picked apart by bogus law enforcement that flourished as generations of black children grew up with out fathers. I'm sure you know all about that right? You know your bros and your fucking Xbox because let's be honest, you don't really care enough to actually study the history of this nation. You're another angry white male coping with the the only way you know how, lashing out.

how about slavery in rome, or Egypt?


Does it make life easier to swallow by painting all of our problems as a grand illuminati plan to rule over us? I don't disagree, the ultra rich are our greatest foes. But until we unite completely as a people that will never change. I don't know about you but I saw nothing but hate coming from the eyes and lungs of those white nationalist. If you don't think that's a problem then... don't worry about it I guess.

it's not a grand illuminati problem, it's a greed problem. Business doesn't focus on anything other than profit go find a graph of CEO salaries over the last 50 years


Literally. Why can't people just chill the fuck out man.

i think a lot of people felt this way but are now too proud to say they fucked up. I dont care about politics because they dont matter but i will say he should never have been prez of the u.s.

Couldn't agree more.

I am a literal neo nazi. I believe in nationalism and socialism. do you reject these things?

Does anyone even listen to themselves anymore?

That's great, but they're not the majority you should be with, if you can't see that there's no hope for you. No one is telling you to band with fringe groups, the vast majority of people are liberal individualists simply trying to get by.

If it comes down to "us" vs. the elite, whatever 'us' I'm with does not include neo-nazis or white nationalists.

Perhaps you misunderstand the idea of white nationalists? Seems like they are very much part of that us, why attempt to make any disparaging terms against?

This is why I hate all these 'we should unite' because they never say exactly what they want, which is 'we should unite... And conform to my agenda."

It's less about attempting to paint all people as one thing, as it is an attempt at referencing the trends that have happened over the years.

My talking about 2012 isn't just about some aztec calendar calendar change seasoned with alien mythology, to me it represents a very real shift in the way counter culture was presented across the internet during that stage.

If you followed the types of sites back then that published the kinds of articles people are prone to link here, you would have noticed a surge of fear based articles coming out on the need to prepare. Not necessarily because of the approach of 2012 but during the era of general frenzy and panic over a number of stories that were floating around.

Remember, back then some people were certain a mass depopulation event was just around the corner. Many articles attempted to claim that the facilities FEMA uses to store mobile housing that gets deployed during disasters were actually concentration camps being prepared for the 'few of us that might manage to survive'.

If the time comes that it comes to blows and bullets best believe these Nazis will get the same treatment as the ultra elite that helped create them.

They can fuck off with this notion that we need to collaborate with them. Building a better world means they won't be invited.

I think you just entirely missed OP's point. Or you're a troll.

It's not about choosing a "side". Choosing a side is precisely what the establishment wants from you, because there are enough "side" to choose from so the whole society is divided enough and the establishment has no threat to them. The point is : don't hate, help those in need, and f***** educate yourself. Get rid of those propaganda and mind control tools that are the television, the MSM, facebook and snapchat and tinder, and read books instead, go out meet real people.

the best thing to do would be to use the neo Nazis, and the fringe racial groups, then exterminate them all after they have outlived their usefulness. If you could strategize, and act through proxy, you could hide your real organization from the world and pull the strings much like they do.

then, after the final battle is one, allow them to meet like the soviets and the allies in WW2 D-day, then they wipe each other out out of hatred, and you send a core of your most elite warriors to finish off whomever survives.

you have now become king. congratulations!