Soros: "Hey I know. Let's call them 'Antifa' which means anti-Fascist so the sleeping American population is deceived into thinking they are the good guys! Muahahahaha."

12  2017-08-17 by LightBringerFlex

Soros: "Oh, I know! Let's call them Black Lives Matter so it looks like they are standing up for the Black race and the people will think they are the good guys! Muahahahahaa"

Soros: "I have concocted my master plan. I will pay the Nazis $25 an hour to fight with my other paid protestor group Antifa to hopefully trigger a civil war and divide Americans between Whites and non-Whites. MUAHAHAHAHAAHA!"


Some real low effort shit posting.

He's a master at what he does

Some people still think it's an organic event so I wouldn't write it off as a shitpost if it wakes someone up just a little lol.

Unless there is evidence posted with these ramblings, they only serve to reduce the already waning quality of this sub.

There's clearly a divide/conquer pattern.....but fair enough.


Hey, what about healthy forests, clean water, and clean air?

Financial people need to crush the Soros put.

Fake post. Do you have any evidence he said 'MUAHAHAHAHAHA!"?

Been a rough week for the alt right I guess.


If you knew anything about the history of Antics, you'd know that the group originated in Germany in 1932. So you think Soros named them and funded them when he was 2?

He was evil since his first breath, plotting the demise of the right.

Uhhh I'm pretty sure people can take over organizations after they've been created, and that being absence from its advent doesn't preclude someone from leading in the future.

By the logic of your argument, there could be no president after the signatory of the Constitution passed away. Seems a little misleading, though I could be misunderstanding.

This guys post is about why Soros named the group Antifa. Apparently Soros was in Germany naming far left groups when he was two years old.

I don't know what the German version of Antifa was but let's just assume it was a benevelont group.

What people like Soros do is take that name from a benevolent group and then use that group for evil while fooling the people into thinking they are a benevolent group.

For example, imagine if someone started a group called the "12 apostles". Most everyone would think a group called the "12 Apostles" is probably some sort of gentle, benevolent group. A guy like Soros would use that to his advantage by created an evil group and calling them something friendly like the "12 Apostles". He will NOT create an evil group and call them something evil like "The Warmongers". He would expose his hand if he were to do that.

Spot on. Please don't take my "sensationalist drivel" comment to heart, as I do almost always appreciate your views. This is an excellent hypothetical analogy. Again, didn't mean to be disparaging, but it was surprisingly low effort for you. This clarification is excellent however.

Agreed, it's sensationalist drivel, but the origins of ANTIFA are far more nebulous than even that. There have been several iterations throughout the better part of the last century, typically lacking centralized leadership.

There's clearly someone orchestrating their actions now. Is it definitely Soros? I have yet to see incontrovertible proof. If I had to guess the most likely candidate, he'd be the first name to come to mind considering the state of Yugoslavia, Greece, Venezuela, and Ukraine.

He revived the movement in America when he was an old man.

Your logic = Nazis were formed in Germany, therefore it's IMPOSSIBLE for NEOliberal George Soros to bankroll violent groups that call themselves NAZIs and ANTIFA...... Come on dude. If you can't see the divide/conquer formula, you're dangerously asleep. And again, even if this sensationalist corporate media narrative was organic (yeah sure) it's still foolish to believe their narrative that implies "everyone who is anti-fascist, an anarcho-communist, anarchist, etc. are violent thugs, because CNN proved it to me". :/

Maybe you should Google Antifa history before you speak.

So you're implying that once someone takes the "ANTIFA" or "NAZI" name, that it is no longer possible to use it in a new group? HMM? I guess everyone that calls themselves a NAZI now must have been imported from Germany /s. Stupid deceptive narrative. You're pushing divide/conquer corporate media narratives. It's like you didn't even read my damn comment.

Hey buddy. This post is a shitpost about how Soros named Antifa to sound like they were good guys. That was my entire point. He didn't name the fuckin group. Why don't you read the post you're commenting on.

Bankrolling doesn't have to involve naming anything. Money talks all by itself.

I don't give a fuck. This post is about Soros naming Antifa.


Lol here we go again with this BLM shit...

The stick is to far up your ass to realize blm is helping everyone but clearly the whole black lives mattering part is a tough pill to swallow

Not sure why people are downvoting.....NEOliberal Soros is bankrolling these violent protests. People still can't see through this formula? Some people are still stuck in the retarded Democrat VS Republican false dichotomy. Liberal VS conservative is not what the majority of people think it means, they get 100% of their knowledge about politics from corporate media, conservative websites, GOP/DNC websites, etc. Start from scratch on politics, don't make dumb assumptions like "all left wingers are feminists" and believing the corporate media's definition of liberal and conservative.

WAKE THE HELL UP. Also.....even if they weren't bankrolled, just because one group that calls themselves X, doesn't mean they represent all people who call themselves X. Shills and idiots are holding us back by willfully following corporate media narratives.

I don't know what the German version of Antifa was but let's just assume it was a benevelont group.

What people like Soros do is take that name from a benevolent group and then use that group for evil while fooling the people into thinking they are a benevolent group.

For example, imagine if someone started a group called the "12 apostles". Most everyone would think a group called the "12 Apostles" is probably some sort of gentle, benevolent group. A guy like Soros would use that to his advantage by created an evil group and calling them something friendly like the "12 Apostles". He will NOT create an evil group and call them something evil like "The Warmongers". He would expose his hand if he were to do that.

Agreed, it's sensationalist drivel, but the origins of ANTIFA are far more nebulous than even that. There have been several iterations throughout the better part of the last century, typically lacking centralized leadership.

There's clearly someone orchestrating their actions now. Is it definitely Soros? I have yet to see incontrovertible proof. If I had to guess the most likely candidate, he'd be the first name to come to mind considering the state of Yugoslavia, Greece, Venezuela, and Ukraine.
