Why can't people see what's going on? If they don't wake up soon there will be a second civil war. It makes me absolutely sick.. Wonder why we aren't hearing both sides of the story on the news? Who owns it

13  2017-08-16 by [deleted]



Every single post today seems like some dude screaming THE WORLD IS ENDING UNLESS YOU START CARING ABOUT MY FAVORITE CONSPIRACY

It's not ending tonight. But soon if we don't stop it

People have been claiming the world is about to end since the beginning of recorded history, but it just keeps on turning.

It isn't going to end because of a few nazis and some guy killing someone in a crowd with a car.

OP speaks the truth. You can make this into some conspiracy jokes... This IS serious.

Nationalism is just tribalism writ large. And tribalism is a normal behavioral, genetic part of human nature.

The Price Equation basically proves it. We just dont seem to care as much about people unrelated to us as we do people related to us.

Stop watching the news. The real world isn't as bad as they are telling you it is.

There will be a civil war, there is no stopping it, power doesn't give up power, it fights to death. What's more is that it has to happen even from our perspective, it's the conclusion of years of grinding down their ideology, prepare for it best you can with your knowledge, don't fear it, embrace it.

this happened in portugal in the 1800s except the roles were a little reversed (globalist merchants overthrowing monarchy) in any event, the ousted PTB staged a counter move and ended up temporarily getting power back when one of the children seized power after claiming his father couldn't defend himself against provacatorss. This ended up in full-blown civil war. thought it would be interesting if this counter revolution got to one of the kids as dt gets older, weary from constant barrage. prolly not though

It seems that way.. I just wish we could all see who is behind it and come together. Over 100 countries expelled jews through out time why can't we do the same?

Well for one because jews are not all in on this, as an example I'm wealthier than some and so are you. How do you tell the grain from the chaff? Then you have goyim who are in on it, do you give these guys a pass? The masons, politicians, journalists and what not? If not, same problem, how do you tell the grain from the chaff?

The way you tell the grain from the chaff is you let the confrontation run its course, whatever wins gets to be the grain, the chaff will then lay low or convert. But you can bet your ass you will have jews on your side, and eventually you might even be glad they were on your side... Jesus comes to mind.

Otherwise the hebrew word "sayan" might be of interest to you if you haven't seen it.

These people aren't jews Im sorry I should have made that clarification .. I just don't know what else to call them Zionist? I guess but anyways Im not really religious anymore but this whole situation is making me rethink that.. Revelations 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

ah i see, it is a bit of a trap indeed, a wide open door for sophists to call you a racist, perhaps by design hehe, but i don't have the perfect term, sayan works well but it isn't perfect either


Please read that link. Here's what another reddit user mentioned about it as well:

"there were Herodian/Roman-backing "Establishment" priests, the Pharisees and such, who Gentilized the Jewish Messianism of the first century.

Establishment theory has always held, because of the New Testament, that there was a "Judaization" of Christianity, but in reality, Christianity in its Gentile, Paulinized form was a breaking away from the Messianic Jews of the time.

Paul was a Herodian Pharisee Jew, or at least claimed to be, ergo, everyone is reading Revelations' 'synagogue of satan' the wrong way. Paul the Pharisee claimed Jewish ties, and in effect created Gentile Messianism, or Christianity, as we know it, which grew into... the Roman Catholic Church. The Synagogue of Satan.

Revelations is pretty clearly a 'Jewish Christian' book with later Gentile Christian interpolations or additions to fit more closely to what would become orthodox Christianity. The writer of Revelations, clearly more of a Messianic Jew than a Messianic Christian, would have identified what would become the Church as the synagogue of satan."

Oh look, you made yet another anti-Jew topic! Because the other 2 anti-jew threads you made today just wasn't enough.

Thumbs up, OP!

I'll be here drinking manischewitz and eating a bagel, watching you yell about evil Jews

hah keep tellin yourself that bub.

Keep telling myself what? That you made two anti-jew posts TODAY already, this being your third? Because you did, it's in your post history. Or that I'm drinking Manischewitz and eating a bagel?? Okay, maybe I'm not, but goddamn I wish I was! I haven't had a good bagel in a while. I love the all seed bagels after you heat them up. OH! So good! A little cream cheese, some purple onion, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Manischewitz is great too, especially if you put some vodka in there. OH! Maybe some champagne, make like a kosher mimosa.

I'm not saying I didn't make those posts. I'm saying i'm trying to show people whats really going on

What's really going on? You haven't proved anything. You're using racist rhetoric and telling us that Hitler was a great guy... all while letting us know how much you like Stormfront, a racist website with a racist agenda.

Give it a rest.

Just stop Evan.. You'll figure it out one day.. keep being willfully ignorant afraid of realizing what you have been taught your whole life is a lie

Read my latest reply to you regarding the synagogue of Satan. You have to be open to other ideas if you believe you know what's going on with 100% certainty without any credible proof, YOU may be the one willfully ignorant and afraid of realizing what you have been taught your whole life is a lie.

Aristotle said: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"

We don't know much, truthfully. We all take the info we seek out, compare it to our own personal agenda (which we all have), and come to conclusions. But that doesn't mean we KNOW. Especially when it comes to the bible. So many previous tribes before the bible were written. The bible was edited with books being thrown out that didn't fit the Catholic church's agenda.

You have to stop assuming things about people that don't agree with you

Do your own research and tell me what you find. I am interested. OP did research and explained what he found. Now what say you?

OP went to a white supremacist website, not exactly researching the highest of scholars

Is your skull that thick? He said he has browsed there, not researched there. And how many times are you going to deflect the question asked by attacking OP?

And why are you just sitting here waiting watching NEW on this subreddit waiting to downvote.. Seems awfully suspicious how much they givin you bro?

HA alright, you're assuming I'm sitting here, refreshing new and just downvoting all willy nilly. I enjoy that you believe that's how I spend my day.


Hitler proposed many peace treaties

And reneged on them nearly as often Trump failed to pay his contractors

Stormfront a lot .. and these guys are no where near the racists

"Our mission is to provide information not available in the controlled news media and to build a community of White activists working for the survival of our people." — From "Guidelines for Posting," Stormfont.org

"White Pride Worldwide" — Stormfront.org motto

"Beating down a mud [a non-white person] when they try to poisen [sic] one of our own or when they try to seduce one of our girls may not be God inspired, but rather a righteous act of collective preservation." — Preston Wiginton, Stormfront.org post, 2007

Shocking how racists don't find racists sites to be all that racists.

The Neo-Nazis are using the same violent that the German Nazis used. It's amazing the mental gymnastics people will make when they think their part of the tribe. It happened to all the dead Nazi Germans, and it's happening here now too.

Wait... a white supremacy website is telling their users that Jews are evil!? Shocking

OP fails to see that Stormfront is a VERY bias website with a VERY clear agenda.

It's not white supremacy numbnuts. It's White nationalist

....what!? I feel like you're getting a little angry, you're making less and less sense. Try that sentence again.

Nevermind man just keep being willfully ignorant about the issues at hand

Again, you're making assumptions about me just to make yourself feel better. I am well researched in this area, and you're not making any credible points. It's racist rhetoric, posted by a racist user, found on a racist website.

Pro tip: When you make your next anti-Jew post, DO NOT post anything about Stormfront. Use a website with a less obvious agenda.

How am I racist? I don't hate all jews but this is the only logical explanation I have came up with given the information on both sides

Racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

It doesn't matter if you "don't hate all Jews". You've shown a very clear prejudice against Jews, and you defended a white supremacy website. You've shown that you're racist, stop pretending that you're not.

Give it a rest dude. These people aren't even jews. They are the devil reincarnate haven't you ever read the bible? I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. I just said jews because that's what everyone identifies them as.

Devil reincarnate....Have any ACTUAL proof? Have any proof the devil ever existed? Oh, the Bible.....you know that's not historically accurate, right? If the Bible is the basis for all your conspiracies, you have a LONG ways to go.


Please read that link. Here's what another reddit user mentioned about it as well:

"there were Herodian/Roman-backing "Establishment" priests, the Pharisees and such, who Gentilized the Jewish Messianism of the first century.

Establishment theory has always held, because of the New Testament, that there was a "Judaization" of Christianity, but in reality, Christianity in its Gentile, Paulinized form was a breaking away from the Messianic Jews of the time.

Paul was a Herodian Pharisee Jew, or at least claimed to be, ergo, everyone is reading Revelations' 'synagogue of satan' the wrong way. Paul the Pharisee claimed Jewish ties, and in effect created Gentile Messianism, or Christianity, as we know it, which grew into... the Roman Catholic Church. The Synagogue of Satan.

Revelations is pretty clearly a 'Jewish Christian' book with later Gentile Christian interpolations or additions to fit more closely to what would become orthodox Christianity. The writer of Revelations, clearly more of a Messianic Jew than a Messianic Christian, would have identified what would become the Church as the synagogue of satan."

Iv'e browsed Stormfront a lot .. and these guys are no where near the racists that people portray them as


i just now noticed this one

Not all of them

You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep.

Glad this is your last post. It's been fun, good luck.

Well, bye!

Great post. Here come the down votes...

Do you think Trump knows that the these people are behind the media being "fake" Im just wondering because I'm watching this video of him saying it. It seems he doesn't but i dunno

Yes, but if he says something he just gives them more ammunition. That is at least what I believe.

I know it's the last post and all, but one thing had always intrigued me about people obsessed with this type of conspiracy. If the "bad" people are of the Khazar origin that means the "bad" people are actually evil white people pretending to be Jews. You assume they must be super rich and powerful, otherwise how did they come to control everything. So, why don't your Storefront friends burn down banks, news stations or magazines, instead of targeting synagogues or wasting energy to keep Confederate statues from being removed? Hell, these all powerful Khazar probably funded the Confederates and the Union, right. Hell, when di they burn down a Jewish center, or Target real Jews, they are just tormenting innocent people, by your logic. Seems, that Storefront might be a Khazar front to distract you from the real "bad" people. Maybe everything you believe, based on research you obtain from this and other Khazar fronts, is all lies. At the end of the day, it's very likely the "bad" guys are super rich white men who have been passing their wealth down generations, manipulating the world for their gain, all the while posing as Jews right?

After reading when you said Khazar I searched it up and read up on it http://www.reformation.org/khazaria.html and wow I had no idea of how history and the bible correlated. So that means these white men posing as "jews" (are they zionists too?) that actually have all the money are fighting to gain Palestine all so the anti-christ will reveal himself? Why are they doing this? Do they know they aren't actual jews? I can't seem to completely wrap my head around this. Why are normal jews supporting zionism?

downvoting just to downvote so no one will see it... wonder who that could be

ME! I downvoted because you are part of the problem. Glad to hear it's your last post.


Yes, but if he says something he just gives them more ammunition. That is at least what I believe.