Conservatives of Conspiracy, join us at /r/ConspiracyRight and reclaim you ability to talk about conspiracies.

0  2017-08-17 by Flytape

I have come to the understanding that the only way to stop the constant harassment, propaganda and spamming from /politics is to create a separate sub where they simply aren't allowed as a matter of stated policy.

The left has turned the practice of free speech into medieval times combat and they laid waste to open free speech forums by correcting the record with paid armies of trolls.

I will grow this community as an experiment to see if we can refine a space where those who are abusing our trust in open free speech are not allowed to continue.

I hope someone makes /ConspiracyLeft for similar reasons, but this sub is for the right.



Gtfo already and stop advertising your new sub here.

Yes, because the harassment and spam is coming from primarily liberals. I'm sure this will fix everything.

How many times are you going to advertise your subreddit today?

The left isn't allowing discussion and free speech. So I have decided to make a ban-heavy, echo chamber.

The left cries censorship and declares victim status at every turn while they rig their own elections and pay to ruin the internet with astroturfing, but yes frame me as the bad guy for refusing to play by their rigged rules.

As many times as I want.

Are other users allowed to advertise spinoff subreddits here? Asking for a friend.

/r/ConspiracyLeft is created, now. Kind of like the "battle of the bastards", lol. Should be fun to see how this all transpires... What kind of sucks is, I lean more towards Anarcho Capitalism, so I'm not sure where I fit in...

Ha ha, created by topmindsofreddit shills.

Not shocked at all.

Yeah, was gonna create it, but saw that user already did. Tis' a shame. Could've been actually useful, now... not so much.. Same person behind /r/conspiracyII, who team with the top tards of reddit.


Here's a box..careful, there's a kitten in it..don't take the blanky from her.

Is it alive or dead?

Both until you look!

Is the kitten alive, dead or both?

Schrodinger's Putin

Why do you need to label yourself. You could be transpolitical or transsubreddit. No need to be binary bro!

lol, I hope you missed the implied /s. Personally, I identify as a shoe.

I identify as a shoe sometimes as well. I'm actually forming a rally to try to make Facebook list shoes as one of their gender options. Our goal is to list not just shoes but all of the subset genders such as "suede shoe" or "leather shoe". Let me know if that would be something you're interested in being a part of.

-a shoe


It's like /r/conspiracy but with 99% less histrionic kvetching about Nazis.

Hehe, you were downvoted a bit, guess you hit a nerve. Enjoy an upvote.

I'm a Libertarian/ Constituionalist that is guilty of voting Green on occasion with hopes of a third party having a say. Can I join?

Yes, all will be judged on their behavior there. The spirit of the sub is laid out in the side bar.

No progressive bullshit allowed.

You got downvoted on a completely benign reply. I hope organic users will see that and understand what is going on around here.

"benign"... "no progressive bullshit"... "organic". Maybe the organic users are tired of his shit.

Then why are you here? I'm trying to make a new place for a specific group of people here, why try to stop me? Just step aside bud.

Then step down from moderating this sub.

"This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone."

You are creating another sub of this sub that essentially goes against the views of this sub. So why you should still be a moderator here.

Did he try to force you to join? Are you concerned about people discussing things out of public view? I'm not sure what you are "upset" about.

Everyone should be concerned with things discussed out of public view. I made a comment as to why he got downvoted not about joining a sub. Your comment comes off as insinuating that organic users can't adhere to progressive ideas.

So, you have a problem with folks speaking privately? I mean, we aren't public servants.


You can speak privately all you want. I would definitely hold public servants to a different standard.

Do you think that creating a one sided discussion of conspiracy related topics is condusive to finding the truth? To me it seems that all voices should be heard, even ones I strongly disagree with, because they might be on to something that I hadn't considered.

Not trying to virtue signal or anything, I'm just curious why you think that your new sub won't just devolve into an echo chamber that lacks any objectivity.

Yes I think it will be great.

And no, safe spaces are for people afraid of microaggressions and being offended, there is no concern for microaggressions or offense at my sub.

And no, safe spaces are for people afraid of microaggressions and being offended, there is no concern for microaggressions or offense at my sub.

So would "progressive bullshit" be considered a macroaggression? Or just like a plain, normal aggression?

You tell me, I didn't major in women's studies.


Oh come on, you can do better than that

If you didnt need a safe space, then you wouldn't have just created one so conservatives can circle jerk without being challenged on anything.

We can always count on you to have a pestering comment around here.

And no, safe spaces are for people afraid of microaggressions and being offended, there is no concern for microaggressions or offense at my sub.

And you create that by removing any voice that would cause you to be offended or triggered.... ie. a safe space.

I don't know let's see.

Some people aren't interested in truth they want an echo chamber.

Personally, I encourage them to participate in their own conspiracy sub. This one has been overly politicized since the last election cycle.

Honest question, if you could, would you ban all liberal leaning people on this sub?

Not on this sub. I have a few liberal friends on this sub who are more than capable of having productive and meaningful conversations even while in disagreement. It's not their fault that /resist and /politics are going scorched Earth on everyone.

Fair enough.

u/flytape, you continue to confuse the hell out of me by switching from autistic to awesome in the blink of an eye.

Good move here. The left has definitely drowned out discussion on reddit and i'm excited to see this community grow.

There is no right or left. There is only we (99%) and them (1%). You all fall to their divide and conquer agenda.

Unfortunately for postmodern Marxism, capitalism is the best system on earth. Each man is motivated by his earthly needs to produce something of value or to provide a service of value. It's not a perfect system in it's current state, it certainly could be improved upon but this "eat the rich" nonsense is nothing more that Marxist ideology disguised as progressivism.

It's not progressive at all, it's regressive and bad for society.

I'm a bit confused why you're throwing so many labels and terms around trying to act like there's sub sets of people..

I still don't understand how people are giving fuel to this "left, right, conservative, liberal" boxed option checklist of confined requirements to box yourself into. I don't get it.

We are humans, and have our opinions. How does me not wanting a forest chopped down turn me from a "human with an opinion" to a "liberal hippy that hugs trees"

Trying to make an example here because I still don't get why people are trying to box themselves into categories and divide themselves.

You're confusing me fly tape. You as a mod of Conspiracy should see past this petty labeling bullshit that merely drags someone down to a stupid word that can be painted across their whole face. It's not that simple, and never will be. Why, of all places, do I still see so much divided thinking in this sub. I feel like you guys are missing the big picture here....

Yes, create another partisan echo chamber, that's going to be productive.

Fortunately for people who want to actually be able to discuss conspiracies, I don't care about your opinion.

That's ok.

I just think that politics are scam, period, and that partisan based groups rarely are productive. I shouldn't have been snarky with my first comment, I admit. Sorry about that, it's late.

Flytape, I like how you mod and will follow. Will other mods be joining in?

I doubt it.

Because you're totally not trying to devide a community.

Do one.

So divide and conquer?

It's a bit redundant, given the culture that you've cultivated here. It's pretty sad that you need an even safer space.

At what point is this considered spam since this is the second post about this? I don't understand how you are a moderator with your actions and your partisanship. You act like a child and get upset at liberals anytime something doesn't go your way in here. If you want to further the divide and conquer then sure your safespace is a good idea. You blame everything on the left yet we have T_D brigades especially after you welcomed their whole sub here. Do the right thing and step down as moderator of conspiracy because your actions don't support the point of this sub. Believe me I'm tired of the spam on both sides but having all these T_D's constantly treating 4chan and anons as the word of God and acting like Donald Trump's administration can do no wrong is fucking disgusting. To act like people who go against your thought process are all unpatriotic and liberal nonsense is childish is bullshit.


Can't even form a response. This is the type of trolling that doesn't belong here and why you should be stepping down. You aren't a moderator and don't hold the qualities to be one.

Complain, outrage, demand change of leadership. Rinse wash repeat.

If you don't like the new sub, DONT USE IT!

Problem solved.

I won't be using your safespace. I don't care about your safespace. I won't be using one created by TopMindsofReddit either. I care about this sub and you not being a part of it. I'm glad you think you got me characterized in a nutshell there. Still deflecting from a lot of my original statement. The problem solved is you stepping down since you hold no qualities to be a moderator and don't have the ability to act like a reasonable adult. You are constantly complainingg and showing outrage and since you don't have enough of a leaderhsip position here you made your own subreddit so it appears your above statement is projection.

You are constantly complaining and showing outrage

Nice projecting.

I'm starting a new sub, it's not a government that you have to deal will. It's a subreddit. You already said you won't be using it, so why are you here complaining?

That's why I'm trying to start an alternative, Conspiracy is crippled with concern trolls and complainers. We sticky a post and people bitch, we remove a brigade post and people complain, we don't remove a brigade post and people complain. They bitch and moan and chip and chisel away at anything that provides any value for this sub.

At the end of the day, if you don't like my new sub then don't use it. You have no right to use every post you don't like as an excuse to call for mods to step down. Fucking Christ man, chill the fuck out.

I'm complaining that you are a still a moderator here and don't need to be. You are doing the same projection This entire post is that same projection and the other once stating the same shit. Look through your comments. A lot of them are whining, trolling, or being shitty to people you don't agree with either.

I'm calling for you to step down... just you. Only one other post I have is suggesting some moderators need to step down and it had to do with putting posts into contest mode.

None of my posts have violated the rules so I have every right to keep posting like I am.

Quit trying to act like a victim now that you haven't made any real points. You aren't trying to start an alternative you are enabling the divide and conquer.

Why don't you call a taxi and go away instead?

More trolling and lack of valid points in your comments.

I'm not in your post buddy.

What does that even mean?

You're in a post I made complaining about me. I'm not following you around forcing my opinion on you at every turn.

I'm not following you around either. Nice try there. I'm only replying to you in the context of this conversation and this post. If you got a problem with that then by all means go sit in your safespace.

You keep throwing this safe space word around which was coined by women's studies majors and only applies to microaggressions.

It's funny how when the left does something truly embarrassing like real life safe spaces and initiating violence to shut up political speech they immediately try to pin it on their enemies.

Haha? But that is exactly what it is. A safespace for right wing conspiracies only. So I'm not throwing it around. I'm using it as intended. I don't think safespaces are a good idea at all but thanks for your whataboutism explanation.

From MerriamWebster: "a place (as on a college campus) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations"

And that's what you guys are turning /Conspiracy into with the /resist bots. They're just doing it with astroturfing instead of a stated policy.

"you guys". Come on now. You can do better. I'm a real organic person with real concerns and I have concerns with your ability to moderate this sub especially after this chain of comments. I'm not a bot. I don't own bots. I don't participate in resist, politics, or any other subs like that. Check my post history, please. Once again trying to derail our conversation because you don't have valid points.

"using violence to shut up political speech" sorta like driving your car into a group of political activists? not necessarily a unique leftist quality if we are being fair.

Yeah that's a shitty act of terrorism and violence, but rewind the tape 20 minutes and you have unpermitted antifa thugs violently attacking people.

Violence on both sides, just like Trump said.

Fake news. They had a permit.

"Guys, let's listen to and agree with what the federal government says!" - /r/conspiracy, January 20th, 2017 - present

Nope, nothing suspicious here.........

I was wondering about the removal of the front-end option to sort by controversial.

Finally! So tired of all the political back and forth. Maybe this will help this sub from continuing to be r/the Donald 2.0

I never posted that............................ WTF

Yeah, was gonna create it, but saw that user already did. Tis' a shame. Could've been actually useful, now... not so much.. Same person behind /r/conspiracyII, who team with the top tards of reddit.

Complain, outrage, demand change of leadership. Rinse wash repeat.

If you don't like the new sub, DONT USE IT!

Problem solved.

I'm not in your post buddy.