Thanks to all the people still brave enough to post submission that go against the obvious reddit echo-chamber narratives. I see the comment sections filled with word games, insults on OP, and bad logic. All of it being gang-upvoted.

280  2017-08-15 by aaaaa2222

It must be infuriating.

But remember there are plenty of people like me who see through it and who truly thank you for making submissions despite the shit-storm you end up receiving from the gangs of "totally real conspiracy subreddit members".

So seriously, thank you.


Its so weird now you always think someone has a agenda. We all have our teams were on and we hate the other team. I mean look and me, new account first post I must be a shill!

It sucks. Im on team humanity and I believe in some crazy shit. I can't prove it but its nice to come to a place like r/conspiracy to discuss it.

The key is to always speak your mind and to not care about votes whether up or down.


Wise words.

If you believe those words are so wise, why do you delete all your comments and run from threads the moment someone criticizes you or points out your belief system? If you really believed that you should speak your mind and not care about votes, you wouldn't run away and hide your views the way you do.

Your account is less than 5 months old. There's a high percentage of people who are criticizing me who have new accounts. If you know anything about me, you'd know how stupid it is to call me a white supremacist. It's almost entertaining to hear.


Ummm, I never called you a white supremacist.

Many people have been pm me and commenting about how I'm a white supremacist racist bigot these last couple of days. They seem to think that me writing about how Europeans may have developed writing before the Egyptians or sumerians makes me a racist. However if they did some research they might realize that the vinca script is a few thousand years old. I also have an African paternal haplogroup, so I guess that makes me literally hitler.

That's swell. Then go tell those people you're not a white supremacist. I never said you were.

Many people have been pm me and commenting about how I'm a white supremacist racist bigot these last couple of days.

In all fairness, you did say that minorities plan to kill all whites and that after they're done the world will descent into primitivism. IIRC, you also said the only white people who support minorities are white people who don't have to deal with them.

It's pretty hard to read shit like that and not see a bigot.

I also said that the blacks in South Africa cut the eyelids off of white farmers so they're forced to watch as their daughters and wives get raped because the socialists government is race baiting, which is typically what leftists do. That's a fact.

No it's not a fact. "The blacks"??? Literally every single black person in S.A. does this? Because if not, you're being bigoted.

Alright I guess you guys win. I'm a motherfucking white nationalist baby! Come and get it! Me and General Lee are ready to go! Get your crosses out boys!

Red herring falacy

I hope Google is paying you a decent salary.

So you argue that if you removed the white race from the globe everyone else would descend to a primitive way of living, and yet you can't understand why some people have called you a white supremacist? You can't possibly be that lacking in self-awareness.

Anyway, if these are your beliefs, stand up and own them. Constantly sanitizing your beliefs and scrubbing your past is cowardly. If you're right and you're righteous, if you believe others seeing as you do can prevent the world from going to shit, you should have no problem leaving your comments up for everyone to see.

Must be in my Jewish blood to hate the goy!

That shut you up real quick didn't it?

thanks. i find it hilarious that these people are all "white pride" but hide like cockroaches when the light shines on their beliefs

And if white people do get genocided who will provide medical treatment, and modern technology to third world people? Much of the things we take for granted are invented, developed, or available in developed nations which have a prodominantly white population in them or benefit from a legal system that is based on western values.

Yeah, /u/LyleMillar. What gives?

I delete my stuff every day. I'm not running away or hiding. Regular people here know who I am and what I talk about.

As long as you've got enough karma to spare.

If you are contributing quality or at least thought provoking content, and engage in conversations regardless of your views, you should have no problem. Been there, done that.

Obviously it's a lot harder if you reach out to the bigger subs were regardless if you go against the hive mind you will be slammed with downvotes purely out of mob mentality and not because your contribution lacks substance. That too, I have done.

I would give you all of mibe if I could, karma points don't mean shit.

Thanks for the sentiment, but it does matter to a certain extent. You probably don't remember, seeing as how much you have, how if you're low enough you're censored and can only comment once every nine minutes.

lol, nice username to post ratio. I take it you use this account just to post on conpsiracy? I don't blame you. The normies simply are not ready for the esoteric side. For example, consider this 90-second video about a Charlottesville 'coincidence'. How many of our regular friends could even comprehend its message?

Except the hit and run itself happened on day 224 yes?

That is my understanding. The rally itself began on day 223. Make of that what you will.

The key is to always speak your mind and to not care about votes whether up or down.

Lol, this is karma whoring with skillz.

No it's not, and you know that. You trying to be edgy hijacking the top comment here, is, though.

Not actually.

Yeah I am heartened to believe that some users here actually do believe in conspiracies.

Just because they don't believe that tptb favor liberals don't mean they don't believe in conspiracies.

There's believing in conspiracies and there's believing in ALL the conspiracies. I don't believe in everything this sub is peddling, especially when it comes with an obvious agenda.

Nor do I believe liberals have cornered the market on conspiracies.

And the implications that I must believe both of the above to be here is a lot of what's gone wrong with this sub.

If someone resorts to name calling and insults, that tells me all I need to know.

So hey, maybe we should secure our borders and stop selling our country out to the lowest bidder.

Nope, you're just racist, sexist, misogynistic, bigoted, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, what I like to call a basket of deplorables.

how about hte highest bidder? like a 19.5% stake in rosneft that will be unbelievably valuable if certain sanctions can be eased

thats a decent quid pro quo to sell your country out for!

Hey shills, how does it feel to know that you utterly fail to influence the discourse here, and your professional accomplishments are nothing but get humiliated by teenagers and autists for months at a time?

Sincerely, EagleofAmerica

Not a shill, but posting here is definitely a mixed bag of emotion.

I've come to recognize the regular names. You and OP fucking keep up the good work, fake ass top comments not fooling everyone, especially when it's every major thread.

I'm sure your praise of him will give us even greater content! /s

Previously tagged - Shit's on rational discussion

Thanks for living up to the reputation.

Pathetic attempt at sarcasm.

I thought it was pretty good, thanks.

Pretty much proves my point, I tag accounts that shit on people and shutdown conversation, no wonder they were already tagged.

From the guy whose contributions are calling me a "dumbass" and other one-line wonders.

Considering there are multiple daily posts about shills and complaints about what's making it to the front page, it seems like the shills are doing ok.

You are right, shills are not gone completely. You are still here.


Removed. Rule 10.

A few anti-shill posts hitting the front page isn't even close to being definitive proof that shills don't exist. Study statistical certainty more.

That's certainly not the point I was making. Shills exist and they're doing fine here.

That's certainly not the point I was making. Shills exist and they're doing fine here.

we'll be here

No regular visitor to this sub believes the top-level comments attempting to debunk and discredit almost every post. The agitators will either get bored or contracts will be terminated before long.

Until then, thanks to everyone facing the wrath.

That's nonsense. When the top comments are right-wing and are supportive of Trump and your viewpoints you say things like "oh good the shills must be off right now", etc.

The reality is you only believe things that fit your narrative, and everyone else is a shill. Constant confirmation bias

Confirmation bias applies to you too, more so because your bias is towards the false narrative spread by the MSM and not the truth.

Atleast if the bias is towards reality, you are still going to be biased, but not as wrong.

Not sure what you are referencing, since I don't generally trust msm narratives. I don't have any media sources that I fully trust, mainstream or not. Seems you are making assumptions, my comment was based off of actual observations

If your comment was based off actual observations you'll have no trouble sharing an example of this beauty:

When the top comments are right-wing and are supportive of Trump and your viewpoints you say things like "oh good the shills must be off right now", etc.

I'll wait.

This is the one I actually tagged you for, since you and sara solo made similar comments and I thought they were pretty dumb, but your script deleted it

But for more recent ones that you haven't deleted yet:

Anti-Hillary post/comments upvoted? Hurrah, its because the shills magically retreated!

This post and my comment was upvoted? It's just because the shills aren't here yet! They'll be here soon!

Comments/post isn't downvoted? Shills must be off today!

Post and comment are upvoted? The shills must be regrouping to take orders!

Conversation is great when the shills are regrouping!

The pattern is pretty obvious to anyone. If you disagree with the top comments because they don't fit your narrative, shills. If the top comments or posts do fit your narrative, it's because the shills have conveniently gone away.

Thanks for taking the time. Although those examples tell me that so you've taken exception to my dislike of shills. But what about your initial point?

When the top comments are right-wing and are supportive of Trump and your viewpoints you say things like "oh good the shills must be off right now", etc.

You probably couldn't find anything to fit your confirmation bias.

All of those examples with the exception of the last one fits what I described, no idea what you are talking about

Perhaps you could link to a recent Trump related conspiracy post where the top comments are right wing and highly upvoted... I'll wait.

You're welcome! Glad to be part of the true minority of people disgusted with the hate mongering on both sides of the fence.

The artificial BS I've seen in this sub the last 72 hours attacking any opinions that differ from the official narrative of what happened in Charlottesville make me laugh. This is a conspiracy sub for crying out loud.

Seriously? I've seen a shit ton of posts supporting that. It's nowhere near a subject being shot down.

It's usually in the comment sections. That's where they all swarm in and astroturf the narrative and shoot down anyone who thinks otherwise. I've seen it more and more lately, there will be a thread with a lot of comments, and the top ones are always peddling the official narrative that they want us to believe so badly, and then the comments replying to that are always circlejerky type comments that laugh at anyone who dares think otherwise.

It's to perpetuate herd behavioral thinking. People tend to search to fit in, and reddit is its own little society. Comments popularized by votes (whether organically, or artificially) might psychologically trigger ones desire to fit in.

It's effective to an extent, but no much here. Which is why it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I honestly think there's a hard push to drill the narrative into people that is being perpetuated by all western mainstream media.

In recent times, the MSM has lost a lot of credibility, and now they're playing the numbers game, hoping to convince as many people as they can in a last ditch effort because after all, consensus isn't based off of truth, it's based off of the majority's belief of what they think the truth is.

Yeah, JIDF and ShareBlue shills trying to shit up the place. Should be a lesson for all that doubted that there is a massive organized influence on reddit.

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Alt-right ain't terribly bright, they hate "word games" because they're too illiterate, like their "god empergoon" himself, to be able use words without feeling dizzy and going into a swoon! Evolution has left some folks behind and becoming a white nationalist fascist isn't gonna set that personal problem right.

I have no love for 'white nationalism', but you should realize when you are being manipulated by seemingly lofty rhetoric. Antifa has been made to look like heroes, defending ppl from racism, but they have a very disturbing history of provoking, attacking their fellow citizens violently and being bussed in to facilitate their purpose. Trump has been made to appear closely associated with this group; the MSM is continuing to discredit and call for his removal or worse. Regime change in US? Isn't that how they do it in other countries? Both groups are taking attn away from legal theft by economic fleecing of 99%, Corruption in the highest level of gov, and burning of our constitution.

You know what? The US has a secret weapon. Blast that "no nazis, no kkk, no fascist USA" chant at North Korea and ISIS and victory will be assured within 7 days.

I agree. Thank you everyone for speaking your mind in a calm way even if it seems unpopular

There is a video of the guy idling down the road before he hits anything, the car gets wallopped with a bat, the kid smashes the gas flies into the crowd. In the pictures of him driving into the crowd, he is looking in his mirror, probably at the guy who smashed his car. Even in the real video you can hear the bat hit before the engine revs and the car comes into frame.

I think the real conspiracy is that it was a 20 year old kid who tried to drive away from some douche smacking his shiny new car, and then tried to back away from guys doing the same thing.

I wouldn't share this thought anywhere else, because it would make me a nazi, but this really seems like a kid making a bad call more than an attack, which goes against all narratives.

The kid is a hell of a driver. It's a lot harder to pull off that reverse maneuver after the attack than you would think. Maybe he got lucky. Maybe he's taken some offensive driving lessons.

Maybe he's played GTA

Or maybe his adrenaline was on high.

It definitely was! When I run over people with my car, I kinda panic and get the shakes. This kid has nerves of steel.

I've seen a lot of videos from a lot of different perspectives, but I haven't seen that one. Link?

196 upvotes, 39 comments.

but its 'that other side' that's brigading..

Some call it 'mob rule'. It is tough to go against the mob or get through to the mob.

when I post this, your post is already 15 hours old, it seems shill bots from antifa doesnt work yet,

I'm all for people speaking their mind, bit some people on this sub and even in this thread really STREEEEEEETCH the truth as well as details. And they reach and reach to make certain details to fit their narrative like trying to put a round peg in a square hole.

This whole Charlottesville thing was terrible, and what it has done to people on this sub is bad too. This place was already filled with enough partisan hacks. Now we have:

Leftwing hacks chest thumping saying "look how right we were." All the while ignoring the violence perpetrated in the name of ideals.

Rightwing espousing more cognitive dissonance than i have seen anywhere ever in my life because they are faced with something that goes against what they believe and they are desperately trying to prove the world works like they think it should.

the main thing i see missing in posts is reason, even the common decency this subreddit has had for many years is gone, and in its place garbage and hysteria. Where is the discussion???

I would but my posts are bot insta-downvoted and kept at zero no matter what. All I get are shills. Gotta love that fascist RES tag list.

Love this brother.

I'm still trying to fight the good fight out here.

Im sorry to say this but this one is on the mods. It is very easy to identify new shilling accounts and ban them. It is not very hard to identify post that push a certain narrative, truth be dammed.

It is not easy ,but is would be entirely doable to cleanse this sub to a degree where meaningful discussion can happen again. Mods are allowing this to happen.

That's swell. Then go tell those people you're not a white supremacist. I never said you were.

Many people have been pm me and commenting about how I'm a white supremacist racist bigot these last couple of days.

In all fairness, you did say that minorities plan to kill all whites and that after they're done the world will descent into primitivism. IIRC, you also said the only white people who support minorities are white people who don't have to deal with them.

It's pretty hard to read shit like that and not see a bigot.