Disgraced Soros owned fake protestor group, Antifa, playbook exposed. (tldr inside)

14  2017-08-16 by LightBringerFlex

Here are some of the interesting points found inside:

  1. Right off the bad, it says do not distribute this book to cis White Males, non-POC, non-LGBTQ people, aka fascists! Hmm. Interesting how they labeled all these groups fascists. Calling White Males fascists is simply racism at its finest.

  2. They say to keep this manual a secret. They know if this gets out to the masses, it will bury Antifas reputation.

  3. The manual claims white males control the entire media system in American when its clearly the Zionists who do. Sounds like they are trying to manipulate the fragile minds of the Antifa protesters.

  4. Quote: "Whites, especially cis white males, have proven to be the greatest evil mankind has ever known." Divide and conquer at its finest folks!

  5. Quote: "No one has proven to do more harm than white men". More divide and conquer. They want to shift blame from the real enemies like Zionists, Black Nobility, Illuminati, ect.. and throw it on the common white male. They are desperately trying to cause a civil war to save themselves from the coming day of the rope.

  6. The solution to the "White Problem" according to this book is a "New World Order" or "One World Government" to protect the other races from the Whites! This shit looks like it was written by George Soros himself!

  7. It goes onto say that anyone who disagrees with Antifa must be condemned as a racist, homophobe, mysoginist, ect.. When all else fails, compare that person to Hitler!

  8. If any of the minority groups protect conservatives or Whites, single them out and belittle them as "delusional".

  9. This playbook admits that immigrants from all over the world are being poured into America to eventually turn the White population into a minority by 2117.

  10. Tips on using white guilt and white shame against whites. Also, it says to leave whites that are working for antifa alone.

  11. Social media is the new battleground.

  12. It says to create an echo chamber for terms like fascist, racist, homophobe, ect.. on social media.

  13. It asks members to brainwash the youth for antifa.

  14. It asks to target all non-whites and pit them against the entire white population. They are saying to make non-whites feel special like they are from a positive group when, in reality, Antifa is a domestic terrorist group run by George Soros.

  15. The book says Antifa wants to end up controlling not only the media but also positions in politics. It says once antifa makes it to office, they will raise taxes. This group in reality wants to create a socialist state which is the half way mark to the real goal of state controlled Communism.

  16. They plan on brainwashing white people that being childless is cool (should be a personal choice in reality) and providing plenty of birth control pills and abortion opportunities to them so they won't have babies. They want to manipulate non-whites in the opposite way be reducing birth control opportunities or abortion opportunities while pushing for more babies.

  17. Holy shit. They plan on implanting chips into people's right hands in a way so that they can wave a wand and find out what that person makes, what he posts on social media, what his political beliefs are, ect.. This sounds like they want access to mind reading so they can push non-antifa supporters into some kind of corner (prison?, death?) This people are sickening. George Soros is a cuck!

  18. Antifa wants to be America's thought police! They want to wave those wands and gather information from a person's hand chip. For example, if a white guy said the N word on social media, they want to fine him, lower his status, lower his income, or even imprison him. Thought police is the last thing anyone wants. This Antifa is a fascist piece of shit organization.

  19. They blamed the wars in the Middle East on White people..

  20. It claims Osama Bin Ladin did 9-11 because White people dropped atom bombs in Japan..

  21. More info on making a one world government where food supplies will ship from America to all the starving people around the world.

  22. Quote: "Those who can't work will be supplied an unlimited supply of opiates, marijuana, meth, and cocaine to occupy their free time. Sound to good to be true?" I'm not even blaming the paid protestors anymore. Soros is paying them $25 an hour and these are probably poor, starving citizens but Soros needs to but shut down ASAP. He is clearly delusional.

  23. Quote: "We are Antifa. You are either with us or you are a fascist."

  24. Quote. "The next crucial step is to threaten anyone's livelihood who dares speak out against our agenda."

  25. It goes onto say that they want to drive whites into the underground where they wither in shame. People who end up hiring white people will be shamed and dealt with.

OK. Now I understand. George Soros is a racist, delusional madman.







It's a fake manual.

this smells like shit

Yeah that's the worst fake I've ever seen.

Soros, is that you?

What's it like falling for something that obvious?

These posts are created to make this sub look like a bunch of loons.


You say that as if OP wasn't the person who possibly made it up himself

Dude, if you think this is real, I don't evenknow what to say.

you should be ashamed of yourself. either for your dishonesty or stupidity. you SHOULD be, but doubt youre capable

Nope. I am not ashamed.

Removed. Rule 10.

OP takes larping pretty seriously.

The 'ol coffee stain and scribble

OP, get real. Only a mindless drone would consider this authentic. I'm somewhat ashamed that the propaganda is this bad. It almost comes off as someone trying to make fun of the Alt Right by producing a very shitty and clearly fake "manual" such as this.

Some people will jump on anything that confirms their opinions without considering if it's real. Then again, some people aren't very smart. Sometimes both may apply.

Good lord. I guess if you can win the meme war with poor quality efforts, that's all you really need to get the job done.


mindless drones indeed. cheerleaders

25 Rules of Disinformation

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents.

If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how “sensitive they are to criticism”.

That's nice. Did you write that part of this fake manual?

I'm sorry reality didn't conform to your need for a safe space, but the fake document is the misinformation. Not the people calling it out.

can it be both? lol

Given the thorough debunking that is elsewhere in the thread it's little surprise you're trying to distract from it when you can.

he is not trying to be real, HE IS THE MOLE!

You want to know how I know this is fake? It all centers around American. Antifa is not American, it came to be in Europe and like 99% of all its members are in Europe.

The book admits they are worldwide. This is their American guide.

haha did you make this? If so, you spent a lot of time for a hoax that went absolutely nowhere. 100% pure uncut bullshit.

Okay, and where did this manual come from? Do you have it or what?

What is you defense this time? Is it that someone wrote this entire manual up to post it online solely to make Soros look bad?

It's only 8 pages man. Maybe an hour of work.

I know you don't believe that. You probably have a copy of this manual right in your own home.

Hmmm, that smells like an accusation.

I just want to know the source. Where did you come across this? Like did you find it online or do personally have it.

It was posted up on this sub earlier today. I'm guessing one of the Antifa members was very concerned after reading this evil manual and uploaded it for the world to see.

You know how I know its fake? Cuz it was posted by lightbringerflex. All this guy does is post made up shit.

You know how I know this is fake? Because it is the obvious fake thing I have ever seen in my life.

commenters read super fast hehe

It's been posted like 12 times....

The "coffee stain" appears to be under the type. On the word distribute. Looks like they took a picture of a paper with the stains and put it in photoshop to add the words.

Or just mishandled the layers.

Did some error level analysis:



Those blocky white bits around the text indicate different levels of compression. In other words,

they took a picture of a paper with the stains and put it in photoshop to add the words

is probably exactly what happened.


A) I keep asking for any evidence that Soros is connected to antifa, and the only response is other people pointing out that there isn't any.

B) Holy shit this is an obvious fake. As in, I'd bet it was created to be a joke, not a serious attempt to discredit antifa.

Tighten your filters and raise your standards, OP. There's a big difference between openminded and gullible.

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I wouldn't have believed it was real... but with a coffee stain and a scribble on the front like that it just has to be real.

Boom verified!

And the World War 2 style type writer font man.

And the stain is still wet!

Yes, sinister lady who scanned this document in must have used her evil genius to make a fake coffee stain and fake scribbling along with writing up a modern day "protocols of Zion" to make this document look real. Muahahahahaaaa

Lol, what if she just put her coffee cup on the document and scribbled with a pen to make sure it works? Is it beneficial to be this cynical towards each other? Does cynicism unite us or does it divide us?

Imagine if you walked and picked up mail from your mailbox and someone said "Oh look, that evil man is picking up instructions for a spy mission he has to run for the Russians. Treason!" But in all reality, you were just picking up the Sunday newspaper. (Shrug)

Hahaha I love it. Who ever made this literally thought how can I make it look more legit. Oh I know....the classic coffee stain!

Too funny.

you can tell it's fair trade, though ;)

Come on, this is blatant fakery made to make this sub look ridiculous. Why is this kind of obvious trash-bait left up?

"Do not distribute to non-LGBTQ "

Smoking gun evidence that this fake manual was created by some wacko who thinks everyone who disagrees with him is gay.

so, now we are eating shit?

Obvious fake is obvious. Obviously.

wow this is the best satire I've seen today-- shit.

This is hilarious lol. Also I love that you inserted all the anti white shit in there as if antifa isn't 90% white people and mostly men

Where did you get this from?

Another poster.

Modern day Protocols of Zion document right here.

It's amazing how many people have compared the 2 books together.

It could be a fake, but their agenda is well under way.

It's amazing how many people have compared the 2 books together.