The news and the focus was on the DNC murders, Seth Rich and the evermore mounting evidence against the Washington DC Pedo culture...then what seems to be a very contrived event in Charlottesville happened.

35  2017-08-15 by SorbateHead

Lets get back to the job at hand and look away from the staged illusion, the divide and conquer bullshit that is meant to cause hatred between the American people. AS the people are attacking each other, the pedo scumbags of Washington DC are still walking this earth.


The news and the focus was on the DNC murders, Seth Rich and the evermore mounting evidence against the Washington DC Pedo culture

There really wasn't any news about this except inside this subreddit and shitfests like t_d.

In fact the last major piece of news was the NPR story about just how much bullshit was involved in pushing the Seth Rich story.

People can multitask.

The Nazi who ran over people looks like a pedo. Probably frequents 4chan and their loli haven.

But by all means get back to posting about how evil liberals are.

Sorry what? Just because you guys never stop talking about Seth Rich doesn't mean that every time something happens in the world, it's to distract you from talking about Seth Rich.

Why do you want certain criminals to go to jail? Why aren't you only talking about the popular criminals? This sub. /s