Democrats supported Racism, Segregation and Jim Crow laws until the mid-1960's. The DNC also supported Slavery during the Civil War

15  2017-08-17 by CivilianConsumer

Never forget ...especially now with their latest "conspiracy "....screaming everyone who didn't vote for Hillary is a racist nazi .. any Democrats denounce AntiFa yet?!? Of course not


INB4: but, but... they switch sides!

Did that not happen?

Sure, doesn't mean the core wasn't still rotten, though. Just a different costume. Look into who actually created progressiveism, and what they thought of "colored" people (ie. they were Eugenicists). A psychopath can say and act like a "good" person, but he's still a psychopath inside.

Then why post negatively about the switch when you know it happened?

Because the switch is a tactic people like to use to cover history up.

A psychopath can say and act like a "good" person, but he's still a psychopath inside.

Can a good person also "say" and act like a psychopath? If so, you might be Ghandi.

Why are we talking about the 60s when the parties were basically the opposite they are now? Can you guys actually say with a straight face that republicans want to help black people more than democrats? You guys literally have nazis with tiki torches in the street right now.

"you guys".

So, what kind of bad things do "your people" do?

I'm not a Republican (or affiliate with any "party" I'm my own person), but historically, yes, Conservatives are generally the one's who are pro-Capitalism we helps people out of poverty. Democrat or "liberal" policies keep people enslaved in perpetual poverty. Pretty ironic, if you think about it.

Capitalism helps poor people? You're in a conspiracy sub spouting shit like that?

Conservatives are generally the one's who are pro-Capitalism

Of course, who could forget iconic conservative Adam Smith writing about the invisible sieg heil of the free market in his book Wealth of Aryan Nations.

Democrat or "liberal" policies keep people enslaved in perpetual poverty.

The air is thick with oppression and poverty! The line for Starbucks wraps around the block! We can't even get basic items from Amazon without waiting dozens of hours thanks to cruelty of the big-lipped beast known as O'Bamaug, a liberal Democrat who has ravaged our land and our women with his tawny lies.

But all is not lost! Quick! We must trust in Rand Paul. Conservatism is the only sword that can break our chains and slay the 4 horseman of the liberal apocalypse: universal healthcare, maternity leave, clean water, and the Federal Reserve. Then, together with Rand, we'll climb atop a sparkling white horse and gallop towards the conservative paradise of rural Kentucky, a land of boundless prosperity and endless opportunity, where every breath fills our lungs with joy and coal dust and the meth flows like water.

As we ride, Rand will lean back in the saddle, look us deep in the eyes, and ask us a timeless question: "IS GOLD MONEY?".

Only then can we be truly free.

I'm my own person

you sure are

The leadership didn't switch.

Yep. Then LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and sighed, "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come."

He was right.

He did that right after he killed JFK. Most if not all Republicans supported the Civil Rights act. The DNC has systematically kept Black People oppressed to this day, encouraging abortion and imprisoning Black males, destroying families in the process.

That's an interesting viewpoint.

I'm genuinely curious and I'd like to be able to follow your line of reasoning, but I need some help.

How does encouraging abortion oppress PoC? How is the DNC responsible for imprisoning black males (ever since the civil rights act)?

Only one senator switched parties.

Same people, different method of slavery.

The entire south flipped over the next two decades.

This is a myth. Republicans had a foothold in the south since the 1930's and voted in Eisenhower(you remember, the president that supported Brown vs Board).

Nixon, who was credited with the term right out of the marxist handbook(The Southern Strategy) lost the south. Where Jimmy Carter was popular.

So no. Democrats are still the party of the slave owners. The plantations just look more like slums, and the whips look like welfare checks.

Which part has the last KKK member? The DNC did of course, Hillary's mentor was a prominent Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard who was in congress for decades , until a few years ago!

A man who disavowed the KKK and who spoke openly against them and their ideals, in my opinion he redeemed himself

I'm not willing to employ their same bullshit tactics back on them. Just like them saying me as a white man need to pay for my ancestors mistakes in terms of slavery. That's bullshit. So I'm not going to say that Dems today need to answer for things that dems in the past did.

You don't need to project past shittiness onto them. Their current shittiness stands on its own.

I like to point out patterns and keep the truth from being obscured.

Point taken

I'm definitely noticing a pattern in your posts and comments about black people, democrats, etc.

All of you already know the parties were completely different back then. You luke to pretend that the Republican party has been fighting for black people ever since Lincoln. Nobody's buying it.

Every time the alt-right does something terrible it is hilarious to watch how hard "the Democrats are just as evil" is pushed on this sub. Funny to see so many "forget the Nazis, the Democrats and Antifa are the real bad guys here" posts today. To be fair, we get the same thing when the roles are reversed too. But pulling up shit from 1960 is really reaching...

Fringes do exist in both ideologies and they do serve the same masters. I mean how shocked would you really be if Mitch Mc Connell and Chuck Shumer had steaks and bourbon together in private while they laugh about the show?

Not all fringes are equal in quantity or power. Only one fringe has the whitehouse, for example.

I mean how shocked would you really be if Mitch Mc Connell and Chuck Schumer had steaks and bourbon together in private while they laugh about the show?

I'd be pretty shocked considering they vote completely differently. Only one of them is trying to steal healthcare, for example.

So much of this right v. left bullshit like there is some kind of competition to prove which one is worse.

If it's an 'evil' competition, then deploying goosestepping nazis must be like drafting Tim Tebow in the first round.

Cool talking point. Pointless even. This is Facebook-comment-on-FoxNews-article-tier political commentary.

The parties flipped pretty sternly once the Democrats embraced the civil right's movement, remember? Then we had the lovely War on Drugs and the Southern Strategy, long as you want to focus on past party fuckery.

Put them both in the trash can and restart the Republic.

Yeah whatever, as far as I can see most of the democrats stayed democrats, then went on to oppress blacks via welfare and abortion and dissolution of the family units that m

of the family units that m

That what? Did Candle Jackboot interrupt your right-wing disinfo rant?

Nah, the south switched to voting republican after the civil rights stuff. All those racist shitbirds joined the party that sponsored the trump train.

Who cares? They are all one big party, the power party. Dem or rep, does not make a difference who "did" what.

The sub is turning more and more blatant right wing by the day.

When will people learn?

If education is right wing, then yes.

In some authortarian nations, re-education is also known as propaganda and brainwashing.

Yep. Nobody is more authoritarian than the left.

Hopefully those brave Freedom Nazis can liberate us from the tyrannical left and it's ruthless control of all three branches of the federal government and 33 governors mansions.

"Were the party of Lincoln and didn't support slavery"

Waves confederate flags

The confederate statues they want to pull down were Democrats. Trying to destroy their own dirty history.