Growing tired of postmodern cultural Marxist who insist on controlling our government while openly hating America?

0  2017-08-16 by Flytape

New project in the works. Traditional conservative pro-patriot based Conspiracy sub. Liberal nonsense and /politics bots not allowed.

This project is separate from /r/Conspiracy in every way possible and is my personal undertaking.

Nothing will change here at /r/Conspiracy.

Read the sidebar, order over chaos.


Not a conservative, but I'll sub forsure

So basically you need a safe space?

Cool story.

Here's a fun one: define liberal nonsense

Trump is hitler. Antifa did nothing wrong.

Is that it?

It doesn't matter, you can just not go there. See? Problem solved.

Believe me, I won't. But you posted it here, and it's a forum for discussion.

It is overtly right wing/libertarian. Excellent work.

You are an idiot. You just proved why someone would want to make a new sub. I don't know if you guys will ever get it...

And the name calling after a well thought out post proves his.

You started your first post by being condescending. After your condescending remark, OP replied and answered you question. THEN, you criticize his beliefs and imply that those claims are substantiated (they do not).

OP posted something that was his idea, something positive. Why do you have to come in and defecate all over it? If you don't want to be a part of it fine, don't, but why attack someone for doing something he enjoys and brings happiness to him that has absolutely no effect on you?

If I want to know how someone feels about something, I ask them. "How are you?" "How is it going?" Unless I ask, I do not give a crap how you feel and neither does the rest of the world. If you feel an emotion keep it to yourself unless asked about it. It is extremely annoying and self-centered for people to just broadcast their feelings all over the place because no one cares except your mommy and daddy.

If you want an echo chamber go in Brah

pro-patriot, traditional conservative...

That sounds very political to me, I think what you won't allow is an opposing view, if you don't like it, it is cultural Marxism, right?

That's really not important. My gripe is that traditional Conspiracy theories are being downvote bombed and replaced with never ending Trump conjecture. That's fine but it makes an environment that is less about Conspiracy and more about vote wars and MSM spin cycle stories.

You don't have to participate and if it doesn't sound like a project you would enjoy then please just stay away.

Uh oh, I forgot to note who the OP was. :/

My gripe is that traditional Conspiracy theories are being downvote bombed and replaced with never ending Trump conjecture.


It's the corporate shills! I don't know how a conspiracy sub could be valuable without the input of Marx. I know that sound crazy to Americans, but who do you think are the Elite? The Establishment? We're all fucking talking about the capitalist class lol

I'm a capitalist. I'm anti Marxist anti communist. I can deal with a little Socialism but not this Bernie Sanders shit. Get a job, get motivated and do something.

lol don't hate me but I think healthcare is a right of all citizens. Shit the rich can afford it.

Anything that requires someone else's labor can not be a right.

You can have a right to speak freely, a right to carry a weapon for defense, a right to practice or abstain religion. But you can not force a doctor to heal you.

What kind of a doctor heals only the highest bidder?

Not my problem.

Not my problem

Exactly. What kind of freeloader takes for free what his neighbors have to pay their hard-earned money for? And further, has the nuts to look them in the eye without shame. Btw, I like your new sub idea!

yes, the poor lady who breaks her leg is a freeloader because she needs help. Damn those clumsy assholes let them die in the street! Yey freedom!

Ah, the poor old lady trick. We have that covered with Medicaid and Medicare, which I pay for with my taxes. Maybe you don't understand that part because you've never had a taxpaying job?

Any thoughts on stepping down as a mod here since you seem to dislike the sub enough to make one for yourself that forbids discussion of any subject you would disagree with politically? Seems like that would be a poor trait for the mod of a (supposedly) non-politically biased subreddit to have.

I see no rationale to this comment. He's making a new sub to avoid doing what you are trying to accuse him of.

Doesn't seem like you put much thought into this as you went to the shed to grab your pitchfork.

Me either. They probably just don't like Flytape.

I can see that being a possibility. I can also see the possibility that simple honesty regarding their reaction won't be forthcoming.

It seems to show clear bias and he's using a form he mods to promote a "fall in line or else" sub.

Seems pretty cut and dry that he cannot properly mod a free thought sub.

What seems pretty clear is you have no intention of ever being objective.

Seems pretty cut and dry...judge jury and prosecutor.

By the way..I have zero respect for you and the shit you constantly spew on this sub.

New project in the works. Traditional conservative pro-patriot based Conspiracy sub.


What's so funny?

That "Hahaha" was because his post implies that anyone who disagrees with him isn't a patriot.

But it's also just funny that he's creating a right wing safe space with strict censorship.

Not really. If you're a modern liberal or Marxist, you are traitor to the constitution.

Also, try talking about Capitalism and the pros of it in /r/LateStageCapitalism or try talking negatively about Socialism in /r/Socialism.

If you don't like it, don't go. Simple as that.

If you're a modern liberal and/or Marxist, you are traitor to the constitution.

It's a shame that you feel this way about your peers and countrymen. I don't have any love for Trumpism, but I don't consider his supporters to be "traitors to the Constitution."

This is what it looks like to be a victim of Divide and Conquer tactics

The truth is hard to swallow.

This is what it looks like to be a victim of Divide and Conquer tactics

Nope, you're just blind to what is actually going on.

Well I hope some day you can find a way to move on from all that hatred, because liberals aren't going anywhere. It's really sad to see someone fall so hard for this divisive propaganda when we should be working together

It's not hatred, really. It's the truth. Why would I work together for more Marxism/Socialism? Socialism goes against the constitution, and I'm vehemently against it.

"It's not that I hate people who disagree with me, it's just that I'm objectively right!"

I honestly pity you. It's hard to live with hatred

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing. Socialism requires forced taxation, which is unconstitutional. The only job of the government, really, is for defense. That's about it, when you boil it down.


I like it. We can actually discuss pertinent topics rather than trying to catch an army of shills up to speed on why Hillary and Co are evil.

The irony is someone will probably create a leftist versiom that will be filled with empty trump/Russia threads and bought up votes.

I hope they do create a left version.

Is that what you think left means?
Left is no more banker bailouts. No more endless money. No more foreign wars based on lies. Oh wait that's the Portuguese left wing...
Left is money out of politics! Come on these words are used to divide us.

Cultural Marxism then

Did you know Marx supported gun rights for people to defend themselves against oppression?

Kind of hard to do when you are forced to give up all of private property. Methinks, Marx was just lying to fool you into it.

That's odd the left just outspent Trump 3 to 1 and lost, out spent Republicans in Georgia 2 to 1 and lost.

Money out of politics my ass.

Did it occur to you that corporate dems are actually right wing corporate whores?

I know I'm fucking tired of it...


Is there a way to make discussion limited to those who actually buy into the conspiracy theories in question, or at least find them plausible, rather than people who show up just to make vacuous, sardonic, and dismissive remarks in an attempt to obfuscate and discredit?

Yes I'm going to recruit brutal mods. Like it or hate it, the_donald taught the world what you have to do to have a space on Reddit that isn't dominated by know-it-all "liberals".

So this new sub will be an experiment in moderation.

Yes, because echo chambers are great for fostering discussion and free thought.

I look forward to mocking your new sub from afar

You keep commenting on this, you aren't required to use my new sub so you can go away.

Settle down you seem excited.

From afar

Like TMOR.

TMOR isn't really my style, I prefer calling people out directly

Good luck.

I mean t_d isn't even a place for discussion about anything. It's a joke sub that some people aren't in on.

Sincerely you should check out /r/therealconspiracy for right wing type conspiracy people. Shit you can have my spot. I can't make a dent in those block heads!

Sadly they are forced to be a private community because of the reddit hivemind.

meh over rated :P
A lot of closed minds, as far as I can tell.

Yeah like a safe space to talk about our alt right pizzagate, slandering murdered innocent man, and gagging on the KKKs dick.

I suspect anything and everything you disagree with will become labeled as an alt-right topic. Which will make it very easy to label dissenters as Nazis.

Wow great comment I've never heard that one before.

While completely dismissing the fact that there are many who are not Alt-right who have openly discussed the pedophile problem that is being exposed within our government.

I find it very interesting when people try to label this problem as Pizzagate in order to diminish it. People who go out of their way to associate those who are trying to combat it with a group of people who are being demonized.

I can only come to the conclusion that you think paedophilia is acceptable and that you are trying to find ways to stifle any conversation about it. haven't mentioned Nazis... yet. The possibility of it occurring is looking quite probable from where I'm sitting.

You're a pizzagater. You just proved my point lol. just proved mine. I've never made a single post about pedophiles in the government..and maybe a total of two or three comments on it...ever.

Yet you rush to label me a pizzagater.

Do you see how idiotic you appear right now?

Sounds great. You can just not go there, how easy is that?

What you're begging for isn't free discussion friend

And? I can and do share skepticism and doubts about conspiracy theories and raise questions about them as part of healthy discussion without shitting all over said theories and the people who are interested in them as is the case here. No one said the goal was "free (read: easily hijacked) discussion"

When you make conspiracy theories political you're going to get blow back but when you make conspiracy overwhelming right wing you're definitely going to feel blow back.

No one is in this sub bashing theory in posts about aliens and big foot. I'm sorry but this sub lost its mind the other day doxxing an innocent man.

Thats not conspiracy.

When you make conspiracy theories political you're going to get blow back but when you make conspiracy overwhelming right wing you're definitely going to feel blow back.

No one is in this sub bashing theory in posts about aliens and big foot. I'm sorry but this sub lost its mind the other day doxxing an innocent man.

Thats not conspiracy.

No one is bashing posts about aliens and Bigfoot, they only seek to discredit those which actually threaten or expose the government/powers that be.

As for the dox, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hey flytape I've seen some good posts from you. Please don't disregard progressive issues. The government doesn't have to be so corrupt. They want us divided. And by they I mean the capitalist class. :P

I won't disregard progressive issues here, however I want a place where we can put them aside because of reddit's inability to allow conservative "wrong think" to exist without trolling the fuck out of it.

It's time for a no nonsense conservative Conspiracy sub.

I think mostly we're just over run with shills. Very frustrating.

Progressiveism and Marxism were created by the elites. Marx just put his name on that shit, and was paid handsomely, along with marrying a royal woman.

Marx lived and died in poverty, and his words twisted to rationalize the murder of millions.

Marx did not live and die in poverty, quite the opposite, actually. He married into royalty, and had a rich uncle. Look into his wife's family The origin of it comes from this guy:, who sent it over to the bankers and Engels. Marx just put his name on it for them.

Of course they are going to cover it up. When was the last time you saw Rothschild on Forbes top wealthiest list? Seriously, look into his wife. Also, Marx has Rothschild relatives. He was one of the elites. Marxism/Communism were all the work of the elites. They know it will always fail into a tyrannical dictatorship. That was the whole purpose of it.

I understanding is that later marxists twisted his work to represent things and he never really intended

Well, it's lies. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.. yeah.

Interesting. What would be an example of what I can and cannot post?

Non MSM political theories, and regular Conspiracy content.

Sounds good. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm all for this, actually, and you should all be too. Maybe it will lure away most of the T_D immigrants (thus shutting certain people the hell up about this sub's stereotypes) and we can still all have our conspiracy circles. Win-win.

Maybe so! Then we'll see how long until Conspiracy gets tired of finding new ways to support the intelligence agencies reports on Trump.

Good work on fighting back u/flytape. The only way evil can win is if good does nothing.

Just remember 99% of the liberal and 99% of republicans have good intentions. It's the 1% that works for the cabal that is causing all the trouble.

Yep and we can't talk about it because it gets brigaded away in favor of the media trying to make Trump disavow the KKK again.

Was ConspiracyThe_Donald taken?

Does this mean you are stepping down as a mod? And/or leaving the sub? Fingers crossed.

Just creating a place where 1 month old /politics accounts aren't welcome to shit on the sub.

So that's a no to stepping down then?

Darn. Enjoy your safe space. Shame you need it.

Shame you guys need an army of 1 month old accounts to correct the record.

If I wasn't terrified that you would ban me for speaking honestly on my main account, I wouldn't have to make a new account to post here.

Sorry your love of censorship has made it so that people don't feel safe posting with anything but socks. Hope your safe space does better.

You're so Oppressed!

Liberals have ruined this sub with regurgitation of MSM 24/7 news cycles.

Liberals are ruining free speech by turning it's practice into medieval times combat.

Anyways here you are on a thread where you have nothing of value to add once again. Marxist playbook in action.

Where did I claim to be oppressed? Where did I claim to be a liberal?

Marxist playbook in action.

You're so paranoid. Clearly you need a safe space.

Clearly you need an alt account.

Maybe if you people could do something besides call people Nazis are fascists because they aren't Bernie Supporters then you wouldn't get banned.

Where have I ever done that

Feel free to go through my entire account and look.

Thanks for the strawmen attempt. Now shoo, back to your safe space. Careful, someone might say something upsetting here.

Okay and you go back to your safe space all lie.

? Are you okay? You've stopped making sense.

Go dog pile someone else.

I love the whole "liberals are ruining free speech" argument in favor of why you guys need a purely partisan conspiracy sub.

If you were actually a proponent of free speech you'd welcome discourse instead of cowering behind heavy-handed moderation of your new echo chamber.

At least real free speech advocates usually stand by others ability to engage with them. Which is a lot more than can be said of that new sub.

So don't use it and problem solved. Your outrage isn't needed.

Outrage? Is that what you call replying to a post? So you are outraged as well, then.

Wasn't planning on visiting the sub anyways. If I wanted a rightwing circle jerk I'd just go straight to the_donald.

But hey goodluck with it, I'm sure you and DronePuppet will do a fine job of blocking out all discussion that hurts your fee-fee's.

Excellent, problem solved.

Cultural Marxism was The Frankfurt School's critique of The Culture Industry. It was an early critique of mainstream media and neo-liberalism. Adorno had things like this to say:

"The Culture Industry not so much adapts to the reactions of its customers as it counterfeits them."

"this bloated pleasure apparatus adds no dignity to man’s lives. The idea of “fully exploiting” available technical resources and the facilities for aesthetic mass consumption is part of the economic system which refuses to exploit resources to abolish hunger."

"The ruthless unity in the culture industry is evidence of what will happen in politics. Marked differentiations such as those of A and B films, or of stories in magazines in different price ranges, depend not so much on subject matter as on classifying, organising, and labelling consumers. Something is provided for all so that none may escape" -Theodor W. Adorno, Enlightenment as mass-deception

Meanwhile Marcuse warned everyone that "progressive politics" could also become repressive and regressive in it's own ways:

...and The Birmingham School warned that culture was drifting away from local culture. Due to the Massification of culture in the form of the globalization of media + tabloid journalism.

This was a pre-internet critique of mainstream media and neo-liberalism, and ended around the time media became more democratized in the 80s, when the internet began to be foreshadowed with Zines, DIY culture, and public radio/TV. That's when the tail end of the Birmingham School declared the need to critique mass media to be kind of over because everyone could talk to everyone.

....of course, the right wing conspiracy theorists will say it's SJWs and a jewish plot that runs the media... but it was actually critiquing the media.

No response?

No response?

I see no rationale to this comment. He's making a new sub to avoid doing what you are trying to accuse him of.

Doesn't seem like you put much thought into this as you went to the shed to grab your pitchfork.

While completely dismissing the fact that there are many who are not Alt-right who have openly discussed the pedophile problem that is being exposed within our government.

I find it very interesting when people try to label this problem as Pizzagate in order to diminish it. People who go out of their way to associate those who are trying to combat it with a group of people who are being demonized.

I can only come to the conclusion that you think paedophilia is acceptable and that you are trying to find ways to stifle any conversation about it. haven't mentioned Nazis... yet. The possibility of it occurring is looking quite probable from where I'm sitting.

Just creating a place where 1 month old /politics accounts aren't welcome to shit on the sub.