Time and Energy based Economics

3  2017-08-17 by AhuwahZeus

A solution to paper currency is giving it value based on time and energy. Every person would agree that their time and energy have worth. For instance six minutes of basic energetic output could equate to one bank note and this sets a minimal standard of ten per hour. Natural competition can then determine higher wages and price commodities off that basic standard. A real Free Market regulates itself through competition and does not allow corporations to exist and compete with private businesses. Capitalism is not a real Free Market since it is regulated by federal agencies that are leveraged over by corporate lobbyists. Applying actual worth to paper currency can remove all economic chains that they have on society.  They cannot devalue paper money if it has substantiated worth or create artificial debt through derivatives.

Corporations are not natural or moral constructs and should not exist at all. Corporations are defined as a person with rights under law.  Corporations are not people. This corruption enables them to evade liability for most crimes or the corporations are only subject to petty fines compared to their earnings. Most corporations operate as subsidiaries and this conceals the true owners. The stock exchange is a byproduct of corporations and there are no real regulations to fully restrict insider trading. The only regulations imposed onto businesses should be the natural laws. The owner of a business should be the one responsible for their business. Quality is then regulated through competition. Corporations and private businesses are not equal under law. All businesses should be competing on an equal playing field.



A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Corporations enjoy most of the rights and responsibilities that an individual possesses; that is, a corporation has the right to enter into contracts, loan and borrow money, sue and be sued, hire employees, own assets and pay taxes. It is often referred to as a "legal person."

And have literal revolving doors at places of work. Where you can either hop around and never work the same place twice, or find one you like and 'secure' your position. I would be rich if it was a effort based monetary system.

A lot of people would be (not saying your wrong, actually, proving you are right), but then, corporations would always use the "work for free OT or else we'll find someone else who wants your job" non-threat threat.

Unions did have their place at one time (prevent companies from screwing their employees, in my example, prevent free OT), however that has become corrupted/perverted as we see now-a-days.

i think they made a black mirror episode about this

Keep pumping out different ideas and solutions for a new monetary system. The more this is discussed the better off we will be. Keep up the good work.

I disagree, this is the "new monetary system" which is the beginning stages of united/one-world-currency socialistic ideals.

We need to get back to the old monetary system (uncorrupted Capitalism) of the U.S.A, before it became perverted.

Corporations should not exist is correct.

Tying paper currency to units of effort seems reasonable but who brings new currency into existence?

A treasury prints the currency. The difference is that it has a substantiated worth. I personally feel the United States needs to be reformatted entirely as a federation of sovereign states unified under sovereign rights and for the purpose of travel and trade and to be able to unify under a military threat.

Theoretically that is what the United States is.

Germany, Italy, Michigan, and Florida are States.

The US Constitution is an agreement in perpetuity to grant some of the States sovereignty to the federal government. International relations, currency issuance, and dispute resolution are the primary powers granted. We have fallen far from our starting point over the last couple centuries.

Who does the Treasury issue the currency to?

Banks. I mentioned this in a comment below.

What does the bank do with it?

What would 6 minutes of *energetic energetic output" be? Would a laborer and a surgeon's time be valued the same? The amount of energy they put forth surely isn't.

A real Free Market regulates itself through competition and does not allow corporations to exist and compete with private businesses

Also, as a note here... corporations are private businesses. I assume you meant independent small business.

Interesting thought though.

Owners of private businesses are held accountable while corporations are considered a person under legal status. An owner of a company can go to prison for a crime the company commits while a corporation can not go to prison because it is not a person. Employees can be held accountable at corporations but that is still not the same. All businesses should legally be equal no matter the size.

You didn't answer my first question at all.

Most small private business owners operate under a thing called an LLC. LLC is an acronym for "Limited Liability Company" and it exists for the exact reason to protect the individuals who are run a company. There company may be held accountable, but the LLC protects the business owner. Same the other way around. If I get in a personal lawsuit, it can't affect my company. Do some reading on LLCs, S corps, and C corps.

What makes a business private is that it is not controlled by the government. Weather it's a small company, medium company, or large corporation. My argument here is that corporations are still private businesses.

LIMITED Liability. Small business owners are held accountable all the time. You cannot hold a corporation liable the same way you hold a person accountable. For instance in the Deepwater Horizon Explosion killed 11 people and nobody went to jail. There was a truck driver that killed four people in my state on well known dangerous road and the owner of the company got sentenced to 6 years in jail for negligence for not maintaining his trucks well enough.

Creating a unit of measurement for time and effort is an interesting idea, but an incomplete one. One problem is in exchanging these units and keeping record of them. Any record keeping would have to authenticate the users of the transaction and validate the transaction occurred, which is susceptible to gaming if 2 parties decide to invent the transaction. Also the system of record of any transaction would have to be distributed similar to blockchain or it would be subject to a single point of failure design flaw. Then the problem of quality of work comes in. Some tasks require skill sets or ability that aren't common and can't be easily measured or compared to other providers. The market helps to valuate these contributions but it does so under all of the implicit design flaws inherent in money itself.

Money generally speaking is Bad Design. Using single metrics to summarize things that have multiple dimensions is generally a bad idea. Having a small set of actors determine value for the cohort is generally a bad idea.

Trade promises (ie. agreement to do something in exchange for something else) is a better approach that avoids the money middleman. Having systems around these promises allows for market-like services such as auditing ones transactions, ones history, etc. These provide smells as to the value of someone's contributions, but in a non single metric way. It also avoids the problem of debt generally speaking as transactions won't be completed until they are completed. Unfulfilled promises are just that - non transactions.

Money is a proxy. There are other ways to implement proxy functionality without using money.

I agree with your corporation points. It's a device that evades accountability.

Time and energy to create a minimal standard and then competition sets higher wages and prices commodities. Why do you people keep using the term "effort" instead of time and energy?

Time and energy to create a minimal standard and then competition sets higher wages and prices commodities. Why do you people keep using the term "effort" instead of time and energy?

You misunderstand my points. Organizing the record keeping around this standard is an inherent monoculture-y design flaw. That's one problem. Trying to normalize all time and energy (if they are the same quantitatively speaking) is another that doesn't map to reality. Basically the whole money idea is a bad idea. Using the unit of measurement you're suggesting IS useful but as a way of quantifying contractual obligations, and not as a form of currency, as there would be no way to really validate the time/energy was used. Since money is a proxy, you're creating a gateway for the creation of these time/energy units out of thin air, absent checks that they occurred. Much easier to avoid the currency trap entirely and just use the concept of promises as constraints on any exchange.

Competition validates time and energy beyond the minimal. There would need to be some basic regulations on wages.

Competition validates time and energy beyond the minimal. There would need to be some basic regulations on wages.

again you're falling into the monoculture design trap. monocultures suck. badly. a panoply of service providers to manage "trade promises" provides the market checks that monocultures tend to really fuck up.

re: wage regulations. this is an entirely different subject and goes more towards collective social values. on that subject there is need for provision of basic services by the collective - but this can also be done contractually as a "social contract" kinda thing, and still fall under the umbrella of "promise" systems.

There should be no such thing as "trade "promises"". None of what I am saying restricts a "panoply of service providers" as you implied.

There should be no such thing as "trade "promises"". None of what I am saying restricts a "panoply of service providers" as you implied.

yeah you don't get what i'm saying.

You are speaking from a corporate perspective.

You are speaking from a corporate perspective.

not at all. your mental lens is warped with regards to what i'm saying. i'm speaking like a systems designer who breaks problems down from first principles and comes up with functionally oriented design. i'm solving the problem given the design constraints.

i'm not advocating for corporate anything.

Your basis for your point is the corrupt system which is dominated by corporations which are the ones regulating the checks and balances in global trade. Your term monoculture is a straw man and you miss the overall point which takes the power away from the government from devaluing currency and creating artificial debts.

Your basis for your point is the existing corrupt system which is dominated by corporations which are the ones regulating the checks and balances in global trade. Your term monoculture is a straw man and you miss the overall point which takes the power away from the government in devaluing currency and creating artificial debts.

no. totally off point. totally incorrect. i'm speaking design. i'm speaking about functionality. i'm saying one thing and you're hearing something else.

the monoculture point isn't a strawman at all. you're just throwing words together here. monoculture is a real design issue. it manifests in specific ways. it has specific characteristics and properties. systemically monocultures are Bad Ideas. read my other posts on hierarchy vs phi if that would help. absent me giving you a lesson in design principles you are just not understanding what i'm saying.

monoculture btw is how governments devalue currency and create debt. your statement is pretty ironic.

You are being vague and you know it and your implication that I am suggesting a monoculture is a lie. You are once again totally speaking from a corporate system. Just because small businesses rather than corporations produce less does not turn the system into a monoculture.

You are being vague and you know it and your implication that I am suggesting a monoculture is a lie

no i was very specific. you are articulating a design yes? in that design you have a need for record keeping yes? your idea requires a single thing to manage those records, yes? a central reserve, yes? these are your own words. that's a monoculture. that's a single point of failure.

i'm speaking the language of design. you are not. you are very much not understanding what i am saying.

You have cold logic and are coming from a corporate industrialized system that only cares about efficiency. This is what destroys small businesses, entrepreneurship, and especially destroys quality.

This is bothering me because it is a straw man. I will give an example of a monoculture which I have not suggested in any way. I have a farmer that lives across the street and owns a small farm. He grows corn, flowers, various vegetables which would be considered a polyculture since he produces many products. Poly means many or a variety. A monoculture would be where he produces only one crop like only corn. Mono means singular. No where did I suggest this. You need to be called out because you did blatantly come at me with a straw man argument.

listen dude. you're not understanding what i'm saying. i've said this for a bit now.

I defined what you implied that I claimed and you are wrong. In no way did I suggest a monoculture.

central banks are monocultures

Where did I promote a central bank? Your second straw man. Currency are not products therefore have nothing to do with monocultures. You want a diversity of currencies within a single nation? I already stated that trade of basic commodities and services should not be restricted. A time and energy based currency becomes secondary to self reliance. You are really shady and a proven liar.

Where did I promote a central bank? Your second straw man.

Please list my strawmen, thx. If you're going to talk shit, please be exact in your language. Right now you're pulling shit outta your ass.

Currency are not products therefore have nothing to do with monocultures. You want a diversity of currencies within a single nation? I already stated that trade of basic commodities and services should not be restricted. A time and energy based currency becomes secondary to self reliance.

You're promoting a unit of currency. Where does the information recording this unit's existence live, guy? A central bank. How do you validate the existence of this unit? A central bank. Do you even understand the design you are promoting, how it would be implemented?

You are really shady and a proven liar.

yes making statements about design is a true/false paradigm - oh wait it's not. your willful interpretation, incorrectly i'll add, of my statements as lies is complete bullshit. if you think a discussion about design is a lie then you don't know what a lie is.

I did and is was claiming is proposed a central bank and that I the second straw man and lie was that I suggested a monoculture. Anyone can look up the term monoculture and see you are lying.

I did and is was claiming is proposed a central bank and that I the second straw man and lie was that I suggested a monoculture. Anyone can look up the term monoculture and see you are lying. So just get lost.

hey i already listed the design reasons why it would be. you haven't addressed that at all and engaged in slurs. i hope you learn from this exchange that making observation isn't the same thing as attacking the individual - you apparently can't distinguish the two.

Slurs like you being shady or suspicious because you make up lies. Like you claiming I suggested a monoculture and then I defined a monoculture which has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

you have a cognitive issue with your general premise and how it would be implemented. i'm talking about implementation. you haven't addressed who would validate how a unit of the time/effort could come into existence. that's a legitimate design question, guy. shit like that. you're missing the fucking point and getting all whiny because who knows why. you do it over and over again. it makes conversation impossible when someone wants to always see the worst possible interpretation every fucking time even with clarification. how many times have you done this in your threads - it's fucking epidemic. anyway, good luck with that. it takes 2 people to have a conversation. what you're doing is preaching, and you're preaching ideas that can't be manifested without implementing a trust network with trusted service providers who are responsible for managing currency supply. that's also known as a fucking central bank. because the problem at a fundamental level is controlling how currency comes into existence. if you can't understand this that's your cognitive deficit.

With a printed currency based on time and energy it should still allow the ability for untaxed free trade of basic commodities and services. This would allow people to be entirely self reliant within their own communities. The paper currency allows further growth and prosperity beyond self reliance and businesses would register with the treasury. I believe there should only be a flat sales tax of 10 percent cost for example. 4% could go to locality. 4% could go to state. 2% could go to the federation or under the current system the federal government. To change the current system into time and energy based currency people could still retain their social security that they invested in with by converting their time and energy invested into the new standard. Social security should eventually be removed or only through choice because it creates binds or chains to the government which can use it as leverage on people. Time and energy currency could also get rid of all the fake derivatives they created. If they were to ever collapse the economy this could solve the problem almost instantly. Gold and silver are preferred forms of currency however there is not enough gold and silver for 300,000+ million people unless the value is increased. Those with the most gold and silver are the criminals running the system.

What the US Treasury currently does is print money and hand it over to large banks which then give out loans and mortgages on interest. The person pays back the loan or mortgage with interest and the interest is the banks profit while the treasury is paid back generally without gain. So the banks are automatically at an advantage from the start. The Treasury or really the United States profits come from taxation.

I say move to a gifting economy without money and trade so we can live in a wealthy utopia but that's just me.

I stated below that basic self reliance should never be restricted or infringed and that includes food water and shelter. Also the monopolization of resources should be banned.

sharing economy. library model. it's not a bad idea.

There is a major hole to this idea though, as well as smaller holes, in a gifting economy.

There's a lot to it. I would have to list it all.

I like to keep an open mind, or at least, try to. And I especially at least learn about something before drawing conclusions. Do you have any links to read/learn about it?

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I read your ideas and offered up some thoughts. Thanks for your time.

I had to upload the answers to the original post itself (at the bottom of post) because reddit wouldn't allow me to reply to you for some reason (error).


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I don't think trashing Capitalism based upon the over-regulated version of Capitalism that the U.S.A. institutes is fair to the idea of Capitalism. Just because the U.S.A. twists it and utilizes it to benefit a few, doesn't mean it is wrong ideally.

Going after monopolies in the U.S.A used to be possible (even if ultimately useless since it all benefited a few in the long run anyway). These days, no one hears about monopoly hearings against the largest corporations.

As for corporations being not natural, yes and no. Within an economic system such as Capitalism (and not a unified economic system such as socialism or fascism), there needs to be a way to group unified interests within the economy, in the case of Capitalism, this unit of grouping is the corporation.

Where the U.S.A. twisted and perverted the ideological idea of units of grouping within the Capitalist economy is when they used government to rule that corporations could be defined as people, and thus the crossover/perversion of government and Capitalism was completed wholly.

Corporations should not be defined as people with rights under the government. And they weren't since the inception of the country until recently. It's only been less than 20 years if I remember correctly that the government permitted corporations to be treated as people with rights. So the U.S.A. did hold onto the ideological ideas of economy and government before they perverted it into what we have currently, and that will lead to a one-world-government/economy (using a one-world-government currency) hybrid.

Also, regulations of businesses are not in and of themselves bad, it has been the perversion of those ideas that have made them bad, and has led to bigger bloated government to manage those rules and regulations, which then feeds itself in all other areas. The beast system grows and grows if you will.

I defined what you implied that I claimed and you are wrong. In no way did I suggest a monoculture.

you have a cognitive issue with your general premise and how it would be implemented. i'm talking about implementation. you haven't addressed who would validate how a unit of the time/effort could come into existence. that's a legitimate design question, guy. shit like that. you're missing the fucking point and getting all whiny because who knows why. you do it over and over again. it makes conversation impossible when someone wants to always see the worst possible interpretation every fucking time even with clarification. how many times have you done this in your threads - it's fucking epidemic. anyway, good luck with that. it takes 2 people to have a conversation. what you're doing is preaching, and you're preaching ideas that can't be manifested without implementing a trust network with trusted service providers who are responsible for managing currency supply. that's also known as a fucking central bank. because the problem at a fundamental level is controlling how currency comes into existence. if you can't understand this that's your cognitive deficit.