The US needs a "Truth in Media" law to put an end to the fake news BS that is trying to oust the elected President

0  2017-08-16 by Tunderbar1

Seriously. If I were President, that would become my main focus.


Propaganda is legal, he's just an entertainer.

You came the closest to speaking the truth in this thread. Good job.

Then I hope you never become President. This is something I worry about Trump trying to do so he can turn all media into state media and propaganda.

All they have to do is require factual information to back up what you are saying. You want to publish a story? Show me the newsfacts. (Bad bit on carfax sorry. I have dishonored my family)

And who is "they/me" here? Who determines whether or not your information is factual? That is the problem.

Well honestly nothing will make you happy. If we have people voting on it, bots will win. If the government does it then they will be corrupt so for now we just deal with fake news

I agree that nothing works perfectly. But I would rather have a mix of propaganda and real journalism out there for us to work through ourselves then have the government literally be able to restrict what is published.

I agree but at this point the media IS restricted. (((They))) control what is said every story is published. And at this point they are controlling the narrative, if you are on this board I assume you understand that 9/11 was clearly not a terrorist plot but an inside job. And just look at how media spin that, look at all these important events that get 0 coverage from anyone down to local news. Nobody gets real stories, nothing on pizza gate, YouTube, Seth rich, Hillary, antifa. Fucking we already have the worst case scenario. At this point allowing a dog to pick the stories that air would produce more "real journalism".

(((They))) control what is said every story is published.


17 day old account trying to say Jews don't control the media.


It's just depressingly predictable at this stage

The truth is predictable, because.... It's the truth.

What, conspiracy minded types blaming the Jews?

Yeah kind of predictable

They used to have to do it pre-2013. It worked back then, it'll work now.

Didn't say I wanted state media.

Then who decides what news is "fake" or real" if not the government passing the law? If you allow for a law like this then the government can deem any negative press about them fake and have it pulled.

We had a working law until Obama repealed it in 2013. It worked then, it'll work now.

In theory, tons of things could be great...a surveillance state could be beneficial, but it's the fact that you can not trust people and corporations cuz they can turn greedy and at the end of the day, they are a business for profit. No Trump should not make things illegal and ban things. You should read all the things you want and make your won mind up, have your own thoughts.


Lmao @ literally asking for a Ministry of Truth


Yeah you did.

We use to have a law like that. Then Ronald Reagan did away with it and that gave rise to FOX news.

Obama recalled it in 2013.

What was the law in question?

What law? You keep saying Obama recalled it in 2013 throughout this post but don't provide any info.

Can you link me to this law? I have a feeling that you won't actually respond.

Well, they had that in Nazi Germany.


I would try to inform people correctly, but asking the government to regulate what is true and what isn't is stupid.

Didn't say that.

You did though. That's what a "Truth in Media" act would be.

No. That is opposite.

So weird to see people posting in r/conspiracy that it's time to give the government control over what people publish.

Didn't say that.

What is this 'fake news' MSM is spreading about the president? Honest question.

Is the news sensationalized to cater to certain demographics? Yeah. Does it get it wrong sometimes? Yeah, humans are imperfect and prone to error and bias.

and a good ol fashion book burning

Not even close to what I called for.

i'd say horseshoes close anyway

Nope. Not even close. You should look up the concept of linear thinking and apply it to your posts.

Thank you, will do.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

I remember Robert Steele endorsing a Trump Channel, I think it would have been a great idea. I am not much into politics but I strongly believe the eradication of CNN, and other big news channels would be a victory for humanity.

Only need to hold them to a law that calls for truth in media.

Who would determine truth? You?

Methinks he's leaning toward the Russian puppet in the oval office.

Just imagine how much worse it would be if she had been elected.

I don't want to.

Everybody. The media would have to provide the proof. Just like they had to do pre-2013.

Sounds like a really terrible idea to me.

Exactly what the fake media would think and say.

There USED TO BE FCC Regulations that accomplished this reasonably.


Well honestly nothing will make you happy. If we have people voting on it, bots will win. If the government does it then they will be corrupt so for now we just deal with fake news

They used to have to do it pre-2013. It worked back then, it'll work now.

Nope. Not even close. You should look up the concept of linear thinking and apply it to your posts.

You did though. That's what a "Truth in Media" act would be.