U.S. Congress Admits N.A.S.A Uses Counterfeit Parts

4  2017-08-16 by IAMN30

US Congress has passed a bill requiring the monitoring of counterfeit electronic parts found at NASA.

A 2012 investigation by the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate of counterfeit electronic parts in the Department of Defense supply chain from 2009 through 2010 uncovered 1,800 cases and over 1,000,000 counterfeit parts and exposed the threat such counterfeit parts pose to service members and national security.

It is the sense of Congress that the presence of counterfeit electronic parts in the NASA supply chain poses a danger to United States government astronauts, crew, and other personnel and a risk to the agency overall.

Contractor responsibilities.--In revising the regulations under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall--

(A) require each covered contractor--(i) to detect and avoid the use or inclusion of any counterfeit parts in electronic parts or products that contain electronic parts;(ii) to take such corrective actions as the Administrator considers necessary to remedy the use or inclusion described in clause (i); and including a subcontractor, to notify the applicable NASA contracting officer not later than 30 calendar days after the date the covered contractor becomes aware, or has reason to suspect, that any end item, component, part or material contained in supplies purchased by NASA, or purchased by a covered contractor or subcontractor for delivery to, or on behalf of, NASA, contains a counterfeit electronic part or suspect counterfeit electronic part;

I find this highly suspicious.



NASA = fake shit and lies

Wonder what their rockets really go up to study.

"Yeah, we bought the heatshields for the Challenger from Autozone."

Challenger makes me so frustrated. Richard Feynman summarized my feelings on the subject in Appendix F of the Rogers commision report.

In any event this has had very unfortunate consequences, the most serious of which is to encourage ordinary citizens to fly in such a dangerous machine, as if it had attained the safety of an ordinary airliner. The astronauts, like test pilots, should know their risks, and we honor them for their courage.

Indeed it's a serious issue.

It is the sense of Congress that the presence of counterfeit electronic parts in the NASA supply chain poses a danger to United States government astronauts, crew, and other personnel and a risk to the agency overall.

The supply chain for a spacecraft is so long and complex that it's hard to stamp this sort of stuff out completely. But I'm glad it's being addressed. The contractor responsibilities could help, although I'm worried about the proliferation of paperwork causing even more red tape than already exists.

I dont think its being addressed at all. Because Earth is flat and NASA lies about everything they do. Everything they own is fake and counterfeit.

Interesting. So in your model, how far away is the moon?

I am not sure.

But in the currently accepted model I can see a 50 mile wide hole from 238,000 miles away with the naked eye. Thats just silly.

Original measurement Metric measurement
50 miles 80 km
238,000 miles 383,024 km


 metric units bot | feedback | source | stop | v0.2.2-beta

You can work out the distance of the moon fairly easily (independent of its size) if you can check what angle it appears at from two places on Earth. Imagine drawing a triangle between point A on Earth, point B on the moon, and point C on Earth. If you know the angles and the distance between A and C you can work it out with trigonometry.

At close distances between A and C, assuming the Earth is flat doesn't change the result much (because the curvature is so slight).

Are you going to use Earths alleged size in your calculations?

We can start with the flat earth if you want. What's the distance between two points directly north/south in your model? Like say, 1 deg N to 1 deg S latitude, and again for 5 and 10 deg N and S?

And also, for a different calculation we can use for comparison, what is the speed of light?

I want to make sure we agree on as much as possible before we start, so there's no confusion in what we're using as a basis.

I don't know, I have not measured those distances myself.

I believe there are numbers I could give you, but beliefs do not form facts, do they?

Ok. Let's try to work some of that out.

What's the greatest distance across Earth you have measured or know for yourself?

Have you tried to measure the speed of light for yourself? There are various simple experiments for doing so. If not, the scientific consensus is about ~3x108 m/s. Do you disagree with that? If so, based on what evidence?

I am not at liberty to disclose that information.

Perhaps you are?

I would like to know the methods you used to measure between two points on Earth if so.

I am not at liberty to disclose that information.

You live somewhere classified? Curious that you know for sure the Earth is flat yet don't know anything else about it.

I have estimated the size of Earth itself using both this and eratosthenes's similar experiment with the sun.

You didn't answer the question about the speed of light.

You know, to estimate the size of Earth using Eratosthenes method, one must first assume that the Earth is spherical.

There are other ways of proving that it is. The moon bounce experiment is the one I've done.

Don't forget to answer the other questions.

Well dont tell me you used formulas based off a spherical Earth to calculate numbers for a flat Earth.

No. They use different models.

Don't forget to answer the other questions.

Why dont you address this first.

But in the currently accepted model I can see a 50 mile wide hole from 238,000 miles away with the naked eye. Thats just silly.

Do you think that sounds right?

Can I see a 5 inch hole on earth from 238 miles away here on Earth?

FYI I am talking about Tycho crater on the moon. Its allegedly 50 miles wide and viewable with the naked eye.

As you know, larger objects can be seen from farther away than smaller objects. There is a simple mathematical description for this. We should calculate the angular diameter:



For d=50 miles and D=238,000 miles, Delta=0.012 degrees (not radians)

That's above the limit for those with sharp eyes to distinguish one feature as separate from another (0.01 degrees).

It's equivalent to seeing a human hair (0.04 mm) from 190 mm away (19 cm).

Now, can you answer my other questions?

The questions:

Do you dispute the speed of light? If so, based on what evidence?

Do you agree that, for example, Cuba and Florida are closer together than Panama and South Carolina? Regardless of the actual distances between them, just closer. You can substitute any other set of four places significantly north and south of each other that you like.

Sad, but not unexpected, that you don't have an answer.

You put words in my mouth and then refute them.

Tell me, is it possible to see a 50 mile wide hole from 238,000 miles away?

You admitted here that one cannot!

That's above the limit for those with sharp eyes to distinguish one feature as separate from another (0.01 degrees).

Why then do you believe the information given by NASA is factual?

You admitted here that one cannot!

No. In order to see something it has to be greater than the minimum angular diameter. 0.012>0 01, which is why I said:

above the limit

And even provided a comparison with a smaller, closer object. Do the math yourself if you don't believe me.

I DON'T believe you.

I never said my analogy was mathematically correct.

Just a reference to snap people out of the globe insanity.

It seems ironic that you do all the calculations for the analogy I brought up, and not reality. Instead you just say do the calculations for yourself, and to take your word that the correct comparison is the same.

How about you calculate why I cannot see any curve over 30 miles when math says I should.

You can check that this mathematical relationship works for yourself. Get something of a known diameter like a penny and measure at what distance you can no longer see it. Or better yet, measure it's apparent angular diameter at various distances. Then do the same for an object of another size like a quarter. Compare the results with the calculations.

In this way you can check for yourself to see if Delta=2*arctan(d/(2D)) is correct!

How about you calculate why I cannot see any curve over 30 miles when math says I should.

You are asking a new question without first answering the ones I have posed. Let's take turns here.

No response. Figures.

You are so right.

You did not answer my question because the answer disposes of your pre conceived outlook on what is right and wrong.

Why can I see passed the supposed limit of the horizon when calculated on a spherical Earth with a diameter of 25,000 miles?

Still no actual response... I assume since you chose not to answer the question, that you agree with, or can't refute, how angular diameter works.

First off, the Earth's circumference is a bit under 25,000 miles. The diameter is 7,900 miles or so.

The horizon will depend on your height from the surface of course, this is why you can see farther from higher up, such as on top of a mountain or skyscraper.

Yet at sea level I can see 30 miles. Explain that.

Still no actual response. Ok. Glad you agree.

Yet at sea level I can see 30 miles. Explain that.

Proof? :)

What, do you want a picture that you can refute?

There is no response I can give that will sway your opinion.

You can deny that all you want, but its the truth.

No proof, I see.

The proof is all over the place but you refuse to accept it.

"For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."

-The Bible

Have fun delighting in wickedness "magic" missile. Your username is an apt description of all of NASA's rockets.

You have not given any proof, I'm afraid. You claim to be able to see 30 miles but have no evidence of this. I think I know why you don't.

For another comparison, you mentioned a 5" hole (diameter of 7.891*10-5 miles) 238 miles away. That has an angular diameter of:


Which is:

Delta=1.8997*10-5 degrees or (rounding 1.8997 to 2) 0.00002 degrees. Much, much smaller in angular diameter and this not discernible to the unaided eye.

So a 5" diameter hole is, visually, much smaller at 238 miles away than a 50 mile diameter hole is at 238,000 miles. You can see the latter but not the former.

I don't know, I have not measured those distances myself.

I believe there are numbers I could give you, but beliefs do not form facts, do they?

I don't know, I have not measured those distances myself.

I believe there are numbers I could give you, but beliefs do not form facts, do they?