Why are there over 7000 users here?

7  2017-08-16 by goemon45


Prepare to have your record corrected..


Let the fun begin! :-)

Let the games begin!

Its over 9000!


3 post on /r/all is this sub's top post. So there are a lot of visitors

Alright, everyone stop acting weird, we have company!


The comments in this post and the other one asking the same question are a pretty good illustration of this sub as a whole

So no flat earth posts?

Not unless you think this is still 2015.

Let's go with a Bigfoot Bonanza. Orrr......even better. Bigfoot is behind the round earth conspiracy.

Not while we have company over. WE ARE A NORMAL FAMILY!!!

Ugh, sorry everyone, I just posted about the flat-earth in one of the threads (mixed moon landing with flat-earth, so at least it was a twofer).

I'm not acting...

This sub always makes it to the front page but the numbers don't balloon up like this. We usually get about 500 or so extra visitors. This is clearly a shill attack. They usually come charging in like this after some "mastermind" plan they dish up to manipulate the public into believing a fake narrative. It always ends badly though. Their plan fails because the people in this sub are aware of their strategies and can spot a shill from a mile away so the shills eventually become demoralized and retreat. A few weeks pass and they come up with another "mastermind" plan that is doomed to fail. Rinse. Repeat.

No, I think it's just the 15K karma post currently on the front page.

You're correct. He sees Soros everywhere, even under his pillow

Ya, but we have those kinds of posts on the front page all the time and it usually raises the average by about 500 extra users.

Agreed. The political/war conspiracy threads are nonstop recently.

At least next week we have the solar eclipse/human sacrifices conspiracies, shrug

It's the army of Soros sympathizers. They make a whopping $25 an hour. This is the type of shit a guy like Soros does with his billions. He enslaves the common man with money.

Or because we have a top post on r/all

We always have a post up on r/all but we don't get this huge of an influx in users. This is way overboard and indicative of a shill attack.

This sub might be on your front page, it rarely makes /r/all.

Do you know of any anti-Soros groups paying $25/hour to combat the Soros groups by any chance?

There was an ad on Craigslist for $25 per hour paid protesting floating around this board.

Online protesting (of Soros) though right? Otherwise not worth the energy. I'll search for it, gracias.

Comment sections need to be managed by botnet


Sometimes the David Brocky/ShareBluey types use this sub to tow the r/All narrative and make their points seem more neutral. Like, "look! Even those square, spooky types on /Conspiracy agree! It must be true outside of politics!"

Because they know we aren't buying their bullshit about Charlottesville

Who are 'they'?


Yeah, who are they?

The answer to that question is incredibly complicated. There are entire books written on this subject.

But here's a little history lesson for you. John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave a speech to the press before he was assassinated in which he defines TPTB pretty well. You see, this man was one of the greatest presidents of the last century and he saw what was happening to our country and became keen to the scheme. This is why he was taken out.

Listen to this speech and it will help you understand how long this has been going on for, and just how serious this whole thing is.