Has anyone besides me noticed this Gargantuan army of posters trying to claim the Charlottesville event was not the deep state? The sheer numbers give it away

36  2017-08-14 by TrowwayFiggenstein


I don't think it was deep state, but I don't think it was intentional either. The case for him trying to flee prior to the accident is pretty good.

Content-rich post, would read again.

How'd you fare out there T.F.? Any boo-boos given or received?

got two blow jobs and then gave away one of them.

i'd say it's a good day.

The sheer numbers give it away

Give what away?

It's a trap!

I noticed that too many people are talking about this. They are trying to wear out the subject. I'm going to wait another few days to make a hypothesis

by their arrival and perfect understanding they give their game away.

This is a joke right? Every other post on this sub is about how this whole protest was a staged event.

Shit you should have even here on Sunday. The whole Shill Army was here in all their retarded splendor. Do people making minimum wage get overtime? Because if so Soros/ShareBlue paid a fortune to have their High School Dropouts wolf on Sunday.

Lol. Right because when ever lefties respond to a right wing terrorist, they are clearly being paid by Lord Soros.

Right Wing Terrorism? You mean Self-Defense. OK

You guys really need to get your story straight. Half of you ate claiming this whole thing was faked and the other half are claiming self defense. Get together and decide which spin you'd like to go with so you can properly defend these nazis.

This is how I know you are a Shill. We don't have a narrative. Conspiracies are about finding the truth and seeing the world through a different perspective. It's not about advancing a Political Angle like "Muh Russia Collusion". That is just propaganda

You're not trying to find the truth. You're just spraying bullshit contradictory positions that confirm your bias.

I'm all for truth. But I don't see any point in defending a bunch of white supremisists. Kinda sad how far people are reaching here.

Removed. Rule 10. Final warning.

From what? His car was attacked after he killed someone.

One stick hit his bumper prior to his attack.

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I'm not the one saying it was a False Flag. I'm saying it was Self Defense. He was being attacked by Leftist.

You are saying that because that is what you want to believe. There is zero evidence that shows that.

don't argue, save the name and downvote to the abyss

Any proof of that? I mean the video shows people walking around his car right before he screeches off to kill people.

You have anything showing the horrible attacks he suffered from these lefists?

Here. Eye witness accounts. Video can be misleading. Also it looks like the Leftist Mayor organized the whole attack with ANTIFA Scum. At least according to the ACLU. Anyway Leftist have been attacking people all year. Finally someone just had enough and decided to defend themselves. https://www.google.com/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4785246/amp/Moment-car-hits-crowd-Charlottesville-rally.html

Holy fuck that's psycopathic.

Here. Eye witness accounts. Video can be misleading.

Are you fucking serious? You believe the forced fascist narrative from /pol/ more than you believe actual visual evidence?

Also it looks like the Leftist Mayor organized the whole attack with ANTIFA Scum. At least according to the ACLU.

That is the most insane fucking nonsense I've heard in my life. How far are you reaching to try and justify the murder of an innocent woman?

The ACLU said that the police were given a stand down order, which means the police wanted to give the Nazis as much room to cause as much violence as possible. The police brought tanks and automatic rifles to subdue the unarmed BLM protesters whose first amendment rights were viciously rescinded, but they let armed Nazis wander the streets starting fights and driving over people unimpeded.

Finally someone just had enough and decided to defend themselves.

A terrorist just murdered someone. You are literally sympathising with and defending a terrorist murdering innocent Americans just because you've been trained to be scared of the same imaginary enemy.

Anyway Leftist have been attacking people all year.

This is such Fox News bullshit. Nazi scum have murdered a bunch of people this year. How many people have been murdered by left-wing people?

Remember in Portland earlier this year when a Nazi coward murdered two people on a bus for trying to defend young girls from his abuse? And remember when the following weekend Nazis held a rally in Portland, and the cops allowed the Nazis to help them violently suppress the first amendment rights of the counter-protesters?

How the fuck can someone have such a callous and broken view of the world?

don't argue, save the name and downvote to the abyss

The video does not show what was going on in his head or what may have happened earlier in the day but it does show that him and his vehicle were under no current danger.

There is nothing to indicate that he had any reason to "defend" himself the moment he hit the accelerator.

don't argue, save the name and downvote to the abyss


Not the first 50 comments in the big threads, all with hundreds of upvotes (purchased)

yep. if it wasn't a planned event it would take a couple days for brock's bitches to get their new scripts.


hey look, all the shills have clocked out for the night. funny, isn't it.

"Everyone who doesn't agree with [position] is a shill. It's obvious because of the fact that there are lots of them."

Seriously man. That's weak as.

Deep state is the most over used term here, it no longer has any meaning. It's the boogey man, right up there with TPB and the elite.

You know, I've always liked that word... 'gargantuan'... so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.

Well if it was the deep state, I'm glad. I'm glad because if this is an example of their power, well, they ran over and killed one person in an event that is largely insignificant and will disappear as forgettable; it is a great big act of nothing that will become meaningless and lost in the sands of time.